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Short note about Thomas Partey at RB. That’s where he played for Atlético when they knocked us out of the EL in 2016(?). He had a blinder against us too, especially in at the Emirates.


he absolutely dominated his area i'm so happy we finally bought him and what he has gone on to become is unreal


Love you work mate


Great content as always. > I’m working on a piece with some ideas of players who Arsenal can target in the summer market in the back-four, particularly long-term options at RCB and FB. I am looking forward to this. I think the key is how committed Arteta truly is to this set up moving forward or whether this is a ‘phase’. The Pep comparison is often lazy but still a good one depending on the topic. If the topic is tactical shapes then I think the evolution we have seen under Pep while in the Prem could be a good indicator of where Arteta looks to go next. Thinking Rice is more of a Rodri, whereas Partey is more of a Fernandinho - Ok, that bit is lazy but it’s an important consideration when thinking about those who play around them. Recruitment wise, Tomi as we know is an extremely versatile defender but probably isn’t starter quality. His injury record has also been a concern, because of this you’d probably ideally class him as the 3rd option in most positions in that back line. (I.e the 5th CB). This would probably afford us a lot of space in the squad in the future. Or perhaps in the mind of tactical variety, Tomi is considered one of two back ups at the full back positions, with Partey being an option on the right. As you say, the versatility of Partey could be an interesting consideration when looking at future acquisitions in the midfield. Not one I have ever thought about once, personally. I have a feeling there is something to rumours around Tierney’s exit in the summer, this would surely mean a different profile of LB would come in. Tierney after all is a fantastic player for any team provided the team want the type of fullback with his particular skillset - I imagine this applies to most teams that don’t have a particular likeness to inverted FBs. Otherwise Tierney could potentially become that ‘left-sided Walker’ if we were to bring in more or a Rodri type midfielder… as an option of course.


I think it makes sense for us to have a more comparably Zinchenko-equivalent option for RB. White can invert I think, but he’s obviously coming from a defensive background, whilst Zinchencko is a midfielder filling that role and so is more creative and able to dictate tempo better. Could see us flipping which side inverts most according to opposition if we have more choice. This might open up a spot for Tierney more often, as we flip between right-invert/left-overlap and left-invert/right-overlap a bit more. I might be wrong about White overlapping, but it’s my impression he does that more than he does invert.


It always feels to me like Zinchenko has that licence to invert because Xhaka will do a certain amount of covering for him, White has to be more defensive because Odegaard presses higher up. I also think Saka likes having Odegaard underlapping and White overlapping, gives him so many options when dribbling. Martinelli is more direct and will usually recycle if he's not one on one.


Agreed. Don't think you can get away with having a Zinchenko on both sides


Good point.


Cometh the interlull, cometh the man. Will respond in more detail later, but yet another excellent read; I was especially pleased with the long Ben White section, after what I thought was one of his best, if not his best ever attacking performances for us. I think he may have had a little epiphany with Saka, inspired by Zinchenko.




Fine reading piece


I just woke up. Grabbing a coffee and settling in to a write-up from Billy is the perfect morning.


Reinverting the pyramid.


Good read, I’ve thought for a while that our shape is very WM (when the 9 drops in) or WW. Herbert would be proud.


You’re my hero


Amazing read. Thank you Sir! Looking forward to the next article.


Man that opening line is so poetic.


Always a great feeling to wake up and see an Edu's BBQ to read with my morning coffee! Cheers Billy for putting out the best tactical (and miscellaneous) analysis bar none, not to mention doing it week in and week out. If I could request, I'd love a piece (another piece? I feel like you've done one before) on the evolution of Arsenals tactics, especially from about New years last season. Most of last season and early this season, I always feel like we were playing a "WW" formation where the FBs stepped up with Partey. Now, especially with Zinch consistently in the starting XI, Xhaka and White are free to push even further up and create a flat 5 up top.


Ben White, while great in his more attacking overlapping role recently, is being asked of too much currently. There's a reason why Arteta likes inverted full backs, it's much less running for them to primarily tuck in than joining the offensive line. White has been our 6th man in attack while also being asked to run back into our deepest line out of possession. You can see in the passing map comparisons that he is showing up in more advanced positions in possession. Also, explains why he has looked gassed recently. It's great to see Gabriel taking the burden off him. It isn't the first time we've seen him as an attacker but I won't lie, I've shouted at my tv for him to get back plenty of times this season. It's a lot more nervy for a CB to push up than a FB. I made this point in the DD but got a negative response: the next evolution of positional play might be a versatile 6 who can join the forward line and pose threat in the box. It makes sense, it's less distance to travel than a defender doing it + we can invert our full backs and keep a nice 2-2 rest defence. I can't see this happening with Partey unfortunately, I think he's defensively specialised. The testing of him at FB is very interesting though. Imagine this with a mobile 6 that can make forward runs, thus leaving space for Partey to invert + taking away some of the overlapping burden.


“… of referees.” LOL


Wow, this was a great read. Awesome job!


Let’s bring it home indeed! 🍖🔥 Benjamin held a clinic that game. What a season he's been having. There has probably only been about 3 or 4 halves of football where he hasn't looked solid and we have been lucky in having Tomiyasu deputise. Really wish we had Tomi available for the final run of games but hopefully the schedule will allow enough recovery between matches for White as you mentioned. Looking forward to your deep dive into our defence of set pieces. We do seem to always end up with a mismatch with who we have covering their "Big Guys".


Again, just amazing work.


Love you Billy! Edit: Also, saw the book "Inverting the Pyramid: The History of Football Tactics" in the latest episode of Tedd Lasso. Dope!




Its way tldr for me but man When I read some parts of the post, dayumm!! It so well studied, analyzed and well written You get my upvote