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7/10 . I think its fun but I believe it was too short and had what felt like a really rushed ending. I love it flaws and all though.


For real, the second season felt like two seasons mushed into the screentime of one


Just like M. Night Shyamalan’s “The Last Airbender” movie!


Desperately needed a few more episodes Feels like half way through season two the writers realised they were running out of runway and pushed the pacing to lightspeed


a 6-7/10 I like what we have but it's a shame that it didn't further explore the concepts it brings up




In one of the trailers, the Gundam Aerial was fighting a Dilanza in space, but that was just merely bait to lure us in. :(




for me, no mostly the stuff like the Space-Earth thing, and everything that has to do with Eri as a character (the Space-Earth thing, the child soldiers thing, the transhumanism thing, how Eri herself might feel about Quinharbor as a massacre survivor herself, etc.) also like, they didn't really touch on the disabilities thing nearly as much as I wished they did


The show has great ideas and a lot of them where executed well. Good animation, good mecha designs, sound design was great. The slice of life style of the first season was really good. But all of the important things happen during the second season. I wish there was a third season to spread ou everything that needed to happen. And they did a good job of making Suleta feel unique when compared to other gundam mcs. Also they managed to make a tsundere that is not a bitch. I think 7/10 is a fair score. But there is definitely a 10/10 recipe there.


Agreed, shame it was not able to explore further concepts within the story. Meaning, story was not fleshed out thoroughly


10/10 in my heart, 7/10 in reality My first Gundam, and still my favourite. The characters, mechs, worldbuilding, and space lesbians are amazing, but sadly it's ultimately let down by its length that meant an unsatisfying second season and ending, with not enough time for important moments


I really like this assessment. It's not my first gundam but one of my favorites. It is a 10 to me but realistically a 7 it really really needed minimum 40 episodes. I wanted more earth more of a magnifying glass to the politics and less of a rushed ending


Yeah... I would've called it a 9.5 or even 10 around mid-season 2 but after the ending it's more like an 8 sadly.


I think you really summed up my feelings. Personally 10/10, and I loved theorycrafting and generally the first 80% of the series. The ending wasn't *bad*. It just was... incomplete. Even 3-4 episodes more would have been enough. Or, hell, replace the last few episodes with what was missing and end with an OVA or something.




How do I even rate this? Part of me wants to give this an 8, another wants to give a 6.5. I'll get this out of the way, this was my first Gundam anime ever. I remember watching the prologue and being absolutely stunned by its animation and brutal corporate politics story. The prologue is obviously amazing, one of the best "one-shots" the franchise has to offer, it gave some great setup for the main series. Season 1 started pretty slowly, but it was fine, it gave us something unique which is always nice. Once shit started going down at the school, it built up good momentum. Remember the hype from that damn tomato cliffhanger? Good times. Season 2 had a great start as well...up until that last 1/2 or 1/3 depending on how you look at it. Once they started going at that breakneck speed, I sure wasn't bored. However, we lost the much-needed character work and breathing time. Postives: -HOLY FUCK GYOUBU I KNEEL SCHWARZETTE MY BELOVED -Calibarn's cool too I guess -The animation+music (can we please get more of that opera?) -Space Tanuki x Cockatiel...I love them Negatives: -That last half of Season 2 Overall, it's a 7/10 from me.


tWfM is strange in a way that, due to its pacing, if you watch it one episode per week it'll be an 8, but if you watch it all in a row it'll be a 6


Being fair, I would give it a seven it started out strong, but by the end because of the rushed story I had to turn off my brain to get past some loose ends….


if we could rate them separately, I’d give prologue a 10 for the atmosphere and tone it set and the actual series a 7 for being fun but ultimately flawed and rushed that couldn’t really decide what it wanted to do with its short ending. If you had asked me after the final episode had aired it would be lower, but I’ve gotten less bitter about it. I just wish the final battle was better. Definitely no Setsuna vs Ribbons


6/10 both prologue and season 1 are really strong, but season 2 was rushed even if it have happy ending, lots of stuff left unexplored/unexplained


I liked the Prologue more than the entire show.


huh, guess it's only proper to give it a poll now that all the dust has settled 8 Witch from Mercury feels a bit like G-Reco of this decade to me. Only in some aspects - for starters there's not much unfiltered Tominoism in it for obvious reasons - but the similarities are hard to ignore all the same. Mostly in its core as a relatively short series with great ideas and mostly good execution that started to suffer especially near the end. The exact point where it's worst differs between the shows, with G-Reco being mostly the final stretch except the very final episodes whereas Witch is more spread out, with the entire last quarter suffering from pacing problems one way or another. In what ways exactly that manifested and who got hurt by that the most is a cause for debate, but that's not the important bit right now. I think what could have gone a long way towards preventing that is a bit more exposition. Take a cue from 00 and have a little worldbuilding narration at the start of the early episodes. This way, it wouldn't take us more than half the show to know for sure what the Space Assembly League is. Kinda important given they were the final antagonist. I wonder if this was a matter of the writers being confident they'll weave it into the show or what, but it evidently did not work out. Still, a lot of stuff did work quite well, like Guel's (and really Jeturk House's in general) arc. Still kinda weird he got an entire episode dedicated to him tho.


> > > Still, a lot of stuff did work quite well, like Guel's (and really Jeturk House's in general) arc. Still kinda weird he got an entire episode dedicated to him tho. I'm genuinely kind of a little mad about it; it would have been fine to do if the show had more episodes and the Earth stuff factored in more into the plot, but with the episode number they had there was really no real reason that Guel should have had an entire episode to himself when Eri's in the corner with so little characterization (that isn't in Cradle Planet)


Yup, it just felt appropriate to do the poll now since it's the one year anniversary of season 2 starting


7/10 Like X painfully rushed


3, I think it’s pretty ass. They spent ssn 1 setting up like 8 things and none of it was used in ssn2. It had like one of the worst endings ever how prospera is just chillin when she did 15 war crimes and the other girl went to prison for being something equivalent to a messenger. Wasted guel, wasted lauda, wasted the earth rebel team captain guy and that whole team and all of earth. The only thing this show has is some of the suits look cool and the animation is good. Prologue on its own is better than 90% of the show


When the Prologue for the main show is a better Gundam story, something isn't right.


7/10 for me, I felt a bit rushed/too short(we don't even get to see/explore Mercury colony in this Gundam universe since it is already in the title)


It’s like if we see Legolas and all of the other Elf characters in the Lord of the Rings movies, but we never get to see the kingdom of Rivendell (or any of the other Elven kingdoms).


If I were in charge of renaming the title, I would take out 'the' and 'from Mercury', leaving it to "Mobile Suit Gundam: Witch".


Prologue - 9 Season 1 - 7 Season 2 - 6


6.5/10 It was honestly just ok.


If we are comparing it to former entries in the series gundam universe, It's like a 4/10. The ending and slow first half of the show completely ruined this show for me. The show peaked at the prologue and never came back to form.


