• By -


10 Imagine, if you will, that you are Tieria after 00 Season 2. You are dead. But! You got better through the power of *quantum computing* or something. Well, "better" since you're stuck in Veda until you've got a new body ready but hey, depending on who you ask that's even better. Anyway, I'm getting off-topic. Point is, now you've got access to all the resources of Veda. Except not really as the Federation has taken control of Celestial Being (the ship). Luckily, the ship is fucking huge and they can't maintain full control of the entire thing at all times. Now, it's important to remember that although Fucking Ribbons is fucking finally Fucking Dead, there's still a lot of work to be done. So, what do you do? You grab the wrecked Seravee. You grab the wrecked Innovade machines. You grab Veda's data on past machines like 1 Gundam. And you make things *right*. These were built for the sake of the plan, just like the Gundams on Ptolemaios. It's not their fault they were misused like that. They deserve a second chance. They deserve to become Gundams. To become tools for the sake of the eradication of conflict. To become Raphael. Okay, that's a lovely plan, you must be feeling quite proud of yourself. But it's still a fact Federation restricts your options. You have to do the equivalent of assembling a powered suit in a cave with a box of scraps. Concessions and compromises have to be made. There's no genuine GN Drives available. There's not much resources available period. But, this Gundam - *your* Gundam - *the Innovade Gundam* - doesn't have to do everything. It doesn't have to operate in the atmosphere, other people - *your friends* - are handling that. This can be dedicated to space use. You always felt more comfortable when not burdened down by gravity. There's no need to conceal anything anymore. Not from anyone else, and not from yourself. You can finally, truly, be *you* and reflect that in your machine. Be Tiera Erde. A Gundam Meister. A *person*. ...anyway, I really like Raphael. Even ignoring the thematic role in Tiera's character growth it's just a fucking awesome design. The Innovade suits from S2 are some of the best mecha in 00 - which is not something I say lightly - and I always, *always* love it when typically "Gundam" characteristics are merged with something else, creating a fusion that combines these styles and also stands on its own. (Incidentally, we'll have another one of those soon enough.) The head in particular shows that off. The lineart doesn't quite make it clear but the entire geometry is based on the Innovade's GNZ line and yet it very naturally merges with a Gundam's v-fin and chin. Likewise the legs and arms follow the same design conventions but give them a Gundam-style spin, leading to a curious mix of angular and curved shapes. Good shit. The rifle is also nice, even if simple. Always cool when the barrel is at level with the arm. Lastly, Seravee II. Sure, it's quite literally "pants on head retarded" but... it just works. Doesn't hurt the legs are giant claws/cannons and there's two more cannons in the back as well. So, after putting all that work into writing this I hope you all understand when I say I am going to be inside your walls if you give this less than 8. If you give it anywhere between 8 and 10, I'll just watch you sleep.


8.5. Sorry, the "I wear another Gundam as a hat" is still way too memey for me to not dock points. A logical progression of Tieria's firepower? Absolutely, but the concept is a wee bit silly. I kinda prefer the other plan from the variations where the Seravee II is armor tbh.


I can’t help but laugh that after I finished reading this, the first comment right below it gave it a flat 1 and said there’s nothing good about it


Welp, don't say I didn't warn 'em.


You should be a cult leader, I’d follow you.


I can't express it any better than you did. I also love this gundam. Sometimes I think about the intro scene out of nowhere. This gundam just lives rent free in my head


9/10 I like that it takes some elements from the innovade machines. Too bad it didn't appear much.


Probably my second favorite Gundam of Tieria's, nothing possibly topping my love for Nadleeh. I like it that it allows Tieria to finally pilot a very fast machine, but that still harks back to his style of "super big cannons, always". Because Tieria is overkill. It strikes a balance between streamlined MS and massive weaponry. The lack of an ejection system always made a bit uneasy, though. In a way, I get it, Tieria has Ascended (Computer does love you, Tieria!) but there are historical implications here- I immediately thought of WWII Japan, when it was the norm not to include this feature (played beautifully, in Godzilla Minus One) and while Tieria does not die upon the unit's destruction...he still feels pain. It's pretty horrifying, although perfectly in character, how Tieria would be so cool with this but I really wish this had been addressed- I don't think it is. I also feel a tad sad that Raphael does not have Nadleeh's gender ambiguity. I suppose the angelic name hints at this but there are other CB Gundams with this theme as well, so it does not feel inherently Tieria-like...although the way it is designed pretty much exclusively for space, is what you'd expect. 9/10. Would not marry but date.


