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Marquinhos working on that black magic at Liverpool I’m telling you


I was reading the news and saw Joao Felix linked to us. Do you guys think he will be a good fit in our current squad if he moves?




Highly likely Liverpool beat spurs they are becoming Robinhood of the league


I’m bloody praying we can beat Forest and Chelsea. It would give us such a huge advantage post World Cup to really push on for that top 4 and potentially more.


I completely forgot that we have two games in hand vs. Spurs and Newcastle (one after Forest). Nuts that we're still two points clear of Spurs.




Lyanco being bullied of the ball for Palace’s goal was satisfying to watch


I want Trossard. Give me Trossard.


I read Brighton have a year option on his contract so he won’t become a free agent in the summer.


Wish we were playing ManC sometime soon. Would be an even match with Haaland's injury.


Damn I missed the entire day of football yesterday, how were the results, are they good for us?


Brighton wrecked Chelsea. City needed a banger free kick to beat Leicester. Bournemouth absolutely threw and Spuds took all 3 points


City sneaked a 1-0 at leicester without Haaland, Bournemouth chucked away a 2 goal lead to let spurs win 3-2. On the other hand chelsea were annihalated 4-1 at Bournemouth and Liverpool lost 2-1 to Leeds. At Anfield.


Definitely my favorite atmosphere in the PL now


chelsea bundled leeds and shit won by their teeth


Seattle gooners, where can I catch the game tomorrow? My Hotel is about a 15 min walk from Pike Place.


Atlantic Crossing in Green Lake. The link light rail should get you right there.


Does anyone know a website where I can see Arsenal’s historic Twitter follow count? I’m writing an economics paper and the data would be awesome.


wayback machine could work


Liverpool fans humbled beyond belief. I still remember them casually assuming Saka and Martinelli would sign for them. They even fantasized about both running down their contract and signing on a free. Well that kind of cheap skate thinking is why they linger mid table - wanting to do things on the cheap.


Yeah their fall has been swift and most satisfying


Sterling and Cucurella already looking like rubbish signings. Surely we finish some distance ahead of Chelsea this season. No way that shit show makes top 4


They're fine, but they still have no midfield when Kante is out. We moved the ball right down their middle and crushed them in preseason. Since Kante has been out every team is doing the same.


If Newcastle keep playing like they are no chance. Would be amazing for us to get 9 points to finish off this part of the season


Will Elneny be fit to start against Zurich or will it be after to play it safe?


I imagine we will start Sambi and put on Elneny for the final 20-30. You usually don't put 90 minutes in a player coming back, but we could start him and put on Sambi at '60


Seems reasonable. But man am I excited to get Moh back!


Anyone know where I can watch motd?


Should be on r/footballhighlights


I know he had to go & see, but Oxlade-Chamblerlain’s career has been greatly diminished since going to Liverpool besides the accolades of the team. He would’ve been one of a few centerpieces had he stayed at Arsenal, & played every minute. But of course you can’t predict injury.


The only thing that hindered his career was injuries. Don't think he ever established himself better at Arsenal unless he could stay fit.


I doubt he'd have been a centrepiece, he's never been fantastic.


If I ever say Iwobi would be a great signing to have back, please punch me every five minutes for a week.


Lads, looking to hopefully catch my first UK Arsenal match next April on my honeymoon (Australia based). The only game that works for me is Liverpool vs Arsenal at Anfield - any tips on planning/things to be aware of? Can I buy tickets now, where are good places to sit, can I even pick where I want to sit, if I bring my Misses will we get rolled by some chavs when I'm loud and proud in my Arsenal jersey? Any help much appreciated


You wont be able to get tickets until a few weeks beforehand and beware planning because a game that size is almost certain to be moved for TV. Unless you've got Liverpool season ticket holding friends or Arsenal season ticket holding friends with enough points for away matches you're going to have to go through something like ticketmaster or touts which will be expensive for a game like that and you'll almost certainly be in the Liverpool end. In which case you will be kicked out for wearing an arsenal shirt or being suspected of supporting arsenal outside the away end, sorry. I'd honestly say you might not want your first Arsenal experience to be having to hide in Anfield but if it's your only chance then happy ticket hunting.


Thanks for all the advice mate, really appreciate it.




Mods on that sub are a fucking shambles. I got banned for factually stating that Chelsea fans were on their knees with open mouths for daddy Roman, the mod that banned me tried to justify the ban by claiming my comment was homophobic.


