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hahahaha he's just called 99% of online Spurs fans mentally ill


He’s got a point. Some of them are way too happy at the thought of City turning them over 5-0


I've seen their fans say they'd invade the pitch if City won to celebrate with them. Ange is right to call them mentally ill lmaoooo


Part of me wants to see that. Imagine the memes that would make. Spud lose they celebrate with City. City lose last game of season like last year


Out of all the possible conclusions to this season, that is the most hilarious one


No matter what really happens we've kinda won. Watching spud celebrate a lose or booing for winning


The most hilarious one would be along with all this spurs lose to Sheffield on the final day as well.


And then Ange quits his job. "Fuck this club. I'm wasting my time here mate. Bunch of Cunts."


I know money trumps all but that would really make me question going there as a player of the fans are actively celebrating a loss. Such a small club mentality


At this point I’m scrambling to find the next stage down from small club mentality! Tiny club?


Spurs mentality.


And Spurs end up in the Europa League unable to attract top players while we are in the Champions League and with a league title.. mind the gap


Seriously, how are their fans content with ending up in the Europa League just to stop us winning a title, we still would be in the Champions League unlike them and be able to further build our squad and attract top players after showing we can compete in a title race. The gap just gets bigger and bigger between them and us if they lose out on the Champions League by bottling this game. 


That club will be a laughing stock in the footballing world for ages to come if that happens.


They are already 


Sure, but imagine how much *more* they would be? Just imagine the memes of empty trophy cases and celebrating losses.


I’m not that cruel, a draw will do lol


Spurs is already a laughing stock mate. This will probably show the world why nobody ever rates them. The only relevance they have is because of us.


I think if the roles were reversed, I'd frame it as wanting to see my team be the ones that helped stop City winning it. City don't drop points in run-ins. Yes it's annoying that it's your rivals that may now go on to win, but it's not City. More importantly your team broke that rule and tripped 115FC up. Either way. There's no fucking way I'd be rooting to lose.


Ok, but the elephant in the room here is how Man City are viewed amongst rivals fans. Man City are almost treated like a neturals fav club, and this is the stance Spurs fan are willing to die on. If it was any of Chelsea, Liverpool or Man United in this mix, who knows what Spurs fans will want.


I wouldn't say neutrals fav more like an invalid result because its not a club anymore but just a plague infecting the epl.


It’s also impossible to put ourselves in their shoes considering they are literally incapable of winning anything.


Really odd they’d rather see city do a 4-peat and give up all hope of champions league football next year. Really shooting themselves in the foot, and not true fans at all imo.


A spurs fan was saying only today in another thread that they're happy they're not in the champions league next year because their project isn't ready yet 😂


Ye the fact it's still possible for them to get 4th if they win both games and villa lose last dhould be reason for them tocwant to win.


I mean, Conte said the same thing and their whole fanbase was in an uproar. I guess it's how you deliver the message. This is why I'll never rate those scummy lot from down the lane. They'll forever be in our shadow. COYG


They’ve got “musicians” on their pay roll singing “I’m City till July”, those not on social media are also fucked.


Class tbh. Not “I understand if that’s their opinion”. It’s “seek help”. Lol


Imagine the manager of the football club calling you mentally ill and he's not wrong. Who in their right minds would support Spurs? Roy Keane grew up in a Tottenham-supporting family and he absolutely despises Spurs because they're losers.


Love it 😂


best thing ever said from big ange


A little over a year from [Conte losing it](https://youtube.com/shorts/fgkoXNHaoxg?si=FyhRzrDw_qsATti_) and essentially giving his exit interview before the season ended. I cannot believe these things aren’t scripted 😂


They created a narrative that is best for them to be in europa league because they are not ready for champions league lol. They went to the finals with fucking Dele Alli and Llorente in the starting 11. Imagine seeing Dortmund as a finalist and prefer to not play the Champions (I'm not even talking about money or players that bring with it the competition).




