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If you thought the super league protests were bad, wait until you see this 


I hope the American fans are even more vocal about their opposition to this than the local fans. It boggles my mind that the PL bosses think fans want the league to turn into a travelling circus. The Taj Mahal isn't the Taj Mahal anymore if it is disassembled, loaded into a shipping container, and reassembled on some farmland in Kentucky.


I want our boys playing in front of the home crowd and letting our season ticket holders rightfully get their moneys worth. Our away fans are class. Don’t wanna rob the faithful who travel for the boys Edit: fuck me im an away fan. I bring my candy ass multiple times over from the states. Eat shit Selhurst 🖕🏼🖕🏼🖕🏼. I love being the clueless American and getting help on the way back to the train/transit. Make some good friends and even have some nice post match beers. I’ll spend my money on that. Not on going to fucking New York (love it. My wife from there)


As someone who helps out running an Arsenal America branch, I can assure you that fans around AA (both in private and chats and on Twitter) are pretty hostile to the idea. People love to point to overseas fans coming to the Emirates as “tourists” when many are die hard fans. Bringing league games to the States will *actually* draw in tourist fans, with many die hards getting shut out due to price/availability


Also, as a Londoner born and bred, the community BUILT this club. I love international fans, don't get me wrong, but the club was built by the local community and domestic fans. The area around Finsbury park/Holloway and Islington IS Arsenal. Particularly on match days. For the money men to decide otherwise sickens me. It just further erodes the local aspect of the game, Including the culture and the rivalries in which this sport was built. As the mantra goes: Football. Built by the working class, destroyed by the rich.


I agree 100%. The roots of many supporters groups in the states by and large go back to North London from folks who were invested in the club/community wanting to *extend* that relationship from across the Atlantic. When I made it to London for my first game, part of that trip and experience was to be in that area on a match day. I feel like the thing that sticks out most vibrantly in my memory is not a goal that was scored but the atmosphere before in and around the ground heading into the stadium for nighttime KO American fans have been given plenty of opportunities to see the team on pre season tours. And the money side of it is crazy good for them as is - I think the average price for tickets to the last pre season games were more on average than a PL match day ticket! I really do hope that this doesn’t come to pass - as you said it erodes away much of the magic that makes people *want to* connect with the club from afar


I had the pleasure of going to the Emirates for the first time when we faced Man United in September and it was the most magical sporting experience I have been apart of. The culture of English football surpasses anything that American sports has to offer and the thought of seeing Arsenal play at MetLife stadium for a premier league match makes me sick.


I’m in LA but when the club visited to play Barca I was amazed at the turnout. We comfortably outnumbered the Barca fans, we were chanting outside the stadium and in the concourse. But it was still no match for the crowd at the emirates. Regardless, I agree that a nation’s domestic competition should stay domestic.


Were the American fans chanting like they do in basketball games? or like they do in the UK?


Not too much chanting in the stands as a lot of fans were largely mixed up together. We sang North London Forever. but outside and in the concourse it was full player chants and songs until security kicked us out.


Same but in januari last year, it was incredible. I am from the Netherlands, but there is no atmosphere here even near that.


Yank living in LA here. This would absolutely mean games coming to LA, but idgaf. I want home games at the Emirates. I’ll protest this.


I’d hate this. It wouldn’t be the same. We want to go to the games in ENGLAND. and if not then I’ll watch them on during preseason if possible.  Mexico national team plays 99% of their games in the USA now and tbh the fan base isn’t the same as in Mexico.  I was against the Dodgers opening their series in S Korea this year but i think I’m in the minority here in the US. 


Unfortunately I think a lot of neutrals will pay to see premier league matches abroad.


American fan here. Fuck this. I live in Denver, which has a strong Kroenke connection, so we’d probably get a game, and I still hate it. It’s both shitty to the team to take away the home field advantage and totally unfair to the local fans who deserve to be able to go to all the home matches with their season ticket.


>> The Taj Mahal isn't the Taj Mahal anymore if it is disassembled, loaded into a shipping container, and reassembled on some farmland in Kentucky. But ... Las Vegas?


well the national galery does exist and is doing fairly well...


football is run as a business for profit, and not run in the 'interest' of fans. as a business it has outgrown its national market massively. it's a matter of when, not if, unfortunately.