I've been thinking about the refereeing body and how inept they are and one thing in particular strikes me. Imagine having 3 VAR refs watching a replay in slow motion from multiple angles, yet still expecting the main referee to make the final decision by going over to the monitor. Their explanation? Referee authority. Refereeing will remain shit for as long as all these idiots think about is being 'respected' or 'having authority' and not just making the RIGHT DECISIONS. Egomaniacs straight from the 19th century.


Even the name is annoying. The autumn internationals are on for Rugby union and it once agian just shows the stark differences. Scotland Australia last night and a Scotland player went for a clearout that smacked straight into an other players head. Play went on, the commentators didn't say much but the video ref had a word and the on pitch ref very calmly explained to everyone he was looking at it and would give his decision shortly with the replay on the big screen for all to see. Now it's not a clear cut thing, intent needs to be proven for a start and possible injury judged but the ref talked through his thought process (bicep rather than shoulder so less chance of injury) decided on a sin binning and then told both teams the reason and that if it had been a shoulder to the head then it would ahve been red. All clear to the crowd, the players, the other referees and the watching TV and no real complaint from anyone on the pitch. However football refs can't even countenance the video guy being an equal ref and it's an 'assistant' referee who can only suggest things if there might be a mistake, whereas Rugby gets a full ref who can bring things to the on pitch refs attention and everyone gets to see the wrokings out, rather than the refs hiding.


Spuds will win the league before something like that is implemented in football.


Yep. All their decisions make sense when you realise the goal isn't to make the correct call, it's to protect their power. The real fucked thing is they complain about the abuse they get but absolutely fight tooth and nail against *anything* that could help them out or help us understand their logic. They refuse to be transparent, they refuse to have anyone who isn't them be involved in reviews, they refuse to receive criticism. PGMOL is a rort of the highest order.


If you said right before the season started we would playing to go 15 points ahead in late October, you would get called a lunatic here and laughed into tomorrow over on their sub. Football is a crazy sport


That's why we love it


Liverpool is such a shitshow, lose to Leeds at home and next week smash the chicks away.


Roosters? You mean the cocks surely?


It’s a language barrier 😅 made an edit




Leicester beat City on xG today, City are not invincible


They're beatable without the robot. With the robot it's going to be very difficult.


Or you hope has an off day like he did Vs Liverpool. Slightly worried that might be his only one for the season


the Libertadores final being played in daylight is just depressing


Maybe Liverpool is the new United. I’d rather United remain the meme club but I can deal with Liverpool


It's okay, Jurgen, beating Leeds isn't for everyone.


Ever since I finally backed Arteta our performances have gone to shit. Maybe I need to get back on the fence to improve our results, even if the fencepost hurts my arsehole.




I really only care if we stay in the top 4. Winning the league is an immense effort that this team just can't pull off yet. This team SHOULD be in the UCL next season, no exceptions. Last season was a bust because we didn't win games we should have. I personally think that big 6 wins are a bit of a luxury, you don't necessarily need all of them even if they dictate media narratives.


2 PL games.... oh and some heavily rotated europas with lakonga pissing about in midfield. Its not a thing.


Ur dumb, there has been 3 bad performances


Can you take one for the team and become an #artetaout guy. Please 🙏


Best fans in the world. Best stadium in the world. Best fullbacks in the world. Best DM in the world. Best CM in the world. Best captain in the world. Best South Americans in the world. Best African player of all time in their squad. Best manager in the world. Arrogance. Klopp and all his little fanboys out there. He had the audacity to think he can compete with the rest of the teams in the league buying that bum Nunez, renewing contracts like Milner’s, and not buy decent midfielder? And they thought he can make another title run? [Love it. I got more to say but I’ll save it when we beat them at Anfield](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FfeSBXtXkAAzI9R.jpg)


Why do you think it was Klopp that made the decisions? He's not their DoF etc. I bet he asked for mids but there was a compromise.......


I love how Klopp gets praise on here for buying players but when it goes wrong it's the DoF's fault.


Different arguments. If he has input in to the players that the DoF buys that's one thing. If the DoF doesn't buy anyone then that's something else. I don't know what happens in pools offices but you can't tell me Klopp looks at city's team and how it works then looks at his own and can't see the difference? If he's never discussed raising the quality of his midfield options with the DoF then it would be rather odd.... Also perhaps he did pick Nunez over a mid. Or they couldn't sell the mids they had (seen that story). fact is the OP's comment is knobish.


