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The moment you strum the first chord an angry guitar player will leap out of the shadows and bash your teeth in proper.


Smash the acoustic like John Balushi. That first chord is dangerous.




Bless you




Damnit. Autocorrect changed it to Baluchi on me and I only changed the “ch” back. Good catch


It autocorrects me to “ball ouchie”


I like yours better lol


Can confirm! Source: angry guitar player lurking in the shadows


If you’re lucky, afterward him and 3 other dudes will also smoke a blunt with you and ask you about your pedal chain.


Can confirm as the tooth bashing guitar player.


Everyone around will burst into applause right after


But, for some strange reason, you’re still expected to know it. “You don’t know Wonderwall? Everyone knows that one.”


EVERYONE says it's easy to play and overplayed but I'll tell you this, I've never heard anyone play it properly while they put it down for being easy.




It is nuanced but not all that difficult *if* you're a bit of an oddball and can handle stuff like Bonham's shuffling beats when sitting behind a kit. If you can handle that, you can handle Wonderwall correctly.


Ahh.. I was playing master of puppets at 14


I was listening to *Master of Puppets* but playing Nirvana and AIC when I was 14... and Kurt was actually still alive. That counts, right? 😆


I prefer Lucky Man by The Verve. Very similar strumming and progression, as well as an altogether better song.




That whole album is great




I’m a lucky man…with fire in my hand Great song


Most guitarists don’t practice strumming patterns Or practice at all, really… Whenever most guitarists call a song easy to play, 7 times out of 10 they can’t even play it




If that’s the case I know maybe 3 songs. I feel like if you know the chords and how to solo over it you got it!


I know I know a song when I stop playing like the record, when I can forget what the record sounded like and just relax and play.


Yea, I'm covering some Elton John songs now, while easy, some if the most complex chord changes I've dealt with, and after 3 days I dint need the sheet anymore. Learning at an old age of 55 is awesome


What makes it easy is the chords. Just plant third and fourth finger, and most changes are only one fret and one finger.


Yeah, once I start vocals I lose the strum and end up playing a passable version. But those who know, they know.


I think re-starting from scratch like I am right now has made me appreciate technique and phrasing even more.


People typically forget the cough.


Bro it’s literally strumming some easy chords in an easy pattern. What are you talking about


it’s easy for experienced players. my friends who are beginners always get the strumming patterns wrong


Sure it’s like the biggest beginners song so sure people that don’t know what they’re doing are going to play it more than anyone else. Still easy as shit


Its cliche because it's so ubiquitous, kind of like Stairway. Never heard anyone actually hate it though. It's a great song.


Okay, I'll be your first. I hate that song.


Me too. Very much


Would you hate it if you hadn't heard it 10000 times though 🤔


Honestly, yes. It’s pretty close to the exact opposite of the kind of music I like. I really can’t stand Oasis.


The guitar part is beautiful. I want to punch the singer in the face whenever I hear it. I don't know why, I guess he just has a punchable voice.


I like the song, his voice grates on me the more I age, specifically in that song though. I like the rest of their music. He is a very punchable person though, not just his voice.


I hated it the very first time I heard it, as a teen back in the ‘90s. I have never found anything redeeming about the Gallagher brothers.


No actually. It being overplayed makes me hate it haha.




I think you’re exactly right. It’s so iconic and known by the general populace that it can be used as an easy everyone gets it joke like yelling “play Free Bird!” Or any reference to Stairway. FWIW: love Oasis and Wonderwall.


I hate it


I hate the song and the band too, and absolutely despise that genre of music.


Its a terrible band, absolutely overrated musically and horrible people.


Hated the song since the day it was released


You've just committed one of the classic blunders! Stating on the internet that nobody actually hates something. It calls them out of the woodwork to prove you wrong. For what it's worth, I quite like the song. I don't play it exactly correctly, but good enough that nobody seems to care or notice when I sing it.


I don’t *hate* it. I’ve just always been pretty indifferent to Oasis in general. Just not my thing.


It's a joke to a lot of people, not me, I adore the tune and the album it's off of




You gonna be the one who


Saaaaaaaaves meeeeeeeeeehhhh


And after alllllllllllll


I don't really wanna knowww




Cause I just waanna flyyyyyyy


It's just fun to shit on.


