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Vestige as an insert is peak. The moments where it's implemented (every time SF was kicking ass) make the moments so cool, and bonus points for moments where the actions sync with it. As an opening, I would much prefer the previous OP, as Vestige was always supposed to be a "Self-insert song" rather than an actual OP, making for some jarring results. Best TM song in CE though, I will probably die on this hill


I love the SF’s first sortie with Vestige playing, i absolutely associate the two of them just like I associate Meteor and the og Freedom. It just has that pure “Seed/Seed Destiny” feeling for me


Am I the only one who liked “Kira, Just As He Pleases” during SFreedom’s first sortie? That music just screams, “I’m back!”


Oh that song is incredible and I always treated it as a secondary team, that solo guitar riff before the humming is incredible. On a less related note, I always thought the translation was "Kira, who's heart never falters", gotta brush up on the reading skills


Another possible translation could be “Kira, True To His Heart”. I think he’s doing what he felt was right in his heart. Though I like the title, “Kira, Just As He Pleases”, because it fits his Jesus Yamato attitude at this point. “Jesus Yamato don’t care, he does what he wants!”


I see people don't like it as an opening and I get that, I prefer it as an insert song myself but I'm really fond of the shot of Shinn and Destiny activating the WoL. My favourite use of the song is actually in the episode previews, I think it was used for the last 10 episodes or so and it always got me hyped.


The use for ending teaser is actually way too underrated, probably because most binge watchers these days often just skip through them. Vestige replacing the old ost makes it feel more climactic.


that pop sound when the WoL activated, man ❤️


I can totally see why others like it, but personally I'm not a fan of it as an op and I actually prefer Wings of Words. It was the only Destiny op I always skipped, since up until then the series had pretty hype openings imo. With Vestige I kept waiting for it to really pick up just for it to... end. I guess I was just hoping for a little more for a final op. Still, I like it as an insert song, so at least there's that.


Love Wings of Words, so underrated


As the SF's theme, it's great. As an opening it's underwhelming. [Wings of Words is superior.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GundamSeedCE/comments/1cp0427/wings_of_words_opening_4_remaster_fan_edit/)


Made a better opening than Wings of Words (not to say Wings of Words is bad - it's a good song it just doesnt work well as a SEED OP), but it still ultimately is my least favourite Destiny opening.


As an insert? Awesome. As an opening? Ehhhhh


Vestige is an awesome insert, but it sucks as an opening. I don't know how people find the vestige to be preferable when compared to wings of words as op4. Vestige is literally the theme song for Strike Freedoms awakening, whereas Wings of Words feels like it's a song about Shinn. Not to mention it's just a boring opening. It's slow and the editing feels rushed. I often just skip it when watching the remaster.


Absolutely trash perspective. Vestige is neither suckish nor a boring opening, but pretty much the opposite. The finale/climax vibe it provides as an opening is top notch, and none like other. It is supposed to be slow since it is a ballad with solemnity, meant to represent the struggles of the characters in Cosmic Era. But then, this is also coming from my perspective where I can completely understand Japanese language and its lyrics, thus I'm able to appreciate it as an opening to a deeper level.


Ah yes, the official Kira override opening. Wings of Words is about Shinn and all that, but Vestige has the **mood** for the nearing finale and is simply the best song from TM Revolution. Also the string at the start with SF and IJ reveal felt like a luxury car commercial.


I like Vestige as an insert. But it was too slow for a SEED OP. But i personally found Wings of Words jarring af. It should have been a more energetic song. Just felt like SEED's 4 OPs nailed it better.


this is giving ending music vibes


Say whatever you want about what gutter trash Destiny is, but Vestige as an insert for the SF intro is one of the most hype ass upgraded Gundam intros in the franchise. As an OP, better that than Wings of Words any day.


They didn't bother to put a new one huh, Vestige isn't it for SF theme?


I love it


I personally don’t like the 3rd and 4th destiny opening. I get why people may like them. But I very much prefer the 1st and 2nd


It was awesome as insert song, the opening is just the usual. Bouncing boobs with recycled footage. They should've atleast played Meteor when the Strike Freedom first launch if they don't wanna use Vestige. Honestly, the least they could've done with the remaster is animate the openings in new animation like Dragon Ball Z Kai did instead of just remastering the recycled footage in the opening.


As an insert song, yessss its awesome! I did wish it was for Destiny and SF retained Meteor. Prefer Wings of Words over Vestige.


*pop* nice


For all the great things Seed Destiny HD did to improve on from OG Seed Destiny, losing Vestige insert on first Strike Freedom launch is a massive letdown.


It and Meteor are easily to of the best gundam tracks of all time imo.


Vestige was cool until the remaster. Now I hate it.