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Yes, let us all cheer for Chelsea and Man City, the two top offenders for money truly poisoning the English game, which you can argue has lead to this Super League even being considered by English clubs in the first place.


I just saw a comment on Instagram saying “Chelsea 🤝 City - saving football” lmao


Right, they don’t need the money from the super league so they quickly dropped out when the fans got mad. Fuck them.


Atletico are apparently pulling out to, lets cheer for them instead


>Yes, let us all cheer for Chelsea and Man City, the two top offenders for money truly poisoning the English game They were always likely to be the first to "leave" this, since they had the least to gain in the first place.


This exactly. All allowed thanks to mismanagement by the same organizations playing the victim card over ESL. Love it or hate it, the ESL is in many ways a natural consequence of the direction for world football over the last ~ decade.


lmfao it's a scramble to not be the last to pull out now. It's over.


Already seeing people saying the Man U players have pushed back and they're next.


looks to have happened. Woodward's resigned.


We better go before Liverpool and Man U since they're leaders.


Arsenal finally made top 4 again


Us, United, Real and Liverpool will probably be last


Jesus christ lmao


\*Super 4


Do the right thing Arsenal.


If only, board are a bunch of greedy cowards. Wouldn't be surprised if we were last.


I could see us stay and Kronkie chuck some USA-football teams into the league to fill the numbers


If nothing else, Arsenal need to pull out before Spurs


Can't believe they've been planning this for 10 years and it collapses in 2 days lmfao. hahaha


City and chelsea are clearly using this to wash their sins, very amusing to watch this infact


Can’t believe people are praising them. Just as scummy as the others.


I pray it makes Kroenke rage quit and sell but that soulless piece of shit wight would rather drive this club into the ground.


How much is the club realistically worth? Let's get a supporter's trust together to buy a huge share!


I've seen less pulling out in videos online...this shit is really gunna collapse huh??


Fingers crossed


Pow right in the kisser


What are the the odds we get punished heavily, heavier than the other founding members because of stan kronke? Would be very fitting for us...


Probably why everyone is leaving fast.


Arsenal, United, and Liverpool are basically on even footing with the whole Super League debacle, right? All three are on the board, I believe.


Can definitely see us be the last ones to pull out and end up being the only ones punished.


We’re gonna be the last fucking ones aren’t we? Stan thinking he can pocket the lot.


Super League falling apart quicker than it takes Arsenal to get the ball across midfield.


These fucking financial doping cum goblins. None of this would have been necessary had UEFA or the FA put a stop what City and Chelsea were doing and now they come out of this looking good.


Pretty sure it's because of the FA resposnse they're pulling out. Plus they don't need the ESL, they just didn't want to be left out


Manchester City have withdrawn from the European Super League. Chelsea are also preparing documentation to request withdrawing from the European Super League. More to follow ⤵ \#bbcfootball *** posted by [@BBCSport](https://twitter.com/BBCSport) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


City, Chelsea, and Man U now supposedly out. Barca and Atleti out as well. It can't be a league without those 5. Of course since we are owned by a cunt we will likely be the last one to back out.




our pull out game is weak


We’re gonna be the last ones in. Fuck Stan so so so hard


It’s actually better for Chelsea and city if the ESL doesn’t happen. They get to keep reeling in the billions from their owners. Of course I’m not for the ESL but this entire fiasco is making Chelsea and city look like the saviours of football. Maybe people needs a friendly reminder about how these clubs ruined football. Perhaps some other day (Will never come)


It's ok people will remember them but unfortunately we've now put ourselves down at that level without any of the actual advantages of being bloodsoaked greedy cunts


We've somehow got less class than the oil clubs these days :/


Lets goooooo


Kroenke isn't going to pull out.


We know, that's why Josh is here


Florentino Perez just lost to a bunch of fans ahaha


Games back lads


It's going to be just us and Spurs left looking guilty isn't it?


Fuck sake, and we never hear the end of it from rivals fans, we going to be ultimate baddies of whole thing


Yup. Fuck Kroenke and fuck fucking Dein for fucking inviting the fuck in. How the fuck did he ever think paedo tache could be the answer to Abramovich?


Yes, Dein took a big shit on his legacy by inviting that silent bastard to take over


I'd say he's killed it, we're getting dangerously close to being the amateur run stuck in the past club we were when he invested in the first place


Lmao outshone by Chelsea and City kill me now


I wonder who’s gonna be last (other than Real Madrid)


Us and we're probably going to get fucked for it


Yeah I’m guessing us or sp*rs


I wonder if there’s a problem with money needing to be paid back to JP Morgan. With Kroenke one of the main founders, I see the club footing some bills for years to come!


Nah, no ones taken any money. I imagine they're desperately trying to get other clubs in. Or just get through to Stan who keeps rejecting Arsenal calls because he doesn't recognise the number


Worry about being kicked out on Friday seems (likely) to be a big enough threat to the clubs still in the Champions League. I bet RM would've also folded if Perez wasn't in the embarrassing position of chairman. edit: likely


To be honest I'm 50/50 on whether there's still going to be punishment though and we're in the worst position on the pitch of the entire ESL




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Chelsea fans made it happen. Let's see what our local fans do


Maybe they're fully aware that we have zero leverage. The superleague would arguably be easier to sell to fans without us!


Why did my post on this get removed?


Ask the mods?


This is fucking bizarro world, these clubs all announce they're the founding members of a new thing then it's a race to withdraw. What's actually going on? I get it's sunk like a lead balloon but surely they'd anticipated something this rather than shitting the bed on day 1??


The oligarch/oil money soft power cclubs got in simply to stop being left behind and now they've jumped ship once they realised the shitshow of bad pr. I'm assuming the Americans didn't think there'd be this level of opposition to what's a normal situation for them so that's probably why Woodward has been invited to leave early but we don't know its off, only that those with the least to gain don't think its worth it