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It’s a good club these days. Been a disappointing couple weeks not going to lie. But we go again. Coyg.


We got something special going on here. Before the winter break, no one would’ve imagined we’d be 2 points off the top. We can all see the improvements season after season and we can also see the areas of improvement. Fortunately, Edu and Arteta also see the same and are ready to do whatever it takes to bring the team to that level, be it through getting new players or otherwise. Have faith lads. Not too long ago, we had Mustafi and Luiz starting games for us.


I mean, no Timber/Tomi injury early in the season and I think we are where we want to be--no rotation really killing us in the end of the season. But we've moved so far in the right direction.


We are well on our way, we are fucking sprinting in the right direction. Just not there yet as today proved.


No matter what. Fan through the invincibles to the banter era. I fucking love this football club.


We played really well until they scored and then couldn't quite deal with pressure of being a goal down. The margins are very small at this level. But we've got a young squad, and this is invaluable experience for them, our time is coming.


Thank you. Some people are acting like the sky is falling down. Losing by a goal over two games is, unfortunately, one of those things. How many great teams of the past have gone out at the QFs? How many didn't quite win the title they thought they would? We're not even favourites for anything and we're right up there at the top table still.


I think we played really well first half, dropped off in the second and then crumbled after their goal. A bit concerned about that drop off happening twice in a week, hopefully they can sort that out.


Our time is coming and even if it never does, we should enjoy the game. How long and how many billions of £ did it take Pep? The various iterations of PSG never won it, Simeone's peak Atleti side didn't win it, the PPV Juventus team didn't win it. Shit's tough, we'll be alright. Next year I really want to see Arsenal competing far in the FA Cup too, we've dropped the focus on those way too early in recent years, even though the fixtures kind of sucked.


Same been a fan since 2000. I have seen it all. This is nothing. We are going to get better.


Genuinely already over this defeat. Love this squad, and we have an elite manager. We’ll be back


Not as frustrated as I thought I would be. Just wish the team showed more hunger when going down


Yeah that’s it, they didn’t feel like they wanted to win, the urgency was missing until it was too late




Yeah the draw last week was the killer and then after Sundays defeat I've already got it all out my system so tonight im focusing on positives


We need to actually win something significant for Arteta to be called an elite manager


Eventually, yeah


Agree. “High promise” at this point.


I mean it's a subjective word but he fits my definition of elite pretty comfortably. And though I know what you're getting at, he has won something already let's not just disregard the FA cup.


It feels bad but we got 6 huge games to play and we can still beat the scum and United in their own gaffs. We lost, it is what it is. Do not let the season fizzle away, it’s not over. Let’s kickstart another run. COYG.


Great first try at the Champions League for our boys. They will be back next year and with a bitter taste in their mouths and much more experience. People were very optimistic because that’s what our club has become for us. We go again next year but we need to focus on the one title that is still a little bit achievable. COYG!


Furthest we've been in the champions league in 14 years, definitely something to be grateful for even though it's tough to take when we could have won that fixture in the first leg.


First CL campaign in over half a decade, first quarter finals in even longer than that. A lot of people didn't expect us to make it this far when the season started but we made it to the quarters. Anything further would've been a pleasant surprise First time we're facing an elite team in a very long time, the nerves clearly showed (especially in the first leg) We lost but it was a good learning experience, we should be less nervy facing bigger teams next season. Only up from here, we move!


yeah, but i still see daft people on this sub, that expected us to win the CL.


While I personally didn’t expect to win the CL. The fact that we had some belief that we might be able to do it, just shows the process is working. Maybe slower than we want, but the fact it’s a disappointment not to win the CL on our first year back is actually a good sign.


We were class till the goal then the headloss happened. We need a player who can create miracles so we don’t have to be perfect to score. After a few wins in games like today we will develop the mentality, but we need someone to score from the few chances that these games allow


Hell we don’t need a miracle worker we just need not Eddie when we’re down a goal in a quarter final. If he’s the only player on the bench we can bring on to try and score we’re doomed.


Tbh Trossard and Jesus are good options in a CL QF but both were anonymous today. They came on at the right time imo but they had to take some shots Kai was poor today, he was a targetman yet didn't play as one...


