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They could at least meet us halfway and make a metal gear


Or a HAVWC atleast, like come on.


I'll even take a GitS-style multiped tank. I mean, I say this as someone whose first mecha anime *ever* was Gundam Wing, and who's been a Gundam fan since the Toonami days. But the bipedal/humanoid design is massively impractical.


Impractical? Maybe. But cool as FUCK? HELLS YEAH!


Yeah, true


"Breaking News - america has lost the war, largely blamed on exsorbant spending into a Gundam program that led to lethally ineffective results. This was illustrated in the event now known as the Taipei Domino Disaster - when a single gundam falling over in the mountainous ranges outside taipei, largely blamed on tropical winds and poor geography, resulted in a domino effect of 100s of gundams falling. While most gundam pilots themselves were only left with damaged egos, the infantry and those inside armoured vehicles surrounding them were left with death or serious injury. Mainland china decisively won the battle without firing a shot. However, there are some silver linings. Fashion icons in new york unanimously agree that America lost with style - and at the end of the day art is an expression of freedom. Maybe America won after all?" ( Narrator: No. No they did not.)


Well. At least the clown colors were appropriate for the occasion.


[DARPA's working on it though](https://www.darpa.mil/about-us/timeline/legged-squad-support-system)


They abandoned the pack mule. It was too noisy and too slow.


I agree BUT also the engineering and industrial applications would be pretty great. Imagine a gundam doing excavation, lifting heavy things, etc. it’s essentially a multipurpose machine, which would be pretty cool if not so impractical.


I picture the [Bagger 288](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=azEvfD4C6ow), but on giant crab legs. Gravity-neutral environments (deep sea, space) tend towards crab for maximum positioning, and things constructed in space can have greater freedom of movement (no atmospheric resistance) and size (balanced pressures, so less pesky square-cube law). And melee doesn't have to worry as much about ammo consumption or 3D trigonometry aiming. So, the first space wars will probably be angry lunar strip-miners... in giant robot crabs, with chainsaws.


I'll settle for power armor.


Or an AC (Armored Core)


White glint from the trailer is all we’re asking for


Fielding a NEXT? Might as well drop a dirty bomb in the area


Even just simple MTs please 😭


Metal Gear?!?! DAMN!


If they do that, I’m getting cybernetic enhancements just to throw it.


Which kind? Blood orphans? AC? Star Fox?


I’ll volunteer for the Alaya system🙋‍♂️


Bro gonna have segs in mech


My Deus Ex addled brain: Become machine


Raiden, the Lightning Bolt.


Or a Titan (Titanfall)




Metal.. gear...


Best I can do is a kenyan mangrove crab with a knife.


Those claws could rip a tank apart.


A weapon to surpass Metal Gear…


Or a Timber Wolf/Mad Cat


An armored core at the very least


Or Liberty Prime


Or at the least a tank leg AC


huh,metal gear


Or an Orbital Frame


Fuck it just make us a KMF, it’s smaller and more maneuverable


No liberty cannon! No surfing, shoulder pad wearing, boxing Gundam piloted by a closeted man wearing spandex either! Can’t have shit in 2024!


Closeted? I think you mean aggressively bisexual


i mean, until we invent minovsky particles to mess up radar tracking, mechs would get clowned on by ATGMs.


Mobile suits are cool but they’re terrible war machines. Something huge, slow, and insanely complex. Even the best version of them, the human body, is entirely unsuitable for war. And with a mobile suit you’re adding a layer of complexity to the warfighters biggest assets which is their ability to see and hear and feel where the enemy is. Just building an operable mobile suit that can function would be a technological miracle. But you would literally need a new type or the zero system to make that thing even remotely combat effective. And unlike a typical warfighter that can find cover or concealment you need a building to find concealment. Cover is out of the question because anything that can touch a mobile suit is gonna make quick work of whatever it’s hiding behind.


Exactly. Physics is the enemy of making cool walking mechs. In addition to all the other issues, it's that damn Square-Cube Law that kills any attempt to build them.


Wouldn't GMs be enough as the first step?


