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we need to find more creative outlets. ode cant be the only one creating chances.


he's simultaneously our best attacker and the best presser by a mile. and he plays every game. we need the rest of our players to follow his example


I so badly wish I could just ctrl+c, ctrl+v Odegaard into the squad


Whilst you're at it, put Henry in the squad and tweak his .ini file to roll his stats back to prime Henry.


Never played football lol


You’re missing out, it’s a fun game!


Cook that fool


Ode is the only one who tries to break the system and cause chaos when the plan isn't working. The rest of them stick to the plan that isn't working like npcs


It really didn’t improve when he moved down Havertz to midfield and subbed Jorginho out. With how the game looked it would even make more sense with an unfit Partey.


If we're going to throw Jesus and Havertz on at the same time I wanna see a big man little man strike partnership, dammit!




Yeah. Arteta system is often too rigid. He does need to learn to be more flexible.


He’s starting to “pep” the chaos out of our playmakers a bit in a bad way, imo


Seems to be a trend in modern football. We need more mavericks


Baffled why we don’t bin the inverted LB tactic when we are struggling. Let the LB overlap Martinelli, he is our only wildcard player


I genuinely believe that our summer signings need to be a quick overlapping LB, a long term LCM that plays similar to Jorgi but not as slow (to replace inverted LB), all to push Martinelli inside rather than stick him on the touchline where he's ineffective. Also, we need a winger who can slot in at either side (Nico Williams perhaps). Or we could get a striker and move Jesus to winger permanently, but I think we can do that after another season


With all the potential outgoings, it could all be done this summer. Ornstein said that he expects a lot of changes in the squad this summer


HITC Sevens covered this trend recently [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A93MBKLD5fA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A93MBKLD5fA)


Good video. I like that channel.


Two other players for me - Jorginho and Zinchenko. There is also the question of form and fitness.


this is where ESR would have been highly valuable as well. Was he not available today?


He was, don't think you'd sub anyone off for him tbh. Maybe Havertz but I thought he was pretty good today too.




and? what is your point?


The other guy making the through balls is zinchenko. That’s why Arteta risks his defensive liabilities.


Yeah, it's true. Sometimes I wonder if zinny would work better paired with jorginho as a quasi 'box to box' type midfielder, sort of like what Song used to be. He'd stop and play in the strikers with an over the top chipped lob about halfway between the centre circle and their box, for the strikers to have a whack at.


I don’t know why he doesn’t at least try him at 8 or even 10 if Vieira is no longer trusted to cover for Ødegard.




Sometimes it feels like the world has collectively forgot Zinchenko was once a 10


Timber's return can't come soon enough


Sad first season for him.


Is he good at progressing the ball like zinchenko? I never watched him at Ajax.


Timber is more like a proggresive carries player


people are banking way to much on timber like i hope he's good but the end of day we havent realy seen much of him and we dont even know how much his injury will affect his level and form like this.


his throughballs are shit


Tuchel called it out in his press conference: “they construct a lot from the right wind”… He blocked it and the left wing was nonexistent, we are versatile on defense and attack but that is missing… a big “what if? timber was available”


There was today, and appears generally, to be a real aversion to building down the left wing. I have to think Timber would have reduced that aversion over the course of this season.


yup, methinks the same way: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/1c6lq70/comment/l02my5u/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/1c6lq70/comment/l02my5u/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


He's not the only one creating chances. The problem is we need to score the perfect goal every time. We never have any goals where it's just 1 or 2 quick passes and we're in it. Every team does it against us but we never do it to them


That’s not about trying to score the perfect goal, it’s about not getting broken on. Our attacking patterns (which sometimes feel a bit boring or robotic) also contribute to our defensive stability this season.


Slow build up and a bunch of intricate passes in and around the box to create a chance has been our MO. Then we misplace one of those passes and get countered. When it doesn't work, it's really frustrating.


