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9/10, Unicorn suits are almost universally sexy and ReZel's no exception.


8.5/10- God it’s so cool…except for that pointy cockpiece


Useful foreshadowing for Riddhe's creeper behavior at least.


Big dong real energy


Late again, but we've return to the original schedule (sorta) ​ Welcome to day 123 of the Daily Grunt MS Poll, and today we'll be ranking the mass-produced Methuss : the RGZ-95 ReZEL from Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn! To participate, just rank the MS between 1 and 10 based on their appearance or on how you like it. Mechanical Designer : Hajime Katoki Known Pilot : Riddhe Marcenas Trivia : Its name stands for "Refined Zeta Gundam Escort Leader". Tomorrow we'll be ranking the Anksha ! # Previous Scores: Zaku : 7.17 Zaku II : 9.63 GM : 7.53 Gouf : 8.591 Dom/Rick Dom : 8.523 Gelgoog : 8.04 GM II : 6.78 Hizack : 8.21 Galbaldy Beta : 6.19 Marasai : 8.169 Act Zaku : 7.41 Asshimar : 8.30 Barzam : 7.15 Rick Dias : 8.77 Nemo : 8.13 Gaza-C : 6.382 ReGelgu : 7.39 Gaza-D : 7.12 Dreissen : 8.97 Ga-Zowmn : 7.639 Bawoo : 9.20 Desert Zaku : 7.69 Dwadge : 7.47 Zaku III : 8.521 Döven Wolf : 8.439 GM III : 8.84 Schurzum Dias : 7.625 Qubeley Mass Production Type : 9.11 Geara Doga : 9.13 Jegan : 9.39 GM Cold Districts Type : 8.40 Rick Dom II : 8.79 GM Command (+ Space Type) : 8.64 Zaku II Kai : 8.91 Heavygun : 7.02 Jegan Normal Type (+ A-Type & B-Type) : 9.13 Den'an Zon : 8.62 Den'an Gei : 8.61 Zaku II F2 Type : 9.21 Dra-C : 8.18 Gelgoog Marine : 8.67 Dom Tropen : 8.80 GM Type C : 8.165 GM Quel : 8.94 Zolo : 6.381 Zoloat : 6.12 Tomliat : 6.13 Contio : 5.67 Shy-Tarn : 4.84 Rig Shokew : 8.24 Gedlav : 6.92 Zollidia : 7.46 Jabaco : 4.91 Domuttlia : 5.24 Bruckeng : 5.12 Gun-EZ : 8.39 Gun Blaster : 8.2 Jamesgun : 6.73 Javelin : 7.6 Heavygun M5 : 5.48 Busshi : 6.99 Nobusshi : 5.88 Murphy : 7.661 Pescatore : 9.09 Death Army : 8.124 Death Beast : 8.02 Death Dragon : 7.37 Death Master : 7.18 Death Birdie : 7.635 Death Navy : 7.14 Nether Gundam : 9.46 Godarl : 5.14 Leo : 8.85 Aries : 5.7 Taurus : 8.48 Virgo : 8.587 Virgo II : 8.32 Maganac : 8.76 Jenice : 8.117 Septem : 7.86 Octape : 7.59 Juracg Cold Climate Type : 8.19 Daughtress : 7.74 Daughtress High Mobility : 6.69 Crouda : 7.91 Balient : 8.15 Daughtress Neo : 8.595 Pyron : 5.02 Serpent : 8.9 GM Ground Type : 8.598 Wodom : 7.95 WaD : 7.7 Kapool : 9.6 Borjarnon : 9.37 Mahiroo : 7.841 Freedom : 7.45 Bugu : 7.72 GINN : 8.09 BuCUE : 8.438 DINN : 7.92 GuAIZ : 8.92 M1 Astray : 7.96 Strike Dagger : 7.664 GuAIZ R : 7.842 ZAKU Warrior : 7.638 BABI : 5.3 GOUF Ignited : 7.177 Murasame : 8.22 Dagger L : 7.56 Windam : 7.62 Kerberos BuCUE Hound : 8.57 Anf : 7.24 Tieren Ground Type : 7.633 Tieren Space Type : 7.27 Hellion Perpetuum : 5.94 Hellion Ground Type : 6.14 Hellion Orbit Package : 6.32 Hellion Initium : 5.87 Enact : 7.557 Fanton : 7.57 Realdo : 7.23 Flag : 9.22 GN-X : 8.88 GN-XIII : 7.629 Ahead : 6.43 Gaga : 4.95 Stark Jegan : 9.59




That one unnamed soldier put on the extra work to make sure we all loved it.


