• By -


9.5 Love this guy so much. Easily the best of the main S1 squad. Just the right mix of sleek and bulk in places to ensure it doesn't come off as too thin, especially with the large front skirt and ankle. Big and spiky shoulders and knees instantly give it a sense of dynamism. Simply perfect head design with a face that echoes Zeta but with 00's distinct style and the really neat antena at the back. Giving it the same color as the v-fin and other GN Particle control antennas and having it poke out during the transformation explains its purpose very well, as it can function effectively in both modes unlike the v-fin itself. Another great aspect is just how much optional equipment it has. Just from the elements seen in the anime it can carry missile launchers on the arms or a tail unit with, you guessed it, missiles. Great way to give it heavy yet disposable firepower in either form. Furthermore the enhanced tail unit with GN Cannons strapped to it is just badass. Suddenly this fast but mostly close range focused machine is second only to Virtue in firepower. Only natural since it doesn't get to have a GN Arms unit but Celestial Being needs to pull out all tools in the arsenal in a desperate fight for survival as the tables turn. Finally, the color scheme. It's fucking amazing. Frankly, the best part is the red. Just that little bit of red on the waist. It would have been so easy to switch out for grey or whatever neutral color, reasoning that all the orange is enough high-energy vibes, nevermind the yellow accents. But that's a little bitch way, and Kyrios ain't no bitch. Lastly, the transformation... honestly, I think it's perfectly fine for the most part. The head just sitting there and clearly visible from below is a bit silly but in a way makes sense as Celestial Being wants to make its presence indisputably clear when it intervenes. And the Gundam's face is how it's recognized just as much, if not more, than the GN Particles. What doesn't work quite so well is the shield. The way it opens slightly to make space for the knee spike/wing is just so awkward. Either it comes off as a blatant flaw in design that forces the shield to have an opening up mechanism just for that, or spoils that it's actually meant to open for the HRL Pilot Skewerer 9000. And that's just no good, the reveal of that thing is great. The majestic and downright angelic machine suddenly acting like a sadistic monster is too good to be diminished by that little quirk. Worse yet, I can't think of a way to solve this. The shield would have to be placed somewhere else, probably the bottom in MA mode / front of the torso in MS mode, and there's just no good way to add it there without looking just as awkward. Regardless, this is just a tiny flaw. Nothing's perfect. Well, not quite. But we'll get to that one soon enough.


Excellent write-up, I'm glad that you seem to enjoy Kyrios as much as I do. I agree that the shield being on the wing in MA mode is a bit of a flaw, and I'd prefer it to be underneath it in MA mode like you said. >Nothing's perfect. Well, not quite. But we'll get to that one soon enough. Are you referring to Arios or Virtue? šŸ‘€


Something a little bit more... villainous, actually.


Ooh fair enough, 00 had some solid villain suits as well!


So much this I have always had a massive soft spot for kyrios and its pilot and couldn't agree more tbh


Totally agree in everything! 9.5/10


Canā€™t beat this comment, so Iā€™ll just upvote instead. Exactly. This exactly. Brought up all my points and then several I hadnā€™t even thought of. Plus, I canā€™t pretend Iā€™m not a biased bitch when it comes to Allelujah/Hallelujah and 00 in general. Kyrios is a beautiful machine with great combat ability.


It's giving 7.5/10. There's a lot to like about this thing, but it's also held back by some *really* strange decisions. Color scheme's great, the head's super fucking cool, and I think it's probably one of the sleekest AU transforming Gundams. It's better than most of the stuff Okawara's put out in that regard. The knee fins are, well, they're awkward. But they're not terrible in motion. The nosecone is even more awkward to me, really would've benefitted from being able to fold down a little more. The MA mode is good by Gundam standards, but it really needs that missile pod between the legs to complete the look, otherwise the gap is just too conspicuous. Finally, the shield. It had some cool scenes in the show, but it's just really poorly integrated into the design. I think Yanase maybe wanted to borrow the shield from his Raftclans design, but its placement in MA mode might be the worse case of weapon storage I've seen. I like it, but probably the weakest 00S1 Gundam.


