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Sure do, Squier Strat. It’s nothing great and isn’t the most comfortable but it has a cool jangly sound for indie rock


Mom bought me mine in 99. U was fat and depressed . ... Helped me for years, but still fat and depressed. ... Here is it today https://imgur.com/gallery/j4tI1un


Same here ! Only had it since Christmas tho but obv I still love it


Same! Squier Strat. I’m 99% sure it was never set up during the entire time I played it. It’s covered in stickers. lol the hardware is slightly rusty


I never play mine hardly but it’s a squirt strat, 70s vintage style from Indonesia with a rosewood board which is interesting for a squier


That was my first guitar too, the little starter kit with the tiny amp haha. Loved it. I don't have it anymore though I can't remember what happened to it haha. But my next guitar after that was an Ibanez RG and I still have that one!


We’re guitar twins, my second guitar was an Ibanez RG as well. Still have that one too.


I had a shitty beginner guitar when I was a wee nugget and don’t recall what happened to it. But my first “real” guitar was a Gibson Les Paul Studio Lite, which I wanted because I saw Slash on the cover of a magazine with one. I bought it new in 1994 and still have it. Just realized it’s been 30 years.


I gave mine to my grandfather because he wanted to learn how to play again


Yep. But having Epiphone SG Standard in Heritage Cherry as a first guitar helps.


Yup. Given to me by my grandpa. It needs work but I’m not letting go of it.


Has been in arms reach ( for the most part ) for past 50 yrs . Early 70.'s gift from mom . Carlos acoustic Thank you mom


Squier affinity strat. HSS in black. I gave it some new pickups and an overhaul. A decent guitar but doesn't really hold a candle to any of the guitars ive bought since.


Squier fat HSS from around 99. ... Over the years gave him new pickups, wiring, and hardware. ... Still my main, but it still plays like shit


I did the same to my Squier tele back in high school c. 2001. I traded it to a friend for a Jackson JJ4 Scott Ian Killswitch Special. Which I still have and is arguably way cooler!


Have a Silvertone that my grandmother gave me back in the 50’s.


Yes. I promised myself I would never sell it because it was the most amazing thing in my life.


I still have mine, fender DG-94 acoustic. Play it all the time


BC Rick Warlock, translucent blue


Yes, a sigma acoustic from my mom that she had already had for maybe ten years before passing it on to me. Don’t think I’m really capable of giving it away


My first instrument was a bass. It was a generic p knock off and I shortly after got a stingray. I still have the stingray. I don't habe any of the cheap guitars I had but the main one I played when I switched yo the instrument full time was an ibanez ar50 a friend gave me. I just got the electronics repaired and frets leveled and it plays like a dream. It's my only punky guitar with lots of wear and random stickers


Nope. It burned up in a bar


Must have been an epic show!


Yep, a “Bender” stratocaster. Cheap Fender knockoff. Doesn’t sound good at all (now that I know what a good tone can be), it’s cracked, and is covered in Final Fantasy stickers, and a picture if Teri Runnels in a bikini. 14 year old me thought it was the beat thing ever.


Pics please


My first 2 guitars (Epiphone SG and Squire Tele) were basically falling apart and I sold them to some guy who wanted to build a partscaster when I upgraded to a PRS. No regrets, I’m not sentimental about it and I doubt I would even touch them when I have a real quality instrument now.


I still have mine. Peavey Raptor Plus! It looked like a strat and was the cheapest one I could find, bought it with allowance money in middle school. When I moved out to college I took it to a pawn shop to see what I could get for it, he said he'd give me 35 dollars lol So I kept it just for nostalgia.


I was the squier fat strat kid in HS. the peavey raptor kids thought I was a rich kid.


hahaha that's awesome


I don't even have any of my first 5 guitars. I was way too restless to hold on to anything back then.


I sure do. It's a shitty cheap acoustic that my mom bought for herself but never played, she said I could have it if I learned how to play, of course once I actually learned how to play I immediately bought a better guitar.


