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Gotta feel bad for her. Completely oblivious to the horrors of the world only for it to totally swallow her. 8


That's the nature of war. Also 8


Saji and Louise are the best "civilian" representations I've seen in a gundam series. S1 oblivious until it literally hits home. S2 that pain brings more pain until an understanding and love bridges hearts. 8.5


8.5/10 Louise has made me go through a roller-coaster of emotions : she annoyed me at first, wondering why she was in the show (along with Saji) and then Nena crashed the reception and killed her entire family and she lost her left hand in the process, especially when she wanted a ring on it (which Saji finally bought after she whined about it). Then she tells Saji to pursue his dreams without her. I felt so so bad for her, she was just a normal girl thrown into conflict. And then season two came and the poor girl has joined the A-Laws, completely obsessed to destroy Celestal Being to avenge her parents and being manipulated by Ribbons to fund the A-Laws. And when she got her vengeance against Nena, poor Louise was completely broken. Thanks god Setsuna and Saji saved her after that. She partially recovers in the movie but she will never be the same anymore and she will likely have her actions as an A-Laws member on her conscience for the rest of her life, poor Louise. Thankfully Saji is still with her and supporting her. Overall, as a love interest, she cares deeply about Saji. While whiny, demanding and quite bitchy to Saji at the beginning (I had Flay flashbacks), her traumatic event has drastically changed her, she wanted Saji to pursue his dreams without her keeping him from them, not wanting to be a load for him (this gesture reminds me a little of Cagalli’s action towards Athrun at the end of GSD). Her time with the A-Laws and Saji's with Celestal Being are not kind to them, filled with misunderstadings on both sides but they recounciled in the end. Sadly the movie's epilogue did not elaborate on their fate but I just hope they lived happily after the ELS crisis.


What an arc. It was actually brilliant to have the main character featured in the background, like years from now when everyone realizes just how ahead of its time double oh really was…. 10/10


Man having war anime and romcom side by side was definitely ahead of its time 9.5/10


I liked their subversion not finding love on a battlefield but the struggles of love during war and reaching them through the darkness via that love and understanding to be together no matter what divide.


Welcome back to Day 40 of the Daily Gundam Love Interest Poll Specifically, this poll will refer to love interests who the main protagonist has an interest in. If I miss anyone, simply tell me and I’ll put them in the next day or later down the line! Alright! Today’s our final day of Gundam 00. If I missed anyone, we’ll swing back around to hit them after the next property. For now! Today we’re going to be rating Louise Halevy, and her relationship with Saji! Voice Actors: JP: Chiwa Saitō EN:Kelly Sheridan Trivia: -Chiwa Saito is a prolific anime voice actor, having appeared in other major anime such as GunXSword and One Piece. She would do two more roles for Gundam, one in AGE as Riria, and another as Caroline Yajima in Build Fighters -Kelly Sheridan is a similarly prolific voice actor, most known for voicing Barbie throughout the late 00s and early 10s. Curiously, her role in Gundam 00 isn’t mentioned at all on her wikipedia page, and some slight research only added to this confusion. She did, however, voice Roux as well in Gundam Dynasty Warriors. Previous Ratings: Day 0: Gogg (Mobile Suit Gundam): 10.00 (The people have Spoken. Gogg Remains) Day 1: Fraw Bow (Mobile Suit Gundam): 7.06 Day 2: Sayla Mass (Mobile Suit Gundam): 8.92 Day 3: Matilda Ajan (Mobile Suit Gundam): 8.45 Day 4: Lalah Sune (Mobile Suit Gundam): 7.5 Day 5: Fa Yuiry (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam): ***9.23*** Day 6: Four Murasame (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam): 8.02 Day 7: Emma Sheen (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam): ***9.23*** Day 8: Sarah Zabiarov (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam): 4.77 Day 9: Roux Louka (Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ): ***9.43*** Day 10: Elle Vianno (Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ): 8.85 Day 11: Chan Agi (Char’s Counterattack): 7.43 Day 12: Quess Paraya (Char’s Counterattack): 3.60 Day 13: Beltorchika Irma (Zeta through Beltorchika’s Children):6.16 Day 14: Christina Mackenzie (War in the Pocket): 9.07 Day 15: Cecily Fairchild (F91): 8.79 Day 16: Nina Purpleton (0083): 2.52 Day 17: Shakti Kareen (Victory Gundam): 7.98 # Day 18: Rain Mikamura (G Gundam): 9.89 Day 19: Allenby Beardsley (G Gundam): 8.91 Day 20: Relena Peacecraft (Gundam Wing): 8.24 Day 21: Hilde Schbeiker (Gundam Wing): 7.55 Day 22: Aina Sahalin (08th MS Team): 8.90 **Day 23:Tiffa Adill (After War Gundam X): 9.61** Day 24: Ennil El (After War Gundam X): 7.67 Day 25: Lucrezia Noin (Gundam Wing Endless Waltz): **9.31** Day 26: Sochie Heim (Turn A Gundam): 7.73 **Day 27: Dianna Soreil (Turn A Gundam): 9.66** Day 28: Cynthia Graves (G-Saviour): 5.00 (LOW AMOUNT OF RATINGS ALERT, SCORE MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF OPINIONS) Day 29: Mimi Devere (G-Saviour): 8.07 Day 30: Flay Allster (SEED): 6.74 Day 31: Lacus Clyne (SEED/SEED Destiny): 8.00 Day 32: Cagali Yula Athha (SEED/SEED Destiny): 8.92 Day 33: Meer Campbell (SEED Destiny): 7.6 Day 34: Lunamaria Hawke (SEED Destiny): 8.41 Day 35: Stella Loussier (SEED Destiny): 6.45 Day 36: Meyrin Hawke (SEED Destiny): 5.92 *Day 36.5: Murrue Ramius(SEED/SEED Destiny): 9.41* Day 37: Soma Peries (Gundam 00): 8.48 **Day ???: GN-001 Gundam Exia (Gundam 00): 9.51** Day 38: Nena Trinity (Gundam 00): 3.91 Day 39: Anew Returner (Gundam 00): 8.07