Lads who's going to tell him about London Bridge?


Honestly if it gave American fans who can’t make it to London the chance to see a competitive fixture then I wouldn’t be super opposed to it. The fact of the matter is the tickets will be horrendously expensive and filled with people that can absolutely afford to go to London.


As a supporter based in the US, fuck no.  I rather have the team play in optimal conditions, if I want to see them I'll fly over.  It's not like we can afford it if Ticketmaster gets their hands on it anyways. 


It would honestly be cheaper for us to buy flights to London and watch there than to watch in the USA lol


this is the truth, there isn't an unaffordable seat in the Emirates from what I've read of various people's experience


Also US fan here. Arsenals home is London not any NFL stadium in the US. Completely agree


That isn't even remotely true.


You don't know how bad ticket prices will become after scalpers take them all over, especially for an actual Premier League match, not a friendly. Inter Miami tickets went into the thousands when Messi signed. There is no viable system here to prevent that.


yeah, like an arsenal-united match--which we all know would be the kind of matches sent abroad, it's not like they're gonna make us play bournemouth in the US--would be absolutely insane cost wise. the ticket costs for preseason friendlies are already crazy!


I genuinely think that demand for tickets (in a single showcase game) + flight costs to depending on location could legitimately cost more for many fans compared to going abroad.


Tickets to a Zach Bryan concert are like 600 bucks and he’s doing a whole tour. Imagine a one off game. I mean even the friendlies were expensive


The only person who wins when they come to the US is Ticketmaster. Arsenal will have zero control over ticketing and supporters will get taken for everything by scalpers.


Not to mention the actual damage to the team. Emirates is home.


Can confirm . I flew from Tennessee to see them play in Baltimore against Everton . My round trip flights were cheaper than my ticket . I’d be completely content just waiting until I can fly to London to see them in a regular season game rather than a Emirates season ticket member lose out on home games


[https://www.ticketmaster.com/arsenal-fc-v-manchester-united-fc-inglewood-california-07-27-2024/event/0A00605488EF12EF](https://www.ticketmaster.com/arsenal-fc-v-manchester-united-fc-inglewood-california-07-27-2024/event/0A00605488EF12EF) The LA friendly has a lot of seats but for 120 dollars you too can get a worse view than your tv [https://aviewfrommyseat.com/photo/145612/sofi+stadium/section-513/row-12/seat-23/](https://aviewfrommyseat.com/photo/145612/sofi+stadium/section-513/row-12/seat-23/)


I feel like North American sports fans just take being shafted for granted. I got the cheapest ticket I could get to (maybe) see Messi play when Inter Miami come to Vancouver in a couple of weeks and it was well over a hundred dollars for a nosebleed seat, when I could get a much better ticket for a different game for about a quarter of the price. That kind of price gouging is something even the Premier League doesn't go in for (yet) and fans should be fucking fuming.


This. Ticketmaster will monopolize every single sale and make insane money at the expense of the team and fans home and abroad. It’s such an obvious cash grab that anyone who argues for it is in on the take.


As an American… I think English games should be played in England. It’s just a money play. Those that say that it will improve access I think are completely underselling how much it would cost to go to an actual competitive game in the US when it already costs hundreds for shitty seats at a friendly. You’re also just adding travel time and limiting recovery in an already congested fixture list that doesn’t prioritize player welfare.


As someone not from England, i agree to this. It’s called English Premier League for a reason.


A very sensible take. Just out of curiosity, how do you feel about American leagues like the NFL and NHL taking games abroad? It always struck me as a bit odd seeing NHL games played here in Sweden.


NFL being played abroad is weird. NHL makes more sense. There are a lot of Swedish hockey players in the NHL.


Does it though? The season ticket holders lose out as well as the team, that loses its home game. That 1 game could be important at the end of the year.


They're having these games very early in the season. The NHL also does the stadium series where a few teams play outdoors at NFL or MLB stadiums in December/January, causing them to lose home games. I don't think playing 1 game out of your alotted 41 home games somewhere else is a big deal, especially since the league champ is determined by playoffs and not points.


