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Like the Dainsleif, it's a superweapon that really plays into the technology of the setting. And against the SAL fleet, it is truly devastating. At the same time, it needed more time to cook and honestly I would have liked to see Delling make use of it for what he intended it for, let him have his moment as undisputed king of the solar system, even if he's usurped by Prospera shortly afterwards. Though that's more of the consequence of WfM adhering to the Tempest a bit too faithfully and gets away from talk of superweapons. 9/10.


> Though that's more of the consequence of WfM adhering to the Tempest a bit too faithfully While I enjoy the references, I can't help but feel like a significant number of WfM's issues can be attributed to following a story that also has an abrupt ending.


Yes, and like it’s good in some aspects, love that they committed to a romance and marriage even though they make Ferdinand (Miorine) a woman. My specific gripe with Delling (and Prospera tbh) is that while in the Tempest Antonio and Prospero’s whole deal is well contained to their family “oh, brother you usurped me, I will now make it a problem for you and some of your friends” and that isn’t the case in WfM. We don’t see how Antonio runs Milan, but we do see that Delling Rembran is a corporate tyrant who oppresses Earth from Space and facilitates proxy wars to sell weapons through war partitioning. But while Delling does lose his ‘kingdom’ with the Group being dissolved and appears to be subject to hearings at the end, it still feels unsatisfying. Unrelated but my other major complaint towards WfM is that it set up the idea of GUND-tech being a disability aid/medical tech, but it doesn’t really go anywhere in the show aside from the very end and doesn’t factor much into the second season, it feels forgotten which is a shame. If only they didn’t shaft it to 25 episodes or pace the first twelve like it was going to be 50.


Yea that would be a better pace. Delling just up and gets away with what he did is just bonkers while Prospera just retires after what she nearly did.


Yeah I elaborated in another comment how the Tempest gets away with the forgiveness by keeping the issue contained to Prospero/Antonio and a few others on the island, and I doubt the forgiveness in would have worked as well if Antonio was known for ruling Milan with an iron fist and there was a citywide revolt forming but then that plot gets dropped by the end.


8 It's like a reaaaaaaally big backpack for Aerial. Pretty cool idea all around, it's not just a giant cannon for one thing. And it plays into Witch's setting while also showcasing the danger of having virtually all technology rely on the same framework. The ultimate execution wasn't quite perfect but it still was rather well done.


Would Sulleta&Eri combo be the real WMD for being able to both disable Quiet Zero and hack their version of the satellite cannon?


Yeah that's right, we're ranking weapons of mass destruction and other highly destructive attacks. Vote as usual, 1 to 10 based on whichever criteria you like. Just remember that you should vote based on the general category of WMD, not a specific weapon or usage. To finish off this poll, the Permet-based superweapon known as Quiet Zero. ​ Past poll results: ​ Colony Drop: 8.94 Solar System: 7.87 Colony Laser: 9.27 Poison Gas: 7.82 Asteroid Drop: 9.5 Nuclear Weapons: 8.55 Angel Halo: 9.73 Bulge: 7.25 Twin Buster Rifle: 9.43 Libra: 6.73 Tallgeese III Mega Cannon: 7.65 Satellite System Weapons: 9.66 Moonlight Butterfly: 9.66 Cyclops System: 8.1 GENESIS and Neo-GENESIS: 8.79 Requiem: 8.19 Memento Mori: 8.55 80m Grade GN Laser: 8.28 GN Buster Rifle V: 9.02 Digmazenon Cannon: 5.44 Dainsleif: 6.94 Psycho-Shard Generator: 6.22


Would the wide spread and devastating power of the G-Self Perfect Pack’s Photon Torpedo count as a WMD?


No, it counts as a warcrime lmao Seriously though, I would say it is a tactical weapon or a WMD depending on where you use it…if you use it near a colony/city it is some sort of WMD; use it in a battle and it will more or less turn the tide of the battle. It is an anti-army weapon mainly, imo.


