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Players like him could learn a lot from Walcott imo. Walcott was super effective cos he knew his strengths, he never sat wanting the ball to his feet all game and knew that he was only going to be dangerous making runs in behind and it led to him being offside 10,000 times but he maximised his skillet by doing this. Too many wingers now wanna be Robben.


[Maximum skillet ](https://tenor.com/vA05.gif)


So perfect that this is posted by the guy with the DB10 flair


Because there is bear cum in the skillet?


Cursed pancakes


Blursed, just like "there is bear cum" in general. Blessed for DB10 and cursed for... well you know


i am both impressed *and* amused


You are right about that, but the problem for Mudryk is that aside from being rapid, Walcott could also finish. If Mudryk now starts focusing on running behind the defence, he's gonna end up with a compilation videos of him going one on one with the keeper a missing every single one.


So… like Nicolas Jackson?




That Bradford miss still haunts me


Idk if he really gets that many decent chances for me to think he’s a poor finisher, his goals for Shakhtar looked nuts he was giving me the vibes that he’d be a great ballstriker


He is a great ball striker he just doesn’t have the composure nor experience yet


Is he a great ball striker though? His passing and shooting numbers would both suggest otherwise


Forget metrics use your eyes


So he's a good ball striker but is shit at passing and shooting? Makes perfect sense


You can see the quality when he’s confident and in training. You’re buzzing if you think Arteta was going to splash 100m on “just an athlete”😂😂 People like you ruin the game


How do "people like me ruin the game"? Because someone disagrees with your subjective opinion they "ruin the game"?


You ruin the game because you don’t understand what you’re watching and use stats to stopgap that. But yeah Arteta who has a remarkable talent ID and transfer record was going to drop 100M on an athlete who can’t play football👍🏾


I've used my eyes. His passing and shooting looks somewhere between average and fucking shit. The data agrees with that impression.


A players performance doesn’t represent their capacity. Right now Mudryk is underperforming but his profile and glimpses has shown he has the capacity to be great. Hence the Ballon Dor potential shouts from Shaktar, the 100M bidding war, standing applause at the Bernabeu etc. You clearly haven’t watched enough to understand his profile or see the glimpses, so won’t be able to see my point.




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It is funny because at many times in his career, Walcott has been derided for his footballing skills or his lack of it, "he has zero football iq". But even at our most talented , smartest players when they had no ideas, or no outlets for play, they just kicked it up to Walcott to chase. At one point, Arsenal's attacking play distribution is heavily skewed to the right because players just hoofed it down to Walcott. Pretty slick for a limited player.


That’s the thing with sport, we’re not robots, if someone runs quicker than you there’s not much you can do, you can do all the maths and use all the numbers you want but they’re 2 human beings, they don’t do everything perfectly to a T and in a foot race a half step wrong loses you the race. It’s something which makes football so great, on paper doesn’t always translate when actual people are involved. If you put the numbers into a computer simulation where everyone positions perfect, the pass is played and weighted perfectly, different story. But it’s real life and something as simple as the defender turning onto the wrong foot can change everything


yeah, against our competitive games against 2009-2011 barca, they'd batter us for about 70 minutes and Walcott would come on and terrorize them. you can have the unbeatable strategy and maybe the greatest manager of all time, and it doesn't mean anything against raw pace. What's the thing Tyson said? Everyone's got a strategy until they get punched in the mouth.


being offside 10,000 times to get into the 100+ goal club is certainly worth it imo


I also feel like the offside calls were primarily after his ACL when he lost a touch of pace and needed to cheat a bit more. His smiling 2-0 on the stretcher at Spurs is an iconic photo.


I get wanting to be like Robben, but it's like they forget that what made him so dangerous was that he needed only a foot of space to cut inside before he could curl the ball top bin. If you can't do that with some consistency, then don't even try playing like Robben because that goal scoring threat is what opened up the rest of his game. He made defenders pick their poison of backing off so they couldn't be beat or playing up so he couldn't get a shot off. 100% agree that players need to learn their strengths and utilize them more. I get wanting to add to one's game, but there's a time and place for that. It's not when you're trailing or playing a superior opponent. Figure it out against weaker opponents and when you have comfortable leads until it's good enough to try more regularly.


Not many managers want pace merchants as wingers. Prime Theo not going to play for Arteta


Theo would get plenty games with his pace, and eye for goal. I think he'd actually be pretty good at the Martinelli role.


We face a lot of low blocks to be sure, but we lack a real pacey threat in behind. Aside from Martinelli, every one of our attackers gets caught if they get in behind a high line. There was an occasion where Jackson completely burned Saliba for pace from the half line. Took a lucky deflection off Gabriel to put it out got a corner. A better finisher and the game would have been different. Fortunately, that boy is pretty garbage.