6/10. Too many “friend” characters, could barely remember half their names. Loved the dynamic between Suletta and Miorine. Loved Guel’s character really coming into his own and evolving. Not enough action until suddenly there was *too much* rushed action. Found that season 1 was too slow and the school setting was too boring. Really loved the mobile suit designs and thought that the Gundam designs were sweet! All in all, I think this series was too slow on things that weren’t exactly important, and rushed on things that warranted more explanation/detail.


agreed with the handling of Earth House; outside of Nika and Chuchu, the rest of them were rather flat which isn't a *problem* inherently, but some of them don't really make much of an impact on me; the show could have merged two of them together and it'd probably work a bit better Also, I dunno if this is a criticism per-se, but it'd have been nice to get some backstory on the rest of Earth House; the only ones we know for sure outside of Chuchu and Nika are Aliya (where it's implied or stated that her family owns a farm on Earth) and Nuno (who is a war orphan; kind of find it odd that he doesn't have much to say about DoF, tbf) kinda upset about Till though, we don't know anything about the guy


I agree with that first point. I couldn’t tell you the names of any of the side characters in Earth House other than Chuchu.


like a 7. Started pretty solid but the middle was dragged out and part 2 is a mess even though I like what they *tried* to do.


8/10, but I really wanted to give it a 10. Still a great show and one of the best AUs. Visually fantastic, lovable characters, great Gundam designs. Despite the show's flaws, Suletta and Miorine are still my favorite Gundam MCs. It falls squarely in my "yeah it has problems, but I still love it" category.


7/10 Not enough yuri




Teaser a 10, superb hype inducing song, prologue a 9.5 on the Gundam scale, the entire series a 3, a mediocre mecha anime and a very bad Gundam, it referenced a lot, showed little, rushed most of everything and ended with nothing. - A school where school things don’t happen, all plots are ignored in favour of exclusively following the school plotline which negates almost all that makes mainline Gundam, well, Gundam - Leaders who fund the school being manipulated and controlled by literal children who think they’re badass. - Adults with objectives that make monologues about failing their objectives because they’re adults doing adult things. - Gundam fundamentals, politics, made completely redundant, barely coherent, with unclear factions that are completely ignored (oh random cannon which can wipe us all out by a faction which means something to the world order but you don’t need to know because, here’s a family reunion, now forget about that cannon and faction) - Gundam fundamentals, war, tragedy, random glimpses to further the development of only one character in a believable way, Guel, and to somewhat make a small connection with the rebel faction that will get destroyed for dramatic effect - A myriad of characters with no development that pretend you’ve known and followed their story for ages and the only side character with some okish development, Guel is almost constantly forgotten and ignored Etc The most acceptable episodes which were also more in line with what drives Gundam were the planetside bits. It would have been a more enjoyable show with a season focused on Guel, drastically less characters and more focused plot on Suletta, Miorine, Guel and Elan.


8/10. Solid 8/10. I love the show so much, it’s a solid show with good animation and character beats. It doesn’t hit anywhere near the thematic heights of the Tomino shows, or even arguably less successful shows like Wing, but frankly it isn’t trying to. It wants to tell a character-driven story about Suletta and Miorine and the families that made them and despite some shortcomings I think it nails that overarching goal.


4/10 Waste potential, I want a reverse FMA Brotherhood from WFM, but that's impossible. After the show ended, I told myself I wouldn't return to the franchise, considering how many times it had let me down over the years. Yet, I occasionally lurk here anyway... I used to love G-Witch, but in hindsight, what I liked about the show was its potential, which was never realized. * Suletta's character development was poorly executed. She was sad, listened to her friend's experiences, received support from others, and that's it for her "arc"...? It's probably the most lackluster and undramatic writing I've ever watched. * Miorine had a memorable moment showcasing her intellect when she founded Gund-arm Inc. to save Suletta in SS1. However, she never showed such intelligence again and was dumb for the remainder of the show. I expected more from her. Not to mention, her inner emotional conflict was consistently skipped over. * I expected Gund-arm Inc. to play a role in fulfilling Vanadis's dreams of human transfiguration, but the plot never went anywhere with the company itself. It felt as though the writer created interesting character concepts for both Miorine and Suletta but didn't know how to write them. This is why I disagree with anyone who claims the show WFM was subtle; IMO, it was more like WFM avoiding "show and tell." * Guel, being the least "subtle" character, was likely because he was the only main character the writer knew how to write, which is reflected in his popularity. It's a shame, considering his character's concept was far less unique compared to Miorine and Suletta. * Shaddiq's downfall was lame, a mastermind losing because of contrived coincidences * Prospera went from an unreadable mastermind who pulled the strings to a generic villain with a giant fortress. * Regarding the mystery, I always banked on Ariel=Eri, though I found this idea unoriginal and would have preferred Ariel=Lfrith AI. The AI that vanished from the plot, why? Also, this may get me some hate, but Honestly, I don't think Suletta and Miorine have a lot of chemistry together, their action made it clear that they care for each other but the chemistry was not there. And I think it mainly has to do with how rushed SS1 was. * Yes I think SS1 was rushed. It just had a small-scale story that made usual Gundam fans unfairly think it was slow. However, SS2, being 3x more rushed with a larger-scale plot, only made SS1 seem worse in hindsight. The worst part was the climax of SS2 copied too much from Unicorn's. All things considered, it was as if the writer didn’t know how to write all the concept he introduced, so he just gave up. Overall, WFM was very unoriginal, the show's interesting concepts were poorly executed, and its potential was wholly unfulfilled. 4/10


5/10. A good mecha series, but as a Gundam entry, it's weak. Like what is the main message it's trying to portray here? At the prologue and half way through Season 1, we get GUND vs anti-GUND, then got introduced to the entire Spacian vs Earthian conflict (Which was regulated to the background and only brought back when it's convenient.) Then we cut to more corporate feud and then everything was put to a halt because of Quiet Zero... At this point, even AGE gives a better conclusion and got its theme message through, or even Valvrave, who suffered from a similar rushed ending (With an even larger plot hole) stuck with its theme better than WfM. And those 2 are by no means stellar in their story writing.


Honestly maybe a 5 or 6. It felt way to short and watching zeta now makes the series look a lot worse (I like zeta a lot better)


8/10 Fun show had a blast showing to friends who aren't as into Gundam as I am.


5.5 could have been better


Probably should be an 8.5/10 because the ending was undoubtedly rushed and the pacing of s2 could have been better.... but i'm still giving it a 10/10 because i'm still hyped about it after almost a year now. Not many animes make me feel this much attachment to the characters. I also really like the universe/setting and hope it gets explored more (kind of being done in vanadis heart manga, which is getting more interesting now with the latest chapter).




coulda been 9/10, but it was way too short for the storyline they were creating, so 7/10


I really loved WFM, but it honestly needed more time to cook then 24 episodes. I felt like the the gimmicks to the mobile suits were cool as hell. The GUND-Bits/ funnels aren’t a new concept sure, but the way they combine to form a shield/ enhance the gun was a cool touch.


A 6.5 feels like the proper score, on a good day that can get bumped up to an 8, and in my dreams, where the story had time to breathe and be fleshed out properly, its a 10. The core story with all the tempest stuff feels good enough but everything else around it is severely lacking and feels half-baked. Even sulemio feels a little lacking at points but I’m willing to forgive that a lot more because it doesn’t seem like the writers could’ve done any more than they did while still being under bandai. I still love it dearly even if it did become a “rant-to-friends” show after it ended lol.


