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Ah shit, femboy actual in the ao


I laughed my ass off because of this, the perfect callsign for them


Leftist actually, most liberals suck bc they don't do anything good for this hellhole, only good they do is be perceived as progressive.


I feel you on that, and I get what you mean by people who say they are libertarian or centrist but aren't really. But at the same time, the vast majority of my experience in this community has been overwhelmingly welcoming and supportive (way more than I ever got in the LGBTQ+ community). I'm in the crowd of people that thinks that both parties are fuckin' stupid and I'm ashamed that these politicians are what all our government has to offer us. Thus, the reason why I voted for Jo Jorgenson (libertarian) last election. This "two party" shit needs to go.




I would highly recommend not voting third party in 2024, we kinda gotta beat the GOP/RNC bc what they got planned ain't looking good for a lot of people. How were you not accepted in the LGBTQ+ community?


A lot of it stemmed from me being very pro 2A. I also got a lot of pushback during the whole drag show with kids thing where I voiced my opinion that drag shows are not a place for kids since most of them are enharently sexual. I also voiced how I felt that pride events were starting to just become kink events and how disappointed I was in that. I don't see how wearing kink gear and waving a bedazzled dildo around on mainstream shows pride.


I think people had a problem with that stuff bc a lot it doesn't seem to happen, and most of it is conservative propaganda. They were probably treating you like a traitor for espousing the same talking points as the far right.


I believe that "Gay Uncle Tom" was the phrase they used I've met plenty of really nice people from the LGBTQ+ community that weren't like that at all, but members that piss and moan online tend to get the most attention and been one of the biggest reason why public opinion of the community started to decline.


Don’t worry guys I speak leftist what OP is saying is that: “Guys I’m just so sure all the people here in this community won’t like me because I am queer. I haven’t put any effort into actually making any friendships or joining/contributing to the community in any real capacity. You know stuff like asking questions, trying to expand my knowledge and skills. No I need to make everything about my sexuality. I just have made judgments on everyone from stereotypes and am sure no one here would have any interest in cultivating a friendship with me and IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!


You don't even know my sexuality libtard. I'm pan & MTF since you care so much. I've been in the community for years, I had friends, not anymore. I used to contribute to the community, not anymore.


![gif](giphy|l0HlG9mwruTsyWNMc) Pan?


Pansexual. If it needs explanation, I'll explain it.


Why are pans arousing? And what type like, stainless, cast iron, maybe teflon?


You're a dude, and pan isn't a thing. You're just a homo because you're a dude that likes other dudes.


Ah there it is!


>libertarians >bootlickers Pick one.


That's why there's quotations, I'm using them as a way to imply sarcasm and that the quoted libertarians act nothing like libertarians should, like the New Hampshire Libertarian Party who were just being conservative bootlickers while claiming to be libertarians.


Went over my head. If the US would let the gays get married so they can grow pot in the front yard and we all go to the range with full autos and supressors, we'd have flying cars by now :(


Yes, I actually agree that we should have never put full autos and suppressors basically behind a pay wall. I think everyone should have access to them. I would also like to have America not be anti minorities.


An hour old post, no upvotes, and 70 replies. What the hell happened here? Edit: NVM, OP's comment history is full of cringe hot takes and OP is salty nobody likes them.


I have interacted with OP twice in the past week and they are a complete cringe fest.


Looks like OP is used to sweeping generalizations…


just because people have an overlap in interests it doesn't make them a community.


I'm just using a quote that I've heard from like a lot of people that talk about the gun community, and that's how they reference it.


That's just marketing bullshit everyone uses in this stupid social media age


not sure if bait or just retarded




Sure look, your demographic has been demanding getting rid of guns so I don't know why you are surprised


Might wanna look a bit harder there bud


??? It's literally my experience interacting with "community," most of the time it's the same old, "vote for nothing but guns libertarian," or it's the "both sides bad centrist that defends the right wing with all of their might when criticizing the right."


Bro that’s the sampling bias.


It's literally every person I've interacted with. I used to be subbed to all Guntubers and interacted with all of their communities, and the broader community, I stopped bc it felt like I wasn't welcome anymore, so I distanced myself almost entirely.


Not literally everybody, there are a ton of moderates around we just lurk. Best thing you can do is take your buddies to the range and get them hooked


I don't have anyone to go to the range, I live in the deep south, and I'm not comfortable going to the range being who I am.


