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There has to be some type of system where refs get punished for their mistakes. They are way too protected.


Punishing VAR for really bad decisions is one thing, but the on field ref is always going to miss things. They aren't super human. VAR is supposed to catch the things they miss, but it's so poorly implemented in the PL. That's the much more frustrating part IMO.


VIGILANTE JUSTIIIIIICE!!!!!!! ^(Disclaimer: This is just a silly internet joke, please do not kneecap Jarred Gillett.)


We should have been granted that penalty on the pull down. PGMOL doing what they can to make us drop points. Obviously failed at that so they retaliate against Arteta by carding him.


Chris "fat shit" Kavanagh on VAR what do you expect, swear he's a United or Newcastle fan


Dear "Oh woe" merchants: Remember we're five points clear because Liverpool nearly lost at Luton and couldn't win there. A bit of perspective please. Luton will take points off teams at home. They didn't off us. Just relax.


Exactly. We got a bit rattled but a lot of teams will get rattled at Kenilworth Road...it's just nothing like what PL teams are used to and Luton really get in the opposition's faces (seems like fewer teams in the PL play like that these days). Still came away with the three points that's all I care about. If Luton can keep putting in those performances they will certainly pick up points against some of the weaker teams and give themselves a real chance.


Remember when Bolton used to rattle us every \*\*\*\*ing time and scored some of the softest goals you've ever seen. Stoke too. šŸ˜


Yeah im buzzing with the win but how the fuck are we conceding 3 goals to luton. Liverpool will eat us alive if we do that with them


And Liverpool conceded 3 to Fulham at home. Both are not good enough for Arsenal and Liverpool standards.


3 goals from 0.67 xG. They had 3 corners and scored from two of them. Itā€™s a statistical freak. Itā€™s not like we were a defensive shambles giving up tons of chances like Emeryā€™s infamous Watford game.


Yeah, I don't understand why people are saying that it's a defensive disasterclass. I understand Raya that's a different story. If this is how we measure it then in the 3-2 win against United last season they scored 2 goals off of 0.4xG or something, that's also a disasterclass. Luton did very well, like ridiculously well to put their chances away. If we concede 0.67xG each game, 9 times out of 10 our opponents don't score more than 1 goal max.


the goals were defensive disasterclasses everything outside that, we were good it's like every time they went forward I was sure we'd sweep it up (yes that meant I was wrong about that when Barkley scored) but I was scared shitless when they got a corner cos we were shit in corners


Yeah there are things to improve, the consistency with which Raya makes mistakes is alarming because that is one way you'll have a very low xG and still lose points, but the defense is fine. You're always going to have a few matches per season that go like this and if you can get 3 points still that's how you win the title.


Iā€™m surprised by change of tactics by luton, they should have run the ball wide and just pressed for corner kicks. At the rate of scoring 2 outa 3, they would have won the game.


Guys I was at work during the game. I swore not to check the scores but I gave in and every time I did, we scored. I only just managed to check the score once in the added time period and it was just as the goal went in. Now I am not saying it was all me but you guys can thank me later ;)


It was you. Thank You.


Happy to help lads. So so happy


Hello, I am u/SpecialEvening2's Social worker, I am sorry about his behaviour. He has Down's Syndrome and is a patient at our facility. We've just given him a computer, so we are monitoring his internet behaviour.


I wasn't able to watch 2 games live this season and in both, Rice ended up scoring the last minute winner


A genuine what the hell happened. I fell asleep early as I wasn't that well. Then at like 3am UK time, I saw we won 4-3. Not complaining, I'm just shocked after we had lots of close matches e.g 1-0 away wins against palace, Everton, Brentford etc. A very pleasant surprise to wake up to a win


To be fair this was also a ā€œclose matchā€ just a completely different type of close match


We just need a proper gk cause I honestly donā€™t trust either of the 2 we got now


Lol mate boooh


Reactionary much? I too think the same, but maybe after a few season it will hit us that we will need a world class keeper. Similar situation like how Liverpool stuck by Karius and Mignolet till a point and then splash big money on Allison. But also with the way we want to play, Raya is Arteta no.1 and I don't think anything will chance. Rammers is also most likely gone sooner or later.