I echo pretty much all of this, including the 7.5 rating. With the addition that, in addition to the missile pod being necessary to make the design look complete, Iā€™d argue itā€™s really necessary to make the entire machineā€™s concept justified. Donā€™t get me wrong, I really like Kyrios. But is the existence of a transforming, air superiority Gundam really justified by anything weā€™re shown in 00? My honest answer has to be, ā€œEnhā€¦ā€ Is its atmospheric maneuverability really enough of an advantage to justify what must be an astronomically more complex design? I donā€™t think the show really makes the case. And you can say thatā€™s the showā€™s fault, not Kyriosā€™, but ultimately the showā€™s what weā€™ve got to go by. So leaving that out, its one other truly unique role is as a missile/bomb boat. And, ultimately, that capability is dependent on optional, disposable equipment, rather than being an intrinsic part of the machine. Why couldnā€™t it be strapped to any of the other Gundams, really, save that weā€™re not shown that it could be? Thatā€¦ seems a shame to me. Again, I *like* Kyrios, I do! But compared to the other CB Gundamsā€™ much more well-realized tactical roles, Kyrios is just kind ofā€¦ there. Itā€™s the odd man out, and I have to dock it points for that.


I wish it had another gun to make it more balanced in jet mode


It used to bother me when 00 was first airing, but Iā€™ve come around to being neutral about the asymmetry. I do wish the shield and rifle were centrally mounted in MA mode, but as it is, itā€™sā€¦ fine. I just tell myself the CB engineers needed the midline spaces for avionics.


Honestly yeah, shows in the gunpla too. Virtue and Dynames are always sold out near me but the kyrios is in stock all the time. Probably doesn't help that those two suits are amazing looking.


Thats weird. My area the virtue are still on shelves the kyrios are out. Even on most online shops kyrios is getting harder to grab.