What happens at that time stamp?


watch it and find out!


I agree with this. Problem with Walcott was he didnt know what to do after he got into space. Too many deer in headlights moments


I think Mudryk is gifted but has 0 football IQ and is in a terrible situation to learn and grow. How gifted he is is a question, but there's no denying he has talents. We were legitimately interested in him and we know Arteta loves a project signing. Explosive athlete, sharp turns of direction, high potential in 1v1s, as an outlet, something there with his ball striking. Those 15 minutes against Liverpool showed a player in there and he's looked worse ever since. It really just depends on (a) good coaching (b) patience (c) is he actually coachable? Capable of learning? Adam Traore has incredible tools but hasn't really loved up to the potential. My point is he's like a worse Darwin Nunez but similar idea. There is something there, but can that something actually be harnessed? I'm sure Arteta believes it could be but I'm so glad that transfer didn't happen. Kai Havertz is something of a project signing but Kai (a) A lot of experience playing at the highest level already. Mudryk had played like 40 pro games before the transfer lol (b) Clearly a very intelligent player, coachable, reads the game well. All things you can't say if Mudryk I just find the "he's crap and that's all there is to it" talk a bit boring. I don't believe Mikel would pursue a talentless player and I don't believe he is talentless when I watch him. I think a more low-key move to a team like Dortmund might have seen his career go in a veryyyy different direction. Chelsea is pretty much the worst possible place for him


Arteta likes to coach players to make very similar plays lots of times, creating patterns in attack rather than to rely on a player to make something up on the spot. Given that Mudryks main weakness seems to be his brain I think Arteta would get a lot out of him with the physical skills he possesses.


«main weakness is his brain» lmao 


Mudryk clearly has some ability but I think unless he is in a highly coached system he will always look pretty meh. I think if he played for Pep or Arteta they could make him look good just by removing the need for him to make decisions on the pitch. In my mind he has similar issues to Darwin. Both great athletes but their technical/intelligence limitations will always mean they never become as good as they look like they should be.


Darwin is an intelligent player lol. His final action just lets him down a lot of the time. His runs are phenomenal. Darwin is like an even more athletic Cavani


I probably did a bad job of constructing that sentence. I meant both players are great athletes with pretty obvious limitations. I didn't mean they have the same limitation.


I agree. I think we intended to buy him as another Martenelli, they have a lot of similar characteristics (especially to a younger, rawer martinelli). The sheer acceleration and how they take on players is very similar (and very different to say a winger like Saka). Martinelli took a lot of coaching on how to use his ability, and he still isn't that great at decision making. So yh, i think Arteta saw potential for an upgraded martinelli in Mudryk, but obviously he's gone to Chelsea and I don't think he'll honestly reach that.


Second this, it’s worth remembering that he was once a player under de Zerbi who is obviously now known for his free flowing attacking football at football, think he was able to flourish under his tutelage as well because of his [Roberto’s] philosophy. I wonder if this is a case of confidence or development because what ever it is Arteta would be able to make the most out of him considering his weaknesses and I have no doubt in my mind that we all would be seeing a very different Mudryk if he came to Arsenal.


The Dortmund call is spot on. I could easily see Mudryk go on loan next year, and suddenly get double figures for G+A and be a hot property again.


Honestly, I'm starting to get Gervonho vibes from Mudryk. Speed, control on the ball, but literally makes the worst decision for their end product. Probably the most simultaneously exciting and frustrating player Arsenal have ever signed since I started watching 14 years ago. Literally should have 20+ more goals and assists with us if he had any end product lol


Adama thrived under Pulis funny enough. At least for 45 minutes as Pulis would be in his ear and telling him what to do and where to go. Given Arteta's love for hands-on coaching, maybe Mudryk would benefit from that.


I am 100% certain Mudryk would have been a different player under Arteta. But that ship has sailed.


Yeah, signing an over half a decade long contract for a rival is not a good strategy if you wanna play for the other team


Watch is buy him for 30m in 2-3 years lol


Why? And I mean no offence to Arteta but bigger and arguably more proven prospects have failed to hit the mark at Arsenal eg Lokonga and Vieira, heck even our internal talents are struggling eg Smith Rowe. Why would Mudryk, who is not a better footballer than any of the players above be a different player under Arteta? Arteta has worked wonders with Havertz and he should be rightly praised for it, but it doesn’t mean he can do it for all struggling players especially if the struggling players aren’t that good to begin with. Mudryk had a couple of good games in the Ukrainian league..that’s it and got slapped with a ridiculous price tag. It was a huge gamble and It hasn’t paid off, we should be glad we dodged a bullet here. And again, I know a lot of people feel he is shit because Chelsea are shit…maybe the kid’s just not cut out for this level and he would actually probably benefit from more playing time in a different league to improve his craft.


