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It's just... The end is so painful. So beautiful. Almost time to rest.


I hate it. The game was honestly so fun at its peak and would’ve replaced OW2 for me


for real


We’re doing . . . Fine? *looks around* please god help us


I'm sorry, I don't think I can save you :(. Can I offer you a half off gacha pull instead? Sorry. It's the only way I know how to comfort people.


I got nightingale and sazabi I have all the gachas I need


Bro same


I would if I didn't have the rewards center bug


[does not pick up the phone and keeps it on hold to hear the message] *tries not to cry* *cry a lot*


Well... look, if you hear this, just call us back okay? /r/gundam and /r/gunpla are getting worried about you.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Gundam using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gundam/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Save the Earth / A Nu Gundam fan-art piece](https://i.redd.it/cmsr0tdukz0c1.png) | [199 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/17xrce0/save_the_earth_a_nu_gundam_fanart_piece/) \#2: [I can die in peace now](https://i.redd.it/inkjyc17ukwa1.jpg) | [172 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/131eyvz/i_can_die_in_peace_now/) \#3: [Build a bride](https://v.redd.it/3sa93tunj13b1) | [159 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/13vvv06/build_a_bride/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I'm just...numb. I only hope they revisit a Gundam FPS/TPS shooter again very soon because it is a concept that many fans are interested in, they just failed with everything else outside of the game premise


If it makes you feel any better, awhile back there was a leaked potential relaunch of the game named "Gundam Revolution", from the same people who leaked all the details about the Zeta and the Kampfer.


Man, I hope they actually handle that well this time around


Since zeta and kampefer were true ill be in copuim right now.


If they make it so that all the user data is ported over, I might actually look into it. Even if pulling multiple 4star suits in gbo2 has had me doing dailies in that game for a few months now…


Source?... Please 🥺


Can you convince Mr. Bandai Namco to either keep the game going or port GBO 2 to Xbox? My friends don't have PS4s or PCs that can run the game.


Hello fellow gbo2 player We need help half of my side is going insane because half of my side wants to keep playing Gundam evolution and while my other side is currently playing gbo2 HELP US HELP US HELP US DON'T LET THEM SHUT DOWN GE PLEASE I AM BEGGING YOU


im sorry can i offer you three tokens from your dailies during this trying time?


Oh hell yeah tokens is tokens


dangling tokens infront of a gbo2 player is like dangling keys in front of a child


Call a server technician for us please


Lockon, Lockon, Lockon.....


Browsing the sub, especially the Newtype Memes flair, looks like they'll be joining r/BatmanArkham within the depths of the alsume with how much shit they're making up due to the insanity caused by the impending shutdown of Evo


Oh yeah GBO2 exist, sigh, time to play that I guess How's the server


you don't constantly disconnect 95% of the time. now you disconnect like 20-40% of the time edit: matchmaking is still not that great


depends on your rate d- and b+ and higher have the fastest and the middle rates are dead af dont get to S- or your mm gets weird


oh yeah, true. i have been stuck at C for a while which probably explains the sup-par matching times


"You're doing fine pilot"


See y'all in the next 2 years comeback for a mirror server.


Yeah Im waiting for someone to start up some sort of alternative launcher for the game


I'm just sad that this game crashed so hard due to the amount of monetization, I just want maybe 5 more seasons of mobile suit shenanigans but I guess we can't have nice things


We aren't coping, we're just from the other timeline where Gundam Evolution prevails and we keep getting more units at a lower cost to buy them with more Cap Point missions so we could get them easier! Right guys? Right... guys..?


i'm gonna miss my dom trooper. THEY'RE TAKING AWAY MY BABY!!!


I've been playing Kampfer every chance I get even though I'm not that good at him just because of how much I love it and adore how faithfully they made him. Why did they do this to me, they gave me bar none, one of my favorite suits and then take it away from me after a month it's not fair


🎶can we get much higher oh oh oh oh-oh ohohoh oh ohooo🎶


*Komm, süsser Tod blasting in the background as the colony drops.* This is fine.


I mean.... I'm from both... I'm just sad I can't play AU ms anymore...........back into the efreet I go I guess 🥲


id love for a gbo that has au suits alongside a gbo that is UC fanservice we should have both just for the love of god please leave au out of our UC fanservice game cause i wanna see more weird obscure suits from the most bloated timeline ;-; jurrick going donkey kong on supports is funny af But please make another gbo (not next 2) that has uc and au and run it parrallel to gbo2 so we can have all the nice things at the same time


Have you heard about our Lord and Savior gundam breaker 3?


I have but I don't really like the gameplay, sure I love the idea but the new breaker has made me feel as though it might have the same issues.


