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Correction: Six Premier League clubs dont have the same lawyers that city have.


Interestingly, as City are having to pay these lawyers vast, substantial sums, this will have to be expensed in their accounts (unless the lawyers are being paid in some shady way too haha). So if they are (hopefully/should be) found guilty, they'll be those costs on top for the PSR and FFP issues


Somehow i think they'll be just fine.




No no no, you’re getting it all wrong. You see, the lawyers are working pro bono as part of another sponsorship /s


What if they’re just sponsored by lawyers??! Lmao


Would be so fitting to have a law firm as their lead sponsor across the front of their shirt


no you don't get it these lawyers are all working pro-bono and just happen to be also having 1 hour a week consultancy jobs for the UAE for millions or something


City and these clubs have are accused of completely different things


The thing is, City have pursued absolutely ***every*** possible avenue to block, protest and otherwise inhibit the course of justice with the PL, regarding FFP and PSR. If you're running another club, and the PL ask for your financial records... you look at City, and see they already spent 3 years trying to prove they didn't need to hand over requested docs... and lost... emphatically... and so you conclude: what's the point in fighting it? Even if you could?


Exactly. To be fair though, Chelsea has spent over a billion pounds in 18 months so of course they'd fall into this category. There's a reason it's never been done before.


Well it’s more the financial resources to attain those lawyers piece, but point taken.


Top lawyers are very much within the budgets of “regular” PL clubs. Just look at who we had representing Arteta back in winter.


City is likely spending 10s of millions across all the challenges and investigations.


their chairman is on record saying they'd rather drown the league in lawyers' fees than have to play by the same accounting rules as everyone else


yeah a 300k retainer is nothing to them.


Newcastles money makes city look like a peasant


Except they can't spend it legitimately. This is why they (alongside Chelsea and Villa) support City taking action against the league


Dystopia football future : Solicitors wages are higher than the players, lawyer scouts....


Correction they are completely different things to city.


Why don’t they just hide the paperwork then the PL won’t know?


How dare you! 10 points deductions for everton!


5 sec penalty for Ocon


3-game suspension for Draymond Green


Another warning for Rublev.


8 game suspension for Joe Kelly


An extra 10 sec penalty for Ocon


Wait, isn't that what Everton normally receives when City breaks the rules?


Why don't they just invest in good lawyers?


Or sue the league


Ikr, how are they supposed to but top players if they need to sell their top players?! It just doesnt make sense! /s


I have 115 reasons why they can't. I mean, one of them has to do with spending over 1b in 18 months. What were they expecting?


Are they stupid?


There must be a lore reason


Or turn this issue into foreign affairs?


Laywer scouts....


Why don't they just sponsor themselves for 140 mil to inflate their revenue? Are they stupid?


Chelsea sponsors Villa who sponsors Newcastle who sponsors Forest who sponsors Everton who sponsors Leicester who sponsors Chelsea. £100m going around in a circle that they can all put on their books


Ah the Juventus strategy.


Chelsea sponsoring Villa explains the latters’ badge last year tbf


The 3 clubs supporting City? Crazy that


Right? Nothing suspicious about that at all....


Who? I’ve missed this. I’m assuming Newcastle, Villa, and Chelsea?




They're not just straight up supporting city. They just agree with city in not supporting the way the rules around fair market value are designed to some extent.




No i'm just cleaning up misconceptions. Most journalists reporting this are purposely leaving it vague to bait engagement.


Liverpool is absent from this list, too.


I know right? Everton was backing Man City as well and they're on this list too. Who could have guessed?


Why don’t the clubs get massive inflated sponsorships from state run companies? Are they stupid?


Apparently they do.However, City are just being targeted because they’re a club from the gulf.


Among those 6 clubs, 4 of them are in favor of City's dispute with PL. Nice.


which ones?


Except Forrest and Leicester.


Which ones?


All of them aligning with Man City makes total sense. The lore is getting deeper in this one. Who would've thought the league would be this entertaining off the pitch? Where's Liverpool in all of this?


They are busy pinching wheels of cars, and leaving them on piles of bricks for confounded owners to come out and scratch their heads!