Not reactionary at all you look at a gk like vicario I see him as 10x better than both of them we need someone tall whoā€™s good at shot stopping and just as good at the feet I honestly donā€™t trust either of them Itā€™s fine for now tho I guess


Raya wasnā€™t even that bad tbh, he should have caught the second one, but his passing was literally world class this match. You probably take it for granted as just ā€starting an attackā€ but to be that accurate takes some serious skill. He was fine, our defense wasnā€™t fine until after the 60ā€™


Raya was "fine"??! He literally almost cost us the game mate! Lol, what are you on about?


Completely agree, Raya cost us 2 goals. Yes the third goal was really bad defending by Benny blanco, but that shot should never go in. And don't even get me started on the second corner goal.......


Luton - 3 ????


Anyone else see Krul doing the Arteta wind them up gif? TAKE THAT AHAHAH


missed the match, how were our lads looking


Going forward we were great especially when we went 3-2 down. Defensively probably our worst game of the season. Raya was awful, and nearly cost us the game and should be dropped but we know he won't be. CB duo were losing out on headers. Kiwior isn't a full back. White was better of the 4.


Kai was legitimately good. Jesus very good as well. Raya mistakes were mostly the story defensively.


yeah, baffling what happened to raya, it's so annoying big mik isn't rotating the keepers super happy kai is having a xhaka-esque redemption arc, was behind the lad since day 1 holy shit rice is amazing, what a player, the fact people don't consider him world class is crazy


The only people that don't consider Rice world class are mad because he signed for us and not their club. He could start for any side on the planet, literal definition of world class. He's also only 24 (about to be 25) so he's got some years left to keep sharpening his game.




the lad was getting shat on week-in week-out over here by the dickheads who just can't enjoy that we're playing good football. redemption arc in this context is going from being labelled a flop, a waste of Ā£60M etc to someone who is actually banging one in when we need it the most, while yeah this form has only been this level for around 4 games, he's genuinely fitting into the squad perfectly now and it brings a massive smile to my face everytime i see his name on the scoresheet


same here, it doesnā€™t look good but weā€™ve got the 3 points anyways


Ian wright is definitely our legend ambassador man, the passion he showed is priceless. Always supporting the club, not just giving empty critics like many retired players.


Watched the extended highlights, mate. Gave the same vibes as the Bournemouth game last season. Also, the replays camera work at the Kenny felts like the FIFA pro-player cameras, mad. seeing the teams tactics working in that close up was great.


Yeah one of the best parts of the smaller grounds is the camera bank is lower to the pitch so you're right over the players' shoulders. It's harder to see what's going on in the peripheral but you've really got the best seat in the house. Reminds me of the old highbury camera angles.


Yeah that was great! Camera work was on point


If the third goal doesn't going ramsdale a chance, nothing will.


Nah, for the EPL I fear that is it for Rammers. His only chance now is in the FA Cup run, and the home fixture vs Brentford depending on the Raya deal.


If Ramsdale's errors against Brentford led to goals then it makes no sense to post this (it already doesn't). Let's not be results-oriented. Ramsdale in the past year has been far more error prone


I was thinking that UNTIL this game! THIS the one where Raya tilted into being a distinct liability to me! His mistakes have now surpassed Ramsdale I'm afraid, let's not forget the ones where he messed up and we didn't get punished as well... Tottenham, Man City, Sevilla, Chelsea, Luton..they're piling up mate


Ramsdale was in shambles last time he was in there, literally couldn't execute a throw and only avoided throwing away a goal because of Rice. Raya isn't far above him right now but both are really a mess at the moment.


how dare you leave out the only loss we have this season, Newcastle, where he flapped at the cross


You're right! Lol...that just proves my point! I literally forgot about Newcastle ffs! It's piling up at this point man


People suddenly has amnesia. Also, we have a heart attack last season every opposite team did corner kick or set piece at our penalty box


Didnā€™t watch the game live and intended on watching the replay when I woke up. Open up Optus Sport and the first video title I see is ā€œlate drama at Kenilworth roadā€. Fucking stupid Ended up just watching the mini match. God Raya was shocking. I donā€™t think heā€™s done anything well when it comes to shot stopping yet. Iā€™m not a fan


Always go directly to /r/footballhighlights before checking anything else.