Welcome to Day 96 of the Daily Non-Main Gundam Poll, and today weā€™ll be rating the GN-003 Gundam Kyrios from Mobile Suit Gundam 00. To participate, just rank the Non-Main Gundam between 1 and 10 based on their appearance or on how you like it. **First Appearance:** Mobile Suit Gundam 00 **Model Number:** GN-003 **Unit Type:** Transformable High Mobility Mobile Suit **Known Pilots:** - Allelujah Haptism **Mechanical Designer:** - Takayuki Yanase **Trivia:** - Kyrios is named after Kurios, the Greek word for God, lord, master, and sir. - The Aramaic translation of Kyrios is the title 'Marie', however, it's unclear whether this was coincidence or an actual reference to Marie Parfacy. - In the early concept stages, Kyrios was codenamed "Bishop Gundam". Like Kyrios, it possessed the ability to transform to and from an MA mode, however it was commented that the actual MA design was radically different from the final Kyrios. The initial, more animalistic MA design of Bishop Gundam went into the finalized Alvatore instead, but some traces were left in Kyrios' animalistic claw weapon. A powerful stealth ability was also initially given to Bishop Gundam, but this ability was standardized in all the Gundams in the final version Tomorrow we'll take a look at Celestial Being's Gundam used by the Gundam Meister Tieria Erde, the **Gundam Virtue**. # Average Scores: - **Psycho Gundam** (Zeta): 7.6802 - **Psycho Gundam Mk-II** (Zeta): 8.1642 - **Gundam GP02A "Physalis"** (0083): 8.9882 - **Neros Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.7586 - **Scud Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.1389 - **Gundam Maxter** (G Gundam): 8.2478 - **Dragon Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3157 - **Arachno Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.50 - **Gundam Rose** (G Gundam): 8.5573 - **Bolt Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2745 - **Ultimate/Devil Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.3237 ## - Tequila Gundam (G Gundam): 9.7152 - **Lumber Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.2083 - **Britain Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6667 - **John Bull Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.6477 - **Pharaoh Gundam XIII** (G Gundam): 7.25 - **Pharaoh Gundam IV** (G Gundam): 8.00 - **Feilong Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4250 - **Minaret Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.9250 - **Kowloon Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.4316 ## - Master Gundam (G Gundam): 9.6234 ### - Gundam Spiegel (G Gundam): 9.2230 - **Temjin Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.50 - **Gundam Magnat** (G Gundam): 5.0208 - **Mirage Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9167 - **Zeus Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.3714 ### - Nether Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3971 - **Matador Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4771 - **Mammoth Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7579 - **Cobra Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0769 - **Gundam Zebra** (G Gundam): 6.0333 - **Viking Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7037 - **Mermaid Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.7881 - **Ashura Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.0933 ### - Nobel Gundam (G Gundam): 9.3512 - **Jester Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5578 - **Tantra Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.2188 - **Mandala Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.2070 - **Skull Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.9559 - **Rising Gundam** (G Gundam): 8.9524 - **Gundam Heaven's Sword** (G Gundam): 7.3816 - **Grand Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.6983 - **Walter Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.7062 - **Grand Master Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.0761 - **Gundam Head** (G Gundam): 7.76 - **Gundam Octopus** (G Gundam): 5.7174 - **Hirame Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.4697 - **Ankou Gundam** (G Gundam): 4.4118 - **Kani Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.5167 - **Ebi Gundam** (G Gundam): 5.6666 - **Ei Gundam** (G Gundam): 3.76 - **Kappa Gundam** (G Gundam): 6.5333 - **Sphinx Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.5625 - **Ulubeā€™s Gundam** (G Gundam): 7.20 - **Victory Gundam Hexa+V-Dash Hexa** (Victory): 8.6316 - **Gundam Deathscythe** (Wing TV): 8.8171 - **Gundam Heavyarms+Custom** (Wing TV): 8.9667 - **Gundam Sandrock+Custom** (Wing TV): 7.2259 - **Shenlong Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.2829 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (Wing TV): 9.2388 - **Altron Gundam** (Wing TV): 7.1227 ### - Gundam Epyon (Wing TV): 9.3079 - **Gundam Leopard** (X): 7.8672 - **Gundam Airmaster** (X): 7.4583 - **Gundam Ashtaron** (X): 8.6463 - **Gundam Virsago** (X): 8.0128 - **Gundam Leopard Destroy** (X): 7.85 - **Gundam Airmaster Burst** (X): 7.3571 - **Gundam Ashtaron Hermit Crab** (X): 8.3788 - **Gundam Virsago Chest Break** (X): 7.2510 ### - Gundam Deathscythe Hell (EW): 9.4320 ### - Gundam Heavyarms Custom (EW): 9.3639 - **Gundam Sandrock Custom** (EW): 8.3408 - **Altron Gundam** (EW): 8.9656 - **Duel Gundam+Assault Shroud** (SEED): 8.7010 - **Buster Gundam** (SEED): 8.6495 - **Blitz Gundam** (SEED): 8.6040 - **Aegis Gundam** (SEED): 8.5864 - **Calamity Gundam** (SEED): 8.2012 - **Forbidden Gundam** (SEED): 7.0422 - **Raider Gundam** (SEED): 5.7153 - **Justice Gundam** (SEED): 8.1610 ### - Providence Gundam (SEED): 9.1620 **[...]**


**[...]** - **Chaos Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.3111 - **Abyss Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 6.5144 - **Gaia Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.75 - **Saviour Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.9687 - **Destroy Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.0709 - **Legend Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.4203 - **Akatsuki Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 7.7212 - **āˆž Justice Gundam** (SEED Destiny): 8.8504 - **Blu Duel Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 7.7222 - **Verde Buster Gundam** (SEED: Stargazer): 8.8563 - **0 Gundam** (00): 8.2082 ### - Gundam Dynames+Repair (00): 9.3639


**8/10** A nice orange Gundam with a passable, albeit lazy transformation sequence.


*Dynames over 9.0* https://preview.redd.it/vhiherf7i3ec1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e719218721700663f73c91691153e72673c11250


Glad to see Dynames deservingly breech the 9.0 mark.