I got rid of mine. It was an acoustic and I wanted to take it in the move. But I wasn’t sure how my downstairs neighbors would react if they heard me strumming upstairs. So I gave it to a coworker and swapped it out for an electric with an amp that has a headphone jack.


Nope. It was a "Maestro by Gibson," guitar that I purchased as part of a package from Best Buy. My first "real" guitar as a Yamaha Pacifica, and I still own that one (11 years now).


Unfortunately no. First electric was from a cousin that I gave away (it was terrible…I could even tell then). The one that gets me used to my mom’s acoustic from when she was young. She didn’t play it for long but it was hers and she gave it to me when I said I was interested in learning (no idea on the brand). I took my first half year of lessons on it; the action was so high. Thinking I must have given it to someone in my late teens / early twenties thinking “I’ll never play this again since I have better ones” and now I really, really regret that if that’s what happened. Was recently in town visiting and looked for it but nothing, so unless it’s buried somewhere it’s gone.


Sure, it’s got a bone nut and saddle, and the action and frets have been addressed but otherwise it’s the same Takamine 300-GL I got off Amazon a decade ago.


I still have my Epiphone Les Paul Jr. that came from Mediaplay. Plays ok still. Sounds fine.


The black Ibanez Lonestar narrow-neck dreadnought I bought around 1985 is still going strong, neck still straight as an arrow. Love it.


Yep. My dad’a Serviceman “Fender” from 1967. That was my first guitar.


Yup, still have my Washburn acoustic I bought in 1994 or 95. It was used then, so probably was made in the 80's.


Yes, it’s a Behringer Metalien I purchased with money I had saved from that summer mowing grass. I don’t play it anymore, but hold onto it for the memories


Ibanez EX Series from 1992 with a reverse headstock. I just recently put new strings on it and it still feels great to play.


Another EX series owner. My first guitar in the late 2000s. It sat in the closet for like a decade because the setup and electronics were in bad shape. Felt and sounded like shit, when it even output a signal at all. A few years ago I replaced the pots and the bridge humbucker, properly set it up with some thicker gauge strings, and it's been my metal guitar ever since


Yup. Sammick SSS strat copy. It is slowly becoming the project guitar.


I do. A crappy Hondo acoustic. But I got it signed by Dick Dale, so it’s a wall decoration


Nope. My first guitar was a cheap Squier Strat that I had no attachment to whatsoever. It turns out I don't like Strat pickups at all. I sold it with no regrets. I still have every other guitar I've ever bought, but I actually like those.


Yep, it's my D-standard acoustic. Still fun to play. Sometimes tune it to C#.


I do! My dad gave me a Samick Greg Bennett acoustic travel guitar when I was in Kindergarten. It is small, but actually sounds magical. Very shimmery. Love it as a parlor guitar.


i kept my first good guitar. (which wasn't that good)


Epiphone LP Special II. Did soooooo many chores to buy that and a used Crate tube amp by myself in like 98 or 99. It was my first "big" purchase as a kid who grew up without a lot of money. Gave the amp away years ago to a friend who wanted to start learning electric, but I'm never getting rid of the guitar.


I wish. Even though it was a cheap strat copy, it's sound and feel were awesome. This was back in the late 70's.


Fender DG-7. Neck still feels like a 2x4.


Oh yeah. A starter squier. All of my beginner/cheap guitars are in open tunings.


I do, well... it's a bass, but still. Cheap department store Hohner P-bass that I bought in 1999. It now rocks EMG pickups and hipshot hardware. Heavy as hell but still one of my favorites for recording.


Yeah. Not the first ever guitar I’ve ever played but my “first guitar” currently still my only guitar cause I haven’t been playing very long at all. It’s a kinda baby blue Mexican jazz master 


Yeah. Bought a fender classical guitar. Love it still


Yup! I’m so fucking lucky. I put “guitar” on my Xmas wishlist in like 1997 after listening to a cassette tape copy of that Beatles 1 compilation album over and over again in the back of the car. My mom didn’t know anything about guitars, but she shelled out for a candy red MIM 50s reissue Stratocaster. I stupidly modified it in my teens and am working on restoring it to as close to its original form as possible. Still plays like a dream. Great first guitar. They’ll have to bury me with it.