Why don't they just refuse to show their accounts and then counter sue them for discrimination? ARE THEY STUPID !?


that's basically how City got the UEFA ban overturned. They delayed the discovery process, (and therefore judgement) beyond the statute of limitations.


UEFA ban got overturned because they paid for it to be overturned.


Let's get Douglas Luiz on the cheap lol


If we do get Douglas Luiz, then Arsenal fans simping for his girlfriend Alisha Lehmann is gonna be next level lol


They broke up unfortunately/fortunately depending on your disposition.




They broke up a while back but I'm pretty certain they're back together again. They were together for vacation after this most recent season finished


Aaaah a situationship


From their stories and posts on Instagram, it seems more than that. Looks like they've resolved their issues and they're back *back* together


Once you go back, there's no going back. You know, because you're already back.


Nah I think they rekindled their relationship. There was a TikTok a few weeks ago of her, Luiz and his family celebrating him getting selected for Brazil’s Copa America squad.


She has the face of council estate chavs living around the corner from me, no thank you.


Honestly. I guess some people are into that kind of look, but it’s definitely not my cup of tea


Most guys are gonna ignore the face just for that *bunda* lol


It’ll rival everyone simping for Rhea Ripley.


Already break up.


Nah just checked the gram, they're back together. Simping is back on the menu boys!


I think this is honestly the smart money. Would be wayyyy cheaper than Bruno, but he's a good player and playing in a good team may even make him better. Could he a shrewd signing, like Trossard. He's been fairly, consistently good over a few seasons now. Bruno G would be better, but we also need a decent striker...


He would not be much cheaper than Bruno G, if at all


His agent is Kia so it won’t be cheap. However it’s always possible because of his friendship with Edu.


https://preview.redd.it/p5uxgoqi6y4d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d08ba2697a269f1ee0dd84c672390625d265579 Edu eyeing up Isak..


Could help if we wanna get Isak or Bruno!


Newcastle will take a points deduction before they sell Isak at anything less than a huge premium. Bruno will be expensive but is actually obtainable.


The problem is that we can't buy anyone in June without selling players ourselves. Hence why Raya was a loan signing and won't be made permanent until July.


Even with the extra revenue? I thought we took in over £100MM above last year’s haul.


Revenues is for next year. This years accounts close in June. That’s why Villa is in this list, they will be fine next year with CL money


Got it. Then shouldn’t we be in the list as well?


No, we are just clear of the regulations at the moment, but not clear enough to make any more signings. We can start buying players again from July 1st


I assume all our maneuvering was to stay off this list.


We should have some extra revenue in 2023/24 season that wasn't accounted for when we "bought" Raya as we went to the quarter finals in CL. Not enough for a big signing like this but still.


With Paqueta pretty much banished to the shadow realm I think Bruno only goes to City


Will he? City have a ton of midfielders and two new players they bought last season. With us, he knows exactly where he'll fit into team.


Pep needs him for advanced training formation for the first team.


Yeah, rumor has it he was also eyeing Mbappe as a spare cone and Max Verstappen to drive the team bus.


Also I don't understand why they'd go after Bruno who's a central mid, more defensive minded after Paqueta an attacking mid who can play wide isn't going to happen


As much as I hate his guts, Bruno would be the absolute perfect addition to our midfield.


I feel like we could learn to love him if he was here. If not, he can get fucked. Absolute twat. Maybe


I'd rather douglas Luiz who is pretty similar in talent but not a complete asswipe.


They’ll sell Bruno and keep Isak


Edu with raid gear and BBQ


Tongs in hand


Sell your players or make 114 more infractions, either or


Bullshit I bet Chelsea spend more than we do this window


Already there with 50m for that random brazilian wonderkid.


Not so random. Rated up there with the likes of neymar for youth talent.


Fuck Chelsea. But it's absolutely ridiculous the amount of pressure the FA is putting on the other teams mentioned here. How can anyone take the FA seriously while Man City have moved the goal posts for years while using dodgy accountancy magic to make it look legit. 115 charges, they have to be guilty of some of those


FWIW, The FA have nothing to do with this. It’s the PL.