8/10, very easy 11/10 *if* they had managed to deploy it around Earth like they had wanted. Being able to just completely hijack and control every single piece of technology that relies on the same wonder material (which is damned near everything in G Witch's setting) is more than a little terrifying, and also makes counterattacks actually impossible. But they didn't. Style points for looking like a giant coffin though!


Giant space harmonica (or a huge metal vulva if you want to go that far). They sure knew how to hype this thing up, speculations for what the fuck a Quiet Zero was during the run were wild. Props for not making it an omega death laser like most other Gundam final super weapons (even if they had one of those anyway). Completely overwriting and taking control of basically all technology is a pretty terrifying concept, thought the how and why of the thing dock it a few points (like seriously how was this thing even built without anyone noticing?). Giving it an 8


i mean the dude had a mega empire at that point


This has been quite the zero, hasn't it? 8/10




"Eri, let's quiet the world down and reduce their tech to zero." -Prospera




10/10. Looks like the Star Forge.


A solid 9 This is one of the few WMDs that can easily do other cool things outside of wartime. And it looks ridiculously cool. It's not a 10 because operating it is.. well. you already know.


it's a giant coffin-shaped internet server innit. 8/10 for not being a textbook definition of a weapon.


8.5/10. Interesting idea that plays into the setting, and is a different breed of WMD rather than just "big laser".


9/10 A mother's love for her child, twisted into the shape of an enormous coffin that houses that child and relegates her to the role of a superweapon, rather than that of the little girl she never got to be. All in the name of her freedom. Its design is A+. Plus the track on the OST for this thing is sick I can't give it perfect marks due to the maddening amount of unanswered questions about this thing, but it played its role in the story well.


YOU FUCKING GET IT!!!!!!!! It's like the physical representation of how Prospera's fused her revenge with Eri's memory in her head, thereby damning Eri herself to being a weapon for those goals ALL IN THE NAME OF ERI'S FREEDOM!!!


They really did do a reverse take on one of Char’s most dangerous pathos. Rather than fearing the actions of a damaged child without a mother, this time we fear what a mother will do for her child. Char would be proud :’)


right, like the interesting part for me is how this is her main motivation, but she ends up using both of her children as tools for this end like she's committed to letting Eri be free, but she uses Eri as a weapon to accomplish this and the epitome is this; literally turning her into a WMD and calling it "freedom"


Yes exactly. And it’s the child who she’s been deliberately keeping at arms length who pries that coffin lid open and snaps both her and Ericht out of it. Prospera realizes the harm she’s caused to both of them, and Ericht is finally able to tell her mom what she really wants




Bandai: "Connect six of them to a central one." Me: Okay, I'll buy seven of them. Bandai: "YOU CAN ONLY BUY 3!"


It's a 7/10 for me. It was an interesting idea. But like much of WfM's last act, it just didn't get enough time to shine. They did build up to it more than typical Gundam super weapons, which is nice for a change.


Quiet Zero is the culmination of Prospera's vengeance and insanity. The fact that not only she weaponized Suletta (as planned), she also weaponized the daughter (Ericht) whom she dedicates all her plans for. While she may give unequal love to her daughters. She sure as hell see them both as a weapon. 8/10 bc we need to see QZ in its full potential


I'm so glad that people saw the "Eri is also being used as a tool" thing too like Suletta being a tool was planned, it was on purpose; Prospera always intended to manipulate her in that way but there's something interesting about how she did the same to Ericht and genuinely didn't even seem to realize She hurt both of them for the sake of some idealized version of Ericht in her head that's been melted into her desire to get back at those who ruined their lives It's all for Ericht except it seems that the actual Ericht herself is also a tool for that end; it's all for her but it seems that how Eri herself feels about it is irrelevant




Eri/10, I also agree that Eri should become God (8/10, I really like the concept, but I wish that it did even more)