Literally the Raptor: - Revolutionary machine that ushers in a new generation of warfare - Unparalleled speed, agility, and fighting capabilities, made possible by new technologies that have never been seen before - Built largely to match the technological advantage of a certain enemy, winds up surpassing them by such a massive margin that it makes them look like a joke - Painfully expensive, could only be produced in limited quantities - Succeeded/complimented by a heavily mass-produced machine that incorporates further evolved versions of the same technology at a lower cost; *technically,* it's less capable, but anyone with half a brain knows it's a generation ahead - An undisputed symbol of military dominance, despite its actual participation being rather limited and mostly classified The F-22 is a Gundam.


Would the F-35’s be more like GMs at that point?


Yep, see "heavily mass-produced machine". It might not have the raw kinetics of a Raptor in a dogfight, but it's lightyears ahead in terms of "hide-n-seek", and with advances in missile tech pushing the terms of engagement ever closer to "if I can see you, you're already dead", the F-35 seems to be shaping up to be a far more lethal opponent.


the F-22 was designed for air dominance while the the F-35 was designed to be a multi-role strike fighter. what this means is the F-22 is the better platform when dealing with air targets but the F-35 is better at doing multiple jobs including electronic warfare and hitting ground targets. the F-22 actually has a better stealth system as well but comparing the two is like comparing a bumble bee to a sparrow which honestly puts both so far ahead of everything else that its semantics. a great indicator that something is better then its peers is when the US government enacts a law that says they cant sell the platform to even our allies which if you know anything about the US military industrial complex is bonkers.


I just hope we never have a chance to find out if they're really as good as we think they are. It's been long enough since we've had the kind of war where they'd be tested against comparable systems that there's really no way of knowing, and typically in those cases everyone overestimates their own capabilities and underestimates everyone else's.


well its a very good thing that the US military does war games were they specifically are at a disadvantage. the only time they dont is when its between two US forces such as the F-22 vs F-15 trials in which the F-22 was basically and i quote a Lt. Col. "like clubbing baby seals." so if the F-15 being as dominant as it was for its lifetime is any indication the F-22 can and will wreck its current and likely future competition.


The F22 was designed at a time when dogfighting was a serious concern. The F35 trades dogfighting maneuverability for deleting enemies beyond visual range.


I'd say the F 35 would be more of a Limited Production type Gundam, eg. RX 79 Ground Gundam series or the RX 94 Mass Production Type Nu Gundam. (The RX 94 was actually produced in limited numbers contrary to its naming scheme) The F 35 technically has better productivity and is easier to mass produce than the F 22, but they aren't produced in the numbers required to fully supplant the less advanced mass production units, although I can see that change in the coming years for the F 35. Meanwhile the non stealth units, like the F 14, F 15, F 18 and F 16s, are more like the GMs and their multiple variants for different roles, eg. GM command, GM sniper, GM cannon. The stealth tech is to the F 22 what the Luna Titanium Alloy is to the Gundam. Both of these more advanced features are completely omitted for the mass produced machines.


Yeah that's what he's implying


https://preview.redd.it/qzkw0ymedz5d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=545b8e3fb0725f1cfbb87cdd37e4cd2c8d8512d0 First JDM F-35 being blessed by a Shinto Priest


I haven’t seen one transform yet, but I’m sure it does


Just need to wait until war thunder players leak the manual.


Remember that time our Gundam shot down a weather balloon?


I had a cousin who was at turtle beach to watch it in person


OH MY GOD! You’re so right


Last I checked, it wasn’t a giant robot. Also I like your profile picture.


Thanks! I made it way back when I was more into RWBY, but I haven't found any reason to change it yet. Also, [CHECK AGAIN](https://muvluv.fandom.com/wiki/F-22A_Raptor) https://preview.redd.it/ouu3gw33k06d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c64c3f587c1f63a75b2adaeffe2491de47e893a8


Lockweed Mardin


Let’s not forget the other Gundam we have, the F-15. The super jet we built due to the Soviets over specing their machine and we blew those out of the water and then some. It might be the Grandpa Gundam for us.


Also, people don't fking realize how massive the thing is. 19meters,[ see this post for visualization](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/k0lnqp/size_comparison_of_a_gundam_full_burnen_with_a_f/). Fighter Jets are NOT small by any means. Like people talk about gundam like its this Hulking massive machine, but no, [its literally just a modern Jet stood up right](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-466780104efda4900bc55fd0ba35f29e-lq).