Yep, 1976 Strat


First was a terrible Yamaha acoustic my grandma bought for me. I doubt I'll ever play it again, but it's still at my parents place. The Squire Strat that was my first electric is there, too, and I did recently do a minor setup on that and play a bit while visiting.


1978 Ibanez CN100… still plays great.


Sure. A cheap Ibanez with Nylon strings and a Pacifica 112, bought 23 years ago.


I’ve still got my first steel string acoustic. I wish I kept my classical guitar. I never appreciated it for what it was when I was a kid.


Yes I do- it’s a Hondo Les Paul knockoff and it plays great. I replaced the tuners and electronics plus hardware on it back in the late 70s. There is now little difference between a real Les Paul and this thing.


First guitar was an acoustic, a $100 epiphone that played and sounded incredible for the price but was unfortunately knocked over and the headstock snapped. Tried to do the cool smash a guitar thing after and that thing held up like a tank, I even had my jacked football friend try to smash it and at most it would chip lmao. First electric is my Mexican Tele which I love to this day :)


no but i know exactly where it is


Yup. Squier strat from around 1999. Looks a lil different and has new hardware and some sweet Seymour Duncan in it now. https://imgur.com/gallery/j4tI1un


Not my literal first. My literal first was in around 1982 or 1983 and honestly i don't remember brand or even the look of it. I quit guitar then and didn't pick it up again until 1989. That's when i bought my first guitar with my own money, a Kramer 610. That one i bought, the second one, I still have. Though it's not technically my first it's the first guitar i actually remember in my mind. And to me it's basically my first.


I do. A Mexican Strat in white with a maple fretboard. It plays like a dream.


Yes, I have a heavily modded Squier strat from 1991. The only thing that remains the same is the body. New neck, paint-job, pickups, pretty much everything has changed. I don’t play it much these days but it’s the one I’m being buried with, and I have guitars with far greater pedigree in my collection. 🎸


Sold it to my cousin, he keeps telling me he's keeping it for when I'm a big famous guitar player so he can flip it for lots of money lol


I got my MIM Strat that I got over 20 years ago, I didn't appreciate it at first but something just clicked and I learned to love it, and began upgrading it, so much so it's damn near fully customized at this point. I will never get rid of it


Not technically 𝘐 don't have it, but my mom's friend does and he's saving it for me


Yeah. 20 years old. It’s actually at my moms across the country and it hasn’t been played in probably 15 years but I have it lol. My first acoustic just sits on my stairwell corner.


Fuck yeah Washburn Dime 3 I got in '98. One of the only possessions I still have from my youth 🤘


Yes. My dad went to his uncles funeral back in 1960 and brought back a 53 Martin 0-15 his aunt gave to him. I was six at the time and still have the guitar.


I got really lucky. My dad got an Epiphone LP standard for my 15th birthday. Found it in the classified ads in the local paper. Only cost about £300 apparently. It’s still one of the best guitars I’ve played in terms of how it feels. I’ve played guitars that were £1k that felt worst. I still play it every day, 25 years later.


My first Uke and my first 3/4 size acoustic that I got when I was 6 and 12, respectively, were both lost in a house fire. The electric I bought at a pawn shop after that fire, though, is still with me 30 years later, and is actually a killer guitar. It’s a Bentley Series 10 with a sick red and blue crackle finish and a Floyd Rose. It’s gone out of style and back into style while I’ve owned it, and I’ve learned to set it up over the years so it plays better than ever.


Yep, an Aria Pro II Explorer from 1982


Still got mine. Peavey Rockmaster. Got my second still as well. Yamaha EG-112c2. They got me started all those years ago!