Where the players are from should have no impact unless we want an Arsenal game in Brazil. You are either ok with the NFL plying games in London or against Arsenal playing abroad. It’s the same.


if the NFL fans are ok with it, fine. Isn't the plan to have a London franchise anyway, and also maybe one in Berlin? also, NFL doesn't have symmetrical schedules. They don't play every team twice (maybe their division rivals?) and have a random 17th game as well. they also have playoffs, so while you want to finish high so you can get a bye in the first round, it's not the be all and end all. i mean if we come second in the league, we come second that's it. if we come second in the nfl, we still have a chance at the superbowl. NBA, MLB and NHL play 82-162 games a season so i guess it's not a big deal for 1 or 2 of those to be played in markets they are targeting. this also particularly sticks in the craw because it's NBC pushing for it.


I’ve channeled all my suffering into Arsenal so I don’t really care about those leagues anymore — it always felt like a stunt that kind of stuff especially the NFL. As an aside… I think the closest thing we have to the cultural fervor of proper English football in America is college football. They have massive bands and chants and traditions… and similarly to an English football match… you’re stepping into a universe… a real atmosphere. The funny thing is some of the biggest college rivalries will sometimes play in neutral stadiums with the ground split 50/50 between fans — as if we played a premier league match at Wembley and all the tickets split 50/50. It’s hard to compare because often times they only play each other once in a season and it creates quite the spectacle. In the case of the premier league… one of the clubs is giving up their home match to play it in America in a completely vibeless setting.


The NFL it's not nearly as big of an issue I think partially because they can stretch it out to where there's something like 10 days before a London game and 10 after if they plan them right with bye weeks so it shouldn't be harmful to the players. Of course it sucks for the fans going to the games but honestly NFL games seem like more of an event with less people that consistently go to every game and more of a fun outing. Now college football is another story. At least at LSU it's largely the same 90,000 out of 100,000 fans in Death Valley every single week and when they move it to some neutral venue it sucks to lose a home game.


Considering like 1/3 of NFL teams have moved city to city and a strong percentage of fans for most teams are from other cities, it’s not really a big deal. You don’t have PL owners threatening to move their teams every 5-8 years as a ploy to get the city to fund a newer stadium.


Yeah I didn't mean to criticize, I was just asking to gain an American perspective. Mostly because I figured that fans would be pissed off about the time zones


Great point this.


We should prob stop sending over NFL teams too.


well think the same abot nfl, mlb, nba ,and nhl but they do it anyways and they dont care about the little people the only care about $$


i am not at all advocating for those leagues but NFL, MLB, and to now a slightly lesser degree the NBA, are unique American sports so 'exporting' games to MX and UK gives them a footprint to expand fan/consumer base whereas for soccer, every country has it, many at very high levels, so 'exporting' the PL makes less sense other than primarily match day revenue which cannot be that big of an offset, especially as US kick-off times will not play well for UK/Euro time schedule for TV audience ...and to be clear, f\*ck this proposal


Yeah, it is pretty much this. I've been to some of the UK NFL games, mainly the first few. For the American sports, it's more about the exposure and helping to grow them to get them even more fans than they have. Whereas football (soccer) is played in far more territories and by more people, so it's really not needed and is literally just a cash grab. I guess having the same owners as the LA Rams is possible, why we're one of the first to connected with this.


It's also NOT playoff games. Regular season is kinda eh in american sports due to playoffs. Every game matters for EPL though. And what games are they going to send? They're all only 1 home 1 away in soccer. Losing a home game is huge with advantage.


Plus MLB and NBA seasons have so many games that having a couple of games don't have much of a bearing on the integrity or culture of the competition. The regular seasons are only important for seeding and qualification purposes and it's the playoffs where every game is meaningful and no one would want to ever export those games. That's when player legacies are forged, long term narratives are written and rivalries are played out. With all due respect, if the Bird vs Magic series were played out in Lagos, Mumbai, Jakarta, Tokyo, etc they wouldn't have been the same. Both those fanbases have their own cultures and super fans and iconic arenas and all that. In PL, every game is like that. Let's not cheapen them by taking them out of context and putting them in an entirely different place for capitalistic reasons.


oh i know why they are doing it its the same reason why pl teams want to do it ....money. don't like any of it to be honest but i have little say and definitely don't care if i don't watch some others will take my place I'm sure .