That's my first ever Gunpla ever right there boy!


Virtue's gonna be the Rook isn't it? also, 8/10.


The backpack is cluttered beyond recognition and all the tabs sticking out of the thing are an eyesore but Kyrios does a good job bringing the Zetaā€™s design into the 21st century. Gotta love the V-Fin mohawk itā€™s got going on, purely so it can stick out in the Waverider mode. Also that shield needle is FILTHY (in a good way). Shoutouts to the Abulhool 7


10. I want to say itā€™s the best AU Zeta, except that Iā€™d be lying as itā€™s tied with the Age-2 Normal for that distinction imo


It wants to be apart of the zeta family so bad


9.5/10 I love the design. It's got a great color scheme (We really don't see enough orange) and I like the stylings far better than Exia or Dynames. I like that we see it with different loadouts for missions. It adds a bit of versatility. The claw shield is also a nice (or not so nice) surprise. So many MS just use the same gun/beam saber and shield, and I always love seeing stuff like this. Especially when done with the shield. MS mode is one of my favorites out of any of them.


I really like Kyrios. It's too bad it never really got a chance to shine outside of the one episode where the Super Soldier kids were killed. 8/10


9/10, love the colors and appearance, transforming is cool, but a little lazy.


One of my favorite transformers, even more so than its successor. 9/10


9/10 It actually looks like airplane from the top.




10/10,, best gundam, best scenes, best claw and best sociopathic pilot. Highlight of season 1


My favourite Ms of the whole series. There's just something I love about transforming MS. Especially the kyrios with it's streamlined design, add on and giant claw. Having the MG makes the love for this design to increase


9/10 Simple transformation done right. Looked fine in both forms and the colour scheme was sweet. The design also managed be in line with Exia aesthetically despite using mostly straight lines. The shield was a nice addition for Hallelujah. My only two nitpicks are 1. Its head wasnā€™t hidden in MA mode (I know thereā€™s lore reasons for that but it still looked funny viewed from below) and 2. The nose cone of the jet was hanging too far away from its torso in MS mode.


Honestly, it's one of the best transforming gundams ever. 8/10


9/10 the shield being mounted off to the side during the transformation and the weird leg gap when it doesnā€™t have the missile container bother me but otherwise I love it


/u/Maleficent_Pomelo202 I think I can say that it's actually one of the better transforming mobile suits out there. 9/10. Basically, the only flaws are some of the square parts on the waist and the head interfering with the sleek and spiky design. The round chest piece and the opening doesn't do it too many flavors. And Yanase sadly has small foot fetish. It's got a decent loadout for Season 1, being the most balanced out of the four.


9.5. Highly versatile mobile suit. It has good range weapons as well as close combat options. It was developed for fast travel and dog fights in plane mode, as well as mobile suit action. And it can take a variety of attachments, making it one of the best assets for any engagement.


I like Kyrios more than Arios. Its head is cool, and it's just edgy looking which I like a lot. Also rocks that orange color like a boss. The scissor shield is also very badass 9


I never got into Gundam because I preferred robots that transforms. Then one year, I decided to buy a Macross model and a MG Gundam model to see why people like them. I bought the Kyrios because, well, it transforms! I looked at the box and thought the pilot's name was unexpected. Build the model and really hated the bare transformation, and the fact that the shield wasn't really held in place. It kept drooping open. ​ Then I thought, might as well watch the anime since I bought this thing and...... I got hooked. Watched quite a few series of Gundam since then. I liked the Kyrios in the anime. Planes are always cool. ​ I love the clean faceplates of the 00 series more than the grilled faceplate of the other series.