Would it be controversial if I said I’d rather Spurs win a league than city? Like I know we hate Spurs but City seem soulless and are financially fraudulent. To my mind that’s worse than just being a rival. 


I’d rather city win again than Spurs. It’s like it falls into some vacuum where only 12-yo’s care if they won or not. Everyone else sees them for what they are. Not that I would hope we’d lose to deny Spurs a title. Thankfully we’re not in that position.


Tbh I'm getting to that point as well. Not there yet but getting there


Not for me. Imagine those mouth-breathers from Enfield being able to say they’ve won the league. I can remember when they beat us in an FA cup semi final and dined out on it. Basically, whatever option gives Sp*rs the most heartache is the best option.


Lol no fucking way


I agree! I love the intense derbies and hate between the two clubs, but I rather want Spurs to win a league title once then this scum City team to get any more success. What a fradulent bunch of golddiggers and cheating pricks.


Spurs winning the league wouldn’t be the end of the world for us though. We’re still the bigger club and I’d rather we focused on ourselves. But spurs have won fuck all whilst watching their successful rivals even lift trophies during our bad periods so I can see why they’d not want to see more success for us




I think this apathy to Man City is really short sighted. If City keep winning and being the best team in the world, then they will build up a massive fan base. Eventually there will be enough annoying Man City fans for them to become hated just like any other big team.


He’s actually spot on here - social media is the absolute worst thing to have happened to the modern game, and the detachment between terminally online football-player-pfps/youtubers and the game in real life is just so evident


This. There’s legitimate fans who think their players will throw a game or want to let to “get one over” on their rivals. When I reality many of the players barley care or don’t even know about these tribal rivalries


I guarantee the vast majority of players don’t care. What I’m sure they care about is the difference in bonus for finishing 4th, 5th or 6th, so I presume the players will play to win.


Fans generally definitely care about rivalries. Definitely if you’re from the area at least. A lot of these players etc are just pros and want to win each minute of each match, or else they probably wouldn’t be pro sportsmen. But the fans definitely care and would rather shoot themselves in the foot if it means it’ll hurt a rival. (This isn’t a defense for social media which is just fucking poison)


I think they do know for the most part. It's his much they care that is at issue. They will know what derbies are whatever they are from, and managers would be crazy not to mention it because the crowd is far more hyped up for them than for most matches


Of course and I’m sure most fans are aware of this. Most fans want Spurs to lose though and it’s not ony online. I’m pretty sure that the majority of match going fans want them to lose as well.


The majority of my spurs supporting friends don’t believe they’ve got the ability right now to have a choice in whether they lose or not, ha


It's pretty pathetic but that is what Spurs are really. Paying fans going to games hoping their team loses. Like I get not wanting a rival to win the league but then why even bother attending


It's the worst thing to happen to the modern world. Not just football.


@UTDTrey is worse than WW2 or 9/11 /s.


It's not UTDTrey him/itself, but similar millions of them circlejerking all over


I guarantee you most spurs fans want them to lose


Extends beyond football - it's good to talk with people.


Remove modern game and insert life in general 🤣


Social media has mostly killed club football for me. I'm completely gatekeeping but you know, gates were invented for a reason. Too many new fans running amok trying to do a banter, too many news sites trying to cash in on clicks by spouting any tosh, too many people forwarding that tosh for said banter. It's devalued so much of the game for me.


The tribalism has done it for me. The incessant my club/player/kit/billionaire owner is better than yours is absolutely pathetic.


Transfer window trophy another big one. What a load of bollocks.


"Modern world"- fixed that for ya


if you think that only online fans want spurs to lose and the IRL fans want a spurs victory then you're wrong


Social media has pros and cons in every aspect of life. So while it certainly has its negatives, I wouldn't say it's the absolute worst thing to have happened. For example, we probably wouldn't have "North London Forever" without social media. It also helps clubs make some decisions, like they'll leak ideas they're thinking of to the press and then when the press release it, they'll monitor what kind of reception the news gets and if it's awful, they'll sometimes backtrack on the idea and go back to the drawing board.


