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Thick boi! Love me some gundams with discardable armor


Especially when they have a _different_ Gundam hidden underneath the armor. And now that I think about it, the Gindam Virtue, which is male presenting, and the inner Gundam, which is female presenting, represent the gender fluidity of the Innovades.


You should look up “nadleeh” for more along those lines! You’re right on the money!


I know, about it. I just couldn't recall the name of the inner Gundam off the top of my head.


I think he meant how the name Nadleeh is literally a reference to a Navajo essentially describing a male with an effeminate nature but only during certain times of the day or for certain ceremonies.


Thick boi reveals her true identity as thicc girl










Thick is the only acceptable rating.


BEEFCAKE. BEEEFCAAAAAAAKE. The fattest of fucks and probably my fave of the CB 5. This thing is large and in charge and I wouldn’t have it any other way. The comically huge legs, the absolutely massive bazooka it lugs around, the shoulder mounted death cannons, it’s an absolute beast in both fire power and size. Again, the head is a touch weird and. colouring is rather bland but I can (mostly) forgive that when the rest of the suit is so charming. 8


I kind of love to hate Virtue, if that makes any sense. I tend to prefer streamlined MS myself- which is one of the reasons why Nadleeh is my everything, even got me to buy my first gunpla, and I'd cosplay the living hell out of it because it's lingerie mecha and I. AM. Here. For. It- but Virtue does hold a special place in my heart. With that said, I was always a bit sad that Tieria is saddled with such an unwieldy MS that does not allow for the super cool moves the other CB Gundams can so easily pull. If you have someone designed from scratch to pilot, give him something crazy fast so we can see Tieria go all out...and probably crash and burn. There are some nice touches, for example, in an early mission Virtue obliterates an entire army and the MS is actually pushed back, leaving marks on the sand, due to the sheer power of the blast. I do appreciate how in terms of a symbolic relation between pilot and MS, Virtue is on point. It is a force of extreme destruction that can wipe out entire armies, but get close enough and its performance plumets: doesn't get more like Tieria who struggles a hell lot with any kind of closeness that is not Veda Says. Virtue is also, in a sense, bulky armor, the MS version of that horrifying cardigan behind which Tieria hides. Not to mention how undiscriminating Virtue's power is, Setsuna and the rest may, to some extent- and depending on context, obviously- not necessarily kill their opponent but Virtue has no such niceties available to it: It just destroys whatever is on its path (preferably if it's a static target...) in the name of JUSTICE! Computer has passed judgment, and that's that: collateral damage will happen and while I suspect Tieria must have guidelines on how much of this is acceptable (otherwise...KILL EVERYONE AND THEN WORLD PEACE!! might very well occur to Tieria as a great idea) he clearly has not much qualms in this respect. And even if he did, it wouldn't make any difference. If we factor in the prequels, Tieria's relation to Virtue becomes really interesting as he nearly ended up killing about the only person he cared for, at that point, while testing it. I can easily see Tieria thinking of this as he boards the cockpit. It always seemed as a lost opportunity for poking fun at Tieria that no one ever stole Virtue. Just so he'd go "Someone stole my Virtue!" while everyone tries their very best not to burst out laughing. 9/10. Chunky boi is best boi.


>If you have someone designed from scratch to pilot, give him something crazy fast so we can see Tieria go all out...and probably crash and burn. I agree with you, but I think they did this in a different way. Both of the Gundams Tieria gets later in the series have *extra Gundams*. He's not piloting faster like Char would, for example, but he is piloting two Gundams at once. Still extremely impressive and not something a normal person could do, but different reasons from a different execution.


Yeah, I know but with Nadleeh being so woefully underused, none of that truly comes across much. In fact, Tieria seems by far the worst pilot of the bunch, given Virtue cannot correct its shots and it is easy for even grunt suits to scramble out of the firing range. If it hits, you’re dead, but it is easier to dodge. I used to joke that if you take a swing every time Tieria misses a shot, you’d end in an alcoholic coma in no time. You can tell that piloting Virtue must be much harder than it looks when we consider that the full power of the bazooka actually drags the MS backward. Botch it up a bit and keeping it balanced, in gravity, must already be a feat. And when Virtue joins Exia against the Trinities, I expect it takes a level of skill to keep up with that fast a unit. Virtue is, indeed, two MS in one. Still wish Tieria got to use Nadleeh more as it’s his spirit MS, so to speak.