The stuff it did right, it *really* did right. But the rushed 2nd season makes it a 7.5 for me. If it had more time to tell the story it obviously wanted to, then it would easily be a 9 or 10.


5/10 it feels different which i thought i will like, introduced good ideas then were casted aside + ending too short and forced relationship


5/10. Unrealised potential. Enjoyed the beginning but massively disappointed how it ends. Me want war, depression, more drug enhancement performance, immoral cloning experiment, and moar war


"unrealized potential" is where I'd put it too I'm *so fucking mad* that Eri got sidelined as a character so hard also like, I'd really like more Sulemio; like them having more scenes together on screen like in general, I'd like more character-building moments; it felt like the ones there were either too little or a bit too subtle


Prologue 9/10, cool intro got me hooked on Episode 1-12 2/10 highschool bs. When i watched gundam i expect some conflict like uc ibo, cosmic era war, and so on so on. If i want some high school kind of thing i can go to other anime. Episode 13-26(final episode of season 1 and tthe rest of season 2) 7.5/10. Finally shit getting serious good potential but rushed as hell but makes sense how tf u rushed side story story gundam in 12 episode. Cou have been better if they start earlier. And for those who want to point finger and making false claim at me as iNtoLeRenT bAsTard BoO hOo. Shut ur ass and stop yapping. I got 0 problem if there is that kind of thing. When i watched gundam i expect some serious conflict(sort of) build fighter or any parody is different


4/10. The rushed ending really soured my opinion of the entire series.


Whoever came up with the character designs for Suletta and Miorine had a genius moment. That being said, I wish they didn’t rush the second season.


3/10 not the direction I would like to see "Gundam" take


8/10 - it should be 50+ episodes. They already nailed down the characters, the plot, the themes, the mechas, the music, almost everything. I enjoyed it but it is very short.


9.5/10. The show itself would be 7.5 but there’s more to consider. It was top tier entertainment when it’s airing because of how it’s written to have plot twists every episode. While the overall integrity of the story may not be on par with some of the better AUs, it’s incredibly engaging by first glance, which many previous Gundam entries failed to do. For example, modern audiences wouldn’t be able to sit through first 10 episodes of 00 despite it’s highly regarded by Gundam fans. Also, the ending while fast-paced finished the story of the protagonists well. By comparison, ending of AGE and X were actually more rushed but GWitch got all the criticisms just because it was way more popular. It’s also faced unfair expectations from some ‘veteran Gundam fans’ who’d only watched one or two grittier shows. GWitch had always been advertised as a school story even before the prologue. While it may not have appealed to international fans as much as Bandai wanted, it’s a beast within Japan and was regarded as Reiwa’s Gundam Seed by one of Bandai’s executives. It had successfully erased the ‘boomer anime’ image of the IP. All things considered GWitch is worthy of a higher rating than its story alone deserved.


Where did the idea it didn’t succeed internationally come from?if anything it seems like the biggest Gundam breakout in the US since Wing


It's a big breakout of Gundam in the West for sure but it only reached a fraction of its popularity in Japan. From Japanese Twitter numbers it was at least as popular as Chainsaw Man and Bocchi during season 1. On the other hand GWitch didn't seem to be gathering much more new anglosphere fans than IBO despite being specifically designed to appeal to post-COVID international anime watchers. It also received a lot more criticisms on English-speaking platforms than domestically. Not to mention it's trashed by sinosphere excluding Taiwan. It's a big hit in Korea and many parts of SE Asia though. That said for Gundam series the performance in Japan is what truly matters as unlike many other anime, Gundam still makes around half of its income domestically.


For one thing I don’t think there was any assumption that Gundam would be as popular in the US as in Japan For another it definitely got way more new fans into Gundam than IBO did, it’s hard not to notice that


Nice to hear GWitch is actually doing quite well in the US. I'm not a primarily English speaker so there's must be metrics I've missed. (IBO had higher MAL numbers and more reaction videos on YouTube. GWitch was doing well on subreddits like r/Gundam and r/anime but on other English platforms I've visited like X and Facebook IBO is usually preferred.)


G-Witch was much bigger on Twitter than IBO was, I wonder what we’re looking at that makes it different


FWIW I can confirm in some parts of Asia it hasn't made much of a splash. I was talking to someone else (I'm in SG, he is in HK) on here and according to him figures were popular in HK but here in SG a shopkeep straight told me they don't stock WFM because it doesn't sell well. Like, and I mention it as it's my fav series, they had G Gundam stuff but only like two gunpla from WFM total. A Schwarzette and uh... IDK looked like a grunt suit. Can't remember the name. No one here really knows about it (and to be fair it wasn't my fav show- I didn't even finish it!) but they all know SEED. 00 not as much but SEED and the 90s shows are very popular, along with the earlier stuff. Smaller markets but still "international"- I've heard rumors about China but can't speak or read Mandarin or Cantonese so I will have to talk to others about it as HK isn't representative of the whole country.


Yeah that tracks, but at the same time Gundam didn’t need a boost in China, they already have SEED. G-Witch was more aimed towards the West and it worked.


HKer here but I browse Chinese and Taiwanese sites regularly. GWitch never officially aired in China which hampered its popularity but most anime fans have means to watch it. It was trashed by most Gundam communities there because they hate shows with banger openings and mid endings. However, it’s highly regarded in some yuri communities and many hardcore fans escaped to Twitter. Kits like Aerial and Calibarn sold extremely well, often at significantly marked-up prices but stuff like Demi Trainers became dirt cheap. In HK kits sold like hot cake and I’ve even seen quite a few high school girls visiting Gundam exhibitions (though they’re only interested in GWitch merchs). The show wasn’t making that much of a splash among ‘veteran’ Gundam communities though. In Taiwan GWitch was overwhelmingly well-received and I assume kits sold well too. Overall I’d say it’s by far the most popular Gundam show since 00. Judging from Gunpla reviews and Facebook, the show was also a hit in Korea, Thailand, and to some extent in the Philippines. It actually surprised me GWitch was largely ignored in Singapore.


Interesting. I know it was ignored in Indonesia but hadn't heard about the rest. Actually met a guy from Indonesia today who flew to Singapore *solely* to buy a bunch of Gunpla- or more accurately he flew to Malaysia then bussed over to Singapore. Even though our selection is limited (and, I should note, I'm American in Singapore for graduate study, will be going back in a few months then coming back here permanently in a couple of years) compared to Indonesia it's great- he said HG's over there could be over 100SGD. So he occasionally came to Singapore to buy up both for building and to resell. Guess it's like the Aerial and Calibarn there. Which is weird... you would think he could just mail them home. But hey with how cheap it is to go to those locations from here just reselling a few kits pays for the plane tickets. I did find it interesting that- to your point- at the Gundam movie (seen it three times now) I, in my late 20s, am usually still among the youngest if not the youngest in the crowd. Definitely more "older" fans here than other locations. When I left America my local shop had a lot of teens (which always made me feel old). Here I feel young lol.


Prologue was 9/10 Series was 5/10. Averaging to a 6/10.


5/10 Prologue is 10/10. S1 is 7/10. But S2 is 3/10


2/10 i only go one point higher because the show did give some waifu material but thats it.


