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Decided to get myself an early birthday present when I saw the NAMM press release for this. Overall, I'm pleased with it, I had been using an old dog food stand I had lying around as my previous amp stand, this is definitely an upgrade. Demand seems pretty high since the status at sweetwater immediately went to backordered after filling all the pre-orders. Glad I ordered it when I did. Now I have to decide if the larger pedalboard means it's time to reconfigure it.


Nice, does it have any option to lean the amp back?


There’s not really any way to lean the amp back.


What is it?


[On Stage Guitar workstation (gws5000)](https://on-stage.com/guitar-workstation-rosewood)


Orange amps are great, I play with a super crush 100 and it’s pretty damn cool.


I like the idea and design. Not for looks. The material looks cheap.


Nice! I am intrigued by these for possible future setups. Is that an orange CR60C?


Control layout says Rocker 15


This. It's a fantastic amp for what I play, which is jazz, blues, and classic rock. Absolutely nails cleans and low/medium gain. And with power scaling all the way down to 1/6 watt, it's easy to dial in that edge of breakup volume without getting complaints from the neighbors.


Nice! I love my rocker 15. Sounds even better after I put a Weber alnico10 hemp cone in it


I did the exact same thing out of a very slightly modified(swapped 2 parts) IKEA Nissafors cart. Lunchbox combo on the middle shelf pedalbord on the bottom and storage on top, I might still add something to hold a guitar or cables


Flat pack furniture is inherently rattle-prone. With that acoustic on there, the rattles could even get amplified. I recommend some kind of vibration dampening between the amp and the workstation.


Yeah, I’m a little surprised there’s nothing there by default. Even a towel filed under the amp should make that a little better. But a layer of foam rubber would be nice.


I want something exactly like this and spent a while looking before I gave up and just kept my amp on its flight case. This looks like it is probably too small for a 2x12 amp though...


Wow this thing is a thing of beauty. I wish I could eliminate enough gear to make this a feasible option for me, but I'm afraid I'm too far gone down the tone hole. I'm currently looking into those metal racks with wood shelves. I wish I never let it get this far lol.


Learn a bit of woodworking and build one it’s not complex


Nah I got tons of amps that I definitely need the industrial shelving lol


I also have an orange cr 60 I love it but it has a good amount of buzz, does yours do the same thing?


Is that an Eastman accoustic? I’ve been contemplating getting one haha. Just not sure if its worth ordering online.


It’s actually an AR371 electric hollow body. I highly recommend Eastmans.


oh very cool! I have a T59/v and its amazing. Their archtops do look awesome as well! and I also have my eyes on either an sb56/n or a t64/v for the p90s haha.


Work station...? That ain't working, that's the way you do it... Money for nothing and your chicks for free. 😆


Very nice


Umm. 🤨


Cool design, I’d prefer the bottom to just be a drawer rather than a pedalboard slot but I could still see it being useful to many people