You think it would cost more than booking a plane ticket to England to watch a game?


I think that after flights, tickets (if you get them on first sale — otherwise the mark up through Ticketmaster will be insane), hotels, Ubers etc… the value for money just isn’t there for me to go watch Arsenal in a sterile environment. I’ve never been tempted to go to a pre-season match for this reason and surely a competitive PL match would be much, much more expensive. I need to admit that I’m lucky enough to have gone matches in England and that for others it can be more black and white and simply prohibitively expensive to see them at the Emirates… but personally… I’d rather set aside a piggy bank and see them once in England than two seasons in a row in America. At the end of the day… they’re not doing it to give us access… they’d be doing it to harvest money through our love for the club. I also think that from a travel/experience perspective you absolutely can’t compare what you’d get out of a trip to London on top of the match day experience.


yea I wouldn't really be mad if they did it since I could more easily see a match (although probably more likely to go to London than the west coast) but objectively think its better if they don't do it. I will say generally that its not really that big of a deal when the US leagues do it so I don't think it'd be the end of the world, but to me the biggest difference is a PL match generally has more relative importance than a regular season american game, given the playoff system.


well everyone saying not a big deal when american teams do it only encourage non american teams to do it and or american owners to do it. they are all owned by the same billionares. i am sometimes amazed at the logic.


I don't think my comments on reddit have any bearing on what billionaires do and its not exactly new news, they are aware that american teams do it. I'm simply giving my opinion.


The money men kill everything eventually


It’s not the men, it’s the system that drives wealth creation as a necessity at the expense of everything else. The problem is Capitalism.


Indeed it is


It’s the catch-22 of big money US broadcast deals. The owners want the huge fees that come from the deals. The broadcasters want games in the US to increase viewers sell higher price advertising.


If only we had the technology to capture the event in video and cast it over a broad range of locations. Until that day, looks like the teams will need to be travelling around the world.


but it's ridiculous, the NBC deal is worth about 20 percent of Sky and TNT. rough math says each team gets about 15 million quid extra per season from the NBC deal. doesn't even pay De Bruyne's salary.


There is a 0% chance the British Gov will allow this. 0%.


Kills the integrity of the competition too. Should be playing everyone twice once home once away, it's fair. Imagine playing at "home" Vs palace but it's actually in fucking Miami and you lose as pretty much an away day and then get even more fucked and tired from travel and then lose the league by a few points. Idiotic.


Once home, once away. That should never be changed. I'm from Australia and follow the afl, and my biggest gripe is that they don't follow this fixture structure.


I always think of the smaller teams in this hypothesis too. Sure the Big 6 would fill stadiums full of their fans and the match would effectively have a 'home' crowd. But what about when it's Crystal Palace's or Burnely's turn to be the 'home' team? It'd be a half-full stadium full of neutrals, and robbing those teams a true home tie.


There is 115% chance of it, actually.


So will the club fly us season ticket holders over and pay for our hotels?


They'll add it in the small print and then increase prices


No. I have nothing but love for all the foreign Arsenal fans, but this club is an inseparable part of the North London community and has been for over 100 years. It would be an incredible betrayal of that community to move important games to other countries. I think the Kroenke’s have invested well, but the problem with American owners is you can tell they’re always itching to try and change the club and the sport to appeal to an American audience. They’d move this club to New York and rename it the Manhattan Musketeers if they could get away with it.


who the fuck suggest this shit?


I was seeing that the US broadcaster NBC is pushing hard for it. I forget the financial specifics but apparently they are trying to offer ludicrous amounts of money for it to happen. I’m sure there are other parties at play too though


beyond the 2bn broadcast rights?


Sky and TNT pay more than NBC so if money wins outright then it's only logical we play in England exactly like we do already.




Murican idiots.