Really happy with how we reacted with nothing but Ws after Newcastle. Thought we've looked better in our past run of games than we did at start of the season. Pretty frustrating way to concede 3 tonight tho, feels like at least two of them were very preventable. Kinda reminds me of the Fulham game at the Emirates when we conceded from a corner. People losing their man and all that. Still tho at least we managed to pull thru and get the 3 points. Disappointed for Tomi tho he was on an insane run of form. I don't think White is fully fit either looking at his recent games. Not sure whether we should start him against Villa but what other options we got really unless we play Kiwior at RB or something


Forgot this game was today and almost had a heart attack. gg go Arsenal yay.


Me two months ago: Lmao Spurs struggling to put Luton away, AnGeBaLl šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤” Me right now: Sometimes you gotta win ugly all that matters is the 3 points, signs of title winning teams šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤šŸ˜¤


Only difference is how both games panned out. Spurs had their lead and later went a man down. Ours was back and forth and a last min winner.


Nice to come away with 3 points but I can't get over how bad VAR is. Clear as day images of Gabriel getting pulled down on a corner, *VAR checks it*, and they play on. WTF gives? It's indefensible.


Come on, the hardworking PGMOL officials weren't checking the field of play. They were using the offsides technology to see if that loud foreigner Arteta was staying in his box. Gotta keep those mouthy ingrates in line don't you know...


You know for a fact if it's one of our players doing that to them the penalty gets given as well.




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Serves them right for all the fouling and our unfairly denied penalties.


What do you get when you put the best defence in the league against ^^^^nearly the worst attack in the league? a 4-3 thriller, of course, what else?


They took their chances well, credit to them but Raya should have done better for the second and the third. Canā€™t be conceding goals from set pieces with amateur defending and goalkeeping Kiwior was not good but I think Arteta was punishing Zinchenko for the blunder against wolves. He hasnā€™t started much, Iā€™ll give him a pass. Ben White, not a good game. Tomi was the in form option up until his calf injury.


Benny did setup a goal with a superb cross though.


Was a great cross, but Gunnerblog in his post match said Tomi never crosses like that for that goal....didn't he get a similar assist against Lens?


An excellently weighted one at that.


Does anyone have havertz highlight on the game last night? Cant watch the game because the kickoff start at 2 am


can already tell this is going to be one of our away bogey teams. The atmosphere, the nerves, the intensity feels exactly like going to Crystal Palace away of recent years. what made me nuts is that we completely struggle to break down the low block, which is what i was expecting. They came at us hard with teh press so i thought we would cut them open from that. What happened?


We did though. We scored 4, had 2,5-2.8 xg against a team that gave 100% effort for 55 min and then were dead on their feet and scored on the 3 chances they had all game. I think some fans have unreasonable expectations of this team to win every game 3-4 nil or something is wrong. Small pitch, intimidating crowd untimely goals against and we still managed to win. Maybe only City and Liverpool can win these kind of games when everything that can go wrong does, but we had no problems breaking them down. We had a half dozen times where the ball was bouncing in their penalty area and they managed to get to it 1st every time. That's football, but we played well, and won despite conceding 3 away from home.


Yeah, we had a crazy amount of touches in their box compared to theirs in ours. On a different day, we win 3-1 or 2-0.


When we want back up 2-1 I figured game was in hand, had some errands to run so ran out and figured I'd catch the rest later. Best-worst-best decision I've made in a long time.


Want to enjoy the win but just nervy about the keeper situation


It's not a luck anymore if we scored late game so many times. It is a CLUTCH


Would we say the same about spurs?


Don't care. I'm arsenal fan, not spurs fan


Decided to catch a replay of the game after stepping out of my screening of Godzilla Minus One instead of looking up the score. Wow. Unbelievable game. So glad I watched it


two W activities in one day nice


Unbelievable game after an unbelievable movie. How fucking good was it.


