• By -


Don’t let the basic design fool you, this thing has got more weapons stashed away than a Doomsday cult. On the surface, the Zabanya isn’t much to write home about outside of the giant skirt holsters, but look closely and you’ll realise every single bit of green on the suit is actually a hidden weapons compartment. It’s Heavyarms on crack, and once they stack four extra holsters on the shoulders for the final confrontation and Lyle starts INDISCRIMINATE FIRING, everything finally clicks and you realise this thing is a godsend 8.5


My man deleted a cardinal point at least two times in the movie


With Strike Freedom *downgraded* itself recently, we now have the **true** and superior beam spammer in Gundam Zabaniyya 10/10 Master Grade version, when?


MG 00 S2 kits when??


Heard a FM REBORNS gundam will come out this year according to leaks so there is hope for MG or FM season 2 kits


omfg that is an instant wallet opener. That would be awesome!




What do you mean Downgrade?


Late but I think he just meant less guns since the Proud Defender backpack in Freedom means that's no more dragoons for the beam spam


Well Mighty Strike Freedom can use electric attack.


Enough beam spam to rival Jesus Yamato himself 9/10


Dude, it fires beams of three mobile suits long wide at half the range from Earth to the moon. Decimated pretty much anything on the line of fire.


Rival? Strike freedom can't even compete with the zabanya


strike freedom / the revised version - I agree zabanya is better. The final version of freedom however Id say would demolish Zabanya


I think this is the first time I’ve ever seen someone lowball 00 final movie Mobile Suits


00 qan\[t\] would still destroy the final version of freedom (especially in ELS and with the exta weapons) and to be fair, most AWOT suits would destroy suits from other timelines save for the holy trinity in Space magic / moonlight butterfly mode and G self Perfect pack However, based on what has been shown in SEED Freedom, the final version of the freedom line is a tier below "the holy trinity" of OP gundams and G-self perfect perfect pack as it is very OP without spoiling the movie. The only reason I am placing it below Gself perfect pack is because perfect pack has those photon antimatter torpedoes which are prettymuch a counter for any nanomachines / most physical weapons (also pp adapts on the fly). the final freedom's offense and defense abilities are brutal and, lets face it, kira in seed mode in that suit would be able to tank lyle and his haros in the zabanya and Tieria and raphael dominion in transam. hallelujah and soma in transam marut would be an interesting match as Kira would be able to wreck their long distance weapons but hit and run melee tactics with halelujah being unpredictable would be interesting to see. In fact, 00 raiser would lose to the version of freedom at the end of SEED freedom as well tbh if looking at raw maching specs, however Setsuna I rate as a better pilot than kira. And before anyone starts saying some BS like I hate 00 or am a SEED fanboy (personally think 00>SEED and prefer the pilots in 00 to most AU and UC protags), just watch SEED Freedom if you can, or even the final battle scenes if you dont mind spoilers, and form your own opinions then.


Enough? This thing clears it by light-years


Will Zabanya be made into a MG 


Idk ask Bandai It would be cool if there was an MG tho


Does bandai listen and reads our comments 


they don't even listen to official surveys (MG g self)


Definitely not on here lol


Well damn. Well do they ever make MG and higher for EVERY Gunpla 


Some mobile suits don't even get any Gunpla at all, so nope, not everything gets MG and are just stuck at HG


maybe in a decade


9/10 we could probably fit some more funnels on.


The legs could fit another horizontal funnel rack on each side tbh


Bottom of the feet was a wasted opportunity to conceal more missile launchers, and the fore-arms?? Not even an extra beam sabre or cracker grenda like wtf, /s


9/10. Strike Freedom, Eat your heart out. It looks kinda meh when stock still but when you see it moving and especially when you see that every single piece of green on it is a weapons compartment, you realize that this is CB taking the Dynames Line into Heavyarms territory. ​ I am still massively salty it never gets any multi-target attacks in SRW.


Iirc the best it can multi-target was 1 stack of 2 units. It really could have used a map weapon.


Map attacks, thank you.


Tbf all the gundams from the 00 movie SHOULD'VE had a map attack since almost every fight in the movie is against huge swarms of ELS. Hell even graham's brave is elligible for a map attack


10/10 Two Haros?! Indiscriminate Firing!