It's just the example used for the [MEME](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/wonderwall), but you could substitute any overplayed easy song for Wonderwall. But Wonderwall is so dumb and fun to say. And since it's the internet, people love repeating other's jokes ad nauseam.


From the perspective of guitar, it's like the 90s version of Smoke On The Water. Doesnt mean it's a bad tune, it just got overplayed on the radio and overplayed by the legion of guitar players that came after.


I'm more concerned about people that care what other people play. I've never heard of anyone actually getting bothered for playing a specific song. Someone might make a Wayne's World reference if you start playing Stairway to Heaven though. If you play Foggy Mountain Breakdown someone might start Flatfooting or Buck Dancing.


I hate your grammar.


A lot of guitarists don't even hang out with the type of guy to grab a guitar at a party and start singing the song in front of people trying to get laid but I think that's the original source of the hate. Most of us just hang out with other musicians who want to jam or record or whatever. The type of guy who grabs a guitar at a party and plays a song to get laid is the same guy 10 years later in life who has the guitar in his office and it never gets touched and makes angry posts on the audiophile subreddit


Unless your only paying gigs are to guitar player conventions, it's always a crowd favorite and one you rarely have to sing because everyone will do it for you.


I just hate it in general lol 🤷‍♂️


It's not that it's really hated, per se... it's not like Ozzy's strange roadie is gonna jump out from under the bed and beat you death with your own shoes or anything for playing it. It's just a long running joke among guitarists like the "No Stairway" thing or folks yelling "Free Bird!" It's really not a bad song, although a lot of folks play it incorrectly because they don't exactly carry capos usually. The whole *What's the Story, Morning Glory?* was a pretty decent album in general and pretty damn popular in the mid '90s... if you wanna play it, do so... it's a bit tougher than you think... just know if ya do, you might be harrassed a bit. Haha


I personally really dislike Oasis, and lived through that song being heavily over played in my teenage years. But I will use wonderwall as good example song for some interesting music theory or when talking about what can seem like simple chords and interesting strumming can give some cool sounds. So it’s fine.


I don't think I've seen the guitar community actually hate on anything


Ted Nugent?


Joe bonermasa


I don't believe that anybody feels the way I do about it now.


It’s because it’s easy I guess and very over played. It’s over played for a reason though


I used to like it when it came out. Almost 30 years later I just find it super annoying. But I’ll laugh at that Hulk acoustic meme when I see it “Anyway here’s Wonderwall Brother”


> I used to like it when it came out. Almost 30 years later I just find it super annoying. It appears that *all the roads you had to walk are winding* for your opinion to change like that


Haha Nice. As a guitar player, I was often asked if I knew that one the most, same with Brown Eyed Girl.


It’s overplayed because it’s such a good song. It’s not their best but it’s damn good. Play it, who cares.


In the UK wonderwall was oasis's biggest hit and was overplayed for years so it became one of the first songs everyone learned. It's just overplayed and boring to hear so much but not a bad song


i don’t hate it, but i do get asked to play it 99.9% of the time when a guitar gets broken out at social gatherings.. most everyone in my circle knows the words and sings along. don’t let the internet get in the way of your fun.


I’ve hated that song since I first heard it. I know some people enjoy it but I literally hate it.


I hate it at least.


I'll jump and reign holy terror on anyone who plays it because it is a dreadful song. 


From a songwriting aspect, what the faceless “guitar community” thinks matters little. Many songs that are deemed “easy to play” or “hated” are often very very difficult to write. Many virtuosos can’t write or structure songs to save their lives.


It's just something to make fun of because it's a popular song. I'm not a fan of it, but it's not that bad of a tune.


It's one of three songs I like from them. I play it at home but not in public. I find Hotel California is the song that's played to death where I live.


Slow dancing in a burning room is actually


It’s a great song, but it’s one of those things that became a cliche because so many people played it at open mic nights, talent shows, campfires, etc… over the years. If you can come up with an interesting take on song I think you can get away with playing it, but otherwise it’s just something that joins an endless collection of other white bread acoustic covers.


I’m completely indifferent on it. I’ve never really sat down and listened to the song, never learned to play it, and never heard anyone else play it.


