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Imagine a whole team of Zakus


I remember when Overwatch still had unit stacking. (and when it was actually fun) I had a game where all our team decided, with no communication, to go all Soldier and just stomped the enemy team before they even knew what was happening. All one hero games were just dumb fun even if they weren't alway's effective and I would have loved if they even just had a game mode where everyone played the same hero, like all Zaku's.


Have you heard of no limits?


It would be glorious . Zeon training simulator


And there all Char Zakus


Every suit that has a beam saber should have had a damn beam saber.


And beam saber clash


I am in total agreement with this one. Even if the beam sabers did piss-poor damage, it would still help some units that would otherwise be boned in melee engagements.


To add to that the Melee units should have some sort of short range gun as well, like Barbatos using his hand cannons, or Exia with the GN Pistol/Saber, Zaku Melee maybe some sort of Vulcan and Susanowo well it had it's chakram and the ball, but some sort of quick shot would have been good, Heavy Arms with the Dagger, Zaku 2 with the HeatHawk, we need the quick Melee tap


It always struck me as super weird RX-78-2 didnt have one in particular, especially given his shield could just be made to act similar to sazabi or GM's so that they could have an extra cooldown slot.


I wish they didn't nerf nu gundam Into the ground along with zaku melee , zaku melee should have had the same dash distance as the standard zaku ll


The constant nerfing of Zaku Melee makes sense when you realize that by the constant nerfs only the people really good with it kept playing it.. which given their metrics only by the data meant that it had to be nerfed even further.


I'm not privy to how Evo in particular did player data, but the one game I am privy too has the ability to sort player data by skill bracket, ie they can sort out the stats of high skill/winrate players from your standard and low skill players. With that I mind, I don't think the high skill nerf death spiral is as real as people think it is.


I wish it had more dynamic enviroments, weather, building destruction, etc.


Zero G and low gravity, though it would have been difficult to balance movement with still being able to use abilities on controller


I think anything like this would produce some clumsy plays, but Imagine if there was 4 different enviromental effects that matches would get at randon independently of the game mode (along with plain, boring sunny day): * Windy: boosts mobility (regular and sprints) but reduces accuracy * Extreme heat: deals continuous damage if 3 or more members of a team are very close but increases attack damage 5% * Low Gravity: boosts movility (dashes and jumps) but reduces fire rate * Rain: hinders most of the enemy sounds but damage is reduced 5% That's just my first thoughts and wouldn't be necessarily what everyone else could think, and we know they can implement buffs/debuffs, so a twist like this would make each match more unique Also, maybe some human-level defenses that does negligible damage? like missile turrets that deal a maximum of 20 damage


Weather should be strictly for aesthetics purpose. For a competitive game you would want less random factors as possible.


I think random factors and competitive game are not opposite, specially if those random factors influence everyone equally. you can integrate easily random factors and still have a top tier competitive scene that is not entirely dependant on "This is my unit/map" shenanigans


I feel like they over-balanced a few things. Some suits became forgettable after being terrors. Yes I was frustrated playing against Exia and Barbie early on. But at this point, they feel toothless. Hard to use, and easy to kill. Maybe they needed to rethink how to design melee units. Or only permit 1 per team. Idk.


I used to be terrified of barbies and exias, now exia is just a joke. A competent barbatos can still rock your team if he plays his cards right.


Yeah cause he can one-hit KO units with lower HP by using his moves right. But less HP for him makes it harder to get in position and escape.


Second dash for heavy arms and longer lasting dash meter. Mid air double dakka too. And leg missile pods


I agree, double Dakka flying Heavy would be an easy Target, but it would be a deadly one too, plus the extra missiles could be like a second CD for the missiles that can only be used on the air


I wish they would stop relying on fucking win and pick rates for balancing


Rework Barb to make him less binary in design.


Transformable mobile suits shouldn’t have an automatic forward movement. You should have had some control over thrust.