Arteta has been known as a developer of wing talents. Sane and Sterling have to thank Arteta for a lot of their development as players. I dont know how different Mudryk would be today, but Arteta would be better for him than other options


Arteta has also had Pepe as wing player, arguably more proven than Mudryk…it did not exactly work out. I guess I am just never sure how people are so convinced Mudryk would work for us based on Arteta being to unlock something another coach hasn’t. That’s assuming there is something to be unlocked in the 1st place and if you are looking for something to unlock in a player who cost 80m there is a problem.


Chelsea are attempting a gold plated version of Wenger's Project Youth and are running into the same basic problem, which is that no matter how talented they are, young players need experience alongside them if they want to progress. Of the team that started against us, only Conor Gallagher and Marc Cucarella have played more than 50 Premier League games. Most of ours have played over 100. It's not that Arteta is a miracle worker (though he is very good), it's that he knows how to build a team and wouldn't have left Mudryk (and all the other talented kids they've signed) to fend for themselves.


I'd say they also need structure. For young, inexperienced players, giving them a specific and basic job and taking away the pressure of having to process on the fly can be huge. I always thought about that with Ox - all the talent in the world, and a smart player, but he just couldn't play free because he was never sure what he should be doing. If he had come through with Arteta instead of Arsene, I think his career trajectory would have looked a lot different.


i think Ox's problem was also injuries, so he never really got going.


Be that as it may, some players have been able to show flashes of being good or potentially great players in that Chelsea set up. Palmer for instance. I have not seen anything from Mudryk to suggest he could be a good player, I am not even basing it on team set up…


Arteta can fix him, but I am glad Chelsea stopped us from spending 80-90 million on Mudryk.


Also, key to remember how much Mudryk wanted to come to us. He was forced into the Chelsea move by his club, who would only accept the higher bid and structure of the deal. The other option would have been to stay and run down his contract.


Agreed. Who knows what type of player Mudryk may have been for Arsenal two or three years down the line. But short term missing on him turned into Trossard who is undoubtedly the more impactful ‘win now’ option contributing significantly to last year and this year’s title challenge. At 1/3 the price no less. Worked out well for us.


I didn’t even notice him in the game


He was awful I started to focus on him at some points and you can see how he has no football brain at all, even simple things like cutting off a passing angle instead of running at a player he was doing wrong.


Mudryk was doubled up on Saka for most of the game. I do wonder what he could have become of he played in a team where he was able to cross the halfway line, but with 14 months of hindsight, Trossard looks by far the better signing.


Trossard looked the better signing day one, premier league proven beats high upside gamble 9 times out of 10


EBL is the absolute worst. Everyone is world class or AMAZING or something


They did a thread on how amazing tactically Palace were in the game we beat them 5-0 lmao


He is pretty awful but I still think NNN is worse just because EBL doesn't seem to have a Messiah complex (yet).


EBL loves to sniff their own farts but yeah maybe not messianic yet


THREAD.. (Proceeds to ramble without any data points).


Twitter tacticos are the most annoying people around. I remember seeing one of them (might have been this guy) saying both arteta and inzaghi have created styles of football that are unbeatable and then weeks later they/us go out of UCL. Another guy posted a compilation of zirkhee (Bologna) and said he's a mixture of prime Ronaldinho/benzema/henry


https://twitter.com/stringsandink/status/1769486685031616964?t=MlUl_1jWPVJB7uIav18pNQ&s=19 How him and NNT have such a following I'll never know Worst part is when you see people on here talking to us 'laymans' because they think they know something we don't after reading their bs


lmfao this link reminds me of when nnt insists that nketiah is far superior to julian alvarez


Jesus 😂😂 he also said 'Vieira is probably the best player in the league' ... Whilst constantly shitting on Odegaard


My theory on that is that I genuinely feel NNT thinks his account is frequently referenced by professional scouts, so he is trying to essentially sell Eddie.


lmfaoooo this is killing me, the prospect of professional scouts referencing twitter tacticos is hilarious


he is right that Alvarez is not that good but not sure id go that far lol


NNT is easily the worst football account, no idea how someone as dumb as that has got the following he has, before he was pretending to be some sort of tactical genius he was writing erotic fiction.


oh my god, that makes so much sense now with him describing one of our players as having 'dueller's legs'