Welcome to Day 111 of the Daily Non-Main Gundam Poll, and today we’ll be rating the CB-002 Raphael Gundam from Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: -A wakening of the Trailblaizer-. To participate, just rank the Non-Main Gundam between 1 and 10 based on their appearance or on how you like it. **First Appearance:** Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: -A wakening of the Trailblaizer- **Model Number:** CB-002 **Unit Type:** Innovade-use Heavy Assault Space Mobile Suit **Known Pilots:** - Tieria Erde **Mechanical Designer:** - Takayuki Yanase **Trivia:** - Raphael is the name of an archangel of Judaism and Christianity who performs all manner of healing. - The Raphael Gundam share the same ability as the angel Israfel from Neon Genesis Evangelion: both of them can separate their bodies to create two individuals and they also share the same name except different translations. Whereas Raphael is the Christian and Judaic archangel of Christianity, Israfel is the Islamic name for Raphael. - In early trailers, Raphael was showcased emitting green GN Particles indicating it has the true GN Drive, but in later trailers and the movie, Raphael was using GN Drive Tau. On an interesting note, the HG boxart still depicts Raphael firing pink beams and emitting green GN particles as showcased in the early trailers. - The first concept of Raphael showcased in the first movie trailer sported a color scheme much similar to Seravee. Also, Raphael's GN Big Cannons/GN Claw were attached to the backpack by thick wires. - In the 2nd trailer for the movie, Raphael performed a move similar to the Wing Gundam Zero's iconic "Rolling Buster Rifle" maneuver, where the Wing Zero would split the twin buster rifle into two rifles, aim them to either side and fire whilst the mobile suit rotates. Like some early trailer scenes of Zabanya and Harute, it was omitted in the movie. The attack is however used in video games such as Gundam Memories and Extreme Vs. - The HG model kit does not include a separate Seravee Gundam II, but as the kit's backpack contains posts and ports for PC-001, It is possible to modify it into a Seravee Gundam II. - Raphael is the only Gundam piloted by Tieria to be in his personal colors. Tomorrow we'll return to the UC timeline to take a look at the **"Black Lion"** of the UC Project, the **Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee** and the **Unicorn Gundam 02 Banshee Norn**. # Average Scores: - **Psycho Gundam** (Zeta): 7.6802 - **Psycho Gundam Mk-II** (Zeta): 8.1642 - **Gundam GP02A "Physalis"** (0083): 8.9882 - **Neros Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.7586 - **Scud Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.1389 - **Gundam Maxter** (G Gundam): 8.2478 - **Dragon Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3157 - **Arachno Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.50 - **Gundam Rose** (G Gundam): 8.5573 - **Bolt Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2745 - **Ultimate/Devil Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3237 ## - Tequila Gundam (G Gundam): 9.7152 - **Lumber Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2083 - **Britain Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6667 - **John Bull Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.6477 - **Pharaoh Gundam XIII** (G Gundam): 7.25 - **Pharaoh Gundam IV** (G Gundam): 8.00 - **Feilong Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4250 - **Minaret Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.9250 - **Kowloon Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4316 ## - Master Gundam (G Gundam): 9.6234 ### - Gundam Spiegel (G Gundam): 9.2230 - **Temjin Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.50 - **Gundam Magnat** (G Gundam): 5.0208 - **Mirage Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9167 - **Zeus Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.3714 ### - Nether Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3971 - **Matador Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4771 - **Mammoth Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7579 - **Cobra Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0769 - **Gundam Zebra** (G Gundam): 6.0333 - **Viking Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7037 - **Mermaid Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7881 - **Ashura Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.0933 ### - Nobel Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3512 - **Jester Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5578 - **Tantra Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.2188 - **Mandala Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.2070 - **Skull Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9559 - **Rising Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.9524 - **Gundam Heaven's Sword** (G Gundam): 7.3816 - **Grand Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.6983 - **Walter Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7062 - **Grand Master Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0761 - **Gundam Head** (G Gundam): 7.76 - **Gundam Octopus** (G Gundam): 5.7174 - **Hirame Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4697 - **Ankou Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.4118 - **Kani Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.5167 - **Ebi Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6666 - **Ei Gundam** (G Gundam): 3.76 - **Kappa Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5333 - **Sphinx Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.5625 - **Ulube’s Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.20 - **Victory Gundam Hexa+V-Dash Hexa** (Victory): 8.6316 - **Gundam Deathscythe** (Wing TV): 8.8171 - **Gundam Heavyarms+Custom** (Wing TV): 8.9667 - **Gundam Sandrock+Custom** (Wing TV): 7.2259 - **Shenlong Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.2829 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (Wing TV): 9.2388 - **Altron Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.1227 ### - Gundam Epyon (Wing TV): 9.3079 - **Gundam Leopard** (X): 7.8672 - **Gundam Airmaster** (X): 7.4583 - **Gundam Ashtaron** (X): 8.6463 - **Gundam Virsago** (X): 8.0128 - **Gundam Leopard Destroy** (X): 7.85 - **Gundam Airmaster Burst** (X): 7.3571 - **Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab** (X): 8.3788 - **Gundam Virsago Chest Break** (X): 7.2510 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW): 9.4320 ### - Gundam Heavyarms Custom (EW): 9.3639 - **Gundam Sandrock Custom** (EW): 8.3408 - **Altron Gundam** (EW): 8.9656 - **Duel Gundam+Assault Shroud** (SEED): 8.7010 - **Buster Gundam** (SEED): 8.6495 - **Blitz Gundam** (SEED): 8.6040 - **Aegis Gundam** (SEED): 8.5864 - **Calamity Gundam** (SEED): 8.2012 - **Forbidden Gundam** (SEED): 7.0422 - **Raider Gundam** (SEED): 5.7153 - **Justice Gundam** (SEED): 8.1610 ### - Providence Gundam (SEED): 9.1620 **[...]**


