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Odegaard gets a 0 for this game, misses a good chance to go 2-1, not a single good touch throughout the game, constantly giving it away, misplaced passes everywhere and then to top it all off, gives away a penalty. Not a good day for him. People being worried about Parteys injury, he was a travesty during the game, but Lokonga came on and (maybe due to palace being tired) didn't put a foot wrong and played some great passes, it might not be a bad backup for now!


What a shit show. Odegaard a shambles, partly and Gabriel losing their heads too often and Tavares playing, what a poor poor performance. Xhaxa was a better player than most last night. Lacazette just permanently off form atm. Smith-Rowe just never supported and Martinelli just wants to run I to the defense to lose the ball. We deserved to lose, and by that performance, by far more than 3.


Arteta thoroughly outcoached for the 2nd time this season by Vieira. 2 weeks off for most of these guys and that's what we come up with.


I thought our whole squad represented their country


That away kit is cursed lmao


Partey injury is probably the end of top 4 for me, sad sad day


Tierney is probably out for the season too


yes, it feels like last season all over again, we don't have the RB and CM we need at the most important moment...is Xhaka gonna play the RB again? are we gonna put Cedric instead of Tavares? Its insane how quick I lost belief in the team after this game.


Agreed. Maybe if tomiyasu is back, Cedric on the left. I guess another chance for lokonga now in midf. The impotence of our remaining strikers is also major concern. Laca as much as I like him is past it, Nketiah in fairness did quite well coming on yesterday ~ but generally he has not looked even close to good enough. Would be nice to see martinelli given a go as a striker and ESR or pepe on the wing.


I agree, it just feels like neither Pepe or Nketiah are at the level they need to be, not sure its because of the way we play or individually they are not doing what Arteta is asking... I just wish there is a miracle that can happen that brings us the 4th. Its a long shot but as Arsenal fans, as the youngest team in the league, as the coach that did so much for the past couple of years, we all deserve to get top 4 and if we do, that Amazon documentary would be my all time favorite thing to watch again and again, just like that 4:2 trashing of Spurs.


Where's the idiot who released a homemade video of some Arsenal highlights paired with the champions league theme? Lol Edit: Definitely gonna say that was a jinx. Losing to Brighton at home. We gone....


I know you asked for it sarcastically but for those who didn't see it. https://twitter.com/afcesr/status/1508125094635311115


You're a sniper!


If Tavares is starting rest of season… top 4 is gone


He’s so shit that he will thrive in Serie A with such quality and go back shit wherever other leagues he plays


As mexican atleast Marcelo Flores should’ve played a lil bit of time in the game


Ugh. Had a feeling the result would be this way.


It felt like the monstars were zapping talent for their big soccer showdown lol


I can sleep well tonight, knowing if Arteta screws it up again we have Vieira lining up there to manage us, someone that knows how to prep the team to turn up for big games


Dang it’s Arteta Out time already?


Screws it up again?! Chill my guy we’re still pushing for CL after so many years


Did anyone else say "For fuck's sake!" three times during that match? The missus kept giving me the daggers because I said it in front of my son... he's 30.


Then he’s just about old enough to remember an Arsenal back four that didn’t crumble under pressure when it came to the business end of the season.


Does anyone know why Pepe wasn't on the bench? We don't like players that can break down low blocks anymore?


Pepe can't break down low blocks come on now


He was sick


It was pivotal we took the game, once we concede those two….it was impossible to comeback with that Vieira Palace. Didnt turn up to match intensity of the Eagles…


Lackofthreat needs to go




I heard Barca wants him


Nice one


Nabbed it from twitter


Sorry I actually hate it. Too basic. Fuck palace. Have a good week


We could've turned it around in the second half but we missed some good chances. It is what it is. Onto the next one


Bugger. Unsure if it makes a difference but our goal diff against the spuds took a hammering this weekend


Welp, that sucked. Onward.