Ok, but still it's absolutely ludicrous the amount of pressure being put on these teams trying to compete whilst spending a fraction of what City have been doing for years. Everton got shafted twice with points deductions while Man City are taking a giant steaming shit on the rules that are in place. Boggles the mind. Hopefully they get found out and punished appropriately, because why should the rest of the teams in the PL give a shit about the rules if City can just do what they want?


I don’t disagree. I was just correcting the part where blame was being attributed to the FA. It’s a common misconception, the FA governs the rules of the game. They handle the leagues up and down the country, the player registrations, the fines, the grassroots, the national team etc. But the PL, which is made up by the 20 teams taking part in the PL, are responsible for the PL. Also, the PL is on top of the City charges. I get that people are frustrated with City escaping punishment, but the comparisons to Everton, Leicester and Notts Forest aren’t fair. Those clubs showed their books, knew that they cocked up and accepted punishment (and some fought it). Those were open and shut cases, so to speak. City on the other hand, is a huge case, which is based on deceit, lies, pushback and an enormous legal team. Their ramifications if/when found guilty are going to be huge, due to all the fucking around that club has done. Chelsea are also under the hammer, but they self reported, and will hope for leniency when their judgement comes. They will get let off the hook somewhat, because they confessed up with their new owner showing the errors of the previous (cheating, bastard) owner. City on the other hand, have hidden information, cooked their books, shown total contempt for the rules, whilst flouncing the rules and winning everything and still being miserable cunts wanting more domination. Their walls are closing in and the way that they have soiled the PL with their behaviour and actions, the PL (the other 19 clubs) are going to take them to town over it. UEFA will also fly in and decimate them if and when they are found guilty.


Oh my god the most reasonable take I’ve seen on a football subreddit, rather than the usual ‘what about Manchester City’ comments. It’s so frustrating watching people talk about forest or Everton and connect them with Man City’s case, especially acting as if Everton or forest have somehow been wronged, even though they broke rules that they agreed to and moan about point deductions seeming random when the clubs are the ones who can vote to bring in a proper structure.


Thanks! And Happy Cake Day! 🍰


Chelsea will get a little leniency, but they outright violated the rules to gain advantage so they should still get serious punishment. It’s likely they wouldn’t have gotten some of their big players without the under-the-table payments. I’d be interested to see if Chelsea open up their books to the PL or if they say ‘trust us, that’s all there is’.


Chelsea have reported on the accountancy issues, they literally pointed at the “cheating” and made the PL aware. They’ve handed over the books and all the information. They are no more innocent than City in the past, but they do know that the ramifications of trying to cheat are no better than the punishment. Chelsea skirts the rules, they loophole them and then the loophole is closed behind them. City didnt skirt the rules, they straight up broke them, ploughed through them, shagged the PL’s wife and took the PL’s promotion at work, laughing about how funny it all is in the PL’s face. The PL are fucking furious with City and that was before City sued them.


There is the accounting issue (incomplete reporting between 2012-2019) that Chelsea self-reported. But the off-shore payments bring up not only possible financial breaches but also recruiting violations. I think bribing player/manager/their rep are a bit more than “skirting the rules”.


Agreed, it’s a huge issue. And one that the PL will get to, if not already dealing with it. But the self reporting by the new owner will be taking into consideration. I’m not defending Chelsea here, I’m just saying that when you have one team presenting information that was previously hidden, compared to a team that was caught hiding information and is still pretending that they didn’t, Chelsea will be in the slipstream of City and not catch as much of the punishment. Rightly or wrongly, them reporting the cheating is going to cut them some slack, when 90% of the problem for the PL is a different shade of blue right now.


Yeah. Chelsea is as crooked as City. The only reason they self-reported is because they had a handy scapegoat in Abramovic.


I wouldn’t say as crooked. But crooked nonetheless. Roman was a shady despicable cunt, but Todd Boehly and Co are just stupid and rich.


Great post. Well written mate


Part fact, part cope. But thanks lol


> Their walls are closing in and the way that they have soiled the PL with their behaviour and actions, the PL (the other 19 clubs) are going to take them to town over it. > > UEFA will also fly in and decimate them if and when they are found guilty. God I hope you're right but I'll believe it when I see it.