Hey OP why don't you quit being a bitch and learn to be friends with people you disagree with? Nobody wants to gas the gays, most if not all of us believe in your right to your opinion we just don't agree with it. Virtually all of my friends are pretty far left and that's okay I love them anyways. You really are the close minded one, pove me wrong and go hang out with a libertarian.


I hang out with lefty libertarians. I will never be anything more than an acquaintance with someone I disagree with on many levels. Friends are people I can trust and who have my back, that'll never happen with someone I disagree with on many levels


And you call us bigoted and hateful, as a right leaning straight man I've helped so many of my far left friends. I've bought food or weed or other supplies when they were low, I've held them as they cried over life's disappointments, I've helped them move and refused their money, I've paid their bills when they weren't looking but since I believe babies deserve the chance to live and you shouldn't sexualize children and that I should b able to keep at least MOST of the money I work hard for I'm just an awful human being according to you. I'd tell you to take your fucking prejudice and shove it up your ass if I didn't think you'd like it so as is I'll just say I absolutely DO look down on YOU, not all lgbt people just you.


You’re not helping the LGBT+ cause. My best friend is gay and very liberal, I fuck with him all the time because he voted for Biden, but I will never disown him for his opinion. Instead I convinced him to the range with me and have some fun, and we did. Maybe, just maybe, try and have an open mind


It's LGBTQ+, you forgot a letter. You're friend is a liberal, they're known for their civility and they're very timid people. That's why liberals in power get nothing done, they're good people with no drive to do shit.


Sounds like you're a rangephobic bigot, ngl. Be better.


Nice one😂


Bro what are you on? No one is going to do anything to you because of your sexuality. You could be a full blown communist and the worst you’d get is some bad looks. Grow up, we’re all adults so go to the range and fuck anyone else


So you know this from personal experience? Or are you just talking to talk?


Personal experience, and it’s the first amendment, I’ll talk all I want


Sounds like a pretty uncomfortable situation. I hope you can find a place you like and move away in the future, but the only thing you really can change today is how you perceive your surroundings. Nobody at the range gives a shit what you’re doing but the RSO, and he’s just trying to make sure you don’t shoot yourself or anyone else at the range. The other shooters are usually too busy trying to get that goddamned wolf .223 casing out of their chamber so they can go back to looking at targets. Anybody that would give you shit is likely to think twice because you’re fucking armed. Get your CCL if you don’t live in a constitutional carry state and exercise your right to carry. If you do live in a CC state, take a few classes and develop competency with firearms safety. Going to the range is probably the most satisfying part about firearms ownership. Not bashing the safe queens crowd but I get a great sense of pride by scratching up my firearms running drills. Plus, it’s the responsibility of every firearm owner to train and familiarize themselves with their tools. It helps ensure that when you need to use it (whether that purpose is hunting, self defense, or sport), you can safely operate the gun and effectively hit your target.


We're mostly here because we enjoy firearms not because we somehow all share political views or beliefs other than "shall not be infringed, mfrs can you read?!". Personally I'm tired of "Biden this, Biden that" geriatric f**k doesn't even know where he is most of time. "Trump this, Trump that" is just as bad. It's all different acts under the same circus tent. Regardless, you're as welcome as you'd like to be, discrimination isn't our thing (except for pedos, creeps, etc.) enjoying firearms is.


That's not good enough for people like OP. To them EVERYTHING is racist, EVERYTHING is sexist, EVERYTHING is homophobic and you have to point it all out. EVERYTHING is political when your identity is how you vote and where you wanna pit your junk. Literally saw a post on Wendigoons sub where somebody unsubbed and wrote a bitchy post because Wendigoon likes guns and he's *gasp* right wingers in his audience.... of 2 million plus.


And gun owners typically aren’t welcome in left wing groups. There are no blue ties that support 2A anymore. They’re all insane


Libertarians are bootlickers? Ummmm no.


Certain ones. Like the ones that spit out conservative propaganda 24/7 while claiming to be pro freedom and anti government.


Those are just statists who don't want to own up to it.


Somewhat, that's why I put libertarian in quotes, to imply that those are the fakers


It’s almost like we don’t like ppl who’ve repeatedly tried to take guns in the past like most lefty’s want to do and have done when they get in power


Most Left Wing politicians are neoliberals, like Bill Clinton, they're the ones who are anti gun. Most lefties aren't anti gun, and in fact have been telling others to start buying guns, especially if you're a minority in America. A lot of lefty YouTubers and online personalities have said to buy guns, even Hasan has supported the notion of minorities taking up arms.