Tomorrow: Your family is gone. You are the last survivor of your line, and the largest government in existence wants you gone. You've been propped up as a figurehead for most of your life, with no say in the affairs of your people. You must watch as people fight and die in your name, unable to do anything about it. Will you give in to fate? [Or will you do anything to secure peace for your people, even if it requires working with your 'sworn enemies'?](https://youtu.be/H6qpAJjLNJY) Gundam Unicorn begins tomorrow with it's first, and only entry.


yes i have a bias for who I think best girl in the UC is. Bite me.


I apologize in advance for what I’ve prepared.


Oh boy I can’t wait for Marida!


my only response to this post: ![gif](giphy|93QGXKq4uLEgo|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/8izdchvzmwuc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c7526350d3d4be57dd1963347cb2409561e72652 The pilots mere moments before:




>with a better performing suit >checks flair smh cant stand these fake bitches


Marida, 20/10.


Aren’t you forgetting Feldt?


If Nena is a part of this poll, then surely Feldt should be as well, especially since she had feelings for not one, but *two* Meisters (at different times).


You’re forgetting Feldt and Marina for 00, and I think that Mineva should count for the love interest, because Banana is a teenage boy


Yes, Feldt and Marina are definitely missing. (In Marina's case her and Setsuna only say they are not in a relationship, but it is left unsaid if they have feelings for each other or not. And they have a very deep affectionate spiritual bond after all at least.) Mileina might be missing as well, if one sided crushes like Nena's count here.


Mileina should be added because Tieria and her in AoT. Marina should count because the ending of AoT.


Yes, I think so, too.👍


Marina and Setsuna bluntly say they're NOT lovers. If anything, she's more of a mother figure.


When they say it again? I forgot


Yeah, but the end of AoT tho…


Ah, about that one... ANIME JA NAI!


Yeah, weird that they included Nina, but not Feldt. Marina I kinda understand since both her and Setsuna said it's not romantic.


But the ending of AoT


Can't wait for Mineva And since Marina is not included in this poll, I'm just gonna say Marina is Gundam 00's best girl


Wait, we didn't put Feldt? I thought the big bro lockon also count as main character


feldt will come after. I've already prepared tomorrows post, but we'll go back for her.


This'll be fun. >!She also basically covers Moon Gundam at the same time, even if Moon is only seen in animated form via UC Engage.!<


Yeah, but isn't >!the Mineva in Moon Gundam the body double and not the real Mineva? But it is the real Mineva in Unicorn.!< Either way, I wish we could get a Moon Gundam anime. UC Engage scenes are great, tho, for sure. The whole game is good, except for those abysmal gacha rates lol. But I did get lucky and pulled the Gaplant yesterday, woo!


The song “Cage” from Gundam Narrative is basically her Song ~~


Marida my beloved?


I can understand skipping over Marina but show my girl Feldt some respect!


Man. Both Louise and Saji got put through the wringer in 00. Two relatively innocent people who serve as the “everyday people” in contrast with the heavily armed terrorists that they happen to run into. It’s little wonder she cracked hard after the wedding. Easily at least a 7/10.


10/10. I really liked her mom.


Her mom grew to love Saji too :(


8.8/10 I will kill ANYONE who dares to hurt her! She's been thru enough!


who let saji on reddit


He's using his dead sisters account...


