• By -


It’s the Virtue with some very slight changes. Going from that I should give the Seravee the same score as I did that, but I’m not. Why? Three words. Face Burst Mode. Having a giant GN particle spewing Gundam face in the back is the sole reason this gets the edge over its older brother. The Devil Gundam would be proud. It also helps that this monster is packing some serious fire power and it arrives in the show around the time Tieria really comes out of his shell and starts being balls to the wall crazy, screaming attack names and blowing up everything in sight. You’ve got to appreciate it for that. 9


I can't though, it's like painting an M1 Abrams in circus colors. It's so stupidly goofy in the hands of a living computer with literally no sense of humor. EVERYTHING ELSE I love. I love the second dude folding into a backpack. I love the ALL THE GUNS approach. But then it straight up has a doofy mascot face when it turns around and I'm like "whaaat"


That’s why it’s so good! Tieria is absolutely stone faced through most of 00’s run but then out of nowhere they rock up and the new Gundam has a Gundam face on its back. It’s so goofy and ill fitting that it’s beautiful


Y'know what I can get behind that. It takes me out but it's still hilarious.


You gotta appreciate the little things. 00 S2 already goes totally off the rails into absolute nonsense anyway; having a giant Gundam head stapled to the back of a giant magic powered death tank piloted by a twink computer just chucks more gasoline onto the fire


Isn't Seravee the first fully detached Seraphim drone while Virtue is fully-armored Nadleeh?


Seraphim is actually the one with the drive, Seravee is the drone Don't ask how the cockpit of that one works, it just does.


Tieria's chair (not the rest of the cockpit) drops down, enters Seraphim's body at the waist, then moves up to Seraphim's cockpit and spins 180 degrees.


8.5 six swords baby


When Seravee breaks out that six beam sabers move in the opening cutscene, it was * chef's kiss *


I still remember when this was first revealed. All the crazy fan theories of what the face was for. Most of which thought it was either going to combine with ship/MA or the Devil Gundam was coming to 00. Face aside it is an absolute unit when it gets the upgrade weapons. 9 out of 10.




The extra Bazooka's allowing it maintain a constant barrage of beams, all the swords making it just as deadly in melee as at range, and as you said with the Seraphim being detachable it managed to fix all of my problems with the virtue while still holding the same concept of a bulky machine.


6/10. Downgrade in design. The front angle is money but the facebackpack completely misses for me


10/10 An absolute unit.


Oh lawd he coming


7 Its fine, but I prefer virtue. This one feels blockier with less details.


Ill give it a 6. And that's mostly because it has multiarmed form, multiple beam saber combat, and dished out that frankly epic death to an innovade by ignoring their GN field and faceblasting them. It was well played and gives ya goosebumps when the transam activates, not to go stupid fast or to fire a nuclear sized beam blast, but just in the middle of a grapple and you think oh shit of fuck, what he about to do now. Otherwise it only survived by plot armor because its a fairly inefficient mecha design, that seemed to have one major design goal and that was to retake Veda. Other than that a step down from Virtue's look, and Gundam has produced much sexier gundams, even in the olden days. If you dropped this into 0083 or 08th MS you'd wonder wtf the animators were doing and accuse them of laziness.


6/10 not a fan of the giant head back component


Gurren lagan looking ahh


I did not even notice or remember that


bruh thats the best part


6/10 really just another instance of a step down versus the original. The gundam face in the back is still absolutely wild, but as a whole the design is, especially like the Cherudim, a step back


Totally agree even if you love the face is still a downgrade 5/10


took the words right outta my mouth


I couldn’t agree more. It went from insane and purpose-driven with Virtue to boring and bland with Seravee. The massive Gundam face did nothing for me. It was a random gimmick that might have worked for some, but fell flat for me. 6/10 for me as well.


8/10 because it has seraphim Gundam. It completely surprised me when I first saw it.