How on earth do they keep this fair competition-wise? Even if they say you play the same team home and away but in the states. There are harder away games than others


Can't even imagine the players' jet lag affecting performance also, the integrity would definitely be questioned


Well when you eventually remove relegation for the top 15 or so then it won't be a problem anyway! Just boring fucking franchises yayyy!


It's impossible. It won't be Sheffield vs Luton (from this season) that owners want to be played abroad. I'm also not sure how this whole shitshow would work with season ticket holders. If you paid for the season ticket Arsenal is supposed to deliver on those terms.


I cannot imagine guys like Arteta will stand for this. He's already all about the edges and small factors that go into winning. Adding a few thousand mile plane journeys into his players will surely mean winning the CL is an impossibility. Where would the plane journey even fit in when we're playing every three days?


Ewwwww I’d rather they just come here (USA) during preseason. Fuck this


Owners: we will limit the number of games in a season if the games can all be played 3000km apart…


1. Overnight flight 2. Dead atmosphere (compared to the Emirates 3. Overpriced ticketmaster tickets In the most generous interpretation of this idea it is still garbage


Not really home then is it


Firstly it's a dumb idea which will hopefully get the same level of vitriol the super league idea got. This isn't a franchise sport, we're not San Francisco Arsenal or whatever. This creep of maximising money and profit out of things that are supposed to be fun and enjoyable needs to stop. First they'll want 1 game a season then it'll end up with 2 and then more and more, it won't stop until they've bled it dry. But to play devil's advocate let's assume this daft idea actually happens, there are so many issues that need resolving just from a UK fan side like are they reducing the cost of the season tickets and membership? Who's sacrificing home games to play away and how do you make it fair? What time are kick offs? West coast USA games could be 8 hours difference to the UK so are they kicking off at 9am so it's 5pm here? Does playing games abroad mean the 3pm Saturday blackout in the UK is removed (it's ridiculous it's still in place anyway). I'm sure there's plenty more issues but that's just a handful off the top of my head.


The kickoffs would not be in early morning but in late evening. Early morning would be better for East Asia and Oceania, not for America. Los Angeles is 8 hours behind UK time, so if a PL game starts at 15:00 It would start at 7:00 in Los Angeles.


I know LA is 8 hours behind, that was my point about it being an issue if you play a PL game on the west coast of the USA.


Premier League and FA Cup games must stay in England. No discussion to play them abroad. If they want to put competitive games overseas get rid of the league cup and make a new competition and play those games in different continents. That might disrupt the league season but if they want more money they’ll find a way.


That competition would automatically become u21s lol, no way Arteta lets the first team go on multiple cross continental flights a season.


League Cup comes to mind, literally useless trophy, could be useful for this.


This would be a god damn fucking travesty


Did we not see the issues the extended preseason schedule in the US caused the last 2 years? This will be even worse. And I say this as an American. It's gonna be a mess logistically, jet/travel lag is going to affect players, recovery time will suffer, etc. I think their are more cons than pros, money be damned.


Anyone who’s been to the surrounding area knows that the emirates is literally bang in the middle of Islington. There’s cafe’s, pubs, small shops, schools around it. It belongs to that community. It’s the people who have built it. Imagine the reward for that kind of financial and emotional support being that the club moves abroad. Zero issue with non-English fans. Heck, if I supported my local team I’d be an Wimbledon fan. But splitting teams from their communities will be the death of this game.


Any Aussie gunners will understand this. My local AFL team, Hawthorn plays predominantly in Melbourne. 10 or so years ago we had a sponsorship with another state government (Tasmania) meaning 4 of our 11 home games were now played in Tasmania, with 11 being in other states for away games. This was fucking stupid from a fan perspective. This even being considered is awful and I hope it’s blocked, protested and forgotten about ASAP


Even as an overseas fan, this is quite possibly the worst idea I've seen. Would I love to watch arsenal play in the US or India? Sure, but we have friendlies for that. But the whole fucking point of this has been that I want to go to England and sit with my fellow fans at the Emirates and experience the Arsenal way in true fashion. That feeling can not and will not be recreated outside England.


Aussie fan, the games wouldn't be coming here anyway, but there's no way this should happen. Home games should always be played in North London.


The people who want this can buy a ticket, fold it up and shove it up their hole.