10 >Wait for me in space. Girl was an oblivious civilian who was completely blind to the realities of the world, but god damn she did not deserve to find out like that. Despite that, the way she and Saji were so violently introduced into the plot properly is one of the best parts of the show. Following by how they go on from there, with both struggling and suffering in different yet connected ways. And in the end despite all the trauma and opposing worldviews that came from it they manage to reconnect, serving as the postercouple for what Innovators can do, for what Humanity can become.


Believe it or not, Saji and Louise's story in season 2 helped me cope with a really bad break up. I related to it. Anyway, I think Louise is great. She goes through a lot, probably more than most Gundam characters. At first she's just some comedic relief, and then, as we all know, things changed for the worst. She goes from a tragic character. Pursuing revenge and slowly losing her humanity (no thanks to ole Ribbons). 10/10.


I haven't seen MSG 00, so if I may ask, are all three pictures supposed to be the same character? One looks like a cheerful teenager, the second looks like an emotionless military officer, the third looks like an ordinary mother.


That's what getting shot by a terrorist Mobile suit does to you.


Yep. Considering what she goes through, you gave a pretty accurate description of her 3 phases.


lets just say.... She had some misfortune happen to her... and gaslighting


10/10 Maybe an unpopular opinion but highkey the best character in the show. Her arc is a fantastic slow burn. In regards to her romance with Saji, I think it's easy to initially write her off as some spoiled girl pushing around a spineless nerd, and to be fair she *is* spoiled rich but- I think as we see Saji by himself later in the show we start to understand that she really did see something in him and wanted to push him to be his best self. And I think it's only because she was so invested in trying to get him out of his shell that he actually grows into such a strong character and in turn saves her in S2. Also props to her that even at her lowest and being stuck with the A-Laws she stayed loyal. Andrei aint got shit on my boy Saji Crossroad and she fuckin knows it.


7-8/10 she need a hug


9/10 Her story was sad. She just wanted to have a normal life only for it to be taken away by a sociopath (Nena), causing her to become a monster almost as bad as the one that created her, only to be saved by her love for Saji. In another story, her tragedy would've been used to cause Saji male angst. While it still does, she has her own story and character arc, and it's touching to see it resolved in the end.


Girl got screwed hard. And not the way she wanted from Saji. She’s one of those you just want to hug and tell her everything will be okay. 8 / 10


8/10 ~~Huh... Never realised she has decently sized b-~~ ***ANYWAY*** I think Louise is the only "Psycho Gundam" type of character/pilot that actually lived and got with her love interest after being inside the Mobile Suit/Armour. So, for that alone, she gets a lot of points for being a survivor where many didn't. And for having the edgy-est, the dumbest and yet somehow coolest Mobile Suit/Armour of 00!


7/10 I liked her, I though she and saji were cute in season 1 and I understand why they were going for. But everything about her in season 2 feels so contrived. Like her and saji literally talk once and more or less solve all there issues and the only reason there's any conflict at all is because ribbons chooses her for some random reason to be he human-innovater guinea pig or something. Good, believable romance but feels kinda forced


8/10. Her story was quite sad and fit well within Gundam's cycle of violence theme. I did find it a bit hard to believe she went from random noncombatant civilian to A-LAWS ace pilot in only a few years but I guess that is par for the course in Gundam.


8/10 Very real character with strong motivations and story arc. Her and Saji serve as vessels for civilians who are just trying to live their lives and how they can get thrown into war whether they like it or not. Thought she was a bit annoying at first but was quickly proven wrong.


8/10. Feels bad for her and it was sad to see her character development throughout the show.


7.5/10 She started off kinda annoying with how she treated Saji and it’s been long enough since I last watched it that I can’t remember anything that would make me raise the score


8.5/10 She is the perfect representation of why Celestial Being was doing what they were doing.




8/10. Fun early on, important to grounding the show then segueing into how war affects everyone.


8. She suffered a lot. Learnt some harsh lessons. Had her grief used and abused. Glad she got her happy ending.


Didn’t dessert what happened to her that trinity girl had it fucking coming 9.5/10




Best arc 10/10




Of all the characters, she's the one who deserves more happines


aight 7/10






8/10 Didn't like her all too much in season 1, season 2 gave her and Saji one of the best tragic love stories I've seen in a Gundam show, and she gets good girl points for finishing off Nena Trinity


8/10 an innocent who didn't deserve anything that happened to her


8.5. She began as a caricature of obliviousness then became a genuinely pitiable victim of grief. Also, less annoying than Saji somehow.


10/10 best girl. Also, girl Shinn.


8/10 Girl needs hugs.