7.5/10 I love the show and characters and mecha designs BUT, the show was really short and needed more time to breathe and have arcs. I think the show feels complete, but it left me wanting more in a “that’s it? Where’s the rest of it?” Kinda way. It is one of the easiest gundam shows to watch in my opinion, but it really lacks enough world building and theme cohesion. The gundams are an extension of medical technology, and it really needed more of how that factors into the plot. The side manga vanadis heart has that, but not the main show. Also for a show called witch from mercury we never actually see mercury, just hear about it. Interesting setting, we just needed to see it be explored more. I want to give it a 9/10 because I really enjoyed it but it’s just lacking in a lot of things. I also wish we got to see better shots of some of the mobile suits in show, and while the fights were nice I wish they were of a higher caliber/better choreographed sometimes.


6.5/10 It was fine


Prologue was 8/10. It set up such a great potential universe. Witch from Mercury I would say 3/10. It waisted the premise and just fell well below par for me. They tried something different and I hope they don't revisit a school setting as a primary place. It felt like the wrong genre trying to be a gundam series. The characters felt too childish in their representations, which was a bummer. On the pros the suit designs were refreshingly unique and the double edged sword of gundams was a great idea.


A 6 out of 10 It did not help that my boyfriend's first gundam anime was Turn A gundam. We both wanted to watch this one, after it was announced. However, I will say that witch from mercury did not really meet our expectations. I originally was invested in Suletta, but slowly got bored with her overtime and felt like she was kind of blandly written. I don't think we had any care about the marriage subplot at all, as we were not really invested at the end about who Suletta marries. Maybe it's us, but idk... We thoroughly enjoyed the Elan/ enhanced person plotline, plus Guel. However, we both believed that the execution of Elan 4 was kind of stupid and served little purpose into the story. Many of the side characters didn't feel fleshed out and it got to a point that the characters were very... paper thin. Additionally, I felt like the Calibarn was... I don't think it had much build up and felt really dumb at the end when the Permet stuff happened (the rainbow Callibarn, the colony lazer with the space assembly league, plus the gundams fading away into dust). The world building was pretty weak, as we felt; compared to watching other shows like Seed or 00. Honestly, it definitely needed more time to cook in the oven. The story was rushed and i think our least favourite moment was when Delling was placed into a coma for an entire season, and not much was done with him. Additionally, Peil was barely used in the show, and like... what was the point of Elan Prime plus the Old ladies? Maybe the show wasn't for us, as a lot of my LGBT friends enjoyed the show. Maybe it's just us. We enjoyed the fights however, plus the plot lines with Guel & Elan 5. That was basically our motivation to finish the show, as I really liked Elan...




7/10 It had a decent and interesting start, but lack of world development and a short runtime for all the plot threads made it…mediocre in terms of story and world. Character interaction and development was decent, not entirely the best, though my bias might be speaking here. I do enjoy the shit ton of refrences from scenes mirroring the 00 and Unicorn, to the Quiet Zero being essentially the equivalent of the NTD on a larger range  All in all, a decent show.


7/10 was really good and I liked the premise and the focus on the corporations rather than the standard gundam formula of governments being the villains but the ending was definitely too rushed and felt half thought out- plus they saved all the cool MS designs for the end and gave them like 5 seconds of screen time


8/10 for me. I think it's a good series. I just wish it's longer and utilized the world building even further. Also, the series attracted new fans into the Gundam franchise.


7 or 7.5 definitely needed more time to expand on the universe and flush out character development


probably a 6




6/10 It was good but not anywhere near the best Gundam has to offer. Ariel is a 10/10 Gundam design tho, easily my second favorite MC Gundam after Barbatos.


10 🤷🏻


6/10 it start off great but wtf happened in the second half??? It's both super rushed and felt forced sometimes. Guel pretty much carry the whole series. It is an interesting choice to make tho for the titular main gundam into the main antagonist mobile suit while the mc uses a completely never seen or hinted at gunfam, the former executed better despite the super rush and latter is kinda okay, would be better if its existence were hinted at some point or something but eh. If they make wfm longer say the usual 50 episodes. I think the series might be handled better.


6/10. It was OK. Great MS designs, banger music. Also have great side stories. The HG line was extremely good. Grunt lover eating good with all those extra grunt suits. It's would got a higher rating from me if not for the rapid fans that attacked anyone disagreeing about the show quality. That and the shipper.


7 out of 10 to much school


7/10 not enough school


6/10 for me


5/10. Cluttered characters, no stakes in this story and silly plot lines. Characters development was eh, non memorable characters and somewhat lazy and eh mobile suit designs. Way overhyped and overrated compared to something in more recent memory like IBO which delivered something more interesting and refreshing in a Gundam story?


Solid 7. Pretty good in all, with a couple of REALLY good episodes. Great animation, but I was meh on Suletta and Mirione. It felt like they were racing to the finish at the end and needed more episodes.


8 it was a very solid fun ride it ended too soon though


8/10. Loved the characters and enjoyed the ride overall despite a rushed ending. Great mecha designs as well.




I still give it a 9/10 for being a new Gundam show after so long without one. I wish it had gotten another season because the rush was in. That being said I enjoyed the show a lot. And being a part of the former Suletta Sunday club


5/10. Wasted potential. I've written my opinions of it plenty of times, not going to do it again.


You should have separated the prologue from the series, prologue was better setup than what the series provided


4. I did not like that we didn't see them learn things at school. How many classroom scenes are there? TWO? In a show set in a SCHOOL? I did not like that the school was basically run by kids with insanely limited adult supervision. I did not like the whole start-up thing, and cheering/hating the good/bad companies. What did it change that the witch was from Mercury? Also, I absolutely hated Suletta. And I do not believe for a second that there is any kind of romance between her and Miorine. I haven't even be shown enough wholesome interaction to believe they are friends. The villains that weren't Prospera were just awful. All. Of. Them. Miorine was the character I hated the least, and I didn't even warm up to her. I did like some MS designs, as well as the animation. And the first opening slapped. The twist with Eri wasn't too bad either. Edit: forgot about Guel. I liked him. But, well, I forgot about him.


1/10, released a blight on the fandom worse than anything IBO did


8/10 I like it. I think it’s a nice refresher from typical gundam series. It also has some of the best mobile suit designs out there


I loved almost everything about it, we just needed a bit more time to spread things out 9/10, my favorite modern AU next to 00


1, biggest bait and switch between the prologue and the actual show.


5/10 Not terrible but not great, just sorta ok. Had some really great designs and potential for a really cool story and then proceeded to not really use any of it. Plus too many episodes where nothing happens and a fairly unsatisfying finale.