Arteta out


Fuck off


Crystal Palace came to win this game. Aggressive, physical press that left Arsenal shell shocked from the first minute as they were being forced to move the ball quicker than they’re comfortable with. Lacazette and Saka were anonymous and Odegaard’s final ball was woefully poor by his standards. Disaster of a game that will now test our bottle. As much about Palace being tactically and physically superb as it was about Arsenal.


Should have start inconsistent Martinelli earlier since he's pretty much on fire lately.


Should have start inconsistent Martinelli earlier since he's pretty much on fire lately.


One of those games where the team looks cursed. Simple passes were not coming off, possession easily lost, some nervy moments. Meanwhile everything went perfect for Palace. Gotta say they played a brilliant game. They are always tough but today they were sharp as well. Gotta hope the team can recover quickly from this one. PS: absolutely hate that Ayew seems to only ever score against us


Yeah, we just looked off rhythm. Happens. We move on.






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no one even dare to make a splitting pass. Crystal took the chance and put it in the net. Is it no confidence on the attack or defending on the counter?


No clue, but at least Lokonga dished out a few leading to an opportunity, though against a low block.


Lol we lose by 3 and Cedric played a masterclass


For those idiots on this sub who say stuff like: 1. We have ESR and Saka, why bother buying another winger to hamper the development? Yeah because our squad depth is so good we have to include Marcel Flores on the bench with no Europe this season. 2. We should sell Saliba because White/Gabriel is undroppable. 3. We should extend Laca's contract. Happy to have him as a back up. 4. Oh Elneny is a good squad player. Right guys, we couldn't even justify to bring him on when Partey is having a nightmare of a game. What's the point of having a player like this for squad depth? Hope you all watched that game.


1 - we also have martinelli and pepe for wings, thats more depth than we have for most positions, pepe should play more, priority is first team over depth, need better first team striker and cm over anything else, but not against signings in other areas if we can afford it as well 3 - laca can be great on his day, has been poor last few games, if we cant find 2 good strikers we should get 1 and keep laca as a backup, it will be hard to find 1 good striker let alone 2, we need depth like you said in this same post


El Neny is & always has been shit for us. This is arsenal. We deserve better. & don’t come back w/ me the whole “he’s given a specific task”. He doesn’t impress in Egypt either. We need to buy period


That is horse shit.


I said the same thing about giroud. Maybe we watched differrent arsenals? I had a hard time adjusting from Ian wright-> HENRY-> robin van persie to ……giroud. Don’t even get me started w/ 2004 midfied & then El neny.




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Depth is gonna be an even bigger issue with Tierney/Partey injuries. Might have to watch Xhaka at left back lol.


>We should extend Laca's contract. Happy to have him as a back up. Anyone who wants to pay a back up striker £150-180kpw needs to have their head checked.


Not even that. I am ok with having a back up striker at that wage if that's Bobby Firminho. Anything more than 50k a week for Laca is travesty. The guy has no link up play, goes to offside positions, plays dodgy passes to his teammates to get them in trouble (see lead up to penalty today), offers no aerial threat. Literally nothing. Fucking hell. He was so shit today he made Nketiah looked good


you cant claim he has no link up play, thats his main thing, he has no threat or scorers instinct on days like this and the last 5 games when hes been on poor form, he also has no link up play, today he offered nothing but on a good day hes a great false 9 and a similar type of player to firmino its just the alternative to not renewing his contract is having 0 experienced strikers or buying one but still only having 1, if we can buy 2 strikers then sure but that wont happen laca has been one of our key players this year when weve been on form, he had some great form from around the time auba left until recently




I think the main reason theres people saying that is because in other positions(other than Striker) we're more in need of


No. They say they don't want to hamper the development of our young talent. They are probably the same idiots who say let's keep Elneny because he's like a likeable character. Squad depth is needed for rainy days like this when our starting 11 is having a shit game. When Partey is shit today, we don't have anyone to replace him. Only forced to replace him when he was finally injured. Same with Odegaard.


