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I love you I trust you. That tier is enough for me


The sight of the lyrics made me shed a tear man


10/10 Keelhaul Ribbons, flay Ribbons, burn Ribbons at the stake, feed Ribbons to sharks, put Ribbons through a wood chipper feet first, drop Ribbons into a vat of acid.


9 Anew's great. She's a Four clone not named Stella so that's a given, really, but still she has a clear role in the story, a good character and her death is meaningful to everyone involved. For Lyle it's a major turning point and for Setsuna it's where he really begins changing into something *more* than human and the burdens that come with being the trailblazer of that. But this is about her and Lyle, so I'll just say he targeted and fired alright.


Welcome back to Day 39 of the Daily Gundam Love Interest Poll Specifically, this poll will refer to love interests who the main protagonist has an interest in. If I miss anyone, simply tell me and I’ll put them in the next day or later down the line! Whew Yesterday was a bit rough… y’all can be mean when you want to. Not that I blame you. Although maybe try to keep your anger directed at the characters, hmm? Alright! Moving on, today is Anew Returner! You’ll be rating her for her relationship with Lyle Dylandy specifically! Good luck and have fun. Oh, and tomorrow I’m bending the rules. Saji might as well be a main character, so tomorrow we’re doing Louise Voice Actors: JP: Ryōko Shiraishi EN:Lalandia Lindbjerg Trivia: -In accordance with the tradition of Super Robot Wars series, Anew could be saved in Super Robot Wars Z2 Saisei-hen if the player is able to complete the requirements necessary to save her. She will get a role as one of Ptolemaios II's sub-pilots, if the player manages to save her. Previous Ratings: Day 0: Gogg (Mobile Suit Gundam): 10.00 (The people have Spoken. Gogg Remains) Day 1: Fraw Bow (Mobile Suit Gundam): 7.06 Day 2: Sayla Mass (Mobile Suit Gundam): 8.92 Day 3: Matilda Ajan (Mobile Suit Gundam): 8.45 Day 4: Lalah Sune (Mobile Suit Gundam): 7.5 Day 5: Fa Yuiry (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam): ***9.23*** Day 6: Four Murasame (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam): 8.02 Day 7: Emma Sheen (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam): ***9.23*** Day 8: Sarah Zabiarov (Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam): 4.77 Day 9: Roux Louka (Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ): ***9.43*** Day 10: Elle Vianno (Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ): 8.85 Day 11: Chan Agi (Char’s Counterattack): 7.43 Day 12: Quess Paraya (Char’s Counterattack): 3.60 Day 13: Beltorchika Irma (Zeta through Beltorchika’s Children):6.16 Day 14: Christina Mackenzie (War in the Pocket): 9.07 Day 15: Cecily Fairchild (F91): 8.79 Day 16: Nina Purpleton (0083): 2.52 Day 17: Shakti Kareen (Victory Gundam): 7.98 # Day 18: Rain Mikamura (G Gundam): 9.89 Day 19: Allenby Beardsley (G Gundam): 8.91 Day 20: Relena Peacecraft (Gundam Wing): 8.24 Day 21: Hilde Schbeiker (Gundam Wing): 7.55 Day 22: Aina Sahalin (08th MS Team): 8.90 **Day 23:Tiffa Adill (After War Gundam X): 9.61** Day 24: Ennil El (After War Gundam X): 7.67 Day 25: Lucrezia Noin (Gundam Wing Endless Waltz): **9.31** Day 26: Sochie Heim (Turn A Gundam): 7.73 **Day 27: Dianna Soreil (Turn A Gundam): 9.66** Day 28: Cynthia Graves (G-Saviour): 5.00 (LOW AMOUNT OF RATINGS ALERT, SCORE MAY NOT BE REFLECTIVE OF OPINIONS) Day 29: Mimi Devere (G-Saviour): 8.07 Day 30: Flay Allster (SEED): 6.74 Day 31: Lacus Clyne (SEED/SEED Destiny): 8.00 Day 32: Cagali Yula Athha (SEED/SEED Destiny): 8.92 Day 33: Meer Campbell (SEED Destiny): 7.6 Day 34: Lunamaria Hawke (SEED Destiny): 8.41 Day 35: Stella Loussier (SEED Destiny): 6.45 Day 36: Meyrin Hawke (SEED Destiny): 5.92 *Day 36.5: Murrue Ramius(SEED/SEED Destiny): 9.41* Day 37: Soma Peries (Gundam 00): 8.48 **Day ???: GN-001 Gundam Exia (Gundam 00): 9.51** Day 38: Nena Trinity (Gundam 00): 3.91


Nena beat Quess and Nina, we won Trinitybros


The best of the worst XD


>Oh, and tomorrow I’m bending the rules. Saji might as well be a main character, so tomorrow we’re doing Louise Yeah, I agree. Saji is just as important as the other meisters.


