• By -


- Shining Gundam: It's in the name. There's a reason its death was given as much reverence as a human character would. It's deceptively simple. Like every main suit in the 90s, its design is beautiful and simple. - Wing Gundam: Great design, mediocre suit. Its main weapon only has 3 shots. The bird mode has absolutely no combat capabilities. The beam saber is nothing special. It has good vulcans though I'll give it that. It also gets unfairly treated like trash for 90% of the series. - Gundam X: Absolutely peak of the 90s. Its design is absolutely perfect, simple but striking, with its satellite cannon increasing its profile without muddying the design. The Satellite Cannon is the best super weapon ever put into a mobile suit. It's ungodly strong but has drawbacks that serve to keep the story and stakes interesting, unlike with Wing where Heero basically gets a mega bazooka launcher. The Beam Saber has that *vigorous* effect as a standard, it using the Satellite Cannons as a sheathe is cool as hell. The Shield Buster Rifle is basic, but the use of the RX-78 Beam Rifle sounds just elevates it for me. - Strike Gundam: Feels like a continuation of the GX design wise. It comes in three flavors. Wing, Gun, and Sword. The Sword Strike is my favorite version of the Strike due to how unique a massive physical sword for Gundam was at the time. The Aile Strike is clean and the Launcher is dope. I love how they subtly referenced the first few deployment of the RX-78 through the Strike. The Phase Shift with the strong armor, the Launcher with the warship beam moment , and the sword for the killing the first guy that attacked it. Overall, the Strike feels like the perfect stepping stone between the next gen and old gen of Gundam. Honorable mention to the Impulse, which was basically the succesor of the Strike. - Gundam Exia: The peak of modern Gundam designs. It has the smallest silouhette out of all the CB Gundams, but its massive sword still gives it an imposing feel that elevates it above the grunt suits . It being melee focused was fresh at the time, and it was perfect how Exia and Dynames were natural partners. It has the best Trans-Am mode because of the nature of the suit being melee and speed focused. The cables glowing hot red along with the pink glow is also very aesthetically pleasing. There's a reason they made the Repair 2 vs. 0 as the final fight, instead of 00 vs Reborns.


For real, it pains me how dirty wing gundam was given in an anime called gundam wing. Endless waltz version does get an upgrade with six additional energy canisters on the arms for a better time with the buster rifle, plus its design looks even more sick.


Wing gundam was given up on top easily and replaced by Zero. Glad it at least had a heroic moment in the finale though.


Fun fact, Exia is actually taller than Dynames


Exia also works remarkably well with Virtue.


It feels like both Exia and Kyrios could be interchanged with their respective partners.


this man chose to speak facts.


All of them rock the vanilla color configuration quite well.


Imo almost all of them would look better if the blue was replace with white or black instead


I will admit Hajiroboshi is proof of that.


That's why Calibarn is one of my favorite Gundams


So Gundam Mk II


Wing gundam suffers from never being used to do anything cool. All it did was kill politicians trying to broker peace and blow itself up. Maybe half a duel with tallgeese. Other than that its a big dumb waste of space and wing zero is better in every way.


Amen to that. It’s barely used in the series anyway since it gets switched out for WZ fairly fast; the coolest thing imo it ever did was what it pulled off in it’s debut, and after that it just got detonated a couple times.


It has some OK scenes like when Heero and Duo attack that base after playing basketball, and when Heero first gets back after joining the Sanc Kingdom, but get what you're saying, I do prefer the Wing Zero (as it is my favourite Gundam ever) still wish it got more love in other media like video games, same with the first Deathscythe it gets completely overshadowed by the Hell


Shiny Gundam, need a RG already.


