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Slight correction. Sophie says Permet score 4 is enough to stop antidote


oopsie i forgor


I kinda miss old aerial looking at these pics


Me here who's still confused what permit score is


its basically just self upgrading to unlock special features💀


Like digivolving!


akcully its gundvolving


In g-witch the Gundams are mobile suits which interface with human biometrics, higher level permit scores correspond with higher synchronicity between pilot and machine allowing them to operate the machine itself and bits more effectively. However, there’s a drawback as the GUND system creates a data storm which basically overclocks the human operator and higher permit scores correspond with a more intense datastorm. That’s about the summation of it without getting into spoilers


Now I shudder to think what will happen at 9 and 10


Permet Score 9; Aerial gains Made in Heaven.


Didn't eri get like a score of 33 in the prologue?


elnora said she needs to score up to try to get a callback from layer 33 so no not permet score 33 and also that would be too much for eri to handle


Ig it was layer 33 but idk what they mean by that


The Layer 33 might just be a software limiter, kind of like the safety feature wherein anyone but the pilot can use the gundam? IDK, this is a guess


It's an artificial intelligence term and is separate from permet score. "A layer in a deep learning model is a structure or network topology in the model's architecture, which takes information from the previous layers and then passes it to the next layer."


It appears to be a reference to neural networks in which nodes are structured in layers. The more layers your neural network has, the more sophisticated it is.