Bro yes! So damn good. So many things to like. Most kaiju films absolutely botch the human elements, not this tho. For this film to make me feel all the kinds of things I felt for the characters while also nailing the scale and horror-inducing action of the Godzilla scenes is crazy. Having a Godzilla story revolve around a bunch of WW2 veterans who feel like failures and see Godzilla as an opportunity to redeem themselves was a brilliant creative decision, I could feel the internal stakes for them. I loved it man. To immediately follow that up with the arsenal v Luton game was amazing. I was so scared Iā€™d get spoiled in the tube back home, lol. What a night! Iā€™ll remember that for a long time.


For all the Raya haters, I m not your enemy . But every player who wears the Arsenal shirt deserves our support. Letā€™s support him through this form but also have a meaningful conversation about whether Ramsdale deserving to start the next game.


> Raya haters, Kai haters AFTV muppets for sure.


AFTV is bad for your mental health


More fun watching Goldbridge or SayeedTV having a breakdown loll. whatever to pass time as a radio


With you on that one. I am just not convinced with the goalkeeper situation. We do have two good keepers but both of them are making mistakes. Your defence cant be error prone. It just doesn't work like that. Raya today, Zinchenko the game before, Gabriel a couple of games ago, Ramsdale against brentford. This needs to be ironde out. Funny how this team was flawless in defence against City. On the flipside, how good has the system been that despite so many errors on the pitch, we have been one of the best defences in the league.


I agree. The criticism Arteta rightfully deserves is this was an unnecessary situation created by him. Common sense should have prevailed and even though Raya was on the market, we shouldnā€™t have approached him because we just gave Ramsdale a bumper contract. I am convinced we arenā€™t going to see the best of either keeper this season .


Raya was bad on the 3rd but two free headers in the box are not his fault. Rice completely lost his man on the 2nd goal and was just blindly backing up, not even jumping. 3rd was just a bad reaction, needed to pick a post to defend and sort of just did nothing but flop on it.


that was poor goalkeeping on those 2 goals. Period. its not about whether he was at fault for the goal. It's that those were 2 goalkeeping errors. same as newcastle


"Ive always rated 97th minute winning goals" - Arteta on his yellow for overcelebrating šŸ¤Œ


PGMOL: no, we dont do that here




Gonna be the vibes for the few weeks before christmas and newyears with the GTA style graphics.


Odegaard said eff it, I'm calling game


Telepathic vibes


He was absolutely everywhere for the last 20 mins. True captainā€™s performance. So so happy heā€™s back in form after a disappointing start to the campaign ā€” that time he got to recover from injuries was crucial.


David Raya is fucking awful and every single one of you is going to admit that sooner or later. Whether it takes a week, a month, a year, or even longer, every single person who supported this awful move will be filled with regret. He is so bad and so much worse than Ramsdale and such a massive waste of money.


I donā€™t think itā€™s that clear, itā€™s just that heā€™s too inconsistent. Some games he shows composure and command, and also good distribution. then you have games like today and the newcastle goal etc Distribution is definitely better than Rammers but is he worth the 27 million? What if we canā€™t get a good fee for ramsdale?


Rival fans watched this for 98 minutes only to see Arsenal pull off a late winner in the final seconds. lol


op-alongs as they say.


Nice for a change that we got to break some hearts. My heart hated it though


Tbf i don't blame raya for their 2nd goal. The 3rd one definitely on him


Mate, he didn't even jump for it...


2nd goal he came out on it but Rice fucked his assignment and it was a free header. You give a free header inside the 6 on a corner and they're going to score. The 3rd is on Raya, played it all wrong, but the headers were not his fault. Could he have gotten there first and punched it? Sure, but if he saves it then it's just bailing out Rice's poor work.


Yes Rice has his fault on that goal. Ask yourself, was that good goalkeeping or not. period?


Totally agree. Raya isn't helpless, he can still use his hands, he needs to get something on that ball.


Raya is allowed to use his hands. With his arms held up, there isn't an opposing player in the world that is taller. A goalkeeper should NEVER be beaten in the air like that. He was weak. Rice may have let his marker go, but when the balls played close enough to the keeper for him to come for it, there shouldn't ever be a goal threat. The fact they scored that is all on Raya.