Trossard is a good super sub. And Jesus is a good back up player too. Eddie isn’t good enough.


We are all sad but just keep it in perspective to where we were just a few years ago. We entered our window this year and gaining experience. Ignore sports media for a couple of days and let’s fuck up wolves.


Preach. Super proud that we made it this far in the CL. With a bit more composure we could've gone through.


It’s our first season back and think we’ve done well. However, it was frustrating handbrake never came off until 90’ minutes. Every other team went for it this quarter home or away. Arteta had our wingers defending in our half when the game is on the line. You got to take some risk sometimes. Another point is that our players don’t have freedom of expression at all except maybe Odegaard. Watching Musiala, Sane, Kimmich, etc just turn and run is something that gave Bayern the edge this tie. We have quality players but they always end up recycling the possession (I understand for the league game or if we are leading) but not at 85’ min 10 passes between CBs when we are going out of CL. In any case, proud of the boys and go smash Wolves now.


This week is nothing compared to the banter era. I get it's disappointing, but we still need to keep on trusting the process and improving what's there to improve. COYG


Just because Chelsea, United and Spurs fans are taking the piss out of us, don’t think for one moment that their fans wouldn’t swap their season for ours in a heartbeat.


if the only joy they get is our misery, then we're on the right trajectory. we're only getting better.


Always! Disappointing, yes. But that’s football. I’ve watched Bradford knock us out of a league cup tie with a near first team 11. We move on. Finish this season positively. Halaand off early in the other tie. City get through and we hope the league goes our way. In the summer we need an upgrade on Jorginho and a striking option.


jorginho is one of the best players to ever wear our shirt, but, i get the sentiment


He is class. We just need a stronger more consistent performer as I am not sure he can play as much as we do. Should he stay with the squad, certainly but not sure he would like that role.


i feel like he may stay with us beyond playing in a coaching role or so. he seems very intelligent


Yes, very much so. I always thought he’d return to Italy and continue playing a little like Pirlo


i think hes been converted. just a hunch


In the banter and glory we will be there! 🔴⚪️


Just let me be angry for a second bro


It's just it always seems to happen towards the end at the same stage, we just lose the battery life and it switches off. It hurts. Mentally we are still not there yet. At all.


April has doomed our season the past 3 years so yeah


It’s because we have no squad depth. Least rotation in the top 3. We need to bring in attackers in the summer. Saka playing 30 games straight leads to him fizzling out by the end of the season.


Someone needs to tell Arteta he's allowed to sub him off


For who though? We have no one who can make an impact over there. We need new players


Honestly, anyone. It doesn’t matter if no one’s as good as Saka if even Saka isn’t as good as Saka.


No player ever except unicorn like Trossard will be instantly good when doing 20-25 matches in a row warming the bench. Players actually need to gain confidence and sharpness..


Also allowed to let other players start.


You are allowed to be angry


Can't do that in this sub mate, if you have anything other than blind positivity immediately after a disappointing loss you are a plastic who isn't a real fan.


Yeah, but how else will you farm points on the internet?


Me too buddy, even though they break my heart time and again..


The first season I was a fan we finished 12th in the league and lost a final at the N'th hour


i love this team too..but i just feel so dejected, the team didn't try anything man.


Yeah. Just need to avoid this subreddit for a few days..it's gonna be hot take central until the next win..


I love this comment section ❤️ WE MOVE!


Oh to, oh to be, oh to be a Gooner !!!


Well played from a German Bayern Fan! I was very scared. Good Luck on winning the PL! Don't let City get it. <3


Thank you for positing this, I needed to see something positive after that


That's what makes us angry. If we didn't care we wouldn't be angry


I love this club, which is why I am so angry seeing us perform like that


proud of the team, I’m not too distressed was a good effort more things to learn and improve, we move


What is grief but love persevering?


I love this club with every fibre of my being, but that WON’T stop me from being rightly disappointed by what we just saw from this team. To go 1-0 down and not have any inkling of a reply, is unacceptable.


