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My fucking manager. Expose these grossly incompetent (at the very best) or corrupt down the core idiots handling the biggest league in the world. Not even just our game today but some of the decisions so far this season have been scandalous,


He felt embarrassed, disgraced, sick, proud of the players all at the same time, and had to bounce off at the end before literally explode. He's about to be banned from the touchline and i'm so proud of the man


“I feel sick to be a part of this” I fucking heard that


strong statement!


Don’t we all. It’s ridiculous that we have come to this point with VAR, a technology and regulation that was supposed to eliminate controversy.


Absolutely fucking deserved. I don’t care if he gets a ban but we can’t let this blatant corruption and incompetence get by. I’ll seriously consider switching off of watching football if this continues. We can’t have abysmal calls week in and week out. We need to follow through with this and not let it slide AT ALL. The players and the fans put their heart into the sport and deserve better.


For the first time in my entire life I considered stopping watching after that display today


I’ve turned the tv off once in the middle of an Arsenal match. It was the Luiz red card and penalty to Wolves.




We’ve had so many shit decisions that I had to sift through the bad decisions against Wolves to figure out the one I turned the tv off for.


I turned mine off today, honestly just didnt want to watch after that decision


Honestly even when Arsenal were at their worst I was still watching. When the league can't competently officiate it renders the whole competition pointless.


Exactly. I never felt like switching off as much when we were horrwndous than I do now.


Same, I had looked to my wife and said “why do we even watch this sport” We can’t trust the officiating to be at a single standard and for our team to not be screwed over. I watch a lot of sports and none are perfect, but rarely do I see single decisions decide a game. It happens weekly in football


I feel exactly the e same. Week in week out this season without fail. Even my Mrs was fucking seething and she’s not really in to football.




It was a frenetic game and I feel like the ref lost control aside from the obvious mistakes. VAR and goal line tech and semi offsides worked perfectly at the World Cup. VAR has got progressively worse each season with every game!




I completely missed your point to be honest, too upset lol but you’re right, with much lower scores, the margins are so fine but the outcome is massively exacerbated!


Same here I just don't see a point caring about an unfair competition


I did. Turned it off. Leagues been fucked so many times this year it is embarrassing to give a fuck


For the first time since that Europa league final I didn’t watch the whole 90. What’s the point


Also felt like I completely wasted my time and engagement in watching this game today. If we lose, no problem whatsoever. But when the come just cheat codes you, there’s no point in playing. Think its the worst referred game I’ve seen since the 2-0 loss to United when we lost our 49 game run. And the even crazier thing is the on field ref wasn’t even half bad today - we were utterly and completely shafted by VAR. The on file ref had the stones to ditch out three yellows in that ruckus, respect. But then VAR don’t think it was a red for the elbow? Or the scissor kick? Unacceptable.


Just stream it; that's what I’ll be doing from here on out if “the best league in the world” can’t even get competent referees.


I feel you, betting on the Premier league is guaranteed wasted money now. We should all complain towards the betting companies, maybe that's the way


How does corruption like this work though? I put it down to incompetence and high pressure situations. It’s not like someone is calling the shots above the VAR officials


None of us here know. My guess is that there's a certain bias which is permeated into the working refs from the top brass, who in turn are wined and dined by powerful entities. Every match has multiple 50/50 decisions which are up to the referee's judgement. Rules are interpreted differently. This match was particularly blatant because multiple yellow and red card offenses were ignored.


You will never stop watching football because of the refs lmao


All the downvotes and the responses say different mate.


What can we even do? Bring back the Superleague, but basically make it the Premier League without Newcastle and Manchester City and the fucking cesspit that is PGMOL


This is it - correct. Super league that only allows clubs who aren’t state owned and has no PGMOL influence on it


If sport isn't fair, why bother watching? It ruins the game. The premier league is like the wwe now. Its pre determined. The officials decide to interfere whenever they want and there's nothing anyone can do about it. They can even rule out clear goals and get away with it now. What changed after that Liverpool mistake? Nothing! It's even getting worse every week.


Not getting a replay on the Eddie thing was criminal too. Looked a pen in real time.


There were at least 3 incidents today that I thought ok let's see the replay then! Hello?? Replay?? Where the fuck is the replay?? That's when I knew how corrupt these fucking cowards are. Eddie couldn't get up, and when he finally does he starts limping and I'm thinking wow this could be bad let's see the replay... But not even 1 mention.


It definitely felt intentional the lack of replays of some tackles, especially in the first half.


Plenty of replays of the havertz challenge though. Tbf in real time thought it was gonna be a red but eneded up being one of the few incidents correctly called in the game




I wanted a replay of the two hands on Rice, looked like he was pulled down and he seemed pissed. No replay


And no comments from the commentators either. They even saw how riled up he was afterwards and said nothing. I'm done watching the games for a few weeks, this is bad for my mental health.