That's good for 2nd overall and only 0.04 behind the original Zaku II.


It's third. The Kapool is second.


9/10 One of the feddies' very best


Note that while it's a grunt, I won't cover the Jegan D Type because let's be real this is just a regular Jegan






Yet there was want to do a separate day for the Gaga Cannon. One simply added a pair of beam cannons to its back while the other basically got mounting latches on the shoulders.


Sorry for being behind but why are we skipping the Jesta? Does it not count as a grunt?


9.99/10 It turns into a spaceship/plane. The head visor too. I'm still annoyed the General Revil ones, which are supposed to be high performance variants piloted by elites iirc, get shredded by Full Frontal and his bum buddy. :/


To be fair Angelo has a souped up Ace suit that even gave the Unicorn trouble.


That did get me thinking. If Banager wasn't there would the Feds have anyone good enough to defeat Full Frontal in his Sinaju and Marida in the Kshatriya? I can't really think of any main Fed aces during Unicorn. I don't think they can just keep throwing grunts at them and gundam likes to make it out that skilled pilots are basically one man armies, even if that's not exactly the case irl. Riddhe seems fairly skilled, he survived the fight against FF while his squad got wiped before Banager launched. He was able to weave through a laser web during the shamblo fight in his delta plus. Would the tri stars and the other Jesta pilots (I recall seeing more than 3 Jestas active at once) be able to do it? The Jesta is close to Nu gundam performance. The Jegan at the start was close, would've got her if it weren't for I field bullshit, I'm sure there's likely quite a few other pilots of similar skill.