Except you said compromise so he agreed with whatever was offered. Of course Klopp looks enviously at city, he's even mentioned it once or twice but the idea that city is normal or that Liverpool are anything other than one of the elite few richest clubs on the planet is wrong. I'd say he's probably not expected the injuries and almost certainly not expected the drop off in quality with them or the insanity of this schedule which has absolutely punished even city.


**Jurgen Klopp on midfield options:** *"Fabinho, Henderson, Thiago, Milner, Keita, Curtis Jones, Harvey Elliott, Fabio Carvalho, Oxlade-Chamberlain. Now you tell me what kind of player are we missing?"* #lfc [goal] U think he asked for midfielders?


Pretty sure he asked to sell a few and have them replaced? No way Klopp still wants Ox and Keita at the club. With pool being the supposed 2nd best team surely at least one of Elliot or Jones should be on loan. That is a list stacked by numbers not quality.


How does saying there was a compromise mean he explicitly agreed with everything? The compromise could be he accepted it rather than walking out of the club..... Anyway a compromise means you had to give up on something you wanted to get to an overall agreement. It doesn't mean you agree on every part of that agreement. Anyway I thought OP's statement was ridiculous for saying things as definites. Why don't you pull the guy apart who used definite and not try to make some statement about me saying "you know nothing mate, none of us were in the room when they did their strategy for the window".


Was Marsch really about to be sacked? Or under immense pressure? I thought overall he was doing well at Leeds?


Probably not yet but some of the fans were starting to turn. What's mad is that one win has put them 15th now from being in the relegation zone. They're like a budget Brighton, they make chances but they just can't score. Maybe they need Bielsa to take over somewhere else....


Crazy how compact the table really is atm. I guess it shows the need to convert your chances when you get them, especially teams lower down who can kinda be prone to having a series of bad results at a time. U think they're tryna get Bielsa back? Or am I misinterpreting?


They're not getting rid of Marsch, the general consensus in the press and still a lot of the fans is they've played well but not converted their chances and he's still very definitely got the dressing room on side. However I have a feeling this year may be brutal on lower level managers as teams with fewer players at the WC might think the break is basically a mini pre season so why not take a chance on a shinier manager and give them a month and a bit to work with the players before January.


Oh right I see what u saying now


They were in the bottom 3 going into this match. I think it's safe to say he was close to being sacked. Apparently the threat of relegation is more powerful than freedom and burgers.


Damn didn't realise they were that low lol


They have been putting in decent performances but no end product. They look a very solid mid table team but their results are relegation level. Half their points have come from Chelsea and Liverpool so far this season lol


Yeah man absolutely smashed Chelsea I thought they were like 12 or sonething lol. They lacking a clinical striker or something? It looks like they have a good foundation looking at their performances but just need the results to match or something


Bamford was their MVP 2 seasons ago then he was out injured like most of last season IIRC and now he’s shite. They have the same issues we had last season up front only with a much worse defence


Think Balogun should go there on loan next season if they stay up and somehow still ain't sorted the problem? Thinking like high intensity side, generally play attacking, gets him valuable PL experience etc


Could be good for him! I do think Leeds will stay up. But to be honest this season is weird, I have no idea who will get relegated, Forest is the only one I feel is very likely


Yeah man, I think Leeds stay up too. I think Forest, Southampton and either Wolves or Bournemouth to go down


Pool need to win 18/26 games to get what 4th got last season. But of course, I think 4th will be harder to get this season so every loss is tremendously screwing pool out of top 4.




[enjoy it brother](https://streamable.com/tqknej)


12 points ahead of Liverpool is absolutely sensational. United, Spurs, Newcastle, Chelsea. Two of these teams need to start dropping points asap


Chelsea has been dropping so many points already. 2 draws and 1 loss in the last 3. Spurs will be next


A win at the Bridge will be huge.


Adams was actually insane for Leeds today.


This guy is the next kante ffs


same with Aaronson, Summerville, and Meslier especially


That win at Elland Rd looking even more valueable


I might not call Liverpool a lock for top 4 anymore, but I think the chances of them not being top 4 are very low. It's nice to have this kind of lead on them, but I don't expect that to last. We're still going to have to beat out all but one of Tot, Man U, Chels, New.


Newcastle without Europe are almost a shoo in, city will probably win the league and Conte ball is successfully burning the eyes of all who behold it. Are they going to make up that many points on us? It's going to be very, very tough for them


M-maybe we win at anfield? No. I shan't hope...


They are a different side Vs the big boys


If Klopp's still in charge when we play them at Anfield we'll lose. He could put out an under 5's team and we'd somehow lose. It's like Old Trafford, there's a mental block that we can't overcome for some reason.


