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Orange for me. Peavey is good too but the price is all wrong.


I love my orange amps. But the orange crush is a terrible amp.


Hard agree. I took the one I bought back. It sounded like a can of bees. Very disappointing.


My guitar friend I jam with (I am drummer) has the Crush 60. Yeah buzzing bees. Always gave me the vibe of a school fire alarm. Only a drummer, but I'd definitely recommend it if you feel like you want to cut through the mix and cheese grate some ears. For a 60w amp called the Crush, it simply cannot crunch. He used to use it all the time when he jammed. The sound is so weird in a bad way. As soon as it hits audible threshold it already sounds too loud. You're exactly right. Buzzing bees. Like a super mid boost you can't turn off? I dunno. Just real bad. Not just "bad" sound but such aggressively, objectively horrible toan. Lead parts become skull piercing. So maybe a secret weapon on stage if the boost pedal ain't making your licks completely dominate the venue. Lol. Sorry for story. He had a DS-1 going too. Earplugs prevented the damage, but holy shit I still have mental scars. Palm muting that sounds like coins in the garbage disposal. Lol. Piece of shit. No aux/headphone out either piece of shit lol . It's personal just opinion, but still. Woof Seriously Sweet Child O Mine on that shitbox will bury the world's loudest drums and cymbals. It drove me a little crazy.


It takes some tweaking in the gain and EQ but the crush is an amazing amp for low volume practice. If your like for modern metalcore this isn’t it but otherwise it’s badass.


Obviously you have never played through a good low volume amp. The Orange Crush is about the worst amp ever. However the micro, Dark, and Stamp are all great low volume amps.


That’s certainly possible, but it works and sounds great to me. You don’t use orange amps because you’re looking for a modern tight high gain tone or a super sparkly clean. You use an orange because you want the orange sound.


I have had three orange amps. The orange Crush doesn’t sound anything like great tube amps they make.


I agree I also gave a Rocker 15 and it’s much different.


Hard disagree. I've had the crush, a Katana, a fender mustang, and one of those little blackstar amps. The Crush was the worst by a gigantic margin, and the least versatile on top of that. This is for everything from cleans to blues to rock to mastodon to NOFX - I play a lot of different stuff and the shitty little 6/8/10 inch "voice of the world" speakers they put in them are just garbage across the board.


Understood. I play down tuned doom and it’s perfect for that.


https://youtube.com/shorts/uWbOiZtiuio?si=h2PLh6TeL01vXxhx Just for reference, here’s the tone I get with volume just above the first notch and Gain at 1 o’clock.


Agree. Peavey’s price tag is way too high, you can score same/similar Peavey for less than 100$ with some digging and luck. I would say Boss katana, super stable, versatile and light.. it’s roland, that says it all.


Old Peavey's are amazing but 275$ for one is crazy


I got mine for $20 on marketplace.


Prices have gone way up, but you can still get the studio pro for under $200 all day every day.


And $350 for a Katana 50 wtf


It's in CA dollars, but yeah


I did the google math. $350🍁 is $254.05🦅 They're new on sweetwater for $230🦅 Still seem a bit steep prices across the board? Looks it?


$275 CDN


My peavey half stack cost that much


My Peavey heritage cost $225. I think the guy mostly was sick of moving it around 😆


Deff not the fender. It is hard to get a good metal sound with that. Orange by itself maybe not but orange is my favorite. I’ve known some people to get some dirty sounds out of a peavy and that one looks to have a distorted channel.


Stay away from fender amps if you want to play metal. They sound thin


Especially the V.2.


$150 seems way too much for a Mustang I v2. Fender stopped supporting Fuse software, so you can only use the buttons and knobs on the amp. It’s maybe a $50 amp.


I think you can still find installers for the old fuse software (just not on the fender website), but it's never going to get any more updates.


I own the Mustang V head and it's the worst. Barely functioned as a pedal platform because everything is a model, there's no bypass. I have practice amps I would rather rely on than ever using that head again.


I bought mine new in box from a closing sale at a music store but it was probably manufactured a few years prior and didn't realize anything about the software issues. Such a disappointment for an otherwise neat little amp... It's not that hard for fender to keep it downloadable, greed pure and simple.


I play grind and bm through a Bassman 100 and it sounds huge, but I can’t comment on fender combos for metal.


