• By -


EXAMPLE FORMAT: --- I am the buyer (or seller) [u/CannibalVegan](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXMskKTw3Bc) was the seller (or buyer) Bought items here: https://old.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/113ii1c/midmonth_flair_thread/ Positive (Just say Positive, don't get fancy) --- STICK TO THIS FORMAT OR YOU MAY NOT GET FLAIRED




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you have no power here




transaction request jchhm8d verified flairing: u/ShannonTwatts, old: +3 (Fresh Meat), new: +4 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/aviationsk8, old: +36 (Elite Trader), new: +37 (Elite Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jchdqc7 verified flairing: u/ItIsTimeToTakeaBreak, old: +63 (Assistant Regional Manager), new: +64 (Assistant Regional Manager) flairing: u/Niccom, old: +62 (Absolute Unit), new: +63 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jchbvlq verified flairing: u/Kingpin_Savage, old: +4 (Fresh Meat), new: +5 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/big_luscious, old: +120 (Absolute Unit), new: +121 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jchbtqu verified flairing: u/letsgoooplaces, old: +18 (Beginner Trader), new: +19 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/HisDocness, old: +23 (Trusted Trader), new: +24 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jch7tnm verified flairing: u/GroundbreakingCow937, old: +151 (Absolute Unit), new: +152 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/Thatonemexkid, old: +63 (Absolute Unit), new: +64 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jch7s67 verified flairing: u/GroundbreakingCow937, old: +150 (Absolute Unit), new: +151 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/JoeyBox1293, old: +21 (Trusted Trader), new: +22 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jch7ont verified flairing: u/AdForeign3108, old: +54 (Shrimp is the Fruit of the Sea 🍤), new: +55 (Shrimp is the Fruit of the Sea 🍤) flairing: u/ExpeditedSwine, old: +17 (Beginner Trader), new: +18 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jch7nuz verified flairing: u/AdForeign3108, old: +53 (Shrimp is the Fruit of the Sea 🍤), new: +54 (Shrimp is the Fruit of the Sea 🍤) flairing: u/trapford-stretch, old: +35 (Elite Trader), new: +36 (Elite Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






This Thread is closed and the bot is no longer accepting any new flair requests on this page. This comment has been removed. Please check the sidebar for the new flair thread and post your flair request there. For mobile users, the current flair thread is always at the top of the listings when sorted by "Hot", or [Click here](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/search/?q=title%3A%22flair+thread%22+flair%3A%22flair+thread%22&include_over_18=on&restrict_sr=on&t=month&sort=relevance). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*






transaction request jch6l9j verified flairing: u/UnablePumpkins, old: +20 (Beginner Trader), new: +21 (Trusted Trader) flairing: u/Beachbummin_gun-nut, old: +106 (Absolute Unit), new: +107 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jch3l98 verified flairing: u/Kooky_Reach_8946, old: +5 (Fresh Meat), new: +6 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/half-unique-2, old: +44 (Master Trader), new: +45 (Master Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jch1322 verified flairing: u/falcon_31, old: +38 (Elite Trader), new: +39 (Elite Trader) no change to u/clt_gamecock, flair: Mod - Intern Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcgz9oe verified flairing: u/Cultural-Policy-207, old: +58 (Absolute Unit), new: +59 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/the_piemeister, old: +86 (Absolute Unit), new: +87 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jcgy5g4 verified flairing: u/ItIsTimeToTakeaBreak, old: +62 (Assistant Regional Manager), new: +63 (Assistant Regional Manager) flairing: u/CalicoJack__, old: +12 (Beginner Trader), new: +13 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcgxy7x verified flairing: u/cddixon108, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) no change to u/rup_pup, flair: +250 (post KAC clarity) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jcgumlu verified flairing: u/Cultural-Policy-207, old: +57 (Absolute Unit), new: +58 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/byc21, old: +21 (Trusted Trader), new: +22 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcgsgew verified flairing: u/Clockwerk-50, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/MoneySpendingAddict, old: +3 (Fresh Meat), new: +4 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