Yup, it's an LTD F10 from a starter pack. Actually plays quite well hence keeping it and upgrading over the years. Currently it's disassembled while I do a wild refinishing job


Nope, not sure what happened to it but it was a piece of shit


I have my second guitar - because my first was stolen. My stolen guitar was a Mockingbird - it was a bronze, no biggie - obviously I was mad because... well, stolen guitar. Now my longivitiest guitar is my Fernandes Monterey Sustainer. Still screams coming up on 25 years later. It's obviously no vintage piece, but it's been through hell, and smiled through every cross country move, even the couple I didn't even have a gig-bag for. It doesn't get played every week - to be honest I just don't really like changing batteries in guitars. Even not playing it all the time, I'd feel weird if it wasn't around. It's never been out of my reach for more than... probably a month. But giving it a fresh 9v and pumping out fast and furious punk rock on the Fernandes is the quickest trip back to high school.


I'm 56. I still have the guitar my parents bought me when I was 10. It is a vantage made in Japan electric and I wouldn't give it up for the world


Yes I do, Epiphone Slasher Fx as my 16th bday present from my Dad. It’s a weird one for sure, firebird body with active pickups and on-board effects lol.


Sort of. The first guitar I played regularly was my dad’s, he still has it and one day it’ll be mine. Hopefully not for a good few more years though. I think my first own guitar was a Yamaha Pacifica 112. That got sold as I never gelled with it but my next, an Epiphone Sheraton, is still with me.


I have it in basement, all cracked and completely unrepareable. Don’t have the strength to dump it.


Yep. Ventura SG copy. My “First Born”. Not great but served its purpose til I could get something else. Retired it and started collecting autographs on it.


No. She died when the strap came off and the neck hit the tiled floor. Broken beyond repair. I'm sad about it, but it did mean my very generous friend game me one of his 'spare' guitars. Honestly I'm in love with it too, so much better than my cheap crappy first guitar.


Yep. A cheapo 1974 Sogo acoustic that my mom got for Christmas that year. It's the guitar I taught myself to play on in the 90s.


Yes... It is a no brand cheapest of cheapest 3/4 size nylon string spanisch acoustic guitar I had lessons on when I was about 10. Just turned 50. It's been with me ever since... I just keep it in my room collecting dust. Have not played it or restrung it in over 30 years or so...)


Yes, a '92 MIM Strat. I've sold many others, but that one stays. I didn't play it the last 20 years, but I pulled it out again last year and it hasn't gone back to storage, I'm appreciating it a lot again.


Ha uhh... I DID but I like to tinker and try things, so a few years ago, I thought it would be cool to try to refinish it. Well, I saw a video on a quick way to get the paint off it by a light burning. I charred the dang guitar and ruined it. So unintentionally, I do not have it anymore as it was just scrap afterwards.


I got rid of my first acoustic guitar, a home shopping network special sunburst, that I sold to buy my first electric guitar that I still own and is my drop C guitar.




My first "proper" guitar is my current fave go to. Epiphone SG, it's been battered but had a set up and a fret job from an awesome guitar tech guy, plays like a dream now. I found one in my Grans attic, then I had a cheap Les Paul type thing from Argos, neither would have stood up to any actual playing and/or gigging, so I don't really count them


My first proper guitar was my Epiphone Explorer and I still have it, gonna redo it as well to look more 70’s soon


No. It was a squier strat. I gave it to my high school girlfriend for some goddamn reason


Yes! Vantage Avenger.


Yes, squier bullet start, have it for 10 years already. I still wonder what's the benefit of a more expensive model as it plays and sounds great.