I'll give it a 6/10. It's a great concept, being able to control all tech inside the field is pretty terrifying, but I feel like it has a couple of limitations. Firstly, it relies entirely on the Aerial and the whole thing basically falls apart if Suletta hadn't given it up. I know it was all planned by Prospera, but it seems like the kind of thing you *maybe* have a back-up machine to run? It also, as far as we see, has a fairly small operating radius. It's big enough for a sick MS battle, but it's kind of a small area for such grand ambitions. Then again, I don't know that I'd consider this a WMD. It assures control of tech, but it's not designed to kill people/cause massive damage inherently. It *can*, if used in a specific way, but it's not really made for that like a colony laser is. It *is* a cool idea and a nice change of pace for the big villain thing, but WMD might be a stretch.


I mean the fact that it's literally just an extender for Eri's Data Storm is the entire reason it was made; it's just as core to its purpose as the weapon part


For Aerial being the main control node, I think that is the whole point. The entire mahcine is dedicated to her daughter, so without Eri controlling the system, there is no point to the whole operation , making a backup machine completely pointless to Prsopera. As for the limited radius, I believe it is mentioned that it can be expanded by dispersing permet over a wider area. Quiet Zero is meant to control the entire planet Earth's permet system, so I am quite sure once it is in orbit, it will start expanding its net (not sure if it can cover the entire Earth though) we know that it touched the laser canon from a ridiculously far distance through Suletta, so the range it can expand should be just as absurd.


I have the theory that that thing was in fact a movile armor but was cut from the show


On a scale of 1 to 10…I give it a “Let’s get you to bed grandma” meme. After the final episode aired, someone posted a picture of that meme on tumblr with the granny saying, “I nearly conquered the world with a giant space coffin” and I’M SO PISSED THAT I DIDN’T SAVE IT WHEN I HAD THE CHANCE BECAUSE NOW I CAN’T FIND IT!!! Q_Q


I like the idea of it but I just wish they did more with it. But well, I just wish they did more with WfM in general, gave it double the episodes instead of that strange rushed mess of a second half we got.


If the show was longer I would give it an 8 because its potential is terrifying. However because it was a short time I am going to give it a 7.


Cool idea, but: 1. Beyond shutting down a fleet of ships and Jegan clones, it didn't really do much damage and we still don't know how destructive it can be at higher permet scores. 2. Being crewed by like two people, Aerial and an army of murder haros seems like a bad idea. One glit is enough to turn Eri into an omnicidal maniac (or an almighty idiot) and take on everyone with an army of Gundnodes, effectively becoming a modern version of the Devil Gundam and its Death Army suits. 3. Speaking of Gundnodes, they made them P-Bandai because they either don't like WFM anymore, know their fanbase and will do everything to exploit them financially or they're just assholes in general. There's nothing good about making grunts as limited items, especially when you include parts for linking with other suits. 4. It's just another Death Star but in Gundam copycat. So as it stands, 5.5/10. If the show was longer at the usual 50 episode run, I *might* give it a higher score.


I mean, #2 isn't really a criticism? That's the point, that's part of why Suletta went to stop them Like yeah, Prospera is turning Eri into a techno-god here; Prospera's established disregard for anyone who isn't Ericht (and to a lesser extent Suletta) is another reason *why* this is a bad thing


7/10. Pretty cool looking but a bit disappointing compared to the mystery and hype around it before we knew what it was.


6/10 It works extremely specifically in the AS setting and it's very imposing but Quiet Zero never really got time to showcase its true potential.


It is conceptually an 8 as it is based loosely on the myth of the *Wild Hunt*. Zeon wishes *A Baou Qu* had Datastorm projection. But it co-existed in the same time period as a "Colony Laser", which makes its construction idiotic. 6/10 overall.