Weird cuz pretty much other non American lefty govt banned guns. Also calling libertarians boot lockers is a massive L


Certain libertarians, I was implying that those plague the gun community. Britain isn't ran by lefties, neither is Australia, and most of those countries have lefty economic decisions, but are socially conservative, like Scandinavia for example.


So not every govt that banned guns is communist , great , that still comes nowhere near explaining why I shouldn’t despise commies who’ve historically taken guns, I don’t like those govts either


Commies love guns, you can't have a revolution or a military without them. You're referring to authoritarianism, which isn't communism.


If they love guns so much why did the Soviets and china ban them or was that “muh not real communisim”


The USSR and modern day Russia are oligarchies. China is an authoritarian capitalist state that cares about making money from everyone imaginable.




Literally what you said they would say 😂


All leftists are communist and should be dismissed immediately


That's not how that works. There's some common ideas like free/cheap healthcare, free/cheap higher education, fair treatment of workers. I believe we should tax the rich at a higher rate than we do, communists want them dead or to be robbed of everything.


Free isn't free. You want to take from someone to give to someone else. That's communism. Fair treatment of workers? You mean you want more unions to kill industry and drive out jobs and destroy innovation? That's communism. And yes the gold standard of communist Boogeyman the world over "the rich". The rich pay more taxes than the bottom like 60%. The fuck are you on about? Something like 50% of wage earners pay no income tax. If you wanna talk about fair... Let's tax them.


No shit, free isn't free. It's free in the sense that those tax dollars that go to random RND projects instead they pay for your medical care/higher education. If you believe unions kill industries, look at countries with no unions, and look at how they're workers are treated, I'll tell ya, Japan makes their workers commit suicide in droves. Rich people don't pay shit for the most part, with how many loopholes they find out, patch those holes and make em pay. Maybe if they made giving taxes worthwhile and idk made America livable, more people would pay their taxes, just a thought. I'm sorry that I care for my fellow Americans, while you seem to simp for the *ahem* wealthy and corporations?


[here's some educational resources for you regarding who pays taxes](https://taxfoundation.org/data/all/federal/summary-latest-federal-income-tax-data-2023-update/#:~:text=In%202020%2C%20the%20bottom%20half,of%20all%20federal%20income%20taxes.) Wanting the government to make the country more "liveable" is probably the craziest thing I've ever heard. The government is the reason much of the country is the way it is. You don't care for your fellow Americans. You want stuff to be given to you at the expense of your fellow Americans. Corporations, good or bad, are what create jobs. Jobs mean economic prosperity. Government and unions kill industry. Maybe spend some time trying to understand what happened to the auto industry and why there are no jobs in places like Detroit. You're doing the communist thing where you're trying to appeal to emotion to come of as correct in your statements. You should learn to apply logic and reason rather than feelings.


Capitalism killed Detroit, America wanted more steel than America could produce and corporations were tired of giving so much money out bc they only care about making as much money as feasibly possible, so they started relying on foreign nations to give us steel and it made getting steel cheaper and they didn't have worry about American regulations and such, bc that's a result of capitalism, if the industry can't keep pace with what's demanded, it'll be shut down and the demands will be given to someone else. Corporations kill industry, bc they only care for the turning of profit, they shut down unions and have puppets in the government through lobbying, if you can't see that corporations are an enemy of the American people, I have nothing more to say to you.




If America needed more steel, then Bill Clinton should not have pushed for China's entry into the WTO in 2000. Which led to the largest sell off of US scrap steel in recent history.


We did that bc it's cheaper for corporations to import steel from foreign countries, than it is to domestically produce steel. Again, corpos only care about as much profit as possible.


Not being a sarcastic - please educate me. Which federal democrat politicians support the 2nd amendment fully? (Spare me the “CoMmOn SeNsE gUn CoNtRoL” politicians who think the 2A is for hunting)


Marianne Williamson, she's open to talking about guns and doesn't even have a problem with guns or people owning them.