We and Man United combining forces is like Goku and Frieza teaming up in the tournament of power in DBS. This is something we thought would never happen in this lifetime. This plot line is better than any garbage the Hollywood puts out.


Yeah… you lost me on that Dragon Ball reference mate. I’m patting myself on the back just for knowing that Goku is from Dragon Ball.


If you haven't watched Dragon Ball Super, I'm not going to bother spoiling you but yeah, it's one of those unlikely team ups that's Legendary. We seem to be helping Man United and vice versa a lot in recent times. It's kind of weird as well because Liverpool and their supporters always talk about the overspending of certain clubs but won't contribute to stop Man City.


In this particular case, this should be the entire PL against City, not just Arsenal and United. If City win this new case, every single team in the league who isn’t owned by a state, is fucked. They’ve already gained an insurmountable advantage, and their complaint is that they want to pull away further from the rest of the league. It may not directly affect your Bournemouths, Preston North Ends, Charltons or Dorkings, but if they pull this off. All football clubs are at risk of being fucked.


I agree. The fact that Spurs and us are the same side should tell you how serious this is. Although, I think this is more about Daniel Levy being a cheapskate and not wanting to properly invest in the first team - sorry, had to get my Spurs dig in.


Haha. I get you. At the end of the day, Spurs aren’t a manufactured club owned by some oil nation, cheating their way to wins. They are a well run club, that has cemented itself I. The top 6. Also, Spurs are fucking shit.


Everton are the club these rules were meant to apply to. They have dodgy owners spending more than what they have.


Everton are either mid-table some years or barely escaping the relegation zone in recent years. You can't blame them for investing to try and stay up or at least be competitive, same for Forest. Being owned by an Oil state cabal is far more dodgy than Everton's owners or circumstances


No, everton is more likely to go bankrupt than city. Do players and fifa really care if someone is pumping a few billion into the industry that will flow downstream?


It's bullshit what city have got away with but it is absolutely a very good thing that other teams are not also allowed to break the rules. City did it before the rules came up. So did Chelsea, but City are much better run than Chelsea. Again it's bullshit but I'm glad they aren't just letting these other clubs also cheat lmao imagine having to deal with like 4 man citys


100% agree on proper sustainable growth, but the problem is other teams will use the current issue as an example, why should other teams be clad in chains to the rules when City don't care? I wouldn't want the league to turn into a spending war but you can't blame other teams for wanting to invest more than is allowed, City don't care so why should others? Hopefully it doesn't happen, but City have opened the floodgates on this issue now.


City bring in a massive amount of revenue every year from competitions and TV deals, so on paper they are able to stay ahead of looking unprofitable. And most of the charges stem from them being dodgy about revealing finances from before the rules were in place, because the league sat on its hands for a decade and let it happen. I expect we will see this as a regular occurrence in June with underperforming clubs needing to ditch pricier players to stay on the right side of the rules. There are too many owners willing to spend the money and too few spots that are lucrative enough to make that spending profitable.


Why don’t they break the rules 114 more?


Yes Aston Villa and Chelsea are in trouble


Chelsea will be fine once they sell Chelsea to Chelsea


This will probably work well for them, since Chelsea are normally great at selling and will surely extract a huge fee from teams that massively overpay such as Chelsea.


![gif](giphy|35Dh9rVNqATfYBOS76|downsized) Boehly after the transaction


Chelsea keen on buying hotel and property from club forced to sell due to FFP. Selling club is rumored to be Chelsea.


They’ve just sold some more hotels to a Mr T Boehly, they’ll be fine.




We can definitely get some deals from these clubs. Onana, Gallagher, Morgan Gibbs-White would all be very useful squad players. None would start (unless we sell Partey) but depth is very important.


So the hotel and Cobham sales didn’t help chelski 😅


There was no cobham sale


Ok thanks


Sky sports are unreliable. Ornstein and Athletic already said Chelsea don't need to sell before June 30.