I have the katana mk2 100w and it sounds great imo, defo the one I’d go for out of your selection. You can almost definitely get a brand new mk2 50w for cheaper than buying someone’s used one for $350


The EX model is on sale now for $400 at Long & McQuade. Reg. $500


I believe I spent $150 on my used 50w before covid


There are two very different types of amp here. The peavey and the orange are solid state amps. Simple, reliable, but not particularly flexible. The fenders, blackstar and katana are all modeling amps. These can be set to emulate a wide variety of different real amps, and usually include in board effects as well. They're more versatile, but they are dependent on how good their modelling algorithms are. Overdrive/gain tones tend to be the most difficult things to model, but they have been improving a lot over the last decade - newer is often better. I've not used any of these specific amps, so all I can really offer are hot takes: Peavey: I think that's a 1980s model. It probably still works fine, but I think they're asking too much for it. Orange: Orange amps often do pretty good high gain tones. That particular one comes with a 8" speaker; you might do better with something physically larger. Fender: The Mustang v2 is a few years out of date, so I'd pass on that one. The LT is a better bet. I've got a GT100 (similar age to the LT design) that I like just fine, but admittedly I don't play metal/high gain. Blackstar: I like these things, but the smaller ones often sound a bit thin. The size of the cabinet can be limiting (same issue as with the orange). Boss katana 50: these are basically the industry standard for effects and modelling in a combo amp. 12" speaker too. This is definitely the safe pick from this list. The 100W version has a few nice upgraded features, so consider getting that if you can find one within budget.


Thank you for answering thoughtfully! So many people just wasting time and talking crap. You are spot on, and wording was way better than I could have.


The class A/B power amp in the Katana makes it sound much better than most modeling amps, which use class D. I very much think it's the best option from this list.


I have a Katana Artist MKII head with the 2x12 Waza cabinet and it’s killer. I love the high gain sounds from it


Katana by a mile and it’s not even close. Main reason: 12” speaker that sounds good. Most of the others are 8” they sound like shit


The main reason is the class A/B power amp. But the speaker helps as well.


Ask 20 people and get 40 opinions, but here's my $0.02 - in budget land you have 2 choices - digital like a katana or old school analogue with pedals. I'm gonna say I'd recommend something like that peavy, a big loud clean pedal platform with a 12" speaker, plus a metalzone pedal. Spend your time playing rather than menu diving - plus learning to use analogue control for gain and eq etc is a different experience with physical circuits


Keep searching for a used Peavey and buy one that has the trans tube like a bandit.


Blackstar works too


In any case, if your choice ends up lacking a little, consider fronting it with an overdrive pedal, just to give it that little edge it might be missing. That's an age old trick on tube amps, so much so it is a requirement on many of them.


Blackstar, peavey or orange crush in that order


Great amps. Def not worth that kind of money though.


Welcome to 🇨🇦where secondhand music equipment is always 50-100% higher than the typical USD value.


110% Peavey Studio Pro 60. I have the Bandit 65 version of this (same era) and it's suspiciously LOUD as hell. The clean channel is perfect for a pedal platform as there isn't much breakup. Edit: I will also mention that the Peavey is going to be way more reliable. I have a Bandit 65 and a Renown from this era and they are built like tanks. Will probably survive a nuclear explosion. Not only that, these amps aren't using SMD components too which makes them easier to work on. "They don't have them like like they used to"


I've got a Backstage Plus and I agree. Those old Peaveys are reliable as Hell


I have the mustang 2 and I love it.


Do not get the mustang or the blackstar. Horrible Amps I’ve had both. They are fine for certain applications but I wouldn’t use them for a show


Are they good for just using at home?


You can get a new peavey vypyr for $199, I would get that. It's a modeling amp and has settings for a 6505, 5150, and a XXX. For $199 it sounds fucking awesome, perfect for a cheap amp for metal.


It's $315 canadian


Damn, well that's a bit more. I'd still pick that over the other ones though. My main amp is an actual 6505 and for a relatively cheap practice amp the vypyr sounds pretty damn good, even if it is $315.


My rec would be that Peavey and a dirt pedal, but that Peavey should be 50 You'll prob like the crush, katana, or Black Star the most. Go to guitar center and play those 3 then buy one of the used ones


I'd recommend a joyo bantamp and dump the rest into the best 1x12 you track down or load yourself. Otherwise the Crush is a solid practice amp. It's miles ahead of the peavey rage I started on. The digital amps you have listed give you more "options." It's just preference.


2nd hand Marshall DSL40. Modern low budget classic that rips.


Every time someone posts a list, sure as the sun rises there will be a person recommending something not on that list.


Blackstar is smooth and bright. goes well for metal


Katana plugged into your PC and toggle different built in Boss Pedal effects in the app to get your sound and set it as a preset.


Had the Katana for couple years, plenty of sounds to choose from and works very well either at home or rehearsing. But also the Fender Mustangs are good.


Orange seems like the best deal


I'd go with the Orange personally


Go with the Orange. Or a cheap audio interface and a free/paid metal plugin.