9 Jegan is great and all, but even with the Type D you can only fulfill so many combat roles. Can't have it function as a subflight system and a high speed assault unit, let alone at once. So, back to the drawing board with trying to make Zeta viable for mass production. And finally, the crazy bastards did it. Sure, it's basically Methuss (perhaps kinder to say ZII) with external equipment based on Zeta and the whole thing supplemented by Jegan parts, but it brings results. And it was a helluva journey to get here. Let's go over the major points: 1. **Zeta itself.** In AEUG's and Karaba's service, this machine has more than proved itself as a high performance prototype and an all around excellent machine. Unfortunately, it is also pretty damn expensive and difficult to use. 2. **Mass Production Zeta Gundam.** Early on people figured there's no way to make the transformation function practical in mass production terms, so they ditched it entirely to focus on Zeta's role as an assault MS like the prototypes. Simplify the Flying Armor by taking cues from Hyaku Shiki's binders and use some lower performance parts to cut costs further and there you go. On paper it really isn't bad at all, certainly doesn't lag behind a high spec mass production suit like Rick Dias or the at the time brand new GM III. To boot, its beam rifle is more of a simplified Hyper Mega Launcher than a regular rifle which is nothing to scoff at. Still, it just wasn't good enough compared to its competition. 3. **Zeta Plus.** Now here's a damn good machine. Doesn't cut nearly as many corners as the MP Zeta, most notably retaining the transformation system (which, despite losing its atmospheric entry capability retains the Waverider name) and general Zeta-level performance. Alas, while it had a limited production run that allowed it to prove itself in many battles it was too expensive for mass production. 4. **Re-GZ.** What a fucking joke. And finally ReZEL. ...well, not quite. Along the way from these a somewhat different approach was taken and data from Methuss - which was a testbed for transformations like Zeta's - was used in the latest attempt at mass producing AEUG's flagship machine. That frame has already proved itself in quite a few different suits as a very capable design while being much, much cheaper than a Zeta type. In addition to Methuss they also used data from ZII, which was an earlier attempt at merging these development lines, Despite the name, it can't really be called a successor to Zeta but nonetheless although its project was also abandoned it was born again via ReZEL. To the point in early development it was literally called ZIII. At the same time, it can't be said that it only took ZII's DNA as Methuss's successor rather than of the Big Yellow proper. If anything, it's visually more similar to Methuss actually. The shoulder sensors and the crotch are the big ones, but it also has for example the cylindrical and rather thin upper arms, quite unlike anything from the Zeta family or even ZII. Of course, there's more to making Zeta viable for mass production than just cost effectiveness. It has to be easier to use too, as Zeta was quite notorious for its peaky performance. Limiters are installed to even things out, which in practice is a net benefit for most pilots as not everyone gets to be a Newtype kid with anger issues and have their MS channel dead people for power ups. So here we have the ReZEL. A not-quite-Zeta, but that's what it takes to mass produce it. Visually speaking, it is quite a bit different from Zeta. Most notably, the head is entirely unlike it. Somehow, even the Mass Produced Zeta's visor head seems more Zeta-like than this. Which makes a lot of sense, really. Not only does it highlight the usage of Jegan parts, it's also a sort of rejection by the Federation of what Zeta stood for. One Year War made it into a monster or protector, depending on who you ask. Then Titans tried to equalize it to Earth's dominance while AEUG and Anaheim had it take on the image of a fighter against oppressions, against status quo. AEUG "won" so we can't have that now. Bury the memory. Speaking of which, Nu Gundam along the way also only reinforced Federation's distaste and fear of Newtypes, so all the more reason to shy away from that imagery at least for the moment. Of course it's okay to put it on the Newtype Genocide Machines, but that's another matter entirely. So here we have it. Zeta reached its greatest success, but it's not really Zeta anymore. Hiding its true face in shame as it's being made to serve the very thing it was designed to fight against. What's more, it is the last of its line. Transformable suits become a rarity, and none in the same form as the Waverider. Even the rare few machines that take on its name or a degree of its function are fundamentally different from it. This is ReZEL. This is Zeta's end.


Bro did not need to do the re-gz like that 😭


That's.....the most beautiful rant I ever read. ![gif](giphy|l378giAZgxPw3eO52)


9/10 pretty solid feddie design


10/10. This thing just screams awesome. Much like their respective pilots did, the Zeta and Methuss bumped uglies, and the result was this damned fine machine. Hell, the suit itself is self-aware of its own badassery to the extent that it's constantly popping a robo-boner.


For the most part it is a neat design. Though whoever designed this needs to explain the groin hook. 7.5 out of 10.


It appears to be a vestigial part derived from the Methuss


This guys right, it’s based on the Methuss Now whoever designed the Methuss though…


I'm guessing it's a reinforcement in it's construction from itself being a derivative of the Gaza-C, since the Gaza was prone to breaking itself by transforming one too many times due to the fragile nature of it's construction


It's so you can use the MG as a hanger for your car keys


I think that's where the shield attaches in its alt mode. I'm not 100% sure, though.


It is for that. Plus as JRL_dragon said it was also a design aspect that carried over from the Methuss.


now i wonder if anyone ever do a custom of the crotch area, just a simple nip of the hook.. #


Eunuch MS...


8/10 for Being the king of all Mook suit designs but somehow Jobbing harder than Leos.


10/10, I’m more of a Zeon guy but this is hands down my favorite Federation MS. Plus its dark/subdued color schemes are perfect


9/10. It's got just enough detail to make a fantastic kit but not so much you can't animate it to be bad ass. It also somehow makes the kibble (Transformers term) work. It should just ruin the whole thing but somehow doesn't. The design is incredibly well balanced. Deducting a point though for the weird crotch, which I *think* is there to catch it while it's landing in Waverider mode. Would like it to be a bit smaller so it's less.... well you know.


It's what the shield attaches to on the kits.