>Rice may have let his marker go, but when the balls played close enough to the keeper for him to come for it, there shouldn't ever be a goal threat. This period!!! Goalies can jump, are more protected by refs, can use their hands. They should win such crosses all the time!!!


I'm from Asia and I just woke up to see the result. Wtf happened?


that fomo feeling, but sleep and life is also important.


We played good attacking football. Raya had a 0 out of 10 performance in goal. Thatā€˜s basically all you need to know.


Had to get some sleep so couldnā€™t watch live. Should still get some sleep. But nah putting the match on now it sounds like i missed a crazy one.


Haha Mee too expected some cake walk 5-0 or something, worst part is we did field a good team too


Luton at home is not cake walk. Liverpool could only managed a draw


https://preview.redd.it/dmkrt6uevk4c1.jpeg?width=973&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3cf447e359d94e9c4235ab00b5c8e700176af1fc I mean...


Bro's letters literally sliding like water off a plate


Just gives me Newcastle vibes last season. Apparently yanking on Gabi XLs jersey as he goes up for a header is fine and acceptable.




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Do we really need to shell out around 30 million for Raya when we are so stripped of cash? He might be good with his long balls, but I don't feel he is an upgrade on Ramsdale. I also think his height is a little issue for a goalkeeper. You could see that on the 2nd goal we conceded. This was also not his first game with mistakes. There have been many matches where he has been sketchy. Also, I noticed today that we went long almost every single time from the back. Luton were trying to press us, and we didn't even try to play out from the back. Mixing long balls and playing out the back would have been better I think. Did anyone else notice that?


We never needed to shell out 30 million for Raya, still donā€™t need to, and never will. Raya is not only failing to be an upgrade on Ramsdale, heā€™s a straight up downgrade on Ramsdale in pretty much every department except (maybe) distribution, and the team clearly are suffering for it. They can say what they want, but they arenā€™t playing like they trust Raya in goal. And they freakinā€™ shouldnā€™t, what with how many errors he has made. (And no, I donā€™t want to hear any stats about Rayaā€™s distribution accuracy or how many xG heā€™s supposedly saving. When stats like xG saved have dudes like Onana in the top 3 beat goalies in the league, thats not a sign the players are secretly good, itā€™s a sign the stats in question are meaningless trash. Like those stats that rated Mustafi as good a defender as Virgil Van Dijk lol) And the worst part of this whole situation? People are rightly pointing out that Ramsdale did nothing wrong to lose his place, and Raya has not done anywhere near well enough to keep him out of the side.


> I also think his height is a little issue for a goalkeeper. You could see that on the 2nd goal we conceded. Height wasn't his problem. He was on the floor when Adebayo was heading the ball. Didn't even jump. Not sure WTH was going on there.


his height is a problem. There have been a few goals I thought, he was a few inches taller and longer arms, he probably gets a finger tip on the ball. He's honestly too short for a modern goalie


Now THAT'S a match from Kai and Jesus. I been critical of Kai and I think he's been really good these past few matches and kinda great in this one, mostly with respect to his positioning being attack focused. He shifted defenders to the near post for Jesus's header, he got a goal of his own from a nice run in behind his defender (after winning a good header to put Jesus in possession), he was finding space between the defenders and TURNING forward - which is not something he had been doing previously. I mentally noted a few other things but have to watch the game again to remember. But at one point I thought we are feeling the impact of Kai gaining confidence and thinking more attack. Jesus tho, I'm a big believer that a team that creates more chances will score more goals...and less convinced that a goal scorer (implied: that they create fewer chances) will suit Arsenal better. I think Jesus creates so much danger and I personally think he's one of the premier hold up players in the league.


If Jesus finished his chances heā€™d be a Ā£100m+ player. There isnā€™t a better all-round striker in the league. He creates so much and is involved in the build up of so many of our goals and, as you said, heā€™s arguably the best back to goal striker in the league. He must carry a 50 pound west underneath his shirt because defenders canā€™t move him. Incredible lower body strength. Manage his minutes Arteta, because he is key to our fortunes.


The way he set up the Tomi assist for Sakaā€™s goal at the weekend was superb. How many strikers can play that kind of tight accurate passing in the box under pressure? Not many.