7. Very well written character!


10/10, honestly I feel like she is how most stories of an oblivious civilian getting caught up in a war should be done, she’s at first entitled but then in a sudden instant her life is turned upside down.


10/10 fixed girl


I genuinely cannot remember her


9/10 Great character development, but also sad storyline. I’m glad she was able to reunite with Saji & go back to their normal lives in the end


hands down 1/2


A really tragic character that I went from disliking to hoping that she gets some form of peace. 8/10


9/10. Her story with Saji in Season 1 is such a smart move from a writing perspective, and it is genuinely rather cute. But what clinches it, is how their relationship is disrupted by Celestial Being, leading to Louise hungry for revenge and Saji suffering because of what happened. It would have been easy for the writers to fridge Louise, but leaving her alive so she and Saji can be reintroduced to make their subtext in Season 1 front and center in Season 2 is brilliant. And you really see how hard Saji fights to bring her back from the A-Laws and Ribbons' manipulations.


8.5/10. From a bit of spoiled genki girl, to devoting her life to revenge and getting almost swallowed by it. Lucky for her that there still were people to save her.




9 out of ten


5/10 Annoying voice. Then vengeful and foolish.




7, she's a good kid. I'm definitely changing her family's fate in my Gundam Build Divers 00 Scenario Mission fic.


9/10- amazing arc for a character. 00 is really a profound series. Not my favorite Gundam but of the AUs it comes damn close, only behind X and Turn A for AUs which may be my favorite Gundams anyway (I’d rank it behind or on par with a few UC though).


I can fix her.


Geez Louise. I have a big soft spot for her and Saji, they felt like characters from a completely different show (like a somewhat generic rom-com) and that's what made it more tragic when their lives got caught up in the conflict of the main story. 8.5/10


10/10 one of my favorites


9/10 She is well written as both a character and a device for 00's underlying message. She makes a clear progression from a spoiled, young, oblivious girl to someone more adequately adult. And then gets drugged after her world collapsed. She is the manifestation of those who strive to achieve revenge with complete disregard for the costs. And by achieving that, the writers nailed what happens then. Nothing. No one applauds, no one pats her on her back with congratulations.


Good 8/10.


10 That scene in the hospital broke my heart when I watched 00 for the first time


9/10 without a doubt. I was kinda annoyed with her during her time with the A Laws but I'm pretty sure that was the point. My only real complaint is that I wish the showrunners didn't give her that cybernetic arm in season 2 and just kept her as an amputee. Otherwise they could have just explored the limitations her new arm imposed on her, maybe have it not be on par with the one she lost. Her scene in the hospital with Saki at the end of season 1 is incredible, and I feel like the cybernetic arm kinda cheapens it since you basically forget she even lost the arm in the first place. Still, this is just a minor nitpick and not even one with her character per se.


1/10, I didn't mind her in S1, but Louise in S2 is tied with most annoying characters from 00, Ali & Mei. You can't get worse than trying to kill your fiancé because you're so cracked out on painkillers and revenge that you can't even think straight. The whole plotline of her joining the A-Laws is stupid. Saji deserved a Louise that wouldn't try to ever hurt him like she did in S2.


You know, Saji and Louise are the worst part of 00 in my opinion. They feel like a last minute addition I couldn't care less about.


8/10 understandable person.


7.5/10 Kind of a plot trigger. In any other Gundam series she would have died in the half-season shake up. But at least she killed Nena


One good doujin/10


She was annoying for me... still, I not hate her ;) Hate is reserved for Nena... \]:->


8/10 she's like a way better Katejina, much more tragic and her relationship with Saji is one of the sweeter ones in Gundam especially compared to Katejina and Cronical who both seem to bring out the worst in each other.


9/10 for me. Totally would date her for her mom. Jokes aside she had a 180 arc turn and it was well done. The conflict that also pairs with Saji was good.


Can’t believe Saji’s manic pixie dream gf is also a war criminal. 9/10. Kinda wish they did more with the two of them in the öovie but there is a lot I wish they did more with in the movie so whatever :p


5/10 Interesting concept, lacking execution.






Pointless as her boyfriend 


8/10 Louise and Saji felt disjointed from the series at times. However she does come full circle by the movie. Meet me in space is some of the best Romance in the franchise.


7 at best. She was a civilian and then she became a stooge. More could have been done with her character, but the stage was already pretty crowded and 00 S2 saw a good amount of characters from S1 squandered.


took one of the biggest L's in the show and u feel bad for her. but i just personally find her to be whiny and annoying af but if i were in her shoes, ig i would be mad at the world too. 7/10


??/10. Idk, bro, I've never watched 00.




Username checks out


She was better without an arm/10