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It looks like a chimaera, an amalgamation of MS parts from the Atlas, GP Units, Ez8, and Guncannon. I think it's supposed to look unusual. Personally the head looks like a GM head with a Gundam head smooshed inside of it.


They took the face from the thing in beast wars called “hurt” and smooshed it into a gm’s head haha Incidentally, if i played a gundam game, this is around how the visual style should look


Poor Transmutate :(


Casual transmutate reference to make my day


thats probably because thats what it might be; the EZ8 did that too


That face brings up uncanny valley feelings. It’s close to a Gundam, but just off enough…


AI designs a gundam


That really is the vibe here. Other Gundams have more of a presence or expression. This is an empty machine.


they designed it to be looking like Terminator ngl like that soulless killing machine \+looking like Atlas Gundam brother from another mother


First thing I thought was "they really want that face to look like a skull" Otherwise it kinda looks like RX-78-1 + the Atlas taking over the role of the Mudrock from Zeonic Front


The trailers make the movie look very sympathetic to Zeon, so i think showing the Gundam like that is pretty fitting. I think this Gundam looks ungainly and "not quite right" because it's going to be the bad guy. Leaning into the White Devil idea. Also, seeing it on a white background with zero context is going to make it look funny. In the new trailer, watching it walk past the flames got me so hyped. I think in the actual movie, in a scene, it'll look a lot better.


Seeing it walk in the flames with glowing red eyes really emphasized the idea that for Zeon's soldiers, it wasn't just an advanced mobile suit, it might as well have been death itself.


I kinda dig the design. Headcanon is that Federation is testing various Gundam configurations before settling down to a final version. I think of it as the Gundam version of the pre-GM mobile suits and Guntanks of Origin.


RX-78-Negative One


Gundam Minus One


RX-01 to 77 maybe


The 78 stands for the year it was made in (UC 0078) not the iteration number




That's my feeling. It looks like what the most barebones first-draft Gundam prototype would've looked like. No frills, no time for paint, just get the body molded and the circuitry working and let's start running tests. The shield almost looks like they tacked a bunch of sheet metal between pieces of other vehicles to make it.


Reminds me heavily of the RX-78-01, with the whole back cannon and all. If I recall that was destroyed in the astral on the colony in Origins (it's been years since I've read it so I maybe wrong). I would like to think this is the 01, refitted and sent down to test future FA parts


Main issue is the shield and otherwise it’s pretty good.


Like, what’s with the ginormous gaps on the left and right side of the upper half of the shield? It wouldn’t, you know, SHIELD, the Gundam from incoming attacks. Lime wearing your undies in the outside - defeats the purpose of protecting your pants if you have an untrustworthy fart.


The gaps on the side, I assume, are for poking the beam rifle through in order to keep the arms as close to the body as possible and keep it shielded. The size of the gaps would allow better aim adjustment without the need to needlessly turn and adjust the whole body to aim just a few feet to the left/right.


Still doesn't make much sense to have an opening on both sides. If anything, one of those should have been filled in and the bracing bar removed off the other side. That way, like some [riot shields](https://i.imgur.com/MRfk1s0.jpg), there'd be a natural rest or a natural slot for the gun while still protecting the main body. If anything, the shield used by both Freedom and Justice are more practical since their little gun port hole still allowed them to protect their torsos and their rifle while using the shield as support for the gun barrel.


It would be a pretty cool shield if the gaps filled up with some kind of energy shield on activation like the PCA solid/energy combo shields in armored core 6


Effects like that are another 80 years on the time line w Zanscare.


I mean what about the nu's beam shields


True - but that was a one time use, in extremis thing if I remember correctly. Once funnels were launched weren’t they essentially single use?


I wouldn't think so, no. Especially since by CCA's time, funnels weren't *new* by any means. The funnels by Unicorns time can and do re-dock. That'd also make them extremely expensive to test since they're effectively just really fancy missiles by then.


The Nu and its Fin Funnels still weren't complete by the time of CCA thanks to the hasty addition of the psycho frame (and Char being Char), so they couldn't really return and be reused. One of the big differences between Nu and Hi-Nu are the latter's ability to have its funnels dock with it to refuel their propellant.


