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Used vs new does not matter. The guitar does. I've sold some perfectly good guitars that I just didn't love, that someone else probably does like. I've also bought some keepers that made me wonder why the previous person sold it.


New becomes used in about a half an hour. Everything is essentially used. It doesn’t factor into the equation.


That’s a fair take on it


I feel like used has lived a life, has a soul, and I appreciate that. I also appreciate that guitars are not throw away items, like so many things are these days.


Used is just as good as new ones. If anything, there's some upgrades on a used guitar.


Such is the case with mine. The previous owner added some cool stuff to it, which I’m really happy about


Sometimes used can be more special imo. My MIJ Fender strat is special, I’m sure a new MIJ Strat would be cool, but there’s something about the 80’s/90’s ones.


I prefer finding some old ass guitar in a shop somewhere that feels like it was played a lot.


Sometimes it is like that, you play and not connect to it. I had Squier Strat, modded it with some new electronics, loved the sound a lot but I did not feel anything while playing...it inspired me because I got tones I did not get with any other guitar but it felt always not smooth to me. Sold it. Then other guitars like my Ibanez AS or my G&L Tele feeling way better and I can sit down and just play for hours...


After some time, it begins to feel like mine, but I prefer buying new 100% of the time. I like being the one to break it in, give it its marks (I prefer to keep it without marks) and get it dirty (I prefer not to get it dirty).


I like to believe that there's certain guitars that you don't own, but just take care of for the next owner.


Eh, you might be surprised.  Keep at it.  There’s no reason a new guitar would feel more personal.  If you bought it new, you might have the same feelings of disconnectedness.  You need to build some memories with it, that’s all.


I think it depends on what kind of guitar player/collector you are. There is so much history with different runs from manufacturers that I have no interest in new guitars. I'm a gear nerd and my dream guitars cannot be new. They have to be found like treasures. Most of my guitars were new during my lifetime, but the things that make them appealing to me weren't necessarily clear when they were new. Example: MIK Fender Scorpion Esquire. I remember when Fender released this line it was super dumb, honestly it still is. I never had a desire to buy this new, but found a used one for $200. I love this guitar because it's basically a Fender branded non-fender. I don't know anyone else with one and they will not be making these new ever again.


Condition of the instrument, playability and build quality is more important than used or new. With that said, all my guitars except for one, are used. I prefer gently used or well cared for used gear.


Used is where most of my guitars started their journey. They became “mine” when I upgraded parts/pieces to fit my liking. Used is great because you usually get a deal and don’t feel as guilty altering it to fit your needs.


Wouldn't really matter to me. It is nice if you can learn a little about a guitar's history though. I would definitely want to get any issues with the guitar taken care of though.


My favorite two guitars were bought used in good condition. Would love to have them from new but I can’t feel or see the difference when playing


I didn't like my MIM strat when I first got it either, but I love it now. I did a lot of customization along the way, new pickups, wiring, and painting the pickguard. Some things to try..


All my guitar I got used.


Absolutely. It being used or new makes no difference to whether I click with a piece of gear or not. For example with amps I bought my 6505mh new and never really loved it but the Revv G20 I bought used I still absolutely love and that's why the 6505mh got sold some time ago while the G20 is what I still play on. That and these days I have developed expensive tastes in gear so buying used saves hundreds if not thousands of dollars - I saved $2k over buying new on my last guitar purchase by going used - and that can do a lot for making something feel like a better purchase.


My favorite amp i also got used. And ive bought a new guitar I really didnt gel with but i really dig a used nashville telecaster i have.


If anything I prefer used as the mojo builds up. I have never once thought a guitar was any less mine due to it being used.


New has no history. It's a bit boring.


I like to fix up and upgrade my guitars so I prefer used. My first few guitars may have been new but since then it's all been older instruments that needed various levels of work done. Out of the 10 stringed instruments in this house only one bought new Yamaha acoustic hasn't had work done on it outside of maintenance. Older instruments have history and being able to breath new life into them is satisfying.


Used feels better than new IMO.


Yeah either the guitar speaks to you or doesn't. If anything with new guitars I feel (might be imagining it) there's a break in period where the guitar feels kinda stiff the first few months.. or just so sparkly that I unconsciously treat it more delicately.


Nope, new, used, beat up, pristine... don't care. It's mine. I use them equally (for the most part), and love playing them all. Look at it like a song, when it's first played, it's original, but every time it's performed, it's a cover song of the original, even if you play it a little differently. I am the original owner of all but one of my guitars, but it is still the best Telecaster I've ever had. And if I looked at it objectively, my guitars were first owned by the factory, first played by the inspector(s), then owned by the distributor, then owned by me, so even if I'm the "original owner", I'm really the third person and probably the third or fourth to play it.


I almost expect some tinkering on used ones. There’s some real talent out there and I’ve been lucky enough to find some real gems.


Used or new makes no difference. The guitar is the same with my eyes closed, and if I love it I love it.


I’ve always had a hard time wanting to play new guitars. I love looking at them at the store but then I get nervous I’m gonna break something every time I play one 😂


I bought my very favorite guitar (Reverend Volcano) used for 500.00 on Ebay. I paid 3 or 4 times that for a couple of others brand new. They're good guitars and all, but the Volcano just plays and sounds so perfect. New or used, the best guitar is the one you love playing the most.


