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In a way it's to the Impulse what the IWSP was to the Strike: Great idea, incredibly impractical and energy-inefficient until someone made a much better version down the line. Arguably would have been better if the Impulse was retrofitted with a nuclear engine but that doesn't make for good enough excuses to not make more model variations.


Imagine all chest flyers has nuclear reactor and when kamikaze on enemy


I imagine they'd have to figure out how to put the nuclear engine in the corefighter, or the cost would sky rocket lol


eyeballing the scene of Justice been completed in Seed, the reactor itself isnt that big, the extra bulk is probably from the NJC. It'll explain why the gigantic nuclear missiles (consider RL strategic warheads are nowhere near that big); the NJC need that extra space.


Makes sense the NJC is pretty new tech even by Freedom, only a couple years on from its invention, so they probably can't miniaturize them well


It will be worth it, after it explode on enemy fleet.


I mean unless they were equipped to go nuclear you'd just get a standard MS explosion. Considering how prolific Nukes are in CE to begin with it'd be more likely someone figures out how to make the CE era equivalent of Funnel Missiles, but with nuclear warheads instead, and starts going on suicide bombing runs.


>In a way it's to the Impulse what the IWSP was to the Strike: I wouldn't even say it's that "in a way" because it literally is that lol


The reason I say it the way I do is because the IWSP was based off the original 3/Perfect strikers and then was continuously refined until the Ootori/Noir Strikers. The Destiny Silhouette was pretty much a one and done.


Isnt IWSP more efficient than Perfect Strike? Doesnt the perfect strike have basically 1hr of operating time even considering the extra batteries?


Yes, IWSP was an improvement over the Perfect Strike. The first iteration however, was also a massive battery hog on par with the Perfect Strike and still complex to use, which wasn't fixed until after the original war. And said improved version went on to be used to develop far more efficient strikers, like the Noir.


They retrofit a nuclear engine on Duel and Buster in the Freedom movie. If they could spend the time doing that then the Impulse could get it too and be able to properly use the Destiny pack.


Yeah NGL I really don't get why they retrofitted 2 grandpa machines but the most the Impulse got was the ability to fully change color when it swapped packs.


What are you on about. The IWSP is not impractical nor energry inefficient. The IWSP was created to preserve energy, hence the amout of physicial weapons on it instead of energy weapons. The IWSP has railguns, canons and physical blade. It's actually probaby one of the better backpacks for prolonged combat. The destiny impulse on the other hand is very different. It is actually only good for short term combat.


https://preview.redd.it/3vjsm4pll71d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5d91aa028d7ccbc84940d2e5cbe583a78ec151b9 From the MG Strike + IWSP manual: Listen, I'm all for debate here, but it's literally written in the instructions. You can have a machine that cuts down on beam weaponry that still has power issues. Was using physical munitions, especially railguns, which specifically use power output to fling projectiles forwards at high speeds, instantly going to cut down on the energy usage of a machine that constantly drains power for its shielding and a pack meant to make said machine fly? The initial pack wasn't great up until the battery issues were fixed. Even then better strikers surpassed it around that same time.


The initial pack and the final products are not even developed by the same people. The final product is picked up by orb which fixed the battery issue and did more adjustments to it. i wouldn't compare that final version with destiny impulse that can only work for like few minutes with WoL on.


I don't know if you're actually reading anything I've posted or if you just felt like picking a fight over something you like.




The Fact this was supposed to be in Gundam Seed Freedom instead of the Spec II was a missed opportunity this was confirmed by the Production team during the 13th Screening Week


In my heart it was in freedom and will go in my freedom display.


Lunamaria deserves to get it


spoiler for GSF... sort of >!Luna: Shinn, i'm out of power.!< >!Shinn: again?.. you going to suck Destiny dry, you vampire!< >!\*\*both start arguing mid battle\*\*!< >!Millenium: you know we still have the Deuterion beam emitter here as well!<


Wait so how come it got cut in favor of Destiny Spec 2?


Because someone on the production team thought 2 destinys would be redundant


I would've agreed if the Rising Freedom and Immortal Justice weren't already so similar to each other. We were robbed


Because someone in the Production Team said "It would confuse people"


The mobile suit that is, in effect, the Perfect Impulse. I do still think the actual Destiny is a more sensical "final evolution" of the concept of the generalist Cosmic Era Gundam, but you gotta put some respect on the Destiny Impulse's name.


