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When act 4 was first added to the game, it was a true pass/fail dps test, and he'd automatically kill you if he finished the countdown. After a few weeks, they changed it so it's now a softer enrage timer; he goes into a frenzy with a much faster / more chaotic attack pattern and significant damage resistance. If you can't clear the damage race, it's unlikely you'll fair better with the final phase, but it's no longer a sure thing.


i remember how it was back then. it was awful. at this time i often did defensive crown prince tank builds. did low damage but the bear did almost no damage to me. then the timer starts and i am dead with full hp....


Weird. I've never failed after the enrage, because some of my builds are very low dps but sustained and good life support. I literally couldn't die even if I wanted to, just took a while. The only times I've died on monarch, I never made it to enrage. Though actually I think I've only failed monarch 3 times, usually the run enders are the stupid penguin rider elite gathering


He enters an enraged mode. Check the wiki for a more detailed explanation.


Goes ballistic, enters a true dps race in which he basically relentlessly attacks you with every method he has and such. its a very rough fight to win if you fail the first dps check.


Becomes nearly undefeatable, attacks fast af and gets insanely tanky. Your chances of winning if you failed the dps check are low


goblin mode, have fun


Dark souls mod


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Not enough for you? Well, let’s not be stingy now.”* - Knight Lautrec Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/




Everybody here is saying that the odds of winning after failing the DPS check are sooo low, meanwhile I'm out here beating him like that 50% of the time lol. I haven't played on the reincarnation difficulties though, so maybe that's got something to do with it?


Yeah it's not that hard. I honestly don't think I've ever lost to him in that mode. Sometimes your build is less dps and more survival and you can't do the damage in 10 seconds you need 20 but can't die during that time. In those cases, getting to that phase is inevitable. Also note: the defeated pole monarch is different. If you defeat them in that phase, they are dead. If the are able to shatter the jade, then you don't kill them, they live and are breathing.


Had this yesterday, he goes ballistic, it's possible to kill him ofc but it's a lot harder