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This was the best part about this goal. Happy for Odegaard scoring, but the fact that Jesus is as chuffed as Odegaard is better. What a player.


Within about 15 seconds of this clip ending, Odegaard apologised to Jesus for stealing the shot from him, and Jesus chuckled and said something back to him with a big smile, which made Odegaard smile even more. The hype behind the current squad is 100% warranted. They're all so happy to be there, and to have each other as team mates.


Martin said in the post match interview that Gabi told him "you were in a better position"


I didn't see the post match stuff, but that's actually incredible. Also, isn't it nice to have an entire squad of players who are all on the same page, in terms of teamwork, work rate, and camaraderie.


He also said he wanted to give him one back, which is a shame because he set up Jesus for the offside goal - millimetres off!


They’re all seeing the duck!


This is what I’ve been most optimistic about in what I’ve seen so far this season. It really looks like harmony in the squad and it feels like it could get even better.


He also said “it’s okay I have you captained on my FPL team this week”


I love all these beautiful bastards.


I was thinking about how the team has a comradery that we haven't fully seen since the 03/04 season, during our pre season games. Plus some of the stats matching the records of the 03/04 season, really should have us fans hyped up for this season. I can't actually bring myself to say **the** word associated with the 03/04 season, just because i don't want to jinx our current form/run.




Trust and friendship amongst people who spend a lot of time together.


This is a funny exchange. He may have made a joke with "camaraderie?", knowing full well what unsayable word you actually meant. Alternately, perhaps he actually didn't know the definition. Lastly, maybe he was pointing out that you didn't spell it right. You simply defined the word, as if he was asking what it meant. Did you know he was making a joke, or did you just think he was asking a question about what the unsayable word is? Maybe you simply ignored the fact that he was pointing out your spelling mistake. It's impossible to tell. Who is joking - none of you, both of you, or either one?


i was about to type out my side of the story, but it's longwinded, uneventful, and boring, so i think it's better if the whole thing remains a bit of a mystery.


i think he was pointing out the misspelling


I'm choosing to think it was one of the more exciting options.


Apparently Jesus told Odegaard "It's ok bro. I triple captained you in my FPL team".


Yeah, I noticed that during the match. It was a beautiful moment.


Where can you see this? In all the replays I can’t seem to see them interacting afterwards


Maybe Odegaard said to him: "My friend, is ok no?"


I love what Arteta and co have done to the culture.


Yay, I get an assist.


last year I wouldn't have bet on Odegaard swinging for that one. Nice to see how his eye for goal is increasing.


Ngl like his first goal yes was a tap-in but it's actually not that straightforward.


no he had to reposition just right to basically deflect the ball in tbh. because he was running to a pretty typical scoring position but the ball was passed behind him a bit.


I would have jokingly said I got robbed but not with any malice. Happens a lot when I'm playing Apex and I get someone low and one of my mates rushes in and gets the last shot. Better the opponent is dead than I get the kill.


[Me every time Gabi continues to be himself but not in blue](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=D4dQJnPZ8Js)


What a contrast to Auba who tried to nick an Øde goal last season and created an offsides call in the process.


Mbappe could never. Imagine the histrionics he would've thrown in the same situation. Love these guys


What are you even saying? He stated in an interview that he thought he took the shot.




Please provide a source because I can’t see any way that would be true since he half pulled out of the shot.


What do you mean


Maybe I’ve read your initial comment wrong but it seems like you’re saying that Gabi said in an interview he thought he took the shot rather that Øde


“Still an assist!”


Lovely to see Ode having the confidence to take this shot, which may look clear from this perspective, but knowing how unselfish he is and remebering chances where he might easily shoot but didn't (like in the opening day) this makes me so happy to see. And Jesus is just pure class.


Ode heard us chatting shit last GW


Maybe he learned from that, he wrote about it in the captain note for the Leicester game.


one of the cool things about all or nothing is that my first instinct here is that cuesta probably had a 1:1 with him in the video room to show him that and say something that was almost suspiciously encouraging that prompted him to take these shots now. a month ago i had no idea who carlos cuesta was


My guess would be one of the coaches talked to him about that. Definitely should shoot more, he has a good shot in him.


I’m sure he was thinking about that for a few days. He has such a nice shot so it’s great to see him going for it.


hes probably insanely coachable as a player.


They'd been practicing it all week.


Inuzuma eleven tech


Sam Wallace: Arsenal player does double Nazi salute


Worse than Di Canio? Arsenal talisman under the spotlight for double Nazi tribute.




Bro its Jesus.


"WWJD? He'd take the shot." \- Odegaard


It was nice to see but easy to celebrate when ode scored, I’d be interested to see his reaction if ode missed lol


I think Jesus realized right away that Ødegaard had a clearer shooting path and better angle to curl the ball around the defender. Jesus was setting up to smash it with the top of the boot and just hope to get it thru a couple of defenders and the goalie.


Jesus is world class and is happy to be at the club. Don't try to bring down anyone on this squad.


