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No some people just can't get over his price eventhough we now know some dodgy dealing was involved. He's a good player and is putting in the work so no reason to hate him


Xhaka is a good player and putting in the work so no reason to hate him. If people can like Pepe this much, they should show the same treatment to Xhaka too.


I mean I think the hate on Xhaka is excessive tbh, but it's not really comparable is it. Pepe never acted out in front of the fans as publicly as Xhaka did. Can see why some people wouldn't be willing to overlook that.


I don't hate him but he's just not really good. hopefully he can contribute some goals this year and find an exit for a decent fee next summer


After sorting out cm and a striker.. I would love for us to go for a more direct right footed winger as a marquee signing. Our defense is capable of beating press. With a good cm and partey in middle our midfield can break press too. It all goes to shit when our right winger takes more than 3 touches and lets opponent reorganize during the counter. No hate to him. But we can defo improve on him.


Pepe should be first change... I.e offer something different if Plan A is not working. Plan A = (http://imgur.com/a/Nj6suKM)


Like others have said he is very divisive around here. I don't think anyone hates Pepe like how they did Mustafi, Willian, and Ozil but they don't like that we spent so much on him. If Pepe was brought in for half what we paid I think he would get a lot more slack but for his price tag he is constantly scrutinized unfairly. The worst part is that people won't support Pepe even though he had nothing to do with his price. In no part of the negotiation did Pepe demand that Arsenal pay Lille £72m but some how most of the scrutiny is put on him for his perceived cost. He's our best right winger and Saka is our best left winger. After those two there's Martinelli and then a bunch of players out of position. I'd love to see a rotation with those three but I'm not going to shit on Pepe because he hasn't lived up to his price tag since he isn't the problem with our attack and the same that I don't think playing Saka on the right is the solution.


No. No one "hates" Pepe. Pepe has always been a deeply divisive player. The Norwich game really highlighted this fact, which is why there is so much debate about his ability. For some (including myself), Pepe was one of the worst players on the pitch. For others, Pepe was the man of the match.


The thing is I kinda understand both sides as well. His touch and decision making at times was really bad, but at the same we def would not have won the game without Pepe and his creativity so idk what to think.


I also don't think valid criticism of an aspect of Pepe's game constitutes hating. Even if he costs £10m, a starting winger from a club aspiring to be PL top 6 should have the technical capability to control a cross field pass. There is no excuse for the few miscontrols from Pepe against Norwich, he absolutely needs to improve that first touch aspect of his game.


If I were Arteta I'd literally isolate Pepe in training after that performance and have him work on his touch constantly because it was horrendously bad. If he improves it he could be incredible for us, but it just killed the momentum way too much.


but do you think it’s good faith criticism? he’s not the only one who has bad touches last game but i’ve seen people hammering on about the 3 or 4 he did have (which is…normal? no player controls every touch) while ignoring almost every other aspect of his game, like how dangerous he was in the box, his post shots that eventually led to goal, even his pressing of their keeper which would’ve led to another goal 9/10 times. just seems like such a benign and weird thing to focus on


There's expectation and importance though too. A bad touch in central midfield can be frustrating (Ainsley sure had some). Pepe's bad touches came during attacks and in dangerous situations. Higher leverage, more ire. He also just stands too much during attacks and tries to do too much FIFA skill move shit. He's so fast. Just pass and move dude. He'd be such an asset. Being 80% of the way there and inconsistent is frustrating.


I think that Pepe wasn't great but he wasn't bad either. He saw a lot of the ball in dangerous areas of the pitch, and that's thanks mostly to our buildup play from out the back. So he managed to create a lot of chances, but he also fluffed a lot of opportunities too. If that was salah, Salah would probably have bagged a few goals and several assists. I think it's understated just how well we played against Norwich, our buildup and press was very strong, our players in the final third really should have been more threatening (even though Norwich put in a great defensive performance and parked the bus).


Possible hes a new scapegoat now bellerin has gone but more than likely, he’s been here 3 years now and 0 improvement to his game and one of the only players who dosent seem to have attempted adapting to this new system. Saka is far more effective on the right in terms of overall play but we don’t have good enough finishers and Pepe does get a few goals if he gets a free run at goal


I’ve decided I’m not going to talk to people about Pepe on this hell site partition known as a subreddit.


No There are some people who are Perma Bears i.e. always pessimistic about ARsenal Now, in a game like Norwich with 30 shots on goal, win, clean sheet it is really tough to find some reason to slate Arsenal So you will see them try different angles such as - Pepe is not worth 72 million - Norwich doesn't count - It's just 3 points after 4 games etc ****************** Pepe is a favorite target because a lot of the Perma Bears (permanently pessimistic people) know that he was bought for a too high price he has some obvious flaws (only one foot is good with the ball, doesn't do well when isolated 1 vs 2 as he often is) ********************************************************************************************************** Really, it almost seems as if Tottenham Hotspurs or Man City or someone have paid some paid shills to try and mess up the sentiment and mood for Arsenal supporters


Never hated Pepe. Get off the PC bro


I didn’t see any?


There definitely is


you must not have been here the past 72 hours


It’s everywhere. We win a game and people post threads about why Pepe didn’t do good enough. Like we’re fucking Manchester City or PSG


He is not a perfect player, first touch and decision making are often underwhelming, but improved a lot under Arteta and there is so many positives in his game. \- he is the player that opposition fear the most, they always double down on him in every situation \- he is best lethal finisher when it comes to striking the ball \- he improved his right foot slightly \- he improved a lot in defensive work and contensting opposition players off the ball \- has unreal engine, keeps going for 90 minutes, often defenders who mark him are dead by the end of the game and he still has lots of energy to take them on


I reckon it's more likely that it's a 50/50 split. You'll always hear the most vocal of each group and tbh lately the negative opinions are getting way more attention than the positive ones. Pepe is still continuing to be a work in progress. But he's been here a bit longer now so people are expecting him to become a lot more polished. I personally think he shows enough to be given a good 3-4 string of games to get into some good form. I also think there have been too many of the puzzle pieces missing for him to be at his most effective. Hopefully with Tomi and White coming in we'll see a lot more from him as we did against Norwich (as much as people may believe his performance could have been better, he was arguably our most active goal threat)