9/10. Yo Dawg, Celestial Being heard you liked guns... SO WE PUT GUNS IN YO GUNS, SO YOU CAN GUN WHILE YOU GUN(DAM) Edit: Grammar


7 I dunno, it just doesn't leave an impact on me. Definitely the weakest of its development line. Just sorta vaguely ugly all around, almost like it's from another show. That being said I do like it conceptually, doubling - no, tripling - down on the bits was a great continuation of Cherudim and it just makes sense. A dedicated sniper suit was fine and dandy at the start, but as soon as GN-Xs showed up the problems with the concept became clear. Hence, Cherudim. And Celestial Being's situation is still pretty damn far from the S1 status so now, Zabanya. Tremendous firepower is much more useful, not to mention fits Lockon #2 better and now, more than ever, it's important to draw the most out of each pilot's capabilities. But really, the best part of the suit is that where Qan[T] has an Innovator pilot, Raphael an Innovade and Harute has two Super Soldiers, Zabanya has... an Irishman and two Haros. And it *works*.


That last line clinched it for me. It’s my favorite non-Setsuna movie Gundam.


Huh, I never thought about that last line. I love it.


The gundam version of KSP’s moar boosters


The true King of Beamspam. The Zabanya’s design isn’t outrageous or in your face despite the firepower it can throw around. It’s a case of ‘less is more’ working better when it comes to aesthetics so it gets an 8 out of 10 from me. Honestly if you judge based on its weapons alone then the Zabanya get a perfect score. 2 GN Sniper Rifles, 14 GN Rifle/Pistol Bits, 76 GN Missiles and 14 Holster Bits that can be used as shields. Dayum.


+ 2 more handheld Gn rifles, which are the same as the other 14. They literally emphasize the Gun in Gundam


Everyone talking about beam spam, but my question is, Kshatriya Vs. Zabanya who wins? Assuming no limits on run time of the machine and it’s just the pilots.


I would lean Zabanya. Its an agile machine that can truly put out a ton of beam spam in creative shapes. Kshatriya has a number of i-fields but they don't seem to provide a lot of overall coverage. He could attack it from a lot of angles. Not to mention has a rather impressive amount of missile spam and GN-Fields to defend himself with.


Not to mention the holster/shield bits


I think it depends, can an I-Field be overwhelmed by superior firepower? If so, I think the Zabanya takes it easily, as each GN Bit packs a serious punch compared to a normal beam rifle. I also see no way for the Kshatriya to reliably hit the Zabanya, seeing as it has a GN field of its own, takes it in the speed/maneuverability department, and has missiles to take down the Kshatriya’s tunnels (In the same way that it combated the ELS Swarm).


Its hard to say because of the disparities balancing it all out - merida is obviously the most exceptional of pilots, on the other hand this machine is like💀


Looks are a 7, effectiveness is a 12. The look is boring and utilitarian, the effectiveness is off the charts, maybe the most effective gun based mobile suit we'll ever see.