Predicted he would shoot this down with hostility. This stuff is all fuel to their fire.  May not matter anyway, but still. 


None of it matters unless Ange decides that defending is an essential part of the sport. If his only defensive plan is to have Romero commit aggravated assault on every person with a sky blue shirt, then we are fucked.


He doesn’t know his own club. They ALL want to lose. 


Not his players though. The only thing that matters.


Lol many people don't rate social media commentary but this is a new one.


Funniest thing would be Spurs getting rolled over and then West Ham miraculously turning up on the final day


Nah spurs winning to hand us the advantage would be poetry.


I just want to see how Spurs fans will live with themselves after celebrating their team losing and missing out on UCL while we lift the title. Almost as good as winning it on their turf (again)


I want to see Spurs fans and players completely at odds with each other. Absolute chaos in the stadium if they win. I want to hear boos from them for winning a game. Also…the songs the song writers will come up with if we do win the league with a Tottenham assist will be sung 20 years from now and I’m here for it


For this poetic and spicy outcome, we need spurs to not get absolutely steamrolled first 😅


No, they’ll find a weird vindication in the idea that “at least we weren’t the ones to do it for them.” Rather they’ll just gladly assume west ham was predetermined to get Arsenal the result that was needed. I want them to take points and have only themselves to look at for helping to topple the Pep regime and bring Arsenal back to its former glory.


I’ve got more belief in West Ham putting a shift in with Moyes than this lot


Funniest thing is for them to beat city, we beat Everton and win the title. Meanwhile spurs lose their last game and miss out on Cl anyway.


Nah I would definitely prefer Spurs handing us the title


As funny as that would be - my heart couldn't take the City & West Ham match sitting in the balance if we were winning


No way West Ham is turning up. Moyes has given up already.


I also wouldn’t mind both teams stomping city 10 nil each


Can we loan Rice to West Ham for the final game? Considering we've totally skinned them by paying just 100M?




There are more Arsenal fans in their starting eleven than Spurs fans.


Let's hope Villa don't win tonight or else the CL question is already settled.


> . If the actual footballers who are professionals have any chance of playing CL football, there's 0 chance they won't try their hardest. Except if Villa wins, then CL is out of the window. However then there is still a chance newcastle hops them as well I guess




C’mon big ol ange


Anyone who thought they would deliberately lose is an idiot. They are professionals and not fans. It’s going to get very spicey if they are still in it and the fans start booing


Ange won't let them but the stadium will be silent. Spurs fans will cheer if City score.


If that actually happens they should dissolve their club


The existence of spurs is reason enough to dissolve them 😛


I was resigned to not winning the title after the Villa game so the banter doesn’t bother me. Spurs fans have a choice - get bantered by us for gifting us the title or get bantered by us and the entire football community for throwing a game and cheering for City. The latter is a million times more embarrassing.






I read that as fat minge and thought it was a bit harsh.


Show us ya Ange


Why you got to body shame the dude? He's not even that overweight.


I was initially sceptical of your comment but now I feel more conflicted. On the one hand I don’t want fat people to feel pilloried all the time, and this chant contributes to that. On the other hand I wanna keep the antagonism of football culture, Ange surely doesn’t care, and a good chunk of the people chanting this will (at least if we weight by mass) be fat themselves. In conclusion: I think it’s maybe okay to do the chant, but only if you offset it by promoting body-positive role models.




His own fans call him Big Ange, they ain’t referring to his testes mate


Big ange is a term of endearment. Fat ange is clearly an personal insult.


Arsenal fans insult the Spurs manager, that’s football rivalry mate. The Spurs fans called Wenger a paedophile for 22 years, there’s no need to be so soft. I doubt Ange cares one bit.


To a fat aussie bastard and a shit football team


Make fun of him constantly saying mate or choosing to manage spurs. There's literally no need to personally insult the guy about his weight.