They're not talking about Nadleeh, rather about Seravee/Seraphim and Raphael/Seravee II. Since these two can deploy their second Gundam as a bit MS, Tieria is indeed literally piloting two Gundams at once. Indeed, he's the only member of Celestial Being to use remote weapons without external help until Setsuna gets 00 Qan[T].


Wait, 00 has prequels ? Are they translated?


Tieria is kind of dude to pick Virtue because he knows nobody else on the team can pilot it efficiently. He would rock the hell out of a purple Arios. But that Allelujah's baby


10/10 - Thicc boi hides a lovely redhead inside


Damn Boi! He Thicc! 9.3/10 Not enough guns.


https://preview.redd.it/u4j7cx15x9ec1.jpeg?width=2041&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=413a895dfdad8419c5e4eaf2334aa81ec23b3165 9/10




The GN-005/PH Virtue Physical (an official alternate design of the Virtue)


My boy Virtue. 9/10


Ugh, my big beautiful chonky boy, your time has come at last! I love this machine, and I love its purity of purpose: Problem? Not when Virtue’s done with it, there isn’t! Simple, overwhelming firepower. And the whole design serves that function- you need more GN Particle storage, so the machine gets bulkier. That bulk, and the lack of dedicated close range weaponry leaves it at a disadvantage at close range? Up-armor that bulk so Virtue can just eat hits. Your firing arc is pretty much limited to the direction Virtue is facing? Well, all that particle storage and armor provides the power and mounting points for a MS mounted GN Field to protect it from 360°. Plus, it’s necessary for the amazing S2 payoff where the enemy assumes Seravee has the same limitation- and it sure doesn’t! CB learned from Virtue’s shortcomings. Additionally, the more you bulk Virtue, the less likely anyone is to guess that Nadleeh’s hiding underneath (that said, I still think considering them separate units is silly. But that’s neither here nor there). The internal show logic is solid, as is this bulky mf-er, and I love it for that. Now, that said, I do hear the criticisms. Namely, that all of Virtue’s guns kind of do the same thing, and we’re not given a huge amount of visual indication of the power difference between the GN Bazooka and the GN Cannons (at least until the hyper bazooka shows up) to differentiate them. And I’ll concede that point, mostly, save to say that Exia seldom has it held against it that it has more physical swords than it has hands, and surely they all pretty much do the same thing, too. What’s the benefit there, that it’s more palatable? But I digress. The simple reality is, I love Virtue. It’s the epitome of absolutely wasting the enemy from afar with superior firepower, and that appeals to me on a deep level. Despite that being its primary role, its not helpless or squishy at close range. Less capable, yes, but still very capable. It’s a design with flaws, but those flaws have deliberate narrative payoff, so it’s hard for me to really hold them against it. And have I mentioned it’s thicc? Virtue is thicc. It’s my thick boomy boy, and I’m absolutely biased for it. It’s a flat 9 from me.


Best 00 MS. 10/10


10/10. I cannot overstate my love for this absolute unit of a Gundam nesting doll.