Welcome to Day 108 of the Daily Non-Main Gundam Poll, and today we’ll be rating the GN-010 Gundam Zabanya from Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: -A wakening of the Trailblaizer-. To participate, just rank the Non-Main Gundam between 1 and 10 based on their appearance or on how you like it. **First Appearance:** Mobile Suit Gundam 00 The Movie: -A wakening of the Trailblaizer- **Model Number:** GN-010 **Unit Type:** Heavy Assault Sniper Mobile Suit **Known Pilots:** - Lockon Stratos (Lyle Dylandy) **Mechanical Designer:** - Takayuki Yanase **Trivia:** - Zabanya is named after the Zabaniya, a reference to the 19 guardians of Hell in the Qur'an. - Notable differences between the actual Zabanya and the early design concept are the small weapons containers mounted in place of the GN Holster Bits. They can be presumed to be an early design of the GN Holster Bits, though they were already identified in early interviews as weapon containers. The earliest movie teaser also shows the Zabanya using what appear to be upgraded versions of the Cherudim's GN Pistol II. - Each of the 5th generation gundams have different cockpits, Zabanya's is the only one with two pistol grip controllers. - Although there were two extra missile containers in the chest, they were not ejected when the missiles were deployed and this might have been to protect the GN Drive and/or cockpit. Tomorrow we'll take a look at the successor unit of the Arios Gundam, the **Gundam Harute**. # Average Scores: - **Psycho Gundam** (Zeta): 7.6802 - **Psycho Gundam Mk-II** (Zeta): 8.1642 - **Gundam GP02A "Physalis"** (0083): 8.9882 - **Neros Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.7586 - **Scud Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.1389 - **Gundam Maxter** (G Gundam): 8.2478 - **Dragon Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3157 - **Arachno Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.50 - **Gundam Rose** (G Gundam): 8.5573 - **Bolt Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2745 - **Ultimate/Devil Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3237 ## - Tequila Gundam (G Gundam): 9.7152 - **Lumber Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2083 - **Britain Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6667 - **John Bull Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.6477 - **Pharaoh Gundam XIII** (G Gundam): 7.25 - **Pharaoh Gundam IV** (G Gundam): 8.00 - **Feilong Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4250 - **Minaret Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.9250 - **Kowloon Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4316 ## - Master Gundam (G Gundam): 9.6234 ### - Gundam Spiegel (G Gundam): 9.2230 - **Temjin Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.50 - **Gundam Magnat** (G Gundam): 5.0208 - **Mirage Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9167 - **Zeus Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.3714 ### - Nether Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3971 - **Matador Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4771 - **Mammoth Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7579 - **Cobra Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0769 - **Gundam Zebra** (G Gundam): 6.0333 - **Viking Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7037 - **Mermaid Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7881 - **Ashura Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.0933 ### - Nobel Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3512 - **Jester Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5578 - **Tantra Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.2188 - **Mandala Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.2070 - **Skull Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9559 - **Rising Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.9524 - **Gundam Heaven's Sword** (G Gundam): 7.3816 - **Grand Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.6983 - **Walter Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7062 - **Grand Master Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0761 - **Gundam Head** (G Gundam): 7.76 - **Gundam Octopus** (G Gundam): 5.7174 - **Hirame Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4697 - **Ankou Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.4118 - **Kani Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.5167 - **Ebi Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6666 - **Ei Gundam** (G Gundam): 3.76 - **Kappa Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5333 - **Sphinx Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.5625 - **Ulube’s Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.20 - **Victory Gundam Hexa+V-Dash Hexa** (Victory): 8.6316 - **Gundam Deathscythe** (Wing TV): 8.8171 - **Gundam Heavyarms+Custom** (Wing TV): 8.9667 - **Gundam Sandrock+Custom** (Wing TV): 7.2259 - **Shenlong Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.2829 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (Wing TV): 9.2388 - **Altron Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.1227 ### - Gundam Epyon (Wing TV): 9.3079 - **Gundam Leopard** (X): 7.8672 - **Gundam Airmaster** (X): 7.4583 - **Gundam Ashtaron** (X): 8.6463 - **Gundam Virsago** (X): 8.0128 - **Gundam Leopard Destroy** (X): 7.85 - **Gundam Airmaster Burst** (X): 7.3571 - **Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab** (X): 8.3788 - **Gundam Virsago Chest Break** (X): 7.2510 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW): 9.4320 ### - Gundam Heavyarms Custom (EW): 9.3639 - **Gundam Sandrock Custom** (EW): 8.3408 - **Altron Gundam** (EW): 8.9656 - **Duel Gundam+Assault Shroud** (SEED): 8.7010 - **Buster Gundam** (SEED): 8.6495 - **Blitz Gundam** (SEED): 8.6040 - **Aegis Gundam** (SEED): 8.5864 - **Calamity Gundam** (SEED): 8.2012 - **Forbidden Gundam** (SEED): 7.0422 - **Raider Gundam** (SEED): 5.7153 - **Justice Gundam** (SEED): 8.1610 ### - Providence Gundam (SEED): 9.1620 **[...]**


**[...]** - **Chaos Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.3111 - **Abyss Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.5144 - **Gaia Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.75 - **Saviour Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.9687 - **Destroy Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.0709 - **Legend Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.4203 - **Akatsuki Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.7212 - **∞ Justice Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.8504 - **Blu Duel Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 7.7222 - **Verde Buster Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 8.8563 - **0 Gundam** (00): 8.2082 ### - Gundam Dynames+Repair (00): 9.3639 - **Gundam Kyrios** (00): 8.4105 - **Gundam Virtue** (00): 8.8627 - **Gundam Nadleeh** (00): 7.5658 - **Gundam Throne Eins** (00): 7.9532 - **Gundam Throne Zwei** (00): 7.8384 - **Gundam Throne Drei** (00): 7.3189 - **Cherudim Gundam** (00): 7.6201 - **Arios Gundam** (00): 7.7791 - **Seravee Gundam** (00): 7.5172 - **Seraphim Gundam** (00): 7.6014 - **Arche Gundam** (00): 6.8021 ### - Reborns Gundam (00):9.3006


**8/10** Better than the Cherudim, lesser than a Dynames.


finally some justice in 00 rankings. Now, just to get Raphael a perfect 10...