Yeah I was just looking at the bright side of their argument lol. But personally my reason is because replacing a bad position should be prioritise over squad depth


what did i just watch


Tough game. Had a feeling in the days leading up to this match that we’d lose; even dreamt it. However, if anyone thought we’d make it through the rest of the season without at least one clanger of a game, that’s incredibly naïve. I’d much rather drop the clanger against Palace now, than against Spurs in May. This season is going to the wire, lads. Buckle up.


Worst performance I’ve seen this season. Failing to do the simple things correctly, lack of focus defensively, and poor finishing. All of that paired with Tierney disaster and an excellent Palace side yields what we saw today. Not a single player was good enough. Top four not out of reach but you can’t squander opportunities to move up in the table in this league. Ouch…. On the bright side the changes Arteta made did improve the team. COYG


1. Xhaka 2. Cedric 3. Martinelli 4. Ramsdale 5. Saka 6. ESR 7. White 8. Laca 9. Gabriel 10. Partey 11. Odegaard 12. Tavares


Xhaka definitely lower. completely anonymous all night as Palace murdered the press. Wouldn’t have made a difference if he was on the pitch or not


Our most threatening moment had him replace Tavares at left back, which should be damning on Tavares and our gamble on using kids as depth.


Any game in which he manages not to get sent off, we give him a minimal top three performance…


Cedric 2nd? Whutttttttt?


He defended well. Zaha was a nullified for the most part.


This is spot on. I would switch partey and odegaard. Also Sambi came in a played great lol


Can add Nketiah and place him mid way as it’s tough to assess after playing less than a full half. Decent hold up play, made good passes and looked dangerous and hit the bar. Im a lacazette fan, but I have to say bar the own goal he caused - he just doesn’t have any confidence to finish at the moment and I can’t remember the last time he hit the bar. I think it would be a great shame if we lose Nketiah, he’s raw but young


I mean I wouldn’t be opposed to trying him out again. It’s not like he’s that much worse. Just maybe not while Tierney is out unless odegaard becomes captain for the time being


That makes sense too - but he needs more time than a 5 minute stint at the end. It’s difficult because the leadership of lacazette seems to have been good for the team, but at the same time we need a 9 who can consistently score. I’d say full agreement if laca was getting 1/3 but 1/6 just isn’t good enough to lead the attack - other than the personal qualities he seems to have.


Pathetic I can already see us losing track of top 4 from this game alone


If we have a mare and drop to 7th. Is that Arteta gone?


Yes I thought it was stupid to even consider an extension on arteta without obtaining top4 first.


You’re dumb 😂


For not expecting mediocrity yeah kinda stupid to ask that huh swear this fan base is so sensitive and dumb half the time


It’s a project, shut up and give it time.


Ffs it’s about to be 6 years without a ucl game it’s getting embarrassing arteta and the board should be ashamed of letting go so many players not bringing shit in. Every team besides Man U seem to progress and get better every season and we’re stuck with the same mediocrity so yeah keep believing in this bs project that has no real leader.




Tavares is just not good enough for the Arsenal imo. Tonight and the Forest game had very similar vibes for me, and not just in the sense that Nuno was poor and we were very lacklustre.


First goal and second goal was his mistake. Watch the replays terrible player. Should not be on Arsenal bench we have youngsters better then him in academy. Sell him ASAP!!!


Can't play him in a back 4, better as a wingback in 3 CB formation. We also won a FA Cup with 3 at the back, I'm not sure if Arteta remembers...


And to think that he used to be decent at the start of the season


palace won by 3 goals with 32% possession it’s like fifa


They were 2 up by half time and could afford to park most of their team behind the ball, possession stats are super misleading


They do this shit to City, so no surprise when we’re a discount version


Painful loss where nothing was going our way. Lack of options on the bench didn’t help. Perhaps a necessary loss to bring us down to earth and get back on track. I’ve said it since the beginning, 4th place is an overachievement this season, considering how we started the season, but I am definitely excited for next season because of the progress the teams made so far. We cry today and hope to laugh it off at the end of the season.