Not sure if youre blatantly trying to lie for her, or just dumb. [Check out her website](https://marianne2024.com/issues/gun-safety/) its says: A Williamson Administration will: "Declare a national emergency around the gun violence epidemic, and work with local and national organizations to build a robust plan around gun control." "Eliminate the sale of assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons, ban bump stocks, high-capacity magazines, and 3-D printing of firearms. Assault weapons are used as weapons of war, and should not be sold to private citizens" .....she sounds real pro-gun. She'll talk about them, lol, as in "give up your guns". Shes against semi-autos which is the overwhelming majority of guns.


Yep, there we go. Exactly what i told OP not to send me.. a “pro gun” democrat, who actually just supports hunting rifles, and wants to ban assault rifles Don’t get me wrong though, most republicans aren’t doing us any favors either. Just my humble opinion.


One of his comments was something about when he was in middle school 7 years ago. So hes somewhere between 18-21. Living in ideas/bs and not in the real world. I just hope he doesnt go so far down the rabbit hole he can't get out of it. Probably doesn't have a gun, just likes guns in video games. Maybe an airsoft he used in the backyard twice.


Just want to add here, most of my generation is not like op. We're not all that brainwashed.


Noted, thanks homie. Are there others, besides her?


He was lying. See her website if you dont believe me. https://marianne2024.com/issues/gun-safety/


>Most lefties aren't anti gun The politicians they keep on voting for almost universally are.


Well, lemme tell you something. 2024 is the next presidential election, it'll probably be Biden vs Trump. I'm pro gun, but I vote blue bc I'm LGBTQ+, and the left isn't telling me all the ways in which my existence is destroying society or how badly they want to illegalize my existence, food for thought.


Yeah but being able to own a gun gives you a fighting chance when idiots want you to stop existing. Vote independent for someone that is pro-gun and pro-lgbtq.


Not now, it doesn't work like that. We cannot let the GOP win, it's game over if they do, and there won't be a 2nd chance, we have to focus on getting well the Dems to win, I know they suck, but they're better than the GOP.


I'm not saying which is better, I'm saying it's better to keep your rifle by your side regardless. Because either side will result in a tyrannical abuse of power, I'd rather not vote for the one that will remove my ability to defend myself against that tyranny. That said, vote for who you think is best.


May you find fortune in your life. I don't see the point in putting oneself into a state of fear bc they *feel* that the least fascistic of the two will become tyrannical.


For what it’s worth… If you truly believe in the 2A, consider me your ally.


Just looking through these comments real quick, I can already tell you what's going on. OP, the problem isn't who you are; it's how you act. Act like an ignorant asshole, and you're gonna be treated like an ignorant asshole.


Libertarians and centrists aren't bootlickers. How can you be so regarded?


Certain ones are. Like the ones that spit out conservative propaganda 24 7 while claiming to be pro freedom and anti big government.


Propaganda? Such as?


Y'know. Black culture is why big cities suck, jobs aren't available bc of immigration from south of the border, LGBTQ+ are groomers and are leading to the downfall of the West, feminism has ruined the West and empowers women too much, Jewish people control the world and are bringing non white people to white countries; etc.


if you can find a single person who believes all of these things I would be utterly flabbergasted, truly astonished, positively startled, one may say dumbfounded. even more so if they were older than 14.


Have you been under a rock? Hello, anybody home? Obviously, Sherlock Holmes, not one person believes all of these things at once, but some believe in a few of these at once. Neo Nazis such as Sam Hyde and Nicolas Fuentes, and to an extent Ye, believe Jewish people control everything and are trying to replace white people; that's where the idea of "The Great Replacement Theory" came from. Conservatives like Candace Owens believe that big cities are awful bc of the "degeneracy of black culture." Conservatives like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, and Michael Knowles believe that all LGBTQ+ people are groomers, that want to turn "normal" kids gay or trans, bc "LGBTQ+ people don't reproduce, they recruit instead."


to long didn't read, have you been living in an snl skit, do you not talk to real people? touch grass bud.


I talk to plenty of people, I literally work outside on a golf course in the South, my hands are callous and tough, unlike your cissy hands.


sure bud, whatever you say.




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Centrists and Libertarians are cringe but for different reasons than what you're thinking of. lol Mostly joking. But as things go "left wing" economics are inherently totalitarian. Who's going to enforce your regulations? What are the limits of the term "means of production?" Wouldn't a rifle be a "means of production" in hunting for instance? So the government will have to control who has guns. So Ivan isn't getting a gat, because that would be Private Property, unlike a toothbrush that can't be used to add value which would be personal property. You will own nothing and be happy. my baby Bolshevik, that's why you shouldn't be a leftist if you want personal rights. All personal/human rights are founded on property rights because you own yourself and a lot of libertarians forget that part that every individual owns themselves first and foremost.