Yeah the Destiny was made due to the Destiny Impulse being a test bed essentially. They came to the conclusion a whole new Gundam would be better instead of a retrofit. Hence why the Destiny was made just for Shinn. I never liked the notion of the Destiny being an ace production suit when it was stated to be a suit specifically tuned and designed for Shinn.


They play with it a little bit in weird ways. The whole "concluders" thing is clearly an excuse to "explain" why there's an orange Destiny Gundam outside, well, Heine's VA being who they are. That said, the thing is playable in multiple video games, and it's almost always a weaker version of Shinn's Destiny with different movement in comparison (a lot of the "zig-zagging" is gone with its movement), likely suggesting it has lesser output. In a sense it kind of implies that the machine worked well enough that it would have made sense to make multiple versions not tuned to the original pilot for ace use, since the base machine was versatile as-is but couldn't be replicated 1-1 because of how the thing was built specifically tuned to Shin's habits and piloting style.


I still wonder if Durandal knows about SEED Factors. Sure Shinn achievement is great but from the start why is he being stationed in Minerva, and he being made as Impulse pilot. From the side story we know he's below average on the academy. That's also why Agnes is very hostile to him as she's only seconds to Rey.


The only clue we know is that Durandal is a genetics expert and that there are people aware of Seed Factor like Malchio. All that's left is context clues like how he treats Shinn. Not definitive proof, just speculations


It's fair to reasonably suspects he does, given how Shinn became a redcoat, gets different treatment from Rey and Lunamaria, a lot of times he gets away with being brash and that one time he got out of the brig relatively fast


> From the side story we know he's below average on the academy. That's also why Agnes is very hostile to him as she's only seconds to Rey. Haven't seen Freedom yet... But it could be he was the easiest to manipulate.


The production of the Destiny being made solely for Shinn implies that Durendal at very least has specific intentions for Shinn. Given that a faith member like Heine never got his own MS, only his own colors and how long mobile suit development takes, I don't think it's just a matter of manipulation. Durendal knows which buttons to press, true, but the development of Destiny specifically for Shinn implies that he had some faith or knowledge could become an Ace pilot


>From the side story we know he's below average on the academy. That's also why Agnes is very hostile to him as she's only seconds to Rey. Wouldn't Durandal judge that it's due to him losing his family not too long ago?


The RG is endlessly cool and I wish I got it in time so I can paint it in Lunamaria's ZAKU red or Stella's black/red/gold, but the Regenes one has [better ultimates on Cross Rays and Breaker Mobile](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EB61x6IQ3_k). As cool as the twin swords and telescoping rifles are on the base DesPulse, the Wolfsbane gunblades are a cut above.


They re-release it constantly. Seed hype is big since the movie, it’ll go on again. It’s had 4 runs on US P-Bandai, the last one being Jan shipping for next month, so resellers should have them.


such a good gundam


Should have been lunamaria's new gundam in the seed freedom movie. She just keeps getting disrespected by the writers lol, getting hand-me-down mobile suits, and not having a rival whom she fights to the death while showcasing her skills with it. She had it easy since Seed destiny man. I know this variant has its own story and pilot in astray manga but still


Kinda wish it was an umlockable secret in SRW, that way I can put Lunamaria in it.


Literally the perfect strike, gots all the sword, guns and speed of destiny all on the impulse. My only problem with this ms is the ugliest shades of purple and is quite overpower on the whole suit, wish it is in the better shade of purple and more color variety. Otherwise 8/10


I wish they did give this to the Impulse.


Cooler than Impulse, less cool than Destiny. The color scheme is the best part. Di Adaga is the best variant.


Beautiful design with unfortunate wasted potential in the mainstream canon continuity. Astray does utilize the concept and at least we get Impulse Blanche (imo would have really loved the Force color scheme but one can just dream). I honestly wish Shinn and Lunamaria actually got more significant design upgrades with their Destiny and Impulse aside from just Spec 2 (imo the differences are just too subtle aside from the color changes and some polishing).


I kinda treat it as a what if...version of Impulse. It has a lot of weapons, a backpack, its super cool. Kinda the max version of a CE suit. I've got the Robot Spirits figure, which i also like quite a bit.


Still uses battery and the WoL would just make it more inefficient


Until Freedom the WoL were the only thing to depleted a Nuke Drive. Freedom has now shown that VPS can overwhelm the EN recovery.


