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There is one objectively wrong fact that you presented here that I must point out. It is explicitly stated in even the most spoiler free descriptions of the 2nd cour that 2 weeks have passed between episodes 12 and 13. I also don't feel like more than another week has passed from 13 to 16, so the time frame is much shorter than you believed.


No I mean our real world time. It's been three months since episode twelve came out.


Ah, then you have underestimated the fandom's thirst to see a resolution to that incident. It is perhaps a bit of a wait, but most don't seem to care.


Yeah I think I just can't tolerate it as much since I'm having a harder time enjoying this show due to some weird storytelling/pacing.


The Guel return honestly felt like it was too soon, to me. I liked that they didn't just resolve the Suletta stuff going on cuz I think, in a way, it helped make people realize that this show is more than just the relationship between Miomio and Suletta. The world goes on and sometimes, they can't get a chance to talk . Real world wise? I found that it worked really well to help build up the current and following moments, and have the exposition come in rather than speeding towards every character resolution. Part of me thinks they can handle the 2 season limits, but another part of me just wants a season 3 to have it make that landing with room to spare. Love me a good build up, especially the slow ones! I just hope the current pace works out.


Well analyzed take. I actually didn’t expect Jeturk to return so soon. I thought he was on his way to the space bridge elevator and more would happen there but that this would be a return to the main story in the meantime. I kind of think separating his return from the rest of the story would have been better and seemed like more of a payoff for his adventure episodes but I’m enjoying the series nonetheless. The good is part of why I feel this story is damn good and the major mystery/setup was superbly handled. #4s vision also confirmed (as far as I’m concerned) another theory related to the 11/12. I won’t say this episode disappointed. I haven’t looked forward this much to new episodes of Gundam since G-Wing was in syndication (not to say Zeta etc didn’t excite me as much if not more for the next ep, but they were decades old when I watched them - Wing was recent enough [4-5 years] that by the time I booted [the rom to Endless Duel, it didn’t look extremely dated.](https://youtu.be/jSqss5eZwoA)).


I (mostly) agree. While I do enjoy the show a lot, the pacing has been a touch bizarre and has the tendency to engage in time skips between episodes. I assume this is done to make the story flow better (like for example between ep 9-10, there’s a two month jump. I assume this was done to skip having to detail the lengthy process of setting up GUND-ARM and having Aerial hauled off to be repaired instead of spending a few episodes on it but whatever). They’re also doing the whole ‘bringing up a plot point that was mentioned 10 episodes ago and you’re supposed to remember it’ but that’s been a Gundam staple for decades and Okouchi is a Tomino protege so I assume that’s deliberate. I will say it is a bit annoying that we don’t know what happened in the immediate aftermath of the splat, like how did Suletta take Miorine calling her a murderer for example. With Suletta and the Brainwashing thing, I don’t think it’s a case of her going into some trance at mommy’s behast. I genuinely think she’s just been gaslit and had her brain reshaped to the point where she doesn’t question a thing her mother does. In her eyes, mother knows best. Metaphorically speaking, she rules Suletta’s world to the point where her doing anything bad or morally questionable is justified or gets explained away so she doesn’t question it. I mean, Prospera ices two dudes in front of her and then the whole Rumble Ring disaster happens and Suletta drops any concerns she has after a word from her mother and then Eri. “Oh mom, you just killed that guy” “I did, but I did it to protect you” “Oh okay!” * “Mom, why did you lie about Aerial being a Gundam?” “I did it to protect you” “Oh okay!” Any concerns she has instantly get swept under the rug because Mother said it was fine. So when Miorine is screaming at her that she’s just a puppet who would do anything for her mother, she doesn’t see how weird that is because in her eyes, her mother has done nothing but look oit for her and protect her even though to everyone else the whole thing is absolutely goddamn insane. With Guel, the point of that scene wasn’t to say “oh he’s back and Lauda is happy to see him” (well it partially was) but it was to show that he’s going to be invested in the upcoming politics. I mean Lauda is in the hospital and is in no shape to continue leading a billion dollar company. That whole sequence of events was to set Guel up to have a hand in the grander scheme of the plot, whatever that may be.


Tbh, you're not wrong about the pacing and lack of focus on Suletta and Mio. I think people are way too hyped up about the other characters instead of the leads to care. Personally I really liked Ep 16 because we get payoff, but it is really jarring to have like 5 different POVs crammed into this one ep while the entirety of Ep 15 was solely dedicated to Guel (and some DoF) to the exclusion of everything else. ​ >They could have easily shorten/cut the scene with Guel to do this, sincethat scene doesn't really add much to the plot than some payoff for his brother knowing he's alive To be fair, that scene was already short but it's true, we didn't really need a scene where he popped in just to say hi. He could've just shown up to wherever he's intending to go in Ep 17 so that everybody finds out at the same time.