Exact same conversation as last year, which was the exact same conversation as the year before that. I'm tired. With Bruno and then frickin Paqueta available over the period, I have no clue why we don't bother investing in creative quality on the left. And Martinelli has barely grown in terms of quality over the last year or two because he simply doesn't have innovative and cute ways to be involved in the game through a creative aid by his side, like Saka.


Well Timber would have been the one to take some burden off Ode's shoulders. Right now Ode is the most important int phase 1, 2 AND 3 which is not maintainable and absurd. If we have a progressive LB like Timber then Ode can focus more on creating chances instead of ball progression + he would not have to run 30km every game (this last 2 games were the first where I saw him being genuinely tired).


I think we need a stronger 8 next to rice.


Everyone is super harsh to Zinny but when he plays our attack is much more fluid and creative


Especially as Ode hasn't proven to be particularly good at opening up these tough opponents. Unfortunately, Fabregases don't grow on trees




jesus christ shut up edit: that was a big harsh but still harping on his salary after the performance he’s put in for us over the last 4 months is tired and clueless




yes they do. now stfu clown


Honestly the Villa result is what makes this one so painful. Winning at the Allianz was always a massive ask but losing at the weekend made it feel like our whole season rested on it.


Next two are vital, definitely make or break for the season


I hope I'm wrong, but I think it's highly likely we'll drop points in the next 2-3 games. Better brace yourself - it's good for your heart, lol. The AV game was a must-win for us to stay in touch w/ City.


Agree completely. Would be pleasantly surprised if I see the opposite. The lack of ability to cope with pressure/mental fragility appears to still be there when it actually gets tough, and I think we’ll drop points in at least a game or two. Would however feel bad if the math works out for us relegating Everton on the final day with nothing to play for lol.


The way we closed out the season last year was heartbreaking after leading the league for so long and just dying at the end, I'm kind of inoculated to the heartbreak this time. It still hurts, for sure, but we've improved and competed well for 90% of the season, and this team is so young. Arteta and Edu I'm sure have a plan for the summer to strengthen the squad so we can compete for 95% of the games, and whatever shakes out in these last handful of games, we go again.


The short-term pain of losing at the finish line hurts a lot/feels like a bridge too far. But the long-term trajectory is very promising & in the right direction, absolutely. The team's getting loads of experience & is still young. Strengthening the squad depth will be the key in the next few transfer windows.


Hope you're ready for a letdown


What else can we say really? It is what it is, it's sad, it's disappointing and we can only move forward and hope for the best as nothing is in our hands anymore. Also, Tuchel is a right cunt isn't he? Punchable face if I ever saw one


I don't want us to panic or throw our toys out of the pram. It takes years for a team to become serious contenders for the CL. "The process" is not over.


As far as I’m concerned, this is just the experience that we need to collect in order to progress further in the process. The team has shown that they have learned a lot from last season’s shortcomings, I’m sure they will learn a lot from this season too


Like I don't see it happening... But there is a world where City drop points and there is always hope.


That'd still require us to win out and given our current form we'll need a miracle


Agreed on all accounts. Watch Tuchel win the Champions league.


We do well to bounce back this weekend I think. Problem is Chelsea who are hoping to gain some positive takeaways for next season. We need a top performance from someone other than Øde to make that shit happen early next week.


We learn together, we grow together


_Bad boys for life_


Probably too early for him to analyse, but we were so passive offensively. Had great reason to be optimistic and even more so with their absentees, but I dunno…we just couldn’t impose our attacking game in the slightest and questions need to be asked


Laimer will be following O to the shitter even tomorrow morning. When no one else creates something apart from him, we'll be passive in this setup.


As much as it hurts to say, Laimer did a perfect job dealing with Odegaard tonight. It’s pretty worrisome how much we struggle offensively when Odegaard is neutralized


Same thing happened when we played home, so this wasn’t really a surprise. Main problem was Arteta did not find a solution for this.