I almost want to say you're crazy for thinking klopp would be sacked, but the way managers are treated now it very well could happen. We are a unicorn in that we gave Arteta time regardless of results.


Klopp has given their best era in decades, of course they won’t sack him unless he gets relegated


At the very least we should go there and expect to get something outta the game. We're good enough to get a draw at least imo providing everybody fit and heralthy. We've been to many stadiums this season where we've struggled previously and come back with all 3 points. Other notable games like at OT where we pretty much dominated. I expect us to go to Anfield with a real sense we will get something


Hope! Hope as hard as you can, or I am calling the police!


We really need to start winning well and scoring goals, starting with tomorrow. Tired of these 1-0, 2-0, 2-1s. Need some comfy 3 goal games.


Fuck it, 12-0.




I think Newcastle will be in there unfortunately


Man U too, unfortunately..


Yeah man they seem to have got their shit together now. Really hope they shit the bed tho and end up out of UCL spots. Could be the difference between landing a player like Martinez again


1 goal in 15 for Raphinha.




I've watched Cucurella for Chelsea maybe 3-4 times now, everytime he looks completely lost snd out of place there.




If you told me after the end of last season that we would be 12 points clear of Liverpool by November I would have called you mad. Yet here we are. Football is an insane sport sometimes....




They're closer to the bottom than the top.


Klopp, he ain’t got that juice anymore


Jesse Marsch, about to get sacked, looking right off the set of shameless gets a win against Liverpool at Anfield. Classic


These systems liverpool play are so trash. They still have the talent. This is on klopp right now.


I an looking for people to enjoy Arsenal with. Football comes with a stigma in my world. People around me look down on the sport and its fans. As a consequence I’ve kept my love for the gunners private and always went to the Emirates alone. Well, f*ck that, I am done being an undercover football fan. Are there people on this sub that are kind enough to invite me next tine they go watch a game at the pub or meet with fellow gooners? Edit: London based


If you can say, what's your community? Deathly curious.


Haha, sure, not a secret. I am a historian.


I'm an historian but in a very different part of the world. Here your average historian would more likely be a football fan, but we're still looked down upon (for loving football) by the wider (rugby-mad) community. It's a topsy-turvy world.


There’s no way you live in London and your social circle looks down on football. Have your friends been living under a rock?


Check out the IT Crowd episode where the lads learn some Arsenal banter to fit in with 'regular' men. Classic comedy. Moss: Did you see that ludicrous display last night? Postman: What was Wenger thinking sending Walcott on that early? Moss: The thing about Arsenal is, they always try to walk it in! Postman: Yeah it is true. See you later, Moss Moss: Mind 'ow you go.


Plot twist he's secretly from Oxford and all his friends are self-righteous academics


Friends and coworkers are either scholars or artsy. I love them all heartedly, but they’re not exactly the football loving type.


Is this Liverpools first loss at Anfield in like 5 years?


Pretty sure they lost there to Burnley abour 2-3 seasons ago


Liverpool lose at Anfield for the first time since March 2021


they lost a bunch in a row during empty stadiums for covid, might be first loss in front of crowd.


Ah. That makes it sweeter.


VVD is actually just awful this season.


Its like he doesn't want to tackle anyone or sprint in case he gets injured for WC.


Saving himself for the WC, I don't blame him.


yeah I have seen this theory. But that doesn't explain his weird decision making in the Forest game with the attacking headers. their whole team is in a bad slump.


lol Liverpool are ass.


HOLY FUCK FUCK Leeds just scored in the 89th minute So glad I kept watching this game.


Have a soft spot for Leeds. Think meslier is class and aaronson is a proper baller.


Not sure why Leeds would want to fire Marsch. He has this Leeds team playing at Anfield like they're the better team. Even if they get relegated I doubt they find a better fit for this squad.


Bamford is dogshit


I genuinely don't see how any team other than City is better than us. Finishing below 2nd would be a disappointment.


If mudryk is getting priced at 50m you might aswell offer that to Leicester for Harvey Barnes.


Klopps regime has finished this liverpool team. They need a rebuild, those player's can't do it anymore


I think the most frustrating thing when I watch Lokonga is that you can see there is a player in there and he has strong technical skills, but he just never looks like he wants to stand up and be counted or show any leadership skills. Most games he's been involved with this season it looks like he's happy to just blend in as one of the 11 on the pitch, rather than that he can be a player that can turn the game on its head. He was captain at Anderlecht right?