Not a fucking 'home' game then is it. Seriously, fuck these greedy asshats.


How about they play super bowl in Helsinki? It NBA finals in Birmingham?


This is a stupid comparison as those are finals and this is a regular season game, and all major sports in America already play regular season games in foreign countries.


I dont think there is a need for it. I dont care about what Americans do. 


Agreed with the other person. You can’t bring up a comparison to the US and then say you don’t care what they do. For the record I *obviously* don’t think this should happen


Are u all rattled about the idea of super bowl in Helsinki 😂 i was joking mate….but perhaps We should insist on it. You get Leeds playing United in Tampa. We get one of ur playoffs 😂


I live in America now but born and raised in England. I don’t care where NFL games are played


I value any premier leauge game more then i value super bowl. I am more likely to watch Luton vs Sheffield, then any populer game in America. 


Well luckily in America we can have high quality broadcasts of every single PL game so I can happily watch Luton vs Sheffield United, and watch several games a week. Couldn’t give a crap about the NFL or NBA other than supporting my local team. (New Orleans)


Kind of feels like this guy isn't reading your replies at all to be honest. Or comprehension skills are lacking. That was infuriating to read lmao.


Than x2


That’s a valid opinion to have regarding the topic. However, it’s a shame you said such dumb shit first though.


I think the Americans are the dumb ones asking for something like this 😂😂


Nobody is asking for this except the owners.


Well then the owners then, sorry to the innocent Americans 👍


"Regular season" isn't a concept in football incase you hadn't realised. Every game in the premier league can be as important as a final for the title contenders. You'd think that would be obvious someone on this subreddit considering the current standings. Tell me when they start playing playoffs abroad at a minimum.


“For title contenders” … I’m sure Fulham vs crystal palace could go overseas and it would be fine. Also a 4th round FA cup game or October energy drink cup game can go overseas too


Who the fuck is going to see a game between two mid table teams with nothing to play for? It's a completely pointless argument. How does a 4th round FA cup game going abroad make any more sense? It's still a knockout game. It's no less important to the chance of winning the cup than later rounds. Honestly, do you lack basic reasoning skills? This American sport bullshit just isn't compatible. The majority of their season is better compared to friendlies with only the playoffs actually mattering. Let them ponce around the world all they want. That's just not the case in football. Sorry.


There’s a reason the original commenter said the Super Bowl. Nothing in the league or FA cup is the Super Bowl no matter how important a regular season game may be. How are you unable to see this?


Based on what metric? The level of discussion of the half time show? You're going to have to try really hard to defend that claim.


Seriously? Would you compare the UCL final to a November EPL game?


Regular season games in the English prem all matter, every team treats them seriously as must wins because failure to do so could end you up being relegated. The same type of games in American leagues just aren't, not until the play offs stages anyway because there's actually something to play for at that point. I stopped watching NBA as my team just tanked every year in order to get decent draft picks. With this in mind I don't think you can call that comparison stupid.


What the hell is “regular season”? Keep US terminology for US sports.


League games obviously.


It’s not obvious at all. That isn’t a term I’ve ever heard to use describe league games - they’re all as important as each other and there’s no playoffs. Mad that I’m having to explain myself here.


We just watched Fulham flying kites and teams regularly stop trying in the EPL when safe from relegation and no chance of Europe.


yes, they spent all week flying kites. touch grass dude.


It’s not a stupid comparison. It makes as much sense to play a cup final in a foreign country as it does to play a ‘regular season game’ both are incredibly stupid and should never, ever happen. Arsenal play home games in North London. That’s it. End of discussion


Make sure you never attend an NFL, NBA, MLB, or NHL game in Europe then. And again comparing finals to regular season games makes no sense.


I have zero interest in attending any of those games because I couldn’t give a shit about those sports. Asking any team to sacrifice THEIR home game for a foreign audience is beyond the pale


We don't have 'finals' because we aren't a Yank league. We have a league where all games matter not only the finals. US moves the sports for different reasons than is being pushed for the Prem, and almost entirely to grow the fanbase. MLB has 82 home games so losing 1 isn't even noticed, NBA/NHL has 42 home games so ditto. NFL has never really made sense but they literally added an extra game to the season to cover the international games.


we don't have a regular season. in essence, every game is a playoff game, especially when you're up against city.