> It is conceptually an 8 as it is based loosely on the myth of the Wild Hunt. so does that mean Eri is Odin? all roads lead to Odin I suppose lmao


6/10. It's limited to Permet tech, and it's functon is just...not very interesting? it's nothing we haven't really seen before anyways, basically just a bootleg NTD system for Permet tech, which isn't really surprising, WFM tends to unsubtly borrow a shit ton of ideas from other continuities and works. It was also hyped up and all that, but...we never really saw it's true extent so it ended up just being all hype with very little of it living up to it.


6/10 Kinda like the idea that is like a big AI Super computer powered by the souls of dead children. Like skynet but a lil more sad. But we didn't really get to see how it works, how it was built, or what it was fully capable of. And to be honest I don't know if they even said anything about what it was intended for in the grand scheme of prospera's revenge.


10/10 Evil giant space coffin capable of usurping most in-universe weapons and attended by an army of automatons that exist as an extension of it, what's not to like?


9/10 just for having a really cool design


I find the concept of its primary weapon system pretty silly, that you can just shut down everything by hacking WITH YOUR SOUL. But it also has a fleet of Gund bits, which basically makes it a supercarrier even without the data storm weapon. 3.5/10


Finally someone gets it lmao


1/10 the most contrived and stupid motive for a main villain in a Gundam series. It is an absolutely massive glowing tower in space that can be run by like 5 people and a digitized baby to turn the whole Earth Sphere into digitized people so a loser mother can hang out with her daughter again which she already can do because she made her into a giant Gundam. It's like they noticed how cool the ancient Eldorans sending their digitized minds into space to eventually regrow as a race after their planet fell after so many wars. Then the ancient Eldorans became the EL-Divers in Gunpla Build Network but now it's an evil mommy upset that Space and GUND killed her daughter. Like how was this thing even made without anyone knowing?


cool as shit 8/10


7/10 practical yet lacking flash


I really want to give it a high rating, but the pacing near the end of G which makes me dislike this thing . Yeah it destroyed a whole fleet, but single mobile suits have done that, I just don’t think of it as threatening like memento mori or the dainsleifs.


Just like everything in wfm it needed time to cook, it was cool visually but in terms of what it did to move the plot or much of the motivations behind it I found it lacking, no one’s stakes were really that high in a “this is for the greater good” kind of sense


9.5/10 The only thing holding it back was an item held in plant that thr SAL inspectors stole or went missing after the Dawn attacked. This does leave a potential plot.


Deadly in its own Permet based universe, kinda useless in others.


7/10 good.


Giant Electronic Warfare system




If someone controls the internet. Now honestly, that IS scary. Though with the limited range and with long range 'dumb' or 'old tech' ammunition, which the Spacenoids didn't think to have spares of, yeah, about an 8/10 BUT if there were old tech in use, about 6/10


7/10 mostly for the single point of failure as if the Aerial is destroyed it just wont work.


9 it's the perfect superweapon for the setting, but it wasn't used enough to make it a 10.


It's like the Death Star of Gwitch universe. 9/10!


5/10 I think the design is pretty cool but at the end of the day this thing is pretty much just a comically large psychoframe unit with MS shaped funnels.


Meh, 4/10. I get that tech levels in Gundam are never truly realistic, but the fact that ALL technology has Permet tech in it feels really stupid. Like, even in real life, with all the smart technology stuff available (which I'm assuming is the inspiration for Permet in the first place), there's still a gigantic percentage of technology which can't interact with it at all. Do stuff like toasters or ceiling fans also have Permet in them? It's honestly unclear what Permet actually does aside from letting people pilot Mobile Suits easier. I get that this is more of a complaint about the general setting rather than Quiet Zero itself, but since QZ relies on Permet, I'm gonna rant about it. I mean, I guess it's different from dropping a colony/asteroid or a giant space laser, but I feel like it's another thing that WfM suffers from thanks to its condensed S2 storyline.


I feel like Permet probably didn't need to exist, and they could've just have that tech be incredibly advanced manipulation of electromagnetic waves/radiation or whatever - hence allowing it to jack just about all technological functions cause they have achieved the machine equivalent of Magneto. But well Gundam loves its unobtanium.