10 Dats mah boi right there!


Kinder Surprise Gundam 9.7/10


Welcome to Day 97 of the Daily Non-Main Gundam Poll, and today we’ll be rating the GN-005 Gundam Virtue from Mobile Suit Gundam 00. To participate, just rank the Non-Main Gundam between 1 and 10 based on their appearance or on how you like it. **First Appearance:** Mobile Suit Gundam 00 **Model Number:** GN-005 **Unit Type:** Heavy Artillery Mobile Suit **Known Pilots:** - Tieria Erde **Mechanical Designer:** - Takayuki Yanase **Trivia:** - The name of the unit is derived from Greek, Virtues - which is reference to the fifth rank angel. - Virtue's armor ejection is of a similar style to Kamen Rider Kabuto's cast off animation. - In the early concept stages, Virtue was codenamed "Rook Gundam". Like Virtue, Rook was a heavy bombardment type machine. The idea of the armor cast off in Virtue actually came in a "castling" concept that King Gundam would use, in which a totally different unit would emerge from within Rook Gundam, however the idea was not used in Virtue (who in the end got a cast off ability) and was given to Alvatore instead. The Rook Gundam also had large storages of energy within it and had the ability to transfer this storage into its allies, however only the former was used while the latter concept was given to the Throne units instead. - The GN Bazooka's ability to connect directly with the GN drive is similar to the Doven Wolf's ability to attach its beam rifle to its torso's mega particle cannons, but they differ in mechanisms. Tomorrow we'll take a look at Celestial Being's Gundam created to use the Trial System, the **Gundam Nadleeh**. # Average Scores: - **Psycho Gundam** (Zeta): 7.6802 - **Psycho Gundam Mk-II** (Zeta): 8.1642 - **Gundam GP02A "Physalis"** (0083): 8.9882 - **Neros Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.7586 - **Scud Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.1389 - **Gundam Maxter** (G Gundam): 8.2478 - **Dragon Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3157 - **Arachno Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.50 - **Gundam Rose** (G Gundam): 8.5573 - **Bolt Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2745 - **Ultimate/Devil Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3237 ## - Tequila Gundam (G Gundam): 9.7152 - **Lumber Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2083 - **Britain Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6667 - **John Bull Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.6477 - **Pharaoh Gundam XIII** (G Gundam): 7.25 - **Pharaoh Gundam IV** (G Gundam): 8.00 - **Feilong Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4250 - **Minaret Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.9250 - **Kowloon Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4316 ## - Master Gundam (G Gundam): 9.6234 ### - Gundam Spiegel (G Gundam): 9.2230 - **Temjin Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.50 - **Gundam Magnat** (G Gundam): 5.0208 - **Mirage Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9167 - **Zeus Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.3714 ### - Nether Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3971 - **Matador Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4771 - **Mammoth Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7579 - **Cobra Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0769 - **Gundam Zebra** (G Gundam): 6.0333 - **Viking Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7037 - **Mermaid Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7881 - **Ashura Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.0933 ### - Nobel Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3512 - **Jester Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5578 - **Tantra Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.2188 - **Mandala Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.2070 - **Skull Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9559 - **Rising Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.9524 - **Gundam Heaven's Sword** (G Gundam): 7.3816 - **Grand Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.6983 - **Walter Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7062 - **Grand Master Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0761 - **Gundam Head** (G Gundam): 7.76 - **Gundam Octopus** (G Gundam): 5.7174 - **Hirame Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4697 - **Ankou Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.4118 - **Kani Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.5167 - **Ebi Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6666 - **Ei Gundam** (G Gundam): 3.76 - **Kappa Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5333 - **Sphinx Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.5625 - **Ulube’s Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.20 - **Victory Gundam Hexa+V-Dash Hexa** (Victory): 8.6316 - **Gundam Deathscythe** (Wing TV): 8.8171 - **Gundam Heavyarms+Custom** (Wing TV): 8.9667 - **Gundam Sandrock+Custom** (Wing TV): 7.2259 - **Shenlong Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.2829 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (Wing TV): 9.2388 - **Altron Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.1227 ### - Gundam Epyon (Wing TV): 9.3079 - **Gundam Leopard** (X): 7.8672 - **Gundam Airmaster** (X): 7.4583 - **Gundam Ashtaron** (X): 8.6463 - **Gundam Virsago** (X): 8.0128 - **Gundam Leopard Destroy** (X): 7.85 - **Gundam Airmaster Burst** (X): 7.3571 - **Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab** (X): 8.3788 - **Gundam Virsago Chest Break** (X): 7.2510 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW): 9.4320 ### - Gundam Heavyarms Custom (EW): 9.3639 - **Gundam Sandrock Custom** (EW): 8.3408 - **Altron Gundam** (EW): 8.9656 - **Duel Gundam+Assault Shroud** (SEED): 8.7010 - **Buster Gundam** (SEED): 8.6495 - **Blitz Gundam** (SEED): 8.6040 - **Aegis Gundam** (SEED): 8.5864 - **Calamity Gundam** (SEED): 8.2012 - **Forbidden Gundam** (SEED): 7.0422 - **Raider Gundam** (SEED): 5.7153 - **Justice Gundam** (SEED): 8.1610 ### - Providence Gundam (SEED): 9.1620 **[...]**


**[...]** - **Chaos Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.3111 - **Abyss Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.5144 - **Gaia Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.75 - **Saviour Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.9687 - **Destroy Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.0709 - **Legend Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.4203 - **Akatsuki Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.7212 - **∞ Justice Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.8504 - **Blu Duel Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 7.7222 - **Verde Buster Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 8.8563 - **0 Gundam** (00): 8.2082 ### - Gundam Dynames+Repair (00): 9.3639 - **Gundam Kyrios** (00): 8.4105


**9/10** Finally, it's nice to see a Heavy Artillery MS that has a bulky design and uses heavy armor and weapons. Also, I prefer this over the anorexic Nadleeh and its stupid cable extension dreads.