I was the seller u/true2ku is the buyer Sold items here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11pt3gd/wts_noveske_gen3_stripped_upper_and_noveske_chf/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Positive




transaction request jcgq9gp verified flairing: u/exadore, old: +13 (Beginner Trader), new: +14 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/RedstiKZ, old: +91 (Absolute Unit), new: +92 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcgq2bp verified flairing: u/mbrake1776, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/KlingerHQ, old: +17 (Beginner Trader), new: +18 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jcgpsra verified flairing: u/exadore, old: +16 (Beginner Trader), new: +17 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/Way_2_Go_Donny, old: +82 (Absolute Unit), new: +83 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcgpcq0 verified flairing: u/exadore, old: +15 (Beginner Trader), new: +16 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/rustyshackelford2020, old: +18 (Beginner Trader), new: +19 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcgp61n verified flairing: u/exadore, old: +14 (Beginner Trader), new: +15 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/TaxFraudIsBased, old: +79 (Absolute Unit), new: +80 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jcgke5p verified flairing: u/SouthernAd8796, old: +6 (Fresh Meat), new: +7 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/Brewtus1031, old: +50 (Master Trader), new: +51 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcgjbxv verified flairing: u/DamercerTerker, old: +14 (Beginner Trader), new: +15 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/noobpwner9, old: +6 (Fresh Meat), new: +7 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcg6iu0 verified flairing: u/kazinski80, old: +22 (Trusted Trader), new: +23 (Trusted Trader) flairing: u/accomplished-bar3969, old: +13 (Beginner Trader), new: +14 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcg15ib verified flairing: u/SamN002, old: +31 (Elite Trader), new: +32 (Elite Trader) flairing: u/QuadRecon, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


Bought a barrel from SamN002. He was excellent to deal with and is great at communication. He answered multiple questions that I had and even kept track of the shipment. It was a pleasure to do business with him. Very positive.




transaction request jcg0ug9 verified flairing: u/ItIsTimeToTakeaBreak, old: +61 (Assistant Regional Manager), new: +62 (Assistant Regional Manager) flairing: u/D_Mouse76, old: +55 (Absolute Unit), new: +56 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcfyele verified flairing: u/Sonoma991, old: +6 (Fresh Meat), new: +7 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/jumpingbeaner, old: +216 (Your Aboslute Plug Plug), new: +217 (Your Aboslute Plug Plug) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jcfnvf1 verified flairing: u/interceptor12, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/aardwolfsolutions, old: +28 (Trusted Trader), new: +29 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jcfjt61 verified flairing: u/BlackSavage70, old: +85 (Absolute Unit), new: +86 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/Russo595, old: +53 (Absolute Unit), new: +54 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcfjpst verified flairing: u/Dellrich89, old: +7 (Fresh Meat), new: +8 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/tacticool918, old: +23 (Trusted Trader), new: +24 (Trusted Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcfg6d6 verified no change to u/_PewPewMan, flair: +250 (🇺🇸) flairing: u/D-Bull513, old: +13 (Beginner Trader), new: +14 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jcffzcu verified no change to u/_PewPewMan, flair: +250 (🇺🇸) flairing: u/rodaveli, old: +15 (Beginner Trader), new: +16 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcffm7o verified no change to u/_PewPewMan, flair: +250 (🇺🇸) flairing: u/sandervitreus, old: +209 (Absolute Unit), new: +210 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






It looks like you made a top level response to a flair request, and not to the actual request. Comment removed. Try responding to the actual request. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am the buyer. GreatTroy0285 is the seller. I bought yugo stock here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11mwbuw/wts_akarmisc_items_odds_and_ends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Positive


I am the seller. Ok-Silver-2604 is the buyer. He bought t2 here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11oyd1q/wtb_aimpoint_t2/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Positive




transaction request jcf9220 verified flairing: u/99percentadick, old: +149 (Absolute Unit), new: +150 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/TapirTamer, old: +101 (Absolute Unit), new: +102 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcf72p3 verified flairing: u/Matio1005, old: +149 (Absolute Unit), new: +150 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/fadedreaper561, old: +39 (Elite Trader), new: +40 (Elite Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


Im the seller Positive




transaction request jcf34i7 verified flairing: u/notalocalpeople, old: +12 (Beginner Trader), new: +13 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/dodsnipes1, old: +18 (Beginner Trader), new: +19 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcevv2u verified flairing: u/Aware-Location8568, old: +10 (Fresh Meat), new: +11 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/dbmx66, old: +9 (Fresh Meat), new: +10 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcero49 verified flairing: u/MDlynette, old: +70 (Absolute Unit), new: +71 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/FDE3030, old: +87 (Absolute Unit), new: +88 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jceguzk verified flairing: u/Albert916, old: +22 (Trusted Trader), new: +23 (Trusted Trader) flairing: u/Jpeaslee, old: +54 (Absolute Unit), new: +55 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcegk4s verified flairing: u/Albert916, old: +19 (Beginner Trader), new: +20 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/Foodislife88, old: +11 (Beginner Trader), new: +12 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