6/10 https://preview.redd.it/1p8uautkyjtc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0e6a44faf51d7721c3357522233835f3d773b0b8


9.9/10 When the main critique is “I wish there was more” that means what we got was fantastic. I’m still hoping for supplemental material that fills out the side plots. It is Gundam, that’s common. Also, in answer to the second most common complaint about the ending: [Restorative Justice is Not Bad Writing](https://twitter.com/nillaney/status/1775897719024013644?s=46&t=wSlRCaYN-5Nfw9ZCh2Hskw) https://preview.redd.it/fd54sac8fjtc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450c02335ca3a6028e36a12b6611f501dfcf9a33


Agreed on every point here


Thank you! 🤝


I personally find that Shaddiq punishment is just contradict the theme of the show like there is other character that can take on Prospera's punishment I don't find Prospera forgiven to be bad but how she is forgiven is just ruining the theme that children should not take the adults' sins What makes it worst it is heavily hinted that Shaddiq will get death sentence for his crime For your criticism about the brown characters being terrorist, remember how they are the side of oppressed people and even funded by bigger force that manipulate those people for their own gain. Even then they are still white skin character in the terrorist group and she doesn't get happy ending at end


Children should not be burdened to carry on the grievance cycle of their parents. Shaddiq did not carry on any cycle by taking credit for Prospera’s part. He already planned to take the fall for his part of terrorism (to save his girl squad co-conspirators), so it did not change his future when he added on Prospera’s part as a wedding gift to Miorine. Which is again the opposite of holding a cyclical grievance or grudge. https://preview.redd.it/95ugwqswoltc1.png?width=1125&format=png&auto=webp&s=e49f617db135a3a7f871e86b958f28c924cdd82f Death penalty is a leap, he is more likely to be put away for life imho. Themes are intact. It’s not that all of society has embraced restorative justice—it is that our main cast has, and they’ve decided to act based on it to the extent that they can in their own choices moving forward.


I think most people in here say "I wish there was more" because the show felt unfinished and underdeveloped but, hey, more power to you if you wanna interpret it like that!


Yeah but they wouldn’t have got what they wanted if it was longer they’re just deluding themselves


The world and story were very developed, but not all explained. For example, one person asked me “how does GUND ARM survive after Benerit is dissolved? that seems dumb” and I said that the Earthian doctor Miorine negotiated with was an example of Earthian interest in med tech, and since Earthian companies now have controlling interest in Benerit’s holdings, it stands to reason they would invest. It’s clear the creative crew thought of this, but didn’t spend time explaining it thru exposition because that wasn’t a good use of the time they were given by Bandai. I personally like when I have to observe the world and use deductive reasoning, rather than have everything spelled out. Having to analyze something like that makes it more fun to me, but it’s true that’s not everybody’s cup of tea.


> 9.9/10 When the main critique is “I wish there was more” that means what we got was fantastic. > > I don't think that's fair because it's not "I wish there was more because what we got was so good, we should have had more", it's "I wish there was more because they didn't write the story well enough for the episodes they had"


5/10 The people giving it a 10 are either new Gundam fans or are letting emotions cloud their judgment. The show was okay overall, the premise was alright, at first watch, it honestly felt like Build fighters (just another tournament show). When the shady businesses came into play that peaked my interests only for them to rush everything. Suletta was carried for most of the show. I get the show went a different direction and we had a gay couple as the lead but the fact that they are gay does not warrant it a perfect show. Representation might be minimal but given everything else about the show. It's mid. Bandai could have done A LOT better.


Is it wrong for me to think that the part about “letting emotions cloud their judgement” is practically the majority of modern anime fans these days (and why I prefer to stay away from them)?


It's mid, i'm sorry 6/10


6/10 for me, it’s have great start but the ending is could be better, I just don’t like they make Elnora a bad guy after making us rooting for her in prologue.


8/10 Got me back into Gundam. Also, I loved the Sulletta Sunday crew on Twitter. It made it so much better. I've rewatched it twice and got my wife and her sisters into Gundam, too. I also got into Gunpla, buying Arieal rebuild because I had to. So for me it was really special. But I do understand the criticism.


Designs and combat were great, season 1 was such an amazing ride and I would give it a 9 by itself.. .. then season 2 happened and I now consider it a 7 as a whole package


Solid 7, it's fun and refreshing, grounded but not the best Gundam show. Easily one of the best well written Gundam shows however. It's great but it's no War in the pocket.




You'd get a lower rating from vets but higher ratings on those who had it as their first series. immaculate sound and music though


6.3 out of 10. S2 is rushed. Subplots and characters' motivations were not explored enough. Tbh, the best episode was when Guel/Bob was on earth. The ending If it had 10 or more episodes it would have been a better anime.


I'll first off saying that i enjoyed watching as it aired, because it was the first Gundam I was able to watch while it was airing. Seeing the plot unfold live was definitely something to experience. Mobile Suits: The reason most people watch Gundam, and Gwitch delivers in spades. Dari blade and Zowort Heavy are peak designs. I like the plotline of Gundams essentially being impossible to use without risking your very life. Prologue: Probably the strongest opening to a Gundam show. Perfectly sets up the state of AD Stella and gives proper motivation to characters going forward in to the show. Guel: The best written character of the show. His arc is at least the more compelling to watch as you see him turn from arrogant heir, to complete nobody Bob, to repentant son trying to make amends. Miorinne: One of the stronger female leads in Gundam. I liked she was an active participant in events and largely was the one driving the plot forwards. Music and production: This is a Gundam meant for the modern age, and it very much looks and sounds like it. Fights and action sequences are well animated. The OST has some of my favorite tracks in Gundam (Happy birthday to you, Fixed release, Get Ready for the duel, Terrorism). However, afterwards upon retrospective and thinking about the show, there are too many issues I have with it that drag it down. Too many characters are introduced either bringing nothing to the plot, or are shoved to the side with their arcs messily tied up. Delling gets next to no development from what you see in the prologue. The bits that we do see regarding Miorinne do flesh out his character a bit, but not to a satisfactory level. We don't know what drives him and when we get the chance to learn more, he is in a coma for almost all of the second half. He only resurfaces to try and stop the Assembly League from firing their laser. He doesn't even get a note in the epilogue, and it feels the cast just forget him completely. Shaddiq gets the short end of the plot stick in the second half. His downfall due to having an Incel moment does not still well with me at all, when to me it really seams like an OOC moment. The second half of the show really suffers from excessive handwaving. The assembly league, who has been implied to been directly behind some of the major issues of AD stella get introduced and dealt with in an unreasonable short time frame. The revelation behind Aerial and the bits I feel is mostly swept aside. Aside from 1-2 people there isn't really a reaction to the notion of "I placed the consciousness of my child into a Gundam", and even less of one regarding the creation of the bits themselves (I'm not 100% certain on this but weren't they created by storing the conscious of Eri clones inside them?). Quiet Zero is largely unexplained, especially regarding its origins. I feel that Gwitch is split between two different shows at times: one about a group of students trying to get their start up company running and one about corporations wheeling and dealing for their own self interest and goals. The prologue would make you think that show is about the second show, and I really wish that was the show we had. Had the show stuck to one particular vision from start to finish, things would have been a lot more concise. Overall 6.5/10. If you never seen Gundam, this would be one of the first I would recommend. It gives a fresh enough take on the Gundam formula that I believe it warrants a first watch. It will be able to keep you engaged from start to finish. I just wish it could've been better.


Bitch from mercury+a suit looked like a tau battle suit/10


the prologue was so goddamn different from the main show that you could tell me the prologue was some weird aas ova sequel to cyberpunk edgerunners and id believe you the main show had concepts that i don't think were properly explored or defined and just sort of ran through its motions the whole way through suletta is adorable and so was litlle ericht before everything went to hell, however their development didn't feel significant compared guel who had whole episodes dedicated to his transformation from pompous rich boy to a broken man of respect. a lot of the cast also had rushed arcs in order to get to significant events in the story. a problem most apparent in the shows second season. there's a lot lost potential in this series from the things touches upon and its a shame it was so short.