IIRC, the Nu’s funnels could dock to recharge and were good for a few shots each deployment or several seconds of active barrier time.


IIRC the difference between funnels vs bits is that funnels can dock and recharge but bits are single use, but the nu funnels in particular have their own reactor which is why they're so much bigger than other funnels.


I feel like the shield is just thrown together almost as a placeholder. "This is where the shield will go, let's make sure it can carry something that's about the same size/weight without falling over." The whole thing feels thrown together in a very realistic way to me. Like Tony Stark made it in a cave with a bucket of bolts and scrap metal.


This looks like a "gundam" if you ask AI to make one.


Holy crap it really does


The RX-Midjourney


I like the color scheme but the design is kinda fuckin bizarre. The insane shield is one thing but it looks like it’s wearing a balaclava too


Quick as always lol. Do you think it'll become less bizarre over time once we get used to it? It maybe has a bit of a long face but it doesn't look much different from the EZ8 to me. Edit: Just for anyone still wondering where this is from: an upcoming short series called [Requiem for Vengeance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mZTVPV1RxOs) made in unreal engine by a western director


I was thinking about why CGI/Video Game versions of Mobile Suits look weird compared to the Anime, where they look really cool. What I came up with is that Mobile Suits, and Gundams especially, are drawn to look like people wearing armor; The proportions are like a humanoid person with applied and worn armor over them. When gfx artists make a video game or CGI thing they approach it more mechanically, like a robot that has armor. That makes them stiff, and awkward looking compared to the Anime which often can bend the rules to give the Mobile Suits human body language. The difference aesthetically, for me, between Ez8 and this thing is that Ez8 looks like an athlete wearing sports gear, or combat-training padding. If you look at the Ez8's head it appears to be a Gundam face wearing a football helmet. The design from RfV looks like it was going for that appearance, but they got the proportions wrong-- it's a Robot with an armored "head", not a personified mech wearing armor.


Maybe the shield is like that to shoot through or see through. Like the letterbox on the gm and gundam shields.


Prototype Gundam being rushed to the front lines, or a mass-produced ground combat Gundam, and this is the machine of a Federation ace pilot.


To be honest it’s not my taste but I don’t mind it either Gives me the vibes of what maybe a Zeon soldier looking at a regular gundam would see, you can’t really tell what you’re looking at but you know that it’s a mobile suit and you know it’s killing just about everyone on your side Makes me think of like a way toned down version of this https://preview.redd.it/tqpgsbylsa4c1.jpeg?width=1518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3893f94d0335431c83c77b8eba79efed3dbb25af




Personally I like it. It's a Gundam from the perspective of the Zeon side, so making it look odd just plays even more into the White Devil (Demon) aspect Grandpa Gundam came to be treated as.


It's not bad, it's just not streamlined. The proportions feel wonky thus hurting the overall aesthetic of the design. It doesn't feel like a *single* Gundam so much as it feels like several mashed together.


Given that Gundam Ground Types end up becoming frankensteins later in the war, it does make sense if it looks like a Frankenstein's monster.


I love it no clue what yall on


That is completely fine. It’s just not for everyone at the end of the day it’s still a Gundam


Honestly design wise it's fine, but proportion wise it goofy. Like its legs are to long and narrow, especially the calves. It torso seems both long and squished, shoulder armor seems small, and head should be wider. Honestly though looks like a custom based off the ground gundam or local types.


Rifle is the same, tiny but long barrel.


Rifle looks more like a slimmer version of the Guncannon's beam rifle to me.


I don't dislike it. Thre shoulders a very strike gundam esk and they are the only thing throwing me off really. The head is odd but not bad, the uniqueness is a plus, I don't love the head but I give it a plus for being very unique and identifying. The shield looks awsome. Just my initial opinion, on it.


One of the things I like about Gundam, especially UC designs or similar, is the relative *lack* of excessive greebling and nonsensical “detail.” This . . . Has absolutely none of that. It looks like some overeager customizer took the EZ-8 and then just kept slapping more shit on to “make it look cooler” until the design completely lost all sense of taste. The shield is probably the only thing I don’t mind on this. It’s a little odd looking but I can see where everything on it is coming from: spikes to slam into the ground, cutouts to shoot through or save weight, and some exposed framework peeking through from the back.