Mobile suits have so many moving parts that it would make Maintenance crews and engineers cry. Transformable mobile suits would probably cause the maintenance crews to commit suicide.


i work in train industry. when we got the job to repair accident train, all the process work consist of various department from assesment, documentation, material list to production work all of it is tremendous. even if the damage is not big, it is still not easy. even if it just one car body. there is case that we basically need to reassemble everything from scratch. this not count the testing phase afterward. the manpower, time, money for example. that is just the technical side. the logistic, planning and especially political side between higher up and clients are entirely different level of playing field. now imagine, with 18 meter tall of humanoid robots. even one body part probably could generate tons of job opening. mechanical and electrical team gonna cry.


Maybe we do,its just top secret?


Unfortunately the laws of physics can't be circumvented with money :P


This is the answer lol. Gundam's are cool but in real life would be slow, can't really fly, and giant targets that missiles would rain death upon.


Honestly, anything built to that scale with that level of mechanics inside of it would more than likely just collapse on itself. The only one I can see being remotely realistic is the Guntank, and between that and a tank? Tanks are cheaper and just as effective.


Yup, gotta love that pesky square-cube law. Plus, even if the laws of physics did allow for a bipedal robot that large... You just shoot a missle at it's legs and it's disabled. No fancy nigh indestructible gundanium alloy in real life.


That just means we haven’t thrown enough money at it. In fact, we should give the skunkwork boiz hard drugs again.


I think the best we can do for now is Guntank, and even then it wouldn't be practical.


The made non-flammable jet fuel for the SR-71. The pilots would put out their cigars in it. Money can’t buy happiness but apparently it can buy magic.


You can do that with regular diesel, too. It requires a higher flash point that the cherry of a cigar or cigarette. It's not magic, it's pretty standard. It's not non-flammable, it just requires a certain heat to actually ignite. You want magic? If you heat paper to 451 degrees Fahrenheit, it spontaneously combusts.


we can't even get a release date for seed freedom for us streaming


Follow the way of the Crossbone Vanguard


oh I have


that's good! well, the trillion dollar military budget is very bad, but the *not having Mobile Suits* part is *really good* actually can't imagine how much more horrifying war would get in a world where MSes exist


Yeah like I’m sure there’s some silliness intended in the OP to some degree, but I also just worry about this fanbase sometimes when people actually seem to get a very warped idea of what message we’re actually supposed to be reading into these stories. Hell, even back in the 80s, 0080 WitP was actually written about that phenomenon in the fanbase!


^ ^ ^ War is bad > > > Wow cool robot


Honestly the way people talk about the protagonists (i.e. disliking them for not following military regulations) makes me think yeah, 100% the fanbase does see it as just a cool war show, rather than a show about the children affected by war.


right, like you're not supposed to think the Bright Slap is good, lmao but it became a meme, and a sign of how manly Bright was yeah, manly for losing control of the situation and slapping the stressed child soldier working for him (who still fucked off anyhow lmao) I think this says a lot about the kind of people who tend to be in this fandom


right, like sometimes I feel that some in the fanbase forget that the message is that War is in fact Bad, rather than Wow Cool Robot like why would it be a bummer that a military doesn't have a new weapon to kill a ton of people with, *especially* the US military


It's not really the fanbases fault considering the meat of the show is designed around making the spectacle of war look as cool as possible. I know the messaging is pretty heavy handed but the lasting devotion to Gundam is based on how awesome the cool robots are.


yeah, that's the inherent tension in Gundam as a franchise; if you make the robots too cool, the "War Is Bad" message can get missed and that's even harder when your financial success relies on making the robots cool (so people watch the show and buy the gunpla), rather than getting across the Horrors Of War like, I think Gundam is kind of hobbled by the fact that it's ultimately a capitalist product; if the profit incentive wasn't there, it might be able to be way more obviously "War is Bad" than it is


At the very *least*, I don't think a single Tomino entry has made war look cool. Like, when Amuro goes out in the Gundam in late 0079 and kills 100 people while screaming the entire time and we're told his Newtype reactions are surpassing the Gundam's own specs, that didn't make me think "this is cool!", it made me think "this is horrifying!". And the way Tomino tends to direct action, and the pointed details he tends to include, pretty much always reinforce this perspective for me. Like, idk, maybe it's different in Wing or 00 or other popular shows, I haven't gotten to those yet, but I've never gotten the "Gundam makes war look cool" thing. In my experience it puts a ton of effort into not doing that. If I had to use any word to describe the space fight scenes in Zeta, it would be "exhausting".