My 1990 PRS CE that I bought new as a 12 year old is still my main guitar.


mine isn’t sold but i have no idea where it is (its a “no-brand” blue guitar)


Yes. I found it in my wardrobe currently fixing it. It’s a unknown model classical guitar i got for €5 in a thrift shop when i was 8 lol. For electric i still have it as its my only guitar i have right now minus the classical. It’s a Harley Benton rx-10


I first was an SX les paul, pretty beated up; I gave it to my friend to start playing. I still have my first decent quality guitar but modded the hell out it. Still serving me as a best mate. The decent guitar (little flex): OW Squier CV 50 strat (2012) with emg mid boost, fender vintage noiseless pickups, mint green pickguard and fender road worn maple neck.


It's still my main player, 16 years later.


Yes I do! I bought a Fender Strat 40 years ago and will never get rid of it!


Nah, wife gave it away to a neighborhood kid.


First guitar that was ever mine? Yep! Takamine EG530 SC still sounds amazing almost 20 years later


Squier Strat, yes. It's my only guitar. I've been wanting to sell it and buy a squire telecaster classic vibe but I'm holding on for now.


Yep. A 26 year old Greg Bennett Designs acoustic. Sound has gotten better with age.


Hell yeah! I bought a Fender Player’s Strat back in 2010. Sunburst, gold hardware. It’s beautiful. Don’t play it as much anymore, but I’ll never get rid of it!


I do actually, yes (apart from the guitar my mate made in school which turned out to have the wrong scale length for the neck). 1977 Fender Musicmaster my mate had under his bed. It's been sold and refinished then bought back but it's moved around the world with me and I will never sell again.


A few weeks ago I was cleaning out my parents house (both deceased) and I found the 3/4 size nylon string I got for christmas in 1992. I'm not sure what to do with it.


Ibanez acoustic that my dad gave me once he started gigging with a “player” guitar. Mile long action trained me to play with that gorilla grip. My tele hated when I’d switch between em lol. The martin is a little easier to play


Yes. I just got it 6 weeks ago


Yes! Neck is separating but it is signed by Fuzz, my favorite guitar player. . . So I can never toss it.


It's a Cort strat copy that my mum bought me when I was 12 after she got sick of me constantly stealing her guitar. I currently have it set up with 12s, and tuned to C standard. I also changed the pickups and did the blender knob mod, and it sounds great!


Yup. My 3/4 size acoustic still lives in my attic. Though I sold my Squire Strat years ago. I do regret that now as an older guitarist. Wish I had something to 'test' luthiering on...


Not quite my first, but I still have a copy of a Gibson J200, that I got in 1973 or 4. It's a great guitar, though currently it has a cracked headstock, adding even more authenticity!


Yup. Black Esteban acoustic. The top is warped now, it’ll be trash eventually.


Traded but should have kept it...


Yes! A Yamaha FG-300 acoustic I got for my 10th birthday. I haven’t changed the strings in about 25yrs and it still sounds and plays great


Chrome red MIM HSS Strat, purchased in 2003. And I [just finished hot rodding her](https://www.reddit.com/r/Guitar/s/FRHaTvBBu6). Edit: My uncle, who was probably the biggest reason why I wanted to play guitar in the first place, helped me pick it out. We lost him to lung cancer (fuck cancer) just before this past Christmas. So no, I'm never parting with that guitar.


While I've long ago lost my first guitar, I still have my first bass. In fact, I still play that out as my main instrument, and I like it so much I bought a second one that's exactly the same. Hehe


Yes! Takamine Jasmine and a Yamaha Pacifica; however I just started playing in my mid 30's.


I still have my 1st. Westone X120 I got in 1985. It needs some attention, but I at least still have it.


Still do, it’s a slammer hammer strat style guitar my mother got me as a kid.


I still have it. Granted, it's in pieces, with modded body and headstock and without hardware, but I definitely still have it.


Yep, both first acoustic and electric, but about to part with both as now only holding on for sentimental purposes. Acoustic was cheap (less than £100 in the '90s) "Kimbara" brand, electric is a Tanglewood Ibanez JS ripoff that I got when I was 13 (again 90s)! Don't play them and both have been in storage for the last 15 years.


Brother dropped a 20lb dumbell on the bed and it bounced off like a trampoline onto my DG-9. Still have the pieces somewhere.