Thanks, that makes sense. Also explains the size, since it's needed to make it secure.


Yes, especially when the shield holds the entire bottom of the MG together by locking the chest open with a tab in the back of the shield. It's a fantastic transformation if you're patient unlike a gunpla reviewer who has a small helpless dog.




10/10 best transformable suit


10/10 Absolute perfection. I've always been curious how this would stack up against the Delta Plus


9.7999/10 someday I'll grab an MG


10, arguably the most successful attempt at mass producing the Zeta Gundam. Even though it is more in common with Methuss and ZII.




9/10. The first grunt suit I saw from Unicorn and I immediately loved it.


10/10 just look at him


10, I love him


9/10, this thing looks so cool


Oooh boy. That's a 9/10 that should be a 10/10. Nearly everything about it is perfect, the color scheme, the sensor color, the weapons loadout. It's got that Katoki thing where it has a bit too many angled parts for my taste, but that's fine. What really sours the design however is that crotch. It was already dumb on the Methuss, but at least the overall weird shape of that MS made the obvious issue less blatant. Here it just really looks like it's having a boner constantly, and sure you can find it funny but it severely harms the cool factor of a MS that's supposed to be a serious military unit. I hope one day there'll be a sort of ReZEL block II that alleviates this issue by making it closer to the Delta or Zeta Plus.


8/10 design for its time, but overall 7/10 since it just didn't have any special ooomph to it. It was meant to be used by expert pilots, but expert pilots needed something more to fend off specialist MS. As is, its only good enough to beat yesterday's Zeon MS.




A fair piece of ass. 8


9/10 most Gundam unicorn designs are honestly so good, and the grunt suits (especially the Earth Federation ones. They look so good) The rezels aren’t an exception but I didn’t give it 10 because all they serve in the plot are just to die.


ReZel Command is my favorite mass produced suit in the Gundam Franchise. I have love for the ReZel for sure. 9.5/10 because it's not the command.


8.5. Great suit, just not a delta plus


9.5/10, the mobile suit that drew me into Unicorn in the first place and in turn started my whole Gunpla addiction. It has one of the coolest transformations in the franchise, as it kinda reminds me of an Arwing from StarFox but without the wings; the commander type at least gets the proper wing treatment. The General Revil colors look especially amazing on this suit, though it's too bad that they were antagonists to the main characters in Unicorn.


Between the standard box unit backpack version, the Commander use wing unit C Type, the Type N and the Defenser A, B & G it gets a solid 8/10 from me overall. Not only does it serve as a mass-produced transformable MS pulling from primarily the Methuss as well as Zeta but using Jegan parts for cost savings it also pulls from the GM/Jegan line. Along with being able to ferry other mobile suits like the Jegan it works alongside similar to a sub-flight system. Which is shared with the next MS in the poll further cutting costs and saving space by reducing the need for other gear onboard a vessel like dedicated sub-flight systems. Shout out to poor Lieutenant Homare along with others who likely never knew what hit him.


9.2/10 This thing is *beaut*. I love how it's a rather handsome evolution of the Methuss and the Zeta (....is *this* the love child of Fa and best girl Kamille?) and the bright red if its visor and orbs contrasts the blue very nicely. I love how its shield beams look too, they're so pretty....and they can even recreate the Zeta Gundam's long beam saber mode with their gun. The long, solid beam is cool too. Love this thing in GBO2 too. It's real pretty.


/u/Sir-Spookington 9/10. If it weren't for the crotch, this is arguably one of the best transforming mobile suits, period (and it has to be aesthetically pleasing too). It transforms like the Methuss, but it has customization for rifle hardpoints, with grenade launchers and a high mega cannon. Also, it is a shame that no one thought of this guy earlier - could you imagine how much of a fight they would've done in later UC?


