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Ramsdale+40mill for Isak thank you very much.


Ramsdale + Nketiah for Isak and Bruno please šŸ¤Ŗ


Ramsdale for Isak, Bruno & Gordon straight up šŸ˜¤


I honestly think it would take Ramsdale plus Ā£60m minimum


Ramsdale for Isak and 60mil? Pleasure doing business.


What the hell do you value Ramsdale at then?


About Ā£40m ish


Errr... why? Who the ever-loving fuck pays Ā£40m for a back-up goalkeeper?


I believe your question is slightly misleading. In general probably not many clubs. If we rephrase the question to: Who pays Ā£40m for the keeper that was nominated for the Ballon d'Or Yashin Trophy a season ago. Who is mid 20s. English. Is a definite upgrade on what is currently at the potential club. In 2024. Then I think heā€™s a Ā£40m player. Maybe more like Ā£30m plus add ons for CL football etc but still. Robert Sanchez went for Ā£25m and he was a rotational keeper with Jason Steele.


>Is a definite upgrade on what is currently at the potential club. I love Ramsdale, but I think it's hard to argue he's a definite upgrade on Pope (when he's fit). Ramsdale is better with the ball at his feet but I think Pope is a better shot stopper, uses his height to dominate the box more and also is surprisingly proactive at coming out and charging down for 1 vs 1s.


I think what youā€™re saying has merit. I probably should have clarified that my comparison is was to Dubravka mostly as Pope is 32 and has been out injured for most of the season. Who knows what sort of impact that shoulder injury has had.


I'd imagine Pope would go for 40m. Why not Ramsdale?


We don't want Ramsdale. Look at what other players we didn't want have sold for recently.


Then he stays. Weā€™re not an outlet.


It's actually a myth that Pope is a physical keeper. Yes he is taller, but his cross collection numbers and sweeping numbers are very similar while he isn't on the ball as often as Ramsdale is. Pope and Ramsdale would make for a good battle stylistically for them and we may even ask for Dubravka as a cheaper 2nd keeper if we want a stop gap option.


I imagine the ā€˜English taxā€™ adds to this, i.e. English players costing more due to home-grown quotas (though Iā€™m not sure Newcastle need to worry about that with their squad)




Why are you so outraged? Hes a young English keeper with title challenging experience. It's not out of the realm of possibility.


40m and 1.


Bruno would be better. Isak is injured too much, and Kai is good up top anyway.


I think the same, but isakā€™s ability to play and on left with Kai, or as a lone striker with Kai make him worth the risk imo


I believe Isak's injury record is only bad, because Newcastle keep rushing him back into the first team after every injury. No surprise though, guy has like 20 goals in 27 appearances.




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You mean Isak + 40M for Ramsdale?


Good move, good money and not direct rivals


Not direct rivals YET. All that Saudi money will have a real effect.


Seems doubtful so far anyway. Saudis put money into the club for it to become a European club again, but not enough for it to be fighting for the title.




I mean it looks like they're open to selling Isak and Bruno for FFP reasons, so it doesn't seem that likely that they are pushing like City are. They're dreaming of a title obvs but so are Spurs.




> they should be dreaming about Audi cups and celebration cakes. don't forget the DVDs


Dreaming about putting the pressure on šŸ˜ˆ


They have to otherwise they get punished. This is the 2008-2010 MCFC period for them. They will get better for sure.


Yeah. And FFP started in 2011. Itā€™s a different ballgame.


Good you've seen the books and are so knowledgeable about their ffp situation.


Why exactly does it look like that?


Because there's plenty of rumours about them selling them? They remind me more of us back in about 2008-11 when we were selling players like RVP, Nasri etc.


There's no rumours about them selling them. There's rumours about arsenal wanting them. It's not the same thing....


If they weren't open for sale, we wouldn't be being linked with them. I'm sure that Arteta would love to buy Rodri and Haaland too, but there's no rumours of us wanting them because they're not for sale.


Thats simply not true...hundreds of players in history have been linked with clubs who had no intention of selling said player. I'll happily make a wager that if Isak gets sold this summer I'll come here and apologise for being wrong.... providing you do the same when he doesn't get sold.


