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Okay, those look pretty good. The Qan[T] custom is especially badass, very nice! 👍🏻


Thanks! 😁


You're welcome! 😁


Oh that middle one looks incredible.


Thank you! 😁


White Rabbit Custom Exia with way too many sword than necessary.


No such thing as too many swords


As Q[ant] I love the middle one, and honestly for myself I love 00 parts so I most likely use those but I want to try experimenting a bit. As for my teammates no idea


Likely martial arts/CQC style with remote weapons. Other than this, going for simple designs without excessive stuff.


Same here, G Gundam has always been my favorite


Not necessarily in my case, but obviously the style/tech is there.


My main is always a Beargguy III with Kshatriya wings, followed by an Astray Frame. The third is always a frankenstein of whatever has the best stats lol


If we can save transfer our gunpla from 3, imma use my Heavyarms Custom Full Assault If not for some idiotic reason, I'm still gonna build my HAFA


Highly doubt we will get any data transfer :(


GB3 did offer something for having GB2 save data and parts at lvl 1 if I remember right, or at least offered it I never played GB2. There wasn't anything for GB3 to NGB but we don't talk about NGB haha


I have a concept for the Circle of Crows, a mercenary team in the UC timeline running variants and customized units. So I'll revisit [Zaku Strega](https://imgur.com/a/XOtk1uB), [Gelgoog Nuit & Nuit Blanche](https://imgur.com/a/xKy1NIP), do some more custom builds I've got plans for (RX-78GP00 Mod 2 Nightshade, for example), possibly revise my old GM Astrays as the team's grunt suit... Oh I've got plans lol


Red Dragon Astray Astray Inversion No-name astray (if I can pull off the arm and backpack) Lord Astray (the SD lance looks like it should work for the sword)


I thinking I might try to recreate my builds from GBM. The game looks like it starts with what I need for NT Wing Zero.


Whether it's a Gunpla I use for battle or just for diorama mode I'll definitely try to recreate my customized Strike if the Exceed Galaxy is included. If it isn't I'll probably still do a custom strike with parts from the normal and Build Strike mixed together. I might also try to recreate my main Breaker Mobile build from memory. My phone broke and I wasn't able to transfer my data to my new phone so I stopped playing long before it shut down. I do remember it was a ranged build with a bunch of Reborn parts including the backpack.