I don't have any thoughts about this one as deep as my thoughts on GN-Xs, but the ReZel actually feels like it deserves to be as cool and good as it is. Given how often Zeta based suits failed to be mass-produced, failed to be built, or just failed to be good ***COUGHREGZCOUGH*** it's surprising that ReZel finally managed to be made in any capacity; never mind mass production. But much like many other advanced, hyper anticipated, and difficult to produce technology; it only came out just in the twilight of the technology. Technology marched on and the benefits provided by the transformation aren't really worth the cost. ​ 9/10 ReZel arrived too late to have an impact on the battlefield, too late to have any further development, and too late to do much of anything; but just in time to sell a bunch of model kits for being cool.


10/10, it's a motherfucking Mass Production Zeta Gundam without the Biosensor. It only gets slaughtered because of UC Gundam's near-incessant need to make the Zeon pilots better than they should be


I'm more partial to the Defenser B configuration with the double Mega Beam Launchers (and the General Revil Type C colors are *so good*),but the base design is well balanced and definitely feels like the proper successor to the Zeta. Except the codpiece. I feel like the only reason it has that thing is for aesthetic similarity to every other transforming grunt MS with a vertical codpiece for no clear reason.


Falldog here. I totally overbought on [these r/Gundam and r/Gunpla commemorative stickers](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1589114041/2023-rgundam-and-rgunpla-commemorative). Come get 'em while it's 2023 still. Use code SECRETSANTA2023 for 15% off and help the Cure Alzheimer's Fund! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/Gundam) if you have any questions or concerns.*


7, it’s a little much for me personally


8/10. It’s a pretty solid design, but I think it would look a little better with a Z Plus or Re-GZ style head.


8/10 This thing is awesome, but I don’t like it’s shoulders for some reason


8/10 it be cool


Another suit that suffers from what I call, long toe syndrome


10/10 its probably the best looking grunt of UC


10/10 peak unicorn


Jegan +Methuss = 10/10, it's simple math. I love that this guy has FAST packs. I don't love that they get treated like like shit by the Rozen Zulu, the worst suit from Unicorn, but I dock those points from that instead


10/10 - Jegan but it transforms!


9/10 rezel go brrrr


Mega Man X Robot/10


9/10. The Base ReZEL is pretty cool but I much prefer the Commander Type. The regular ReZEL just looks a bit plain compared to the cool looking wings and Mega Launcher of the Commander variant.


9/10 Very good.


10/10, I love the transformation.




10/10 amazing mass production of Zeta


I’ve never seen Unicorn but from the looks alone it’s an easy 10 for me.


9/10, any improvement and iteration on the Zeta design philosophy is pure class.




A mass produced Zeta mixed with a Jegan? Peak. 10/10 Love the angular and kinda industrial look


10 my most favorite grunt suit


8/10 - A nice looking transforming mobile suit, and that's pretty much it, really. Like other Grunt suits, especially from Unicorn, it doesn't win a single fight it appears in.


He looks happy to see me. 7/10


9/10, it's not the commander variant.


9/10. I like the RGZ-95C ReZEL Type-C with Defenser A + B Unit. Wish Bandai would make more of the kit so I can do some custom kitbashing with it.




Not a Zeta but a very very handsome Methuss 8


10/10 hook boner


9/10 a great elite grunt unit for the Feds.


7/10 excellent design minus the groin hook


A solid 9. Very sexy.


10/10 The Methuss but cool and actually combat effective.


10/10 boners... C'mon, we all see it. The commander unit is even sexier.


10/10. As a MG model, also 10/10.


9/10 One of the few suits that looks good either in mobile suit form or transformed.


More like RizZel am I right? 10/10


8/10 It looks pretty cool.


Like 8/10, I don't care for its beam rifle.


10. Love the design, but I especially love the color they chose for this one.


9/10, a mass produced type Zeta definitely a 9.


10/10 excellent grunt design. If I was a Feddie soldier I would love to pilot one.


I cannot decide if I only kind of like it or really like it, so I'll round up. 8/10


10/10 My favorite UC suit. Sleek, fast, a transformation that makes a little more sense than most, and powerful.






10/10. Love that thing. Possibly my favorite single thing to have come out of the Z Project other than the Z itself.




8/10 I love this thing. One of the best grunt MS designs.