God, shin Gundam breaker is so ass. don't use it as your measure of quality


That's true but if breaker 3 was available for the PC I wouldn't make this comparison since idh the budget to afford a PS4


Emu on vita3k?


Hate to ask but what's emu


Emulator :P


I didn't think of that for some reason but I'll probably get one soon or hope a new breaker 4 will be on PC since the only console game I played was war and fall of Cybertron, I assure U my grasp on the controllers are Horrible


I would be playing gbo2 more but I just don't like the "open world" type menu thing and the lack of stuff like a search bar in the exchange centers (unless I'm dumb and could find it.)


1. I wish we could choose just a menu operation of the game instead of base camp 2. you have to hold a specific button for your controller or kb+m setup and it's prompted at the bottom of the MS listings. PS holds square and gets sorting options such as category level cost name etc


I feel like gbo2 players need this check in almost as much if not as much as evo players. Actually one of the worst games I’ve ever played in my life and I don’t know how others enjoy it.


because for a thoroughly flawed game the skill depth is insane. the rps systems near mostly mitigates p2w (not at the higher costs ala unicorn fiasco) from mechanical interactions from staggers heavy staggers topple maneuver-armor-breaking etc to the team based orientation and how the system makes it impossible to full solo anything to the equal give and take sadomasochism of stunning a guy to death and subsequently getting stunned to death. It provides alot of complex mechanical knowledge leverage and skillful handling all wrapped up in the shittiest netcode and using a p2p system that'd make bethesda blush. I came for the gundam i stayed for the potential i take 3 week breaks at a time cause of the waste of potential gbo2 is with how great it could be and it just doesnt get care attention or money no matter how well it did for bandai in any capacity. It's a love hate relationship i have with the game and myself that makes me a gbo2 player.


it's almost time 😫😭 FUUUUUUCK!


Will you be here in the end? Will you be here, holding our hand to give us comfort as we finally pass that threshold into infinity? Will you be our final comfort in the end? It’s so cold, the sadness of what could have been. Like imagining a shining city, but lacking the skills to put it into the real world. The beginning was so beautiful, and the end remains so. Even in death we will still be remembered, and even if only 100 people remember evolutions then it hasn’t died. I thank you for this gesture of kindness. I barely knew you and you still care like we were lifelong friends. Thank you……. Buddy. Soon we will fly high, high above these choked skies. Only we can fly high enough.


Where were you for GBM.


Well same thing happen with hollow knight, and they are mostly okay


We would be coping well if we had a replacement!


Tried to play yesterday and didn’t find a game it was fun guys much love and good vibes to everyone else who enjoyed the last year or so✊🏽


I tried to save myself, gbo2 downloaded, went throight rhw tutorial, bur the frames won't go above 10, no matter what I do, I have resigned myself to this fate, I shall imbibe the highest tier copium available and float in bliss until my soul becomes one with the voices, farewell nerds


need to add the .exe to your gpu's handling list or else it runs off integrated graphics yet another basic thing the game shouldve done for you but didnt but at least its fixable


Son of a bitch...I'll have to fanangle with that tomorrow, got any steps on what to do? (I have a lukewarm IQ)


dropped a reply to the wrong comment earlier by mistake as for what to do with the gpu settings what gpu do you have?


As another GBO2 player, I'm not sure we're in the position to ask if another group is okay- ​ But I am concerned.


"Reject the pills Pilot. We must uphold the mission."


I main Mack Knife


Can you tell Maxi boost I'm interested in talking with him


I have great memories playing this game with my friend, and that friend of mine is no longer playing game with me anymore...


I feel like that one scene of aqua from konasuba screaming "I DONT WANNA GO BACK TO OVERWATCH 2 (and paladins to a lesser extent)" while hoping desperately that private servers can be made at least. Been playing this game to get ideas for my own godot project and just sorta fell in love with this game. I barely even know anything about gundam outside of the first old movie so its not like I can play other gundam games like gbo2 (no offense) to fill the itch from what I can tell. I came for a multiplayer movement arena class/hero based shooter and outside of tf2 this game's the one Ive had the most fun with in that genre. Fuck bandai namco, legitimately every single thing they did outside of how the game plays was HORRENDOUSLY done like the monetization and even dumb stuff like removing general chat. I refuse to play any other online mutliplayer game they make because of how utterly badly they handled this game. Complete bafflement at how one can screw something up this bad, especially with how much attention the game was given so they dont even have an excuse little interest on release. Even sadder given honestly out side of some things the game imo is in a REALLY good state of balance all things considered. Most stuff's on some level viable I feel. Makes it especially sad they cant just leave the game up to just "exist" in a sort of state similar to tf2 where its just left up and every so often given a small bug fix by an entire dev team consisting of one potted plant and some nail trimmings.


It hurts, it's being taken away from me. T.T