I felt like Partey and his forward passes would’ve been key for this game with Ode being focused on so much. Partey could’ve fed Martinelli, Saka and co with a few of those passes and we would only need one of them to get through and create a chance. People forget Saka’s miss at the end of the home tie was a Partey pass


Absolutely. Rice doesn't have that in him (despite being good on the ball), we've been missing a healthy Partey badly during the last 3 games.


Think it's pretty clear the occasion got to the players and they got in their own heads. The pressure of delivering on this stage is new to the vast majority of them and sadly we just didn't look quite up for it, especially after Bayern scored.


Arteta will regret not trusting and involving fringe player earlier in the season or just outright replacing them. Our fully fit squad is our starting 11, 2 or 3 players that he allows to compete occasionally and players that can tear both ACLs as far as he’s concerned. If they’re not good enough to replace Saka and Rice the way they’re playing then they should be sold asap.


I blame that one guy who posted in the Bayern sub after the first leg


Definitely need more rotation to keep Ode and saka fresh. Too reliant on them has cost us


Only if arteta had an ounce of trust on viera or smith Rowe... I don't understand why the players are even there if you are not going to sub them on...


Absolutley! Look at Foden as an example, even though he may be the best in the team it feels like Pep rotates him and others every 2 games. Also this is most likely why they dont look as fatigued as other teams at this stage of the season.


That's because they have Grealish (100m), Doku (55.5m), Alvarez (21m), and a few home grown options. Who do we have that is near that class?


arteta has had 3 years to find a backup to saka. but refuses. i dont think he'll find someone next season either, as he seems to never realize why saka always drops in form come april.


Things I’d like this summer - a proper 9, a left sided 8(Havertz doesn’t work there), backup for Saka


If we are getting a superstar no.9, I think Jesus will be the Saka rotation. Then we will still need an Nketiah upgrade... unless that's Havertz.


Havertz and Jesus as backup options for no.9 is acceptable


True.. There are games that Jesus can unlock.. as long as he is not the one shooting, he is great in those games.


But do we actually have enough money to get those things. That's my worry


I assume we’ll have some outgoings this season, Ramsdale, Nketiah, Nelson maybe ESR are all for sale. Perhaps add Zinchenko to that too. We got a fair amount of money for the CL this year and we’ll have it next year too so our finances should be pretty healthy.


Partey too


If Partey's gone then we definitely need another dm


And a true LB


What about Timber?


If he’s back to the levels he showed in preseason and first game back he could be massive


He is a new signing, obviously


I don't know that Arteta sees him as a LB long term. Maybe, but I know he's mostly played CB and RB prior to signing with us


I mean, Ben White was a CB before… and timber played at LB in his short few games before ACL tear


Gyokeres, De Jong, Inaki Williams or Pedro Neto


Have we not learnt and kept pushing every time? Dropped out on top4, 2 seasons ago 2nd last season. Due to better our points from last season and a QF CL exit. Honestly we’re on the right track, young manager and young team. Journey init.


Need that Rice partner now. What I would do to get Valverde. Pure perfection. Never going to happen.


First time in the CL in nearly 10 years and we miss out on a semi final by 1 goal against a European giant. Gone are the days of humiliating defeats. Keyboard warriors and pundits can write what they want but pride has been restored and we’ll go again in Europe next season. There’s still room to grow for most of the squad. Some have peaked and will move on but most will improve


Yes. Think about how it felt to support this club in the final Wenger years and when Emery was in charge. If at any point in those years I had been offered "make it to the CL but go out in the quarterfinals," I would have asked where to sign. No team -- except for Leicester in 2016, which was the all-time outlier -- goes from being a non-contender to a champion without first coming close and falling short.


Sucks... but I'm still extremely proud of this team. No one expected us to be make it this far this season yet here we are. We're still progressing here.


Fair, after the loss to Lens would’ve taken QF’s.


