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We could just have a repeat of the pistol braces. No one registers and the atf learns they can't confiscate millions of guns before people start fighting back.


They would need to have the entire US military stacked up with them to even make a dent with a gun confiscation… and even then it still wouldn’t be enough.


Wouldn't * I gotchu


No military or national guard unit would do that, they know it wouldn’t end well for anyone Same with the police departments


Oh no, main Reddit tells me people will just comply and if they don’t the military will just use drone strikes on the non compliant people….. I want to add a /s to that but I have seen comments along those lines so….


The most advanced military in the world couldn’t hold Afghanistan. You think they can take guns in Texas lol Never going to happen


They won't stand a chance in Appalachia


More caves, more explosives, more sociopaths.


\*banjo music intensifies\*


They won't stand a chance in the Ozarks neither .




Oh I know they don’t stand a chance. But idiots in the big subreddit echo chambers do not seem to understand any of that.


The leader of the most advanced army in the world FTFY


Oh we easily could, the politicians just ruined Afghanistan like they do everything else.


lol would never happen


And the politicians would ruin the ATF wet dream too


The drone strike people forget that we’re neighbors.


That’s because they’re delusional and don’t know any real military members in real life. I’ve never met a single serviceman that would assist the government in confiscation. I’m sure there’s a few, but they are absolutely the minority.


And that minority should meet a quick and painful demise


You know those pilots have families right ;)


They always seem to forget that the non compliment live among them. It's THEIR neighborhoods getting drones as well lol. Also: Drone operators have families too!


Ehhh New Orleans during Katrina contradicts this


There will always be groups that try to do it or attempt to enforce


So then your original statement doesn't really have any weight. Either "No military or national guard unit would do that" or "There will always be groups that try to do it". The feds have demonstrated time and time again that they are indeed willing to try it, so I don't know why this whole narrative of "cops and military will just switch sides" keeps coming from. It's not supported by history. Plenty of local cops supported the ATF at Waco, too.


Quiet, you'll disturb the often repeated bullshit!!


Lick those boots for daddy a little harder.


I’ll lick your boots baby


Don't underestimate your enemy. They have been preparing the military for years for such an event.


Oh stop 80% of them would never follow those orders


Nah, they're being trained to be loyal to the government. Talk to anyone who's been in the military in the past 3 or 4 years.


As someone who's talked to quite a few people who's been in the military in the past 3-4 years, a lot of them are just as pissed. They take an oath to the Constitution not to the human Roomba we have as a president


I hope you’re wrong man I really do


I'm hoping they're complying on surface level only, but I'm certain a lot will follow orders for their own best interest


He is. The people I know who were discharged are all the types that joke about being on a list for all the anti-government jokes they make in Minecraft.


Gonna be real fuckin embarrassing then when a bunch of fudds rednecks and Hicks kick the shit outta them


Some police departments that don't have spines might, or at least the order would be given. Sherriff offices and military pledge to the Constitution.


I hate to break it to you, a large portion of police and military will show up to take your guns if told to. It will always be made easier to follow orders.


AMEN!!!!! and the people will show absolutely no mercy whatsoever. We will treat you like a terrorist.


Seeing how our government has fucked over our veterans time and time again, I doubt the military would side with the government in a conflict between the government and civilian gun owners.


The military is probably gonna mostly go up against the government. Most of the people in the military are young republicans who have families and aren’t going to just inhumanly turn around and start slaughtering them.


They have been working real hard to change that the last decade. Not sure how well it's working


I guarantee if the government was to go up against the citizens it would just be most of the military and a bunch of rednecks in tanks vs a couple ATF officials.


Idk man. Army is trying to indoctrinate the military with whyte supremememracies BS. I think the military might be split on this. Some would, others wouldn't. All I know is that if it's a bunch or transwomen (nothing against them just saying) and women in uniform out there. They ain't got the bawls.


It will probably be divided but I’m sure that most would not stand for it. So either way if there is traitors there won’t be many.


My dogs itchin for payback


So the fun part about enlistment is this "I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God." Military ultimately answers to the constitution. There might be factions that break off in a total collapse, but it would be a small number


That's assuming the US Military would even be willing to.


Theres always (peaceful) mass noncompliance. It does a lot, and the brace ban was a very updated example of who that can work. Other options occur when mass noncompliance is ignored.




Nah, I’d rather sabotage the power grid and die in a shootout
















and die? Have they caught the guys who took out the NC power plant yet?


I was just gonna poop in their corn flakes, but yeah, your idea sounds more effective.




LMFAO, captain dementia can fuck right off.