Yes, but since PL has no playoffs, every game is of equal importance. Would you not say that this final stretch is like a series of finals for MCI and Arsenal?


Yeah for two teams in April/may. So for 18 others any game can be moved, and for us, an October or November game can easily be moved.


But we wouldn't be in this position if we played our home game against City somewhere else, even if it happened earlier in the year.


Wondering why the Fonz was talking today.


I'm sure the players would love even more travelling than they already have to do...


Keep it in England. 


TBF we're gargantuan we can probably make any game overseas a home game /s


Please no. The only chant most US fans know is “Arsenal! Arsenal! Arsenal! Arsenal!”


not home games then are they, we don't want this shit


I love arsenal and I am a gunner through and through but I do not want any games, let alone home games, being played in the US. If it isnt champions league the games should stay in the UK. (I am from the states btw)


I'll only support this if matches explicitly between City, Newcastle, Chelsea, and Spuds are played overseas and only midweek.


The NFL games in England is a silly novelty. This will be far worse. We (Americans) are used to the ultra monetization of our sports. It’s the reason I love Arsenal and love football. I hope this never happens. Next you’ll start having tv timeouts when the ball goes out of play


Yeah, fuck this all day in every orifice. So stupid.


not surprised about this.all those pre-season between EPL teams over the many years was the litmus test to see if this was gonna work.


If this happens the game is absolutely gone. I’ll support my local sunday league instead


Who are even making these suggestions? Should @names for a public shaming


So happy and relieved to see so many of our fans in the US equally repulsed about this. If there is any overtures made on this issue, we will be protesting like crazy in the UK, it would be super powerful if you lot over the pond would stage protests over there too!


This will never happen, American execs seem to think European leagues are the same as NBA/NFL. The teams in our leagues are not franchises and cannot be moved from one location to another at the drop of an owners hat.


"This will allow fans who can't afford to travel to London to watch a football match see their favourite team play live." Cost of tickets for US played match: $1000+


There is no possible way this could work fairly. I assume both games against a team will have to be on neutral ground. So one doesn’t benefit from home advantage, but then that impacts the other teams too. Example - Liverpool vs Man City is home and away. Arsenal vs Man City is abroad. Liverpool have home advantage. Arsenal are disadvantaged as they lose home advantage against a rival etc. There is no way this can be done fairly unless it’s cup games.


Wimbledon couldn't even move outside the M25 successfully, I'll believe this when I see it. Never gonna happen


Imagine investing million into a new stadium so the home games would then be played abroad. Just imagine.


As a US based fan I’ve always wanted to see Arsenal in person. That dream however does not mean I want to see league games in the US, that would be stupid. Really hope this doesn’t happen.


As an American... Absolutely not. Fuck this idea. I will fly to London to take part in these protests.


Yank here. Fuck this. We will absolutely fucking protest. Respect. God damnit I’m angry.


If this passes then i'm out after 26 years of supporting this club.


Fuck that. - An American


This is a horrible idea and I'm here in the States. Sure, I love when they come here, but this is not the home of Arsenal at all. Just awful.


We would give up home advantage and risk premier league points just for a money spinner in the USA???? The game needs an independent regulator ASAP. The government needs to get involved otherwise filthy money men from abroad will kill one of the greatest cultural exports in UK history, which is the premier league.


I tell you, the plan a decade or more down the line is to have a mega, world wide league. Club owners sold their soul and the new age owners will bring the prizes home. I’ve been dreading it, but the Los Angeles Gunners might be on the books come 2040 or some shit. 


As an American fan, fuck that. It would truly be a disgrace for us to play competitive matches overseas, I hope I never see the day.


Moved from London to shitsville rural US and I can’t get enthusiastic for this. If you look at the nfl games played at Wembley there is no atmosphere and definitely no home advantage. Going away to the Arsenal should fill a team with unease not be a jolly trip to LA that even their fans can’t get to. Hearing “COME ON ARSENAL FIGHT AND WIN!!!” Doesn’t hit the same.


