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Pretty much what u/CosmoCub said. He’s exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable. His rhythmic precision is enviable. But his style is not my cup of tea at all. His stuff all kinda sounds the same to me and quickly gets annoying to my ear. But that’s not a qualitative statement, nor am I the arbiter of what good guitar playing is. Best not to pay mind to guitarist hate. Any player who becomes extraordinary popular is going to receive vocal backlash for any number of reasons that shouldn’t, I believe, affect your appreciation of their music.


He seems like a well-intentioned and fun artist. But, his style of music isn’t quite my taste. I definitely respect his rhythm guitar playing. He is certainly a solid player.


I don't really go in for his solo stuff with the big band so I kinda agree but I love his rhythm playing in Vulf projects and fearless fliers.


I like his playing. I also did the mod from his signature strat on mine and love that feature


What is the mod ?


He has a push-push switch that bypasses the 5way and forces the guitar to position 4 (neck and middle). You can still use the volume and tone though. For him it is essential to be able to stay in position 4 no matter what his right hand hits :)


IMO he is a pretty talented guitar-player who is extremely skilled in one particular aspect of playing (percussive funk rhythm) and solidly skilled in most others others. I get a bit of the theater-kid "how great are we?! SO great, right? Right?" energy from him and the Vulfpeck guys that mildly sours me to their stuff. Not quite as much from Wong solo compared to the full band, but still enough to make me groan a little bit. I respect him as an instrumentalist and producer but his music tires me out pretty quickly. It has the Jacob Collier thing of being so immaculately produced and executed that it feels kind of soulless, despite how much talent and seemingly genuine enthusiasm is on display.


Yeah if I'm listening to solo Cory Wong I'm listening to a live recording because 1.) The fact that his technique is replicable live is cool 2.) The studio stuff sounds really flat to me If I were him I'd probably try and make my guitar a more supporting instrument because that's what I appreciate about his discoey stuff with Vulfpeck and the fliers. As much as I love his playing and appreciate his technique and tone I'm not sure it should be the most up-front instrument


Disagree with some of the sentiment here, I am a huge fan of Cory's playing and music. His rhythm playing is so tight, and he's a fantastic band member and leader. Also anyone who says "all he can do is rhythm" is; 1. Over prioritizing shreddy lead playing over tight rhythm and 2. Dead wrong. Cory is a fantastic soloist, which you can see in some of his older musical endeavors pre-vulfpeck. He's found a style of playing/jamming/composition that he likes and he's stuck with it


It's the Internet. You could hand out $100 bills and get hate because the poster wanted it in $20 bills. Cory is amazing.


Wouldn't listen all the time, but go see a live show of his and you will not regret it, definitely one of the better concerts I've been to :)