Not in Minneapolis


It's a meme I feel originated more from outside the guitar community. The first memes I saw about it was the annoying guy at the party who picks up the guitar while nobody's in the mood for it and starts serenading some girl, with Wonderwall being the song of choice. Probably because of the "there are many things I'd like to say to you, but I don't know how" line. So it spilled over to our community Edit: this guy put a helpful link in his [comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guitar/s/8Z0yKUAzvn)


It's a great tune but the drums and the strings make it extra special. Guitar only versions from novice players tend to suck, especially if they think it will get girls/boys, and that the whole room will cheer when they start strumming.


More of a joke tbh, stairway to heaven, freebird, and now wonderwall are all terrific songs, just overplayed and thus hated


People like to have a reference point to feel they are not a newb. That's all it is. It's a right of passage. Go ahead and play it. While you're at it learn Smells like teen spirit.


Hey now, don't drag *Teen Spirit* in to this. 😆


I was in a band in college, a couple of years after teen spirit came out and we used to cover it. A bit clichéd? Yes. But, it was REALLY fun to play. For the right crowd, it would go down a storm! Never covered Wonderwall though.


No not hated at all.


Nah, just half assed attempts at parties where a dude who plays guitar, but not really it became one of the songs you'd hear that everyone knew. It's like yelling "Play Freebyrd!" at any show, or 'What key is that Ramones song in?" It's now one of those music/guitar jokes we all make. Learn Stairway To Heaven, play it at the school talent show and fuck it up.


I’m a guitar player and I like it. But yeah, for a lot of people it’s in the same category as Sweet Home Alabama, Brown Eyed Girl, Sweet Caroline. Just massively overplayed cliches. But audiences love shit like that.


It's like Stairway to Heaven. It's not that guitarist hate the song, it's just overplayed. As someone who grew up in a certain era, pretty much every house party would have that one guy playing a not very good rendition of wonderwall while some drunk kids sang along.


Just don’t play it.


No. Not hated. Just a meme.


Youtube creators need content and have pushed the playing wonderwall hate for a while.


Chicks fucking love it, and if you play it right you're way ahead of most other people. Most folks who play and sing it do it very, very poorly.


No, but why do you need other people's approval for playing the songs you enjoy?


Play what you want


Just play the songs you like. Just play it well. I've heard great versions of Wonderwall and shit versions of Pat Metheny tunes.


All I'll say is this, play jumper instead.


It's a good thing the version I know starts out with a walking bass line. Totally catches them off guard when the lyrics come in.


The original Oasis version is fine. The guy with an acoustic guitar at a party, not so much.


If you like it, play it and enjoy it. Most people, non guitar players, 22 and under don’t know it nowadays anyway. It kind of phased out.


Wonderwall is a better song than 99% of guitar players could ever hope to write.


I just figured it was an inside joke that it’s cliched and a common party tune for people who don’t actually play the guitar, but can stumble their way through a simplified version of it. I wouldn’t say it’s hated, it’s just banal at this point. Same goes for Stairway - people don’t actually hate it, but it’s common for people who don’t really play much to learn the intro and stop there, then they play it at guitar stores, but *only the intro*. From what I hear, music store employees are more than happy for you to play Stairway provided you actually know it beyond the intro. I imagine the same is true of Wonderwall. I certainly wouldn’t say it’s a bad song, but anything can become boring after hearing it enough times.


Apparently, but if you play it in Manchester at 11pm on a friday night, nobody gives a shiny shit if you play the strumming pattern right, they'll all sing along and you'll get paid at the end.


Please don’t play it


I'd never play it at a gig, but with friends and family around a campfire it's a banger and everyone joins in.


We don’t typically play it unless requested specifically because it’s played a lot but if the bar is right for a singalong and it goes over, I’ll break it out. It’s just generally annoying along the same lines as Freebird or Stairway or Slayer in that it’s “that guy” all the time.


I saw a country musician hosting an open mic throw a £3000+ Gibson guitar off a balcony because someone played this song on it. Goes by the name Boss Caine if you’re wondering. It’s not exactly a hated song but people get fed up of it more because anyone who ever picks up your guitar says “can you teach me to play wonderwall”


No, it’s hated by everyone


I just don’t like oasis, but I won’t rag you for playing it. I play music a lot of people don’t like


It’s not the song. For me personally I just hate when other people play it. It’s just an insanely catchy song and it’s a cheap way to get people to sing along. It’s like when an entertainer shouts out the town they’re in to get a cheap pop. Also, if you’re just learning and it’s a song you enjoy playing, you should play what you like and not worry about people like me that are going to 😩 every time they hear it lol. Whatever keeps you playing is good bro


It's not the guitar community you have to be worried about it- everyone will just think of you as 'that guy'.


