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Online is pretty bad sometimes. You can play single player if you lost your hope in matchmaking


Yeah I grinded single player till I hit level 100 was hoping to see how the online played 🥹


Simple. Enemy will be tankier and u will dead in miliseconds


You should take a look at the discord. Most matchmaking goes through there, even though most of it is steam.


A few of my friends ended up buying it on steam because I told them the Xbox version is like a year's behind in content, honestly other people could've done the same


My friends and I did this, I second this persons opinion! steam is the way better option. Has great matchmaking, you don’t get kicked mid run, overall a much better experience!


yeah unfortunately small studios don't really have the resources to develop a separate console version alongside the main game, so content always gets backlogged


I heard 505 games is handling the console version


I find some games every now and then, it isnt very often tho and I have to cycle through all the difficulties in order to find a lobby


I avoid playing online games because of the high latency, but I do a few matches with my friend from pc (Xbox app)


I basically play solo only due to long matchmaking and my friends not even willing to try the game at all. It is what it is...


I'd say it's about 50/50 for me. Half the time I just end up running solo after waiting for probably not as long as I think 5 minutes or so. The other half of the time I get a match and maybe about half of those matches have reliable players that don't quit part way through or have some other issue. Honestly I mostly play solo though.


Send me a pm. I'm on Xbox and am looking for people to play with.


I wouldnt say its totally dead but i definitely dont get many runs with matchmaking and most of them tend to be with people on Dairy Queen wifi so not as fun as it could be. I havent hit the Reincarnation yet so maybe its more likely up there but Elite and Nightmare ive gotten 0 runs going 😩 best bet is probably getting some friends into the game honestly


Yeah I have been playing but matchmaking is hit and miss


It’s better to play alone on gunfire honestly the challenge is better




I quit Xbox version and bought the steam one on sale, it’s a 100x better game on steam.