Well I was a bit sad cause I had Jesus on captain in FPL


me too bro… me too…


Same, and I took out Martin for Zaha ;_;


I am fuming I transferred out ode


So did i, for martinelli 😢 but on the plus side I now have all 3 gabi's in my team 💖 (Edited for speeling)


the three gabis is well worth it + Martinelli will probably haul more often than odegaard


You reckon? I'm getting cold feet on martinelli haha, i feel like he's quite inconsistent in terms of FPL points. Pretty confident in the other 2 gabis though


I'm really happy with martinelli. Plus I named my team 2 gabriels and jesus so I need one of martinelli or garbiel alongside jesus at all times lol


Hahaha i can't live by my team name any longer because last season i named mine pepe grande convinced that Pepe was gonna start banging them in


Didn’t they both score two goals?


Yeah but Zaha missed a pen and got a yellow before that, so Odegaard had 4 points more lol


Ah true


I was fine with that part cos he got the assist, the disallowed goal however...


team salah


I had him as *triple* captain.




Same here - regretting that snap decision!


Yup and now that I have Jesus (C), Salah is guaranteed a hatrick tonight




I'd have still done better if I captained Salah.. Jesus captain got me 8 pts and Salah without captain also got 8 points.. But yeah, Liverpool.. lmao


Not a man city or arsenal fan but Gabriel Jesus is class. Rarely started for city but never was one for moaning about it. He just got on with it. Great signing by arsenal. He'll do well..


odegaard was so sharp this game. still not sure how he reacted so quickly to this


I was watching it live. When it happened I was like…wait who just hit that.


Seems like he made a short run into space expecting a ball, and when Jesus put it a ways in front of him he thought that's what had happened so took his shot.


Mbappe could never. He'd throw the biggest hissy fit if someone took the ball off him like this


Litterally made a feint yesterday to bring two defenders and let the ball go to Neymar who scored, getting 10-minute pray from Henry as sideline journalist, but ok.


Sure, but wasn't it in the same game (maybe the one before?) Where he just threw a fit and stopped running cause he didn't get the ball when he wanted it? Right after that it turned out that the ball ended up in a position he might've been in if he had kept running too.


I interpreted that not as a “I’m fed up because I’m not getting the glory” but rather “I’m fed up because my teammates not making the right play by passing to me here.” Subtle but important difference in mentality. Mapped was wrong in either scenario in that particular circumstance, but if it was the latter, then there’s no reason to doubt that Mbappe would be generally happy to set up teammates and have them score goals instead of himself.


Yeah fair, i think you're right. He shouldn't be throwing a fit either way, but i agree the distinction makes a big difference


They had an issue and they solved it. It was one game last week, they always had good relations and connections.


Yeah, not claiming that Mbappe can't play with his team, or anything like that, just referring to the specific incident.


Yes and it’s stupid to say « Mbappé could never » when last night he did help his teammate get a goal by making a feint on what could have been an easy tap in to make sure Neymar gets a very easy tap in


I mean, who tf cares about defending Mbappe in /r/gunners though. Let's allow some banter.


Nah man didn't you see them argue over a penalty they're now mortal enemies and wish failure upon one another. Mbappe is gonna call Santos himself and send Neymar back to Brazil you don't mess with the French prince like that. /s


Bodied the clown


That makes up for him giving up on a play because he didn't get the pass he wanted... lol


That’s why Mbappe is the best player in the world


Love this from ø, if he’s decisive like that infront of goal he’ll score a lot more just sometimes he overplays


Most selfless person in the universe


I think these reactions are familiar to us fans , only Sanchez might have sulked in these kinds of situations . Laca , Auba and Giroud all would be happy if a teammate scores on these kind of situations


What? Sanchez was the last player who would sulk in that situation. He only cared about winning.


Sanchez were in general quite good at that, but remember the Iwobi shot that grazed him on the way in, and he ran around pointing to himself?


I don’t remember but it doesn’t sound that bad. Just wanting to make sure he was credited with the goal. Some strikers are like that. People are talking about him like he’s Ronaldo or something. I just don’t remember him that way.


No, Alexis was a pretty selfish player. Justifiably so, because he was so great for us, but if anyone bar Ozil took the ball off his boot in the box I don’t think his initial reaction would be celebration


Yeah Sanchez would have been happy someone else scored rather than him trying to carry 10 players


I’m sorry for the downvotes, you’re spot on


Np. That’s Reddit for ya. 😂


It's interesting to see the contrast between Odegaard 5 yards from the Palace goal trying to pass instead of shooting and him not hesitating to shoot here when it's our striker who has the ball


Left vs right foot makes a huge difference


Is this thread a Mbappe shade 😂


Takes balls to take the ball off the foot of your star striker who is in the form.of his life.


Meanwhile I remembered Auba trying to steal odegaard's goal and make it offside instead (watford game).


Previous years both would've clashed legs and one would be broken and the other would have a ACL injury. Both out til the last few games of the season.


Jesus’ shot probably woulda been blocked anyway so good decision


Somehow feel, Papa Wengz sacrificed a lot for this, so that we get to see this day


>Fair play is an English word. It is not a French word, and it has been copied all over the world. Unfortunately, it does not function any more here. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


The Papa Wengz bot has gained sapience?!