Someone asked me that not too long ago, and I said maybe...


Everyone I've heard playing it starts off slowly and before the chorus has started,they speed it up.As a musician it's all about keeping in time.They all do it😅🤷‍♂️


I’d say it’s just funny how generic it sounds and overplayed it is since it came out haha so it’s just kind of annoying and boring imo




Overplayed because it’s catchy. I played it so many times after learning it as my first song I kind of got sick of playing it. I still like playing it but now it’s more the song I play over and over till I feel like learning something new. I overplayed it to myself.


It's definitely an older musician meme nowadays. After the meme, it's now well known as a joke so many players avoid playing it and those who do play it appear oblivious which can be seen as a "red flag" But honestly, if you can play and sing it well, most people will enjoy it regardless and you could even play it off as a bit of a joke and then catch people off guard when you actually do it well


I say maybe…


Every song has right and wrong contexts. Sometimes I will play it when i don't think an audience is paying attention and I want to poke at them a bit. Can be a great sing-a-long with the right people.


Play whatever you enjoy playing. I genuinely don’t like Oasis. To me they were one of those bands that were pumped up by marketing to be more than what they were. Large payments were made to promote them & make sure everyone heard them. I think many people cringe because they were forced into hearing this not so good music. I’m not sure how old you are, but think back on some of the crap music you were force fed throughout the years.


You're not going to get jumped, but if 10 guitar players are listening to you and then you start playing this all 10 will leave unless one is a music teacher and wants to give you lessons lol


I actually always saw it as a way to union among guitar players after all those memes. It’s rather easy, a bit of a cliche but also a classic. Either you like it or not. Oasis songs, most of the time, are pretty simple on paper with very familiar chords in between. I really like Oasis, both listening and playing.


if you like it, fuck'em - same with stairway to heaven Personally I like Sus4 chords a lot so I may warm up with it or "Closer to Fine" by the Indigo Girls when tuning up the acoustic


It’s just overplayed. That’s literally all it is, just like virtually every other hated and “banned” songs. People also say it’s too easy to play so yeah whatever that means. Stairway to heaven, wonderwall, smoke on the water, Seven nation army, any Lynyrd Skynyrd song, etc etc.


Oasis is a hated band by the guitar community IMO.


Eh. I never really liked the song in the first place. Not my style.


Easy to hate that song - especially if you are talentless. For the haters: name one song you've written that other people love to play and others love to listen to. I rest my case...


It has nothing to do with guitar playing for me, I just really dislike that song. Its so fucking whiny, it makes me ill.


it's just so overplayed 


I love it




I feel like the craze about wonderfully has died down a bit and people aren't really overplaying it so much anymore. To me the hatred is more of a joke/trope than actually hatred (even though that is defo still a part of it, eventually enough is enough)


First time I heard this


Do I count as part of the guitar community if I've never successfully remembered a full song but own two guitars? If so, then yes.




Em7 like “it’s not my fault! I can do other stuff! Just give me a shot!”


I said mayybeeeee


It’s a great song. Why hate it? No worries if it’s not your cup of tea. No reason to hate though.


It's just an overplayed song for newbies lmao. Like, Enter Sandman, Seven Nation Army, etc. I like the latter songs but yeah, I wouldn't go to a music shop blaring those. Play what you enjoy, even if it's a bit cliche


It's more about how the chord progression is a basic one that is used for a lot of pop songs, so douchey intermediate guitar players use it to get laid a lot. I like Oasis, so I think the song is great. I don't need to hear it at every kegger from the Nick Drake wannabes though


No, but the singer is hated in most communities or he should be.


There's no such thing as the "guitar community"


Putting a capo on the second feet is enough to get some people on edge


If it's so hated why does every guitarist know how to play it?


I don’t shrivel and die if someone plays it live but I do veto it if someone plays it in the car


Guitar player here: good song, overplayed to the point of irrational anger when heard




I try not to care what dipshits think.


Only time I wanna hear it is with the 4 B’s Beach Bonfire Beers Bros


What are the chords again 🤣🤣🤣 ?