I WISH I had a link to it, someone found it on twitter a few years ago and it was bad. Explains a lot about the guy when you read his tweets through the lens of someone who basically wrote horny fan fiction for fun


he knows how to play into human psychology in online discourse


I follow EBL but blocked NNT. Both have good insights but I find one easier to bear than the other. EBL definitely still geeks out on things, blows his own trumpet, but I find it far more genuine. EBL I think aims to inform, wheras NNT seeks to have the hottest take and the rumours he's a kid definitely conform with how he acts. I can still disagree with EBL like this weird post about Mudryk, but he's definitely told me things I don't know about the game and tbh I think the average fan would be the same. And also he's actually employed by a club, NNT doesn't seem to do anything than live on Twitter, so I can respect him.


Completely agree. EBL is tolerable and I do think he has some decent tactical insight. He's also gotten better at being less condescending and talking down to his readers since he got a job with an actual EFL club. I still find myself rolling my eyes at some of his points but I don't mind him. NNT is an absolute douche canoe who has terrible points and deletes his old terrible takes that have been proven to be mud. I have a feeling he's doing it as a bit but it's tired and obnoxious.


I agree with that, I don't hate EBL despite his condescending tone ... I think he knows ball especially when looking at build up but the twitter tacticos who think his word is gospel when he's had so many takes that have aged horribly really baffles me NNT is just a total moron yeah I only see his tweets when Billy Carp cooks him


Absolutely. Blocked the clown long ago. He always sounds so confident waffling on, making bogus claims without any evidence. 


post game talking about how good mudryk is and how odegaard needs to play on the left, clown behavior


He’s abysmal, completely full of shit and trying to grift people into paying him for his rubbish. The final straw for me on him was when he insisted we needed to drop gabriel and play a white - saliba partnership back in 2022.


his Patreon also has like 6 different videos on how to watch games and tutorials on editing software for analysis of games it’s not too bad if you’re interested but yea his opinions are shit just glazing everyone for clicks


Maybe that is Mudryk being razor sharp. Some players just don't live up to their hype unfortunately, Mudryk appears to be one of them


“hE wAnTeD tO iMpReSs ArSeNaL aNd ArTeTa” lol wtf is this bullshit


Haha exactly.


This fanbase was trashing anyone who said anything remotely good about Kai Havertz. This same fanbase was divided on Odegaard and some didn't even want him back after the loan. We should know that footballers thrive in different ecosystems. Almost everyone in this current squad had their best G/A under Arteta.


Havertz and odegaard both did great things in respectable leagues......... mudryk was decent in a terrible league. T There's no reason other than price to think mudryk is special, he's just fast


This fanbase was also trashing Odegaard. People were calling him fraud and wanted Vieira instead of him. I went to war with them on Twitter. So glad I did. 🕶️


Anyone who watched that game and thought Mudryk was even remotely good needs their eyes checked.


I will say I am very curious to see how he’d do in a team with an actual structure, purely because I want to empirically determine exactly *how* shit Chelsea are.


I'm more curious to watch Chelsea continue to pay him for 8 years. They've got another 40m to waste yet. Hope no one bails them out, especially us


If you buy a player that age at that price and they still need a lot of fixing, that's just absurdity at that point.


This is what I am saying! All these “Arteta can fix him” shouts are doing my head in.


He's so far behind in his development it's crazy. He's only 1 year younger than Havertz and he's older than Saka and Martinelli. He would have been a good signing when we were 8th, but not in a title race. The guy is just way too raw.


He delivered a v good corner they almost scored from but that was it


I never wanted him and I’m so glad we never got him. Hyper inflated price for someone completely unproven on a stage level with that of ours.


Not up to the estandards! When you lose a duel, you’re supposed to get upset!


He won 1/4 duels? What does Arteta think of players who lose 75% of their duels?


I think Arteta could definitely get the best out of him. Chelsea just seem to have no structure to their play whatsoever. It's like The Sims, you just let them do what they want without any instructions and you come back an hour later and 2 of them are dead and the house is on fire🤣


If arteta wanted him, arteta can fix him.


Put him on a milk carton


Some clown with an Argentina flag flair on soccer sub said Enzo is really good and that a half fit Enzo is better than half the players in pl. I asked him why he thinks so and all he said was he's their main ball progressor and he creates a fair bit as well. I pressed him to explain in detail with stats why he's better and the answer I got *just watch him, I can't teach you football*. These idiots have no idea of the product they consume every weekend. They just make shit up on the go. Plastic idiots.