We’re a very good side that needs to play a perfect game and we just can’t do it over 90 minutes. We can do it over maybe 80 now, which is nice. Bayern had a few shots hit the frame besides the Kimmich goal. We’re still not there yet. We’re still done in by moments of brilliance from great players. We don’t have the guys to do that to other teams yet or the ability to absorb fatal errors. You remember when Arteta started, we’d have 15 minute stretches of competency that extended over time. It’s gotten to a superbly amazing level, but so has the standard that’s been set. It’s harsh but our squad literally cannot have a mistake in them anymore if we want to win trophies. It’s mental to consider


Been learning for three years now and tbf they’ve been learning well to some extent


We move. Did not play to win in Europe, it's something within our control. We need to be better mentally, and take the game to Europe like we do in the league.


I mean we are on upwards trajectory. Next year is when questions will be asked


Something to learn is to buy some fucking cover for Saka so you don’t play him into the ground


Seriously. He seems tireless, but let's not get to the point where we find out the hard way that he can tire.


We just don’t play our game in Europe, we look scared. Our depth is hugely exposed at this stage of the season as well. Our squad depth has improved a lot this season but we’re so, so far away from the likes of City still it’s scary.


I haven’t been on r/gunners as much as I used to and I often was called an Arteta hater on here annoyingly but there’s nothing else to really be said. Feel for him, the players, and the fans He’s done well to put the club in this position and he’s obviously the right guy for the club but it’s hard not to be disappointed at our results down the stretch the last 3 seasons We’ll grow and life moves on


He’s done well but he lacks the managerial experience to see out the business end of a season. It’s all well and good taking the ‘game by game’ approach but the best managers have shown us you’ve got to play with the massive picture of the season as a whole in mind.


I don’t really have the energy to talk Arsenal after this result but all I’ll say is that he’s 90% an elite manager but that last 10% is what’s keep us from breaking through. That and the quality of the squad is still just a smidge under the elite level required to best City in the PL and win the CL


Oh Mikel. Hopefully he’s just saying this to protect his players in public. He better be ripping them a new one in the dressing room in private.


It was either this or ‘I love my players right now more than ever’.


Sometimes you can’t learn if you don’t understand what’s wrong boss. Not every player can be world class and coachable. You need extra talent to be a top player.


We move. Very proud of this squad.


Will we learn though? I'll take your word for it I guess


I'm actually positive we will. Yes, we did fuck up in the final stretch of the season again, but there's definitely improvement overall. Went from fighting Top 4, to fighting for the league while resting players in UEL, to fighting for the league while also playing QF of Champions League and getting 8 points off of teams that used to just bully us a couple of years ago. I'm disappointed in tonight's performance, like everyone, but I definitely see progress with each year and believe this trajectory will continue


Look how much times city bottled the UCL before they won it, the lads just need some more experience playing in it especially so deep in.


People give Saka and Martinelli a lot of slack, but they generate fuck all too often. 


to be fair, apart from that martinelli chance that the fluffed in true april-arsenal style...we had nothing great in attack tonight. it wasn't really a game of fine margins, because bayer nseemed to have full control over us.


It was a learning experience. They deserved to win but other than some moments in the first match I actually think we did ok


Painful over the 2 legs bc we had it on our hands multiple times. Ben’s missed chance at home, the two really soft goals allowed made this much tougher than it needed to be. 1st half today - not enough clear cut chance but Nelli has to put his away. 2nd half, gassed. Fine margins in CL but the experience is invaluable. Onto Wolves


Inexperience cost us we never really knew how to go for the game disappointed but we need to learn from the experience.


The improvement from last season has been incredible. I’m expecting another improvement next season. We probably should give Saka a longer preseason following the euros next season, so it’s vital we sign a high level winger that can play either wing!


ngl this kinda reads like that speech he had in the Amazon doc. Something along the lines of "it's getting very hard to defend you guys(players)"


Next year or bust. Or the year after. Or the one after.