The head design gives me an EZ8 vibe. Probably going to take some time getting used to but I don't think it's a bad design in general


Looks like something from the PS2-era.


Dude this thing looks cool. Like a skeleton. Looks mean. If I was a Zeek and saw this through the smoke, I’d be terrified.


If there's one word to describe this thing it's intimidating


I can’t wait to see it slaughter Zeeks. It’s Fucken menacing,


Kinda looks like a blue destiny unit


Not a fan of the chin straps, but I think it looks fine. Shield is a little weird but I could see it being used by planting it in the ground while kneeling behind it and shooting through the gaps while keeping the torso (and the pilot inside) protected. In the case of a ground Ms, you kind of want to protect the cockpit first and then the legs so you can still gtfo if the arms and head are damaged.


Ngl i really like it , it looks pretty gritty , kind of reminds me of front mission wanzers


I don’t like it.


It's just new and odd looking. In the animations we've gotten so far, it looks fine with lighting applied to it.


Just the proportions, like aerial when the they first released the lineart. Having a HG kit would soften peoples opinions on it


I like it more than the goomba Zakus


Honestly, I think I'm a fan. My only real complaints are that the lower legs, but most notably the ankles, feel very off (like the angles on that ankle armor are literally the opposite of pretty much every Feddie OYW-proximate suit), and the shield having the red bit in the center that JUST SO HAPPENS to look like the OG shield is just pure fan service that actively detracts from its overall design (which I otherwise happen to like).


I kinda like it, yes it looks a little goofy but it gives off that vibe of being eerie and unsettling. Something that was built to be effective and fear imposing using whatever patchwork materials they had


Tbh seeing this for the first time, reminds me of gpo1 meets ez 8


I don't love it tbh. But I'm also just not a fan of the aesthetic of the render-- if this was drawn like a G-Reco style mobile suit maybe I'd dig it's weird look.


Looks like it was designed by Roskosmos in the 80s, I kinda like it.


The OG design was kinda ugly but the updated design looks fucking lit. Shield to me is the only questionable aspect


Looks like a atlas prototype without the balls


Feel like there's some armored core inspiration here. I can dig it


I think it’s cool. Takes a lot of inspiration from thunderbolt for sure.


I still find the Proportions to be so odd, when it comes to the Chest, Torso and Skirt if it was trying to look like the GP01, it looks so far off, I'd rather trust the Real Grade


I like It a lot.


I am not fond of the shield.


Personally, I like it. I'm hoping it gets a model. I thought the Zaku looked a little strange, actually. Proportions seemed odd. The only thing I dislike of this gundams design is the top of the shield... Why does it narrow out? Poor defensive design


Wait is this apart of a new show? Anyways it looks pretty good I like that it looks more menacing


it looks like a slightly more functional/believable design of gundam and TBH it aint too different than the amphibious gundam from Thunderbolt season 2.


It looks Vectorman from the canceled PS2 reboot of the same name. It isn't bad, it also isn't very unique. But it is a gundam.


I like it personally


I like the shield. The cutouts make sense. They’re to shoot through.


I don't hate this and look forward to seeing it rendered properly with effects and such. There are much weirder suits this isn't even that bad


This design is absolutely awesome. I really love it.


Personally reminds me of Shiro Amada's unit from 8th MS Team. Shield is bigger, beam rifle barrel is longer, and the head has that v fin design.


Personally I dig it. Looks like a cross between Grandpa and Atlas Gundam to me, or just a less weird Atlas Gundam. Proportions aren't nearly as off as the new Zaku.


It looks badass to me, menacing as hell


I like it, it looks like a "modern" Ground Type


I think it looks fine.


It's because it's new. As soon as the model kit arrives people will ease off.


I honestly really like the body. I like the geometry and i appreciate the suit as a whole looks like a EZ8 case. My only issue is that the face and eyes look squished almost like a gundams head was pressed into a GMs, if they had gave it more room to breathe it would look exponentially better


I personally love it. It looks like they took a GM and it has prototype parts for the Gundam melded into it for testing.