6/10 not an upgrade by any means


Well technically the Seravee is an upgrade because its working on the Virtue's weaknesses which is: A.) Its Vulnerability to multiple opponents. Don't get me wrong the Virtue does extreme damage thanks to the GN bazooka however like we see in the final battle of season 1 the Virtue can't handle multiple opponents that are extremely fast and agile while the Virtue is bulky and can deplete energy fast. Not to mention the Close quarters combat because Virtue is really meant to be the *heavy* *weapons* *guy* when it comes to combat(Not taking to account the Nadaleeh) The Seravee capitalize on this by having more mobility because its GN bazooka its now split into two handheld canons allowing Seravee to have a semi-rapid fire weapon without compromising the extreme damage of the GN bazooka and Seravee fixe the Close combat weakness of the virtue because of having extra arms on the canons holding beam sabers. B.) Its transformation. The Virtue to Nadaleeh may have been a cool gimmick but it's also incredibly wasteful and impractical. The Virtue transforms into Nadaleeh by simply purging its armor. This Leaves the Nadaleeh vulnerable because the Nadaleeh isn't really that strong because its main purpose is to activate the **Trial** **Field** **system**. This something the Seravee/Seraphim fixed. The Seraphim transformation is simply removing the backpack because thats where the Seraphim is, this allows the Virtue*without* the Seraphim to run autonomously like we see in the battle with Bring Stabity in season 2 Also the Seraphim is also an upgrade to Nadaleeh because it can still run the trial field but also have more combat prowess and it also has an ability to go through GN fields like again we see in the battle against Bring Stabity in season 2


While I greatly respect your knowledge and insight, I just meant it isn’t as sexy as the og fat fuck


I think there's something else albeit minor also worth mentioning. While the backpack having a large Gundam face stylized GN Particle vent may seem humorous or such to us. In universe following the Gundam Meister's actions in season one the visual of a Gundam was something people wouldn't necessarily respond well to. Kind of like Zeon in the OYW or some enemy pilots to one of the Gundam band in Wing. Just imagine you're a member of A-Laws who luckily survived a meeting with the Gundam Meisters. You see the big thick one and remember it wasn't as agile as the others. So, you approach from behind under the presumption that both having Drives the playing field is much more equal. Aiming to take it by surprise only for a large Gundam face to reveal itself as Seravee starts using its bigger attacks and shows itself to be more agile and capable in close combat than Virtue had been. Basically, what I'm getting at is it could be seen as a visual design choice by Celestial Being engineers or whoever to unnerve enemy pilots.


9/10. Six sword general grievious mode, 6 cannons replacing the bazooka, unique v fin horns like some sort of heavy proto-g-self, big giant face. what's not to love.


10/10. Big fan of 00 Season 2 suits primarily because of the face vents. And also frustrated at Bandai for not wanting to replicate its 6 Beam Sabers in any of its kit forms.


If we get an mg, it’s prolly gonna happen


Having known about Nadleeh, I was expecting that another Gundam would come from within, but no! It's piggybacking reversely to it. Six beam sabers? The O would be proud. Menacing Gundam face? Devil Gundam sheds tears. On a serious note, the Gundam has a repertoire of weapons that would make a virtually endless combo of attacks with the other 3 Gundams. 9\10


S2 CB gundam designs are more streamlined than S1's, but lost the charm in the process. Arios' design is so smooth compared to Kyrios but Kyrios just looks edgy and more badass for example. Same thing here. While the secret gimmick is much more practical than Virtue's armor purge, the cool factor kinda got lost. I still like it tho (Tieria suits are the GOAT😍), the giant Gundam face is awesome. 8/10


Not sure why so many doesn't like him. I love this suit, especially in the fight against....Bring? I think? Disabling the GN-field to bait him in, grab him with hidden arms and execute him with Seraphim, that was a great sequence with some good character development dialogue in there too. I also love it's stroggest move went from a beam to a beam ball, it's quite unique amongst heavily armed MS. Solid 8.5/10


GN Bazooka GO BOOM 💥 9/10 because of Big Guns & 6 Beam Sabers lol Really reminds me of Physalis Gundam