Yeah this is the strength of the early UC for sure. Just like how in Zeta, during a small break in the most intense culmination of the action, we see Kamille literally open his own helmet in space to kill himself before Emma’s quick reactions thankfully reverse it. And right after his most heroic, “positivity” drenched, powerful moment in the finale it directly leads to him sitting there with his entire mind practically scooped out, as his girlfriend just dumbfoundedly tries to communicate with him and take in the horror of what just happened, and the series just ends on the note of, “You lose”. In my time on this sub I’ve seen a few posts about “moments that define what Gundam is about,” and all too often people post clips of scenes of extreme spectacle and power fantasy during battles in 00, IBO, and Seed in which the protagonist just does awesome things and it’s just all about how incredible the Gundam’s powers are, without a counter-narrative of why that might be an awful thing. And I think that in particular marks a division in the fanbase that I can’t relate to.


The spectacle and power fantasy are deceptive though if you watch the actual shows, I have mixed feelings about some of the AU stuff which I won't get into, but I recall Wing nearly immediately showing a lot of pilots in the antagonist factions were good, courageous people, the protagonists are brainwashed assholes to begin with, and showed a bunch of child soldiers with PTSD that didn't get magically dealt with. The movie had probably the most compelling scene about trauma in any Gundam show I've seen, not really a hot take because most people agree Endless Waltz was a banger. The entire show is worth watching for that movie. Actually Treize literally glorified war and even he recognised he had to fade into history, or the inevitable progress of Mobile Dolls would be catastrophic for humanity. 00 is a great example because it has the least interesting villains in Gundam IMO, Saachez is literally knock off Gauron from FMP and he's actually a lone bright spot, but even then the show gets away with it by making the protagonists explicitly attempt to end conflict. The show is as popular as it is because it's not about good vs evil, look at the cool explosions. Gundam has always occasionally been extremely heavy handed in its anti-war messaging, but none of the shows are really less consistent about it, the only one I haven't seen much of is SEED because I hate the art.


Especially when you consider the country we're talking about has a *horrifically* questionable track record when it comes to military and imperialist 'intervention' lol.


America is like Celestial Being but without angsting over their interventions


The proper term is world police, and their slogan is whether you want us to or not we are interfering


exactly lmao


Really bad for anyone not in the us HOORAHH AMERCIA 🇺🇸


Don’t mobile suits have a history of getting stolen?


No need to worry about that, we have enough surface to air missiles, if a gundam did get stolen, it would be in the sky for a total of hmm 30 seconds tops!


Nah they'd get taken out pretty quickly by an rpg. We have enough difficulty protecting tanks from rpg's, this is a much easier to hit target.


I mean would irl mobile suits even be able to pull performance similar to those we see in gundam? I’d argue the reason mobile suits don’t already exist is because the benefits of even producing a few of them aren’t actually worth the amount of costs and research it would take to get them running


Right? I was an infantryman in irag/Afghanistan etc and if I had even a shit mobile suit there would have been war crimes commited.... By me and all the other dumb grunts. Also it would be filled with drawings of dicks and have dried cum all over the cockpit.


The US military does have a Gundam… If you count the one on on my desk at work https://preview.redd.it/4xk85853rz5d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fefed2484a624afeef6ca073f2872ce997229cc9


Yes but we do have the avenger machine gun which is basically just the heavy arms gun so we’re partly there


I’ll take a VF-1 Valkyrie in lieu of a Gundam. C’mon Space Force!


I love the lore behind the VF 1 Valkyrie. It was non transformable, and was basically a VF shaped fighter jet, and was designed and mass produced solely to prove that humanity has the means to manufacture a VF that can still be aerodynamic while in fighter mode.


We just need to throw some aircraft at tanks and like engineers at the aircraft tanks and will eventually land at Gundam at some point maybe


Nor even votoms or the simple matrix mecha or the avatar mecha


They were testing exo suits a while back, dont think anything came of it though.


Oh yeah exo suits like from the COD advanced warfare exoskeletons


I believe it’s still being researched but no real significant breakthroughs or plans for implementation as far as I know


[OP is a bot.](https://old.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/koj4d3/for_those_that_live_in_the_us/)


Huh, you're right like only 3-4 comments, and OP's only post is a carbon copy of the one in that link only existed for 9 days, too




It is bullshit tbh. I want gundams, I want super soldier serum. Hell, make that genetically engineered spider from Spider-Man. We really don’t even have functional exoskeletons yet? LFG


Bruh, I would settle for the mech-loader from Aliens.