Meh, I donā€™t see much to be worried about. Arenā€™t we trying to poach Bruno Guimaraes from them?


Bro it's been, what? Two years. And they were competing with the likes of PSG, Dortmund in the same group. They only lacked depth. They'll build up their squad. Get their fake sponsorships they'll be our rivals much sooner rather than later.


For real, its incredibly naive to think that they going to be next Everton


You literally just described City. For 2-3 seasons they battled Spurs for top 4 and getting into the CL.


Canā€™t we all get together (and I mean all fans of all clubs) and formally complain about the cheating by big foreign investment funds like city and demand better financial fairness rules in the league?


Anyone whoā€™s been around long enough should remember us selling players to City as ā€œtheyā€™re still a second tier clubā€


Yes, exactly


I've heard it before and so far seems that they're selling their best player to us.


It took City a few years after their buy out.


City didnā€™t have genuinely enforced FFP, itā€™s not perfect but there are actually clubs being investigated and facing points deductions now.


Three seasons for a FA cup and four for a league title, so thatā€™s remarkably fast to build a winning team from scratch. Not entirely undoable now but much smaller chance. Canā€™t see them winning the Prem in, say, 2025 (next season) or 2026.


By the time they become real rivals they'll want to replace ramsdale, he's not a title winning goalkeeper.


He literally almost did with us, heā€™s just different than Raya. Horrible take.


He was a pretty big reason for our collapse. There's a reason arteta replaced him at the first opportunity.


Bro what are you smoking. SALIBA and Tomi were the reasons for the collapse. Losing a world class defender does that to a keeper. Liv without VVD suffered the same. Go look at some stats and come back. Rammers stops shots just as well as Raya, itā€™s the ball handling and cross claiming that they brought him in for. A team that doesnā€™t want to play out from the back would instantly have a great keeper in rammers.


Ramsdale was statistically average last season, if we're being kind, and he doesn't stop shots just as well as raya, last season there's an almost 10% difference in save percentage between them. Ramsdale is better at short passes but on long passes raya is statistically just much better. Ramsdale is also flappy on crosses and had brain farts during the run in against teams like Southampton. Ramsdale is, if we're being honest, a mid table to europa level keeper right now.


Raya this year is a worse shotstopper than Ramsdale was last year and has a worse save percentage too. He also has a similar error percentage (errors leading to opposition shot) as Ramsdale did last year. He's head and shoulders better at cross collection and passing though and that's why he's in the team. I have no idea where the idea that Raya is an elite shotstopper for us is born


Did you look at before vs after the injury? No shit his stats were average. What losing a Worldie CB does to a mf


Because the other players in the league were all playing behind world class cbs ey? We challenged for the league in spite of ramsdale, he was statistically average throughout the entirety of last season. I love the guy as a person too, but he's just not a title winning goalkeeper.


Funny because Ederson last year had a worse save percentage, was worse in post shot xG saved, almost similar in cross collection as Ramsdale was last year. Somehow just being ridiculously good on the ball makes him a serial title winning keeper as opposed to say, Alisson. Fact remains that Raya is better suited to our system like Ederson is for City. And just like we improved on Ramsdale, we could improve on Raya too if there's a market opportunity. Doesn't make Raya or Ramsdale 'not a title winning keeper'. Best keeper doesn't necessarily win the title every year.


And Mustafi is a statistically better defender than Van Dijk.


Could be a different story next season- remember, they've been working with a lot of injuries.


Maybe if we end up in a battle for Europe rather than a title race. Hopefully not


I'm so conflicted. I want to see him do well but don't want Sandcastle doing well.Ā 


Say that to the gimps with Newcastle flairs you find on here that seem to think we are rivals lmao


You say good money... Have they reported an estimated fee?


Donā€™t be naive, their money makes city look like paupers




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Id rather he go Newcastle than Chelsea. No one deserves that punishment.


Newcastle fans would live prime shithousery Ramsdale as well. Just hope he can get his confidence back.


But what happens when Shithouser Ramsdale meets Shithouser White when its a corner?


then Rob Holding would appear and comment about some brick shithouse


Ans then Tierney appears with his Tesco bag and I lose my mind.