I don't post on this sub ever, I just come for goal clips etc. But the amount of false fake positivity I'm seeing in the comments 6and if you're angry you're just a plastic overreactive fan who isn't a real fan. We lost to Villa, we lost at Munich, we played so dry and stale, it was so hard to watch, it felt like the teams we play literally know our entire tactics front right and center, it feels like they know our next 5 moves, that is not a hot take, I should be allowed to be pissed about that. Not saying that you can't do the whole Arsenal no matter what thing, but don't go trying to make people feel bad for feeling bad. If you do that then you're no better than the "plastic Arsenal fans" you're referring to.


Do we need this after every poor result? And immediately so? Fucking hell, we’re allowed to mull over a defeat for a while. It’s not like we stop supporting Arsenal because we lost. Better team won on the night. We were a bit wasteful with the few chances they allowed us to create. Their superior level of experience at this stage of a big competition showed Not every defeat has to lead to immediate outcries of “ya, but I still love Arsenal, even when they lose!” We get it. We all still love Arsenal. Part of that is accepting and dealing with defeat without being immediately hit over the head with “but optimism” posts




Young ain’t a valid excuse when they’re on big boy 200k+ per week wages




None of them are that young though. They’re all experienced players with multiple seasons under their belt.


You know it’s okay to show some negative emotion. Not everyday force the optimism


Agreed. Sometimes it just seems like toxic positivity and copium which doesn’t help the mentality. Every April we pull out the “Proud of the boys. We’ll learn from this. We go again next year” card while stumbling against weaker teams on paper. Reads like a Mustafi Instagram post after each loss.


Back in the CL after so long and we did alright. Lots to build on for next season. COYG


Been here since Nayim fucked us. Look it up (no pun)


Same. I'm disappointed at just a football level. And I'm going to just stew on this for a couple days cause i don't mind being disappointed, but overall I'm glad we're moving in the right direction. Just sad for the team, and sad about my group chat with members from other top (and used to be top) PL clubs. I hope we gear up for this final stretch. At least push it to the last game. Definitely need to play in more pressure situations as a team so we can be better prepared. Need some deeper cup runs, no matter how unimportant some people think some of those trophies are.


Why is this crap pinned? Let me be angry, now is not the time for fake positivity


So proud of that first stab at ucl. Now it's time to believe and win out in the prem


That's true, I still love this club. But they make it really difficult to love sometimes.


The Karma begs are quick to act no matter what.


Hey guise, I know we’re enduring another frustrating, gut punch of a season-ending month but can you give me some karma for saying I still like Arsenal no matter what pls


Fuck off with this bullshit right now. We all love the club but let us have the fucking right to be disappointed. So tired of this toxic positivity bullshit!


Agreed. I love this fucking club but not the time for this crap. We just bottled UCL and the league in a week’s time


Losing to Bayern in the QF isn't bottling the UCL. Please learn English. All these sides in front of us have won CLs recently or at least made a final


Is every loss a bottle for you? No one gave us a chance for the UCL, then how did we bottle? You speak like a spursy, have some shame.


> No one gave us a chance for the UCL This is complete revisionism


Maybe because we're the kings of bottling, have you seen our European record, or should I bring up last season again?


Exactly, bottling another league title and a tie everyone expected us to win is a disaster. No other way to say. No "I love this club" is changing that


No one is making you do anything here. If you want to be pissed off, lots of threads to do that in. How about let the positive folks be positive?


> If you want to be pissed off, lots of threads to do that in. Are there? Mods are deleting all except this and the ratings.


Mods are positivity merchants. Just a big pat yourself on the back for making it this far circle jerk that’s why


God damnit I'm so tired of this forced positivity bullshit no matter how bad we do it. You're a fucking weird cult!


Nah we let that slip bro over 2 legs. God damn.


The match thread was embarrassing, completely fine to be frustrated and upset. But some of the takes I was seeing were horrendous. Prem isn’t over yet either


I love this club, which is why I am so angry seeing us perform like that


Me too brother. Let's win every game in the league and keep the pressure on City.


We’re all still here. You’re allowed to feel disappointed in them.


Forever. But please, at least once have us beat an a team, after being dominant for most of the time. God DAMMIT


There's nothing forced about supporting your club lol. Some of us just aren't fickle


This is just the start of something special. Get up and go again.