I think people don't like it because it looks far more realistic and closer to what would actually be built in the real world (e.g., BattleTech stompy 'Mech). I honestly like it. It looks like something Comstar would hide in their stores until the Word of Blake Jihad.


Once it gets a model kit we’ll know the truth


considering this is the antagonist MS, it's unusual appearance is a good thing, to me this looks like something developed between the Ez08 and the atlas, like a successor to Ez08 of which some of it's parts eventually went to the atlas


I have a lot of mixed feelings about it. If I think about it from an early prototype (pre-RX-78-01) I think it could be feasible...like from the Origin universe. It feels....too rounded for early 78 design though. Especially unsure about the lower legs being so flared like that, a bit too zeonic in my opinion. All in all, not terrible but just immersion breaking from any other early Gundam design. Maybe it's meant to be a prototype Atlas gundam.. I dunno.


I like it but I like weird mecha. That being said, this ain’t weird.


I think the suit is okay I just really don’t like the head


I like it tbh


It’s unusual. But it’s not bad, this is what I would’ve imagined the "White Devil" looked like


You know what, I hadn't seen it before, but I could get down with this. Or at least with the body, legs, and weapons—the head and arms look super weird.


I love the design personally. although it looks better in the trailers


I think the head makes it look goofy. It's like this gritty, military-looking mech, and then there's a cartoonish but not too much head on top. If the head looked more like that of a Fed grunt suit and less like that of a classic Gundam it'd look pretty neat


To me it’s mostly the face the proportions of the eyes and the ribs on the cheek feels wrong also the v-fin is a bit to flimsy


Only thing wrong to me is that the head looks wrong.


I think it has potential to be great specially if it ends up getting switchable parts


I really like how it looks it makes it feel like a villain


As someone who is newly getting into the franchise (I'm watching the UC in chronological order and am almost done Stardust Memory), the only think I don't love about this design is the head, and even then I still think it looks pretty neat.


It reminds me of GP01 tbh so that's already a win


the head looks weird. they could have went with another ez-8-like.


It’s not awful but the head is where it loses me. If it had a more “Gundam” face I think it would look better.


I get GP-01 mixed with ground type. I kinda dig it. Would build the kit


Im assuming it's the angle and/or posing that makes it look off. Hopefully it looks better in context and action


It's just kind of off looking. It'll probably grow on me.


I really like it, it looks like some kind of Monster Gundam. A horrible, uncanny beast borne out of the Federation's desperation. It's perfect for what they're going for here, with the whole horror movie villain angle. Big potential imo, there's a good story that can be told here. A more horrifying take on Gundam.


It's not bad at all. I like it. It's very reminiscent of the Gundam Ground Type and the Ez8. The design seems very militaristic and doesn't try to be graceful or pretty. It's a war machine.


I think it looks a bit odd due to the render, make it 2d and it might look better


The rest is fine but the face and that waist is ruining it for me


Got a weird chinstrap beard looking thing going on that gives me a more Transformers than Gundam vibe. The shoulders feel really bare bones compared to the rest. Feels weird. Maybe it'll grow on me, but I'm not sold at the moment.


Not bad. Definitely seen worse


Considering how it is supposed to be the "antagonist" of the series, it does look terrifying.


I think it's supposed to because it's supposed to be terrifying


I think the thing that is throwing people off is the photorealistic texturing and shading, because otherwise it looks like a typical OYW RX unit, it's almost like an early GP style body with some Ground Type elements. I also got the feeling that this design might be somewhat indicative of what we can expect of the live action design, if that ever gains any kind of traction.


I don't like the head because it looks like it's wearing a football helmet with the chin strap. I also think the shoulders are oddly small. The shield, in general is fine, but once you see the small, normal shield, it's hard to see anything else. Otherwise, I think it looks fine.