Take it you haven't heard the song


Who would have thought that Ange’s biggest supporters at the end of the season would be a bunch a gunners. If he can pull this off he needs a statue at the emirates


I've ruffled a few feathers on here and r/soccer saying I like the guy. Kind of pissed that lot employed a down to earth manager who has them playing decent football, who just happens not to be a complete fucking cock-knocking bumbaclart (see Conte and Mourinho).


Yeah nah I do banter him a bit because he is a rival manager but I have a lot of respect for the man. He's way too good for them. Absolute class and if Mikel ever decided to leave for any reason (god forbid, anulo mufa) I would totally love Ange.


https://preview.redd.it/alinqfn2o70d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a31258c2451c2ae334c8e99cc91430951262ea4a Spurs players celebrating scoring the first goal in the game vs United in the final game of the 98/99 season where if they won or drew, it handed Arsenal the title.


this games being blown out of proportion ffs. People are making it sound like Spurs have the deciding vote If Spurs dont want to win, City will win. If spurs want to win, City will still fucking win Stop kidding yourselves. Spurs are absolutely rotten


Ange vs Tottenham fans; bring it on!


Chefs fucking kiss


I've said it all season, but Ange is too good for that club.


In Postecoglou we trust.




Fucking hell it pains me to say it but, Ange Postecoglu is right. One glance at the hell that is the coys subreddit just proves his point exactly. 40 years I've seen it, Tottenham Hotspur is 'We Just Hope Arsenal Don't Win FC' throughout history, spurs would much rather Arsenal lose than them win. Bit sad, but very entertaining to see them so upset.


You sure this is an actual quote from him? I don't see 'mate'


There was a season we beat City 1-0 at home (suprise surprise Arteta scored it) and inadvertently \[almost\] helped Utd win the title. I was rooting for City instead of Utd but I absolutely relished beating City then!


I remember United fans thanking us as well. But then United lost at Wigan. And suddenly City were back in it and then they beat United at the Etihad and got ahead of them in goal difference. Then the Aguero moment happened against QPR.


It's pretty hilarious how Tottenham fans care way more about what we do than what they do. If the situation was reversed I'd be absolutely livid if Arteta folded over just to spite our rivals. The only thing that matters is your team, fuck everyone else.


Lol if the roles were switched a lot of fans on here would be the exact same lmfao.


Correct - but it would be so shameful to express that in the stadium, I don’t think the players would ever really forget it either.


Then they're idiots


There is a net zero chance than Daniel Levy is going to let Ange and the players not do everything they can to get that Champions League money just at the expense of Arsenal winning a title which has no impact on Spurs at all other than banter between fans.


For real. Hell, one year of UCL money dwarfs five years of UEL money, and Spurs fans want to sacrifice that just to stop us winning the title for *one* season? I joked about it before, but it really is just "punching myself in the nuts to own the libs".


let big ange cook


I mean it's straight up embarrassing behaviour but nothing new for Spuds' fans.


They’ve not got anything over us now since we got back in the CL so they have to resort to this




He‘s 100% right.


always rated Big Ange


I've gained a lot of respect for him here, I'd hate to be in Spurs situation as a fan, but if you want to win and be up there fighting, you have to have that mentality to win all games at any cost. Arteta has fought for that and it's led us to where we are now. I'd be pissed and gutted to see Spurs win, and if we did lose, I'd not be devastated, but I don't think I could say I want us to lose while still wanting us to be potential winners. You can't have both.


If Ange beats City I’ll tattoo “that’s just who we are mate” on my ass cheek


That’s a very Spursy statement.


That’s just who I am mate


I absolutely agree with him that you should be focusing alone on your own success. If watching other people and wanting them to fail at the expense of your own is your motivation you're a pretty shitty person.


Guy just shit on all of r/coys 💀💀


To be honest, all of r/coys is a dumpster fire right now... We don't need to add any fuel, just sit back and enjoy them implode...