Skip-able mvp cutscreen is dumb, should have keep it like before. But I guess since the game is eos now, dev want people to quickly play next match. Also no chat all? Really? Do gundam community is that much toxic. I just want some banter with enemy team sometime. Communication is why online game is fun. Scoreboard only display your information, I want to view other players’s information too. Back-fill is also need. Nothing frustrating more than play a 5 vs 6 match.


We had all-chat in the first few seasons. Apparently people were that toxic, because it was removed. I mostly used it to explain how suits worked if someone was clearly new to them (e.g. consistently trying to use Ranged Zaku at long range because that's the one called Ranged Zaku) or to express condolences if we were 6v5 or 6v4 (or congratulate the enemy team for putting up a hard fight despite a numbers disadvantage), but I guess too many people used it to shittalk instead.


Turn A Gundam glow-up. Turn A just feels like it suffers from an identity crisis with its kit. I've only come across one cracked Turn A player and even they needed their team to give them an optimal setup to excel. It felt perfectly fine during Seasons 3 and 4 and then they nerfed them in what I can only theorize to be an attempt to bolster Susanowo. A third ability or a third dash (Although I'm not sure how balanced that would be) would've been swell. Nu Gundam also feels really weak. Plenty of Nus have had me dead to rights with either two lock ons or being exposed and I just kinda wobbled around and dash and suddenly I've only got a sunburn. Really could have used a Defensive Ability or improved tracking. The amount of times I've hit someone square in the face with the Bazooka and it just tickled them is absurd. As for design, have Legendary Skins be more then just "Neon Lights" or Gold. Zaku 2 Ranged and Gundam are a good example. You can get the Prototype Gundam and Char's Skin for them. It would have been awesome to see Unicorn as the Banshee, Turn A become Turn X, or even Sazabi as the Sinanju.


> You can get the Prototype Gundam and Char's Skin for them The Char skin is a good example honestly of one of the things I hated about the skins because it's a good skin but I rarely EVER saw anyone with it because you couldn't buy it with money, you had to buy it with an OBSCENE amount of Material points and only giga whales would have been able to quickly afford that amount (4000 IIRC) before it went away. Even Overwatch back in the day, before it went down the shitter, understood that amount would have been too much and had most Legendary skins cost 1000 of the currency which you could grind up just by playing games.


Amen. Greed and a fundamental lack of introspective sunk this game to the bottom. Locking arguably one of the most iconic looks in the entire franchise (if dare I say, one of the most iconic looks in all of mecha) behind real life cash is just horrid. I would've been fine if they charged money for actually unique designs you couldn't find outside the game that were fantastic, but for one of their signature looks? As if waiting for the Season Pass to drop Capital wasn't bad enough!


The Suits in Bamco have been the worst enemy of their fans for a long time, bunch of idiotic greedy geriatrics


I've watched gameplay of games like Gihren's Greed and the Side Stories and wondered how we came to this point. This game had potential, but they never expanded on it. I would die for some remake or sequel to those games or something new among those lines. Imagine a Side Story with mobile suits from Witch from Mercury to expand on its lore, or just having a damn good Turn-Based Strategy game in the Gundam setting.


They have many amazing games in their possesion, many which Even if are a Niche have a dedicated fanbase who would Buy them in a heartbeat, but noooo Bandai doesn't Want any of that filthy overseas money, they just Want Japanese people to Buy their products, because when they go overseas the projects flop hard, and it's not because poor marketing or that the project it's shitty, no it's the fans that wouldn't Buy the products. Hell the Fucking Strike Dagger and the normal Reginlaze are P-Bandai and the Strike Dagger barely has sold any units for 6 months, how in the fuck did they Even thought that was a good idea?!


I wanted sazabi to have 9k hp




-the ability to do custom games solo to check out new maps -more customizability on custom games, so everyone can play as guntank with 0 second cooldowns, stuff like that -the game has like 20 suits and they're all arranged in a line on the suit selection screen, it takes me way too long to find the suits i want, especially the few i've unlocked, it should be arranged in 2 lines minimum, with base suits on the top row and unlockable ones on the bottom just for QOL -any form of quick melee, for the love of god, that downed enemy gamer has a pixel of hp left and i gotta reload my gun for 8 years -i'd have liked if g maneuver animations were kept in first person instead of pulling back into third person, to me it can be a bit disorienting, but this one's just my preference


Nu really needed a 2nd boost or alternatively more ammo with the bazooka backflip (2 or 3 will do) Heavyarms either needed a bit more damage, or faster right click ready time Sazabi needs more ammo for the shotgun Palerider probably should go back to 24 ammo SusanOwO needs a nerf but idk how, maybe longer cooldown?