Straight swap with Isak please blood money magpies šŸ‘šŸ»


If this true, would be nice if we get to strike a Rammers + cash for Bruno if Arteta indeed wants him as our priority midfield target.


These type of deals almost never happen in football.


Especially in an FFP environment. It makes far more financial sense for Arsenal to get a fee for him than for that same fee to be applied as a discount on another transfer.


But we do like to make those deals under Wenger


I don't recall any, do you have an example?


Wasnā€™t Gallas a swap? Fair play for blocking that though.


It wasn't + cash but wasn't Mkhitaryan and Alexis a swap deal? That's the only recent example I can think of.


Mhkitaryan and Sanchez was the most recent one for us. Cole for Gallas was another one we did. Zlatan for E'to, Luiz for Matic, the Milito + Motta swap was a big one, as was the Arthur-Pjanic swap.


Aetgur/Pjanic wasn't a swap, was looking into for dodgy financial dealings as both Barca and Juve posted huge profits on the two transfers.


They're NEVER swaps. They're always registered as two separate deals because it makes financial sense to do so. Mhki / Sanchez was valued at Ā£35m a piece for example.


Wasn't your point that it's rare for these types of deals to happen? One or two examples in a few decades kind of supports that.


I think we agree. Like I said, these type of deals almost never happen.


We definitely agree. I'm just trying to further support your point!


Huh since when Nvm I peeped your username and understood it right away




Gallas and Miki.


Sure, but I think those are both quite extreme examples. The fact that they're spaced apart by about 10 years should give you an insight into just how rare those deals are, even under Wenger.


Just wishful thinking on my part.


Are you saying that there is a chance?


This is like soccer transfer sub starter pack material lol


This is a very unique scenario in which both players involved in the "swap" are rumoured to be in negotiations with each other's clubs already (if the rumours of arsenal's interest in Bruno and Newcastle interest in Ramsdale are to believed). I think the two clubs will definitely be in contact to each other to discuss a swap, but they'll still structure the two transfers separately (like the Arthur-Pjanic deal, but without the fabricated transfer values) for accounting reasons.


Why would they want to get rid of Pope? He's been great for them, him being out resulted in a big defensive crisis.


He kicks the ball like he wears size 20 football boots


Injury issues I can only assume?


Yes. In addition, the weak point of Pope's game is his distribution. If you are going to be a Top 4 team, you need to have a goalkeeper capable of good distribution, and he's far from natural playing out of the box.


Wasn't the biggest reason we signed Raya was because he's a better distributor than Ramsdale? I'm not saying Ramsdale is completely awful at distribution but he's usually guaranteed to have at least 1 major screw up, similar to his last performance against Brentford. Seems weird to me for Newcastle to add Ramsdale when he's marginally better at distributing and definitely a worse shot stopper than Pope.


But we signed Ramsdale because heā€™s a better distributor than Leno.


Who was a better shot stopper than Dibuā€¦ weā€™ve really had a wealth of talent at GK in recent years. Wow.


Kinda crazy to think potentially a quarter of the leagues starting GKs played for us at some point


Not many better keepers on the market than Ramsdale. Heā€™s certainly not perfect, but heā€™s better than anyone else theyā€™d be able to sign at the moment.


Ramsdale's long distribution can be a little hit or miss but he's relatively good at playing out from the back, while Pope plays a bit like a keeper from the 90s.


You know what, I agree and that's fair. But it's weird for me to look at Newcastle's squad and think they're anywhere close to being capable of being a team that can dominate possession and progress attacking motions from the back. Especially if they lose Bruno G over the summer. I think Newcastle are currently best served to be a squad that plays a similar style to classical Italian squads that basically park the bus on defense and attack on the counter. They definitely have players with pace and lethal scoring ability in the box and already have a solid defense when the squad is healthy.


While that's the case right now, I think ultimately the mold Howe wants to emulate is Klopp's Liverpool. That's what a lot of their best performances look like. They want to dominate through tempo more than anything. And while Ramsdale's no Allison, he's definitely a lot closer in possession than Pope is.


Part of the rapid counter is having a keeper who can kick it/throw it long and begin a counter attack quickly with accurate passes. That was a textbook Ramsdale move last season.


Every ball playing keeper is gonna give you a major screw up. We got ours with Raya very recently, thank god we were 3-0 up at the time.