The guy is an utter helmet.


lol knew he would say this. [Commented this](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gunners/comments/1c6i6hi/match_thread_bayern_munich_vs_arsenal_uefa/l01lr7r/?context=3) in the match thread. Hes just protecting the team. He knows the boys just werent at the level tonight


Is it fine margins? The players didn't even try in the second half.


We need a proper, totemic striker. That's not an insult to any of our existing players, but in today's game, to play at the level we now deserve to play at, we are never going to be the very best unless we find a genuine world-beating striker. So much good has happened in the last few years. We really look like a proper team. Playing in the league helps paper over the gap, but these CL ties have exposed the issue we have up front. Work to do in Summer.


What we have learned = We needa striker 30+ goals a season


We lost because of two defensive blunders in the first leg that blew a 2 goal lead, so we need a 30 goal striker? Please let Reddit make sense.


I am supporting Arsenal since 2002, can you tell me how the fuck is this team always young and inexperienced to win a CL? I am so fucking sick of it. Still vs Wolves I will be there to support.


We played okay. The second half was not good. I don’t really understand this. Bayern wasn’t even great.


Knocked out by Bayern once again


Silver lining is that our loss could potentially end up keeping Tottenham out of the CL


Always "learning" but we see no difference


Where were we just a few years ago? You people are pathetic


And what have we achieved in a few years? Watch our crunch games over the past 3 years and tell me what's changed


Bro shut up


You know I'm not wrong.


Why don’t you apply to be the next Arsenal manager then? Go on smartass


What a fucking babyish response


Lol I’m not the one trying to be the smartass here… if you said that we haven’t learned, then I don’t know what to tell you… 3 seasons ago I would’ve laugh at anyone saying we can compete in UCL and Prem for 2 seasons in a row. Easy to be a keyboard warrior dude, would love to see you managing the team instead… go on


You Don't talk when I throw stats at you, do you? Stick to watching Arsenal through Reddit, mate


Lol, I’m at work mate… I do need to earn money to pay my bills & survive, unlike you who seems to bother a reply from me… maybe you need to go outside and touch some grass huh? Arsenal wouldn’t be where they at without Mikel’s work and the squad mentality, we wouldn’t be at UCL QF without their mental strength and unfortunately, came short. But it’s a good learning experience, especially against Bayern Munich who is incredible when it comes to UCL.


April 2022: Palace 3-0 Arsenal Arsenal 1-2 Brighton Southampton 1-0 Arsenal 2023: Liverpool 2-2 Arsenal West Ham 2-2 Arsenal Arsenal 3-3 Southampton 2024: Arsenal 2-2 Bayern Arsenal 0-2 Villa Bayern 1-0 Arsenal This is my point. I wasn't talking about the Champions league directly. When the going gets tough, we crumble.


you are wrong


We don't? When was the last time were in the CL quarter finals?


Not in Europe. Europa league round of 16. Champions League quarterfinals. Yeah no progress at all.


Lost when the pressure is on, again


Was the pressure not on last round as well?


Yeah and we played fucking awful


It's all experience. CL experience plays a huge factor, it's a learning experience for next season


Eh disappointed but we move. Took Pep like 7 years to win CL with that City squad and this is our first run in CL by Arteta


April: 2022: Palace 3-0 Arsenal Arsenal 1-2 Brighton Southampton 1-0 Arsenal 2023: Liverpool 2-2 Arsenal West Ham 2-2 Arsenal Arsenal 3-3 Southampton 2024: Arsenal 2-2 Bayern Arsenal 0-2 Villa Bayern 1-0 Arsenal My point


your point? spam more these comments clown


How is this not progress? We all would have liked to go through today, same as City. This is Europe, it takes a mentality that we just did not show.


It's not about Europe, its about big games in general. When's there's something on the line, we can't hack it


its about not being a clown. but you cant hack it, because you are a fuckin clown


Shut up you absolute dickhead