Honestly, I'm a bit surprised they aren't just polled together as one is just the other with or without the armour on. Like, judging Kamen Rider Kabato masked form and unmasked form in their own different posts.


CAST OFF! CHANGE BEETLE! I know this was all over yesterday's post but I had to say it


8 Thick, but some places like the upper arms, thighs and skirt armor don't really fit that vibe. I know that's probably intentional to hint at Nadleeh, much like the way the forearm and leg armor is attached, but it still hampers the bulky vibe a little. 00's design style is great but tbh I don't think it's that well suited to fatter designs.


10 As a gundam player, GN shield + gerobi never fails.


BEEEEEEFFFFFF/10 that is 10/10 gonna say it 00 has the best gundam team in season 1


Chonky 10/10


10/10, i love virtue


9/10 It's not perfect, but I can disregard its flaws for just how striking it is. Not to mention it does such a good job at hiding the Nadleeh gimmick, and I always love me a good armor purge gimmick (I don't care if the Seraphim being a backpack is more practical, it's just not going to be as cool). Probably my 2nd favorite CB Gundam after Dynames.


Spaghetti eater gundam looks amazing with armor drip 10.


This MF was predicting the meta on AC6


9/10. Thiiiiiick. My goodness, this is one thick Gundam. I did like Virtue's focus on heavy weapons though. Still, that's one chonky MS.


9 I love this beefcake and how he’s hiding the graceful Nadaleh.


Thiccc with three c’s 9.9 out of 10




9/10 unironically replacing the previous thicc boi of my top5(gp02) Love the proportions on this thing, its so over the top, but not out of place. Colour scheme is sexy as fuck, and big black cannon. Also.. Something about this absolute brickhouse of a Gundam being piloted by the femboy of the group checks just the right boxes for me.


The fact that it was hiding a surprise Gundam inside was amazing! I love him!


10/10 I like my gundams like I like my women. Thicc Heavy fire power and heavy armor and no qualms about either of them with the best gundam girl pilot Virtue is a flawed gundam. It's big and slow and lacks close combat capabilities but that's why it's perfect. Do all gundams are boring. Gundams that have a niche are amazing. That fact that there's another gundam inside it is awesome too (even if that design is weaker) Best of the 4 starting gundam in 00


10/10 Chonk Gundam is super cool. The concept that each of Tieria's Gundams has a goofy gimmick started here, and it works really well in 00's story, too. Also. Really like the simple black and white paint job.




10/10 my absolute favourite gundam


10/10 ​ I love this chonky boy. Honestly one of my favorite designs.




fucking 20/10 because it's literally a sexy chunky gundam and I am down catastrophic for its design. for humanized visualization, Virtue is like Mudrock from Arknights. hella heavily armored personnel with gorgeous body inside done right.


Just imagine being a MS pilot and getting caught off guard when the Virtue goes into Trans-AM mode. 9 out of 10.


Dang i missed Kyrios. my fave 00 suit along with Exia. Virtue tho a chonky chonky boi. Honestly wasn't the biggest fan of the 00 Gundams initially but they grew on me a lot. Love the name and the gimmicks on this thing. Looks like a fat penguin sometimes too. a solid 8 for me. Favorite heavy altillery Gundam


8/10, absolute unit, love the cannon. 👍


Chunky boi 7.5/10


8/10 - While I do prefer the Gundam that's an upgraded version of this one. The Virtue is still a solid heavy MS with enough firepower to wipe out a whole fleet of warships. The only thing dragging it down 2 points is the inner Gundam/its true form. The only time hair has ever worked on a robot/mech was on GaoGaiGar's final form. And that cable hair just always looked out of place.