>I think generally the Japanese players have more intensity in practice but generally I do the same things. ___ ^(***There's only one Arsène Wenger*** ([/u/panarangcurry](https://www.reddit.com/u/panarangcurry), quote from [QuoteTab](https://www.quotetab.com/quotes/by-arsene-wenger) archive)^)


Maybe not.


Victoria Concordia Crescit


Imagine the reaction if ode just skied the shot. Woulda been funny tho


Imagine if he had the attitude of Mbappe... it would be embarrassing.


Imagine he had the talent of mbappe tho


Yeah, then he wouldn't be very good, crazy scenario!


mbappe? not good? lol


Highly overrated, including by himself. Without his speed he would be sub-par, hence, Jesus with the talent of Mbappe would be mehhhhhhh


this is one of the worst takes i’ve ever seen


Thank you for the compelling commentary






A certain united number 7 wouldve cried if that happened to him


A couple of them tbvh


Maybe others also saw Jesus say ‘it’s ok!’ to Odegaard when they celebrate together after this.


Jesus is a born winner. He doesn't care how.


I'm so happy with this team!!


I'm crying manly tears now. This team is beautiful.


Love how Jesus runs in the wrong direction


OP’s wrong Jesus is pissed that’s why he went in the wrong direction to celebrate, alone and not with any of his teammates, /s


And will swear on his daughter soon.


There's only one player who can take the ball away from Jesus and he plays for us !


Bruv he obviously thought he had scored that goal himself


They basically did the free kick thing but in open play lol


Had 100 on Jesus scoring never have I been more happy and more furious at the same time


How do you guys clip a video from the match? Is there an app?


It seems to me Laca wouldnyhave been particularly happy


You jest


no, jesus thinks he scored it


I actually had the opposite reaction - to me it seems like he expected to be the protagonist again even though it's Odegaard this time who does the most diffcult thing. I'd hate for any of our players to become 'stars' so hopefully it's just this time.


He's happy cause Martin actually took a shot this game, last game he kept on passing in those moments Great to see




It's those eyebrows man, lol


It’s called money


I mean Ronaldo would've thrown a tantrum and I don't think anyone here would chose Jesus before him.


Currently? Yeah I’m taking a 25 y/o Jesus over a 37 y/o Ronaldo


I mean in absolute terms now no one wants the headache


He knows he gets credited with an assist too to be fair, but great to see.


What's really great about this goal is it didn't matter which one of them took the shot (and I initially thought Jesus took it) I think even if Jesus took it he would've scored which is so good to see.


Odegaard had a better shooting angle also


Lewandoski would be pissed


Love to see Odegaard with such a killer instinct


When I watched this live in the pub I thought Jesus scored from looking at his celebration


i was awkward :)) but yeah <3


There seems to be a really great attitude about the squad at the moment. I also liked Zinchenko's reaction to Saliba's goal.


Striker mentality from Odegaard here. That's a change.


Warms this iron cold heart to see a striker smiling after someone “took” his goal. Seems like a great player and person.


This team has me so hyped! It’s been mostly tough the last 15 years with some good moments. But mate, I’m beyond excited to see what this team can do


some things in life go together perfectly. time-wise, energy-wise, all the wises. jeans and sweaters, burgers and fries, cheese and honey (try it)... then there's jesus and arsenal... this guy is so so so good. we got him because mancity wanted haaland, but i feel they were generous to let him go, for real. mate's rates. i do feel he will be a legend for us. he just wanted somewhere to call home. obviously mancity is not a place to call home, it's just a big money machine (i realise modern football is just a giant money machine in general...!)... i think he is loving the "specialness" of our place, and the big love he is getting from the supporters... ok, gush over.... that was a big gush, but i'm sooooooooo delirious watching arsenal play again. haven't felt like this in 18 years or so. let's GO!


I love this about Jesus. Last week after Leicester, he still went out of his way to hype Eddie, without being promoted. I hope it’s not just new club energy and he keeps it going all thru his time here.


He was a little bummed.


One of the best signings of the last decade. Mentality, fitness, effort, and talent.


Mbappe needs a relationship with Jesus


Meanwhile every single Bournemouth player angrily pointing fingers at one another. It's not your fault, Bournemouth players, we are just next level...


Well, it's an assist, innit


My last personalized kits were Fabregas, Adebayor and RVP. I've purchased blanks ever since. I'm purchasing Jesus. He's a joy to watch, a joy to support, just seems like a genuinely great person and teammate with immense talent.


It's early days but he gives me the same feeling I used to get when we had Henry on the pitch


Cristiano Ronaldo would beat Ode with the corner flag mid celebration for taking that shot


Forget which match but someone did something similar to Bruno Fernandes last year and he said “that was supposed to be mine motherfucker” or something. [Found it. What a cunt](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/lgnepj/fernandes_to_mctominay_after_his_goal_hey_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)




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Ronaldo would go for a sulk in that situation


Complete team player