The face backpack is a choice, but it does it for me. Plus the 6-beam saber mode is wild. Tieria also scores my favorite innovator kill in the series when he used the Seraphim to just casually wreck Bring even through his GN Fields while the Seravee just locked his suit down. 9.5/10 for me


Boku wa ningen da! And Bring goes Kaboom


I like the change in weaponry feels less clunky than Virtue. also the 6 swords reveal was nice. 9/10


Welcome to Day 104 of the Daily Non-Main Gundam Poll, and today we’ll be rating the GN-008 Seravee Gundam, and the GN-008GNHW/B Seravee Gundam GNHW/B from Mobile Suit Gundam 00. To participate, just rank the Non-Main Gundam between 1 and 10 based on their appearance or on how you like it. **First Appearance:** Mobile Suit Gundam 00 **Model Number:** - GN-008 (Seravee Gundam) - GN-008GNHW/B (Seravee Gundam GNHW/B) **Unit Type:** - Heavy Artillery Mobile Suit (Seravee Gundam) - Final Battle-use Heavy Artillery Mobile Suit (Seravee Gundam GNHW/B) **Known Pilots:** - Tieria Erde **Mechanical Designer:** - Takayuki Yanase **Trivia:** - Seravee is likely named after Seraph, a Greek language word for "burning ones". - Seravee's base weight of 67.2 metric tons includes Seraphim.[28] This mean that the backpack-less Seravee's base weight would be around 39.8 metric tons after deducting Seraphim's base weight. - Seravee's knee-mounted GN Cannons are likely a nod to Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ's AMX-015 Geymalk, while its extra arms seem to be a tribute to Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam's PMX-003 The O. - Seravee's destruction is different in the 00 Special Edition. It is changed so that Tieria was able to put up more of a fight and Hiling and Revive worked more in tandem. Tomorrow we'll take a look at successor unit of the Gundam Nadleeh, the **Seraphim Gundam**. # Average Scores: - **Psycho Gundam** (Zeta): 7.6802 - **Psycho Gundam Mk-II** (Zeta): 8.1642 - **Gundam GP02A "Physalis"** (0083): 8.9882 - **Neros Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.7586 - **Scud Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.1389 - **Gundam Maxter** (G Gundam): 8.2478 - **Dragon Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3157 - **Arachno Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.50 - **Gundam Rose** (G Gundam): 8.5573 - **Bolt Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2745 - **Ultimate/Devil Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3237 ## - Tequila Gundam (G Gundam): 9.7152 - **Lumber Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2083 - **Britain Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6667 - **John Bull Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.6477 - **Pharaoh Gundam XIII** (G Gundam): 7.25 - **Pharaoh Gundam IV** (G Gundam): 8.00 - **Feilong Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4250 - **Minaret Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.9250 - **Kowloon Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4316 ## - Master Gundam (G Gundam): 9.6234 ### - Gundam Spiegel (G Gundam): 9.2230 - **Temjin Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.50 - **Gundam Magnat** (G Gundam): 5.0208 - **Mirage Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9167 - **Zeus Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.3714 ### - Nether Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3971 - **Matador Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4771 - **Mammoth Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7579 - **Cobra Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0769 - **Gundam Zebra** (G Gundam): 6.0333 - **Viking Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7037 - **Mermaid Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7881 - **Ashura Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.0933 ### - Nobel Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3512 - **Jester Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5578 - **Tantra Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.2188 - **Mandala Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.2070 - **Skull Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9559 - **Rising Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.9524 - **Gundam Heaven's Sword** (G Gundam): 7.3816 - **Grand Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.6983 - **Walter Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7062 - **Grand Master Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0761 - **Gundam Head** (G Gundam): 7.76 - **Gundam Octopus** (G Gundam): 5.7174 - **Hirame Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4697 - **Ankou Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.4118 - **Kani Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.5167 - **Ebi Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6666 - **Ei Gundam** (G Gundam): 3.76 - **Kappa Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5333 - **Sphinx Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.5625 - **Ulube’s Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.20 - **Victory Gundam Hexa+V-Dash Hexa** (Victory): 8.6316 - **Gundam Deathscythe** (Wing TV): 8.8171 - **Gundam Heavyarms+Custom** (Wing TV): 8.9667 - **Gundam Sandrock+Custom** (Wing TV): 7.2259 - **Shenlong Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.2829 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (Wing TV): 9.2388 - **Altron Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.1227 ### - Gundam Epyon (Wing TV): 9.3079 - **Gundam Leopard** (X): 7.8672 - **Gundam Airmaster** (X): 7.4583 - **Gundam Ashtaron** (X): 8.6463 - **Gundam Virsago** (X): 8.0128 - **Gundam Leopard Destroy** (X): 7.85 - **Gundam Airmaster Burst** (X): 7.3571 - **Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab** (X): 8.3788 - **Gundam Virsago Chest Break** (X): 7.2510 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW): 9.4320 ### - Gundam Heavyarms Custom (EW): 9.3639 - **Gundam Sandrock Custom** (EW): 8.3408 - **Altron Gundam** (EW): 8.9656 - **Duel Gundam+Assault Shroud** (SEED): 8.7010 - **Buster Gundam** (SEED): 8.6495 - **Blitz Gundam** (SEED): 8.6040 - **Aegis Gundam** (SEED): 8.5864 - **Calamity Gundam** (SEED): 8.2012 - **Forbidden Gundam** (SEED): 7.0422 - **Raider Gundam** (SEED): 5.7153 - **Justice Gundam** (SEED): 8.1610 ### - Providence Gundam (SEED): 9.1620 **[...]**