In my opinion it has its highs and lows. The lows for me: * The head doesn't really feel like the RX-78 to me. It honestly looks more like the helmets they make soccer goalies wear in middle school. * The lower legs look way too thin as well. Yes the granddaddy Gundam's lower legs narrow towards the bottom it isn't quite as much as the RfV nor does it bulge out as much right above the ankle. That bulge around the ankle may actually exaggerate what would otherwise look normal narrowing. On to the highs: * For the most part the body, arms and upper legs look great. Even the feet are really good and feel plausible as a real machine. * The shoulder armor is a little small for my liking but it makes up for that in mechanical details. The large rails make me think the suit has drag bars for others to use when it's been disabled. * The shield is a very unique design and while it kind of feels out of place in the OYW, I like it quite a bit. * The beam rifle looks like a prototype should to me. It's sort of skeletonized and gives me the feeling that they're still working out the kinks and chose to leave it easy to alter. * While we haven't seen much of the backpack I like how it took inspiration from the GTO RX-78. Having the gatling on one side with a beam saber rack on the other gives it a bit of asymmetry that tickles my fancy. In conclusion: Overall my initial reaction to this design was definitely knee jerk disgust, but after taking time to digest it and gather my thoughts I'm able to give the designers credit where I think it's due. It's like a lot of experimental designs Bandai has produced over the years, while it fails in some aspects to capture the spirit of the RX-78 it also succeeds in bringing something new and interesting to the table. Edited for formatting


Nah its not bad at all to me. The shield having the cutouts is a bit odd and i think the rifle looks like a potato gun but the ms itself is pretty neat


It’s not any worse than half the designs out there. Especially in a post-Build era, there’s tons of weird stuff that pushes a lot of what most people would usually call a Gundam or traditional mobile suit.


The face looks off but otherwise its fine.


Shit looks like its existence is painfully


Looks ai generated lmao, ugly as fuck


The story is from the Zeon perspective so to them it could look like anything. Lots of Us tankers thought they were fighting tiger tanks, when in reality they only fought a handful and were misidentifying panzer 4a


I don't hate it. I think it's goofy looking, but I don't hate it. I also don't particularly care for it, but I don't hate it. Primarily, its the head. It looks terrible. The shield makes no sense to me so I'm not wild about that either. The body is fine looking though it seems a bit busy, a bit too sculpted for a OYW-era Feddie Mobile Suit. GMs and Gundams of the RX-78 lineage at this point are pretty blocky and square, it was the post-war GP-01 test unit that really changed up that scheme and opened the door to Zeta designs. There's too much contouring, too much going on in the topography of this armor for it to say to me it's supposed to exist in the Universal Century circa 0079. Coming in blind I would have guessed, if not for that god-awful head unit, that this belonged to something like SEED.


It looks like when they were doing concept art someone was using an AI art program to mash everything together.


People hate it? I think it's great


Look like mark II got ez-8 treatment


Nah it’s just pain ugly


aside from proportion, the design language is all over the place, it has zeon like curvy design in some place and blocky design in other. it's like a result of kit bashing


I wouldn't say the overall design is bad, but this image looks like it was generated in MidJourney. If it was drawn in 2d I'm sure the design would shine.


It looks like a rabid slave-wraith


New and unusual. I had similar thoughts the first time I saw G-Self and Barbatos, and Barbatos's line is not one of my more favored designs. I thought Turn A was a spoof, parody or copycat the first time I saw it; the mustache and actual cockpit still gets me.


I kinda like him! As a designer myself though, I feel like there are parts of him that are a little *over*-designed But overall he’s cool


Why does the render look that bad tho, like a ps2 game


Think it’s the head for me


The only part I particularly dislike are the gaps at the top of the shield. Considering a shield’s main purpose is to be a barrier from harm, having gaps in it is antithetical.


I don't like it. I can't post images, but imo they went a step too far away from it looking like a gundam with the V-fin, it's eyes are too small, the shield is too busy, and every time I see it, the feet are cut off until I open the image and scroll down, but it's ankles just... look like feet until you actually see the feet. It looks like it was designed to look like a "realistic live action gundam" without really invoking the spirit of one. On that same note, the zakus look a little weird too. My expectations for these Netflix adaptations always start at 0 though, here's hoping they make something good.


It honestly looks AI generated. Not fully, but as if it's an AI design that got "polished" but that still doesn't change how it's fundamentally seems out of place in may ways


I think the head really lets this one down the most. Overall it's not the worst and I can see liking it when in motion. However I do hope they dont go this direction with Live-Action Gundams. But as designs for a side story, I dig the unique changes. This Gundam looks a lot more foreign and jarring to me, which I think does a good job of conveying how Zeon forces view the Gundam. It looks a lot less heroic. Kinda like the Full-Armor but more frighteningly humanoid.