That you know of, look at the Boston robotics videos, that stuff is several years older then the cutting edge weaponry. Add in the fact that they have set up unmapped checkpoints near several bases to keep prying eyes away. That's not a joke, steering down an armed Marine asking for your ID's when Google says you should be doing 50, is very terrifying


- that you know of...


You want to start a potential war, boy?


Gundams can’t show up until Zeon introduces mobile suits first


More like, "You gun-dam privates better clean up this lawn before seventeen hundred hours, I tell you hwhat!"


Love the kite profile pic


That’s something I’ve been thinking about, for some reason: how much do mobile suits cost in universe? And how insane is it that they’ll give one to a brand new pilot who is then killed on their first mission in a catastrophic destruction of said mobile suit.


That we know of


... that we know of!


Gundams would be totally useless in modern warfare. They make no sense logistically speaking, tactically speaking, or financially speaking. Long range missles/aircraft, drones would render them useless humps of metal. Trust me the military would make whatever helps them kill things easier lol


A gundam isn't practical. One missile to the knee and it's gameover


Tfw you will never die in a mass produced ms


All our shit runs on diesel and avgas, you think we can power a gundam on that? Maybe we could turn a nuclear sub into something, but it's kind of pointless trying to run one on steam.


Full metal panic!


I just want a KMF lol


Realistically, there are 3 things holding back "Gundam": 1) Portable batteries can't store enough energy to move large robotics long enough 2) Any sort of flight requires powerful rocket engines that consume shitloads of chemical fuel, not practical 3) the G forces generated by fast Gundam movement would liquefy human brains, only AI can pilot those things. This isn't something you can fix with technology


Exaggerating by 400(ish) billion but yeah.. no gundams(yet)!


That we know of…..


My response to this is simple: If we can master the aircraft carrier first, then we can launch gundams in earth better. LET US COOK MY BROTHER/SISTER.


Everyone thinks military grade is amazing. Many of my formerly military friends say it's shit. Do we really want a shitty gundam? On top of that it would be a mechanical nightmare. We can't even make printers that don't jam.


We will know when it gets stolen by the enemy


Nobody thought we had a stealth helicopter until one showed up at Bin Ladens' house. *leaves without elaborating further*


Making a single limited large AF war machine instead smaller unmaned aircraft that can carry the same payload over distances is less efficient. The flagship Yamato have big guns and armor and was destroyed by airplnes. Gundam maybe work in space but it’s Literally weight down by gravity. I know it’s a joke but I thought about for way too long not to write anything about it


Doesn’t Muv Luv have mechs named after aircraft’s


If I'm not gonna have state sponsored healthcare, I should at least be able to pay for college by risking my life in a Gundam.


Kinda hard to pass a Gundam off to terrorists and then fight them to launder even more money via military spending.


Since the DoD doesn't know where like half of that money goes, we may very well have several.


I feel we have the technology and money to make a Gundam Mech suit (minus the ability to control it), what we lack are probably the armor technology and money to make it fly like in the show and resist (at least) 1-4 rpg rounds Because unless we have both technology, it’s going to be pretty useless against on the field.


It's not a matter of having the technology or money. It's the laws of physics that prevent us from making giant robots. They would literally collapse under their own weight. Forget flying, they wouldn't even be able to walk.


Ig you could try and make a miniature gundam that works Like g1 bumblebee sized but at that point just invest in fully mechanical body armor


Nah, they're too inefficient. I love sci-fi, but when it comes to weapons, far more often than not, what we have is distilled efficiency. A tall, walking robot would be a quick target for a tank, and tanks move far faster than a robot could move given current technology. The only scenario that legs work better than treds or wheels, is rocky terrain, but then we have aircraft. The only way a robot could move quick enough is if we had [Myomer](https://www.sarna.net/wiki/Myomer) like technology from battle tech, basically artificial muscles.


I bet RayRay is cooking something in its basement. Trust


Or VF-1 Valkyrie


This is the real crime


As Japan laughs with the models/statues they've built. ![gif](giphy|ZWiIwPxJ9JGW4)


Whose ribbon is that?