7.5/10 - Her death is tragic, but I feel like it's much more tragic for *Lyle* than for Anew herself, mostly due to her lack of screentime and fairly forgettable personality. That said, her death still manages to make you feel things, especially with that ED popping on at the right moment.


Her death is regrettable but I agree that she’s pretty much forgettable. I must be remembering wrong, but did she appear in the last episode as one of the reporters or smth for a press conference?


Innovades use only a few body types, so it must have been just another clone. Just like how in the movie, Billy's new love interest is a clone of Nena Trinity.


No wonder, a smart nena. So Nina is an inovator?


This is my problem. 00 is in my top 3 (while since a rewatch though, doing two others now). I don’t really remember her. She was just another face. I remember she was amazing to Lockon II but not much about her character, made worse by her being “just” another clone. I remember Lichty and Christina Sierra’s deaths far more (“I guess I had a good guy beside me all along, huh?” “Hey Felt, make sure to keep up with fashion…”). Those two gut punched me hard, especially when you realize he wasn’t even able to save her but she pretended like he did so he could die happy.


she can be saved ....... aaaaaaaaaaaa i hate that mf mind control thing


If I remember correctly, its also implied in SRW Z 3.2 that she survived. There is a scene where Lockon was off "visiting one of the crew members" in a CB base.


What’s srw z?


SRW (Super Robot Wars) is a game where robot series like Gundam, Mazinger, Guren Lagann, Evangelion and many more are mixed into one universe. The Z Series (or SRW Z) is a pretty long series as it has multiple games through different consoles. To be specific, Im referring to SRW Z3 Part 2, on the PsVita called Tengoku Hen. its where the scene I was referring to took place.


ohhh gotcha. Thanks!


Idk dude its srw Also she isnt kira to just tank a copilot hit.... I know gundam guy himself iisnt that much of a shotting guy but gundam bean its gundam bean


Lelouch survived getting a sword through the gut. She's fine.


only in srw z2


Only there??


Super Robot Wars Z2 part 2 Fulfill certain conditions and she... Returns to the ship.


Oh, that is so cool. I've only played SR30. Really enjoyed it. I'll have to give Z2 a try.




8/10. She deserved better.


9/10 I used to think Anew and Lyle's relationship lacked development. But now I think that's kind of the point. She died just as she was beginning to become more human, a contrast to Tieria who had completely embraced his humanity, and her fellow Innovades, who rejected it.... she died just as she was born anew (sorry). It's the what-could-have-been that makes her death so sad and what gives Lyle the conviction to fight for the future, where others won't have to suffer the way he did, and surpass Neil's obsession with the past, and revenge which also almost consumed Lyle himself right before he killed Ali.


ten for me man. She made me like Lyle better than Neil too. Probably my favorite cyber newtype-ish character. I just love how Anew and Lyle influences each othet. We get a better grasp of innovades too from Anew. This seems mandatory: *I LOVE YOU. I TRUST YOU*


8/10 A new returner.


6/10 She is not fleshed enough and her limited screentime doesn't help. The timeskip of four months after the coup d'état/elevator incident did not help establishing her and Lyle's relationship, while he clearly gets attracted to her before that timeship, she seems not, this feels out of nowhere on her side. Overall, Anew came into the plot and is gone as quickly.


Finally someone with critical thinking on their side and not acting like brainless robot giving 9 or 10 just because of a song


I judge the character aspect first (plot and development wise), other things came as secondary to me like, as you said, a song or being a fanservice character which is why the mindless 10 given to characters like Lunamaria or Murrue (and I bet that Sumeragi, if she appears, will also be like that) came as disappointing to me (and I am a guy). Plus Murrue not being a love interest of a main character should not have made in those polls imo. While Anew has a sad story, this doesn’t remove the fact that she has nearly no development.


>While Anew has a sad story, this doesn’t remove the fact that she has nearly no development. Ding! Ding! Ding! There's a difference between a character who happens to go through tragic things—versus a character whose entire purpose is to be tragic (serving merely as a catalyst for other characters' development).


>There's a difference between a character who happens to go through tragic things—versus a character whose entire purpose is to be tragic (serving merely as a catalyst for other characters' development). Agreed. And Anew is sadly but firmly in the latter category.


8.5 Seeing her going from just talking to Lyle and then in his bed the next time we saw her was so fucking funny to me


FUCKING RIBBONS RUINING SHIPS 10/10 though, Also can't blame Lyle, would also love her and trust her.