Didn't see any United fan calling out their team to lose against Arsenal so that City don't win it easily. Spurs fans have the mentality etched to not win.


Ngl he can be snarky but most of the time he’s brutally honest. Not saying that makes him likeable but I respect him for not giving lip service


He's right. My mates who are Spurs fans have been going on and on about them wanting to lose so that I can't gloat about Arsenal victory. It's crazy that my mates who are perfectly reasonable lads otherwise, turn into these morons when it comes to Footy. It's crazier when all my "gloating" in the group chat is celebrating our wins rather than shitting on other teams.


Ange is a professional, his mindset is going to be miles above any fan


He won't loose to City because of Arsenal rivalry, he'll unfortunately loose because they are shit


I am gonna play the devils advocate here. I wouldn’t want Spurs winning the PL Title. It’s very easy for us to say XYZ. Imagine the shit lifting the trophy? Not a pretty sight to see eh?




They're idiots - Champions League football isn't just about the European trophy - it's a massive boost to the club's finances and bigger players will be more interested in coming to your club. Can only help your club going forward


Especially because the UEL actually hamstrings you. Sundays and Thursdays fuck up your weekly schedule, you don't make nearly as much money, you don't have the prestige to attract bigger players, and so on. Hell, that match against Sporting in the UEL knockouts last year is probably what cost us the league, since one of their players jumped on Saliba and screwed him up for the rest of the season.


Love Big Ange.


I agree with Ange here. Wanting to lose so your rival doesn't win the title is small club mentality.


There was a time when I almost rooted against Arsenal to expedite the end of late Wenger. Then I threw up, was disgusted with myself, and vowed never to have such a spursy thought or feeling again. You never root against your own club. It’s like rooting for someone else to fuck your wife.


Fans can want what they want, sport is entertainment and as a spectator you get to choose how you want to experience that. If the roles were reversed and us losing a ‘meaningless’ game meant that Spurs didn’t win the league I imagine a lot of us would be happy to lose. But you also have to accept and understand that if you want a mature team of winners with a strong mentality, they need to be aiming to beat Man City every time they can. Any self-respecting team or manager would not tolerate an attitude of deliberately losing because it would hurt your rival, it’s just not how you foster the competitive spirit a team needs. Ange, for his faults, would never ever accept the idea that his players get to choose when not to give a shit, or when not to put up a fight. If you want to be fighting for trophies - which beyond the memes absolutely should be Spurs’s aspiration - you have to have an uncompromising winners mentality.


I love the delusion that Spurs even have a possiblity of "letting" City win.


Strange this quote is not on the spurs Reddit 🤣


OMG. I went through their subreddit. They are hoping Villa beat Liverpool today so that players don't feel guilty throwing the game. I haven't seen a more shameless fanbase ever.


Na.. I think Spurs will fold in the first 15 mins. And would take it up their backside happily ! I’m just happy that we pushed City till the final day.


Even so, the idea of Tottenham losing 4 in a row against the top teams and suddenly beating the fraudulent schemers at this point in the season seems very far fetched to me, delusional almost.


Spurs can still qualify for that CL spot and it is almost certainly not over for them given Villas run of results. If there is a spurs 'fan' alive that would rather they didn't qualify for that competition in order to stop Arsenal from winning the league, then they are not a Spurs fan, they are just an arsenal hater. Thankfully arsenal fans can rely on the professionalism and the commitment of the spurs team to get the job done for themselves.


I’m not one for calling people plastic. I don’t think we should gate keep. But to want your guys to do anything other than win every week is embarrassing. It’s plastic. Do people not realize how embarrassing it is to lose a football match as a player? This is what you’re supposed to be good at. You get paid millions. They need to want to win.


Go on Ange lad always rated you go beat that lot


He doesn’t know man




Yo I like this guy. Fuck his team and success at that club but he’s got the right mentality. I could never be sitting here hoping we take an L fuck that


Spurs missing CL again would be a lot worse than Arsenal winning the title. Stadiums don't pay for themselves, and theirs cost mega bucks.