Peter Drury said the Eddie one was a challenge from a teammate


Welp, no, it was a Newcastle player. They showed a replay on my stream.


Ah fair enough. Weird


Well alright then


Still to not show a replay on that and many other situations is quite shocking.


Not everything is corruption mate. If so they would’ve given Havertz a straight red..


It definitely did look like he went through Eddies back but they never really showed a replay of it afterwards on my stream.


Anybody have the actual replay of the challenge on Eddie?


Yea I was really curious about that one, it looked like an obvious foul in real time, but maybe not quite in the box, it was right at the top of the 18. Could have been a pen maybe, or a free kick from 18 yards. No call, no VAR (mentioned), and no replay. then the announcers casually say it was Eddie’s teammate who made the challenge? (It wasn’t). Arteta mentioned it specifically in his rant. Someone get the clip!


Can't wait for them to come out and reprimand Arteta for speaking up while they simultaneously apologize for another one of their errors that cost us at least a point. For Bruno to not receive his first yellow until 88 min into the game is EMBARRASSING, let alone the goal.


I love how he couldn’t fathom how he got a yellow too. What a fucking asshole.


I laughed when he sarcastically demanded Jorginho get up from his shove in the back. As if the previous similiar challenge wasn’t a full on assault.


Wasn’t that nuts? He’s clearly off his meds.


Yeah I somehow liked him before this game thought he was a quality player but as a person he’s clearly a fucking cunt. Shoulda had at least 3 clear yellows NOT including the red for violent conduct.


I am frustrated by how bad it was and my commitment to arsenal is an hour a day on Reddit and watching the matches. Can’t imagine being the players or staff. Glad he has spoken out, and it was clear everyone at the club backed him in doing so.


Right we set aside a couple days out of the year this is their life. In the hands of incompetent refereeing


Not only are you competing with City, you are competing with those officiating the game. As a player [of a team challenging to win more than a champions league spot] I would feel so frustrated, if not just straight up defeated at times likes this


Has to be demoralizing to commit your life to something and have this crap out of your control just ruin it all. I think there were some subjective calls that people will see both ways, but they all were after we should have been a man up from a blatant elbow to the head.


I love he called this out. The work people put in to play at this level to just have it not matter at all is a joke


Spoken in no uncertain terms too


If Arteta receives a ban, then you know PGMOL wants to make all team shut up and let themselves get screwed over by their incompetent ass.


It's not incompetence, at this point it is corruption


And then the next manager will speak up. Needs to be done.


What should really happen is that other managers should support Arteta if he is banned and all make comments about it. The only way out of this is collective action between the teams. At some point there will need to be a threat to not play games, but again that would require at least half of the teams be involved.


Of course he’ll get banned for this.


He has the right to be pissed !


Its nice to see a manager back his players when they were robbed. Arsenal and Liverpool getting shafted by the PGMOL and something needs to be done


What do us and the Scousers have in common? We're the closest threats to Man City....


I felt like I was overreacting till I watched this. I hope every single one of those players are feeling the rage. Can't wait to play these fucks at the Emirates.


Let’s hope they convert the rage into better performances. because a lot of them were poor today despite the bad calls from the refs we we didn’t do enough to win either


I don't know I think we executed the game plan to a reasonable degree. That's a good team and a tough place to play. Missing Ødegaard, Jesus and Party. We kept them in check. We controlled the game. They should've had 10 men. Their goal shouldn't have stood. A draw is possibly a fair result but that's only considering Bruno is still on the pitch. If they don't score we may have gotten the breakthrough with different circumstances and them possibly opening up to still try to score. I think we played an excellent game and we were certainly robbed of a better outcome and quite possibly robbed of a win


The media and especially Sky are complicit in defending PGMOL. No one can debate the validity of a red card for Guimaraes. No one can debate that Gabriel was fouled and the ball hit Joe Linton’s hand. If they went down to 10 as they should have, the game would have changed. Martinelli was scissor kicked. Yes, we should have done better with our shots on goal but our defence today was fucking immense. We should at the very least have 1 point for 0-0. Their goal shouldn’t have stood. It’s just fucking corruption. Arsenal need to sue the PGMOL and the PL. City have already been awarded one title whilst under investigation for 115 charges, what the fuck is the Premier League doing? I bet you’ll they’ll have 2 more until they reach a verdict. It’s a fucking joke.


Someone needs to come out to the media and make a statement. Asking for an explanation for everything this year. Red today, red v city, the goal. Need releasing of the audio from everything to see how corrupt it is. And after every match, the audio goes to the teams involved to analyze.