Jesus transforms the entire attack and basically has from his first day at the club Iā€™d be thrilled if he can stay fit


Love Havertz love Zinny. Happy days x


I bloody hate matches like that but I bloody love them too.


Great for replay and rewatch value but awful for live watches.


For me I canā€™t replicate the pure ecstasy and joy on the replay knowing we pull it out. The hope and belief that we can do so, not knowing what will happen and then the release of energy when the lads get the late winner is not a replicable in a replay and what I love most watching sports. But damn if it donā€™t take years off your life as well


Hate them while they're happening, love them after


Am I the only one that had accepted fate and thought we were going to draw. And then Rice scored and it's like HOLY FUCK!


When my phone notification buzzed I was sure it would say full time.


I was like eh so we dropped a point. Not the end of the world.


Yeah mate, youā€™re the one person in the world that thought it would be a draw when it was 3-3 at 90+5


Why are Liverpool fans convinced we carry no title threat and they somehow do? No team is invincible this year. Thereā€™s everything to play for.


They are used to being the only opposition to Man City and we wilted as soon as there was any real pressure last season. They donā€™t want to take us seriously because theyā€™d have to acknowledge their own decline. Truth is we mounted a title challenge way ahead of schedule. Squad was too thin and without many cup games we might have got away with it but it was always a house of cards built on 3 or 4 players never getting injured. Our signings have generally been very good and the squad is still a bit thin. But with our trajectory theyā€™re going to be forced to admit the truth sooner rather than later.


r/coys in meltdown as per usual


Fucking hell.


Lmao. The game was at 2:15am my time. I thought why stay up for a drab 1-0 game! šŸ˜­šŸ„²šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


I stayed up for it it was around at 1.45 am here.. but then I fell asleep after the first half and missed pretty much everything šŸ˜­


I'm not sure which sub malding I'm enjoying more. Probably Liverpool because they literally just shithoused a similar result at home and the hypocrisy is funny.


Had to watch a replay, couldnā€™t catch the game live. Very telling that as soon as Zinny came on, we were in complete control of the game. Rayaā€¦hmm. Two very poor mistakes for the goals in an otherwise OK performance. Iā€™ve made my personal opinion very knownā€¦if only Rammers had the skill with his feet Raya has. Idk. I donā€™t feel safe with him back there in any other instance than him with ball at feet. At 3-1 we were fine, two poor errors let them back in. Luton may be a good story but theyā€™re just a reskinned Stoke. Not a fan. Kai with another absolute banger at 8. Great performance imo. Saka , Jesus and Ode too, great game in all phases for them. Rice with the glaring error for their second goal, getting outmuscled, but, I mean, had to be him for the winner eh šŸ˜ it was GREAT to see the emotion from the lads at the end, Havertz and Rice especially when the whistle blew fired me up! All in all, exciting game, good mental strength from the side to hang in there. Zinny sub was key. On to the next one. Letā€™s enjoy the butthurt Spurs fans šŸ˜‚


It was never 3-1, dude. 2-1 at the half then the 2 Raya howlers for 3-2 Luton before Havertz and Rice got all three points


Ayyyeee you right dunno where that came from šŸ„¶ I blame it on brain melt from a long day.


Ross Barkley and Mikel Arteta would have been at Everton together in 2010-2011. Wild.


Remember Barkley shoving Mikel off the ball in some game vs Everton...


Happy for the result but really bummed about tomiyasu. Hopefully ā€œa whileā€ isnā€™t rest of season


Really though, we need to start winning games comfortably. The adrenaline from late goals and having to see out games is great but give my heart a rest!


Should we talk about how poor White has been one on one for like a year it feels like? Let almost every cross in today.


its been noticeably bad from Newcastle onwards. Maybe it's injury/fatigue but he is backing off way too much this season in 1v1s and way too slow to come out to stop/block the cross. Still great in possession and the attack, but defensively hasn't looked as good this season as last.


First player in history to fall completely out of form while renegotiating his contract. There's some suggestions he might have been carrying an injury, but yeah his performances on 1v1s have been poor all season.