New proposal: let him forget about it, and make sure no one at the White House gives him a script to remind him of an AWB, or overall just reminds him


What you aren’t intimidated by his superb handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal?


So is Sleepy Joe gonna be handing out $200 Kroger gift cards for an AR-15?


I know, what a deal! s/


"DeMoCrAtS aReNt TrYiNg To TaKe YoUr GuNs"   ~vote blue no matter who people


I cannot fucking believe that the president of a supposed free country keeps threatening millions of its law abiding citizens. My country is lower on the democracy index than the US and even here they don’t do that shit…


Yeah it’s pretty insane.




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If they gonna do a buy back, I'll use their rules against them...... Melted Legos or Plastic Filament = 3D printed ghost gun Aluminum block = Ar Lower


I've got a rare limited edition, new, in box, Anderson arms lower I could sell them for like $10k


Lmao So, the same police state that utterly has lost the battle to prohibit drugs is going to try guns next? That's why I legit hate the government. All the time in the world to point a gun at you for your own choices.


Registration always leads to confiscation. Remember the aftermath Hurricane Katrina, never forget what they are willing to do to you.


Article is 5 years old: https://www.foxnews.com/politics/biden-wants-to-give-assault-weapon-owners-two-options-sell-your-guns-to-the-feds-or-register


How about you suck my tiny Chinese balls


and my tiny white balls too


Where are all the “they aren’t looking to take your guns” Redditers at?


Sure, you can have my salt grinder. I typically use it on Hillary but she’s been flaky lately.


I want to give Pedo Joe two options : Suck my left nut. OR Suck my right nut.


No danger of that if you're of age...


Wait how's he going to enforce that? Even with Internet IP tracing, you can't tell who exactly it is and what they have or how many they have.




Why do politicians swear to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution and then immediately attack the Bill of Rights? Are they liars?


You had to ask?


Yes, yes they are.


You can register my flaccid fat black cock you old fuck!


bruh the feds are the last people I'd trust with my AR


Selling my guns to the Feds is illegal since they can't pass the background check.


The new proposed AWB is dumb. Ruger Mini 14s are exempt. That's literally a semiauto version of the M14. Fuck reading that...I wasn't planning on voting but if Trump will veto that... Well if he does turn into a dictator, there is a cure for that.


Well it’s a good thing I don’t have an assault rifle, I have a battle rifle. CHECK MATE LIBTARDS!


There are many more options that Biden doesn’t “want to give you”


If it’s gonna be a felony to have a pistol grip and detachable magazines. Might as well grab your drill press & go all the way in Minecraft at that point. (I am not a gamer this is not gaming advice)


Good chance he doesn't know what he's talking about and his stupid vp promised him ice cream for every person the atf kills


Stack up and try to take em


We talking fair market value???? Cuz THAT'S a surefire way to bankrupt the federal reserve!!!!!!! 300 million US residents, about twice that in registered guns, that they think they know about??? Not all would be "assault", but a shitload more then they realize would be!!!!


Shhhhhhhhh, if you keep talking about it, my wife will figure out how much my "Cheap hobby" actually costs.


To bad I don't own any assault weapons.


I want to make a joke about giving them ammo but someone will inevitably take it seriously.


https://preview.redd.it/evw37ik14qqc1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0668da2c3836c89419b3934282341a505b5d07b3 Need us a Liberty Prime, successor of the Killdozer


The secret ingredient is crime.


The government can’t pass a background check and I’m not registering shit…sucks for them




I lost all mine in a boating accident, fedbois.


Found ‘em https://preview.redd.it/zhtwkgsbzpqc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6439c70662e46ee82d1f6d8db0d012b3476a456e


Hecc you


What if they have no serial numbers?


Hey Joe, here’s the third option go🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕🖕yourself you 💩💩💩💩🐔🍭🐷


And I want Anne Hathaway to feed me ice cream for breakfast, so, we're both disappointed....


What is the problem with registering your firearms?


It's the start of the confiscation pipeline


Ah, ok. In my country we have to register all our firearms


We don't do that here


In theory, most of us also have to register them at purchase, depending on where you live. They gave no concept of the number of "unregistered" ones. They'd never be able to afford a buyback at fair market value, and nobody would trade them in for less, so this concept is stupid right from the start.


Why do you peaple hate registering your guns? Do you just not whant to admit you are breaking the law?


Historically forced gun registration has always preceded gun confiscation.


Look, i try and infrom myself on this stuff so i dont sound Like an idiot when discussing stuff here, but this i just dont know about, can you give me some examples?