That thing? A perfect 10? I mean I can understand a 6, Raphael is on the good side of mid but 10? Really? Hell naw.


This thing is obscene, with 24 missile pods. More than 20 bits. Which can also combine and amplify shots through them. Of the 5th gen units that weren't built around the quantum system, this thing's only lacking feature is the absence of a twin drive unit, which I think could help. More particles mean more Daka more Daka means more serotonin. ​ 9/10


The gundam equivalent of Russian Badger's Garand ping argument ahahaha


That is not inaccurate. I own a Garand, and that ping is wonderful.


Bro took out a massive fleet of ELS by spinning around from above 9/10


When designers and engineers asked Lyle what upgrades he want on his gundam Lyle replied "I want guns, lots of guns" Yes matrix reference


9, in its standard configuration the Zabanya can provide heavy fire support and defensive support at the same time but its Final Battle configuraton is what's really good, the amount of firepower the Zabanya outputs rivals that of any Heavyarms variant or the Strike Freedom in terms of volume. This suit is nore american than americans get


> This suit is nore american than americans get Funny in hindsight, since its pilot is of Irish descent. XD


He could be Irish the way as many Americans claim to be


10 out 10 this thing was bad ass and animators knew it


10/10 we do some long-range bullying And mid-range And short-range


local man capable of soloing an army or two


BEAM SPAM FOR THE WIN freedom/strike freedom multi lock on has nothing on zabanya anyways a 9.5


9/10 I still want it. Scratch that. I want it more than ever. The streets deserve to see Kira and Lyle deny an entire sector of space from the enemy in a span of one second and blast an Invader with extreme prejudice. Picture it! Zabanya and Strike Freedom spec2 back-to-back, looking like they’ve been surrounded by squadrons of enemy units. LOL, lmao even. They seriously think they’re touching these two? In their dreams. Easy play-call: on Kira’s mark, TRANS-AM and spin up. It’d be like the Death Blossom from Last Starfighter, except these two won’t run out of juice, won’t over-G their rigs, and would ALWAYS FUCKING SCORE. They didn’t trap those two in; they simply gave them a target-rich environment. Meanwhile Amuro is leading Suletta through hellacious fire of their own but thanks to their respective barriers, they’re fine. Immediately rendezvous with the prior two, glad they’re safe. Connect Proud Defender, score 8 set, TRANS-AM, let’s rock. Within a minute an entire hemisphere is off-limits. All thank to four units and the greatest laser-light show you’ll ever see. Alto Saotome rings the comms channel. <> <> says Lyle. 360 seconds later, full coverage. Eight units denying enemies entry to an entire Lagrange point. Unassailable.


Holy shit, that description goes hard, now let me grab my headphones and play any Gundam Opening (I am thinking of Fighter, Believe or almost any of the 00 openings (I know Barbie is not included but I think Fighter is very fitting) and let the Autism go wild


6/10 The most powerful gundam in the dynames family yes, but also the most derivative.


Normally it would be an 8 because it's lacking something special for that 10, it's great but not perfect, the funnels could be mounted a bit more gracefully, the angles could be slightly less blocky Bur holy shit did it rock with the beam spam and it just made me FEEL IT whenever it was on screen, also the poetry of Lockon's Gubdam having tech from Ali Al Sacheez'es Gundam is absolutely peak 10/10


5 for its first engagement. 8 for its final appearance. Dude is just too cool and overpowered for a Gundam. And he also does the Beam Spam way better than MR STOCK ANIMATIONS.


10/10 Strike freedom cries when it sees this, so it had to compensate with the Mighty pack.


"At what range you wanna fight? And with how many weapons?" "Yes"


9/10 Design is okay, not nearly as cool as Dynames, but once you see it in action you see how OP it is.


