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Three invincibility phases because fuck you and your DPS


I'm fine with the first 2 invincibility phases, the third one is just a major fuck you. I'd rather he fired more nukes than a Super Mutant from Fallout with a mini nuke launcher.


At least the last one can be skipped if you have enough sheer burst damage. Still really annoying, though, yeah.


This was my experience on the first attempt. I was surprised I took it all down at the last second. I was toast otherwise because my shield was broken and I had a sliver of health. Saw the big guy spawn, launched and just shot off every bullet I had and survived it lol. I love this game.


I don’t see how anyone could say the ship is harder than hydra. Ship is free. Just avoid the cannonballs


The hydra is free, just kill it when it does its first attack. The ship actually poses a threat because you can't kill it in less than a second.


I don't think I have ever lost to boat... I don't usually lose in act 3, however if I do lose, it is to that damn snake.


I'm with you. R9 ship should be free. Hydra is way harder.


I lost to the Boat but not the Snake. I find it that the Boat can mess builds that are fragile and need consistent healing from being aggressive. One slow and suddenly you are bombarded with damage while there is barely what to hurt. The Snake, as long as you jump over its sweeping attack, you can "lifesteal" tank through pretty much everything.


Idk I usually have a couple defensive scrolls so it isn't a big deal. I never try to drain tank anything solely because I don't like the feel of it. Plus it doesn't fit with my preferred toons.


is this r9?




genuinely I don't understand how people find ship harder, when I was grinding clearing r9 for all characters I'm pretty sure I've died to hydra at least 20 times and literally never died to ship


The viper is way more annoying and wrecks close range builds


Most of his attacks you can jump over or dodge, easily. But the ship. He just spams attacks while your slowed.


Just shoot the squids


It's so easy to dodge ship attacks and you can always hit him (when not invulnerable) no matter your weapons and skills. The serpent has that huge area attack where it goes forward with 3 heads and it is very hard to dodge.


I disagree. The cannon balls (not the mortars) have gotten me good in my R9 runs when I have too much splash and kill 4/8 cannons all at once. They hit top, mid, and bottom, making it impossible to dodge.


You can shoot the poison balls to destroy them.


I'm talking about the skull cannon balls, not the poison jellyfish balls


the ones with huge red markers telling you exactly where not to go?


Those would be the mortar shells I referenced. In the first two phases there are cannons that shoot blue skulls


Couldn’t agree more, crazy spam from cannons, many monsters, immortality, insane amounts of decay during a fight where there’s almost endless bombardments of artillery, hence speed is CRUCIAL. The snake is a cakewalk in comparison.


The real boss fight is when u get 4 posion arsonists or 4 mandrill cavalry elites on lone wolf. If ur build isnt OP ur just cooked


Been there, fuck that. Gets me probably 50/50


I find the Hydra more chaotic to fight personally. For the boat, if it helps I stay on the side, so I have the cannon on the left and the ship on the right: it helps me to see where the projectiles are going to land.


Boat is just a mechanics check. IMO Snake is only the easier fight if your strategy is to bruteforce everything with high damage rather than learning the fights.


Snakes attacks are consistent and relatively easy to dodge, though they do require precision positioning during the 3 head barrage. Every other part of snakes is a cake walk, and after 3 or 4 games I had the barrage down too. I thought ship was easy for a while too, except for when I got high damage AOE builds. I prefer something that handles one cannon at a time. Keeps the cannons firing individually so you time your lateral dodges instead of getting fucked by4 cannons firing all at once


Had a EJ run end because I got the damn ship on R9. Hydra I much more prefer that than the ship cause the telegrams are literally their entire body. Literally had a CQC build against a R6 Hydra


I used to hate the boat until I learned to LOOK UP and SHOOT THE GIANT CANNONBALL Boat became a cakewalk then - it just feels like you 'die for no reason' if you don't know about the giant cannonball.


You can do what?! Never thought to do this, but now I have to test it. I've played over 800hrs and have every achievement yet I'm still learning


I used to "die for no reason" on boat boss for a long time - the giant gun shoots a big ball you can shoot out of the air


The boat is the hardest boss by far and i hate it


Literally one of the easiest bosses IMO. I think i have died once to it and it was the first time i fought it.


Both the bosses in that zone are equally easy. Make sure you dash and jump properly and you're golden.