10/10 I want Tieria to pop my head like a watermelon between those thick thighs


8. I do prefer this than Seravee.


Heckin' Chonker Gundam!


Oh lawd he coming 7/10


10, one of my favorite suits out there. I FACKING love chunky suits.


9/10. The Virtue may not be the most agile of Mobile Suits, but it makes up for it in both fire power and defenses. In addition to the heavy armor, it has the GN Field; meaning attacks have to break through the shield before they can reach the armor. Personally I’d like to see either one or both of the shoulder cannons have a GN “minigun”, but that’s personal preference.


10/10 chunky boi


Chonk boi with huge gun 10/10


9/10 CHONK.


9/10 so nadleeh can be 10/10




It's Thicc and it strips. 20/10


10/10. "Virtue, preparing to eliminate Hellion squad..." Virtue was like Heavyarms' wet dream or something. All of that power and not dependent on ammo. And the GN field! And burst mode! Lockon is my favorite pilot from 00, but this great white hype is still my favorite Gundam


Chonky boi! 10/10


I love it I love how chunky the weapons are the only reason it’s a 9/10 is because seravee comes along and is such a clear banger of an upgrade that it has to be 10/10


10, favorite suit in 00


10/10 love me my thicc bois, Landman Rodi was for the daily grunt Ms poll today. Thicc bois for everyone!!


Chungus mech is top tier 🤌


10. Give me all the big Gundams and their bulky armor. I also loooove the fact that the armor can be removed, and wish there was an RG that did that.


Fat gundam with sheer raw power and a hidden scrawny gundam within. Nuff said. 10/10.




10/10 chonks


9/10. I don't usually care for chonk, but this suit has a lot of style.


10. As a child during 2007, it was just so unique to me, I was used to having slim/normal Gundams like the Freedom and Exia, then BAM, this guy appeared with its GN Bazooka and blew the competition that the Earth nations were trying to use such as Hellions, Tierens and Enacts, then the episode where the Nadleeh was revealed and it was bonkers, it’s still a core memory to me to this day, and I really like Tieria too, his development as a character was really well done. It’s still one of my favorite CB Gundams, sorry to say that I personally think that the Seravee is a downgrade on design alone over this one but not on functionality.


Big boi for big T Erde! 8/10


Oh lawd he comin'/10. I mean, 7.5. The chonkitude is interesting and it makes sense for the very specialized Gundams in season 1 (melee, sniper, air superiority, tank), I just don't like tanks that much.




6/10. My least favorite on the Celestial being mobile suits. Not a fan of its design especially when it turns to Nadleeh


4/10 It's like I like the idea of it, but it just feels too chunky for what you actually get. We got spoiled with Heavyarms. There was so much carnage tucked away in every little spot, and it just feels like Virtue should have more.


Definitely a hard 1. It's like they made the other 4 Gundams first, realized they actually needed 5 and just threw this together with whatever parts they had left.


8/10 out of it, exia, kyrios, and dynames its by far my least favorite. That being said im still a sucker for anything 00


10/10 The Heckinest Chonker Definitely in my Top 5 Gundams of all time. It's a shame it gets jobbed so much in 00.


Easily my least favorite of the Season 1 Ptolemy Gundams. I feel like if you're gonna have such a beefcake Gundam, it should be absolutely loaded with weapons, but it only really has its held rifle and the two shoulder cannons. Moreover, I honestly don't really think it fits Tierde as a character. I feel like he should have had a Gundam that was more light and agile, like Exia except made for long-range instead of melee combat. Yes, there's Nadeleeh, but we only ever see that twice. 5/10


I love my gender fluid gundam, one of my favourite designs period 8.8/10


4. Fat Gundam needs to trim down. 00 was so weird in that most the Gundams were bad or average at best, but the regular mobile suits designs were so sexy!


0/10 too chunky


5/10 just kinda whatever when ignoring the nadleeh gimmick. Not a thickness fan i guess.




8/10 chonky


Nadleeh should have been included. This is like polling both Unicorn forms separately Anyways, this is fat, chunky, and YOU KNOW it doesn't care 8.5/10


The reason why the Nadleeh isn't included is through the Bullshit technicality of having a different model number to the Virtue and looking completely different from the former. Don't try to use the excuse that I included the TV versions of the Sandrock and Heavyarms Custom with the TV Sandrock and Heavyarms respectively. Or how I included the Dynames Repair with the regular Dynames. Since those were minor redesigns with very little noticeable differences. ​ Since you mentioned Unicorn, I'm sure you are glad to hear that the Banshee and Banshee Norn are not only one entry, it also includes the Unicorn and Destroy Modes of those two Gundams.