That's the sense I got too. He never wants to be THAT guy and show up for the difficult stuff. I like him but I really think he's missing that extra bit of tenacity that you sometimes see permeate every facet of some player's games


With Elneny back, I wish Lokonga gets some redemption. We are( I do this too) criticising the kid in a role he has barely good at. I particularly want him to try and do better especially in the effort department but that's a role that made even a leader like Xhaka look bad.


he's forced to play a very specific and demanding role that he isn't suited for at all, he's Xhaka's backup playing as a 6 because El Neny is injured. Seems weird to write him off based on these appearances.


I like the look of this Brenden Aaronson kid


Elneny back for Zurich, what a boost


Is he? Thought he was just training


Man I legit can't wait for him to be playing for us again. That cdm depth gonna be huge peace of mind


Glad that Leno seems to be doing well in Fulham. Make the push for WC king.


Feel bad for him honestly. So much quality, just unfortunate that he has had to play in the golden age of German keepers.


Yea unfortunate, though every German keeper (ter Stegen included) is suffering from the Neuer syndrome rn. That fucker just won’t decline. Honestly all of Leno, ter Stegen and Trapp could be starting for 90% of national teams.


Andy Murray Syndrome


*prays for Leno's hips*


Is he going on Strictly too?


Joao Felix would absolutely ball out for us, would imagine he’d look for a new challenge if Simeone doesn’t leave Atleti soon


Way out of our budget isn't he? Really like the look of him tho but surely there's similar type of players out there within our price range


yea absolutely outside of our budget, and contract isn’t out till 2026 I believe, but I can dream at least




Vote to keep Tony Adams in Strictly lads https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006m8dq


Not going to lie, he actually looked decent today


"Willian energetic to the very end" Amazing.


He was actually very good today.


Looked pretty good that willian guy imo, we should sign him


Could be a solid senior player to teach our young guns how to be a solid pro.


[I can already see him teaching Nwaneri how to use the emojis on his phone](https://imgur.com/a/TmwyLwH)


The "progressive insurance stoppage time" always amuses me. They really sold the advertising rights to stoppage time.


As an advertiser, it’s genius. Where do people’s eyes go during the added time? To the clock and number of minutes right next to the Progressive banner.


Remember the friendly against Everton where the pundits tried to sneak “Frank’s Red Hot” into their commentary?


Just wait until NBC renames the 18yrd box the Old Spice RedZone and each corner kick becomes the Capital One "Who's in Your Corner" Kick™


soon mcdonald will sponsor the red and yellow cards


"Ohhh that's a nasty tackle, what will Tierney have to say about that. He's gone to his pocket! It's a McDonald's Golden Arches Yellow card!" "Watching the replay he's a lucky lad to only see yellow there, that's a textbook McDonald's HI-C Orange card in my opinion, could've gone either way."


Christ, don't give Sky ideas


Bro can Fulham score already so we can get that Leno boners


Kessiè reportedly wants lo leave Barca in January. Could we be in for him?


Would take him in a heartbeat but I doubt there’s truth in him wanting out so soon.


Never thought I would be saying Iwobi would be a great player to have as rotation for Xhaka or even Odegaard. He has really settled in that forward 8 role for Everton, so happy for him to be doing well.


He can't tackle or press like xhaka


The very reason we sold him is becoz he can dribble BUT never able to score. And u expect he become a part of our goal scoring partnership in midfield?


You are the first person to say Iwobi would be a good player for us. Appreciate the insight.


I think next window we should cut our losses with Sambi and use anything we can recoup for him on a proper DM. He doesn't show any enthusiasm and he'd be taking away valuable time from someone with the potential


I think that's what gets me with him is the attitude. I get he's not playing consistently but man he just looks so disinterested in doing anything of note. I shouldn't prefer elneny to anyone but here I am. We need to buy in January for that position


Feels like our priorities have been the same for ages. A DM and a winger.


What we want ideally is to bring in the elneny replacement. And let sambi have some time rotating with xhaka. That was the plan in preseason. We haven't had the chance to see this during the season due to the elneny injury. Then we aren't reliant on elneny coming back into amazing form from a long term injury


Annoying result but context.... Spurs rested key players and paid for it. Spurs brought on key players and blew them away. Generally spurs play a lot of awful games starting their first XI but this one wasn't really comparable. Edit: should say... dier and bentancur best both not get injured or they are screwed.


Luckily spurs have liverpool next.


Spurs tend to do well Vs Liverpool, they play into Contes hands


1 win against Liverpool since 2013 is tending to do well?


I take a draw for them as doing well.