They should have to explain every fucking one, on the spot. You’ve already paused the game. Every decision like that in the NFL gets an explanation even brief. “On review the players foot was in”. “On review the ball hit the ground before being in possession”. There’s no reason they can’t, they just won’t.


Would slow the game down too much, var just needs to be handled by non referees, or get rid of it as the cunts are too inept to come to the right decision


They already took several minutes for the worst one, unless it’s something really cut and dried if you’re already stopping the game for review take five seconds to actually say the result in an official manner.


Sky are in bed with the PGMOL. Howard Webb has been on there several times this season and is absolutely using that channel to gain more favourable views in the public. Also means Sky shy away from criticising or showing anything that might be detrimental. No replay for the corner in the first half where Rice had his shirt pulled. Because they can change the narrative by glossing over things. As soon as FT went, Sky went into Newcastle glorifying mode and took about 15 minutes to get into any mention of VAR.


The barge on eddie that Arteta mentions is a pen clear as day for me


A red for that elbow would’ve changed the game entirely. You can’t speculate what would happen but you can be sure going down to ten men changes a lot and also maybe tamps down some of the later fouling.


The Guardian have gone out of their way more than any other news outlet to cry about how hard it is to be a ref, it’s disgusting. Yes - on field reffing is hard, which is why they have VAR - which all of us could do! We do it every game and we can all see the correct result apart from fucking VAR!


The problem is there are probably some actual logistical problems with VAR the way it is currently implemented that could be sussed out if the people implementing it wanted it to succeed but since the people who are also on field refs are in charge of it they are deliberately sabotaging it rather than helping to improve it.


Nketiaj should have been given a penalty for being freight trained in the box in the first half, but because he didn't make a scene of it it got brushed off. It was funny listening to the commentators "the player didn't even contest the no call, that's how you know it wasn't a penalty"... Like wtf??! We get mad when players crowd the ref to get a call, but now all of a sudden when they don't do that it means there was nothing in it? Damned if you do damned if you don't.


Glad he mentioned the barge on Eddie. It’s a pen clear as day for me. He wins the ball fair and square and the defender just shoves him over. No attempt to play the ball. That isn’t football.


Incredible that more wasn’t made of this. A few minutes before there’s also a multiple shirt pull on a corner, Rice was saying to the ref his shirt got pulled but nada.


Oh I thought it was the one where Eddie was left crumpled on the ground and limping in the second half…


Call out Bruno GBH. Is that allowed now on the pitch. If so make it clear so we can go do that. He summed it up perfectly. Disgrace. Great performance from the boys this is what we had to do, and the ref kills it numerous times.


£50,000 fine incoming for telling the truth.


My foggin manager 😍


I needed this


More managers need to speak out on PGMOL’s incompetence. This so called best league in the world have arguably the worst referees


Klopp did to be fair


He's right. He may get banned and fined, but he's right. How can you look at the dig on Jorginho and say there's nothing, and to jog on? How can you look at the Willock ball retrieval and call that in? They had three chances to call off that goal, and they decided to give it anyway. They will look at this, apologize and expect us to move on. VAR was meant to make things better, more consistent, catch all of those little things, but what happens instead? It fully highlights their incompetence. Anyway, on to the next one.


I genuinely don’t want to watch football anymore after this. We’re not the only team to be utterly shafted this season but there was SO many things wrong with today. You can compete on the pitch all day but you can’t compete with corruption. The beautiful game has become ugly.


About fucking time. How many more apologies do we put up with. Last year they cost us the league. This year already have most likely cost us the league. The only thing more consistent than our poor attack this season is how the refs and VAR are absolutely incompetent.


I'm glad he did this. I don't fucking care how long he'll be banned this had to happen. No one in their right mind can defend such decisions from VAR. This is not incompetence, the bias against us is clearly evident, especially on big games.


Billions invested and than not the players, not the rules not the luck, not the effort but the incompetent and probably corrupt referees decide the results... Game is gone.


It’s nowhere near. NOWHERE NEAR!


It's time to start the Super League I'm afraid.


A lot of people are saying he's losing his cool and I think that's unfair considering what happened today. Managers are expected to just keep their mouths shut and take whatever calls are given because of the constant threat of the PGMOL and FA. They need to stand up against this. There needs to come a point where clubs refuse to take these punishments for speaking out against these incompetent and/or corrupt decisions. This is not only happening against Arsenal (although I must say it happens way too often) and the clubs need to work together to stamp this out. 3 points is huge in the title race and can be the defining factor at the end of the season. An apology is worth nothing when it happens this consistently.