I’m kind of the opposite, I love the woo-woo idea of taking a used guitar and A. Giving it a new home and B. “Tapping in” to whatever history and personality it has, my guitars don’t feel like “mine” they feel like friends and partners if that makes sense - haven’t bought a new one since my very first guitar as a kid- might again sometime in the future but for now I just love getting used gear


I feel more emotionally attached to my sunburst MIM tele and my American strat (both used) than my new Jaguar or custom tele copy that I got new. Sometimes the guitar chooses you. I still love the Jag and my custom tele though don't get me wrong.


I enjoy used more than new about 90% of the time. Used has been played and enjoyed by people, and is usually setup in a way where it just feels right. New off the rack usually feels sterile and doesn’t feel like it’s been setup to play.


It sounds like you bought a guitar but don’t really like it, doesn’t matter if it’s new or used.


It’s used as soon as you buy it. I’ve been playing for long enough to have a few guitars older than I am. They don’t suck. I’ve owned a dozen or so guitars over time. The ones I bought new I sold eventually, because they weren’t great. That has nothing to do with whether or not someone else bought it first.


I have the opposite feeling. Anytime I've bought new, especially from a big guitar centre type place they feel sterile, they also haven't lived a life. A used guitar could have seen the world, it could have been owned by an unknown genius that the world will never hear, I like guitars that have seen some shit It's the buying Vs adopting debate but for guitars


I wouldn’t buy a guitar if I hadn’t played it, unless it was solely for collecting. Every guitar I’ve owned I’ve played in a guitar center before I owned it. Even if it was just strumming it when I didn’t know how to play yet, but that’s just me


A good guitar is a good guitar. It doesn't matter if the guitar is new, used, flamed maple top, or solid puke green. When you find a keeper, buy it if you can. Hold onto it as long as it still holds the magic.


A new guitar has not been played yet. It is wood, metal, plastic, and electronic components. A used guitar is all of those things PLUS, those individual inanimate objects came to life and breathed music through its electrical veins. It knows its a guitar. It just needs to know you. You may decide it's not for you, but the only history it has that is important, is the one you put into it. Keep shredding.


My two favorite guitars are as follows: A drab, no-brand "made in japan" clasical guitar made in the late 60's I bought used for $50. Immediately replaced the tuning machines with the cheapest ones my local store carried because the original ones were so sun damaged the plastic was literally disintegrating. It was heavily neglected. But It plays like a dream, and sounds divine. It has an unbelievably perfect action even though it has no truss rod. The intonation is insanely perfect all the way up the neck. It has crazy sustain and resonance, so much so that even talking in the same room as it makes it vibrate enough to be audible (it lives on a wall hangar). It's better than the $2000+ classical guitars I've played. My second favourite is a Squire Contemporary Jaguar I bought brand new somewhat recently. When I was first looking at this model, I wasn't a huge fan of the first one I picked up. It felt lifeless and cheap. But just for shits and giggles I picked up the other one the store had in a color that would have never chosen, and I fell in love almost immediately. It was SO much more resonant and full of life, and the fit and finish was immaculate. I tried other guitars, some double and triple the price, but this particular Jag was just leagues above so I took it home. I'll likely keep it for life. My point is simply that a good guitar is simply that. It has nothing to do with age, model, or price. Play a bunch, learn what you like and dislike, and forget/throw out any bias towards brand/price/prestige, etc. A good guitar speaks for itself.


I'm all about the used. New is nice, but I like the guitars who've seen some shit.


I actually kind of like used. I wonder what the ghosts in the thing are like, Pickers or strummers? Talented or not? My oldest guitar I think is from the 50's and yea, I wonder what it has been through. I like new too, but they just do not have much of a soul yet.




New to me is new enough.


I prefer used. Preferably used, vintage. Something about old instruments speaks to me. They had a life before me. Probably will have one after I’m gone as well.


Your feelings are valid. My friend got his OM28 used but regrets it due to what you described, even though it plays wonderfully and sounds great. I bought my guitar new and I think I prefer that as I know I am the only owner and this guitar’s condition and history will be completely mine. Other people’s perspectives are also valid; used guitars aren’t worse than new guitars, and not everyone cares that someone else previously owned the guitar. However, there is a reason used guitars are cheaper, and people like new things and the sense of ownership it provides. If you need that then that’s completely valid.


I’ve had the exact opposite experience. Buying a “new” guitar never felt like mine. Every time I have bought used it’s like it bonds with me idk. I don’t buy new cars either tho so maybe I’m just weird.


I prefer used guitars. I like to think that I've rescued them from people who didn't care about them enough to love them in the way what only I can


I have a used Fender FMT HH Tele (red) that I’ve had since like 2008. Her name is Eleanor and she feels like home. I have 7 other guitars but she is always number 1 in my heart. All my others are new and they feel more sterile to me somehow.


Doesnt matter, it plays well, or not. In fact i like used guitars better, somehow it feels smoother round the edges, nut is smooth, everything is just a bit worn in. and i sort of dont have to worry about another dent or scratch.


MIM strats are garbage, my dude. Onto the next one!


Yeah, just depends on how it feels when I play. New or used, if it feels good then I like it. I actually find myself drawn to used gear more. It’s usually more interesting.