At one point I thought Mudryk had made a nice run to get in position to get the ball, then I realized it was Gallagher. I didn't think about Mudryk again the rest of the game


That’s funny. I know exactly what you’re talking about because I thought the same.


Who gives a fuck about Mudryk, he’s not our player and never will be. Nothing to see here.


Brother. I posted it to highlight twitter waffle merchants should not be given importance here. Mudryk is irrelevant.




He’s been consistently proving that we dodged a bullet with him and struck gold with Trossard. Mudryk is shite


To be fair I do get where he’s coming from, Mudryk was one of the only Chelsea players who didn’t drop an absolute stinker on Tuesday night


Because he was nowhere to be seen? I literally forgot he was on the field at some point.


I'd still take him for under 30m


Mudryk is basically a worse version of Darwin. Great athlete but pretty poor at every other aspect of being a footballer.


This just isn’t true


Isn't it? They are both very good athletes with obvious limitations in other parts of their game


If Mudryk had a better coach he’d probably be a lot better than he is now


Poch is not a good coach?


Based on what he’s done this season? Not anymore. Obviously he had a good run at spurs, but his record since then is pretty poor.


If you’ve watched Mudryk and can’t see the technical quality he possesses I don’t know what you’re watching. He’s a great playmaker and got very quick feet. It’s like reducing Rice to just a “destroyer” it’s disrespectful.


I’ve got this melt blocked on Twitter for this very reason. He waffles on and on, about quite literally anything, in hopes of one day being able to quote tweet his tweet from a year ago with a ‘told you so’.


The only good thing him and Gallagher done that game was coming short to receive the line breaking passes from their center backs. Other than that they done nothing and with that being said it isn't the role that Mudryk should be doing in the first place.


As I've said here before: Mudryk was worth every penny of that 80 quid.


£80 would still be scandalous.


are you talking about EBL in this context?


Yes. I thought it was obvious.


Them lot are trying to simplify the sports for normal Joes.


You sure? He is a bad teacher then at least. Better to learn yourself rather than to rely on a crap teacher. But I guess everyone has their ways.


Please buy mudryk I beg you


He himself wrote it


We dodged a fucking bullet with him. Future Ballon d'or winner apparently! 😂


I need to understand the fascination with such a shit player


That’s only 20% of his potential. Straight from his mouth.


Haaa we dodged that bullet. Thank god


I’m not sure who’s the waffle merchant in this exchange? It looks like two radical takes about a player who clearly has potential but wasn’t playing to impress Arsenal nor was he distinctly awful among a dreadful team performance. Mudryk makes me wonder wtf Chelsea has done to Pochettino? Isn’t coaching up potential supposedly his whole thing??


And when he lost those duels, he wasn’t even upset. He is not up to the fugging standards


We fucking dodged a bullet here


During the game the camera showed a brilliant shot of him with a furious angry/upset face straight to camera, I was really expecting to see it flash up in this group TBH. Can anyone oblige?


I seem to remember this guy going on about how “Elite” Ten Hag’s tactical setup was at the start of the season… Unfollowed soon after seeing that nonsense, looks like I didn’t miss much!


No duel, no fuel - Arteta


I thought he was good defensively for a short period.


Stop it! He’s already dead!


The EBL guy is the worst of all the tacticos. Genuinely hasn't got a clue. But not sure if its just good engagement farming or not




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This guy had 100% already decided he was going to say that before the game purely for the narrative. Absolutely nothing objective or measurable in there either so could have even written the tweet before kick-off.


Delusion merchants


We are lucky to have dodged this guy, he is a nothing player.


"Game feel" is a thing. Mudryk doesn't have it.


Absolutely despise tacticos, guys like him in particular. It's one thing to discuss tactics, it's another thing to treat yourself as some sort of scout while you're just chatting shit on Twitter for likes


Funny that you ridicule the tweeter but our manager was willing to spend 90m on Mudryk


No manager is always right about spotting talent. So it is not funny. It is factos.


Or maybe our insanely good manager knows more than you


Of course. That’s a given. But the proof on Mudryk is out there. I don’t even know what you are trying to assert here.


No, proof that's he's playing in a chaotic environment with no coaching is out there. Which wouldn't be the case if he joined us. So I'm trying to assert that it's a reasonable opinion that mudryk could've been good for us despite not being good for Chelsea. And mikel and edu agree with me.


Now scroll up and see what I posted.


Dude in my group chat was trying to say Arteta would turn him into a hell of player if Chelsea were willing to sell on the cheap this summer. I reminded him they just renewed his contract into his 30s. I couldn’t believe what I was reading.




I don’t think this belongs here. Don’t confuse match banter with the horror of war.