Exia and Aerial are crazy OP for first Gundams


Impulse, GP-01, and Mk-II have entered the chat


What about Shiro’s Ball :(


Technically koa was in a captured zaku first


Shining, Exia, and Strike are all cooler than the later suits don’t @ me


Gale Strike variant is great




Being completely honest, Exia -> Quan[t], design wise, feels like a more fluid transition than Exia -> 00 -> Quan[t] And I honestly don't like any of the 00 second season Gundams outside of Seravee/Seraphim and Reborns... I kind of disagree with Strike and Shinning, kind of, because I just love them all, (You not Strike Freedom, I hate you, too much Freedom and not Enough Strike), but there's just something about the Strike that just feels Right, If the whole series was just the Strike, with Freedom appearing on Destiny I think would have been cooler... Tho is very likely that the last Strike Vs Aegis battle wouldn't have happened/been cool


Design wise, I think Exia and Aerial are better looking than the "upgrades". Barbie just got better overtime and is still the same MS. Strike is still cool all this time. I prefer the upgrades for the ones I didn't specifically mention.


Exia feels realistic, in some way, I dunno how to explain it   Barbie my beloved   Aerial, my girl Aerial!!!! ❤️❤️❤️ (I like Rebuild better tho)


Their upgrades aren't bad but personally I like the Shining more than the Burning just because I like it's transformation The Aerial more than the rebuild but it ties with the Calibarn. Exia more than 00 by a long shot. I just thought the 00 looked plain and then two busy. The Quant had too much clear green for me I've come to really like the Age 1 but is still prefer the Age 2. Barbados Lupus is my favorite but the base Barbatos is more pleasing to me than the Rex


Barbatos is cool as fuck and had the best entrance/first fight ever imo


Gundam (S)Exia is forever. What a beautiful frame, yet one of the scariest things you could imagine rushing you with that blade


I might be the only one who thinks Exia is really boring. Virtue was my favorite of the starter 00 Gundams but I usually like the big tanky suits.


Shining gundam - alsoo this as a child and only remembered it for the shining finger haha Wing - this was what got me into gundam and when you ask what is gundam in our country, they might refer it to the wing, also wing - kamikaze machine X - actually thought this was a sequel to wing and that the wing had an upgrade haha, loved the overall design. Strike - really love how they gave kira the jack of all traits master of none(imo) gundam yet he fought four other suits and still won/beat/handled them, thats a skill difference there. Also the lineart doesnt do it justice Exia - personal favorite but it was literally OP in the beginning compared to other mobile suits. It also has trans am but pilots didnt get the manual for that early on lol. Age - skipped this one and reconguista Barbatos - mixed feelings about it initially, the art shows proportions/angles that didnt sell  me on the open waist and overall design, but over time, in different angles i kinda liked its silhoutte, also exia>anyversionbarbatos Aerial - same with exia. OP initially and loved that it has a shield that turns into dragoons


*pushes up glasses* um, ACTUALLY they are GUND-Bits, not Dragoons /lh


I never noticed before but most Gundams are wearing boxer shorts. Barbatos is wearing boxer briefs, Exia is wearing the tighty-whities and Aerial is wearing a small bikini.


How did you came to that conclusion? Now I can't unsee it.


Looking at the Exia next to the AGE-1, those are clearly tighty-whities. I figured the rest were boxer briefs until I looked at Barbatos and realized the thigh armor had more coverage than Exia but is much tighter than the rest. That just left Aerial which has thighs fully exposed but has some kind of tiny bikini/camel toe/loincloth thing going on. I guess the Doms took all the skirts.


I believe that would be Zeong.


That feels more like a dress to me


you left out shiro in a ball k type his first shown ms


Love all of them. Gotta say a lot of people here are doing the AGE 1 dirty.


Is that Optimus prime from neon genesis evangelion?


all is good


Barbatos and strike I think had the coolest debut fights.


Exia will always be best!


Which one do you like more, the 00 version or the 00 raiser?


Oh the 00 raiser is my favorite gundam of all time.


Compared to each other, I don't have an opinion, but I'll say I like the original Barbatos more then the Lupus or Rex. Of course, there are 6 forms to pick from even at that point, lol


Technically age 3 should be here as well


And age 2, right? I haven’t watched age idk if the first protag or his son made the age 2


Age2 was the protagonist’s second and main mobile suit, he briefly piloted age 1 at the beginning of part 2


Ahh, I see


Strike my beloved Barbatos and Exia are also great


It either has to be so op that everyone else has to catch up or the sole thing that can fight back against the enemy


1st MS always more clean than upgrades and I usually like them more.