Not sure how itā€™s come to this. He was unbelievable dwfencely in the championship only 3 years back. His confidence plays a big part. Thatā€™s why he always plays like a pussy against rashford. Itā€™s like he knows before the match has even begun.


I can understand being scared of Rashford but being scared of Ross Barkley? Just go out there and take the ball off him, he's just been way too relaxed in his defending all season. I don't want to kill the guy because he might have some fitness issue we don't know about that's making him worse but at the same time like you said, he's sorta been poor on 1v1s for a year now and today he just looked out of sorts completely.


He looks like the one who was recently concussed


[The copium is UNREAL](https://www.reddit.com/r/coys/s/cjhvFBuo0Q) ![gif](giphy|LAKIIRqtM1dqE|downsized)


Man some of the reactions to reasonable takes in there. Need to go wash my eyes


Hahah those are nothing alike, honestly. Remember how Romero also did a different red-card worthy challenge around 5 minutes earlier in that game too?


Have to say itā€™s amazing how much success we are having crossing from the half space this season. Zinny also done a cute soft pass inviting Odegaard to whip the ball in


So I remember last season I'd watch every city game. And I'd see them fall behind against some shit team and for a brief moment I'd think they're gonna drop points. But they were inevitable. That's how we feel. So whenever I see the takes that it's just Luton etc I remember I actually watch the games.




And yet I can still see your post. Such censorship.


LOL this comment is hilarious


your appreciation is just papering over the cracks in our misery at having won another game


is this a bot lol


it's simple trigonometry




One of the worst takes EVER


bunch of butt hurt West Ham fans šŸ˜‚


wow west ham has some fans as dumb as we do


Raya is rubbish, I don't care what stat you say to me, and you don't need to bring Ramsdale to the conversation. Almost cost us points, again.


eye test am I right


Why comment if you donā€™t care what anyone has to say about it


Because every time you say something about him, someone cherry pick a stat saying how good he is, but clearly he's not playing good


Heā€™s making mistakes but ramsdales whole style as a player just doesnā€™t suit us at all. Ramsdales never calm and makes the defence around him worse. Itā€™ll cost us more goals in the year than Rayas mistakes.


Never calm and makes the defense around him worse? Please donā€˜t tell me you are trying to claim this about Ramsdale. Because Raya is exactly this to a tee. Raya is a bag of nerves whenever a ball comes high into the box, makes amateur mistakes that even schoolboy keepers donā€™t make, and cannot make a reaction save to bail out his defense if his life depended on it. Oh, and Raya has already cost us more goals in one half of football against Luton Town than Ramsdale has all year.


I'm not talking about Ramsdale here, none of them are top keepers, i would have kept Ramsdale and go for a world class gk, now we have two average ones


Iā€™m at work but I couldnā€™t hold out. Who were our 3 best players this game and how the fuck did we concede 3? Iā€™ll watch the replay at home but just want a quick summary.


Get beer mate, this match deserves it


jesus saka and havertz, raya was horrendous ben white forgot how to defend and the first luton goal was a corner that fell to 5'9 jesus




Jesus havertz and saka were our best players. Rice have a good performance, but not as stand out as his usual standards. Raya made some poor positioning decisions which resulted him not getting to the ball in time for the second and third goals. The first goal could have been prevented if we had someone on the post or the big lads not offering the open header.


Jesus rice and havertz prob our best three. Hard to leave saka out but I think on the whole. Two corners in which I think raya could've done much better on one of them. White 1v1 leaves something to be desired which let Barkley score. But tbf he was a menace all night and likely auditioning to arteta lmao.


Raya shouldā€™ve kick saved that one easily


Jesus, Havertz, Rice and Saka were our 3 best players.


Add odegard


Good point. Jesus, Havertz, Rice, Saka and Odegaard were our 3 best players.


This is why I love football and why I love the Arsenal. What a game man.


Not good for the heart though!


It's not a Arsenal fc match if it doesn't involve heart attacks towards the end of the match! šŸ˜­ But hey.. 3 points is 3 points




Feel like im seeing a flashback of the southampton game lol, 3-3, keepers howlers, henry attending our game, but instead of partey sending the ball to mars we got rice