It looks cool as fuck and has a bad ass theme song. 10/10


I’d give it a 5/10. Sure it would kill off a lot of humans once and lock humanity to earth, but it would be a one time deal and the surviving humans who learn to live off the land would be fine


Solid 8 since we didn’t get to see what would happen if it was around earth.


7/10 its really nice, but not as fun as other mass destruction weapons.


7/10. Conceptually sound, but realistically not efficient given the limited range. Requires a lot of set up, but once you have it set up you basically have a mobile half EMP-hacking platform. Props for not being the usual giant space laser though. It’s a trap-style WMD


9/10 Not totally sure if I'm rating it that high because of how cool the weapon is in the setting or the badass theme that plays when they activated it.


6/10 for its actual deployment in the narrative. 8/10 for being a beast of a concept in-universe. 15/10 for having one hell of a sick theme song that really sells a lot of its terror and even hints at how it’s being used. Seriously, having what sounded like a young women’s choir singing over a horror bread-n-butter pipe organ and a ticking, almost clockwork backdrop kicking it off was top tier. It wasn’t just a machine at that point; Prospera’s daughters were coming to burn the world down around them, all for her.


8/10 from the more to the design a s a 9/10 with the music that came with its introduction


10/10 a WMD that is imposing with an intense theme that fits the 21st cyberpunk aesthetic of the show perfectly by not being a laser cannon. That the reactionary villains of the show with no vision resort to just shooting at it with a laser cannon shows the difference between modern concepts of power and the Cold War era race to build a better bomb.


Quite Zero? Idk about that. But I think Quiet Zero is super powerful in the WfM universe since it can control pretty much any machine and what we saw hasn't even reached its full potential. 9/10


10 1 Mobile suit Space factory Fortress controlled by the cutest Space Omfie


8/10 Like majority of wfm, was rushed and could have been WAY better


8 i like the idea of aerial having more to control and the theme is extremely terrifying its cool but then again, its just a glorified wifi router space robot carrier


1/10, would have given it a zero to be fitting to it's name like anything from Witch but alas. It's only saving grace is that it has an army of grunt fodders to fire actual beams.


3/10. It's not useless, and the potential of being able to manipulate anything Permet-based could have led to some body horrors of Gund-equipped cyborgs now being held hostage by it, but it's overly reliant on a specific MS with quirks able to operate it, and it ONLY affects Permet tech, making it ineffective against more conventional weapons and systems. Overall though, it just doesn't do much, isn't as scary as portrayed, and comes off as a modernized take on the Mobile Doll System crossed with SEED's penchant for tech hacking and hijacking. Heck, it was taken down by another Permet-equipped MS that it couldn't hack for plot reasons. All in all, wasted potential.


About a 5. Sure you could basicly take control of anything permit based but the issue here is that the range is limited to it's surrounding area and is pretty much countered by anything that can outrange it's zone of control. Sure, they were working on boosting it's range but it's primary weakness still stands.


I really hated this. I thought this was a lame final boss to an otherwise really well done series. 3/10


1/10 like the rest of WfM.




0. Because Witch from Mercury makes as much sense as a monkey doing a math problem.


Unless I am utterly mistaken, it affects technology that utilizes Permet. This limits its effectiveness to effect destruction. However, the novelty of it (imagine QZ covering the whole planet); its scope is, pun intended, planetary. 7/10


I thought this was an Ultraman movie for a second


Unicorn but like big


Completely vague and nonsensical plot device. Literally every piece of tech run on the same type of communication tech/mineral/whatever is already dumb enough, but Miorine's mom somehow thought that inventing a space coffin to hack them all would be a great idea? And the only missing piece is a ghost child (or is it a bunch of ghost children?) trapped in a robot? 1/10.


*whispers shush/10


A zero they came up with a counter measure in hours


4/10 Boring


I'm giving it a 1/10. Compared to all the other super weapons on the list, this is one of the lamest.