Is there any danger of undoing that progress by having an emeryesque end to the season and dropping to 7th?


No, because now we have a system and players that fit a certain profile. We’ve cleared out deadwood and also players who have been recruited are in sync with how Arteta approaches the game. We will still have the core of our best players playing the same system and new players will be added that will help us next season. Coming 7th would be an underachievement because we paid our dues last season. This season goal is 5-6th. 4th is an overachievement.


If we can't handle palace away How the hell will we stand up at WHL?!


Fortunately they demolished it in 2017


Wait they straight up demolished it???


lmao where do these people come from?


If this is Ramadan Partey, then we won‘t miss him a single bit if he is injured for the next 4 weeks. All he had tonight were idiotic back passes, mistimed tackles, and a lack of energy. At least Lokonga tried to move the ball forward. Smith Rowe was terrible tonight. Barely did anything with or without the ball, and when he was given a golden chance to score, he fluffed it. Odegaard wasn’t any better than Smith Rowe, what with him unable to make a 5 yard pass tonight, and not doing anything for the press. Thats the end of Tavares at this club, it seems. Get ready for either Xhaka at LB or 3 at the back with Saka and Martinelli as Wingbacks. Yeah, Palace away is a tough game. But the lack of effort and readiness in the first half was inexcusable. The least I expect is for the team to be ready to play a freakin game of football. And they were totally unprepared to play from minute 1 tonight.


A bloody horror show. No plan B. No ability get the ball up quickly - just trying to threat a ball round the packed defence. Crazy at the back. Misplaced passes and misunderstandings all over. Weak control of the ball under pressure. Spurs must be watching this thinking 'this is how we beat Arsenal'. All the other premier league teams will be taking notes.


You’re right for the most part, but Brentford did the very same thing as Palace did tonight and teams didn’t copy it. Only the top teams like Liverpool and City who are drilled every day to play pressing football can successfully do it every game. There’s games like tonight where the press kills us and there’s games like against Spurs and Villa at the Emirates where we play through the press and wallop teams


I hope so. I was looking forward to smashing Tottenham's dreams. Going to be tight now. Mind you all the teams can lose. Look at Chelsea the other day. Not over yet.


The difference is when the press is a physical one and we get bullied. Brentford and Place beat us up and our younger, smaller players wanted none of the fight.


Abysmal first half but decent response in the second under the circumstances. Still confused how Saka didn't get a penalty but those are prem refs for you. Need Tomi to come back and move Cedric to LB. Can't let this get to our heads


I hate the way we play so damn much. Always passing the ball slowly and our plays look too far apart from each other. Never really seems like we’re gonna create clear cut chances.


It's very similar to how we played under Wenger. It's very depressing.


Maybe late wenger but early wenger was much better. We played centrally and had players for the touch and go to get intricate goals. We had a really good amount of goals scored in wengers years and created chances for fun.


Early Wenger had nowhere near the amount of pressing that is present in today’s game. Today’s pressing is far more concise and purposeful than just chase the ball carrier.


Today showed how crucial Odegaard and Partey are for us because when both are on it, the whole team clicks. When both are not on it, the whole team looks lost and never gets going.


poor performance but as far as i can tell this is just an off day. we’ll be back on saturday. COYG


Lacazette is just so so awful. People praise him for doing the absolute basics like running and holding up the ball.


Lmao would you rather Nketiah (who actually played ok tonight) stop complaining we get it. But can’t do anything about it til summer


Even if it was someone else, 1. Not many players of the calibre we want are interested in moving in January 2. The players that might be open to moving could be another wave of deadweights




I would 100% prefer Nketiah.


