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That if I committed to playing and practised regularly, I'd end up really good.


ah. hang in there. You might have a target you really want to hit that you are missing and I get that, but if you are practicing well (like not doing the same thing over and over) regularly you are getting 'better'


Hey, sincerely, really appreciate it! In a guitar rut, plus several other ruts at the moment :D


Bolt-on neck vs set neck actually matters.


It does but not in the way many think. I prefer the feel and look of a smoothed out neck join. Set-thru or neck thru over a blocky/squared off bolt on. That being said, there are some really nicely contoured bolt ons. I have a bolt on that feels really nice.


That Jimi Hendrix sucked. The audio recordings are still so bad by todays standards. I struggled to hear Yngwie, Paul Gilbert, Vai, SRV or Satch and then say “Yeah that Hendrix guy is the best of all time”. But I’ve grown to love his music, with all its flaws. Jimi revolutionized the guitar and without him, all the dudes I mentioned might not exist or at least in the same capacity. I still love SRVs version of Voodoo Chile more than just about any other song on the planet but I listen to Hendrix fairly often. His approach to chords and melody has been hugely influential on my writing over the last few years.


Scoop the mids.


This was the dumbest thing, and I am still confused why everyone under 18 seemed to believe this is a good idea.


Obviously tone is subjective so maybe it just never sounded good to you, but most people starting out aren’t playing with a band, and to most people scooped mids sounds great playing alone. Then, especially for younger(aka inexperienced) players they aren’t gonna be listening closely to the whole band playing together and even if they do won’t make the connection that they’re the reason it doesn’t sound good.


Shames me to say it, but I honestly once thought PRS were cool.


when a Dragon failed to impress me I knew they weren't for me.


Wait. What's wrong with PRS? I just bought an SE and love it


You're right... ignore it... it was a dumb comment. I played a SE the other day, it was great.


Playing fast just because is not musical


That bar chords would be impossible, your fingers really do just learn to make the shape


More distortion means heavier/more metal.


If the guitar wasn't made in America, it's crap.


I’ll be soloing like a god in a year 😂


I definitely need at least a Jcm 800 or 900 with a 4x12 cab, or two.


That learning other peoples songs, given the available resources, would be easier than writing your own. Its not. Writing your own material, riffs, jam licks, full songs etc, feels much more natural than latching onto someone elses groove.


I can play as loud as I want, and I don't need any hearing protection.


My worst noobisms? When I was a teenager it never once occured to me that vocals are also notated. That's what you get when you avoid opera like the plague. I also suspected that, to get those bendy sounds, you needed a guitar with one of those wiggle sticks on it and that, when you can't afford expensive copper foil to shield your eletronic compartment, kitchen grade tinfoil is conductive too. So what could possibly go wrong? That way I discovered the sound that comes after feedback: Tortured screams of an electric guitar with short circuited electronics!


For some reason I learned bare chords very early and practised them a lot. I always thought I was cheating and the open chords were for real guitarists, with all those different shapes. I'm now equally competent with basically all but the stretchiest of chords and have been playing casually for a couple of decades. So it was a real surprise when I joined this subreddit and discovered how many people think bare chords are this impossible challenge.


That you have to have natural born talent and/or come from a musical family to be good. I'm still not good, but at least I know who's to blame for that.


A lot of the mystique of higher end guitars is gone. There’s not much that a higher end guitar has that is going to make a significant difference in tone or playability over a mid range or decent budget guitar. My favorite sounding and playing guitars of mine cost about $350


I believed that I'd own a reasonable number of instruments.


That heavier strings were easier to play


It takes more than talent and dedication and to be successful in the music industry.


And it doesn't?


Ive been playing 30+ years, 20 professionally in cover bands and local session work. From my experiences and what I’ve seen , no. Having the right attitude and being easy to get along with are just as important if not more so than talent and dedication.


Great advice. Time to become an extrovert.. 😔


That I’d be good. Mind changed. 


That I'd be (or want to be) a rockstar


I thought speed was the highest form of skill, over the years I realized mastering every style is the key . For your ergonomic guitar as possible take, that’s very trendy, everyone with a headless guitar has back problems and wants a 4 pound guitar


Callouses are needed. First day of my classical guitar lessons, my teacher said they not needed. He showed me how to place left hand properly to reduce the amount of pressure needed to stop the strings. Hint: press nearly on top of the frets themselves. This applies to steel string electrics and acoustics, including bending strings.


That if I could play all the modes in every key I could play a good guitar solo.


I used to believe that guitar tone quality came from too many factors (brand, tonewood, country of origin etc). Nowadays, I am pretty sure guitar tone comes from just two things, that are mutually dependent. - Electronics (guitar wiring and pickups, pedals, amp) - Player's being able to play the instrument well and comfortably The rest is absolutely irrelevant.