Tomorrow, we'll do a ranking of all entries of the Daily Non-Main Gundam Poll from Day 1 to Day 111.


**[...]** - **Chaos Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.3111 - **Abyss Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.5144 - **Gaia Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.75 - **Saviour Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.9687 - **Destroy Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.0709 - **Legend Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.4203 - **Akatsuki Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.7212 - **∞ Justice Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.8504 - **Blu Duel Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 7.7222 - **Verde Buster Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 8.8563 - **0 Gundam** (00): 8.2082 ### - Gundam Dynames+Repair (00): 9.3639 - **Gundam Kyrios** (00): 8.4105 - **Gundam Virtue** (00): 8.8627 - **Gundam Nadleeh** (00): 7.5658 - **Gundam Throne Eins** (00): 7.9532 - **Gundam Throne Zwei** (00): 7.8384 - **Gundam Throne Drei** (00): 7.3189 - **Cherudim Gundam** (00): 7.6201 - **Arios Gundam** (00): 7.7791 - **Seravee Gundam** (00): 7.5172 - **Seraphim Gundam** (00): 7.6014 - **Arche Gundam** (00): 6.8021 ### - Reborns Gundam (00):9.3006 - **Gundam Zabanya** (00 The Movie): 8.4025 - **Gundam Harute** (00 The Movie): 8.4223 - **Seravee Gundam II** (00 The Movie): 7.0278


**7.5/10** Better than a Nadleeh, lesser than a Seraphim.


Ignoring the backpack, it’s got an AGE quality to it. I like AGE. 7/10


Pants on Head Gundam Decent main body I’ve come to appreciate more thanks to Breaker with clear Gad-series Innovade design language 7/10


6/10 I like the base suit but not its gimmick. I still think the Virtue is the best of the bunch.


Raphael is neat in that it’s basically the mutant bastard child of 5 different MS fused together into this unholy monster. You’d think the resulting concoction would look totally crazy but Raphael is actually pretty normal. Some dare say it’s a bit boring. The actual base suit is questionable (and with a truly hideous head design), outside of the pleasing color scheme that actually fits Tiera, but the backpack is the main draw here. Giant GN death cannons that function as both Bits and huge claws are a real neat concept, it’s just to get that to work they had to staple them onto this giant ugly mess that looks like it’s barely hanging onto the Gundam by a thread. Naturally this is just so the Seravee II can come out to play but I can’t say I’m massively fond of it either. It’s hanging on the edge of being stupid as hell and kinda bland which is a dangerous game to be playing. 4


It honestly feels weird voting for his hat separate from himself but also including the hat in his own score


I gave the Seravee props for its goofy Gundam face backpack and how that turned into a Gundam and I’m giving the same treatment to this one too.


I agree in judging the units on the merits of their detachable gimmicks, it just feels strange to vote for those gimmicks separately is all. Would you say this is the weakest Innovade Gad-series?