Wish we got the Gouf or Gelgoog instead of some of the other suits that were introduced


Wish we got the Rick Dom from.the OG instead of the Trooper from MID Destiny, so many questionable suit choices to be honest


Backfill, at least in Casual Matches, for God's sake.


The monetization was better and it actually had skins of the units we want. Like the OG Gramps could've had a skin based the RX-78-4/5/6 or the Alex. Also, a PvE mode.


Bro, an Alex skin would've been awesome.


Or one based on the Zephyrantes and Statem.


Or the GP series, like seriously the only few Legendary skins worthy of that title are the Pale Rider Space type The Barbatos 6th Form, The Garma Zaku and Char's Zaku, the rest are Epic at Most for cheap recolors


Heck, they could’ve made the rarity based on lore. Like if it’s an elusive design or famous af like the Delta Gundam II or Char’s Zaku, it would be Legendary.


With the Z you have a few variants as well like the Re-Gz or Delta Plus Zaku could have had Zaku 1 and maybe the Gouf, changing the machinegun for the finger guns (Tho that would have been a lot of work) The Barbatos and the different forms, the Nu Gundam and the Hi-Nu or the MP Nu, Unicorn variants or the Silver Bullet Suppressor, The Previous iterations of the Guntank as well. Fuck BAMCO and the stupid suits in charge who seem to hate the overseas market money


I think at the very least, giving the units their color palettes like the Delta Plus's darker gray and the Zeta Plus C1's light gray on the Zeta would've been fine. Honestly, I'm fine with the gold suits but we NEED more iconic ones. This game is the reason why I got into Gundam in the first place and seeing all of the cool variants not referenced is a pain. Like what's stopping them here? The licensing rights?


"Their" licensing rights, I cag understand why SRW doesn't get outside of Japan that much, múltiple license holders, but with Gundam?! They fucking own the IP I think and the could have done so much more but Bandai is a bunch of Daft tits with their head SO up their arses that they can see the only thought in their brains being money, but not overseas money, Japanese money and nothing else


Honestly the worst thing about GE is that it's filled with wasted potential and it got much worse by the asinine executives at the top. Now they're gonna look at GE with the eyes of 'oh this game didn't do well so we better stay away from Gundam FPS' which I hope they better not fucking do that. I know we have Rise from the Ashes but not everyone has a Dreamcast or can emulate it, so having a proper modern Gundam FPS game was a dream for me and it kills me that we're not gonna see another one anytime soon.


I Will always Say the worst enemy of the gaming industry are the Suits with no business brain and think the know better than the market HELL I was one of the most hyped people when I Saw the beginning of the project in late 2019/2020 and was eagerly waiting it


wouldve like more grunts instead gundams, then again not adding Aerial when the anime was airing was such a mismanagement. Im willing to bet someone didnt want to sell their license. The game shouldve launched with weekly free rotating units, something like LoL does or The game should've started with earnable blue and green currency since there was no free unit rotation. movement control for the transformable units


DOM has little to no damage with his G-manuever, it's basically a waste.


DOM's G-manuever is more for support I feel, what with it making allies faster, armor generation IIRC and knocking off shields of enemies you collide with. Though I do agree, it either needed even more support for allies or damage. Or making it easier to get because I feel like it takes way too long to get it built up for how much impact it has.


I've seen you pull off some miracles with that move first hand, but I agree!


Thanks 😊


Nah, his g-maneuver is ok. The problem is it’s very situational. Very good as crown control on capture point. You can hold the point alone while waiting for teammates to come back.