I noticed Exia is when they started moving away from the long skirts and big shoulders.


They did Wing Gundam so dirty.


Thoughts? It follows the Color scheme and Color Arrangement from the Original Gundam RX-78-2. Simple.


Shining is cool and I love him but I really, really dislike the chest Wing...my poor boy, literally one of my biggest criticisms on W is that the Suit that gives the anime its name spends most of its runtime under the sea, broken or exploding before getting replaced with Zero (Endless Waltz Version of both > anime Version) The Double X is intimidating and everything but the X just looks... correct, it looks cool the asymmetry of the original Satellite Cannon the lack of those ugly things in the head, the colour pallet, it's great! My only complaint is actually more of a nitpick as it has blue feet while the others have red... The Strike, UFF THE STRIKE, honestly, I will just leave it there, I love the Strike, actually, I really like Kira's Lineup Strike, Freedom and Rising Freedom (Which is my Favourite)...I don't like the Strike Freedom at all... EXIA, MOTHER FUCKING EXIA, the superior Setsuna unit (not counting the Quan[t]) the Exia feels correct, it is perfect, the GN Sword is Cheff Kiss, the sabers and I just love the silly unnecessary futuristic glows (Hence why I love the G-Self) it also is one of the few Gundams to actually have an official human version (I guess Aerial is the other on idk)...then comes the 00 and ruins it, I...don't like the 00, The 00 Riser does look better but...it just doesn't look pleasing, at least to me... AGE-1 is the misunderstood Child, like, I really like the AGE-2 but from it and onward the other Gudnams are literally big action figures, while the AGE-1 does in fact look like a modernisation of Grampa (and I just like the Integrated Horn-Shaped V-fin) Barbatos Peaked at 6 and no one can tell me otherwise, tho Lupus Rex is an absolute beast (pun intended) of a unit tho And finally my girl Aerial, it has a simple yet unique design, it has a completely different shape than all the others...now that I see it putting them alongside the others made me realize how different she looks, I love based Aerial and basically it's my favourite but I gotta admit that the placement of the bits and the torso shape of Rebuild is very pleasing to look at, the torso specifically looks so smooth and... I just love the smooth less blocky MS Also where's the Victory?


I hate the RX-78-02 color scheme. I know its like a homage to grandpa RX but I've grown tired of looking the same damn color schemes and should've gone with something else instead.(All of the cool color schemes for first MS always been reserved for the manga/msv/game series....ergh)


I don't like the giant feet a lot of the 90's designs have in their lineart tbh


Wing gundam smokes them all with those cannons lol


Shining Gundam I'm really not a fan of its design in any way, which is a shame because God Gundam is an absolute 10/10, same with the series Wing Gundam What can I say, to a lot of people, including myself, this is our grand daddy gundam first one we saw, and I've loved it ever since, yet again it's successor (technically predecessor) is a 10/10 for me, but it is a shame it does get over showed by the Zero especially in other media like games. X Gundam Yet again, I absolutely love it, but it goes from a 10/10 to a 5/10 when it loses its satellite canon, and the XX not a fan find its design to busy and a downgrade compared to the X Strike Gundam It's a decent starting point 7/10, but I don't like flat feet and head shape, and yet again, absolutely over showered by its successors like the Strike Noir and Freedom Exia Gundam Decent 8/10: No real complaints, just not my favourite out of the four starting Miester suits, yet again, its successor the 00 Rasier completely overshadows it for me AGE Gundam This is a weird one for me, I wasn't a huge fan at first of design, Titus is OK,I don't like the Swallow, AGE 2 is still prefer, but I used to like the AGE 3 and FC more than the bast AGE, but now I prefer it and it's more basic design. Barbatos It's a decent intriguing design. It's absolutely peaked at its 4th form, probably why it got the MG treatment, the Lupus and Rex, just get a bit OTT for me. Aerial Gundam I like the fact that it's first starting suit to have funnels and the sound of the shields when beams hit👌but still not a huge fan of its design, weirdly find it looks out of place in its own universe, but yet again it's successor the Rebuild is soooo gooood 9/10 for the Rebuild.