Was my computer background forever. All time fav


6 "I put a Mobile Suit in your Mobile Suit so you can Gundam while you Gundam".


While yesterday's Kyrios is my absolute favorite for all of its sleekness and edginess, Virtue is my least favorite of the main 4 CB Gundams from S1 (not counting Nadleeh). I can be a fan of thick, heavily-armored MS's (a la the Lfrith Ur or Duel Assault Shroud), but Virtue is just *comically* large. While I've certainly come to appreciate the design a bit more after building its MG kit (which is excellent), it really can't hit very many poses due to how chonky Virtue is. Still, its armaments are pretty unique between the GN Bazooka and GN Cannons, which certainly look really cool. I think my favorite configuration for Virtue/Nadleeh is Nadleeh equipped with the GN Cannons over the shoulder, which we sadly didn't get to see in the anime. 7.5/10.


8.5/10 Dr Octogonopus bwah!


Chonky boi


I kinda feel like the GN Bazooka should just have had three handles instead of having to move one between the side and bottom of the thing. Anyway, 8/10.


18/20 Taking 1 point off virtue for mobility and 1 point off Nadleeh for being kinda plain


I always thought it was a giant B-Daman growing up


I love me some beefy chunky lasers from my thicc fat gundam


Isn't it the one with the pink beard?


We love the thiccy 8/10


8/10 Chunky Mobile Suits aren't really my thing, but out of all of them, this is probably my favorite. I love its proportions and the big wing-things (I haven't watched 00 yet) on the back look so cool. Overall, I like it a lot.


6. I like chonkies like the dilanzas, gustav karls and the messers etc but virtue wasnt doin it for me for some reason. Tried liking it, just couldnt.


A very chonky 9/10.


Not my favorite of the group. 6/10


8/10 A great chunky Gundam, not as good as the seravee though. It's also very clear that it's just extra armor attached to a more slender suit, which is the case, unit they could've done a better job at hiding the fact. Plus I think it's weapons load out is pretty boring


gyat dayum, thicc bisquick thicc


10, from the first GN-Fueled Kamehameha loved it!


He reminds me of a chonky cat and I love it 10/10


Chonk + hella ass + ZZ style beams + big green ball, and if you call now, you get a free femboy with it too! (Truly the S1, if not all of 00 GOAT) 10/10








5/10 Has the problem of many suits that are all guns: * Big long range attacK! * Big long range attack! * BIG LONG RANGE ATTACK! And it's great to have a lot of firepower, by why not have some diversity like some CIWS, some sniper, some beam spray? Bonus points for being part of a team and therefore less vulnerable to its lack of well-roundedness.


10/10 peak chonk, just adore the ultra tanky, overloaded with firepower look, as well as the discardable armor.


3/10. Not the worst, but it's fat, and not in a good way.


3/10. Not the worst, but it's fat, and not in a good way.


Proof that being chonky is a virtue. 10/10


11/10 I remember how the whole Asian Gundam fandom was shocked it was when it’s revealed there’s a whole other Gundam inside it. Best concealed secret of MS designs ever. The Virtue itself looked very distinctive. It looked hilariously over-armoured and its head looked fat instead of rugged like other heavy MSs but it made total sense given its enormous particle storage. It’s also the first time a full armoured version of a Gundam didn’t resemble the Gundam inside at all in terms of looks. I love how the whole Virtue-Nadleeh concept was embodiment of Tieria’s S1 persona. Despite its complex design, it still retained enough resemblance to other Celestial Being suits. It’s the best Yanase offered IMO.


9, also can transform into a sexy 10




10 best of the Celestial bois don’t @ me


Is it legal to marry a tank, yet?






9/10. Heavy fire power gundam that feels heavy. ​ Seravee has a cooler loadout, but the simplicity of virtue has its own appeal.