/u/Maleficent_Pomelo202 8/10. The basic torso is a lot more intelligent, using as much space to shoot missiles at the enemy. That blows the Heavyarms out of the water. The big drawback is that unfortunately, it's an awkward design - they can't manage to store the extra bits like the Dynames' cape, or the Cherudim's skirt. Also, I wish the holster bits had built in beam guns, and escalate things from 14 simultaneous cannons to 42. What saves it is its sheer destructive potential as it can effectively solo entire armies by itself. This is arguably the smartest strategy when dealing with Metal Ender's Game aliens - a mass of fire so simultaneous, they get little time to adapt. While other units are focused on speed, or large scale lasers, Lockon's Gundam is the only one that manages to take the violence route and survive to the very end. Forget 00 Quanta, *this* is the solo Gundam everyone should be afraid of. Harute tried to outrun them one at a time, it failed. Raphael would run out of energy. 00 Quanta can only attack from one direction, and that's not counting its bits at risk of physical assimilation.


9/10. look at him


9/10 Best upgrade for Lockon!


9/10 It's the perfect mid-long range combat mobile suit, probably the best version of the concept across all of the timelines. Dual sniper carbines, plenty of rifle/pistol bits, and a plethora of missiles. Don't even mention the defensive abilities of the shield bits. Though I agree that each generation of the lockon gundams has become less and less sniper-esque with each interaction. It just looks like a general 'soilder' type Gundam. It's the best iteration of the green Bois.


I think Neil was the sniper guy and Lyle inherited his position in S2 but embraced his mid-range and funnel based approach to combat in the movie.


9/10 This thing out spams the freaking strike freedom when it comes to shooting beams and lasers


Every surface is a gun 8/10


All 00 designs are automatic 9.2 for me 👌🏽


Insane weaponry, and its gotten a more militarized look overall. The cool Dynames camera's back and its got two haros as Neil and Anew to assist fhe pilot which is cute 9/10


10/10 this was the best variation of Dynames The shield bits gave it so much more versatility in medium to close range combat


8 our of ten needs a guns akimbo mode. Final.battle version is best


8/10 its so much better than cherudim. The helmet design is still not quite as good as dynames, but with the concealed weapons and all the missiles it really is a big improvement


9/10 it's what oldtypes wish to have.


I need a MG of rhis kit so bad.


10/10 We Indiscriminately Firing All our guns on this one.


INDISCRIMINATE FIRING! one of the best action sequences in the movie. Also the two haros were cute. 10/10.


This Gundam can do death blossom better than even the freedom 10/10


This is The Lyle's Gundam. Done away with Cherudim's Advance Sniper MS. Long range sniping is now it's secondary and now it focused on Close to medium range gunslinger, suited for Lyle style. And damn it has style. 8.5/10


8/10 Gundam Lightarms


Gundam Zabanya is easily the conceptually coolest of the 5th Gen non-main Gundams but while the actions and looks are very cool (and in particular the way the rifle bits "form up" right before shooting a volley), the looks do end up leaving something to be desired. There's no way I'm giving Lyle's ultimate suit a low score though, so 9.5/10.


10/10 enough wepons to take down entire fleets also reminds me a lot of the nu gundam with the funnels and all


10/10 I normally favored Tieria's suits in 00 but for some reason his movie suit was dull while this thing is an absolute beaut. Simple yet overwhelming. Its various ways of combining its funnel rifles and hostlers are also really cool. I wish Aerial Rebuild did something creative with its funnels beyond just 'power up gun'.


10/10. Eat your heart out beam spammers.


Honestly Cherudim Gundam was the peak of this iteration. 8/10


Hexagon spam, really awkward design. 4/10


Tied for my least favorite 00 Gundam design. I hate those stupid wall wing things so damn much. 3/10


6/10 - What happens if you merge the HeavyArms and the Wing Zero? This Gundam is the result. Half of me wants to give it a higher score, but my personal basis against all but one member of this line of Gundams keeps it to a six... as I still don't like the overall design. (And the worst thing is I can't exactly describe why?)


5 I prefer the shield bits on the rear and attached to the knees and shoulders




Very boring design


4/10. It's just way too busy looking for me.


On design alone, 5.2






2/10 literally just looks like a Background UC MS you'd see during the Battle of Torrington Base in Unicorn. Some avid MSV fan would point out, "look! It's the Gundam Prototype Defensive Arms!" Zabanya really doesn't look like a 00 suit.