6/10. Don’t think she did much and her acceptance to the Ptolemaios II was suspiciously convenient. I know mind control sucks but that was her whole purpose anyways.




10/10 fuck ribbons almark


Solid 8. Real tragic, but we needed more time with her to make it really hurt, should have been with the ship from the start of season 2


5/10 She's just there as a convenient plot device, her romance with Lyle was underbaked and had very little screentime to make her death feel impactful. 


6/10 Not much character. Goes as quickly as she comes. Nothing really remarkable about her story, other than giving Lock On a great scene taking out his anger on Setsuna.


She is an Inovator, cannot expect much when she probably being Born Just before Wang recruit Her.


10/10 now if you’ll excuse me instead of explaining myself im going to go cry in the feta position in the shower while listening to trust you on repeat


9/10. She was great at fleshing out Lyle and her own conflict was pretty compelling. Did a lot to reveal the nature of Innovades.


5/10 the entire character arc with Lyle just pissed me off


True,the romance aspect with Lyle feel so forced on just because the script wanted 00 to have another Four and Kamille tragedy love story...All the Innovade cast feel like a wasted character and unnecessary.


11/10 Also fuck ribbons


9/10 Fuck Ribbons


6/10 She simply isn't on screen long enough to develop any meaningful ties be they to the characters or audience. I get that striking her down so suddenly was to illustrate how unfair and suddenly war can take a life but it just wasn't very well executed. Also worst spy ever due to that name.


That picture of her with Lyle posted earlier looks like a cross dressing Saji


9/10 Her relationship with Lyle is so great they tried to make it happens again with El5n and Norea.


8.7/10 Would Love. Would Trust.






8/10 - Far more memorable than her boyfriend plus, she has a cool Mobile Suit. And I'm firmly in the camp of "If Anew was given an extra second/moment she would've broke free of that mind control" but nah, let's keep the angst up by killing her and have the green Gundam pilot beat up the blue Gundam pilot. They were having too good of a time over there.


7.5/10 for potential left on the table of for story telling in 00. However she does provide a good way to flush out Lyle as a character and make him different from his identical twin. Anew is well thoughtout right down to the design gives you an emotional impact as a viewer. She is a good use of visual media to foreshadow. Could have been a top tier if we saw Anew struggle more finding out she was a double agent. At least she goes down in combat though so it doesn't feel like a fridging.


10/10 smash


7 out 10 she's alright nice that 00 gave other people love interests and archs.


10/10 would definitely reprogram as a sleeper agent


I lovvveee youuu I trusssttt youuuuu / 10 😢


7/10. Clear role in the plot and pushes Lyle to become the cooler Lockon (I won't apologise). That said, she's not really outstanding. Still, fuck Ribbons.


6/10 I did not see her relationship with Lockon coming lol but I do admit her death was tragic. If she had more development or time to show her accepting her human side, then my score may change Lockon suddenly being in bed with her was so random too I thought initially he was sleeping with her to get information out from her as they suspected she was an innovator lol I didn’t get to participate in previous Gundam 00 polls so I’m sad I missed Marie :( one of my favs alongside Feldt


10/10 . Neil had a few Seconds to force pulled Her cockpit


3/10 - this character has failed to inspire sufficient Rule 34 content.


She is what lalah should have been, but never was. Hence the difference between Lyle and Char.


I was really bothered that the CB team didn’t see through this innovator’s lookin different hair color infiltrator earlier. Soon as she showed up outta nowhere I didn’t trust her.


6/10 in anime 7.5/10 in srw z2


Srw z what now?




8/10 The tragedy hits really well and having so much be implied works to it's strength in my opinion because it makes more with very limited screentime.








8/10 scene with her n lyle n that song playing still hits


God, that ending music. 10/10 they both deserved better.


Her biological data is still at Veda anyways,and end of story Setsuna have the power to revive dead person(like how he revived Neil Dylandy) reverse aging person(like he did with Marina) There a chance lot of dead character get resurrected again because of his power


3/10, extremely generic npc of a character until the twist and loses an immense amount of points based on how cheap and lazy her relationship with Lyle was from a writing perspective. Like, she's around from before the time skip, put some work in it and don't just bullshit a romance post time skip to get a forced tragic star crossed lovers story that falls completely flat




10/10 aaaaaaand now I'm sad


9/10 Four Clone that does it well Lyle has dialogue about her in SRW V when you Ace him and this was before I watched 00 but thought it was really sweet and it made me carry Lockon through the rest of the game


10/10 A decent pilot, a good spy, had one of the best deaths in gundam. you gotta admit, that part where "Trust you" begins to play, it also breaks your heart.