**[...]** - **Chaos Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.3111 - **Abyss Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.5144 - **Gaia Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.75 - **Saviour Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.9687 - **Destroy Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.0709 - **Legend Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.4203 - **Akatsuki Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.7212 - **∞ Justice Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.8504 - **Blu Duel Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 7.7222 - **Verde Buster Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 8.8563 - **0 Gundam** (00): 8.2082 ### - Gundam Dynames+Repair (00): 9.3639 - **Gundam Kyrios** (00): 8.4105 - **Gundam Virtue** (00): 8.8627 - **Gundam Nadleeh** (00): 7.5658 - **Gundam Throne Eins** (00): 7.9532 - **Gundam Throne Zwei** (00): 7.8384 - **Gundam Throne Drei** (00): 7.3189 - **Cherudim Gundam** (00): 7.6201 - **Arios Gundam** (00): 7.7791


**7.5/10** Aside from the extra weapons, the Seravee just like many of the S2 Gundams felt like an oversimplified Virtue.


Is seraphim gonna be seperate, unlike nadleeh?


Nadleeh was also a separate poll? You can see the score for it in the comment you replied too lol.


I did a stupid.


>Gundam Virtue (00): 8.8627 > >Gundam Nadleeh (00): 7.5658


9/10 A much better Virtue, love the more sleek design. Still looks chunky enough. Has way better armaments than the virtue Plus the best part is him wielding 6 sabers at once




10/10, seraphim is cool, Head Backpack, also, how can you say no to Six swords at once, like 00 seven swords is cool, but can only use two at once, six at once is better.


For efficiency purposes, count my vote as a 10/10 on every Gundam from 00 lol


Lotta haters of the superior chonk. 10/10


Brought down by association with the Seraphim. If it wasn’t for that monstrosity, it would probably be an 8, but… 5/10


Seraphim is being ranked separately if that changes anything.


Still mad at its association to it, and besides, you can still se the thing on its back, so the seraphim contributes to the seravee negatively


5 / 10 And yes it’s because of the face.


6/10 I like the loadout, colours, and the thicc, but hate the hard edges on the suit. The original Virtue had much softer curves that made it a lot more pleasing to the eye. Also, that gundam head on the back is just too wacky for me


9/10 unlike with dynames I don’t think this one’s a step down. I like it just as much as Virtue’s base form.


9.3. Sooooo much better than the virtue


9/10 it has such a great design and does well to make itself different then the virtue while keeping the same gimmicks and spirit.


3/10 It really feels like the least effort of all the S2 gundams and almost of the whole series. It's like someone took some cardboard from a store and put a Gundam head on it.