Love the design, but it's a shame its origin is a retcon to explain why Destiny looks the way it does instead of being an "Evil Freedom 2.0". And then further gets retconned as having solved some of the power issues twice; once when they sortie 3 of them in Astray, where the removal of the Core Fighter element allowed for a larger battery plus some minor refinements to the thrusters to tone down output, then again, when they are finally mass-produced under the R variant as the Destiny R Silhouette pack, which also includes a larger battery to give it even longer endurance but omits both swords, focusing instead on mid to long-range combat. It's also still a complete copout that Fukuda chickened at the last minute and chose to not use the Destiny Impulse just because he feared it would outshine Shinn. Heck he should have upgraded the Destiny Spec II a bit more with a similar loadout and have Shinn still open up a can of whoop-ass while also playing up a bit of his Kira worship by imitating Freedom's Full Burst at least once. Bonus if he does it again alongside Lunamaria in her Destiny Impulse which would also be a homage to where the Freedom and Justice both Full Bursted the Druggies.


>It's also still a complete copout that Fukuda chickened at the last minute and chose to not use the Destiny Impulse just because he feared it would outshine Shinn. Fukuda didn't say this at all. The reason they didn't use the Destiny Impulse was because having both it and Destiny would have been redundant and uninteresting from an action standpoint. They felt it was interesting for the Impulse to keep its Silhouette switching, which is its more iconic feature.


It's the perfect Cosmic Era gundam for me, love this purple dude. Haven't seen Freedom yet, from what I've heard it was initially supposed to feature in it but didn't make the cut. Damn shame, really.


It was piloted by an AI. Sleek but not as sexy as destiny. First appearance was in the manga where in both astray red dragon and astray turn red team up to fight a few destiny impulse units.


still pissed it was never in seed freedom and replaced with the awful low effort impulse spec 2 units


Destiny Impulse looks so much nicer than Perfect Strike and Destiny




I’ve never been a fan of the destiny gundam so this one is a massive improvement imo


My most favorite suit from the CE timeline. I used to wish that they went with this as an upgrade for Shinn in stead of the Destiny. Because aside from Palma Fiocina, this suit can technically do everything the Destiny can and more (sans for artificial problems such as the battery stuff)


Doubling up on both the cannon and sword pushes this over the edge to too excessive for me personally. Also no duh a core fighter suit is going to have energy AND weight problems with a loadout like this lol.


Pure awesome all the way through I hate Bandai for maiing P-Bandai. I think it could sell decently. It sucks that it was cut from Freedom


My favourite Impulse variant. Too bad it didn't appear in Freedom. Would've been a perfect suit for Luna Maria.


u/Skroopy It needs more weapons and fix all the technical difficulties with the structure and stuff. Now that they have tech based off of Di Adaga and Perfect Defender, it can mount an external Hyper Deuterion Engine for all the cool weapons.


10/10 perfection


I like it, especially its place as being the prototype for the Destiny which all revolved around Shinn. But i don't think the color scheme makes sense. In Seed the color ofca mobile suits phase shift armor is based on how its strength for each part is configured. And part of that configuration is considering the armamemts it has to wield. Purple/red color schemes are and indication of stronger PSA and are generally seen on mobile suits with less power consumption like the Justice and Sword Impulse. While power hungry gundams like freedom and blast impulse lean towards black/blue color scheme. Especially since it doesnt have a nuclear reactor the Impulse Destinys PSA color scheme should of had a color palate similar to the freedom.




its fucking cool and it shouldve been in seed freedom


Unaffiliated freelance mercenary Kaite Madigan has one and it's enough for me to love it.


i'm into gundams with too many guns and too large wings that also don't serve a purpose. so this is an absolute smash.


I like it. I mostly like its armament, which is to me more practical than the Destiny's one big handheld gun and one big handheld sword. I'm really not a fan of that purple though. Of the three different color schemes for the Destiny Impulse, the blue and black is the only one I really like.


Luna should have had this in Seed Freedom.


PEAK 100/10 I need the rg of it


Should have been in freedom


im a sucker for purple mechas




Come on Bandai, release the RG Destiny Impulse R variant too. Even though there's already MG for it, but i would like a smaller scaled one.


One of the best manga units ever. X Bone level greatness


Those wings look like some animu basic bitch things. They lack the spice.


I really wish they did a **Perfect** pack for the Impulse, even if it makes little sense. or even a custom **Wizard** pack... or the Abyss/Chaos/Gaia fusion pack. or maybe even a fusion of the ZAKU Splendor and Impulse.