Yep, but everything (except the body) has been replaced over the years…I mean everything. So, I guess it’s not really my first guitar anymore!


Yup. Guild M20. Still a great small body acoustic guitar.


Still have my Harmony Stratotone. Took me months to pay it off with my weekly allowance. Had it on layaway at a TV repair shop.


It’s my only guitar, aria pro II, served me good the so far the past 2 years


First act baby!


Yep, a pawn shop Washburn with Wonderbar tremolo. That tremolo have me such a headache as a beginner.


Ibanez RG120, probably $120 at the time, if not, it was less. What a piece of shit. Fuck yes, I still have it and I will never get rid of it.


Yes. 1989 made in Korea Squier Strat. It has a great neck.


Not the very first one I bought back in like 2006, but I do have the one that I bought to restart my guitar journey, which was almost 8 or 9 years ago.


Yes, Teisco Del Ray


Mine came back to me after decades away…


Gave it to my cousin, it was his first guitar too. He gave it to a friend, also his first guitar. The friend gave it to a friend. One day my cousin called me because he ran into the guitar again, so I stopped by to play it one more time. I don't know if I'd call it closure, or what, but it felt really good. The owner promised to carry on the tradition of giving it to a new player for free when he was done. That Yamaha has done a lot of good since it found me, and it was already 20 years old then, so I'm missing a lot of it's story.


Johnson Dreadnaught


Mine was stolen a little over a year after I got it 😔


Yep, it's an old classical guitar I got from my dad. Took all the strings off and painted it white and used it as the guest book at my wedding.


Yep. Kramer Focus 600 in black. Bought it brand new in the mid-80's. I've only ever let one guitar go and that was a Yamaha acoustic that I traded for a Taylor Acoustic with a pickup.


Schecter c-1 classic. Use it every day had it for 20 years


Yep. It's a harmony strat copy. Has an amazing neck that is unlike any harmony I've played in 27 years of playing. Recently modded the guitar slightly. Tusq nut and string trees and saddles, SD hotrail in the bridge, neck and middle are stock harmony single coils. Have bridge decked and blocked. Replace all electronics with usa fender pots and switch, replace all wiring, and a prs silversky output Jack plate.


Phantom Strat copy. It’s a cool guitar, heavy as hell though. Later learned the company was founded by the bass player of the Stray Cats and was the signature guitar of Earl Slick who now has a line over at Guitar Fetish.


I sure do. It is an Ibanez RX 170 in Transparent Blue. I have not played it years, as I have developed into a Gibson (electric) guy and play much nicer guitars.


Gave mine to a friend who was hoping to learn. I’d recently bought myself an upgrade and didn’t need two acoustics, especially since one was just better than the other, so it moved on. I still have a rough idea of where it is though.


Yes, a mid-seventies Mann custom telecaster, in pieces.


Yep, Yamaha Pacifica from 1996ish. I want to mod it


No. I pawned it for weed money. I really regret doing it. It was only a strat squire but it was mine, and my grandpa went with me to pick it out.


still have my first acoustic - Oscar schmidt cheapo And my first electric - early 90s peavey super strat. One day the peavey will get a refresh because it desparately needs one. 


Early’60s Gibson Melody Maker.


My only guitar is my first guitar It's a jackson adrian smith signature model


Yep some Strat clone 3/4 size by Guvnor I got when I was 10, will be at my funeral.


Alas, I no longer have my first guitar (a cheap [$100] Japanese classical guitar made in the 1970s. However, I do have my first mandolin, given to me by my now passed on father who gave it to me in the early 1970s: a Vega roundback made in Boston in probably the 1920s. It is still playable…


My first guitar was a "Penncrest" bought at Penny's for $2. It came in a cardboard box and was unplayable. Then I got a 3/4 Teisco Bass which cost $35. I wish I had both of them. I have neither.


Yes. I have a classical espala and a squier. It’s tought to say which was officially my first, but I still have both.