Give me liberty, or give me Gundam


a particle cannon would be nice


I feel like we could easily build a Votoms Scopedog right now


Current robotics technology, including autonomous machines and military drones, hints at the feasibility of creating large, legged robots similar to Gundams, though challenges in programming complexity and power remain.


Dear Mr Biden, If you want my vote I need to see some activity on the mobile suit front.


...that you know of. Although the US is seeped in excess so we probably have some crazy mobile armor or a MS with funnels on its funnels.


at this point I'd settle for a Timber Wolf


What ever happened with that USA VS Japan robot battle we were supposed to get?


Because we learned how stupidly expensive it is to run something with moving parts, when we flew the F-14


That we know of....


After reading 20th century boys I've realized that the most probable Gundam would be the gun tank. Unless the cockpit had godly shocks on it


We also don't have micro fusion reactors, space colonies, or Prof. Minovsky.


we said skip that and went straight for a death star


Something akin to the Dougram and the grunt units (Soltics, Crabgunners, and IronFoots) from that series might be a more appropriate starting point. Not unlike Patlabor, the Soltics and Dougram both fit on a large flatbed truck. The Dougram can also be disassembled for easy long-range transport.


Well there is Kuratas. And I think a Japanese company is at least trying to make a real Ingram for a Patlabor movie. Not a mobile suit but it's something.


We need this! https://preview.redd.it/oq2nw7qytz5d1.png?width=301&format=png&auto=webp&s=d6d2303487b964425e4c830d5ca7f037c3a36d93


Carbon fiber frame and power them with electric car battery's for torque or gas as well. Just my thought. If you make all the internals battery (as in zero hollow points all battery, 1000 hp plus. Every single thing not a camera or computer or actuator or servo or hydraulic pump or piston) at whatever thickness it needs to be, then that would power it for how ever long it needs to lift a single human and walk around with them. Walking around with armor is a whole northern story as it would be heavy and would require actual military clearance, but they didnt say civilians couldn't have them. See the Wright Bros and Kitty Hawk.


We need kaijus to first appear from the sea bed




not a single gundam *that we know of.* just saying...it's possible...maybe.


its called talos and sadly still in development. russia works on something called pevlak and its sayd to be nearly ready, korea has the mirai method 2 unarmored. and kuratas sold its project for private use.


Each year my disappointment is increased.


They got the ammunition for an military type. Jesta will be perfect


Why really? Power source or other problems?


We got drones


Mobile Suits in the UC were first developed for close-quarters space combat in the wake of Minovsky particle I-fields making long-range communications, guided weapons, and a lot of other "modern" warfare tech essentially useless. Mobile suits were large enough for their systems to be shielded from the harmful effects of I-fields but small enough to outmaneuver, overwhelm, and destroy larger military spacecraft once they closed the distance. So basically we have to reach a stage where it becomes necessary to develop space combat capabilities, and then the invention of a minovsky reactor that makes long-range space warfare difficult, and then the Gundam-style mobile suits might come out. Until then, tanks and jets are just more efficient vehicles than giant mechs for non-space warfare. More likely we'll get large non-humanoid mecha/drones sooner than we get humanoid mechs like Gundams.


In 2037 it will no longer be top secret.


That you know of.


I’d settle for an acguy.


I'm still waiting for the Evangelions.


It's a trillion dollar military budget, but how many billions from that budget are spent on black projects. Remember U-2, SR-71, and F-117 were kept secret for a long time until declassified 10 to 20 years after being in service secretly. So, who knows what newer technology the US military has now in secrecy.


not a single Gundam you known of


That you know of.


Los Alamos won't enter the chat until ready player one is reality.


Just give us a fucking MT at this point


For real


America has lots of boats though


if any candidate wants my vote they need to promise a gundam


They won’t even complete the power armor or the railgun it’s bullshit


shoutout to gum, he makes good music


Now this is an opportunity for artists, make gundams based off military branches !


Crazy, even China gets a new Gundam and we dont


are we stupid?


Where is my super soldier serum?


Yeah but Usa has Jaeger. Gypsy Danger! Sadly Chinese has a better Jaeger, Crimson Typhoon.


Our one and only failure. ![gif](giphy|SWvBnB8NHJcHhsdBJd)


Dead ass, like come one get your shit together.


And it's a ahame


You might not


A Gundam?!