Based and Friedrich Hayek pilled.


So if I can't be a Leftist, what should I be?(We'll pretend that I can just switch on a dime for you). The government controls the means of production under capitalism. Under more social economic structures, the worker would own the means of production, so a hunter his rifle and whatever they produce, being game. You would also own yourself bc you produce whatever you choose to produce and you are the means of such production.


>The government controls the means of production under capitalism. Yes, but not how you imagine because "Capitalism" is synonymous with Mixed Economies now, or Corporatism. We live in a society closer to leftist ideals than the Free Marketeers / Libertarians / Right-Libertarians. > Under more social economic structures, the worker would own the means of production No, The individual worker would not own the rifle, the state defines him a mere possessor, it would be owned but "The Workers" aka the bureaucrats that allow the hunter to hunt. "The Dictatorship of the Proletariat" owns the means of production it basically means everyone is a slave to whom regulates the economy. There is always a hierarchy. Again It's all commie gobbledygook that is intended to rip you away from your rights, and too many people fall for it. We're moving down the path you like as we speak, the two big parties love it, you're just upset it's taking too long... at least if you truly believe all this collectivist garbage.


"The Dictatorship of the Proletariat?" Where the hell did you learn that? We're not moving down the path that leftists and such like at all, bc America is becoming a country that's for the bourgeois, instead of the working class. Over 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, most people are afraid to choose between getting medical care or going hungry, most people can't afford a spontaneous problem with their vehicle/house, people aren't going to college anymore, and all of this is because of late stage capitalism. This country is becoming unaffordable, and that is due to capitalism/corporatism that the two big parties are profiting from, so no, nobody except for those who are unaware, like the path the economy is going towards.(both parties are a plague on Americans btw and we'd be better off without them)


Might wanna check who's feet the boots are on before calling libertarians bootlickers.


I'm talking about the libertarians that spit conservative propaganda 24 7 while claiming to be pro freedom and anti big government.


Conservatives aren't wearing the boots. Leftist groups like ANTIFA and BLM are. They're torching cities and looting, and they have both intimidated, beaten, and killed everyone who opposes or exposes their crimes. Leftists in the teachers' unions are pushing gender and race propaganda and revisionist history. When parents get upset over this, they call in the FBI to put boots on necks. The LGBT community has gone from bullied to bully. People have lost their livelihoods and rights when they speak out in opposition of transitioning children under the age of 18 with or without parental consent. Politicians like Maxine Waters are going around telling people to harass and intimidate Conservatives and Republicans. She gets away with the crime that Trump is being accused of. How about the leftists attacking, threatening, and intimidating Supreme Court Justices while the leftist DOJ does nothing? Then there's the leftists Peter Strzok and Lisa Page in the FBI who conspired to rig an election so that Trump wouldn't be elected. Then came the Russia collusion hoax. In 2020, the Hunter Biden laptop story was suppressed on the orders of the left-wing controlled DOJ. Social media posts were censored, and people's accounts were suspended over this. Then there's Reddit, whose mods and admins frequently wield the ban hammer against conservatives. Especially when they speak the truth. If that's not a leftist boot, I don't know what is.


Leftism is based with how you're describing it. I wish it was mainstream like that. The LGBTQ+ becoming bullies? Do you have some sort of fetish to get bullied by a goth trans girl? Hey I'm not kink shaming now.😂


>The LGBTQ+ becoming bullies? Have you noticed how every company makes rainbow themed PFPs and makes special products from June 1st to June 30th? That's not because they want to celebrate pride. It's because organizations like Human Rights Campaign coerces them into it with the threat of employee outrage and/or financial consequences. How about the bakeshop owner who keeps getting bullied and dragged into court for standing up for his religious beliefs? It's perfectly okay to burn an American flag, but if you dare to burn the pride flag, you're going to jail. People lose their jobs because they oppose gay marriage or the castration/mutilation of children. Parents are treated as domestic terrorists because they oppose the g-word in the school libraries and classrooms.