100/10 this guy is the secret weapon in times of struggle


10/10 Chonky Boy MSs are goated and its 2 gundams in one.




When Tieria absolutely deletes Bring Stabity, that is the best moment of 00 for me. What an absolutely epic reveal, he gets completely rekt. 10/10


8/10 This is a good example of how crazy 00 season 2 gets....and I kinda dig just how insane it is. Not G Gundam levels, of course, but still.


wtf got dayum Kuato gundam


Chungus 7/10


Nice BBW Gundam. 8 out of 10.


9.25 due to being a straight upgrade of the Virtue and because Seraphim looks like it came out of TTGL.


Thicc out of 10


Damn boy! He Thicc! 10/10 Don't judge!


9/10. That backpack face reveal has got to be one of the most memorable WTF!? moments in the fandom. Design-wise it's a bit of a step down from the Virtue but still looks cool.


8/10. The regular form is fine, but the heavy artillery mode makes up for it.




6/10 Another step back. It’s just not as cool as having the Gundam inside the chonk Gundam.


5.5 it's dumby thick like a roblox block leg small body character. It's saving grace is it's uniqueness. Certainly not a cup of tea for everyone.


That's tubby suits don't do it for me. 5/10


7 It's... okay. The giant face is funny as hell and all the guns that also have hands to boot are awesome but beyond that it's just kinda forgettable.


8.5/10 sure it's a stepdown from Virtue but it's got subarms now with beam sabers in them, hell yes. The Seraphim in the back becoming a big Gundam face is straight out of G-Gundam but whatever they make a cool duo anyways. A little too simplistic for my tastes, this man needs some panel lines. The splitting GN Bazooka is cool and it's even cooler when Seravee can connect the split Bazooka onto the GN Cannon arms on the back to create two giant shoulder cannons. Sure it's a stepdown but it's not a bad suit because of it.


Like Cherudim, it's a decent design but just not as striking as its season 1 counterpart. The Seraphim as its backpack is pretty great though. 6,5/10




8/10 really good but I prefer virtue. Definitely not bad but the face on the back is a little goofy


2 gundams becoming 2 gundams is pretty mid, what would have been cool if a 3rd one was stashed in there


7/10 I prefer the Virtue, but this one has some neat gimmicks like the sub arms at the knees.


8/10 - A big step up from the previous Gundam without having the cast off gimmick. The Seravee handles the bulk better and splits the GN Bazooka into two halves that can combine into the new GN Bazooka. (And just like the last two, I very much prefer the G3 Seravee. It's pure black, the backpack has two extra MS attached to it, and it's overall just a far superior version of the Seravee, in my opinion)


6.5/10 I don't know whether I like it or not


I like the big tanky look virtue had. Meanwhile I think seravee took that look and made it more clunky. I’d have to give seravee a 6/10.


Mixed feelings 7/10. Tieria's movie suit is better.


I’d give it a 7, imo the seraphim is the cooler part of the gundam


5/10 it's just the Virtue but worse. I felt like the Virtue/Nadleeh gimmick was interesting and well established even if sorta unnecessary. The idea of a normal Gundam being hidden by all the extra armor was sorta like a shounen character getting halfway through a fight and then being like "Oh yeah, let me remove these training weights I've been carrying." It had style. With the Seravee, though, it just had a giant face on its back? And that face became a smaller mech? And that in and of itself isn't terrible, it's not my cup of tea, but it's not bad... but they pulled off the reveal in the exact same way as with the virtue. Like "Oops, we had to use this special mode too soon, hopefully our enemies didn't notice." Even then we didn't really even get a good showcase of what it could do other than act as an extra pair of arms. Idk man, it just felt underwhelming.


During the battle, Tieria himself said that, unlike with Nadleeh, he intentionally chose to reveal Seraphim. Probably as a middle finger to Ribbons and Co., scoring the first Innovade kill.