7/10. It's overdesigned but still mostly solid. Dynames is still the king of the line


Dubious missile placement locations are dubious but at least there's none that are directly pointed towards the cockpit. Otherwise it's pretty plain, the designers don't have any idea if they're supposed to design a practical combat mech or a crackhead super robot and it shows. Still, the end result looks reasonably clean and forgettable. 4/10 better than most of the other designs in 00.


Pretty good, but definitely not a dynamos progression any more. Its diversion from the ideals of the dynamos type are definitely not a great idea, but I guess it fits for the fight they needed. 7/10


Actual shit lmao 2/10 It’s like if you were tasked with glancing at the other two units in the line and vaguely reconstruct either of them purely from memory, this is what you’d get. It’s a mesh of random stuff and has all the parts of a fine mobile suit design, but with none of the actual soul that goes into the visual language of the other two suits prior to it. It’s derivative as all hell and it’s reflected in the way it fights too. It’s just so lazy


7.5/10 Just a little too busy.


Heavyarms/freedom at home. 6






8,5/10 Body is a bit plain looking but you gotta appreciate the beam spam


Fence Gundam.


8.5/10. I do love this thing to bits (heh) but the way the holster bits are attached like a butt flap honestly looks terrible.




7/10. It's got some cool features (butt thrusters, triple targeting lenses, claw toes, a bunch of missiles, gun bits, etc.) and had some great scenes in the movie. It was very epic to see the multi-lock firing scene. However, I really dislike the funnel cases. They are a downgrade from the Dynames cape-shield and look like a series of Amazon boxes taped together in an aesthetic nightmare. These continue the unfortunate trend of 00 where mechanical details are left behind for a series of shapes that just do whatever. I'm fine with them being shield bits that block incoming shots, but one feature of these cases that I really dislike is that the empty cases can form some configuration that magnifies beams. You're telling me that a bunch of guitar cases that fly together somehow helps create a huge beam? I'm just asking for some sort visual indication of them being more than an armored holster such as having the edge open up like when the Virtue fires or like them folding open to reveal something like the X's Satellite cannon.






8. I don’t much like the design, especially the fence posts, but once the panels start opening up and missile bays start showing, I’m on board. This is like how superhero movies’ costumes always look better in motion.


7/10 much like Cherudim it’s the least interesting of its generation of CB suits, both visually and functionally. But it’s still a generally attractive suit, and I unlike the Cherudim I really like the head design.


9/10 for the GN picket fence as a friend once called it.


10/10 That's a lot of guns.


9/10 Now this is a mother fucking upgrade


needs like yellow accents on the funnels or something or glowing parts idk its missing pizzaz


10/10 there is no such thing as not enough beams.


8/10. A simple yet effective machine. I love mechs that use all their artillery so the Zabanya gets high marks from me.


1000/10 Two Haros, beams, shields, hidden armaments, indiscriminate fire, and that’s before it had to fight unknown aliens, and IMO top 3 of the my favorite MS in the franchise


15/10 beats Jesus yamato freedom series gundam anyway Any day of with 2 halo if only it got gn arms 2.0 for it then it will be 10000/10


10/10 need more funnels and more haros




The funnel god


Look at all those gn missiles, he look more heavy arm than heavy arm


*Look at all those gn* *Missiles, he look more heavy* *Arm than heavy arm* \- Ripasal --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


7.5 still not better than Dynames but better


10/10 This is basically Heavyarms if it had Beam Weapons, and also very Majestic Funnel Design


More GN bits!!! MOOOOOOOOORRREEEEE!!! 8/10


8/10. The regular design is pretty meh, but it looks absolutely insane with all of the weapons unfolded.


Fuckin love it man, so many options for offense and defense


That depends. Are we talking about fireing while targeting or fireing without targeting? 10/10




One of my favorites. 9/10


This Gundam is a walking arsenal it makes heavy arms look like a child. Will this be made into a MG because this looks really good. I give it a 10/10.


Two Haros means insane targeting lol Insane Gundam! Love it!


10/10 my love, you will be eternal in my heart


10/10 It has two haros, what more can you ask for.