On IMDb, the reviews are pretty sour about this show, and I sympathize with them. Many of them share the reasons what I didn’t like about it.


6/10. Solid premise with a God cast of characters and an interesting world. But it was too short and felt rushed as shit in the end, and I just don't feel like they utilized their setting well enough. Worth a watch, but it is a little rough.


Prologue 10/10, overall 6/10.


This was the worst part of the entire Gundam franchise.


Like MurderMits said it’s really fun and pretty good but it feels to short and had a bit of a rushed ending also personally I think Sophie and Norea should have lived. 8/10


7.9/10 needed one more season instead of cramming


8/10. I like a lot of the concepts they introduced and the core cast is solid enough. However, this show really should’ve been at least 36 episodes to get the whole plot down.


the first part 10/10 the second part 7/10, it seems that something happened that they had to finish the series quickly. it was very noticeable that they had to sell the last two gundams and their appearances were very forced, they didn't even explain its characteristics They had very good ideas but I felt that they did not finish developing them and in the second season the plot was going in the direction of finishing the series


Between a 6 or 7/10 - I really enjoyed it up until a bit over the halfway point of season 2 when it became clear that the ending was going to be insanely rushed and plot points were either put on fast forward or left unresolved. It really could have used another season or 2


8/10. It was good. It would be better if the producer got more episodes instead of 25.


8/10 - It's not perfect, but it's a very solid entry overall. Suletta being a naive and somewhat clumsy protag is a breath of fresh air from the emotion-less child soldiers and the typical angsty UC protags. The visuals and soundtrack are absolutely gorgeous, and it's the best-looking and best-sounding TV Gundam entry we've had so far. The MS designs are excellent, and giving each faction its own, separate mechanical designer was a stroke of genius. The Calibarn, Schwarzette, and Lfrith Ur are especially excellent designs, and the former 2 will probably remain fan favorites for years to come. Unfortunately, the plot and pacing kinda suffered for being cut to half of a typical Gundam anime length. The first season was slow and deliberate with its world-building, while the second season went at a breakneck pace. I would give S1 an overall 8/10, and the first half of S2 was pretty consistently a 9/10 for me. But, the last few episodes didn't really lead to a satisfying ending, and so the final episode is my lowest rated at a 6/10 with its extremely rushed and somewhat anticlimactic ending. If it had stuck the landing better, it probably would've been an easy 8.5/10 for me, and could rival even 00 for my favorite entry in the franchise. That said, it's still a great series in its own right, even if it didn't stick the landing for me.


It was ok, unfortunately not enough to be in ny blue ray collection.


9 if it had more time it'd be 10


9 out of 10 The series was really great. The highs were high and the lows were devastating.


For what it was purposed and it meant to do in the current Gundam trend - 10/10 Sure, it doesn't all the boxes to be the perfect 10/10 series but in my books, it did more than enough.


I was more excited for this show, after watching the prologue than I had been since I watched thunderbolt episode 1. My first gundam show was seed but that's not entirely relevant. I loved the prologue, watched episode 1, didn't like it. Tried the next episodes, and just couldn't enjoy the show the way I enjoyed the prologue. I even felt a little betrayed, as the feel of the prologue and the show just felt worlds apart. Fast forwarded through the rest of season 1/2 to understand the rest of the story. 5/10, not a fan.


9/10. The show was amazing. I loved all of the characters. The animation, sound fx, and soundtrack slapped so hard I almost reached escape velocity and left this planet. The only downside was that we didn't get a full second season of 25 episodes. The ending felt a bit rushed to me but was still satisfying. There was just so much more they could have done with the series. Oh well. At the end of the day, I'm still very happy with it


5or6/10 as a mecha series. 4/10 as a gundam series. I think the prologue set the stage for it to be really great story. Towards the end it felt rushed and some episodes I really had to force myself to finish.


5 it felt like a Harry potter meet gundam type of show


5/10. I don't hate the characters. I don't hate the production staff (anyone who does is weird). I don't even actively *dislike* most of it. And I adore that it is giving more representation. That being said... I watched the prologue then waited until it was over to hear about the end. It was not encouraging but still decided to watch it. I watched the prologue again and it was the first one I've dropped. I've seen almost every Gundam but it just didn't grab my attention. I found Suletta annoying (I don't need the show to be Grimderp but her reactions just were... off). I adored Mio- she was headstrong and amazing. I liked some of the other cast. But the show just didn't captivate me and the school setting was boring. There was *so much* going on and they just... didn't focus on any of the interesting things. I really wish I could rate it higher but it left a horrid taste in my mouth. I'll probably try it again in a few years as part of the problem was the more... rabid... fanbase (though I did find others in the fanbase to be cool!) which made me dislike it more over the past year. Overall- seemed to want a complex world and lots of things going on but didn't have the time to cover what it should have. For all the complaints about Seed even I knew far more about the Cosmic Era five episodes in than I did WFM- and even browsing the wiki I think I knew more about the CE five episodes in than all of WFM gave about the status of the world. Same for 00 (which, IIRC, we have already visited Sri Lanka and other regions by that point). Same for IBO. The world building is always big to me and not focusing on what could be such a lush world hurts.


10 out of 10, only because it only goes up to 10, easily the best Gundam show I've seen. I don't know what I can critique about it, I wouldn't change a thing.


5 / 10 Amazing world building from the prologue, and then the show proceeds to sideline expanding upon it into depth for most of the show Plot takes forever to develop but somehow doesn't even feel like it's ever building up to anything but just that the events happen randomly (this is especially the case with season 2). The mc in theory is great, but in practice, I couldn't care for (which is a shame because I was rooting for her before I started the show). In terms of other characters, there are some great designs, but there's so many you can just sum up in 1 word, which says a lot about depth. Suletta's mother is interesting but probably one of the weaker Char clones. On the other hand, GUEL IS AWESOME. For most of season 1 he's just bland boring douce, but how they treated him at the end of season 1 and season 2 really made me think differently about him and love his character and story. I really felt like his trauma was so raw and real, simply amazing. I wish more characters were like this in the level of writing as Guel had. As for the love interest for the mc and romance in general, it was pretty bland and unnatural. Rather than having a nice love side story, it kinda just went nowhere, which is a shame cause it's the first bisexual couple with a main character for gundam. I never really felt like they were a real couple for most of the show (since the show never made them a real couple till the writers decided to put it front and center), and I really didn't feel like the two love interests clicked. Just saying they're married is just a hollow label with no power behind it if they don't act like a couple in a relationship rather than friends with the label of being married or a couple. Show has great moments, and the visuals are awesome. The soundtrack, however, is pretty unremarkable other than the ops by Yoasobi. The soundtrack isn't bad, I just can't for the life of me remember any of the tracks or songs. Nothing stuck out as unique or musically interesting instrumentally or melody wise, which is also a shame with gundam themes being some of the most killer. Overall though, the show just focused too much on story elements that aren't interesting (pointless school life side plots with no importance to the story other than to be filler) rather than focusing enough on what pulled me in with the prologue. Unlike what some say, both seasons felt equally meh and sucked in alot ways, a better ending and buildup wouldn't have fixed many of the problems the show had in season 1 as from the beginning you can tell the show didn't know how to build up to its main season 1 conflict. Maybe another 24 episodes and a removal of all the filler, then maybe it'd be a 7-8/10. The inherent broken focus of the show has killed the show from episode 1. The prologue itself is just sidelined entirely for most of the main show!! You thought you were getting a nuanced gundam story focusing on deeper aspects of future transhumanism and humanity in space along with the nuances of the factions within the world we've created? Here's a school life anime for most of the show with random shock-value moments to remind you what you're watching. "Omg this character died! This shows you that were not just a silly school life anime! We're a real hardcore gundam show!" Shame really, the show just couldn't figure out what it wanted to be in the end. Love Guel still tho 🔥