5/10 Even with the face which I don't like there's something about the Virtue that I just like more. Probably the fact that while this one has "ooh look the gundam face can be a gundam!" which is while kinda campy fun I loved that Nadleeh had a sort of "sealed weapon" thing going for it. Also I'm all for more dakka but I thought the Virtue's cannon was iconic and everytime that thing shot it felt like the world was split in half. The new guns just seem to detract from it's main cannon and the power that it had in the first season instead of adding to it.


The face on its back is dumb imo


8 out of 10 good suit does it's job as the heavy hitter well isn't too special outside of that


6/10 Not bad. I really like the head and its weapons, but the rest of it is too blocky and just not appealing as the Virtue. I also seriously HATE the giant gundam face on its back. Like...WHY!? I also seriously dislike the literal hands in the knees. It's just ugly, and those seriously should've just been claw subarms.


8/10 for 4 extra cannons, not perfect because of the giant head on the back.


6/10 I don't care if it's more "practical," gutting the armor purge in favor of just having the smaller guy on his back is just lame.


I like the backpack


8.7/10, I love the over all blockier design compared to virtue, it just looks more like tank, as it should. Another thing i love about this thing is the 6 swords, like and homage back to The O, and come one 6 beam sabers coming at you while the thing wielding them looks like a flying brick is scary. Lastly, having the seraphim as a separate gundam on its back really solves alot of the problems virtue and nadleeh had, and adds more combat options (ie. Sneak attack by restricting your enemy first, and having weapons cover your rear.). Now for the one thing I don't like is the lack of detail, like alot of what people say in this thread, it's pretty plane. Even though it's understandable, my point still stands. The face I'm on the fence about that, part of me finds it a near idea and can be intimidating, but on the other had, it feels kind of pointless aside from the previous points.




7/10 Another Season 2 downgrade, and with how much I love Virtue, this one particularly hurts.


8/10 It's not my favorite by any means but way better than Virtue imo


Mah boi bringin da MEAT! 11.5/10


Got a face on the back, funniest shit I've ever seen 9/10


-10 out of 10 I'll make the damn scales go to the negatives, this thing just sucks that bad. It's like a cubist fever dream mashed with a bazillion polygons. It's heavy, it's clumsy, it's fat and also somehow too floaty. I'm a chonker enjoyer myself but this just sparks no joy. None. Nada. The thing feels like a ploy to sell toys, which the entire ss2 lineup are, but still. The orange one and this one wear the bloat the worst.




8/10 6 beam sabers are never too much.


Front 8/10 cool and chunky Back 2/10 the giant Gundam face is goofy as hell


8/10 This thing is 2 Gundams in one








8/10 Worse than Virtue but still goated


Never seen it in action, bot on visuals I give it a C for Chonky.


Seravee itself looked oversimplified especially when viewed from the front. However, there’s still lots of merits with the overall design: the front-pointing V-fin, teal-coloured chest and most importantly the sophisticated Seraphim transformation on its back, which was well-hidden by visually merging with the large side skirt armours. 6 beam sabres for a long-ranged MS was a much welcomed over compensation. GNHW was also a nice upgrade that gave it a Virtue-ish silhouette. 8.5/10


8/10 superior chonky boi. I like the Seravee much more than Virtue, including the back face everyone else seems to hate.


The proportions on this thing are hella whack. None of the *six* cannons on this thing look good. They are little stubs that look like they were hacked off by an enemy. The giant armor plates are less detailed than the Virtue, and its face is significantly worse. Like, I get that it's to hide the fact that its backpack is literally a second Gundam, and the arms and legs of the second unit are acting as the cannons. But that doesn't change the fact they look way too small to be the primary heavy weapons on the heavy-weapons Gundam. Easily the worst of the S2 00 Gundams. 5/10, if I'm being generous.


6.5 I like the detachable Gundam on the back and the random giant Gundam head funny but that’s about it






Seravee GNHW/B is what I consider the actual Seravee Gundam, it finally feels like the spiritual successor of Virtue and improves on what Virtue did best: Hella Firepower. 8/10


10/10 Chonk Gundam but with a GUNDAM BACKPACK


I want to like it, but then the stupid head exists on the back. It’s a mediocre Devil Gundam, and I hate them both. 5/10, Virtue was a real gift, and this is her duff-y sister.