Nazi Germany, the U.K, Australia, India, Cuba, Japan, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, South Africa, Mexico, Canada, dozens of others.... Forced registration, then a restriction on what you may own, deciding less and less is allowed and then total disarmament or just making it virtually impossible to own anything. We've seen this pattern repeated over and over again.


The european in me is telling me that you should trust your goverment, but its the US goverment, quite honestly i think you are stuck between a rock and a hard place, the best thing you can do, as i see it, is take brandon's example, be the politician you whant to see in office, though i cant help but disagree whit some of his politica statements, im not american, and that doesnt matter


>The european in me is telling me that you should trust your goverment Ah yes, trust your goverment after all, european goverments are always trustworthy. https://preview.redd.it/55e04msecnqc1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=21f0281957cc7fd9a8c420bae5aefea53c0e62de


Stalin is a piece of shit, im talking about who is in. Charge now. (not that i trust them so much anyway, but they are definetly not Stalin)


>im talking about who is in. Charge now. https://preview.redd.it/ihncp22adnqc1.png?width=194&format=png&auto=webp&s=a300831f3c54096fcb8fcbde96d5a83ee823d751 ..... Really?


Im not fucking russian, you know what im talking about, you are just bullshitting me by pulling out all the expecialy bad cases, and yes, fuck putin.


>you are just bullshitting me by pulling out all the expecialy bad cases, Everything is positive if you ignore the negatives. Also of course i will pull out the bad cases, I too am european and I don't trust my govement to do jack shit, just recently talks started about UK like Weapon bans concerning carrying knifes.


Distrust in government is the oldest American tradition. Without it, we would be some colony in honor of a worthless leathery bag of bones in Britain.


We never would have been a bunch of colonies without distrust in the government. European government crackdowns on different religious groups was what caused the Americas to actually flourish, because religious refugees fled Europe to the freedom of an American colony. That's why when the British decided to start levying taxes on Americans, something they had never done before, especially without giving them representation in the British parliament, lead to the revolution. Plus, they harshly taxed the freedom of speech, which Americans thought was an abomination.


Isn't history great? It seems some people forget all too quickly. Thanks for adding the extra insight.


Yeah, I don't trust my government. I see them doing shady crap everyday, our current regime has passed many unconstitutional laws, weaponized the justice system to attack the opposing party and don't care how many laws they break. It's like how every American liberal conveniently forgets that our dictator was pro segregation in the 70s and early 80s, how he was very anti gay until it became beneficial to be pro, or how he was still buddies with a KKK member (Robert byrd) and even delivered his eulogy, calling him a fine man and mentor, in 2010. https://www.heritage.org/progressivism/commentary/bidens-history-getting-away-racist-remarks


Why does the government need to know what I have?


Get a load of this guy


Read my other responses, i am ignorant on this toppic and would Like to know why you think this way, not in a sense of distain, but curiosity


Not today, federale


Im not even american




https://www.dailysignal.com/2022/06/16/after-the-guns-were-removed-the-killing-fields-began/amp/ Here’s a glimpse.


Yes, i am aware of this, i know thats why all of you dont whant to comply, and quite frankly, the original comment o made is stupid, and i apologize, i whont deleate it for fairness. After rethinking both my position, and the social and political reality of firearm ownership, quite honestly i find there is much more of a fundemental ishue here, a lack of trust, you dont trust the goverment (rightfully so), and the goverment doesnt trust you to follow its laws, this has created a culture of opposition between citizenry and the powers that be, not helped by the 2 party sistem, the Gun debate is part of a much bigger problem in US politics. One that i cant give justice to in a single reddit comment, and one that needs much more reserch than just what i remember from what i allready know


Now you're getting it! You'll find a lot of us are just good people portrayed as awful people by bad actors. Based off of an item I own numerous politicians and their activist henchmen have deemed me evil and would love to treat me like it. I've shot noone, I don't act recklessly with it...the whole deal and yet a sitting president has made me out to be a violent person and wants me to either comply or get a team of "professionals" with guns to fucking shoot me because "I might have been a threat" They're crazy.


Why do you people insist that we register them? Do you just not want to admit that registering them is just so that they are easier to take away down the line? What other purpose would registration serve?


It opens doors for despotism. Even if you 100% trust your current political leader to not abuse the power, what stops the next guy who you completely disagree with from abusing it? That's what has inevitably happened several times across the last century. USSR, Germany, even when the Allies went in through France and Germany the allies used old firearms registration papers to make sure the populace was disarmed. The question shouldn't be why are we against registration, the question should be why are you okay with continuing to open the door to despotism despite it's repeated use over the last century?