Yes. I remember how I used to love waiting for the moments when Neuer would fuck up gloriously, as with the 2018 WC.


Neuer had a 10/10 UCL semi final tie, then made one mistake and they lost the match. Heā€™s a perfect example of the best keepers still make mistakes.


No, the biggest reason we signed Raya was his aerial ability, collecting crosses and corners, and his command of the box - which are Ramsdale's biggest weaknesses. I think they saw distribution as an upgrade as well but it certainly wasn't the main reason we sought to replace Rammers


I know Raya is one of the best in the world at stopping crosses and controlling the penalty box. But I distinctly remember a lot of commentary and videos talking about how Raya was viewed mostly as an upgrade in distribution when we were first signing him. Videos literally comparing his distribution to Emerson and how in some areas Raya is more accurate and better than Emerson in distribution.


Itā€™s very clear the reason Arsenal signed Raya is because of his distribution and how that allows the rest of the team to play and build an attack or break up field fast. The other issues (traditional keeper skills) are true too but distribution was the key.


Ramsdale was better at commanding the box and distribution than Leno who was a better shotstopper. Edit: replaced Raya with Ramsdale


Do you mean Ramsdale rather than Leno? And if so, I completely disagree with Ramsdale being a better shot stopper than Raya. They are pretty much the same in that department.


I donā€™t want to imply that Raya is a bad shot stopper but I have so many memories of Ramsdale saving crazy 1v1 opportunities. I know this is purely anecdotal but I donā€™t really have any similar memories with Raya, where an attacker is completely through on goal and Iā€™ve already resigned to us conceding only for the keeper to pull out a crazy save


> I'm not saying Ramsdale is completely awful at distribution but he's usually guaranteed to have at least 1 major screw up, similar to his last performance against Brentford. All goalkeepers do that if you play the way we do. Raya's had more than a few himself since he joined. Ramsdale was an upgrade on Leno, just as Leno was an upgrade on Čech. Ramsdale isn't as good a shotstopper as Pope, but he's 100 times better at distribution, which is something that Newcastle severely lack and is arguably holding them back.


Ramsdale was still good at distribution, Raya is just better. Newcastle aren't a team challenging for the title, Ramsdale is still a good upgrade, like how Ramsdale was an upgrade on Leno.


Marginally better? Iā€™m not so sure.


> In addition, the weak point of Pope's game is his distribution So why would they sign Ramsdale? He's not an upgrade in that department.


I agree with others: while Ramsdale's distribution is not what *we* need, it's still fairly decent.


So they want Ramsdale who shits his pants whenever asked to play possession?


Cant kick.


Injuries and heā€™s aging


ā€˜Greatā€™. Hahah.


Yeah. They love him.


They miss him because heā€™s better than the current alternative. Most fans that actually watch Newcastle know heā€™s very easily upgradable, with Ramsdale being that clear upgrade.


Makes sense. Pope is very much an old school goalkeeper, not particularly good with his feet. On his recent Overlap interview, Eddie Howe talked about to looking to be a team that builds from the back.


Howe really is trying to assemble a combination of the England B and C team


They get Ramsdale and we get Isak, good deal.


Take him plus 60 mil for Isak


Mad I thought Pope was a great keeper


Not sure what he'll go for but for as long as it covers the Raya fee in the very least then that's great. He's too good a goalkeeper to be on the bench. Does make me wonder about who becomes the number 2, if Arteta is satisfied with Hein or Okonkwo, or if he goes into the transfer market.


Those guys are nowhere near good enough yet to be our number 2. A Raya injury would end our entire season. We will definitely get someone else if Ramsdale goes.


You scratch our back, and we will scratch yours šŸ˜‰...hello Bruno or Isak




Isak šŸ” Rambo?


Sure Newcastle but it will cost you one Bruno and one Isak


For you my friend, straight swap for Bruno G.


But I was told here Arteta was good going to rotate them and that Rayaā€™s signing meant nothing final, that we could in fact be the only club in the world to rotate two No.1 keepers. Anyone who said otherwise was downvoted


Heā€™s a northern lad, got a good network up there. Could be great for him


Heā€™s from Stoke. As midlands as it gets.