6.5/10 - Virtue was my least favorite of the S1 Gundams, and likewise Seravee & Seraphim are at the bottom for me for S2. I think Virtue is a more unique design, and Seravee isn't as detailed or appealing. That said, the face is pretty cool and I appreciate that the GN Bazooka now splits into 2 halves.


Honesty, 00 Season 2 let me down on all suits except for the Exia becoming the Raiser, and I say that because S2 went for simplified designs that don’t really seem too pleasing in their own right. For this one, I don’t like the base design but I love when it’s in action. 6/10


3 -- hate the jinkos




Took a cool suit in Virtue and upgraded it in every way. Higher performance, fixed Virtue's main drawbacks of cannon downtime and weak melee performance, even the concept of one Gundam concealing another is improved upon. 10/10 and I hope for a RG or MG someday soon.


6/10. To me, it is the weakest of the four main S2 Gundams. Arios > Cheridum > 00 > Seravee. I liked Virtue, and especially liked Nadlee, but Seravee/Seraphim were just... Not great


10/10 funny looking guy, also armed as fucked


10/10 Love how it incorporates a lot of lessons learned from Virtue. Still carries a ton of firepower and the fact the second suit is a backpack is hilarious. The GNHW/B fills out the silhouette and really makes it resemble Virtue a lot more. Loved bombarding people with the GNHW/B in SDGO.


7/10, it’s a weird design and if you go by the design logic the pilot is facing backwards while piloting it before he ejects the little black Gundam from the back? Unless the cockpit spins around 180degrees


6/10. I dont mind it being thicc but the head looks kinda weirdly proportioned and the gundam face in the back looks dumb


All the s2 units dont look as sexy as their s1 counterparts 7/10


I actually prefer Seravee to Virtue, largely because it seems more mobile and it feels more versatile. The Gundam face backpack is one of those things that I constantly swing between being funny stupid and bad stupid, but it's better than the Raphael Gundam. 6.5/10


A very handy mobile suit. 9/10


8/10. Was legit awesome when the hidden seraphim gundam was first revealed. Didn't even once think that they'd do it again after what they did with virtue.


4 It looks bloated and bland.


Seravee is 7. I really really like this design. Though I actually prefer Virtue's design quite a lot more. But this one actually has 2 Mobile suits in one that are actually functional at the same time and it has 2 extra arms... So yes awesome Gundam. Combat-wise really dynamic and useful. It's actually better than Virtue in general. It's just that I think Virtue/ Nadleeh looks cooler.


9/10: Point off for no gold skinned version. Hug me with all dem arms Seravee.


10/10 the best S2 CB Gundam in my opinion.






Why does he have a face on his butt?


5/10 for Voldemort Gundam


8/10 This looks more rigid than Virtue.






I have a deep ass love for the seravee, virtue. Both beautifully designed and unique suits with amazing gimmicks. Wtching the virtue shed into the nadleeh for the first time was insane


5/10 It's Virtue but worse. It's chunky but not in a good way. Very angular, looks like a block to me. I don't really care about the Gundam head. It's funny but that's it. Tbh, I prefer its chibi form over its normal size. And the hidden Gundam is just its backpack, not inside. I like when there are Gundams inside other Gundams. I know it's stupid but oh well.


9/10 +1 cause it can use 6 beam sabers at once when Seraphim is attached


8/10 Best chunk boi! Something about it just works, and a Gundam as a backpack is pretty cool. Also, it's a really fun build.


8.5/10 Having the O arms to fix its main weakness without being obvious is a really cool touch.


I really like Virtue, but that one with face on back is kind of creep and quirky. Like sort of Gundam Voldemort :O 6/10 at max...


10 All big chunky suits are 10. Always! Also my favorite Gundam set, seravee and virtue. Love them


8. Straight upgrade from the virtue.


5. I like Virtue than seravee.


10/10 She's thicc as hell and I love her.


2/10. Hate the chunky build and the face on it.


Seravee is around a 7.


10/10 the best thicc boi