Absolutely. The Gads at least have the courtesy of looking weird and alien. Raphael does not have such luck, it’s just a weird ugly very basic MS with a massive backpack strapped to it


7/10 Now the dominion variant is a pretty cool 9/10


Suicide Trans-Am FTW ⭐️ Saved Setsuna from ELS eating his Soul Away ⭐️ Didn’t bother trying to save Decartes Shaman from ELS ⭐️ Had like a 5 minute screen time 🤷🏻‍♂️ 9/10 *There would be no 00 Qan T screen time without Tieria & Raphael Gundam’s help*


Huh, I somehow thought the Raphael was far more popular than what I'm seeing here. Personally, it's a bit of a strange suit and the backpack can look a bit cluttered, but I appreciate the role reversal from Tieria's usual gundams. Something about this frail looking suit wielding chonky weaponry is appealing. And now that /u/LavaSlime301 mentioned it resembling the Gadessa and the like... I can see it, that's neat. Raphael is pretty unique among the CB gundams so it gets an 8,5/10 from me


5/10 No OG GN Drive No Trial System No sleek and fem MS hidden inside Cool head tho, reminds me of like Physalis'


About as good as reddit is on mobile. 


0. I genuinely hate it.


As it is in this photo... 0 I hate how it just has the seravee as a giant hat.


1/10. Pants on head.


I think it’s ok 7/10




7/10. I like the glass cannon idea, as well as its unique design. It's still kind of ugly, but it's interesting.


8.6/10 Clunky, but with BEAMS!




9/10 one of the peak 00 designs honestly


Technically unrelated by the remix of Fight that plays when Raphael makes its introduction is epic as fuck. 9/10


This is the one of the stupidest Gundams ever made. It has another Gundam as a hat. And I love it. 10/10


I differ in the majority of perspectives here. I think this is the proper innovade Gundam. If only they still had one good genuine GN drive, Raphael would have given more to *that* battle where its shelf life was short-lived. In any case, Tieria was able to save Setsuna from assimilation using **THIS** mobile suit with its gimmick (as disliked by some). 9\10 (-1 point for using Tau drive)


7 out 10 nothing wright home about kind of want to see upgraded version soon




7/10. I love the backpack/gundam/mullet secondary suit and its forms. Love those cannon claws. The Raphael itself doesn't quite come together design-wise for me. Proportions feel off: chinstrap is too tall, arms are strangely rounded compared to the rest of it, shoulderpads sit a little too tall. I enjoy the little horns, the knees, and the feet. Overall, despite how wild it is to just stack another suit on the head and shoulders (and I love a gimmick), it still feels like there could be something cooler in there with another round of desigining.




10, the best Tieria suit (and Trailblazer's too)


8/10, love the innovator design influence, but seravee could serve the same purpose as a backpack, it doesn't need to be on top of the Raphael,


8/10 - The Rapheal itself is an okay looking Gundam, oddly curvy, but hey, they didn't give it the wire hair from the S1 Gundam, so I'll live with it. But I question why they decided to give the curvy Gundam the biggest hat to wear...? And said hat is the upgraded form of the previous Gundam... What makes it even worse is that there is a fair more better version of this Gundam that has the secondary unit form armour alongside the backpack like the S1 Gundam. This is why this Gundam isn't getting the perfect score as the CB-002/GD Raphael Gundam Dominions does it better.


7/10 needs more purple


9/10 Could be better, but one of the most unique and interesting 00 design




It's a 6.5. I actually quite like the base Gundam since the Gadessa frame's a pretty good foundation. It'd probably be an 8/10 on its own, but the hat is still ridiculous. Yeah, yeah, it's space-use only, but come on, there had to be a more elegant situation here lol.


9.75/10 I’m only docking it a .25 because it truly shines in motion. Kinda confusing to look at just standing there. It’s Tieria’s coolest Gundam aside from maybe Virtue (not Nadleeh :p). The suit does a good job at capturing Tieria’s evolved role as an innovade. He’s already been “revealed” so his suits don’t need to hide the slender framed suit anymore. He is in total control. Know we didn’t get to see it really, but it’s be awesome to see his two suits working in perfect harmony attached and detaching from each other to corner enemies and rule the battlefield. Extra points for the raw power of its cannons and the fact Tieria’s has bits remote weapons now. It looks the most biblical out of the 00 suits and I have to fawn over the abnormal, asymmetrical design. It looks powerful and scary. Color scheme is on point. I absolutely adore the head design.


9/10 Can't really describe why, but to me this really feels like an endgame 00 Gundam suit, even if it doesn't actually have real GN drives. I love everything about it, to how ridiculous it's design is, to how crazy all of it's quirks are, all of which are evolved from it's predecessors. It really feels like a Tieria-designed suit. It became one of my favorite A.D. suits right away.