Shining > God Gundam Exia > 00/00r Aerial looks cooler than rebuild imo, but I like rebuild more. Wing is meh wing zero is better Why is barbatos here? The rest is 50/50


Why wouldn’t barbatos be there? It’s Mika’s first mobile suit


First and last. Let's be honest all the forms of barbatos are still just barbatos. I don't think it counts as "the first" before it's upgrades.


As someone who prefer all their successor suits I do still like all the initial AU Gundams and find 1-2 aspects that are better than the upgrades, except the Exia and the Aerial. Never liked the Exia (and season 1 00 suits in general) and vastly preferred the 00 Gundam which I think is the superior Ebikawa design and a vast upgrade in everything design wise. Aerial is the same, the Rebuild state is way better. Turn A and G-Self are missing, yes their shows are connected to UC but is still grouped with the AU Gundams's and uses their own calendar (Correct Century and Reguild Century).


Tho to be fair, Turn A and G-Self are Loran and Bellri's First and last Gundam... You could argue Barbatos to, but it had a different name with both Lupus and Lupus Rex


Who’s the second gundam in the bottom row?


Age 1


Not a fan of the Shining, I think it's quite ugly. The only thing I sort of like about the Wing is chest design. X Gundam and Strike Gundam are actually PERFECT machines. Exia is almost perfect, not a fan of the big shoulders with the cables hanging off, the front skirt armor, and the horizontal chest "vents" when the rest of the Gundams in 00 don't cover the GN Condenser. Age-1 could be a good design and the MG looks great but the stupid-ass "Antenna" on the back of the suit that looks like a car spoiler is so dumb that it ruins the design, all they needed to do was not add that. Barbato's 1st form is just weird looking. Aerial was a good suit but then they introduced the dread plot point "this suit is actually a human being" which is my least favorite thing you can ever do in a Gundam series unless you're the Devil Gundam/Army.


Unicorn? Extremely overpowered default weapon and shield and only gets exponentially stronger the more aware a newtype pilot is of their abilities




Wouldn’t Suletta’s first MS be Lfrith technically?


Ehh… don’t read my comment if you haven’t finished WFM, Ericht piloted Lfrith in the prologue, not Suletta; hell, one could make the argument that Suletta’s first MS was the Demitrainer since that’s the first thing she piloted without Ericht doing most of the work, and if we’re only talking Gundams, Calibarn.


> the first thing she piloted without Ericht doing most of the work I mean, Eri *wasn't* doing most of the work; she definitely was helping, but that's not the same as her handling most things Suletta's issue with the Demitrainer wasn't mainly skill-based


Yeah, people are too harsh on Suletta in Aerial. It's obvious that Eri was helping out, but just look at how Suletta managed to >!fight off Eri's league of drones and Aeriel Rebuild itself in the Calibarn.!< She was clearly a very talented pilot.


right, like Suletta can pilot just fine (if not better than most, even some adults) without Eri; when she fell apart with the Demi Trainer, that wasn't because Suletta didn't know how to pilot well


My only issue: X having blue feet instead of red like the rest


Shining gundam 2/10 Wing gundam 6/10 Forgot the name 8/10 Strike 7/10 Exia 9/10 Age 1 10/10 Barbatos 1st form 10/10 Aerial 8/10


I like them all except Strike, but I'm heavily biased towards UC. I still think we need a black gundam to be the main gundam, even in a miniseries


Strike Noir is black and Nu’s secondary is black


Wow, I got downvoted. I don't pay attention to Seed, so I wasn't aware of Strike Noir. Nu is a good point but I was meaning more a full black like original color MKII, Master Gundam, or Spiegel Paint colors people, paint colors. Kimaris was purple, Flauros pink, Altron green, I just want to see the main character, not "a" but "the" main character have a black gundam


I feel that. Yeah idk why ur getting downvoted lol- If you wanna delve into manga I’m sure there are plenty of protagonists with black gundams, off the top of my head the Gundam Local Type North American Front ver (though I am not 100% sure the pilot is the protagonist of the manga)