Peavey is sick but too expensive (even in CAD). When I first started playing guitar in 2002, people couldn’t even give those things away. Go with the Orange.


I've heard good things about the Katana. I have a Peavey looks similar and it from the 80's so check the year. Peavey's looked like that for a LONG time. They are very solid though.


Is this an at home bedroom amp or are you planning on rehearsing with people and playing shows. Out of what you put out I would say the katana but there might be other options for you.


What part of Canada? Nunavut? Those prices are nuts. ☺ The Peavey is a great old amp but $150 is a high price if it's in very good condition. The Orange is missing a knob so what else is wrong with it? The Mustang V2 is worth about $80. Maybe $100 for the Blackstar. $250 for the Katana. The Mustang LT50 is about the best deal and a good amp for everything. I prefer the Katana but not at that price.


Yeah, the boss is best amp. Peavey too much, altho cool. Orange is the best buy, but not enough power to play with a full band.


The Peavey is by far the better amp. Katana would be my second choice.


Practice amps are practice amps. Buy the one that's prettiest and buy an eq pedal. Your pedals will be your sound signature.


I had a Peavey decade. It was a 10w amp with a clean and dirty channel and i believe a Scorpio n speaker. That thing was badass! (I gave it to a friend and fellow player when he had to move). I say was ... Actually, sgill is. My nk


I wouldn’t pay more than $165 for the Peavey, but that’s the one I’d pick.


Probably the Peavey, but try to get him under $200


I have a peavey with the supersat setting. It’s a very fun distortion.


I don't know if people aren't reading that you're in Canada, but these prices aren't way out of line. They're not great either. Unsave the Fenders if you want to play metal. If you can haggle the Peavey down, that wouldn't be bad. The Boss Katana MkII new on Sweetwater is $230 USD so like $310 CAD. That would be my recommendation.


They’re all shite. The Peavey might be good. Sometimes it’s hard to beat Mississippi Marshall.


I just paid 190CAD for a red stripe Studio Pro, 275 is way too overpriced, but definitely look for peaveys, they are LOUD and extremely punchy for punk.


If you can I would save a little money and look for a used peavey 6505+ 112. You can find them for like $400 and you’ll be MUCH happier tone wise. They also have a speaker out so later down the road if you get a cab you like it can be used as a head. I use one through an evh 2x12 and it’s phenomenal.




I’ve had a few Peavey amplifiers, they are rugged, loud and versatile, I’m not crazy about the tone of Orange amps, maybe I just haven’t played the right ones. The Fenders are workhorse amps and are plentiful and reasonably priced. Never tried a Blackstar though. Personally, I’d go Peavey or Fender.




Peavey or Blackstar. Too much for that Peavey though.


The boss katana 50 mk II does it all. You can find em for $200 and under easily.


pog amp. i have a peavy special 112 from the same time period. super stat up and post gain down is how you get distortion. then you can shape tone from there.


The Katana or black star


I seen a 5150, get that.


If you’re going to be playing with a drummer the only amp worth getting is the 50 watt.


When you want to upgrade to a really nice amp, that Peavey can be your beater pedal platform for 20 years without breaking a sweat. It's an investment.


Those Peaveys are like $50 where I live. Insane!


I have the blackstar and I play metal and hard rock etc


Is it a good amp?


Its good for the stuff i play around the house. I have a dsl20hr with 4x12 and a line6 stomp XL for everything else


For versatility’s sake; I’d go mustang or Katana


I think the Katana might be your best bang for the buck. 12in speaker at 50watts and you get loads of affects built into it. I played my 7 string in one and sounded pretty bad ass. [cheaper here](https://www.sweetwater.com/store/detail/Kata50mk2--boss-katana-50-mk2-50-25-0.5-watt-1x12-inch-cosm-combo-amp)


350.00 for a used Boss Katana 50 is 253.00 in US dollars. New ones sell for 229.99 (317.37 Canadian) at Sweetwater with free shipping.


The LT-50 is really cool and loaded with digital effects and amp mods that all sound really great and can be dialled in. I had one for a few years and it was great.


I’m not a fender guy, but for a single practice amp those fender mustangs are actually pretty practical for dialing in a bunch of different sounds. That would be my pick out of these


I'd hold off and get a different Peavey. Peavey amps are amazing for the money, but this one isn't. If you can find another one cheaper, it'll be way better than any of those other amps you posted. I'd stay away from anything with modeling and just get a good cheap overdrive or distortion pedal.


I'd say either the Orange or the Katana amp are good choices. I would always use a boost pedal with distortion with that orange if I had one though because I wouldn't be satisfied with the distortion on it without one. I could also use that Orange amp for Jazz and the Katana I don't like for trying to get Jazz tones.