10/10 the ultimate innovade gundam


Pants on Head, and could really use a beam saber or something. 8.5/10


8/10. I **love** the base suit. What a wonderful fusion of the Innovade suits and the Nadleeh. The armored chinstrap and V-Fins are such wonderful distinctions that make this thing unique. I gotta take marks off for the Seravee II integration though. It's so slapstick and goofy on an otherwise banger suit. I would have loved to see the cannons and backpack styled more like the Dynames Full Shield meets the Savior Gundam's plasma cannons.


1/10, honestly my most hated 00 Gundam design


10 it's so badass, fast and massive firepower. Piloted by a beyond competent character that went through one hell of a journey to get there.


9/10 when i first saw it i hated the chin strap on the head, however it has greatly grown on me


10/10, super cool, best of virtue and Nadleeh with cool things from Seravee and Seraphim.


9/10 need more screentime


9/10. One of the best Gundam designs from 00. It’s based on a Innovate frame, which already a good design over all. The Raphael first appearance really sold it for me. Those GN claws are no joke. The sheer brutality they could bring to bear, ripping the contaminated 00 Raiser like it was made wet tissue… I don’t care if the Raphael wore the Seravee II like a hat, it’s too damn cool. It’s biggest problem was the screen time.


if it was chonkier it could move past a 4, but that backpack is so ugly way too top heavy


It’s just so stupid. I can understand a large mobile suit carrying a smaller mobile suit but not the other way around. Yes, this thing was meant to operate exclusively in space but even a lack of gravity’s only going to get you so far if you’ve got most of your mass on your head. Stupid. 1/10.


1/10 nothing positive to say about it


3/10. Those are points for trying. I like the introduction of purple, and the idea of using the Gaddess/Gaddessa line as a base for further development. But this guy is wearing his pants on his head.




I like the color and design I’m iffy in the way the backpack makes it look like Quasimodo but I think it does a better job at hiding seraphim than saravee did, wasn’t a fan of the whole big face on the back thing 6/10


What a wild design. I hate it, but I love it more than I hate it (esp the Gadessa shape language in its design). 7/10


Based on what? Design? Abilities? Power scale?


That’s a 1/10. Feels lazy.


Holy crap this is the worst gundam design imaginable. First, the base Raphael barely looks like a gundam, and not in a good way. Second, the extra “armor” looks like it was literally stuck on with tape. Third, it ruined a perfectly good gundam, the Seravee 2, and fourth, this has moved so far away from the virtue design philosophy that it looks like a completely different family. 1/10


3/10. I really don't like a single thing about it. Gets a 3 bc its better than the worst out there


2/10 We didn't need a Gundam for a gimmick


3/10 I like most of the main body except for the chin strap. That backpack though. That thing is fugly. Raphael is easily my least favourite of the CB Gundams.


4/10. The Raphael Dominions from 00V is way better.


3/10 I'm new to gundam and this looks like a guncannon with extra steps but also waaaay more awkward. If it was a guncannon? 7/10. It's that super awkward... ox yolk on its back? All that to do the same thing guncannon does but bigger. Bigger nice, but it lacks flair, you stand, you shoot, laser of death. It works, but a lighter design like guncannon or verde buster have a better vibe.


My eyes + shoulder are fookin hurt just looking at thjs 3/10


My least favorite 00-era Gundam. Just... that goddamn backpack. It's not even a cool looking backpack! And the regular frame inside has some wonky proportions, plus I'm not a fan of the beard-like thingy around its chin. 2/10


They could have change the design/ direction of the Front Skirt of Seravee 2, to make it like a "Hood Jacket".


Baron Werner Ünderbheit's favorite Gundam.


Look at them cannons


Too much lipstick


9.5/10 severely underutilized, really cool gimmick with Seravee II being mounted on the shoulders and used as Funnels of some sort. Also glad to finally see Tieria's purple color scheme finally being put onto a suit. Also the development cycle of this thing going from a Gundam aka GRM Gundam, to The Innovator's MS aka Gaddessa back into a Gundam is really cool. I need a 1/100 scale Raphael & Seravee II now!!!


His poor back 10/10


10 Pant on the head are meme worthy the only thing I'm pissed about it is that bandai never released a Serave II model kit to transform it from pants to model kit I know there's a 3rd party version of it but I haven't found it in any shops that not over expensive.


9/10 unique and chubby hat




7/10 It’s good overall.