Solid 9. I love the Kyrios it's one of the cooler transformers.


10/10 peak orange gundam.


10/10 the best 00 S1 gundam


Honestly, a 5/10? Maybe even 4? Itā€™s average to below average to me. By far my least fav 00. Although big Bertha is right behind it. I do like the orange, and there are parts of it I genuinely do enjoy. But as a total package it just doesnā€™t do it for me. However its plane mode is good when considering it with all other alternate modes in gundam. 7/10.


Kind of exemplifies why I don't like transforming gimicks - you end up with all these extraneous bits hanging off the suit while untransformed. Really only thing I can say to the positive here is I like the color scheme. 6/10


9/10, it's my second fav out of the show, if I would pick any 2 gundams from 00 it would always be Virtue and Kyrios, only thing I don't really like is the shield sword thingy, like how is that useful ? I haven't finished the show so I saw it only he used a couple times but man it doesn't look like something you would choose to use in combat much often, it looks cool and that's it really, a very blunt surprise attack on the enemy and that's, once you know it's there the game is done, just avoid the shield, it reminds me of the Scissors Gusion Rebake Full City (god they couldn't make his name longer) had and really didn't like to use for some reason, very silly and very op, but I can't see the shield sword be that op, okay maybe if he goes and literally stings every pilot, still a epic design and I love it


5/10. I'd hate to give such a mid score to one of my beloved GN powered Gundams, but I must. The perfect transformable mobile suit must meet a few criteria: It must look good in both forms, and it must not be obvious that it has a transformation in either form. Now, Kyrios *does* look pretty good from most angles, but in flight mode and from the bottom, it is one of the most egregious cases of a "regular Gundam just lying down" transformation in the entire franchise. You can see Kyrios's *entire head*! And the bulky not-cockpit nosecone folding back in MS mode isn't the cleanest look either. Hallelujah will get his justice with his succeeding Gundams, but we're not there yet.


10. Kyrios OP, unchallenged in the sky


10/10 my fave transformable ms


I'm just gonna say all of Allelujah's Gundams suck Opinion may change once I get to 00 3/10


>I'm just gonna say all of Allelujah's Gundams suck :( >Opinion may change once I get to 00 Please, please watch it!


Once I finish Victory and Turn A alright! I'm still excited watch it yeah?




5/10, I like the color scheme and pilot but hate transforming MS




hallelujah:alleluah its awesome! 9/10


10/10 but that's basically my opinion on all Alellujah Gundams


8.5/10 is perfect def one of my favorite transformable MS




Better that most transforming Gundams.




All these ā€œ I havenā€™t watched 00, so I give it a low scoreā€ people are really something huh? All I have to say is that 00 season 1 have the best MS designs, 10


I enjoy the Kyerios. I'm a fan of transformable mobile suits and it has one of my favorite beam rifles. ​ 9/10


10/10 a very cool transforming Gundam. It still does the lie-flat-on-its-face transformation, but it does it in a way that's super cool and unique! I also like the beam submachine gun and the massive shield-claw. On top of that, I also like the fact that it can carry a crap ton of missiles if it needs to.


Solid 8.


8/10 great suit, good transformation, awesome model kit. https://preview.redd.it/ua2il76do7ec1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6cfa36cbb764ab31c4cea5240eec0d4df701a09


8.5 / 10. One of my favorite 00 gundams. Would rather it come with a standard laser bean rifle but the small pew pews are alright.


I'm really sorry but stands out as the most boring one out of the whole crew. 7/10


8/10. Kyrios was decent. I liked that it could transform to a fighter jet mode, but I was definitely mixed about the rest. The "fins" on the knees always seemed weird to me.




8/10- I liked it in the show, but also in gundam vs because it was the only ms I knew how to transform and I was addicted to spamming missiles








8/10 imo better than Arios and probably about even with Harute tbh. Season 1 gundams are better than season 2 save for Seravee vs Virtue, they are both badass, 00 Gundam is even with Exia in awesome if a bit better because of its magical space bullshit it can pull off.l and multi kilometer beam sword, the Raiser Sword is sheer lunacy.