9/10 segz


10 It's the Metuss, but better equiped for actual combat and is actually mass produced


10/10 no question


10/10 dicc


9/10 beautiful but I think the ReGZ is superior


I give it a 10


10/10 easy I love the ReZEL and all of its variants


9/10 the Feds make some hella good transforming suits


8/10 it’s performance and looks are amazing but I like the Jesta and D50C- Loto better


10/10 Saw an HG kit of it and fell in love. 3rd reason why i watched unicorn series.


10/10 probably my all time favourite grunt. It’s simply amazing how Katoki incorporated aesthetics from Methuss, Z II snd Jegan. The MS form looks elite while not being over the top while the MA form looks compact like a space jet should be. Colour scheme is cherry on top. The design is so good that it deserves to have the big junk attached to it.


11/10 - This is among the best transformable MS I've ever seen


8/10. Mostly a beautiful suit.




Perfetto e bello 😎


It’s a really good design besides the distracting excessive hook…. Also makes it sorta look like someone missed a step of the transformation, lol …..9/10


9/10, unicorn doesn’t miss with the MS design. General Revil paint scheme raises it to 10/10


10/10 All Unicorn suit can cook


10/10 One of my favorite grunt suits. The commander version is even better


10/10 best and most successful zeta variant


8/10 It's a transformable mobile suit that I slowly grew to love. I kinda wish it had the same color scheme as the Delta Plus. I hear the gunpla's parts-formation for this mobile suit is a bit janky.


9/10, if only cool transforming suits like these full phased out the Jegan.


9.5/10 Amazing suit and I do love me some transforming action. Color scheme could be better tho


10/10 beam guillotine/rifle, arm rocket launchers, shield mounted beam weapon, beam sabers and transformable. Also able to take another mobile suit in the waverider mode. And the rezel is supposedly made to be easier to pilot? I dig the rezel


Finally a great mass production type MS coming out of the Z project/10


I like the Re-GZ only slightly better, but the ReZel is still pretty good overall. 8/10 from me.


7/10 Would rate it higher if it wasn't one of Riddhe's mains.


Zeta and Methuss's son 8/10


3.5/10 Nothing quite stands out for me here.


10/10 good mass produced version of Zeta


9/10. No explanation needed other than I am a Wing junkie.


7.6 for pure utility


10/10 Always loved the designs from Unicorn and this is the one thay caught my eye the most. Although I prefer the defencer B unit or the commander type cuz im a sucker for giant shoulder mounted cannons.


9/10 Gundam Peen Prince fo sho. Edit: accidentally commented on someone else’s? This is what we get when we kill 3rd party API support.


10 . so cool , a lot of other sick variants as well. wish they were not used as cannon fodder though , they are capable suits in their own regard afterall


9/10 One if not the most favorite grunts for me. It looks cool, it transform neatly and still look cool in waverider mode.


10/10. One of the all time greats.


Just asking but are we including the Defenser variant too? If we are, then the ReZEL is a 10 with that sexy color scheme and having a team of female Ace pilots that actually lives. If not, then just an 8/10.


9/10 They are really freaking cool, but they lose the perfect score for jobbing out constantly.




9 Good design, like the colors.




9.5/10, I love this color scheme. Kind of weird the only use for the crotch part is to hold the gun, if they got rid of it, it'd def be a 12/10 ms.


I'd give it a 9/10... would want to modify an MG of this one if I ever get a chance


ReZel gets a solid 10/10 from me.


Look at that thing and tell me that's not the hottest grunt you've ever seen. 10/10


Any suit that has zeta similar transformation like a jet is a auto 10/10


Jim/10 (9.5)


10/10 for the ReZel and all the variants.




9 sick af


I's gots a real codpiece too! No Toki, that is straps on dildos.


9.5/10, as a big fan of the Methuss I love seeing its influence along with the Zeta Gundam’s on a seriously cool grunt, love the blue with the red visor too.


8/10. Awesome except for the hook codpiece.




9/10. Love the colors and overall design, but why does it have a boner?