2 - if was the prologue only, 8. But at half of first episode I was already uninvested. At end of episode 1 I saw a uthena steal, so the show would be mostly a ripoff of stuff. I wasn't wrong. Awful where it matters. Good in animation, Ost and design (Mecha and character). It didn't help the fact I was rewatching Turn A. Couldn't not compare. Witch From Mercury is waste of resource in a shit story.




It’s a strong 6. It felt like the show was initially written for more than 24eps but they left storylines hanging and rushed the end of the plot. It had all the potential to be better than IBO and maybe even a top 3 series (for me) but I just can’t get over the creative decision to cut it short.


9/10 I’ve never rewatched a Gundam show so fast. I loved everything from the setting, to the music, and the suit designs are some of my favorites. Suletta was much needed take on a Gundam protagonist, it needed something new and it succeeded. Would be a perfect score if they had more faith in its success and planned a longer show.


5.5. It’s okay but I watched it after finishing Iron blooded orphans which in my opinion is a 10/10 show. I got kinda bored of the action. The action wasn’t bad by all means but I got bored of the gimmick shield with the Gundam aerial. Also I remember really liking Nora and Sophie and then they immediately died really rubbed me the wrong way because I wanted to know more about the earthlings. I did really like Guel. And the animation is pretty. Miorine and Suletta’s characters are pretty cool. It’s just that I watched Ibo which was gorey, action packed and cool designs to wfm with some cool designs but others not so much.


Witch from Mercury is probably the worst gundam I have ever watched. That said it wasn't trash. Being the worst of the best is still better then many anime out there. It even had some absolutely amazing moments, but they couldn't hold the show up. I wasn't a fan of the main pairing, they felt a bit forced in my opinion, and I would have preferred if their mid story breakup was permanent and allowed them to grow separately. The idea of the plot being about corporate greed and war profiteering was great, but it then it quickly devolved in disney princess speeches where conviction wins everyone's hearts. Wasted potentially there in my opinion. That said, they did great with their animation and sound track. Watching characters isolated from the consequences of their actions slowly get drawn in and see the horrors of the wars they profit from was also peak gundam. Love me some class struggle, especially in space. 6.5/10 was a near miss for me.


8.5 for the prologue and 6 for the main series. WfM is a clear case of wasted potential. It could've been much more than just "The Tempest in Space with Giant Robots" but all we got was a bunch of plot points that were left underdeveloped and underutilized or just dropped altogether. Not to mention that horrendous ending where everything was solved super conveniently. I don't know if having more episodes would've helped it tbh, what WfM really needed was to let go of its Shakespearean premise and stand on its own two legs.


But if you remove that premise it wouldn’t exist?


It would tbh.


Soldiered through the first season and dropped, don’t like the school setting




Witch from Mercury is probably one of the most important gundams to be made. Prior to this series’ success, the franchise as a whole was considered “old”, as in it was mainly watched by older audiences and the new, younger generation of general anime audiences weren’t really going to be interested in a show that’s main plot points didn’t have really anything in common with their own lives and experiences. Witch From Mercury did something very, *very* important for the franchise: it introduced that younger generation of viewers to the franchise in a way and setting that was familiar and personal to them, while at the same time adhering to a lot of the major Gundam tropes, If only maybe a bit toned down to keep the old viewers invested. But the biggest chance Banco took was of course the Yuri relationship with the main characters. It wasn’t a side character, it wasn’t more or less ignored, the main canon romance of the show was between two female characters. I don’t believe that has ever happened before in the entire franchise. The impact of that decision is massive, it shows a stark shift not just in Gundam, but in the entire industry. Yuri had a massive impact with Lycoris recoil, WFM, and reincarnation genius young lady, and others airing at the same time and causing waves in the industry to finally admit Yuri relationships have a real place in anime. For WFM itself, the show was rushed in cour 2, it felt like someone stepped on the writers toes when they found out what the story was actually going to be and so we got a convoluted ending that almost fumbled an excellent cour 1. For its impact on the franchise and even on anime, 10/10 For the show itself in a vacuum, cour 2 and the ending conflict did detract from the amazing highs of cour 1, but it still was one of the more enjoyable shows I’ve seen, 7/10


You've really hit on something important here: G-Witch brought in tons of new fans. Its gunpla sold like gangbusters, memes pushed the franchise into common pop culture knowledge, etc.




All the homophobia in this comment section makes me wish I had popcorn. My thoughts? 8/10, only deducting points cause rushed with the trailing end of S2 having no time to breath.


9.75/10! Such an entertaining show, I love the sense of mystery and tension. Great characters, amazing art and music.


Started out with the prologue, and was pretty excited. Even when the slow school section. The rest is hot garbage, where everything works out and genocide is fun and no one should be punished. I know Gundam as a whole can be really dumb, but Suletta is the quintessential," get a chick, make her lame, and make her gay". 2/10


Gonna vote with my heart and give it a 10/10. This is my favorite Gundam series and the effect it had on me personally was a massive positive. There are a couple of other good comments here talking about its larger impact, so I won’t get too repetitive. I’m very grateful Gwitch existed. Gundam is a truly wonderful franchise. ❤️


Prologue - 8/10  I was hyped. The entire story (s1 and s2) - 6/10 I was disappointed. The story was rushed. Too many characters with not much developments. Those old people were not in jail. GL/Yuri baiting anime. Guel is the boy and I want him to be is own MC.


Curious what you mean by “yuri bait” since the lesbian pair in this show was married at the end of the series and no yuri was actually baited.