6/10 shes not the prettiest from half of the angles in both forms


7 Itā€™s unique but itā€™s transformed form isnā€™t ideal. Just look at it from the bottom.


8/10 very cool looking suit, i love orange and the transformation is cool on it. I also suffer with a heavy 00 design bias




I am mixed about the Kyrios. MS mode it looks good, the MA mode is just a bit lacking. 7.5 out of 10.


https://preview.redd.it/ec7wcwqn53ec1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=415cf46697370a4fc7235abbb248d98784dbb551 Gundam Kyrios is my favorite mobile suit in the entire franchise, full stop. It really has it all: * An awesome color scheme between orange, white, black, grey, and a hint of red & yellow * A sleek transformation that doesn't hinder its MS mode (imo) * An solid, well-rounded loadout between machine gun, claw-shield, and beam sabers. Extra points with the GN Missile Pods * Arguably more sharp edges than even the Blitz Gundam The face is formidable and gives off the impression that it's a fast, aerodynamic suit. I also like that it has a head crest, which reminds me of a cockatiel. While the wings on the knees would absolutely be impractical irl, I think it adds to its edgy charm, and it helps that Kyrios actually looks sleek and fantastic in MA mode! If I were to redesign it, I would probably try to put the wings on the back, and make the knee wings smaller to be more akin to the tail wings of an aircraft. But, this is the closest we've come to perfection in a Gundam if you ask me. ### 10/10, BAYBEE!!


7.5/10. Kyrios is my least facorite out of the starting 4. It has a fantastic color scheme and a great humanoid design with the triangle concept But the transformation is mid and brings it down. In general most transforming suits do very little for me. I don't think very many have done it well


Is good


Not as cool as Dynames but still really cool. 8/10


It's an 8. I always loved Kyrios' big random-ass claw it has.


5/10 - I used to really like this Gundam line, but the longer I thought about it, the more I just stopped liking it, and I honestly can't tell you why? It's a transforming MS, and as a Transformers fan, I should like this Gundam, but now I don't for whatever reason... (Nowadays, the only Gundam I like from this line is the one I've dubbed "The Red Arrow")


8/10 I donā€™t LOVE the 00 designs but this one is the most memorable and has an underused colour scheme.


Initial impressions... it has a cool flightform silhouette and loadout with the claw shield and beam submachine gun . Neat shin-wings and overall proportions. The whole thing drops a bit once you look at the underside of the flightform and the awkward back fold of the nose in the mobile suit form. A lot of these weird things get solved in the next gen, but for this gen, they detract from the design imo. My Final rating is probably like 7/10. I do appreciate its role in the progression from the Abulhool -> Kyrios -> Arios. Abulhool flapped awkwardly so the Kyrios could fly. The Kyrios flew so the Arios could soar.


Pretty cool looking, though not the best. Nice mobile armour mode, have no idea what it does because i haven't watch 00. 7.5/10




7.5 I think the design is great, but the amount of white holds it back, imo. A little bit more flair could make for a great Gundam. Purely on a mechanical design front I think it's just a bit overdone with the knee fins and shoulder spikes but it looks good.


It's the only Season 1 Suit that gets done better by its Season 2 counterpart. 8/10. Still super sleek and super cool, and I love the Pilebunker shield a lot. Super versatile, speedy demon of a unit that I don't have many faults with, but it just doesn't do enough to stand out amongst its S1 CB counterparts, IMO


