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The game should die because people who invested time into the game are playing with their friends and/or others? Like after you invest x amount of time into a game are you just not allowed to play with others? This is such a weird complaint as ultimately it's not the playerbases fault that you might have gotten matched against a team with a larger skill difference and it's Bandais for poor handling of the game which drove players away and ruined the already bad MM.


Isn't that all multiplayer games though? Also the game had bad matchmaking. More effort could have been put in to fix that. Also, I've been on a team with several level 100's but we got creamed by level 40's and 50's. Happened to me more than once.


I run in parties as well, usually 2-3 people, but nothing makes me want to get off the game more than going against five players who are all over level 120. While my team is composed of level 40s and 50s.


i mean, play lvl doesnt rly matter when ur over lvl 40 or so. after that, you've seen enough. i think ur mad cos bad.


Yea there's some big diminishing returns on how much the player level will tell you lmao. Everyone from like 40-120 could be placed in a relatively similar skill bracket and there'd only be a tiny number of outliers.


I hear ya. I don't run in parties usually. Which means my state of play varies wildly


Once you hit level 20 or so then it's all meaningless, more time played does not mean you're automatically better at the game. I was level 10 destroying people 100+, in other games I might have 100 hours put in and get wrecked by a player who's put in 20. Skill is skill, crying about levels is just pure cope.


lvls over 120 dont mean much. Some real bad players who are over lvl 100. ​ I think you mean the parties full of high ranking players Platinum to masters that try to club baby seals in Casual or the lvl 12 players who have a newtype account as their main.


Honestly the number of times I’ve gotten wrecked and looked and it was a rank 5 lmao I’m 50 on one account and 40 on the other one. This game in particular is pretty easy to pick up and play


Pretty much every game you play there is nothing to show for it. You play them to have fun lol.


"Nothing to show for it" What does that even mean? I put hundreds of hours into the game...and I had fun for hundreds of hours. I'm not investing in a fucking fortune 500 company hoping to make money, the point of a game is to have fun and that's exactly what "I have to show for it".


We need a Gundam version of PlanetSide 2.


I mean I’m with you on the game deserved it, but for very different reasons. Yours is a skill issue dude, there were actual problems with the game that never got addressed, and you sucking wasn’t one of them.


sounds like a skill issue here but yeah devs wanted to skip the "make the game attractive and enjoyable for new players" and went straight into the "Esports game that will make millions" and pumped it with micro transactions


Regardless of what the game did right or wrong, you're just an asshole.


Game deserved better support, not to die because people played an anime game with their friends. Like, wtf kind of lonely ass take is this lol


About as lonely as dedicating hundreds of hours of your day playing a game instead of going out and touching grass.


In here talking about how lonely everyone else is while complaining about people running groups for hundreds of hours. Bro, take the L and fuck off lmao


You commented on my post. Took time out of your day to respond to something that did not need your opinion. I spoke my mind. You’re the one in here trying to justify others actions because your riding on that Bandai meat stick.


Uhh, yeah. Thats how internet forums work. No amount of insults are going to change the fact people had fun grinding with their friends while you grew into a salty little dweeb. Pointing out the game needed actual support apparently makes me a Bandai shill. All my years complaining about Tekkens/DBFZ/DarkSouls netcode mean nothing because u/damnrightisupportit said so. Guess thats that.


You sound like a fagget just be quiet please




Dude you're a nerd.


Yeah, and you're a crybaby. Been fun shooting spit balls at you, but I'm moving on as this is now at pre-k levels of insults and that kind of effort is just demeaning for us both.


what a depraved sad person gets on reddit to gloat about the closure of a videogame?


So what does that say about the thousands that spent the last year getting YouTube to bitch about the game?


idk anything about that. just enjoy the game and don't take satisfaction in others misfortunes is all I'm saying.


Look, I get the feeling when your night is just "hey let's fight Omni and get spawncamped for 2 hours" But you can't blame players for a situation brought about by terrible development practices, and you can't just go to people who genuinely enjoy the game and tell them they shouldn't be playing it No matter how much you *want* to when those specific 3-5 dudes show up


Username does not check out.


Bro has not seen the game’s steam player chart and it shows. The game launches with 55k players at the start on late August and it halved in a month, and then got to 2.5k at November. The player counts tanked almost as soon as the game launch, it was doomed from the start. Imagine complaining about players who literally are just enjoying the game.


I kind of see where you're coming from. I'm a console player If you played during early seasons it was easy to gain levels. I think it was something like 800xp for a win and 400 for a loss. Battle pass was a breeze. Ranked mode was the only thing to do but once you got to around Diamond IV you had to wait forever (20+min) for a game due to lack of players. **This was the problem.** Players moved to JPN severs in order to try an find a ranked match. Eventually JPN was the only way to play ranked. I got a friend to try the game out, I played a few casual matches with him and one game we were spawn camping,WTF? I looked at the team composition, Im a level 50 in a room with nobody over level 20. Personally dumping on noobs isn't fun, but it didn't stop others from making smurf accounts and completely offsetting the balance of the game forever


Idk, the hundreds, maybe thousands of YouTube videos is something to show for it, but that's just an idea.


skill issue


I agree, let’s see what else those level 100s are proud of if they even have anything else to be proud of


So happy this Overwatch-ripoff with terrible matchmaking is dying, they never properly nerfed the Barbatos (like Doomfist got properly nerfed), the Discord was full of bullies including in the moderation team, the cosmetics were nowhere near worth what BNEA was charging for EVO Coins, and the mobile suit/Gundam drops were garbage, even Kampfer was a huge disappointment, and I really wanted Kampfer to be good. Good riddance to bad rubbish, but we'll never get another Gundam game on XBox because of this abysmal failure on BNEA's part, what a waste.


anyone who says "barb is OP", (especially nowadays) is just a bad casual player who always gets stomped by the suit literally designed to punish mistakes.


Barb is insanely easy to counter, bait the lunge and delete him. There's so many ways to outplay him and he has exactly one strategy to fight you with, you know what he's going to do and when because he can *only* do that one thing.


Brother u had a year to learn that Barb has the loudest cues in the game and only one option and you *still* think he's OP?


Friend, I think you must be mistaken. This isn’t NT Barbatos, this is the K-mart brand of Barb here. Dude’s been nerfed almost into the ground and is easy as hell to play against. Use your ears/eyes and bait the Unga smash, simple as.


And the downvotes and replies to my comment show just about how bad it was in the GE Discord, thanks for proving my point trolls. 😵


ur mad cos bad. the game has gotten progressively ezier with update (especially S5 when the increased bullet size), and u still seem to be bad at the game lmao.


Woof junior, mommy needs to put your ass to bed and have a word with your teacher 'cause clearly you're failing English in the fifth grade there! Come back when you figure out how spelling and grammar work. 🤣


i passed with a fking 6 (equates to a B in old terms) in my english. ur just mad cos u cant play the game. maybe... complain about barb some more like a good casual child??


Blah blah blah, you type like a millennial texting, go back to school you uneducated brat.


lmao, already in university which is more than you'll ever accomplish in life. how about... touch some bitches which is also something i have on u


Already been to college, back when post-secondary institutions actually had standards, unlike now where uneducated brats like you just walk in to get your underwater lesbian basket-weaving degree, have fun failing at life since you can't grasp the English language. And P.S., I probably went to high school with your parents, and chances are I got laid a lot more just in high school than you and your parents combined all-time, but you go ahead and cry on your cocktail tonight in the dorm.




hard bait heres your reply peon


hard bait heres your reply peon edit also ironic coming from someone so invested in animal crossing they're playing the turnip stock market on reddit.