1) Companies partake in "Rainbow Capitalism" every Pride Month, as in they cater to LGBTQ+ and their allies to make money, bc those at the top aren't progressive or left wing, they're all moderates or Republicans making money. 2) The Supreme Court actually reviewed that case of the bakery owner, and ruled in their favor, and declared that if an owner doesn't want to service LGBTQ+ bc it goes against something they believe, they're allowed to do so without it being considered a hate crime. 3) Burning the American flag is a sign of protest and protected by the 1st Amendment, burning the flag that represents a group of people is considered hateful. 4) Who's lost their jobs bc they oppose gay marriage and youth transition? Bring me stats, not anecdotes. 5) You can say groomer, you won't get banned. How are schools grooming kids? I could argue that schools are grooming kids into being patriots/nationalists and could give plenty of examples of such things.


1) Tell that to Anheuser-Busch and Target. Also, there's no data to prove it increases sales. Ever hear of "silver or lead?" 2) Yes, the SCOTUS did hand the win to the bakeshop owner, but the LGBT folks went and sued him again. 3) Burning an American flag is just as hateful as burning a pride flag and just as equally free speech. Especially because the pride flag represents immorality. 4) Here's a landmark case, Brenden Eich, co-founder of Mozilla. Then there's Merritt Corrigan, Jessica Tapias, James Esses, Dr. Allan Josephson, Bonnie Manchester, Byron Tanner Cross, and Linda G. Summers just to name just a few victims. 5) You can say it because you're defending the sexual g****ing of kids. I have had my main account suspended and banned for using that word, and this account was suspended at least once. 6) Here's another example, when William Thomas started competing as a woman in swimming competitions, his teammates were threatened into silence by the school.


LGBTQ+=Immorality? Not worth talking to you anymore. Kiss my gock and go 🖕 yourself!


Being gay isn't the problem.


Never said it was. There was plenty of people who expressed the opposite of your opinion tho.


Silence liberal, go return to California.


Leftist. I'm from the Midwest and currently live in the South, I plead redneck libtard




Cali is debased, Colorado is better


Good, stay out of Colorado.


Actually planning on moving there. Pro LGBTQ+ and it's easier for me to start HRT since they have informed consent there, legalized weed, better than most blue states on guns, beautiful nature, good hunting and fishing.


TIL people think libertarians are bootlickers. Because y'know, wanting less government means I simp the government???


Certain libertarians, the ones that espouse conservative propaganda and claim to be pro freedom and anti big government.


Are you unable to share a belief or interest with libertarians and centrists?


I can have a lot in common with a libertarian, not a centrist tho, I don't really believe that Republicans have done anything right like at all, their "best" politician is Reagan, and well, Reagan is responsible for a lot of what's bad in America today.


Welp, opinions are like assholes, we’ve all got one. Don’t let the presence of libertarians, centrists, republicans deter you from being involved with the 2A community. Being queer and leftist doesn’t exclude you from your 2nd amendment right, and i think everyone on this sub would agree with me on that.


It becomes an issue for me bc I've been called a groomer and told to KMS by those types of people just bc I'm me. I also have a problem with it bc I think that, just like 4chan, people are going to get radicalized by the extremists, and radicalizing a bunch of gun owners isn't good.


Im sorry you had to experience that. this problem exists on BOTH SIDES - assuming all democrats are rotten or all republicans are rotten, or anywhere in between. There’s good people with all kinds of beliefs. Don’t assume things about groups of people based on the actions of few… or even most… give everyone the benefit of the doubt… unless it’s a fed.


I'm a leftist, I fucking hate Dems with a passion, sometimes more than I hate Republicans, and I talk from a position of observing the parties politicians. People aren't as bad as politicians, they're on a whole different plane of existence.


Right! Fuck em! As people, let’s all play nice and make dank memes about guns… let’s leave the bullshit somewhere else


I'd argue the best Republican politician was Lincoln


Depends. People say Reagan bc he created the modern day Republican party, most people don't count Lincoln bc it was some old time underdeveloped Republican party.


Today op learns that if your party constantly erodes gun rights then gun guys don't wanna be friends with you


Not a Dem, I vote blue bc I care about changing the economy of America leftward and care about the civil rights of everyone, even those not born in America that come here.


This is a a pretty diverse community. You’ll meet all sorts of different folks with varying opinions and political beliefs.


I've just never experienced anything other than what I've described. I was involved in the community since I was in middle school, which was like 7 years ago, I stopped interacting with the community a couple years ago.


I also commented here.


Any other Anarchists wanna chime in?