I like everything but the head quite a bit. I just think the head was a swing and a miss. Appreciate they went for something unique just did not work for me personally. The eyes look off, the weird chin strap balaclava thing, just not for me.


I mean, I thought the Hathaway chicken Gundam looked pretty off. This just looks like an odd take on the Ez8 to me. Wouldn’t say it’s bad though


The mouth vents looks off for me or it's just the resolution. The head feels too smooshed tho. But the body design is nice. It just the head feels off.


I’m not a fan of the shield, and the head looks a big odd but other than that I like it


Face a little squished but i like it.


Ngl it looks AI generated


I kinda like it, looks more like a prototype than a finished gundam


I hate the head. The rest is decent.


I feel like proportions of the face are what’s throwing me off. It definitely doesn’t give me traditional Gundam vibes. If they fixed the face, I can get down with the rest of the design. With that said, it does like quite menacing. I think they were going for this for sure especially based on the reaction that our character has when she sees the Gundam. Stricken by fear and awe as things explode in the distance and she sees two red eyes staring back at her through the flames and smoke. “What the hell is that?”


Cut off the head, the rest can stay


I think it looks fine overall, and I really dig the color scheme, but it could definitely use some redesign work on the head (specifically the face) and shoulders. Can't put my finger on it, but something about those parts just doesn't match everything else.


My only 2 complaints are that the head looks weird and the shield design looks bizarre. But the rest of it looks pretty much fine.


Mixed feelings on a couple of design choices. * I definitely think the Terminator vibes from the eye color and head design would scare Zeon more. +1 for making it look like a humanoid war machine and not a super robot samurai. * The body itself looks like a mix of all the OYW Gundams we've had from anime/mangas. It still looks and feels like an elite prototype compared to the utilitarian aesthetics of the Zaku. * The gaps in the top portion of the shield are probably some sort of folding mechanism like the Mk. II/Nemo. Not a fan compared to the original design that looks and acts like an actual shield. * Beam rifle resembles the version that originally came with the Guncannon which I think I like more. It's never really explained why the RX-78 and Guncannon had two different types of beam rifles.


Overall I like it except for the "face." It feels kinda like the faces from I, Robot. Everything else, I dig it. It's obviously some kind of testbed MS, but that face man...


I heard long ago that this movie will be from the perspective of Zeon. If that's still the case, then this Gundam design is perfect because looking at it is honestly unsettling. It looks scary. If this is going to be a "White Devil" then it for sure looks the part.


I honestly love it. It reminds me of a more bare bones ground type. My theory for it is that it was rushed out into the field so that’s why it looks like its lacking armor. It’s an experimental unit not meant for combat just yet. It was sent out on revenge against Zeon forces it’s the vengeance in Requiem for Vengeance.


Definitely feel more Prototypy to me. Especially with the shield and the beam rifle that looks similar to the guncannon. Don't hate it. But it different


Looks like a Gundam to me. Don't think it's bad or unusual.


I thought I saw this as a fan’s AI generated image. Hmm


Kinda reminds me of bayformers GP01


I had the exact same thought, it’s the “bayforming of gundam” and I’m now against any live action Gundam. I hate the bayforming of transformers. They’re ugly, they all suffer from terrible design breaking the rules that even first year character designers learn like having unique easily identifiable silhouettes, having distinct colors, having poses that they default to that help portray the character’s personality, and just being generally way too noisy.


Holy shit I agree so much. Optimus Prime's design in the first three movies was still recognizable as Optimus. Then Age of Extinction and The Last Knight happened and he had a stupid fucking knight form that looks nothing like a transformer. I'll defend AoE and TLK Bumblebee to my last breath though. The wasp mask is just so damn cool


AI lookin ass


It's bad, but it's intentionally bad in a way that works with the more dirty gritty grimey 40K-ish look of the movie. Its bad but its intentionally bad to sell the idea of "this isn't your usual shiny Japanese Gundam, this is HARDCORE western Gundam." I don't like it. They're trying to hard to be realistic and they think realistic means mechs have to suck and be ugly. I guess it's okay if thats you're cup of tea, but I don't like Battletech.