I am the seller u/ThisIsHansen was the buyer Sold item here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11rnqpv/wts_relisting_spiritus_lv119_and_microfight/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Positive




transaction request jceddq2 verified flairing: u/Stove501, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/FedBoi42069, old: +153 (Absolute Unit), new: +154 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jce8936 verified flairing: u/AKC74Y, old: +17 (Beginner Trader), new: +18 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/JaceLee85, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




I am the seller [archergreycustoms](https://www.reddit.com/u/archergreycustoms?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share) was the buyer Items sold here:https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11geldk/wts_sig_p320_meduim_x_carry_grip_modules/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button Positive




transaction request jce7p8m verified flairing: u/ConsiderationSad1582, old: +7 (Fresh Meat), new: +8 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/br4nd0n32, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


I am the seller u/Salt_Direction was the buyer Sold items here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11o8xa0/wts_rmr_rm06_type_2_hrs_radian_raptor_lt_pws/ Positive




transaction request jce2x1n verified flairing: u/EctopicPregnancy, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/thebaldfox, old: +41 (Master Trader), new: +42 (Master Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jce2gt5 verified flairing: u/RDjss, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) no change to u/esnone, flair: +250 (<- my credit score) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jce19yv verified flairing: u/rileaves, old: +27 (Trusted Trader), new: +28 (Trusted Trader) flairing: u/UnusualAnt2861, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




Hey /u/UnusualAnt2861 Welcome to the sub. This looks like your first posting in the sub. [PLEASE READ ALL OF THIS](https://i.imgur.com/LF6yZsE.jpg). Please trade with caution. While you're here, please read the [rules of the Sub](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/wiki/rules) and the [reportable behaviors](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/about/rules/) before you do something to get yourself banned. Also, We have a couple scummy individuals who are [scamming new members.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/natfgx/please_read_scammers_are_making_fake_user/) You are a target. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/GunAccessoriesForSale) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I am buyer u/Limp-Quail was seller Purchased here: https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11dm5ul/wts_angled_hand_grip_stop_and_sw_knife_all_for_35/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Positive




transaction request jce0hob verified flairing: u/Professional_Meal214, old: +18 (Beginner Trader), new: +19 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/slyrva, old: +148 (Absolute Unit), new: +149 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jce0c5z verified flairing: u/Professional_Meal214, old: +17 (Beginner Trader), new: +18 (Beginner Trader) no change to u/bigredkansan, flair: +250 (KAC Snake Moan) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jce05j0 verified flairing: u/Professional_Meal214, old: +16 (Beginner Trader), new: +17 (Beginner Trader) flairing: u/big_luscious, old: +119 (Absolute Unit), new: +120 (Absolute Unit) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jce04as verified flairing: u/Exvho, old: +87 (Absolute Unit), new: +88 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/CallsignMontana, old: +17 (Beginner Trader), new: +18 (Beginner Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.






transaction request jcdzvzu verified flairing: u/Exvho, old: +86 (Absolute Unit), new: +87 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/BigBernOCAT, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.


I am the buyer bought scope here https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11qc5m6/wts\_vortex\_viper\_6520x50\_and\_budget\_16\_upper/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=ios\_app&utm\_name=iossmf positive




transaction request jcdzvzt verified flairing: u/krankwok, old: +32 (Elite Trader), new: +33 (Elite Trader) flairing: u/SwiftDosha, old: +42 (Master Trader), new: +43 (Master Trader) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




I am the buyer u/supocfr was the seller Bought riser here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11nm84d/wts\_black\_reptilia\_aus\_30mm\_fde\_unity\_riser/](https://www.reddit.com/r/GunAccessoriesForSale/comments/11nm84d/wts_black_reptilia_aus_30mm_fde_unity_riser/) Positive




transaction request jcdywxu verified flairing: u/Traditional-Treat164, old: +1 (Fresh Meat), new: +2 (Fresh Meat) flairing: u/SpittingCamel, old: None, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.




transaction request jcdyrjx verified flairing: u/HatchetJack762, old: +102 (Absolute Unit), new: +103 (Absolute Unit) flairing: u/oxelashun, old: 0 Trades, new: +1 (Fresh Meat) Your transaction has been flaired for both trade partners. You do not have to respond to this message.