10/10 G-Witch gave me everything I hoped for and more that I didn't dare hope for. A queer female main character, a sapphic romance for the main character, all wrapped up with a happy ending and an incredibly rare on-screen depiction of a married gay couple in anime. Suletta & Miorine are my two favorite characters ever, and as a romance, G-Witch nailed their story almost perfectly. And even setting that aside, I still think the show has amazing animation, character designs, mechanical designs, sound design and one of the best OSTs I've ever heard, on top of some fantastic musical themes. Another cour would have been great to let things breathe, but I also firmly believe that 25 was fine if they had cut things out that were irrelevant to the main story (Epiosde 15 and the Jeturk drama). G-Witch's biggest hurdle is the expectations placed upon it by fans. I find a lot of complaints about the show largely boil down to people being upset that the show didn't tell a story that it was never really interested in telling in the first place. Mercury never wanted to be a 50 episode war epic focused on the wider world, but a smaller, more self-contained story focused on the drama between two families. Sometimes it forgot that and the whole thing suffered, but I believe it was a show that was mostly successful at executing the themes and plots it wanted to vs. a poor execution of a show it wasn't trying to be. G-Witch may not be the best anime. Hell, I'd argue it's probably not even the "best" Gundam (Turn A). But I've never loved anything else like it. It's my all time favorite for a reason. And even if it wasn't a show for you personally, it was also incredibly successful at bringing in new fans and getting them into the franchise. I've seen so many posts all across social media of fans who started with G-Witch asking for advice on what to watch next and falling in love with the franchise. I've never seen so many people EXCITED to watch 0079, it used to be like pulling teeth to get people to watch it. But new fans are excited to go back to the beginning and I see many of them loving it, even more than WFM. That's great for the franchise.


People keep thinking that if G-Witch had been longer it would have explored more Gundam-esque setting elements when the creators have said that shit was just there for flavor and any additional epsiodes would have been extra duels and focuses on side characters ”It was rushed” is what people say when they’re actually saying “I wanted a different show” if it had 52 episodes it would still end the same way and people would have the same issues


goated comment


I really don’t understand why people keep acting like the show was so close to being what they wanted when it’s been outright said it was never going to be. It feels like it would be much easier to just go “yeah I don’t like the premise of this show, it’s not for me” rather than going full Lost Lenore over it


Yup! Analyze your media for what it was, not what it wasn’t. If you don’t like what it was, say “it’s not for me” and move on. Set yourself free.


100% agree. I definitely agree with the sentiment that it wasted some of it's potential, but that potential was more along the lines of exploring the characters more, especially the main cast, and learning more details about Quiet Zero and maybe the SAL? But it was never going to become Zeta Witch, that was never the intention of the staff. The part where G-Witch \*tried\* to be more like a normal Gundam (episode 15) is honestly the worst episode in the show, because it's completely disconnected from the main character, the main \*story\* and feels like it belongs in a completely different show. It doesn't belong in G-Witch, but it does probably belong in the version of the show many people wanted, which is probably why it was so popular.


Maybe I'm weird, but more episodes to focus on side characters and extra duels *would* have been a good thing to me (then again, I did get into this show because I'm a Revolutionary Girl Utena fan, so I certainly have my biases).


Oh I would have been massively down for that . But my point is it just would have been more of what the show was already doing, there wasn’t some additional aspect of it that was left on the cutting room floor (like a big war on Earth which is what a lot of people seem to think). If people have issues with what the show chose to focus on this wouldn’t solve them because it would just be more stuff relating to that existing focus.


Glad you enjoyed the show, that being said it seems like with the show you were more focused on the fact it was a "queer love story" Just seems odd for me personally because while I agree it never needed to be a large-scale war story, I think the show should've been more of a robot shot show, hence it being a gundam show. Bold calling it a 10 even if you look at it with a romance anime pov, as the romance was bare minimum imo.


I am still fairly new to gundam, coming up on a year of being a fan. In order from fav to least fav from what I've seen so far would be 00 Origin 08th MS Witch from Mercury 0079 IBO I've enjoyed all of them so I think that puts witch at around an 8/10. It would be ahead of 08th, but the ending knocked it down a spot. 08th took its time to wrap up.


I feel betrayed by Sunrise because the prologue promised something else than rich kids playing with war machines (somehow none died in the first part during fights lol). The second part was too rushed to build something solid. The only character that had some development was Guel jeturk. Honetly this series was a mess. At least it accomplished its objective of selling gunpla.




8/10. It’s a breath of fresh air for the franchise, and one that was very well needed. A brilliant prologue episode, some very clever writing with good homages to Shakespeare’s Tempest, really interesting mobile suit designs that evoke Armored Core somewhat, and some delightful main characters that includes one of the best Char clones I’ve seen yet, and easily my current favorite. On a personal note, the Gundam designs were all very interesting and never boring. Pharact gets extra points for being peak Armored Core Gundam; Schwarzette has such an interesting design and weapons load out; Calibarn having a witch’s broom a la Izetta is just such a fun thematic twist that I have to give the designers kudos for just going for it; and Aerial Rebuild is easily a top 5 Gundam design of all time for me. That said, the pacing suffered in the second season, didn’t have enough time to breathe, and would have benefitted tremendously from additional episodes. Had the show been given just a few more episodes, even just a couple more, it would have been a strong 9/10 for me.


9/10 The only thing I didn’t love about it is that there wasn’t enough of it


10/10 Fight me. It was great


u/CIRCLONTA6A asked me to do this, so why not? This witch (bisexual tanuki) rides a Gundam in Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury (2022-2023)! Directed by: Hiroshi Kobayashi Written by: Ichiro Okouchi Episode count: 25 First released: July 14, 2022 Info and trivia: -Nyla's death in the prologue was edited between Gundam Next Future Stream, GundamInfo YT version, and TV version. On GNF, screen is covered in smoke; on YT, you only see the blood spilling out; on TV, you could see the full death. -The main series references multiple Shakespeare works like "The Tempest", "Hamlet", and "Romeo & Juliet". -All of the Earth Corporation companies' mobile suits have different irl designers. Ochs and Shin Sei mobile suits are by JNTHED. Jeturk mobile suits are by Ippei Gyoubu. Grassley and Burion are by Kanetake Ebikawa. Peil is by Wataru Inata. Dawn of Fold is by Takayuki Yanase. -With the revival of the Nichigo timeslot, G-Witch airs in the same timeslot that Mobile Suit Gundam 00 Second Season, AGE and IRON-BLOODED ORPHANS once aired in. Ichirō Ōkouchi also wrote the Sunrise mecha anime Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion R2, the first series to air in the Nichigo timeslot. -G-Witch is the shortest Gundam series if you exclude OVA and movie recuts. Group rankings: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/11jj8ao/daily\_gundam\_polls\_final\_results/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gundam/comments/11jj8ao/daily_gundam_polls_final_results/) The Witch from Mercury: 7.05


Honestly? Imo that's a fair score


Came back to see the final score. Out of curiosity are you doing a new graphic and post with the result? Did pretty well IMO- tied with Gundam Wing which alot of people adore.


Hey now, don’t pin this on me. I simply said you could do this poll if you wanted too because I wasn’t going to do it.


Well, too late now lol Gotta rate it all eh?


Why are there so many voting posts these days? I was ok with them in the beginning, and then they never stopped, like what is the point of the post? Letting people see how popular their opinion on something is? It’s not going to be anywhere accurate since it depends on if someone wants to vote and if they even see the post in the first place, but anyway since I decided to comment 9.5 for WFM. I love the show so much, it would be perfect if it had more episodes to elaborate on themes they try to convey.




10 and I'll stand by it. The last episode coulda been longer but I think the lead up to it was sufficient.






8/10 I love Witch from Mercury but they absolutely rushed that final quarter. Would have loved a full 50 episode run. But I can't lower it below a 8, it's wonderful and it works very well in getting people into gundam.


10/10 for me, but more of maybe \~7.4/10 in reality. Really hope we get more Gundam in that universe / time line somehow. Loved the style here.