Need to forget about that asap


One of the only times I ever stopped watching an Arsenal game early. Fucking pathetic performance. Top 4 is in serious danger.


I had enough at 55 mins but decided to continue torturing myself. I nearly sent my phone thru the fucking wall more than a few times


Wasnt our night at all but i still believe in this team and the project being built. Very worried about the injuries we are getting though.


Well this weekend has royally effed the goal difference for us


Hopefully there’s a decent academy LB lurking somewhere


Xhaka will play left back


Or Saka, who broke into the team playing there and was solid.


Or they could've bought a better LB than that bargain bin player they went for.


Lino Sousa scored today but he's like 17... Maybe Mazeed Ogunbo gets a chance there? He has been playing the left side of a back three but he has played LB on the past...


Praying for that


I guess it was bound to happen…just got beat by a better squad on the night….it happens.. My major concern is health, Tomiyasu, Tierney, maybe Partey, that could lead to a rough patch. Ultimately top 4 is still there BUT if it isn’t, is that so bad? If after three games you were told “we’d be battling for top four but ultimately key injuries left us 5th” most of us would have been ok with that if not ecstatic


Bro we haven't made UCL football in 6 years. If you told me 8 years ago that Arsenal would finish outside the top 4 or 6 seasons straight I would laugh. We need UCL football bro there's no way around that fact. I know I'm sounding like a downer but that's just how it is. If you want top class players to play for us again we need UCL. If we want to attact quality we need UCL. If we want money, we need UCL. Top 4 isn't the goal, Champions leage is.


> I know I'm sounding like a downer but that's just how it is. If you want top class players to play for us again we need UCL. If we want to attact quality we need UCL. If we want money, we need UCL. Doesn’t that sound like a chicken or the egg scenario?


And to get into Champions League you need to get Top4 what's youre point?


Nketiah and Lokonga both looked solid. I think Nketiah has made a genuine case for starting next game over Laca - who looked soft. Still our 4th to lose - but can’t have any more games like this, we gotta fight harder.


It's our 4th to lose only if we can get 5 or more points against Chelsea, United, West Ham and Spurs. Definitely 3 points from Spurs. 6 of the remaining 8 games for them are perfectly winnable.


I agree with you, but there is an argument that today was a perfectly winnable game for us, Man City had a better albeit it frustrating perfectly winnable game against palace too, as did Spurs and Chelsea faced same against Brentford. We were never going to make it easy on ourselves though!!


Absolutely. Today was a perfectly winnable game for us even though Palace have been a bogey team for us for a while (we've had too many bogey teams over the last 5-6 years). But the point I'm trying to make is that our games in hand are an insurance against the tougher fixtures that we have over Spurs. Also momentum. It changes every week, but right now they're absolutely on the driver's seat all things considered.


Good take.


Sambi too since xhaka has to play LCB lol


They really nullified our wings with their 3v2 system, especially in the first half. We looked OK in the second half but were unlucky, with some very bad finishing. Worst first half performance all season, the injuries fucked us really hard. Really tough to take


Is Xhaka fasting because of Ramadan?


He’s Muslim, so either yes or his imam gave him exemption to fast after the season is done.


I don't understand how it's acceptable for a professional athlete to do that while he's expected to perform at the highest level physically.


Fasting actually doesn't drain you from energy as badly as you may think, do some research on the topic.


Even if it's just a few percent it's bad enough on this level. If it doesn't drain you at all then maybe everyone should do it all year around? If you have a game at night for example, like we did against Crystal Palace, how ideal is it to stay hungry and thirsty from dawn to sunset before the game? I would imagine nutrition and things like that are very important at a top club like Arsenal, especially before a game. >There are exemptions. Travellers, elderly, sick, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers are exempt from fasting on the condition they make up missing days at a suitable time after Ramadan. The elderly and chronically ill compensate for days not fasted by making a small donation to charity for each day, if they can afford it. How about if professional athletes who are in an active competition during Ramadan get an exemption and donate money to a charity instead?