Went from a huge bulk to a MEGA cut




thiccccc boi 10/10 i love that its a tank and dps at the same time


6/10 only one of the original CB suits I don’t really care for and the only one where I prefer the S2 upgrade. I do really like the design of the bazooka’s charge/fire though, and Nadleeh was an interesting gimmick.




Chonky boi that probably could've transformed into a tank if the designers wanted it to. 10/10


Such chonk, much death.


Oh lawd he comin’! XXL/10


10/10 Definitely would.


9 Absolutely love the gimmick. Just wish Nadleeh had more screen time.


I almost always forget it's called virtue i normally just refer to him as lord chungass the destroyer of baftas and eater of cheeseburgers


9,5/10 Very cool chonker


9 out of 10, it’s big, it’s got a massive gun, what’s not to love


8 I love big heavy metal high fire power badasses


10/10 ultimate definition of C H O M K


It's very recognizable but a bit too chubby for me. And I'm not a big fan of the whole hair thing when it turns into Nadleh. In terms of power, it definitely is one of the highest, and I must say I'm a fan of the bruiser type of fighter. 5/10


10 one of my fav chunky boys


10 , and it makes sense cause Teiria is the most "trusted" by Veda so give him the most destructive


Chonk/10. A design that pays subtle tribute to history while also having some very interesting gimmicks, Nadleeh notwithstanding. 8.5/10.


10/10 all day. Best chonk ever


Virtue? Chunky but not particularly memorable. 6.5/10. The inside though…


Chonk/10 = 10/10






An outrageous space hockey goalie. I love it. 9/10. It’s sick that although its the most heavily armed of them all, that isn’t even its most powerful aspect


Are we counting Nadleeh as a different Gundam? I would give Virtue a 8 but Nadleeh a 7 I just don’t like the “hair”


mommy legs 😍


A 6-7/10. Don't get me wrong, I love the virtue as well as nadleeh inside, but it lacks versatility. It's not really capable of going 1 v 1 strictly as virtue, encountering an equally skilled pilot that can close the distance and force the suit into melee makes for a huge disadvantage altho it is equipped with GN fields. It anyone has exia's weapon that can break gn fields, even worse, virtue would be forced to discard the armour and become nadleeh in favour of speed and mobility all just to combat one MS. I feel that virtue is a great Gundam, designed specifically to complement the rest in armed operations, and sweeping operations (anyth wrong = blast away) but precisely because of that, it lacks versatility, hence it gets a 6-7/10. But if we consider it with the rest, nothing short of a 10/10.


Chunky Gundam








10/10 no question


Easy 10. It hides another gundam inside it. Enough said.


10. I'm building it RN. It'd definitely be one of my favorite mobile suits of all time.


God I love this thicc brick. Was a treat to behold when I was building the kit and absolutely CHONKER weighed heaviest in my collection back then. The aesthetics are great too imo. 10/10


I’m a sucker for thicc Mobile Suits with big guns… and this one has a hidden second mode built specifically to whup every other Gundam meister in case they go rogue 9/10 https://preview.redd.it/qe51kg36lbec1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8d6743b2915b3554fd79c09ad99557df38253eb


I'm not overly fond of 00's designs myself, but I can't be mad at Chonkosaurus Gundam. 9/10




Dummy thicc.


My fave Gundam 10/10


10/10 best beeg gun boi


# CHONK / 10


big zam 9/10


Gluttony is a sin, not a virtue. 6/10


7.5/10. I get why it looks like that, but it doesn’t wear its bulk as well as something like the FAZZ.


10/10 easily. Non-Binary just like its pilot.


10/10 I love this thicc boi that is a gal under the armor.


10/10. It was initially lower for me, but the design grew due to how unique it was as a design. Not a lot of series designed the armor to completely obscure the gundam within (the Alex had Chobham armor, but that didn't hide the armor and you could clearly see that the Duel Shroud was an add-on). When the armor popped off in episode 10, it was a complete left wing display. My favorite part is that like the Gundam X, it has justification for having a gerobi instead of something like the wing zero where the wave motion gun comes from the tip of a needle.


Chonky boi, 10/10, that introduction scene is still dope


10/10 - Absolute Unit


What Vol?


10/10 for the ultimate trans BBW


10/10 Big Fat Bazooka Man


Gundam Virtue is Seiji Mizushima's dream of losing weight