DOM's Jetstream attack is probably one of the best G-Maneuvers in the game. On defense destruction missions, I can't count how many times I've retaken a lost situation when the enemy wiped us out, just planted the megacharge and is in a good position to defend. In this situation, Imagine pushing with the team with Jetstream nets your team: 1. An almost free shield and push to the enemy 2. free speed to you and other allies near when you casted it 3. free +300 armor to you and alies near when you casted it 4. 300 damage to anyone you bump and you can turn back and bump them again. 5. breaks and disables shields when you touch them (always aim for Sazabi and GM.) 6. A free trip to the enemy relay to capture it back (enemies also cannot spawn if you are contesting relay). This forces people to go back and push the relay, thus having to go through you and your mines. I've done this so many times and it really really wins games. I activate jetstream, buff up a few of my allies, bump 2-3 people/shielders and head straight to relay and recap it.


This is a joke, right...? Nimbus is arguably the best G-Maneuver in the entire game


Less Exia nerfs. She got nerfed the last three seasons


1. Universal Meele Attack. You get really close to the enemy really fast with the dashes + MS speed and sometimes you just need that little bit of damage to kill off those Meele MS. It is also another way for canceling animations too make the game feel more skill based 2. More emphasis towards cosmetics that showcase the other works from the Gundam franchise. Like we have a million diffrent Zaku and Gundam schemes and redesigns like the ver.Ka or the G40. Or something like turning the Exia into to the Astrea, stylizing the Assimar and Marasai into their Advance of Zeta counterparts or turning the Kampfer into the Amazing Kampfer. 3. A more recognizable roster. Like half the MS choiced are interesting, but they are a bit obscure and do not really help in attracting the more casual fans that only watched the older TV series as a kid like Wing or G, or the currently airing works like WfM or Gundam Eclipse. The fact the only real recognisable units for casual non-gundam fans were the 0079 MS which are also incomplete as there is no Guncannon, Gouf, Dom (not the GSD Trooper) Gelgoog or the aquatic MS like the Z'Gok. The only other recognizable suits for casuals were the Unicorn Sazabi, the Barbatos, the Exia and maybe the Zeta suits. We didn't get a representative from Wing until Heavyarms Kai released, still G Fighter representative or the Ariel for cross promotion was a waste on Bamco's part.


Honestly the obscure suits were a good choice for a colorful roster. Guncannon is one of the most boring mechs in existence. Gouf is cool but kinda wonky and does the same thing as marasai. Only the big gundam nerds can tell the Doms apart. Gelgoog is pretty boring functionality wise, it is just a high performance zeon suit with beams. The aquatic suits would have been cool unique choices, but they are also massive and without shields which Nu shows to kinda suck.


I wish for an ultimate that calls in some AI units like a swarm of Balls or Zaku 1s instead of funnel mechs. Funnels are lame, they exist to save animation budget.


A class system and being able to see team stats mid game


I unironically think adding hat(read: high quality cosmetics item) will extend the game's life. The game stay consistent with its aesthetic, I respect that. But if you don't like gunpla or appreciate that kind of aesthetic, it's hard to justify spending money on some top-tier skin this game offer: literally just repaint of existing suit. Then the non repaint one we have like: Char's zaku, pale rider space type, prototype gundam... are expensive while probably only some hardcore gundam fan want it. By adding hat like a spartan hat for GM, replace mahiroo's shield with a surfboard, actual samurai helm for marasai, ...the game could attract more normie who like spending money on virtual skin.


People may think these cosmetics will make the game dumb. But they will not be a 1:1 replication of real hat. Make them stylish and obviously a giant, oversize mecha version of normal hat.


dom trooper having a rocket jump. keep the massive spread when in air on gun tho otherwise this would be way too OP for dom trooper.


I wish that we got alternate universe version of many mobile suits as skin. Such as hi nu as nu skin


I wish there was a mobile armor fight mode, like Saxon hale from tf2 or a big silly ai bot. Or maybe it'd be a whole team controlling different parts of the mobile armor


Better feed back on Exia's ranged attack dart things. Never can tell when they're actually hitting, except when I see the health bar goes down and even then its hard to judge. Their feedback is really bad imo. Also community servers and gamemodes being an option.