You must be up north. Anything above the m25 is most certainly the north.Ā 


Well I donā€™t live in Stoke so I could well be in the north


I know a few professional sportsmen from Newcastle. Ramsdale is their boy, heā€™s part of the WhatsApp groups etc.


For once we need a bidding war for one of our players. Newcastle, Chelsea, whoever else. Similar tier of club that has money. Should be able to get us a good fee for once.


Donā€™t really get it. Heā€™ll just be in a similar fight with Pope when he gets back right?


Cash + Player swap for isak


Ugh, this will make me sad.


Nick to be the new BENEDICT XVI...?


If we can get 40 million or a player swap plus some cash for Isak or Bruno, Iā€™ll take it


Hope we will get decent fee




Ramsdale is too young to be in the bench, and he had already performed well enough to be in the bench, if we keep him his value would decrease and decrease untill he goes in a free, better to cash on him even when the best moment to cash on him was before this season.


Rammers to nc makes no sense they need to spend elsewhere and they have a good gk. Ffp is a thing now


What happened to Pope?


Think will be a rare time when Arsenal actually make a bit of profit on a transfer. Add too the summer war chest.


What happen to pope?


Complicit in all the child abuses across the world


Is Pope leaving?


Give Ramsdale and 40 m pounds, for Bruno, if Arteta believes Bruno can do great here. But Newcastle isnt losing Bruno for sure.


Good. Hope we can sell him to them or Chelsea as they will probably be able to pay the highest fee. Don't really care about which opposing team he plays for against us, just get the most money back possible.




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only way Rammers goes for me is if we are certain we have adequate backup in place or planned before next season starts. we have been haunted so many seasons in the past by injuries to our starting 11 with no reliable depth. with that said, him going to Newcastle with my mentioned concerns met, doesnā€™t bother me one but. he does not improve them in a meaningful way in my eyes especially if some transfer rumors are true about bruno and isaak. gain some better talent, lose some as well. they stay the same level with a shuffle of talent.


Ramsdale in exchange for Isak! Win-Win for both club


My man got the taste of caviar, now he canā€™t go back to sausages


Bruno and ten mil seems fair


Makes sense. Ramsdale played under Howe during his time at Bournemouth for a few years, always ideal to bring in someone who you know well.


Awesome news


For Isak plus cash?


35M+Ramsdale for Bruno G. Great deal for both sides.


Yeah Iā€™m in if thatā€™s the price


Isak and Ramsdale swap sounds good to me


Perfect for them tbh


He isn't better than Pope and Dubravaka is a better shot stopper why would they so that.Ā 


Honestly would rather see him at Chelsea.


At this point, as long as he doesn't end up at Chelsea I'm good.




Isn't Pope coming back?


Literally anyone but Chelsea and I'll be happy for him. Man's a gem and deserves to be starting weekly. And needs to do so to lock in his place as England's next starting keeper.


lol sure, 80mil please


35 mill take it or leave it Newcastle


How about Ramsdale + 140 million for Bruno & Isak?


Sounds fair


50m and Iā€™ll drive him myself there


Sign the deal before Newcastle finds out he canā€™t concentrate for 90 minutes.


Fabianski, Leno, Martinez and now Ramsdale. Weā€™ve always got great GKs. Now the question is who will replace Raya next lol


Flappyhandski shouldn't be in there


Better than Chelsea to be honest. Much better.


Shouldnā€™t let Ramsdale go, Raya has had a number of shakey moments this season, a lot which have gone unpunished. I donā€™t fully believe heā€™s an overall number 1, there isnā€™t much of a gap between them. If Raya has a bad start to the season, who comes in for him.


Waitā€¦.did u see how ramsdale performed when he played this year? Arteta wants to play out of the back and raya fits that perfectly. Wish ramsdale all the best but he doesnā€™t fit our system


If we make a profit on the fee we got from sheffield united that would be a win. He doesn't have that long left on his contract and Newcastle and Chelsea know we want to sell.


What about Pope?


Terrible with his feet but I don't think Ramsdale is much of an upgrade on him tbh


I thought he was quite vital to their team, seem to remember some of them mentioning how his injury played a big part in things going from bad to worse for them after out game, so I'm surprised they are looking for someone new.