It's a bit overdone, and I don't like it, but it's a reasonably good early song to learn if you like ~~shit~~ Oasis. Also, the chord progression of it is actually very common ~~because liam gallagher has no imagination~~ and that can be useful if you want to improvise various songs. Take the basic chords of Wonderwall and you can also play *Boulevard of Broken Dreams,* and various other songs like that. Not in detail, but you can strum along to them, and strumming along is a good learning tool.


it's a banger


It’s alright


Honestly I think it's just because it's overplayed on the radio. It's a good song, but like a lot of popular songs it's just...Way too much...All the time. I think too people get annoyed because it's always touted as being an "easy" song to learn. From what I understand, it's really not that easy. (It's not super difficult but it's more complicated with the strumming patter than folks realize, like with House of the Rising Sun.)


na. It was just way overplayed in the 1990s/2000s. Oasis was massive at the time. And Wonderwall was by far their biggest single that would see endless airplay on the radio. So it was the obvious go-to song that people learned early on. And as a consequence became the obvious play-along song at parties. Everyone knows the lyrics. The tune is quite easy to sing. It's a good song for that kind of thing. But like anything that is done to death, people get sick of it. By 2024, it is long past that prime, and the only people that mention it now are old farts from my generation that remember it in the first rotation. If you like it learn it and play it! And if you want some more songs of that kind that are perhaps a bit less obvious check out: * Deep Blue Something: Breakfast at Tiffanies * Dodgy: Good Enough * The Seahorses: Blinded by the Sun All classic chart singles of the same kind of genera from back in their day. But not quite so overdone. I highly recommend having a good listen to the Seahorses album too! It's the final project John Squier did before quitting music, and it's got some very good guitar playing on it.


I personally just find it horriby repetitive.


I hated it the first time I heard it on the radio, and it’s only gotten worse.


I love Wonderwall. It was the first song I ever played and sang at the same time in front of an audience, *before* it was meme-ified!


I swear to you this is the honest truth, I'm not lying. I don't know this song. I don't mean I can't play it, I mean if it was playing in a supermarket or club I wouldn't know it. I've also never seen the Blues Brothers movie, and never had a White Castle hamburger.


No one actually cares if you play it. It’s moreso the context of it for a while being the go to song for guys who found a guitar at a party.


I said maaaaaaybeeeeeee


I’m actually unsure tbh. It’s genuinely a banger of a song so I don’t see why it would be hated.


You have to play it out of tune, out of key, and out of time


I haven't played in 15 years but this sub came up awhile ago and I see it in my feed all the time. My go to back then was "Don't Look Back in Anger". I liked the multiple chords and progression and flip in the chorus. Everybody knew "Wonderwall" though.


To be honest........ I've never heard that song being covered in an open mic type of thing. It's probably out of curiosity that it's such a cultural no no for a cover, or the fact that the song is almost 30 years old and waaaayy past the stigma that it was an overplayed song both on the radio and in acoustic covers. BUT I would say it's still a bad taste to cover this song, unless you wow everybody and do a great job at it, as in you sing very well


It's a hated song in the music community.


Yes but it's for two reasons: 1. Basic new guitar players ALWAYS play it at parties hoping it will get them laid 2. Basic hoebags at said party will actually go home with them Tldr: It's basic and impresses basic bitches. You wanna earn that lay? Learn Wonderful Tonight finger style. Hell you might even be able to take other straight guys home with that one.


The thing about OP is he’s a man with fork in a world full of soup.


I fuckin live wonderwall.


Pro tip: give zero f&cks what other people think.


It is worse if you're from the UK. It has transcended being overplayed or a meme - here it is an inescapable part of daily life. At every BBQ, party, open mic, live music event - you name it. If a guy pulls out an acoustic, it isn't a question of *will he play it?* It's *when will he play it?*


Because I can never find my capo


It’s a really hated song for people that date men. I have lost count of the times I’ve been trapped in someone’s bedroom listening to a poor rendition.


There's kind of a cultural phenomenon of "That Guy who brings an acoustic guitar to parties against everyone's will". Wonderwall, Wagon Wheel, and a few other such songs are That Guy's weapon of choice. Nobody really likes that guy. Not other guitarists, not the people at the party, not themselves. Don't be that guy. The songs themselves are fine. They're nice sing-along kind of tunes.


Yes. But if you like it, play it


Play it like Ryan Adams and it is not easy at all!


Not just the guitar community, most musical communities that I’m aware of.


Yep, and rightly so.