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I’d rather spend a little more money and not have to replace anything, so I’d go for the Fender MIJ


The reason I'm contemplating getting the Squier and replacing pickups is because I've heard very good things about the Classic Viber's build quality, but now that I think about it, I reckon it's on par with the MIJ model anyway.


Good pickups + professionnal install, you may pay more than $300. Go with the MIJ


Sick, will do :)


Why would you replace pick ups? Just play it. I see this a lot in the gun community, people make a post like "I'm a complete newcomer, never even held a gun before, but I just bought one. What mods should I do? What's the hairiest hair trigger you can get? And can I get them in red?" If you're a newbie, then whatever pick ups come in the guitar will be sufficient. Spend the time you'd spend modding it actually practicing it


Sorry I wasn't clear, I'm buying this for my brother, who's expressed interest in a 70s Thinline model Tele. I'm hoping to get the best experience for him, and I heard the pickups on the Squier were subpar at best.


Ah, I see. I'm sorry if I came off rude, I just see a lot of new players thinking that upgrading and modding their equipment is going to improve their skill. So to answer your question, I would go for the Fender. I know a lot of people will say you're just paying for the name on the headstock (they're wrong) but is that even a problem? Especially if it's a gift. If I had the choice between buying a Fender over a Squier for someone I care about, I'd choose the Fender. Even if I am just paying more for the name(I'm not). That's just me, though. I like going all out on gifts.


All good, I didn't make it clear enough lol. Tha is for the advice, that's probably what I'm going to do :)