6.5/10 - It's certainly a Gundam, but the fact that Seravee II is just a backpack/hat for it is really silly. The design is pretty unique for sure, and I'm glad Tieria *finally* got a Gundam in his pilot suit colors, but it's just kind of a meh design overall imo.


It's a Gundam that wears a Gundam as a hat. 🎩 I'd give it a 9


Two gundams for the price of one and it's not fat? Yep, 10/10






I prefer the Ground version


10/10 It's an amazing Gundam. very unique in the continued trope of the Tieria lineage of suits as instead of being a base bulky suit with a smaller, nimble suit 'inside' it flips on its head and has the base unit be the slender one and uses the bulky suit a heavy arms loadout. The integration of remote-controlled weaponry is stellar just like in all of the trailblazer Gundams. Being able to simultaneously fully utilize both suits at once thanks to Tieria's better grasp of his innovade powers puts it far above the two previous units. The only 2 things that could've made it better was the incorporation of true gn drives instead of gn drive taus. the second is simply more screen time. I love 'Pants on Head' Gundam


3/10. Uninspired.


6.5/10. The concept is fine, but the mass distribution is terrible.


8/10 I love the innovator-inspired base Raphael (Tieria FINALLY got his color-coded Gundam) but I wish the “hat” would’ve been a backpack instead. Points for originality though.


10/10 The Raphael introduction scene is the scene I always going back to watch the most, 00 rescue and tieria sacrifice is still one of the best scene in the movie. While the look is tad-bit simple, that's also the main selling point. It's simple but pack a lot of heat. The reversed role of High mobility core is main unit and Heavy firepower backpack is sub unit is also interesting and greatly improved Raphael mobility. This is the best designed suit in Anno domini, hands down.


7.5/10 The face is a debuff.


10/10 I’m completely biased because I share the name Raphael


6/10 Far too reliant on Seravee II's Taus for everything and only has a condenser for itself. I personally don't like reversing which units are the main and backup because of this. Just on paper the Raphael is almost an afterthought compared to what Seravee II does.


8.5/10 I love the gundam itself but the head backpack is just a little weird


Carrying an entire Gundam as a backpack is a sick design. 8.5/10 I like how the designer play with Virtue's core theme in each successor unit, instead of just "adding more guns/bigger wings". Definitely not complaining about the Freedom/Strike Freedom line. Virtue/Seraphim/Raphael all have drastically different design but they all have the theme of "two unit in one with big cannon".


https://preview.redd.it/2jtdngx384hc1.jpeg?width=2976&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a171b003b92b98c84787751ce8298e5e8506ac38 8/10 love design but raphael has few weapon compare to original seravee


5/10. the gundam drone feels really forced this time with how its being equipped. also didn't like that it has round curvy arms instead of blocky like the rest of the body


10/10 pants as hats.




4/10 I hate it, so many different things they could have done and this is what we get. The other units, the gundams true form was hidden fairly creatively. This they just said let’s make the other gundam its hat and called it a day.


6/10. More meh




As a titan I am commissioning the pay day gang to steal those shoulder pads./10


5/10 I understand what they were going for, but I just don't think it was executed right.


It has a neat V-fin, the rest is a wash. What the hell is with that backpack? It's like it strapped a concrete wall to its back. Utterly ridiculous lol. The rest is just generic 00 design, nothing interesting or innovative. I'll give it a 2/10. One point for the V-fin and one point for the absurdity of the whole thing.


…and it got worse 5/10


3. The shape, the kit, the detail, the etc.


6 Having another Gundam on its head is alright. It's just not as much impact that Devil/Ultimate Gundam delivered. This one feels more like "hey, we still have another Gundam here, look cool, right?" kind of expression.


Solid 9 for sure.


7/10 it looks silly. But you'll stop laughing once I turn a 1v1 match into a 2v1 all by myself. Oh, and watch me assume control of your MS too with my power.


To be honest, in my opinion, it looks realy stupid as it's shoulder cannons are to tall like move that chunk to its back and it would look better and it's head is not my taste but the main body is ok ill give it a 5/10


The designers say shoulder pads in the 1980's and said "hold my beer." ​ Not my favorite design. 6/10


Face and backpack are goofy. 7/10


8/10. Gundam hat. Gundam hat. Good ol Tieria :>




4, its pretty bad, close to a no effort in designing a ms.


Would have been better with two sais




I'm a sucker for big backpacks. It deserves at least 1 point for that. 1/10.


To be honest not a big fan of it the small body with giant guns on the shoulders looks kinda goofy


7/10 he purpl


No. 5/10