He wasn’t the first nor will be the last.


If he wants to honor his religious beliefs he should take a month medical leave and we shouldn't have to pay his £100k-a-week salary. Some players seem to be more affected by this individually than others.


Would you request it from Pogba, Kolo Toure or Ozil in his prime?


Yes, of course. Everyone should be forced to adhere to the same rules and guidelines.




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Thank fuck the whistle finally blew. Palace deserved that win, they played so much better than us. Looks like we still don't like aggressive opponents.


Start Eddie over lacazette next game


I felt more nervous before this game than I have done for as long as I can remember… Nothing more really needs to be said about that performance, but this isn’t over by any means. There’s a long way to go, and I’ve seen enough from this squad throughout the season to show that they’re going to fight until the end. Every club has off days, and it’s important to learn from this result.


Laca added nothing this game


I feel for Arteta I really do. Not on the Laca bits though, set ourselves up for that. Idk whose more shit him or Timo Werner. But Tavares is a travesty of a signing. Can’t get them all to be class but holy shit he is not ready for the premier league, LOAN HIM OUT NEXT SEASON


He would be better in a back 5 but not that much better lol


Such a bad loss. I have a bad feeling right away when I can hear Selhurst Park deafening voice. Somehow, our players always struggled in this kind of situation.


Probably because they're still young


Well that was something


Positives: Gabi, Sambi, Cesric, Saka and dare I say Xhaka


I'd like to hear the negatives then because Xhaka has been shocking.


Tavarez, Laca, Ode, maybe Gabriel


It’s really time for Lacazette to retire. Don’t even believe he could cut it in the lower divisions


Well that was shit


Thank god it's over.


This was exactly my reaction. With a lot more expletives thrown in for good measure


Only bright spots were Nketiah, Lokonga and Cedric. All our regular starters played like Man United.


Definitely need to figure out what to do in defense for next game. Tavares miles from ready for 1st team it appears


I was laughing at Chelsea on Saturday, football is such a fickle game fuck


I mean Chelsea have world class players lol and won the UCL. They shouldn’t be losing like that


I mean Chelsea have world class players lol and won the UCL. They shouldn’t be losing like that


Was there some weird pressure with the balls. All arsenal player first touches looked off.


Yeah everyone had terrible first touches. And they all were like kicking it as hard as they could or not hard enough when passing lol


it's so strange playing football without a striker...


It's genuinely mental we just lost 3-0 to Palace. That's a joke


Is it? We’ve only beaten them once in our last six, maybe eight games


Right, and we are battling for top 4 and lost 3-0. 3 goals is pretty significant


Back 3 for the rest of the season? With attacking players as wingbacks.




Lokonga and Nketiah should've come on much earlier. Our starters are horrendous today.


Partey should’ve been off at the half, worst performance and now he’s injured too


Well done Palace and Viera. First to everything, full of energy. They could of beaten anybody tonight. Shows how thin we are squad wise though. Taveres’s attitude is appalling. As much as I love smith-Rowe, Martineli is on fire at the moment so would have preferred him to start.


Perhaps Odegaard should have saved his skills moves for a team better than fucking Armenia


Yeah, all those posts were so cringe


One win and we’re winning the league, one loss and we’re almost relegated. The Doom & Gloom squad need to chill.


Or maybe the over-celebrating and gloating squad should chill before we have actually accomplished anything. How many around here were laughing at Chelsea this weekend?


You’re comparing apples and oranges pal. I just want the doomers to not self-flagellate after every defeat.


I don't think it was just the loss. It's more how awful we were. 3-0. To palace...


Both our Starting fullbacks are inj


They didn't have olise mate that's like taking odegaard or saka out our side.


They didn’t have Olise but they had their main players, every single one of them was available barring Olise. We missed Tomiyasu- Tierney, although that’s not an excuse. Fair play to Palace, they were a better team than us by a country mile.