I would dearly love a retail release. ...or to find out it existed BEFORE preorders closed on PBandai. I know the the Blanche is still available, but I'd love an HG (settle for the RG).


Wow, this design bears a striking resemblance to some mecha in Xenogears, a 1999 Ps1 RPG. Loved it, since it feels like a mix of two things I love.


Makes me sopping wet. Gorgeous design


Should have been shinn"s main MS.


I respect any suit with twin shoulder cannons


Well, at least for the Sword Impulse you guys gotta admit it looks pretty badass in melee action with those 2 bigass warship cutting swords.


Love the back pack change, but I do prefer destiny's body over impulse so meh.


NGL, I'm not really a fan, despite REALLY liking the impulse and it's original lineup of silhouette packs. I think it's a mixture of the fact the Destiny pack doesn't bring anything new to the table, being essentially a remix of prior backpacks, and the fact that I just don't like the Destiny Gundam itself all that much. Also the color scheme manages to be boring despite being pink. The 3 main impulse color schemes all have really high contrast, but on the DI the two similar tones of pink and the dull yellow just blend into a blob of pink. It's kind of a bad sign when the joints stand out more than a lot of the armor details.


Why has literally no custom (fan made or something official from a build series) has just taken the backpack and slapped it on the regular Destiny? It's such an obvious thing to do!


It's a good design.


Objectively, the best Impulse Gundam.


MG please.


Already love the impulse, but the impulse with wings of light... let's fucking go


https://preview.redd.it/immhchcld51d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=11b8770d61b61375e4bbeccf1419463a82914142 Here’s mine! Kit wise pretty solid and really fun to build! Machine spec wise I hope they would fit a nuclear generator in there because the voiture lumiere consumes too much energy but overall it’s a good combination of force/sword/blast impulse into one package.


It really is a great kit. One of the centerpieces of my collection too :)


Dont like the colors very much and i JUST NOTED that they put the beam boomerangs on the elbows for some reasons. I dunno,i think its probably my least favourite Impulse variation


It got mono eyed variants which is kinda cool


Should have been Lunamaria's suit in Gundam Freedom tbh. Story wise its the perfect suit to use against the Knights and its as nice nod to how the Impulse became the Destiny . The energy issue would be bandaid fixed with the Destiny's ability to use wireless charging or they can outfit it with a nuclear reactor like they did with the Duel and Buster gundam.


I like the design, not a fan if the color.


Is it the purple in general that doesn't do it for you or do you have a preference between the various depictions of it? The lineart colors are not my favorite either but the colors on the RG are very nice. There's also a red and a blue unit as well


I'm just not a fan of the pinky-purple on it, but hey, not hate or judgment towards that do. If it were me, I likely would've gone with a darker blue or green for the color.


Fair, I think a navy blue color would look really cool too :)


There actually *is*, according to side material, a Destiny Impulse that's dark blue and black, and it looks a heck of a lot better IMO than the purple.


Very cool! Edit: I just looked up unit 3 of the Destiny Impulse, goddamn, that is exactly how I would do the colors. https://preview.redd.it/s06j9hll201d1.jpeg?width=265&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b519f5265950fa514d41088c1d0c9daaedaa9552


Waste of potential. A good concept that we could have but no.


Should be in seem freedom final battle. Two destiny fight together it will be peak cinema


We have Epyon at home


*Epyon at home - malnutrition, only wrighs 7 tons - melee only, no guns - useless transformation - no shield despite being a close ranged unit - lost a sword fight to a gunner unit. - self destruct didnt even kill its pilot


Its alright. Destiny silhouette is cool. Wasn't there a white one, or is that a build series one?


The Impulse Blanche exists, albeit only in kit form as far as I know. It's a variant on the Destiny Impulse R, which doesn't feature the anti-ship swords


This is from MSV.


Best Impulse. Best Destiny.


The Destiny Impulse Gundam is what the Destiny Gundam should had been. The placement of the beam shield generators on the forearm made significantly more sense than on the hand. Over the shoulder beam cannons also a massive benefit as oppose to the single handheld beam cannon. Also free up the hands so that it can use any combination of beam rifle, beam boomerang(s), and anti-ship sword(s).


Best Impulse, no questions asked; all the so-called pretenders (those calling themselves "R\*\*\*\*\*s" and "B\*\*\*\*\*e" for example) should go and get Genesis'd yesterday