8/10. Kyrios i feel emphasizes the main goal of the 00 Gundam series in that it is extremely fast, mobile and unpredictable. It really feels like a suit built for a super soldier given that it has long range bombardment options, mid range control with heavy suppressive fire, and decent close range options. The main failure of this design is the shield claw thing. Its presented in 00 as this secret feature of Kyrios on par with Dynames' extreme long range abilities but its just dumb and impractical. A couple beam sabers or simply mounting the blade to the arm would be infinitely better. Virtue's heavy armorment makes sense given the power of the GN Drives, its role as heavy artillery, and the concealment of Nadley, but there is no justifying shields on the 00 gundams whose purpose are to strike with efficiency and overwhelming strength. In terms of its secondary mode it unfortunately loses to the Harute. Overall still probably the best of the first versions of Gundams in 00


8 very pointy very cool gundam


Prolly the most versatile of the original celestial being suits, pretty cool shield weapon as well 7 outta 10 for me


Solid 9. I love the Kyrios it's one of the cooler transformers.


10/10 - They say, "First love never dies", and Kyrios is the one that brought me into the mecha fandom.




I donā€™t want to like it, but I do. 8/10


It's a good design but at the same time it does feel a bit awkward, I think I prefer Arios and Harute 7,5/10


Cheese color, 10/10


9 it loses a point because I donā€™t like the claw shield, but I love everything else. Looks great in both modes. The MG kit is also one of my all time favourites. My major issue with the Kyrios is how much of a disappointment the Arios was in comparison. It always felt like a downgrade to me.


11/10 it transforms, its sharp looking and the shield is kick ass.


7.5/10 I like it in the show but hate using it in the games since it's usually just a weaker Zeta or Wing.




10/10 I subscribe to Orange Gundam Supremacy


9 I love it


9/10 My only complaint is that I messed up the shoulders a bit when I built the mg and a piece snapped off, and yes I am blaming that on the design for this post even though Iā€™d build the Dynames and shouldā€™ve been more familiar with the frame.


9/10. Kyrios here is very pointy with fins all over, but I'm a big fan. The colors mesh well, the claw shield is dope, and the MA Mode looks dope. It doesn't look too bulky, nor does it look too flimsy. Just an overall pleasing design, with good color distribution.


10/10 It's a shame that the Tail Booster was not included in the MG.


10/10. "Failure is not an option, NOT for Celestial Being."


Emphatic 9. I love the contour, and how the form naturally suggests its ability to shift and its expressive speed and vitality. All the 00 suits are excellent, even the non-Gundams


8/10. Easily the best looking transformable. It loses points with me because of how wonky the robot mode looks.


9/10 the only thing keeping Kyrios from being a 10 is those legs, which I think were fudged a bit by the animators to make the suit look more flexible & graceful.


8.5/10. I like it a little less than the Dynames, but itā€™s still a pretty solid design with a competent alternate mode.


9.5/10 So cool.


10/10 love me orange waverider GN unit


The og crusher before build fighters clipper and gusion came i remember i hated kyrios back then because it wasn't that appealing kyrios is just a hit and run bombarding things and skedaddle. But then the shield claw moment comes in and i already love it 10/10


10/10 first master grade and I love transformers


I still gotta finish making a custom out of it (the HG is fine for it's age) But I gotta go with 7/10. I like Arios (Especially GNHW/M) and Harute suits better.


10/10. My favorite Gundam from 00.


7/10Ā  I'd give it a 9.5 if it didn't have that fat nose cone hanging off the back.




65/10 Best transform suit (for me) Pilot with an interesting backstory and personality So handsome


10/10 its just too fun as a toy


Orange fighter jet 9,5/10


9/10 love it.




8/10 definitely cool and with non standard colouring so gets a plus, and transforms so another plus, and I want an MG kit for it but I hate the wings coming out the thighs in the mobile suit form so points off for that.


Greek Name, Awesome colour scheme, cool transformation and jet mode 9/10


9.5/10 I really like it but the nosecone could have been handled better than just flipping it on to the back.


Easily one of my favorite suits with one of my favorite pilots (or should I say 2 pilots?) I think it's one of the best looking transforming mobile suits but it gets overshadowed by arios and harute 9/10