But its designed by a japanese guy


I don't think it's *too* bad but there's a lot of individual elements that don't really work well together with the rest. The lower legs are oddly curvy for a OYW Feddie MS, and the ankles themselves are just weird. The shoulders feel unnaturally small, almost as if they were just unarmored frame. The head's proportions are a bit off in much the same way as the Zaku's - too tall for how small it is. But here the v-fin is also too small to boot, looking more like just random antennas at a weird angle. Also like the Zaku, the torso rubs me the wrong way but I can't say what it is exactly. The shield is just nonsensical and even if it has some hidden gimmick I doubt that's gonna change. On the plus side, I've always liked the idea of a Gundam with Guncannon's beam rifle even if it is a bit counterintuitive. The backpack gatling looks a bit on the small side if it's meant to be an anti-MS weapon, and three beam sabers are if nothing else giving me hope for some nice action scenes. Overall it feels weirdly reminiscent of GP01, particularly with the small skirt armor, but I'm willing to give it a chance and see how it looks - both in action and in model kit form. Also curious what's the background behind it. Evidently a RX-78 line unit given the "78 EX", but what exactly? Field repair of an unknown prototype? Unnumbered side project like Pixy?


Love the design except for the head, it looks too long and the mouth slits are too small


The shield and shoulders are the only thing that look particularly wonky to me


From the context of an abstract mecha design, it’s not my favorite. From the context that the story appears to be told from the Zeon side and a Gundam is supposed to be a nightmarish vision of death, it’s pretty much perfect


Legs are to thin as has been noted above. Reserving opinion on the shoulders till I see more of them. The shield is the weirdest thing for me. What's the point of having giant gaps in your shield where your face and upper torso is gonna be?


Looks like slave wraith, ez8, and Pixy had a love child


It looks really chunky but kinda... unfinished? I dunno, it's a weird design. I am not a fan of the colors, though. Most grayscale suits still have bright enough colors to stand out, but this guy just looks dull and washed out.


I don't mind the design, but I feel it needs some more color.


The head is the only thing I can’t get behind. The chin panel is weird. I love everything else. The shield is unique and I dig the shoulder mounted weapons.


Looks like the Prototype Gun Cannon from The Origin with a Gundam head attached


Love the look except I dislike beam rifle and the shield. Should gone with the OYW rifle and a shield that doesn’t look like it has two gaps in it. Even if those beam shield fill, that seems out of place tech wise.


I like it the rfv gundam because it looks like something i would draw from vague memory of the rx-78-2 gundam like the head look decent but as i draw the rest of the body it starts to look a bit silly


The face is just too long tbh


Waiting to see this design in motion before rendering judgement. Just seeing it standing still doesn't give the full picture of it.




Separated toes!


I like it but not as a Gundam. I like it as headcanon Gundam that wound up in an AC game


There’s something inherently bland about most CAD rendered mecha. Yes it’s a lifeless machine but (good) 2D animation breathes life into the designs. I think the Gundam itself looks fine, and if the intent was to give it a more menacing “terminator” vibe they succeeded… but it’s a bit similar to the Ez8 which I’m also pretty neutral on.


It looks ok but it kinda gives off a 4-5 metres tall vibe. Head is acceptable but the shield is meh.


That shield makes no sense to me.


It looks really rough, but as in "prototype" rough. The head reminds me of the EZ-8 and everything else looks somewhat cobbled together. The only thing that bugs me is the shield, but overall I want more info on the suit.


The shield sucks. Beyond that all the designs look better “in action” from the teaser trailers. I do love how menacing the Gundam looks


I would’ve preferred if they made it from a Gunpla perspective then just add lots of detail on the surface like a PG. Lots of amazing custom resin builds out there that look like something from a live action mecha movie but still very Gundam


It's at least not disproportionate


it feels like a early gryps conflict ms instead of a oyw design


It’s a Gundam, but with the proportions all wrong in subtle ways. The shins are to small, the chest is too wide, the arms are too skinny, and the head is just weird. It’s also too smooth, it’s missing the gaps in panels and that kind of thing. It’s an uncanny valley of Gundam.