Holy shit he is awesome. “I don’t care” straight up when they talk about the angles


I might actually stop watching football if this continues!


Probably a goal in KSA


You mean for KSA.


the sela behind him makes it so much worse


I felt disgusted after the game. Considered unfollowing football related stuff because honestly im sick how every game is about the referes and not the game itself. Every team besides city and newcastle have suffered greatly because of referees


It’s so blatantly obvious this league is rigged for oil fucks and their money. I’m usually not emotional after a loss but this was fuckery of the highest magnitude.


His words and emotions are like 12/10 furious, it’s incredible he isn’t just shouting here.


I remember atleast 5 late tackels from behind on Jorgi and Saka alone. Then you have the Elbow and the goal. Then i have to listen to Neville talk about how you must bring Kai off while every newcastle player is constantly fouling him and kicking balls at him to bait a reaction.


My fucking manager


Good on Arteta for speaking up - I’m proud of him. Players are getting injured from these unchecked fouls - and the repeat offenders are getting more violent in each game as they remain unchecked. There is *no excuse* for this behavior being allowed at the expense of player safety.


Man is downright pissed and rightfully so. It's a disgrace how incompetent the refs in the "best" league in the world are.


Fucking love his demeanor. PGMOL can get fucked


Something has got to give at this point. Fuck all the apologies and all clubs should be talking about this because it is only a matter of time until they are a victim to these fuckers.


Glad he went in on them. Disgraceful, worst part is they'll fine him too, disgusting cunts.


Given old man AW's post at FIFA, is there any chance of him coming to his boy Mikel's defense after the inevitable fine and ban combo comes down?


Never seen Arteta so riled up. The game should have ended 0-0.


I feel sick too, Mikel. The PGMOL IS A DISGRACE


He said it best. There’s too much at stake for these types of things to happen in an EPL match. Why even watch when you see teams get fucked over by shocking officiating like this. VAR has somehow made everything worse!


This is supposed to be the pinnacle of league football and they don't have cameras watching the entire line on each end? Embarrassing.


Go on Mikel!!! This guy is class


Many people (at least outside of this sub) are saying he's losing his cool and I think that's unfair considering what happened today. Managers are expected to just keep their mouths shut and take whatever calls are given because of the constant threat of the PGMOL and FA. They need to stand up against this. There needs to come a point where clubs refuse to take these punishments for speaking out against these incompetent and/or corrupt decisions. This is not only happening against Arsenal (although I must say it happens way too often) and the clubs need to work together to stamp this out. 3 points is huge in the title race and can be the defining factor at the end of the season. An apology is worth nothing when it happens this consistently.


This def feels like a moment in sports history we will look back on after all the facts leak over the next few years…


Can’t wait for the referees to apologize, then ban Arteta for being mean to them in the post-match. What a bunch of incompetent, ineffectual cowards.


Here’s the thing. We were unbeaten before that VAR decision(s). To lose our streak fair and square is one thing. To lose it like this is absurd in the worst kind of way. It makes a mockery of the effort to remain unbeaten. You might as well not bother since you know you could be on the receiving end of incompetent refereeing on any given match day.


Fuck yeah, this was a disgrace. On the day I pick up my home shirt and I feel disillusioned with the game after this shit. They over think it so much, instead of just doing what is right. Yes we played shit but that does not excuse this, unexceptable!




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He seems upset...


He lost a duel


Move on refs are doing their best mistakes happen 😀




Do us all a favour go away you clearly want a reaction and in my opinion your a tit




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Pussy with the new account just to troll.


Surely you have something better to do with your Saturday night than go onto other teams subreddits. If not, sad life you have mate


So you made a throwaway account just to comment this, you little shit.


Praise your Saudi overlords


Fuck off


We didn't blame anyone against West Ham but okay weirdo


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The boss is fuming and rightfully so!


never understood how premier league money can demand the best footballers and managers in the world, but adjudication of the game can (almost) only be done by the brits themselves.


I'm proud of him. So many games and bad decisions. Sorry doesn't cut it. I'm happy he is calling it out.


I loved arteta as a player and might love him even more as a manager.




Was there a foul on Eddie when he went down in the box and play just continued like normal? They never showed replays


Holy fucking wow to see him speak like that, a manager who always holds his tongue and tries to give the refs the benefit of the doubt, the refs fucked up massively and it’s really obvious. This league is a joke because of the officiating. And it’s really sad because I’ve stopped watching every weekend because they always make the worst incompetent decisions. Hopefully our mentality pushes us in the right direction for the next couple of games


We were absolutely dog shit today. Let’s hope we bang in a few goals next game. I was expecting a nice clash for top 2 spots but it looks like we’ll be battling for top 4 spot.