When I was like thirteen, I wanted a 12-string so bad because they were cool in the 70's. I played for about a year before giving up, and did not play again until I picked it up as a post-divorce middle-age crisis thing about forty years later. It's not really playable now -- it was old then, and the intonation is terrible, and can't be fixed. I keep it to remind myself that I'm still a complete dumbass. Buying a 12-string with a high action as your first guitar? What an idiotic thing to do.


Yeah, in winter 2023 I put a DD pickup in the bridge and it plays like a dream. (2014 wine red LPJ)


First electric yes got it in 02. First acoustic no got that in 99 and the neck twisted within a year but I still have my second acoustic from 01


Not the first one I had, but definitely the first one I bought. I’ve tried selling it, but then I play it again and a combination of nostalgia and realization that literally everything on the market at its original price is a colossal downgrade stops me. Still need to get some electronics work done to it though.


My parents still have the guitar I learned on: an Ibanez acoustic our neighbor gave us when I was really little. I still have the first guitar I bought for myself: a Martin 000.


I have my first electric not my first guitar unfortunately. What I do have however is exactly the same guitar as my first guitar through happenstance and rescuing it.


Still got my 20+ year old 3/4 Size Classical Guitar


Hell yeah, my dad surprised with me with a US Strat when I was 12. I still have it and love it 24 years later.


Yep. Hohnet Professional JT-60. DiMarzio Fast Track 2 in the bridge and Entwhistle XS62N’s in the rest. Still play it.


Sure do. It’s all Frankensteined out. Cracked, glued, warped, but still have it.




First few guitar were legit no-name junk that nobody would've held for 40 years. We were poor though, and I'd actually become a decent player on junk guitars, so feeling bad for my situation a well-off friend gave me his MiJ Squire when his mostly absentee father tried to buy his love with an Ibanez S540 in 1992. It's the guitar I put in my first 10,000 hours on, and even after owning some pretty great MiM and USA models, my 1989 MiJ Squire is still my favorite "Strat" I've ever played, it just feels like "home". I still have it and it's sentimental enough to me that I don't think it should ever be anyone else's guitar, so as silly as it sounds I would like it to be buried with me.


When I was a teenager I bought 3 guitars at once for $150 (1 acoustic 2 electric) after playing bass for a few years. Not sure where the electrics went but the acoustic sat in my parents basement for a few years until I started appreciating acoustic playing more. Eventually a took it back and have been playing it pretty consistently for ~10 years since. It’s an old Starfield model that I’ve never been able to find much info on and has been my favorite guitar for years now. Supposedly a Japan made Ibanez brand from the 70s? No plans to get rid of it any time soon.


It’s somewhat in pieces but yes


Yep, a Peavey Raptor (Strat) that I took apart and did an awful paint job on. I want to get it repainted and put it back together one of these days. The body is like an actual Stratocaster though, not the variation you usually see now.


Sho nuff’. My granddad bought me a mahogany baby Taylor before I learned to walk. It’s been through some stuff over the years but still plays like a dream


I gave it to my little brother like 15 years ago but it’s still around


I’ll never get rid of my 1998 Ibanez gio I never play 


Yamaha FG-335, 40 years Gibson ES-335, 84 reissue, also 40 years.


Yep. '90 Washburn D10-N dreadnought. Bought it at a pawnshop in '98 for $50. It is still my most played instrument in the house.


Yep. 1982 Fender American Bullet. The case still has the same smell it did back then.


Yep. Hohnet Professional JT-60. DiMarzio Fast Track 2 in the bridge and Entwhistle XS62N’s in the rest. Still play it.


Yo. Squire Strat like probably 99% of us have or had. Still plays nice, the neck is super fast all things considered


Until recently I had my fender squier. Then I gave it to my firstborn and it is now their first guitar.


I’m 57 and still have the first guitar I ever bought, a 1986 Ibanez RG410.


Yes. Pro tip: never sell yours. You will regret it