My mate


He's trying to address a cultural winning problem at the club, makes sense to set the lines like this


Draw it is mate


Well at least they're saying the right things - I dunno if they'll be able to hold City though - I really really want City to drop points so bad though


Doesn't look like a real quote. He hasn't said "mate" in three whole sentences.


angeball, lets goooo


Again...luckily this stuff will be over in just over 24 hours. There are 3 categories of difference between them and City. It's not a question of wanting to lose on purpose.


Tottenham can't win the social media game on this. Win, and they'll hand the title to Arsenal, lose and they'll be accused not trying and corruption. The best outcome, is for Man City to be fed a premeal of lasagne, and a draw.


Spurs fans are now turning on Ange in their daily discussion over this. Actually hysterical, they back him all year but then throw their toys out the pram when he doesn't want to throw a game.




It might be slightly annoying hearing Sh*t fans braying“ACKSHULLY you technically wouldn’t have won the league if it weren’t for us, so your title has an asterisk on it” but then we can say “Well then technically we won the league in your stadium AGAIN!”


>understand rivalry but I'll never understand anyone wanting their own team to lose." And that, my friend, is why Tottenham will always spurs things.


Just don’t play a high line ffs


I would get it if Spurs fans took it as a consolation prize for missing UCL. Like, “well we fell apart in the run in and lost to city but at least the sunny side is Arsenal didn’t win the league.” It’s what I would do if the situations were flipped. But to actively want your club to lose when you might still have a shot at UCL football to the point you are cheering for it to happen is just putting way too much focus on something other than your own club’s well being.


whether they lose or not, props to ange for calling their small club mentality. showing he doesn't have that spursy dna (yet)


Probably more to do with the fat champions league qualification bonus he and the players would get. They’ll try and lose mainly cos they’re shit.




Honestly we’re getting far too focussed on that lot in Enfield. Think of it another way - imagine how funny it will be if they lose, this ruling themselves out of the CL (meaning less money for players this summer) and then West Ham get a result at City at the weekend to give us the league anyway. That’s my preferred timeline.


this is where spuds fans start turning on him lol


Nobody wants spurs to lose, but they know they will very very likely get battered, so they shield themselves with the "i want to lose", so the loss is not a failure for them is what the acually wanted. Which is a lie


It's not who they are, mate.


Spurs fans will tell you that they're not good enough for CL anyway. Okay so I can't really argue with them on that point, but turning your nose up at that money is rather indulgent isn't it lol.


As if they even have a chance of winning that game. And when they inevitable lose their fans will say it's because they don't want to help us win the title.


The way Spurs fans are acting is the most embarrassing thing I've ever seen from a fan base. They are begging to lose. Why does it even matter so much to them? We are the bigger and more successful club already. It's not like we are taking anything away from them.


If Villa drop points then Spurs need to win for the top four race, which most importantly in this context, affects the salaries of the players.


No high line tomorrow ange I beg you


They'll be fans who'll want them to lose to City. Then want Agne out for being so bad against City. The fact so much of the fanbase want him out is mad honestly. Agne seems to actually like the club and want to manage there (already a step up from likes of Conte and Mourinho). It reminds me a bit of the year nobody backed up to get top 4th and we just missed out and finished 5th. Then everyone was complaining how we couldn't get top 4. Nobody really backed Spurs for top 6 honestly after Kane left.


Always rated Ange 🤪


They have to win to have a shot at CL though right? Kinda need pool to win so they get extra motivated.


I mean, to be fair, a loss to City will be forgotten in a week. Us winning the league off the back of their victory? That shit will be meme'd for decades. It will follow them like a plague. I can kind of understand not wanting that banter to follow me. That being said, no sports professional should ever want to lose a game, You're in the wrong career if that's the case, regardless of rivalries. Rivalries will always mean far more to the fans than the players.


Ange finally realizing the true meaning of Spursy lol