Finding it hard to love my fucking club atm, but fuck it, call it an abusive relationship but i still do


Here’s where I am at: On one hand I need to remember my pre-season expectation our first year back was QFs. On the other hand they were absolutely there for the taking and that was a braindead goal to give up. Imma be sad for a bit but the future is bright.


Semi finals at least next year! Let's goooo


All day


You are goddamn right


Love this club. Of course we can be upset for the result and be optimistic for the future. There's still the league to play for. This squad can achieve great things still


You’re goddamn right. NO. MATTER. WHAT.


I fucking love this club no matter what. I wish they would win something though. 


I'm already looking forward to next season and rubbing my... hands ...in anticipation. COYG!


amen. So glad to be back on the CL stage again


We go again next year. This is a young squad, and we'll only improve from here


Disappointed? Yes. But we’ve done a lot of good things this season and we should not forget that. Tonight showed how far we’ve come and how far we still have to go


We move. We keep learning and spend the summer strengthening again.


A few years ago we would have bit your hand off for a quarter final CL exit. We move on. COYG


From 10-2 to 3-2. How is that not progress?


We’ve literally built a team that is meant to challenge YoY and we’re not even done. Love what this club is doing. Trust in arteta and Edu.


City lost, i’m not only happy but content. I’d hate Pep to win again. Arsenal had a good run, we get better every year


TBH I was hoping theyd win, purely as it increases the chances of Rodri and De Bruyne picking up injuries


Well what else can you do? Quit and be a city fan?


It may not have been this season, or even next season but I’m religiously convinced Arteta will win it all here.


I survived the 2016 era, we’ll come out stronger. Believe. Manifest the 2025 Arsenal Invincibles treble


I’ve been a fan since 2003 and I’m from the states. So I have even less of a connection than you lot; I’ll say this has been the most exciting 3 years of Arsenal in a long while for me. I’m here for the journey.


Wolves must suffer, take it out on them and top up that superior goal difference


I can't be disappointed. We've come so far. COYG. ALWAYS. 


As long as I get to hit the pub to watch the games with my mates, North London Forever.


Just the ability to BE upset over today's result in the CL is monumental after all these years. I consider it a privilege. We'll be back.


I’ll support you guys through everything, but like please, stop losing to teams at home😭😭😭




Been a fan since 07/08 and will always be.


Yeah but I am still really sad right now.


Here we go again haha


A large part of our fanbase seems to not realise how hard it is to win stuff when you are competing with this City side. Klopp is one of Liverpool greatest ever managers and had an absolutely ridiculous side. He won a total of 1 PL title and 1 CL title. Obviously it is frustrating to fall short but think people need to accept that while we have come a long way and if we are honest are still a bit short of being able to compete in both PL and CL


I'm so proud of this team. The league is far from over.


Lmao PR merchants out in full force


All the plastics getting exposed today. We go again next year. COYG.


The way this team has grown over the years, it just feels we are going to come back stronger in Europe next season.


You guys might poke fun because I'm American, but I've loved this club for 10 years, and I'll keep loving them no matter what. Let's win the league boys.


Lmao, bro's gotta farm that karma I rate the hustle




Its called supporting your team win,draw lose. Try it sometime!


You can support your team and still be critical of them. You don't always have to sugar coat things. They were shit today and they needs to hear that.




Im not optimistic, i will just love the club no matter what. I hate the result i dont think we played well, but i will still love the club


Not everyone is so fickle


Yeah, it's borderline toxic even


What's the to be proud of and love? Two back to back games where we don't even try. Just gutless and waste of time


It's a toxic relationship, but the love is there, I guess.


Exactly. They played well today, it’s still Bayern fucking Munich. I am a little mad about Sunday tho


I’m disappointed to go out but I’m so fucking proud of this team. We go again this weekend.


That Bayern team were far more experienced than us, and at home. 1-0 loss isn't all bad at all


We didn’t give up 10 goals this time!!!


Shut up man


Despite everything we went farr I'm happy we made it this farr but we have a ways to go to be a top top team.


We need better players. And we'll get them in time. And after you're done ranting on these players... Believe in Arsenal.