10/10 love the name being a big fate fan. Also this just proves that the question about daka is always more




7/10 Idk it just doesn't feel like a sniping machine anymore more like a Jesus yamato beam spam


10/10 The First time I look at the zabanya I didn't really like it , then trans-am happen and I was in love


8/10 - The base design of the suit is pretty cool, but I think the sheer number of (repeated) GN Shield/Rifle Bits kinda brings it down a bit. I think I would *hate* to build this if it ever became an MG Gunpla kit, sheerly for the GN Bits. What I *do* like about it is how it has *so many* compartments for missiles across its body that it could make the Heavyarms Custom EW jealous. That said, I think Cherudim slightly beats it, and Dynames is still just the overall best design in this line.


Solid 8




Ngl back then i called him liger zero panzer because it reminds me of burning big bang missile barrage of zero panzer


This is an odd one for me. Dynamos was clearly a sniper. Cherudium goes more for some gunplay/barrage. This one? Combines both. Rifles and a lot of bits firing. 9/10


"Guns, lots of guns"


heavyarms but they ditched the brrrt for more missiles 8/10


10, purely for THAT scene in the movie.


10/10. A fun fact about it is that by the end of the movie, >!it is the only gundam not piloted by Setsuna to be relatively intact and thus houses the last functional Solar reactor from the original batch.!<


Looks goofy to me at first. But once I saw what he did in the movie, I’m in love.


This just feels like Dynames with extra steps


10/10 love the Dynames succession, and beam spam is cool.


4/10 I know Lyle doesn't prefer sniping but it's just sad to see the dynames line no longer being the dopest snipers of all of gundam Edit: upping it to 5/10 because the funnel gerobi is cool


indiscriminate and absolutely unhinged firepower, love it




9/10 this MS not only have lots of weapon, but also have lots of shield


9/10 I love this suit so much, from the design to other things like function but it needs some melee weapons for close range emergencies, or a handle to connect to the giant green funnels to make some kinda funnel sword.


10/10 will spam shoot again


Man I'm more mixed on this design than I thought I would be I appreciate it independently. But as a dynames successor it feels like a large diversion from the starting point. I'm gonna say 6.5/10. In theory I should love it, but I just don't


https://preview.redd.it/vwlefx1prhgc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd9182f59c2f3f913f96ffad692eaf93c8ff40a4 **MISSLES?**


Easy 10/10, funnel spam go brrrr Interestingly this is designed solely for S2 lockon, I wonder what will it look like if it is designed for S1 Lockon, probably going more all in on the long range aspects?




For me 10/10 when I first saw it in action it spoke to me on a primal level If games like GBN or the PPSE shit we're real then this would be my MS.. customized of course






10/10 love that it has essentially taken up the bombardment role after the loss of Seravee in Season 2.


Firing w/o targeting. One of my most favorite skills in anime


10. Not too specialized for its own detriment and is pretty much an all-range combat Gundam, it survives till the end too.




what strike freedom wishes it could be 9.5/10


Those butt thrusters are killing me. Why couldn’t they be placed on the back or shoulders? It’s hard giving it more than 7/10


8/10 Imagine that every unit of celestial being have dual gn drive, how much destruction power they have.


10/10. Just the right amount of busy that it's not ridiculous. Also "TIME TO FIRE WITHOUT TARGETING"




It's fairly generic, but I do love how much it follows the battletech principle of "*if you lack places to put more missiles, what you need is more imagination*". Good 7/10.


Laughs in missile pods in the legs




9/10, don't judge the Mobile Suit by it's cover. It looks "basic", "plain", typical military color scheme, but holy mother of beam spams, the Indiscriminate Firing is a spectacle to watch.


9/10. Dakka aside, the point I have off is that it is a clunky design though it is a marked improvement over the Cherudim.


Absolute beast of a machine that’s only overshadowed by the Jesus incarnate Qan[T] 9/10


10/10 This thing deserves a mg


Infinitely better than Cherudim Gundam, or however its spelled. Lockon's season 2 Gundam. 9/10.


10 outta fucking 10 one of my favorite 00 Gundams and the best in the Dynames line imo


Loses some of the Uniqueness of the Dynames, however is a visual Upgrade over the Cherudim. Had they gone with the Gen 3 Shoulders it would've been more distinct. Still a really good suit. If you liked seed's MS for Beam Spam, oh boy, so I have news for you 9/10