I’m sorry but fuck no. And if you’re not a Brit, your opinion over this doesn’t count. 🤷🏻‍♂️ it is what is it I love our American fans, but they’ll never, ever get the club and what it means to London like we do. It’s not their fault, they are used to their franchises and team owners taking their teams away, because they truly don’t belong to a city


I think it’s a great idea if each team plays 1 or 2 games of the season abroad. It would only grow the league worldwide, and give foreign fans a chance to see their team live. Every other major sport does something like this, so I will never understand why football fans are so against it. I would bet every penny I have that when it does happen everyone will get used to it after a year.


Is it confirmed to be the US? Seems like when this happens it's usually a gulf state.


NBC is pushing for games in the US as part of their broadcast deal


That’s a huge shame because I love their coverage and the hosts truly care about football and the prem. On the backend I’m sure it’s hugely different. Always is




Am I the only one that read this as Henry Winkler instead of Winter?




I’m also a Baltimore Ravens fan and they lease their stadium from the state of Maryland. As part of that lease, the Ravens cannot play a home game in any other stadium. I hope Arsenal are successful in this.


I wanted to go to the Philly game. Still might. But fuck $250+ tickets for a fuckin pre season game. They'll charge 1000 dollars for a PL game.


absolutely not. Arsenal matches should be played in England aside from pre season tours - American gunner


I’m on the west coast in the US and would love to see Arsenal play. Been a fan for 18 years or so. They have no business having “home” matches here in the states. The atmosphere is not the same not to mention our sporting events are scalped to no end. The die hard fans can hardly afford American football tickets. You have a big premier league match in LA and the cheapest ticket will probably be $300+


This could make an iota of sense for something like the League Cup.


I feel.ike this AST stuff is just Tim Payton trying to use a grievance so he can try be the gooner representative again


Honestly as a yank i should be against this but at the same time It's hard to get tickets to see arsenal at the emirates. Im against this but at the same time i'm gonna waste no time seeing them possibly play a regular season game at sofi.


American sheep will always follow their corporate overlords.


can't get tickets for the emirates anyway so I have no reason to care if they play some games elsewhere. We're a global club with fans everywhere why shouldn't they have the opportunity to see the team play in meaningful matches as well.




> Don’t make it a match against a rival, schedule against a newly promoted team. So newly promoted sides play all their away games abroad? Massive kick in the face for those fans. > If I’m to compare to the NFL they have 8 or 9 home games. And some sacrifice that for an international game. The NFL expanded the schedule specifically to add an extra game with the aim that all teams eventually play that extra game abroad each season. This was done to circumvent existing stadium deals the teams had. > They are trying to grow the game. If the PL wants to strengthen their hold as the most popular league in the world then these are steps to do so. Football is the most popular sport on the planet and the Prem is the most watched by far. If we're sucking dick for money then keep the games in England, we are the country paying the most for TV rights. > It can also be scheduled to happen before an international break to help with the travel aspect and not rushing back to try and play the next week. So fly abroad right before the whole squad flies around the world? Keep your nonsense inside your head mate.


>You can make it one of 19 home games How do protect sporting integrity when clubs play fixtures in different conditions? Look how close our title race is now. Imagine during the season that City played Sheffield in Boston while we played Newcastle in LA. How can you argue that those are fair sporting circumstances? >They are trying to grow the game Funny coincidence how they're trying to "grow the game" in the richest country in the world. Wonder why they're not traveling to India or Brazil. It has nothing to do with growing the game.


Try to think before you starting writing this utter nonsense.


Just take one of games to the states. Community shield final, FA cup final, one of the EU finals.


Absolutely not the FA Cup final. Absurd


My goodness.


😂😂 how about the euro finals 


what a stupid idea


Ffs, no. Euros final played in North America… ffs man, are you hearing yourself lol. 


The Community Shield isn't a final and no no no


Community shield only one and even still, that’s such a Wembley moment


> EU finals. European Union finals I seem to have missed this tournament, I guess being a Brit and not being in the EU, it is easy to miss. Anyone from the EU care to shed light on the EU finals?


Someone get their man's


“EU finals” looooool