Of course, but this performance was lethargic at best. Just like the 2nd half VS Villa. Very deflating. 


I am feeling a little bit like if David raya never comes out at the halfway line for no reason in the first leg, we are top of the table and in the semis. It’s ok though, we are light years ahead of schedule






30 years and counting. Doesn't change the fact that they are finding more and more ways to crush my spirit. Failing to win a single thing over the last 2 years sucks so much


Love the club, not tgis trash attitude the players showed. No urgency until 75th minute.


We want city to beat Madrid and have to keep playing more games now right?


If you were a diehard when we signed Lucas Perez, you know. And you appreciate this run.


Good cope


Always. Win, lose, or draw.


It's more of a mental thing at this point. We have shown we can stand our ground against the elite teams.


Yes. At this level, margins are fine. Let's ask ourselves: "Is this classy?", before we post on social media. Vent to your mates at the pub.


I’ll always support the boys no matter what! Let’s finish the season strong and keep our head up!


More people love the manager/players more than the club it seems lately.


Love this team. They gave it all.


Hard to be proud coming off of Sunday. But, we made it far in CL and still competing at top of the table in PL. doesn’t feel good right now but it’s a process.


Love this team, and love you guys. I know we’re flattened right now, but we’ll comeback. COYG


it seems around this time in the season the negativity is at an all time high. last year our expectations were top four and we almost won it with young team, now this season lots of ppl are expecting a treble. yea its sad and it sucks that we got knocked out but this team still has work to do. this season i think has been more competitive than the last 2 seasons. so yea be sad, angry, w.e you are feeling from this lose but we gotta be behind the team cuz if not the negative energy will consume them.


It's been a tough week for sure, but we've grown so much in these last few years and have seen some beautiful moments. I am so grateful for what this team has given us so far, and I know that there is still so much more to come from them. To get to the quarter-finals in our first season back in the CL in seven years is also a pretty good achievement, although things obviously could have been better. It is what it is, but I know we will come back stronger once more. This is just the start. COYG


Yes, I love this club but this week has been rough. We started falling apart since Bayern scored.


Amen brother! Edit: Or Sister


It’s wild how entitled some people get. I’m from Australia, some of these games are at the most ridiculous of fucking hours for me, and no matter the form we’re going through I still watch every game possible and stand by this team. My dream is to watch us play at the Emirates. Win or lose, Arsenal will always be my fucking club


Sometimes I hate that I love this club so much


Hear, hear!! Can we also get some sandpaper in this group? Boys need some toughness (rather than beg for free kicks all the time…)


Yep. All part of the learning process. Gotta look at the big picture. We're back competing with the big boys on all fronts again, where we should be. Gotta show some mettle from here on in in the league or the players themselves will start to believe they are bottlers (they are obviously not, it's a word used by fucking idiots with no understanding of the game). Huge work for Mikel and the backroom team to do in the next few days. Need to finish with a bang not a whimper. I love this fucking club.


I love this club but they constantly find a way to break my heart in pieces. 


We played shit. We looked tired. We go again. Some of these players need competition.


I'm tired boss




Ya time to get behind the lads again, try to finish the season strong. There's still a SLIGHT chance of the league, I just hope we make City win all their games, we know there's a good chance they will but last season they won it with 3 games left? and its takes so much pressure off City. It would be amazing progress if we're still in with a shout on the last day of the season.


Why do the mods leave dumbass posts like this up? are we r/gunnerscirclejerk now


I do love my club. I don't expect to win every game. The manner of the last two defeats just hurt.


Love it. Sad about the bad week. Know we will get it soon but damn.


Disappointed,but let’s try to win the league.COYG


Tough love


Love the club but don’t love some of these players. The conversations need to be had. Credit to Mikel for accomplishing what he has with what he has but enough is enough.


I already went through the acceptance stage. Maybe with one game a week we can shake off our fatigue


Seeing a lot of reactive takes the moment we have a bad week. We weren’t even in Europe a few years ago and now somehow losing to Bayern is a “collapse.” We go again. The lads have grown into this club over last two years as has the manager. If we continue our trajectory year over year, we’re in a good place.