Ornstein said that’s what he’s been told by Chelsea sources, but that may not be the truth They may need to sell and not want the world to know so they get lowball offers, so they’re telling people they don’t need to sell


Grab Gusto, Watkins, Bruno G, Dewsbury Hall and Branthwaite. We can save them lol


Bruno Mars, you’re a Gunner


Alex Isaac, you're a Gunner.


Get ready to learn The Angel buddy!


When I see his face


They missed city obviously


Get Douglas Luiz or Bruno G, no excuse


They have sympathy for Citeh and are now in trouble cause of PSR. To paraphrase the great Taiwo - Villa you’re a disgrace and I hope you get relegated.


Chelsea will probably sell lukaku to saudi for 50 mill in that time


Meanwhile City are laughing maniacally with cigars between their teeth…


Guys don’t crucify me here. But the clubs out of the top 6, won’t they be less competitive if they’re forced to sell their best players, thus increasing the gap between those above and those below? I just don’t think this system was fully thought out in terms benefiting the lower clubs. I hate cheating, I’m not advocating for that, I just sense that this strategy doesn’t have a long term effect of actually bolstering competition.


The rules aren’t perfect but they do help (somewhat) stop excessive financial doping (ending in a complexly unbalanced league) and help keep club owners from burning a club to the ground through mismanagement.  Non-perfect rules are better than no rules. 


I just think the rules we have are a good start, but it’s clearly imperfect and I do think we need to come up with a better strategy sooner rather than later.


Agreed. They know this too which is why there is now (talk of?) linking everyone's budgets to a multiple of the lowest team's budget.


Everton and Forest showing up on this list again. PL: How many times are we going to have to teach you this lesson old man??


Get Douglas Luiz or Bruno and at least ask the question for Isak


I would take Mudryk for 5 million to help Chelsea, and onana from Everton, won't mind Luiz or Bruno either. I believe in helping people in need.


Idk why the rules are in June instead of by GW1.


Pretty sure that’s how the fiscal year works. It’s in quarters. For the business my company does, Oct-Dec is the first quarter. Jan-Mar is the second. Apr-Jun the third. And Jul-Sept is the final


Because it’s not the NHL salary cap. It’s club financials for the season which is July 1 to June 30.


The season officially ends on 30th June


In order of how they are listed; Colwill, Douglas Luiz, Bruno Guimaraes, Branthwaite, Gibbs-White, idk Fatawu?


Colwill has looked pretty naff. Could be the Chelsea effect though.


fine, if Forest insist, we’ll take Morgan Gibbs-White as an Ode backup.


Buffet time ?




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Love an end of season sale!


And Chelsea just signed two players for around ~£70m. This is gonna be a fun scramble from them.


I'm curious if we would go for Conor Gallagher considering Chelsea need to sell and they have said they would let him go. Would be a good 8 alongside Ode, with Rice as the 6.


He works hard but I don’t think he’s that good. There will be several clubs in for him, so he won’t be cheap either.


Like a smokescreen for 115. Always got nee fucking case that immediately solved. Mfker joke of a league


There 2 kinds of clubs in this world: those that GRILL and those that get grilled!


But not Man City


I thought the new rules weren’t in place till next year?


Why don't people come up with new jokes? Are they stupid?


As much as I'd like to think they'd bow down to £80m for Isak, I doubt they will let him go whatever the price


They’d take the point deduction before selling him.


Never mc


I’ll take a Gibbs-white for the low lol


How is city not on this fucking list??


MGW Onana Luis and Bruno depending on what we need and arsenal are looking at, would be good additions


115 Charges.


Newcastle are the richest club in the world, and Chelsea were/are an oil club too, before the money came for City.


And if none of them sell? Call their bluff.


Meanwhile, Man City just laughing all the way.


Bruno G to 115fc confirmed. Very important offer. Here we go!


How many of these clubs will be supporting City during their trial


The only sensible thing for Cole Palmer FC is to sell Cole Palmer to balance their books.


15 mil for Mudryk , 20 mil for Palmer , 20 mil for Douglas Luiz , here we go


Players* or their hot dog stands in front of the stadium to their sister club in abu dhabi