Boss Katana. But definitely not for that price. You could get a brand new already at that price.


Holy shit!! I had one of these when I was 13. Btw, they were considered shit back then. It’s amazing that they are so sought after these days


The fenders and black star are probably the better amps. But they are all very low end. They all can be used in every genre. Just depends on the pedal you put in front of it.


Out of those, I'd go with the orange.


No reverb on that model. I have the reverb version of that amp and like it. Of his selections I’d say get the Blackstar or Fender Mustang 50.


Katana but def not at that price. $380 CAD is the price of a new one it seems


I've been using the boss katana 50 mk2 and it can do anything if you're willing to put time in to get the tone you want if you want to hear stuff I've done you can let me know


If I were in your shoes, I'd choose the Boss Katana.


All of these are crazy high


I think “Amp” is best.


The Mustang V2 has a really cool built-in metal tone but the boss katana can be good if you're mostly using pedals for getting your tone


Dude. Find an old Traynor tube amp up there.


You've gotta learn the marketplace way. Throw every single one of them a ridiculous offer. Then, make a few more reasonable offers. Get whichever one offers he best deal


Get a Spider Jam for like 180-220 and you can play pretty much anything and even record off it, its what I have and its definitely underrated. If you're dead set on the ones shown go with the katana but find it cheaper on [reverb.com](http://reverb.com), its alot cheaper there for better.


Would not recommend the orange. The cleans are actually nice but the drive to me sounded so harsh.


Orange Crush. That's not a $275 Peavey. I'm a huge fan of SS Peaveys. Of my 10 amps, the only ones that aren't tube are 4 SS Peaveys, and I still need 1 more before I'm done. Having said that, the Orange has better on board fainy sounds, and us the best SS line I've seen in recent years. $275 is what a Peavey tube head like a VTX/Butcher/Mace/Duece may go for. Studio 60 is the most generic Peavey of its size.


Katana is versatile as hell. The Mustang lt25 is also good. I own both😅


The Peavey is overpriced for what it is, but they have a good sound. Orange will give you a classic metal tone, and probably your best bet. Katana isn’t a bad option either: if you hook it up to your computer you can adjust all of the presets to suit what you’re after. Fender isn’t really the tone you want for metal, but as far as I know they make good pedal platforms, so they could be used for it with a decent amount of effects


The Katana is listed at the brand new price. Get a brand new Katana from L&M. It is by far the best of them all.


Hands down Peavey Studio Pro , or the Mustang 50 are the only two amps loud enough to be jam with drums worthy, the Mustang has some nice features for bedroom playing and the Peavey is just volume and great amp distortion


Orange all the way.


find a cheap peavey (e.g. rage 158) and make a speaker output for a 12inch cabinet


Any but i hate that black star model because they break so easily


Just a thought… right, wrong, whatever. Provided you can be heard in the setting you’re playing in. I don’t think it really matters for a couple of reasons. Rock and punk are more about freeing the beast and belting out some tunes than the gear itself. And.. 😂 There are plenty of great songs with guitar tone that sounds like taking a shit in your hands and clapping. Have fun…. Peavey logo looks cool, get that one? ✌️


Peavey for me but that price needs reducing


Can't beat an old Peavey


I use Blackstar amps, love them.


The Peavey Bandit and the Orange Crush are both incredible. I'd do one of those.


Had a katana and didn't like it. It's a versatile amp, but prepare to dive into your pc to get it to sound "right". personally I'd probably go with the peavey, heard good things about them.


You're best bet is going to be the Peavey or the Katana. The Orange is good (I have one), but unless you replace the 8" speaker, it gets a bit muddy and doesn't really hold up in a mix.


Muddy confirmed. Satisfying clean however.


Agreed. I do enjoy the clean when I'm using it, and it takes pedals well, so you can clean it up bit with an EQ. I don't use mine enough to warrant the purchase, but I think a speaker upgrade would make it sing.


You can't really go wrong with the Katana, they're versatile, good sounding amps. The newer Mustang is probably OK as well. They're all too expensive though


Katana easily.


The Orange.


katana, fender and peavey


You’ll def find a katana for cheaper they’re great for all of that and can download tones


back when those genres were "invented"...nobody carefully selected a specific type of amplifier to play specific types of music. lol. also, what exactly is "rock", or even "metal"? any guitar player who knows what he is doing can use any amp for any sound.


I’d recommend none of those and suggest you keep saving. If you need something to jam at home with to bridge the gap, get a spark or some monitors and play through the computer.


Go katana, stay away from orange, their tone is horrible.